#aspd tendencies
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mxlign · 1 month ago
Does anyone else feel like they’re just waiting for a good enough reason to kill? Like, you’re anticipating the moment someone does something so evil that finally warrants their death and no one will give you shit for it because they all collectively agree that they deserved it?
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autopsyfreak · 10 months ago
the question is do i fill my chronic boredom with destructive decisions or with sex
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years ago
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@uszkovo (This is probably toxic and maladaptive thinking but I'm using this to make a point and whatever)
Cause while I agree with that, I'm talking about long term. Firstly, in a SoCiETy with laws, solving the problem is the only long term way to get people to shut up. People will always be mad and whinge if their needs aren't met and other that killing people, the only way to make them shut up is to meet those needs. Yeah its more efficient in the short run to hurt or scare someone silent or to leave, but then they will either come back and be loud about it again, make the environment and vibes shit, or cause issues elsewhere thatd bother me again OR Ill have to forfeit an area I want to be in if I just regularly leave.
If you can't remove them from the area, then the only long term solution is to, well solve it and often solving that is just making needs get met.
Secondly, I have resources I am not using that others are whining about not having. I don't know about you but if we are talking abput easy and efficient, moving my garbage to someone else who wants it rather than the actual trash that will pollute the earth is a lot easier and more efficient then mind games, manipulation and the energy it would take to maintain any form of negative reinforcement to get them to shut up or do what I want.
People respond better and more reliably to positive reinforcement and treatment
Plus if we are looking in the long run, if you establish a positive rapport with people by providing them shit they are much more likely to listen to you in the future and respect your wishes and requests than if you have established a negative rapport to get them to respond
In short, its a long term solution cause I don't have the energy or will to keep biting heads off of people that only mildly annoy me with whinging
This however does not apply to people that greatly piss me off. I don't have the self restraint and impulse control or level of emotional regulation to put aside my personal annoyance and hate to rationally handle people who excessively piss me off and thats just real honest talk.
Writing this on short time so it might not be the best response but its what I have to give atm
EDIT: Reading back on my original post, my simple response now that I know what this was responding to in the first place is simply
Why wouldn't I? My garbage is just sitting there rotting, whats so difficult about moving my garbage 10 ft to where it won't rot and ALSO make someone shut up.
My main issue aint whingey whining people. My main issue is the inefficiency of people. Solving whining people is a silverlining and secondary bonus to just doing what makes fucking sense. Im not motivated inherently to make whining people shut up. Im motivated to not let my trash rot pointlessly when it can be doing something with 0.2% more effort.
Riku's clowning over the fact that despite me being the largest NPD/ASPD trait havers in the system, that I am also the most """charity""" motivated - and I put that in big """ """" cause I really hate calling it that and framing it as that - cause everyones like "People with NPD / ASPD are inherently EVIL and inherently abusers yee haw oui oui I'm so special I have empathy"
And I'm gonna try to exercise some cognitive empathy and assume the reason empathy-havers are like that is because (in my experience and opinion who has felt guilt and remorse like, once or twice and never want to again) empathy is a fucking curse and horrible thing to feel and experience. Its such a negative motivator to do things and its very good at making people feel so bad that they feel the need to "do something good" to relieve the tension and misery that having empathy is. So I don't think its to much of a stretch that people with empathy and "eMpAThS" are so used to having their empathy holding them at fucking gun point 24/7 that they don't understand that you don't NEED to feel like shit to see that shits flawed and stupidly broken for literally no reason.
Like I have very very very low empathy - may that be due to autism, trauma, or whatever, I literally could count the times Ive experienced what I think is empathy on one hand (albeit I do have memory issues so do with that what you will) and the reason I try to help people and donate shit is the same reason I literally do all my shit - positive or not - and its simply cause I don't see a good answer to "why not", "why shouldn't I"
Like back when I was younger and a lot more immature and in the depths of trauma, yeah I never would have because my question was "why SHOULD I do anything nice for anyone" and I'd look at people struggling and go "lol you just suck get good at life why are you struggling lol you and your stupid decisions and shut the fuck up your whining is annoying"
But like, you grow the fuck up and you actually see how shit in the world works and that question of "why are you struggling get good mate and shut the fuck up your whining is annoying" gets answered with a "yeah life sucks people are corrupt the system is broken and they've been trapped in a quicksand pit of poverty so the rich can get richer and the poor can get poorer"
Which then, with my chronic "why are you whining do something about it or shut the fuck up" ass to better or worse I go "okay then why are they having to whine, feed them so they can shut the fuck up" cause like, so much fucking food is thrown away from every household of people who buy too much and don't eat it or buy food that they find out they dont like
So like why the fuck aren't we putting 5 minutes out of our day when we clean out our fridges to bring it to the local homeless person / family / impoverished individual who has to beg for survival shit to get them through the day?
Like literally Why Not?
And like I think a lot of other NPD/ASPD havers are sometimes caught up in the fact that being angry, mad, dominant, and "uncaring" is this huge defense mechanism and crap to make them feel secure - at least to some level - and so the thought that being """charitable""" sounds anti-intuitive to their sense of self, but like, whats edgier and more anti-systemic anti-societal normas anti-capitalist and ""punk"" than looking at the stupid shit we're conditioned to and being secure enough in your life, identity, and ability to care for yourself that you can casually help someone struggling
No like, its just fucking STUPID to not. It's inefficient. Like I'm not gonna act like I don't care about helping out cause like I'm not a fraud and yeah, giving someone something nice is a small pat on the back - but largely for me its literally just a matter of WHY NOT.
Like WHY. What reason is there to NOT do it? Like completely valid if you don't have the money, spoons, physical ability and all to do it - this is not a matter of "give out more than you can" but a comment on "if you HAVE excess and more than you need and more than you can use why NOT give it out to some who will use it"
It literally just does not make sense on a completely and purely logic / rational basis. If you are going to let your shit sit, rot, and join a trash pile in the middle of the Atlantic, why not give it to someone who could use it - let their day and maybe multiple days be good for a bit, give them less of a need to work hard and sit baking out in the sun and lessen the amount of waste and garbage polluting the earth.
Like I don't fucking need empathy for this to be so frustratingly stupid to see being a "norm" in the world where people just DONT. I don't need someone putting a fucking emotional gun to my head to be motivated to do something that just makes basic fucking common sense and I don't need to be baited with intense feel good dopamine to do it.
Like Imma be fucking Ben Shapiro here and come on guys its fucking FACTS and LOGIC, it doesn't have to be this whole uwu empathy uwu think of the children uwu shit. It can literally be "this is a broken system and it just fucking pisses me off so to be a little less pissed off at how stupid and irrational the system is I do what people SHOULD be doing because I CAN and why the FUCK would I perpetuate the stupid normalized ideas that are FUCKING STUPID."
Ugh. Jesus fucking christ I hate America and Capitalism and just this stupid fucking country honest to god. I don't know if its as bad elsewhere (probably) but jesus christ.
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multiplesillylittleguys · 6 months ago
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My god complex makes life so much easier for me
It also makes me want to violently murder anyone who acts like they're better than me in any way.
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ladynicte · 2 years ago
I really wish I could understand what the hell is wrong with Andrew
like with Ashley it's so easy for me to see a traumatized girl whose parents didn't love her enough who lands pretty high end on a sociopathy scale and therefore has got an awful time trying to fit in into the groups around her
those around her can tell there's something off about her and wind up leaving her alone making her see herself as forced to manipulate and abuse her brother into staying with her to the point of creating a codependent emotionally incestuous relationship
but like its not just her
theres something wrong with andrew too and i cant figure out what it is like he isn't just stuck into the caretaker role with Ashley beyond purposefully choosing her to keep taking care of her
like he kills people too hes alright with screwing anybody else over if it means staying with her
like what's wrong with him he definitely doesnt seem to be the same as Ashley because he did have a girlfriend and apparently some friends before they got locked away into their apartment
and before Ashley harassed them into abandoning him
so does he just see himself as intrinsically linked to her like his whole identity has become just being able to take care of her
is it self loathing as well that he's different from the rest and he needs her to be there to be able to keep blaming her for his own misdeeds
Does he just love her so he doesnt want to let go of her and is willing to stand through everything for his love
and i guess they are trauma bonded together as well as only having each other maybe he is also afraid he wotn make it on his own without ashley by his side without some motive to live
is he that haunted by his own actions that he literally cannot bare to live if he doesnt have somebody else to take the burden for him so he cannot let go of the only person who helps him with that
Ashley also said its because shes the only person he can be real with that he cant bare to lose her but beyond the 'you cant sleep withouth me' claim andrew didnt dispute her
god i dont get that guy at all i love him so much
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thevoidshere88 · 5 months ago
My little sister is a bit h a stupid one at that
She's so fucking annoying she ain't sh t she tries to act like me be like me and it infuriates me she can fuk off
Trying to act like a fighter or violent person pssh fucking hilarious she's a pussy if she actually got into a fight she'd piss herself scared
I've fought since I was a child my mom literally had to put a lock on her bedroom door (not proud /just for reference)
I've fought a grown ass man when I was just a teen and won the fight granted I spent
a whole whopping month in juvenile jail but whatever (my fault)
I'd at this point i'd love to fight her and put her in her rightful place (bloody n on the ground)
I've done it with one sister I'll do it again
If she doesn't stop disrespecting our mother and being a cvnt I will definitely do so gladly
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bloodcxlt · 8 months ago
need advice for aspd homocidal tendencies
(vent below, cw gruesome animal death)
i only disassemble dead animals. i never kill animals. dead bugs and roadkill and natural deaths i will cut apart but holy shit. this morning has been so fucking awful for no good reason
i feed the birds and squirrels, so there’s always a busy backyard. it’s perfectly legal for me to set a trap on my property. it’s legal to kill it humanely, but as i thought about feeding them peanut butter rat poison, i saw that “two blows to the head” is acceptable.
i can hear it screaming and it curdles my blood in such a good way. i want to hear it shriek and try to run away from me, i want it to scramble in the trap, defenseless, and i want to see its brain head under a rock.
i’m too keyed up to dissect it, and i would have to get rid of it relatively quickly. i can spend some time getting all of my anger out, stabbing or blunt force. if i killed something, i may as well go all out. what if im not fully satisfied at the end? what do i do, kill another? no. i have to keep it contained.
i’ve spent more time than i’d like to admit researching squirrel traps. i don’t want to kill an animal. animals haven’t done anything wrong. i can’t kill a person.
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arkham-angel1 · 9 days ago
i keep deleting intros💔
i’m blair!
diagnosed bipolar disorder type 1 with psychotic features
suspected bpd from professionals
hpd+npd traits
i’m in therapy and on meds
clean from cutting for about a year!:)
i like true crime, horror, music , harley quinn, makeup/fashion, other
unemployed highschool dropout 💔
nihilist and misanthrope
lesbian , she/they
i’m obsessed with my looks lmao.might not post myself here
i might post triggering things
i might add more but idk. !!🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛
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loader-bot · 3 months ago
// oh yeah. all loaders have aspd btw. (real and true no fake)
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devilbimboy · 5 months ago
I’m still in the process of stopping myself from regurgitating ideas just because I was told it was a moral obligation.
“You shouldn’t NOT want to be with people. you need to not be lonely” and “killing is wrong” is somehow carried with the same emphasis, so my brain automatically goes, “yeah, they carry the same moral weight!” since I cope with antisocial tendencies + very very bad homicidal ideation.
Turns out, one is a preference of a way of living and the other is just “no you shouldn’t do that. It’s illegal.”
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lilliryth · 2 years ago
Seeing as I just got my diagnosis of level 1 autism (what used to be called “Asperger’s”) coincidentally at the same time that my partner and I started watching NBC’s Hannibal series, I’ve been having a couple thoughts about neurotypical vs. neurodivergent experiences regarding “toggling” different emotional responses. Motivation, empathy, fear, etc. are malleable to some, fixed to others; and sometimes, to those who aren’t born with an automatic reflex in one area or another, it’s a little like breathing or blinking on purpose.
Sometimes (and I think this is the autism at play, now that I have a chance to reframe most of my behavioral tendencies in a new light), someone will tell me a joke, or mention something funny—you know how it is, something genuinely funny—enough to “tickle” my internal sense of humor. But sometimes, even though it does, I feel no physiological urge to laugh.
So, when that happens, I kind of just … pull one out manually.
Sure, some people might think it’s disingenuous. One might make the claim that I don’t actually feel any appreciation for the joke, and instead it is societal pressure to placate the other that motivates me to do it. But the thing is … it’s not. It just isn’t. Even if it doesn’t sound like amusement without dialing up my affect, I do find it funny. It’s just that sometimes a wire in my brain doesn’t quite connect, and I have to push to make the appropriate Human Sounds in order to indicate that I just experienced humor.
The sensation is there, but the action is mindful. Even if I slip up or forget or aren’t diligent enough with how it sounds, I know for a fact that I did find the joke funny, even if the teller thinks I’m only politely going along with it. From what I understand about identifying emotions, it would seem that there is no difference between a choice and a reflex.
This is one example. There are many others, and they all relate to different experiences and emotional deficits. Fake laugh? Ehhh. Intentional laugh? Oh, definitely.
And I think sometimes, for certain individuals, loving is a bit like that, too.
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mxlign · 2 months ago
Woke up and went straight to fantasizing how I would slaughter this bitch. Pretty much sums up who I am as a person.
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npdfaust · 10 months ago
the borderline symptoms in early to mid-teens to npd sublimation cope pipeline
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the-real-loser-otaku-girl · 4 months ago
What is jirai?
Jirai/landmine/地雷 (romaji/english/kanji)
Jirai is a subculture based in Japan. It popped up around 2020 as kids-young adults where running away to live in Toyoko (therefor the name Toyoko kids). There they would make money via usually unsafe ways. They usually ran away because of the pressures of society and they knew they would find people like them in Toyoko. Most of the jirais who all hung out/'lived' in the street would engage in self destructive tendencies like s3lf h@rm, substance abuse, clubs/host clubs, pr0stituti0n and more.
Jirais are people who dont want to get better/dont care about getting better/want to get worse. there are jirais who flip flop between wanting to get better and wanting to get worse but the majority dont want to get better. We often find comfort in being messed up
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credit 2 The Japan Times for this picture
Jirai started off as an insult towards mentally ill ppl/the toyoko kids in Japan. Jirai was/is now reclaimed by actual jirais. Even where i live in Canada ive been called a landmine as an insult.
Often jirais have mental illnesses/disorders that make them have mood swings or make them "act crazy" (ex. bpd, bipolar, npd, aspd, ect).
Jirai fashion. What is it reallly?
The fashion associated with jirai is called dark girly kei and it falls under the girly kei umbrella. Now its less in fashion in Japan with jirais (there are still jirais who wear it!)
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credit 2 lolitainside for the first pic
The classic makeup associated with jirai is called pien makeup. Its supposed to give off a sad look or like this emoji: 🥺
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Saying all it is is a fashion/ignoring the roots of jirai can and is watering it down. Going into jirai spaces and trying to "reclaim" it as just a fashion is dumb as it was/still is an insult towards actual jirais.
Often asked questions.
Q: Is jirai only for female people?
A: Nope any gender can be jirai!
Q: Do you have to wear the stereotypical jirai fashion to be jirai?
A: Nope! Jirai is a lifestyle. Youre just more likely for people to recognize that youre a jirai if you wear dark girly kei.
Q: What if i want to wear dark girly but im not a jirai?
A: Wear whatever you want! You only live once. I would suggest to stay away from calling yourself jirai tho. Not only cuz it can water our safe space down but also so people dont assume things about you that are not true.
This hopefully made sense if not i can try to explain farther! And id love to hear other peoples sides!
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literaryvein-reblogs · 3 months ago
hello! not sure if you've already covered this, but what's the difference between a sociopath and psychopath? as well as a bit more information on the two.
Writing Notes: Sociopath & Psychopath
Sociopath and Psychopath - former names for an individual with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD)
a synonym for ASPD
formerly: any psychological disorder or mental disease
Sociopathic behavior - dyssocial behavior (i.e., a former name for behavior associated with delinquent or criminal activities, such as gangsterism, racketeering, prostitution, or illegal gambling. It was attributed to distorted moral and social influences, frequently aggravated by a broken home or a deprived environment. Such behavior is now regarded as an aspect of ASPD.)
What’s the Difference Between a Psychopath & a Sociopath?
Psychopath and sociopath are often used interchangeably in common speech.
Although the terms are also used in the scientific literature, they are not well defined there; mental health professionals instead prefer to understand both psychopathy and sociopathy as types of antisocial personality disorders, each condition being distinguished by a few characteristic features but both having many features in common.
To put the matter simplistically, psychopaths are born, and sociopaths are made.
Among persons who display ASPD, those called psychopaths are distinguished by:
a nearly complete inability to form genuine emotional attachments to others;
a compensating tendency to form artificial and shallow relationships, which the psychopath cynically exploits or manipulates to benefit himself;
a corresponding ability to appear glib and even charming to others;
an ability in some psychopaths to maintain the appearance of a normal work and family life; and
a tendency to carefully plan criminal activities to avoid detection.
Sociopaths, in contrast, are generally:
capable of developing a close attachment to one or a few individuals or groups, though they too generally have severe difficulties in forming relationships.
incapable of anything even remotely resembling a normal work or family life, and, in comparison to psychopaths, they are exceptionally impulsive and erratic and more prone to rage or violent outbursts.
Accordingly, their criminal activities tend to be spur-of-the-moment rather than carefully premeditated.
In Children: Conduct Disorder
Psychologists and psychiatrists emphasize that ASPD cannot be properly diagnosed in children, because it is by definition a condition that abides for many years and because the personalities of children are constantly evolving.
Nevertheless, adults who develop ASPD typically displayed what is called conduct disorder as children, generally characterized by:
aggressive behavior toward people or animals,
destruction of property,
deceitfulness or theft, and
serious infractions of criminal laws or other norms.
Antisocial & Asocial
Antisocial - denoting or exhibiting behavior that sharply deviates from social norms and also violates other people’s rights. Arson and vandalism are examples of antisocial behavior.
Asocial - declining to engage, or incapable of engaging, in social interaction; or lacking sensitivity or regard for social values or norms. —asociality n.
Antisocial Personality Disorder
The presence of a chronic and pervasive disposition to disregard and violate the rights of others.
Manifestations include:
repeated violations of the law,
exploitation of others,
reckless disregard for the safety of self and others, and
irresponsibility, accompanied by lack of guilt, remorse, and empathy.
The disorder has been known by various names, including dyssocial personality, psychopathic personality, and sociopathic personality.
It is among the most heavily researched of the personality disorders and the most difficult to treat.
It is included in DSM–IV–TR, DSM–5, and DSM-5-TR (i.e., "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders", which is the handbook used by health care professionals in the United States and much of the world as the authoritative guide to the diagnosis of mental disorders, currently in its 5th edition, text revision).
Symptoms of Antisocial Personality Disorder
People with ASPD tend to have few symptoms. Rather, they cause discomfort or distress to others through socially unacceptable behavior and by being:
Aggressive or irritable
Expected duration of ASPD: All personality disorders are lifelong patterns.
Diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder
The diagnosis is made on the basis of a person's history, usually by a mental health professional. There are no laboratory tests to assist in diagnosing this disorder. Other psychiatric disorders, such as a mood or anxiety disorder, attention deficit disorder, or substance abuse, may also be present.
In order to be diagnosed with ASPD, an individual must show a continuing pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others, occurring since age 15, with 3 (or more) of the following:
Failure to confirm to laws and social norms (repeatedly breaking laws).
Deceitfulness (repeated lying or conning others for personal profit or pleasure).
Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead.
Irritability and aggressiveness (repeated physical fights or assaults).
Reckless disregard for safety of self or others.
Consistent irresponsibility (repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations).
Lack of remorse (being indifferent to having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another).
In addition, the individual must be at least age 18 years and there must be evidence of conduct disorder before age 15.
There is no way to prevent this disorder.
It is conceivable that a general improvement in social conditions could reduce the incidence of antisocial personality disorder. An improvement in a person's social environment may reduce the severity of the problem, especially if changes are made early in life.
Research has yet to demonstrate an effective or practical way to accomplish these goals.
Many psychotherapy techniques have been proposed for treating antisocial personality disorder. Unfortunately, research does not indicate that any of the current treatments is particularly helpful for treating the personality disorder itself.
As a result, the choice of treatment is usually guided by a person's specific circumstances.
In younger people, family or group psychotherapy may help to change destructive patterns of behavior, teach new vocational and relationship skills, and reinforce a person's social support.
Psychotherapy also may help a person with this disorder learn to be more sensitive to the feelings of others and encourage new, socially acceptable and productive ways of thinking about one's goals and aims.
Cognitive therapy attempts to change sociopathic ways of thinking.
Behavior therapy uses reward and punishment to promote good behavior.
In some cases, symptoms can be treated with medication, although again there is no specific medication that is considered best for all people with this disorder. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as fluoxetine (Prozac) and sertraline (Zoloft), may decrease aggressiveness and irritability. These drugs are useful if either anxiety or depression are present, or if the person is using substances to self-medicate for anxiety or low mood.
There are many questions about how helpful any of these interventions can be in an illness where, by definition, people who are affected do not recognize that they have a problem.
Treatment is more likely to be successful if it is started earlier in life. But it is difficult to change long-entrenched patterns of thinking and behavior.
Also, the longer a person lives with this personality style, the less he or she may be interested in taking responsibility for change. For some people, the tendency toward aggression and irritability decreases with age. But some personality characteristics may persist.
Often the only thing that can protect victims of antisocial behavior is the criminal justice system. In rare instances, corrections systems (jails and prisons) provide opportunities for treatment or rehabilitation, but often these environments, with their abundance of antisocial individuals, tend to promote antisocial behavior.
Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ⚜ More: Writing Notes & References
Hope this helps with your writing!
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sadicubus · 3 months ago
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ೀㅤㅤNPD subtype flags
Exclusive to those with these subtypes, transNPD dni. (Don't expect the symbols to be aligned i couldn't do ts if my life depended on it)
Made by someone with NPD don't come for me guys i'm just a girl
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Covert Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Covert NPD is a more internalized or hidden form of NPD. They are often more sensitive or self-doubtful and may put themselves down which conflicts with the 'traditional' image of a narcissist.
Viceroy butterfly to symbolize how they can be mistaken for being “normal” since they blend in more than an overt narcissist the same way viceroy butterflies get mistaken for monarchs. Green and brown to represent idfk being hidden or something.
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Overt Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Overt NPD is the standard definition of a narcissist. They may overestimate their abilities compared to others and aren’t as likely to self-deprecate. You get the drill
I think you could guess why I put a peacock. Uhmmm colors cause they're eyecatching.
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Antagonistic Narcissistic Personality Disorder
A subcategory of overt narcissism, antagonistic narcissists are heavily engaged with other people to ‘compete’ with them. They’re characterized by their extremely likely tendency to argue and hold grudges, as well as antagonize others.
Fox as the symbol as they're competitive/territorial animals. Blue and Yellow (Gold) to symbolize first place medals or winning. Self-indulgent.
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Communal Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Communal narcissists, another subcategory of overt, believe they’re better than others because of their high moral standing. They believe they’re morally superior but often do not follow what they preach and struggle to see their own insensitivity.
Lions cause they're often see as more superior animals. Blue because it's the most popular color.
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Malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Malignant narcissists, share traits with overt narcissists, but tend to be significantly more malicious and aggressive towards other people. They’re more likely to struggle with laws and often show antisocial (ASPD) traits.
Symbol is a hornet cause they're typically aggressive, red cause yeah
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