#aquaman fics
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dorkofclanlavellan · 1 year ago
Arthur Curry Masterlist
Echo Series
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One Shots
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frownyalfred · 8 months ago
okay but I actually do really wanna read about a situation where Bruce calls Aquaman in to the Cave to interrogate a fish from Gotham Harbor who was a possible witness in one of his investigations.
Arthur rocks up, squints at the fish, and then says “You know I can’t talk to fish, right? I just made that shit up when Barry asked me.”
Arthur: “Okay you got me, I’m just fucking with you, man. He said he saw your perp going north in a speedboat, twin engines, didn’t stop for a while.”
Arthur: “And also he likes your filtration system a lot.”
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enigmaris · 3 months ago
A continuation of this post:
There is a teenager in the Watchtower.
Scratch that, there is a teenager that Bruce doesn't know in the Watchtower. The boy, maybe around Tim's age, is wearing worn blue jeans, a white t-shirt and a pair of tennis shoes that had seen better days.
He is wearing no mask, no suit of armor, with no weapons on him. He's just sitting in one of the seats in their larger meeting room, quite literally twiddling his thumbs. He hadn't noticed Batman standing in the doorway.
Behind him, he heard Clark coming round the corner, Bruce lifted up a gloved hand which made the man stop.
"What is it, Bats?"
Bruce sent the man a look before motioning to the boy, who had definitely noticed them now.
He waved at them.
"Who is that? Don't you normally require all your new kids wear costumes up here?" Clark asked.
"Unknown." Bruce said before giving his friend a look. "He's not mine."
Why does everyone assume it's his kid? Just because this boy has dark hair and blue eyes does not mean he belongs to Bruce. Clark has nearly the same looks as Bruce, and he had two kids, why couldn't this one be one of his?
"He's not mine either!" Clark said before frowning. "Not that I know of."
Bruce lifted up an eyebrow, knowing his friend could see it beneath his cowl. Clark rolled his eyes.
"Let's be honest if he was one of mine, you would know before I would."
Bruce grunted and turned back to the teenager. The kid was clearly listening in on them while looking away from them. Bruce watched as he tapped on the table in front of him, making little staccato noises of anxiety.
"Why are we waiting out here?" Barry asked, appearing right in a blur of red and yellow right as he did. Clark pointed at the unknown in the meeting room. Barry grinned widely beneath his own cowl, making the rubbery material crinkle.
"Batsy! Another one? You sly dog, where'd you find this one?"
"He's not mine." Bruce growled, Barry actually froze for a moment, shock slowing him down to normal speed for a moment.
"Nice joke, Bats. If he's not yours, then whose is he?"
Bruce clenched his jaw, Barry looked between the two of them, head flipping rapidly until he realized it wasn't a joke. In the corner of his eye, he could see that the unknown was openly staring at them with a smile forming on his face.
"We are in space." Barry hissed. "How'd a random kid get in here?"
"Excuse me?"
Behind the three hero pile up, Arthur arrived. The King looked less than pleased at having his way impeded.
"I come to these bi-monthly meetings due to their importance. I have an entire kingdom to manage, so if we could all move?"
"Bats has a new kid!" Barry nearly shouted.
"He's not mine!" Bruce growled while Arthur looked up and over Barry to see the unknown.
"Do we have a security breach?" Arthur asked.
"He's not yours yet!" Barry said at the same time, lifting up a finger and pointing it right at Bruce's face.
"We don't know who it is or how they got here." Clark said. "He doesn't seem hostile."
"Appearances can be deceiving, Superman." Arthur said , pursing his lips. Bruce turned to see that the boy had now waved in greeting at Arthur and Barry. Barry waved back.
"Are we having a hallway party or something?" Captain Marvel asked. "A party sounds waaaay more fun than a meeting, no offense Batman."
"We have an intruder, Captain." Arthur said pointing directly at the kid.
The kid's eyes widened and he looked behind himself before pointing at his own chest in surprise.
"He doesn't seem like an intruder?" Marvel said with a frown. "What if he's lost?"
"The watchtower is a secure facility, people don't get here by accident." Bruce said.
"I dunno, Batman." Marvel shrugged. "We have aliens, magicians, and time travelers on our team. He could be lost."
Bruce refused to admit the genial man had a point, the unknown could be from anywhere or anywhen. From further down the hallway, John and Diana appeared, walking together. Diana was holding a glass filled with one of Barry's chocolate protein shakes. John nodded in greeting at the group.
"We have an intruder Wonder Woman." Arthur said.
Diana looked through the crowd before shaking her head.
"Nonsense. He has permission to be here. Come, we should sit for the meeting."
Diana muscled her way through the crowd, still carrying the glass. She walked directly over to the unknown. The boy perked up, smiling widely as Diana held out the glass for him
"Thanks, i was getting hungry." The boy said before taking a large gulp of the shake, Diana smiled down at the boy, resting her hand in his dark hair.
"Woah. Plot twist." Barry whispered.
"Come on, let's get to the bottom of this." Clark said walking into the room, following the path Diana took.
The rest of the League followed suit, taking their assigned seats around the table. Bruce wasn't surprised to see that the unknown was sitting in an extra chair right next to Diana.
"To start the meeting." Diana said onc everyone was seated. "I do have some news to share."
"Yeah, I sure hope so." Marvel said in that strange, joking tone he used as if he were quoting something, not that Bruce had ever been able to recognize the quotes.
"I would like to introduce the Justice League to my son, Daniel of Themyscira." Diana said, putting her arm around the unknown and squeezing him to her side.
"Hi." Daniel said, waving at the group, his cheeks a bit red.
Immediately, there was an uproar from most everyone in the League. Questions and shouts of confusion, shock, and denial. Diana only allowed the noise for a few moments before she slammed her fist onto the table hard enough to crack it.
"Enough!" She shouted, quickly quelling the group. "I will not allow my decision to bring my son here be questioned."
She glared at them fiercely, still holding Daniel to her side. The boy had ducked down a bit with the shouting but was now looking up at Diana with adoration.
"This entire team, aside from Captain Marvel, has brought their young charges to the League." Diana continued, looking at each of them. "Superman has brought up two Superboys, Aquaman introduced to us Aqualad, Flash has both Impulse and Kid Flash, Martian Manhunter came to us with Miss Martian. I do not believe we even have time to list all of Batman's brood."
Barry had the audacity to snort at Diana's last point. That actually eased the tension and people relaxed. Diana leaned back into her seat.
"I would think that my team of many years would trust my judgment in bringing my son here. I assure you he is well into his training and more than competent. I will allow you all to ask your questions now."
Bruce cleared his throat near silently and spoke up first.
"What does he know?"
Diana didn't look impressed at his question. Daniel looked at her face before frowning at Bruce, clearly following his mother's lead.
"I have spoken at length about the League and how we work together. I assure you that i have not revealed any identities shared in confidence with me." Diana's tone made it clear she was offended that Bruce would accuse her of revealing their identities. He barely kept from wincing.
"Uhm. How did he... come to be?" Clark asked, clearly not wanting to ask any truly intimate details.
"In the way all children do." Diana said, giving Clark a look of his own.
That answer was not very helpful given that Diana was formed from clay by her mother. Had she taken a pottery class when he wasn't looking? Unless the boy was much older than he appeared, there was no way Diana had hidden a pregnancy from them 15 or so years ago.
"Why haven't we heard of him before now?" Arthur asked.
"Daniel was training with Pandora, one of the elders of Themyscira, she sent him here when he learnt all she had to teach. He joined me in the world of man only a few months ago." Diana answered simply.
"Uh. Excuse my ignorance." Barry said in a tone that made it clear he was about to say something very ignorant indeed. "But I thought your family only had women in it?"
This time Daniel answered, looking nervous.
"I'm. I'm trans actually." he answered, while rubbing his arm nervously.
"Which is completely fine and something that will not leave this room." Diana said, her voice comforting towards her son while her eyes promised hellfire to the heroes in the room.
Everyone made noises of agreement until Daniel relaxed, going back to smiling.
"Excuse me Wonder Woman, will Daniel be wanting to join any of the other, younger teams?" Captain Marvel asked, sounding excited at the idea.
Which of course he would, he was still acting Den Mother for Young Justice and loving it.
"That is up to him. For now I would like to keep him to myself for a while longer, but once he is further trained by myself I think it would be a splendid opportunity."
"Yes!" Daniel agreed before clearing his throat. "I mean, that'd be cool or whatever."
"We can discuss it in the future." Bruce allowed, knowing that it would probably happen sooner than Diana would want knowing how both the Teen Titans and Young Justice were. Danny nodded eagerly at that.
"Finish your food." Diana told Daniel before looking back up at the rest of the team. "Are there any more questions?"
"Does Daniel have any health requirements or powers we need to be aware of?" John asked. "Or is his physiology the same as your own?"
"His powers are vastly different from my own. It is one of the reasons Pandora had taken on his training in the beginning." Diana answered easily. "The facilities and resources we have here should work well for him in case of injury."
The knowledge that Daniel's powers were so different from Diana's that she didn't feel comfortable training him herself was worrisome. Amazons, as far as he knew, had relatively similar powersets. Although he had not heard of Pandora before, perhaps she was specialized?
"I do have, what's it called? An enhanced metabolism. Most stuff here doesn't work on me."
"Don't worry son. We have plenty of medications designed with metas in mind." Clark told Danny. "If it works on me and your mom, it willl work for you."
"What all can you do?" Captain Marvel asked.
Daniel turned to look at Diana who nodded. The boy then looked back at them and started listing his powers.
"I can fly. Not as fast as mom's invisible jet but pretty fast. I'm super strong. I can turn invisible and intangible."
"Intangible?" Clark asked.
"It is an ability similar to Martian Manhunter's density shifting." Diana clarified. "The mechanisms are different."
Magical, most likely, instead of John's more science based power. Bruce would have to come up with more contingencies to compensate for that.
"Yeah intangibility is pretty cool." Daniel told them. "Althought when i first got it, it was pretty scary. I kept falling through stuff. I was almost afraid I'd start falling through the whole planet by accident. I totally have it under control now though."
"I would be interested in comparing our abilities, Daniel." John said, nodding his head towards him. The boy beam excitedly.
"Not in the Watchtower." Diana warned, voice stern.
Yes, that was probably sensible. Danny agreed with his mother, and John clarified that he would be happy to meet up planetside at their convenience.
"Are those all of your abilities?" Barry asked, Daniel shook his head.
"No there are a bunch more. But I'm not supposed to use them for a while."
"My son is powerful, but he has relied on his powers far too much in the past." Diana said, sounding porud enough to make her son blush. "Right now, I am training his melee abilities, we have agreed to a temporary pause until he has met my standards."
"It's been super tough. Mom's making me practice with her sword all the time." Danny added on.
"My mother will be sending on your own weapon soon." Diana soothed. "Hephestes does not like to be rushed."
"I know mom."
Diana reached up and ruffled her son's hair. Daniel leaned into the affection with a smile.
"Are there any further questions?" Diana asked, when no one had anything immediately she nodded. "Good. Is there any further business? If not, I would like to take my son home for a proper meal."
Everyone looked at each other. Bruce had wanted to discuss some of his findings, but with Diana's reveal, it hardly seemed important any longer. Bruce was going to need to do a lot of research and planning. He wondered if he should get Tim involved or if he should hold off. The League agreed to end the meeting early, Diana stood.
"Come Daniel. We should get to the jet."
Daniel scrambled up and followed his mother out of the meeting room, his worn sneakers squeaking a bit on the flooring. The rest of the League sat in silence for a moment taking in what Diana had told them.
Wonder Woman had a child. A child with powers beyond her own.
Daniel popped back into the room before anyone could speak.
"Gosh, I am sorry I almost forgot. Mr. Batman, I have something for you."
Daniel walked right over to Bruce, who stared at him from underneath the cowl. The boy was not nearly as confident as his mother when it came to his glare. He cringed a bit, but reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny, silver and green flash drive. He placed it on the table and stepped back.
"What is that?"
"Mom told me you like to make contingencies for everyone. In case they go crazy or whatever. So..." The boy motioned to the drive with his hand. "I mean, it'd be weird if i made my own plans, but like, you could do it. That has all my powers and weaknesses and stuff."
Bruce grabbed the flash drive and the boy looked pleased.
"Okay! I gotta go. It was awesome meeting you guys!"
Daniel turned on his heel and ran out of the room. Bruce looked down at the flash drive, doing his best to hide his shock. No one has ever just handed him a list of their weaknesses before.
"I dunno Bats, are you sure he's not yours?" Barry asked.
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incorrectbatfam · 5 months ago
Teen Titans first meeting except they independently get in trouble and are put in timeout in the same room at the Watchtower, Breakfast Club style
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writerfromthestars · 7 months ago
Maddie and Jack did not react well to Danny being a ghost. They immediately attempted to catch him and experiment on him.
Jazz had enough time to throw a duffle bag of clothes and stuff at him and tell him to run. Danny rushed over to Sam's house, and she called Tucker, who came rushing over in a hurry. They added some money and tech to the duffle, before the Fenton parents came knocking at the door to Sam's house, inquiring as to their son's whereabouts.
Danny went ghost and jumped out the window.
He travels for days, aimlessly stopping in several cities, such as Gotham, Metropolis, and Star City. In all of them, though, the Fentons manage to track him down through ecto-location tech.
Danny has been in his ghost form for days now, and hasn't had access to enough ectoplasm to keep him fully solid, so he has essentially vaporized his legs into a tail to conserve energy.
He also has not slept in far longer than is advisable, so his sleep-deprived brain decides "fuck it, I look like a mermaid, why not try to live in the ocean? It's not like my parents can get to me there."
Aquaman is extremely concerned about the new, apparently super-powerful, mer that has appeared recently near the outskirts of his kingdom.
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superbat-love · 2 months ago
Diana: Due to some rather extravagant gifts given out last year, this year we’ll be restricting Secret Santa gifts to under $100. Any questions?
Clark: Can we give someone rare items that we’ve found?
Diana: That’s fine, but it can’t be something that could potentially endanger anyone’s health—unless you want a repeat of the Pink Kryptonite Birthday Incident.
Clark: We… We agreed to never talk about that again!
Hal: Well, then I don’t want Bruce as my Secret Santa anymore.
Barry: I thought the giant statue of Diana that Bruce got her last year was pretty cool! Not that the Martian sculpture you gave me wasn’t cool, J’onn. It’s just… I wasn’t expecting it to start telepathically singing in the middle of the night. It shocked me.
J’onn: I’m glad to hear that. I heard humans enjoy surprises. And I liked the ancient artifact you gave me.
Barry: Uh… that was a souvenir from a gift shop in Hawaii.
Arthur: I got a snow globe of Atlantis from Hal. The Disney version.
Bruce: Priceless.
Hal: Hey, you got a Superman body pillow!
Clark: I got him a Batman body pillow too! They came as a set.
Barry: Aww, I bet Batman’s secretly a big softie and cuddles them in bed all night.
Bruce: [scoffs] Why would I need to… when I can just cuddle the real thing?
Justice League: [gasps collectively in shock]
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colossrat · 18 days ago
Billy likes to be independent, he is a little homeless boy who fights life tooth and nail. He always needs to be strong to show society that he doesn't need, much less want, an adult in his life sending him here and there.
But he doesn't need to fight to prove himself strong when he already looks strong. Billy can't ask for help as Billy because that will bring trouble or an adult trying to dad him
But Cap? he can let himself be vulnerable as Cap, even if he doesn't need help, he can ask for it. Marvel will just be a friend in need of help and no one will treat him like a helpless child for that
So, after a good few months, if not years, of becoming friends with his league colleagues, the captain starts to show how he loves having people around him for little things.
he wants to open a jar from the kitchen. He has the strength to go head to head with Superman, but he would never miss the opportunity to ask Superman himself to do it for him. Clark always gets a little confused, because the pot isn't that tight, or tight at all, but he always helps because he sees how it brings a genuine and happy smile to his colleague.
Does he need a snack? He will ask Flash to prepare something for him, saying that the food he makes is the best and with the best flavor.
captain has a problem with magic, he is completely capable of solving it himself, but he will knock on zatanna's door to ask for advice, potions, a protection spell and even a good luck hug if he feels she wouldn't refuse
There's a new movie, he doesn't even want to see it that much, but he's going to ask Cyborg if he can make the movie show in the watchtower break room because he finds the control and streaming platforms confusing
He will ask Batman silly questions, or even prepare complex questions with Solomon's help so he can ask and listen for hours while the bat explains things to him. Not that he didn't already know the answers or couldn't find them in the rock's library of infinite knowledge. but he likes to have someone talking and explaining things to him with so much patience, teaching and even being happy to have someone to listen to his knowledge
Are they going on a water mission? He will ask Aquaman for tips on how to swim faster or more efficiently
Is he having a slower day? Why not ask the Martian Hunter to accompany him to a cat cafe? Ask what are the best sweets or brands of cookies? ask for help to bake a cake or taste the frosting, a brigadeiro
He's having problems with his communicator, better go see Red Tornado if he has tips on how to use it without confusing the private lines again, or ask if he has some free time to go for a fly through some storms. He makes hurricanes, he must like storms just like him, right?
There is a dangerous magical temple sending dangerous magical frequencies, he can destroy it alone, but he asks the hawkwoman for help to put everything down with her mace
there's a cockroach in the watchtower… better ask dr.fate for help to kill it
A LADYBUG ON THE WATCHTOWER?! Call the jl green lanterns asap so they can conjure up a green safe pot to transport her back to earth!!
Did he fall? He wasn't even hurt, but he's going to ask Diana to check if he doesn't have a bump on his head. Diana understands where her little brother's requests come from, and she never unmasks him, she just takes the opportunity to make her little brother happy without feeling bad about asking for help.
Now, a hero approaches little Billy with a piece of food? oh. he will bite off your fingers and throw the food back in your face (not really because that would be wasteful, but he would return the food and tell you to eat it yourself, that he would get food for himself on his own)
He can be feral, try to teach him a life lesson and he will teach YOU a life lesson.
His shoelaces are untied and he just stuck them inside his shoe? you leave his shoelace inside the shoe. If a hero, be it the Man Of Steel himself, bends down to tie his shoelaces, OH MY, he'll kick you in the face and scream that you're not supposed to touch his stuff
Unless that you are also a child or mr tawny, then he maybe either accept your help or gently refuse
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Sup I come bearing gifts 
❄️🌊Arctic Sea Nymph Danny🌊❄️
Let’s go, so Danny somehow ends up in the arctic because of the Usual ( GIW got to bad, Bad Fenton everyone got murked etc) and starts to hang out with the wild life around there and somehow ends up getting adopted by the local siren population, and now to the DC part of this so Danny and his siren parents or well pack as the siren what him to call them ( Danny starts to understand them but to people who haven’t been around sirens long enough it just sounds like growls and screaming to them) anyway so Aquaman hears about a sea nymph who’s been living in the Arctic and been adopted by a siren pack who are mind you VERY violent when it comes to outsiders around them and their pack so Aquaman goes to investigate it and finds Danny being all mysterious and mystical and than you all know what happeneds next ✨Misunderstandings✨
Now for what Danny looks like something like this
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(Looking all mystical and shit)and well wearing something like this
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Also just for a treat there is what I’m thinking the sirens look like a mix of this and
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Just imagine darker hues on the second pic. And for the cavern it looks something like this
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I like this concept so I’ll probably add more in a another post anyway
byee you Crows of the Fea world
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ditzyredrobin · 4 months ago
Tim Drake is a mermaid.
Well, sort of, kinda, unbeknownst to him or his parents.
It all comes to light when he’s going through some of his mother’s belongings that had been packed away after her death, trying to find something that would remind him of her. He was beginning to forgot her face, her voice, the way the said his name, or even if she said, “I love you.”
His mother is dead. His father is dead. He just needed something tangible to prove she was there.
Carefully packed away he find a ruby necklace it’s a simple golden chain and pendant the he recognizes from one of the Wayne’s galas, the way it refracted the light and made her eyes glow.
He takes it out of the box and it’s almost unnaturally cool to the touch which isn’t even the weirdest part. When he takes it in his palm, something just sort of shifts in him, like the pieces of a puzzle slipped into place and he just feels whole. If he didn’t know any better, he would say there was a flash of golden light, but that just had to be a trick of the light… right?
That night, on patrol, Tim is shot and takes a plunge into the harbor.
There wasn’t enough time to slip in his rebreather and the floatation device in his utility belt won’t inflate and he’s drowning.
Down and down and he can’t breathe until he just… can…?
This time there really is a flash of gold and tattoos cover his skin, curling and swirling down his arms and chest.
Scales replace skin, he grows webbed fingers, and honest to god gills. And that’s not even the weirdest part. Not, there’s a tail. He. Has. A. Tail. His legs fuse into a deep red, almost black tail.
That’s when Dick, as Nightwing, swoops in and drags him to the surface. Tim too deep in shock to fight it.
When they get to the surface and all parties involved realize what’s happened Tim is like: “Wtf?”
And Dick is like: “Wtf?”
And Batman just shakes his head because now he has to call Arthur.
In true H2O: Just Add Water fashion, when he dries, the tail and gills go away leaving him with the tattoos that fade into what looks like regular ink.
As it turns out the necklace is an Atlantean artifact that ignited some long-lost Atlantean heritage in Tim thought to be long since died out.
Arthur is smug, Bruce wants to punch him, and Tim has garnered the nickname Fishboy (a la Jason Todd).
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meatenbone · 2 years ago
Treat Danny like a foreign dignitary
Something I haven't seen addressed yet in the dpxdc microfandom(?) is the political implications of the JL's actions toward Ghost King Danny. Now, to preface this, I, unsurprisingly, am not an expert in international politics. But this has been bothering me anyway.
In every dpxdc fic I've read Batman at some point interrogates Danny, and like,,,,you can't just do that??? Imagine if Batman interrogated the leader of a new nation or a different species, that'd be a huge overreach of his power.
Or when the JL or Batman start amassing ghost hunting equipment. Like, this is a paramilitary group with strong ties to the US, which have already made aggressive moves towards Danny and his people, the GIW, manufacturing weapons specifically designed to hurt his citizens. That's some cold war shit. Usually John Constantine will warn them that Danny is the king of a very powerful realm but it's never taken into account.
In cases where Amity Park is considered a part of Danny's kingdom, hacking into their servers or trespassing also carries a lot of weight, yet the JL never face any consequences. Any action made by even one of them, even a sidekick, will reflect on the League as a whole. Unless actions are taken to punish them, it will be viewed as them condoning it.
There's something for Fright Knight to do for his boy king, act as a political advisor. The King's personal knight will have political knowledge as part of their job, they're too public a figure, in ghost society at least, not to.
So yeah, just something that's been bugging me
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gothamite-rambler · 3 months ago
Everyone likes Aquaman
Superman talked to the members of the Justice League Batman is "closest" to for assistance with talking to his best buddy who is not in the best mood.
Superman: He won't say what he's mad at, but he's irate. Be nice to him.
Hal (Green Lantern): I'm so sick of this, we always are!
Green Arrow (condescending tone): Not with that tone.
Hal (frustrated): My point stands, he's always brooding and emo, this time I won't be nice to him like I always am. Just civil in the sense of I'm not talking to him.
Hal walked off aggravated, Arrow shrugged in agreement with Hal and left as well.
Superman: That leaves us, Diana.
Wonder Woman: Great, let me guess, we pester him until he gives us an idea of what's bothering him and then he leaves not wanting to talk.
Wonder Woman crossed her arms waiting for Superman's response.
Superman (bashful): It could work this time.
Wonder Woman (walking off and agreeing with Hal's choice): Mm-hm.
---In the break room of JL headquarters---
Aquaman happily entered the room when he spotted Batman resting his head on a table.
Aquaman: Hey, Bats, what's the matter?
Batman (pointing to the exit while resting his head): Leave.
Aquaman: Not in the talking mood, I gotcha. No worries, I'm just getting my lunch.
Aquaman grabbed a metallic lunch box from the fridge and sat at the same table with Batman, but in a seat far away. Batman groaned angry.
Batman: What does 'leave' mean to you?
Aquaman opened his lunch box and took out a sandwich wrapped in paper towels.
Aquaman (kind tone): Want to have half of my tuna fish sandwich?
Batman muttered numerous unintelligible complaints, but Aquaman ignored him.
Aquaman: It's for grabs if you want it.
Batman: Why do you eat tuna if you're king of the sea?
Aquaman (chuckling): The underwater kingdom can be ruthless at times, fish eat fish and fish people eat tuna fish. It's good if you want the other half.
Batman (one word): No.
Aquaman: Not hungry, fine with me. I'll be quiet, but I like eating my lunch here. I get you own this building and stuff, but I have been having a stressful week too and haven't visited JLH in a while. You can threaten me with a contingency plan or whatever, but you're not ruining my lunch.
With that Aquaman took a bite from his sandwich as Batman remained silent. The king of the sea nodded with a smile that they 'compromised'.
---Five minutes later---
Aquaman let out a somber sigh, he figured Batman wasn't listening and simply wanted someone to be there to talk to even if they weren't listening.
Aquaman: Batman, what are you sad about?
Batman (bluntly): Life. End of conversation.
Aquaman (nodding, candidly speaking): I swear it is tough keeping up appearances at times. Forcing a smile, talking in a way that you don't say something that's misconstrued or taken out of context. Like you'd think living in the ocean I wouldn't have that issue, but sometimes I'm tired and speaking Atlantean over English is confusing and you called someone the name for women's private parts.
Batman (reluctantly speaking): I... oddly went through that once.
Aquaman: And it's awkward, right? Like to the public I'm Aquaman, defender of the sea, handsome, happily married, great father, king of Atlantis, but like... Sometimes I want to be Arthur Curry. You ever hate masking so much?
Aquaman paused the chuckles softly.
Aquaman (embarrassed): My bad, I promised not to talk and then that slipped out. Sorry, Bats.
Batman (relenting while keeping his head down): Yes.
Aquaman: Oh you want the sandwich?
Batman: No- Maybe, but I mean I do hate masking or putting on a facade at times.
Batman lifted his head and even with his cowl on, he couldn't hide how exhausted he looked.
Batman (serious): Never tell anyone this, but I have not just two, but three lives to live. Batman, Businessman, and Father. When I became the caped crusader of Gotham, it was me. No sidekick, yet. No going to PTA meetings, linked to Talia, but I wasn't... happy. Yet dealing with an irate Carrie at PTA meetings...
Having to attend PTA meetings or the principal meetings and my youngest son nearly being expelled at every turn, and I can't tell an irate Carrie that I can launch a contingency plan on her because that's what Batman would do, I can't insult her as Bruce Wayne, because that's bad for appearances.
It's difficult, God it's difficult. Then there's the field trips that I have to send my older sons to chaperone on because I can't be around a bunch of other... Parents. Then there's my sons themselves, different generations, one brought back to life, and one I missed out on 8 years of his life. He's in my life, yet I worry I can't fully connect to him, because I suck at communication.
Batman sighed, covering his face while Aquaman had silently listened to the man's word while eating his sandwich. He pouted, but since he knew Batman he didn't pay him on the back or touch him.
Aquaman (sympathetically): You okay?
Batman: Mm-hm, just need a minute to breathe.
Aquaman (smiling): I get it especially since I can tell you've buried those thoughts for a while. Like a dam that broke, huh?
Batman (lowering his hands and regretting what he told Aquaman): Yep and I unloaded all of that with you. We might have to stop talking forever.
Aquaman (shook his head while chuckling): Bats, you don't have to worry. The break room is a safe space and your secret is safe with me. I get it, I really do, being a parent is tough especially when you're Bruce Wayne and Batman or me being Arthur Curry and Aquaman. Oh and the word isn't Carrie, it's Karen. My sidekick taught me that.
Batman (lamented): God, I can't even get this stupid slang memorized.
Aquaman: You learn and it gets easier. The slang might get dumber, but you adjust. You've done well with your three sons too including Jason. Damian and you are still... getting to know each other. That's the best thing about having kids, you teach them new things and show them parts of yourself. Bats, communication issues or not, you're a good dad.
Batman cleared his throat, averting eye contact with Aquaman, but nodded as a way to thank the man for the kind words. He would never admit that though.
Aquaman: Here, eat the other half, it's good.
Aquaman slid over the other half of the sandwich. Batman reluctantly took it and bit into it.
Batman (sincere): This is actually really good.
Aquaman: Thanks, Mera and I have been practicing recipes. Enjoy and I'm guessing, but you'd rather sit in silence after venting to me?
Batman nodded, chewing on the sandwich.
Aquaman (chuckling): Okay, but Batman you're doing good in life. Don't ever think you aren't.
Batman wiped his mouth, hiding his smile then went back to eating the sandwich and continuing to avert eye contact. With that the two enjoyed their silent lunch together with Aquaman offering him chips as well.
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dorkofclanlavellan · 1 year ago
Echo Series Masterlist
A proper Masterlist for the Echo series
March 22nd, 2017 - Bruce approaches Echo about joining the Justice League
Meet Echo - An introduction to a new reader character and a new series.
Just a "Few" Extra Details - A list of headcanons outlining Echo's personality, background and relationship with Arthur.
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im-a-killer-queen · 1 year ago
Yesterday I saw Aquaman and the lost kingdom and I fell in love with Orm again so I’m gonna leave this here.
Orm Marius x Reader
Warnings: no proof read, fem!reader, curly!hair!reader, chubby!reader.
Author note: I think I’m gonna start writing more about him, there are barely any fics of him and he deserves them.
Part 2
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So i head canon that as an evolution trait under the water, no one in Atlantis has curly hair, because of the friction and all of that.
So imagine the first time Orm goes to the surface after helping Arthur.
He is walking, admiring the view, completely mesmerized when his eyes meets you.
Your hair is the first thing his eyes see, and he is curious about it, he walks towards you like he was in a trance.
He looks at your face and he swears he has never seen someone as beautiful and exotic as you.
He admires your plush thighs and tummy, your body is different from any Atlantean woman, he is used to slim bodies and looking at yours felt like looking at a work of art.
Before he knew it he was in front of you, staring at you shinny eyes.
You look around and then at him.
“E-excuse me, are you okay?” At first you were scared, now that he was close you didn’t feel that he was a threat but still, you felt a bit uncomfortable.
He suddenly comes back to reality and takes a step back.
“I apologize, didn’t want to bother you, just…” he took air, you were talking to him and your voice was more beautiful than any siren song.
“You are beautiful” he breathed out in a whisper.
He chuckles awkwardly “It’s just… I’m lost” he finally gets himself together “Im new here and just wanted to ask for your help but… it’s just…” he points at you hair.
Your hand flies there, to see if everything is okay “is there something wrong with my hair?”
“No!” You get startled “it’s… different” you frown in confusion “the form, you know…” he moves his finger in circular motions.
“My curls?” You ask?
“Yes, I’ve never seen that before”
“Really? I mean not everyone has them but…” you stop and chuckle “are you trying to flirt with me or something?”
“Flirt?” He looked like a lost puppy.
You shake your head.
“Never mind” you say “where do you want to go?”
“Anywhere I can buy a greasy cheese burger” he smiles
You chuckle.
“There is a good place in the seafront”
He nods slowly, still staring at you.
You stare back and turn you head a bit to try and make him realize he is staring.
He comes back to reality once more and he closes his eyes a bit ashamed then chuckle.
“I’m sorry… again, I just really like you hair, I really don’t want to make you uncomfortable”
“It’s okay” You laugh, he is very strange but he is polite and he just seems genuinely lost.
“I’ll show you the place”
“That would be great” he smiles.
After five minutes walking you get there, he apologized one more time during the walk and told you he was gonna stay around for a few weeks.
Once you got there you told him to give you his number.
“My… number?”
“Yes, phone number”
“I don’t have that”
“Oh” you look around not knowing what to say.
“You live in the village?” He asks.
“Yes” you smile.
“I’ll see you around then” he says determined.
“See you”
You leave him there and go back to your life.
You thought you would never see him again and it would end like a weird and funny story to tell your friends.
Little did you know that atalantis prince was completely smitten for you.
He was ready to swallow all his pride and ask Arthur for help so he doesn’t seem like a creepy weirdo again.
He knew you were his favorite thing in the surface and he was going to marry you.
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ikibli · 2 months ago
Justice League Origin-Swap AU
Roleswap AU, where their powers are the same, but it’s their origin stories that get swapped.
Clark Kent really should have known better than to break into a sketchy biochemistry lab during a thunderstorm, especially with the amount of flagrant OSHA violations.
On war-torn Arcera, Clan Allehnz hires a smuggler to take their youngest chicks to safety, days before the final nuclear exchange.
Sister Diana of the Order of Themyscira is chosen to take on the mantle of a fallen Lady of Justice, and with it, the duty to spread truth and justice to the galaxy.
Hal Jordan, crown prince of the lost city of Oa, falls through the Veil protecting them from outsiders after a dare gone wrong.
Bruce Wayne only discovers that he’s the heir to the Night Court, largest of Gotham’s Fae Courts, after his parents are assassinated by a rival for the Shadowed Throne.
Arthur Curry, only son of a wealthy shipping magnate, uses his inherited wealth, relics and magic to stop evildoers by night and protect the sea and its inhabitants by day.
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ghostbsuter · 1 year ago
The Zone is down.
It is a horrible truth, the destruction of home was inevitable and that doesn't lessen the pure hurt he feels during the final moments.
Every life, every death, the memories of many. All seal in a sphere of a fallen sky, in the soft palms of their king.
Their boy king leaves, bringing along his people, infinite in number and all sleeping, none the wiser.
It will take time to re-create their home, nothing impossible, however. The sphere in his hands, pulsing with life and humming with power, the child and successor of the Infinite Realms.
Many lives are lost, many are ended and every single one will remembered.
So when he takes refuge in a strange dimension, he receives care in their base in space, a room and slowly opens up.
It's only then that he allows himself to grief.
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smilechiales · 8 months ago
I just of a Night at the Museum AU where lightning strikes a comic store and despite all logic all the statues of heroes, villains, etc. just come alive and it's absolute chaos.
The Justice League is trying to crack the case why they are suddenly in a store where all their secret identities are on full display, the Avengers are running around and smashing things, somewhere Erik Lehnsherr and Charles Xavier are playing chess and arguing.
And the person on shift is a fan but is totally not getting paid enough for this sh*t.
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