#snyderverse fics
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dorkofclanlavellan · 1 year ago
Echo Series Masterlist
A proper Masterlist for the Echo series
March 22nd, 2017 - Bruce approaches Echo about joining the Justice League
Meet Echo - An introduction to a new reader character and a new series.
Just a "Few" Extra Details - A list of headcanons outlining Echo's personality, background and relationship with Arthur.
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violent138 · 1 year ago
I was thinking of the Snyderverse and this one Jason Todd universe-hopping post (if I ever find it again on my godforsaken dash I'll link it), but I eventually got to thinking about what if Red Hood at the very start of his return to Gotham, of wiping out the Black Mask and enacting his plot against Joker manages to accidentally get sent to a universe where he never became Robin? He runs into Bruce and Dick, who are completely perplexed by why he's got so much personal, targeted animus with them, and Bruce doesn't hate the Joker as much yet, because he hadn't lost a son to him. Thought this might be an interesting concept to flesh out if I ever stop being lazy. Or maybe Dick got killed by Joker (as per the Snyderverse) and Red Hood shows up here at just the right time. Or perhaps Dick survives the near-death and Red Hood shows up and things get hatched.
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acollectionofalpacas · 2 years ago
Fandom: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Superman - All Media Types Relationships: Clark Kent/Lex Luthor Jr. (DCEU) Characters: Lex Luthor Jr. (DCEU), Clark Kent, Alexander Luthor Sr. (DCEU), Bruce Wayne (Mentioned), Jonathan Crane (referenced), Mercy Graves (referenced)
Additional Tags: Past Child Abuse, Illogical Reason For Presidential Pardons, Anxiety Attacks, PTSD, Alexander Sr. is a SHIT father, Implied/Referenced Suicide, theres christopher reeve in here somewhere, Clark girlbossed the judicial system, the word faggot is said in here, i dont know if theres a specific tag for homophobic slurs, Bathing/Washing, Dinner.
Summary: A one shot about Lex’s return to his home after the events of the Darkseid War. He realizes that it is much harder than it sounds, and a friend stops by to help. 
do not repost fics. reblogs appreciated.
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toybeluga · 2 years ago
there are some truly excellent superbat fics set in the Snyderverse about grief and growing and I love them very much, but somehow I always forget that at the end of the day no amount of healing overwrites the fact that Dick is dead 😭😭😭😭
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m00nz-writes · 15 days ago
So new update on this whole "m00nzverse" i've been creating (and what I'm calling it y'all can fight me)
There's multiple versions of Alyssa specifically in the DCU. That means There's an Alyssa in the Arrowverse, the DCEU, the Titans universe, Teen Titans universe, and even Smallville.
This isn't the same for Olivia, though. There is one (1) Olivia in the entirety of the DCU. Now, I will say the reasoning for why only Alyssa exists in many different forms in the DCU is because A.) I'm fucking insane and B.) due to Alyssa being very, VERY intertwined with SPN and all that and how SPN is owned by CW/Warner Bros. and all of that, it only makes sense.
So here's the stories for Alyssa existing in the DCU
(lots of yapping under the cut but what else is new?)
DCEU/Snyderverse: In the DCEU, Alyssa is the adopted daughter of John Winchester but is instead rather raised by Dean almost entirely because John had only ever seen Alyssa as a monster, even though he did try so so hard to love her as he did his own sons because even a "monster" needs a family. However, due to Lyss being raised and loved by Dean, she ended up surprisingly becoming a somewhat well-adjusted person. She goes to Central City College, meets Barry Allen and they become best friends and after he gets his powers and she starts awakening her own, they work together as vigilantes. They're both appointed for the Justice League and it's actually Diana who comes to recruit her and it goes poorly because she pulls the whole "I totally get what you're going through" shit and Lyss is offended because her own adoptive father thought she was a monster, she's seen her eldest brother literally get MURDERED by hellhounds and get dragged to hell, she's also seen Sam and Dean BOTH sacrifice themselves for each other and her, and she's also been targeted MANY TIMES by Lucifer to turn her into a monster to help destroy the world so... yeah, not the best way to recruit her. Anyways, Barry does it instead and actually manages to convince her because, you know, he actually knows her and how to persuade her into doing the right thing. She joins the team, the save the world, yadda yadda. Then come 2023, Alyssa and Barry have gotten married (yippie!) and when he goes back in time, she's 18 and has no connection to past Barry because the only reason she and Barry become friends is because they're so opposite. He recruits her and she awakens her powers far too early but this also allows HER to be the one to change time, and due to her now being an omnipotent being and all that shit, she actually doesn't change anything drastically, so no old Bruce or anything like that. They also have three kids; a daughter and two twin boys.
Arrowverse: This timeline is very similar to the DCEU timeline, only Alyssa doesn't go to Central City for college and she doesn't meet Barry until she's 26. She's also not a vigilante and only a hunter up until see meets Team Flash and specifically Olivia. See, Alyssa is still the adopted daughter of John Winchester, only in this timeline, Alyssa has actually been loved by John because he could actually see the good in her. She's just a kid who wants and needs affection and love. However, due to his love and affection, this causes Alyssa to be just as fucked up as Sam and Dean, meaning she's very unstable emotionally and constantly keeps her distance from people. Unlike her brothers, she's not comedic or charismatic like Dean, and she doesn't have a high intelligence or savior complex like Sam. She's a broken woman who's been hurt too many times and will keep everyone but her brothers at arms length. When she comes to Central City, it's because there had been things in the city that had caught the Winchester's eyes. Alyssa meets Barry at a little café and he tries to talk to her because she's relatively pretty and he's still trying to get over Iris and all that, especially since she'd lost Eddie. Alyssa is very bitchy though, her Winchester charm completely unable to be missed because god forbid she acts like anyone but her father. She ends up working alongside The Flash and Alyssa, not being stupid, immediately knows it's Barry because... I mean, come on. Alyssa is immediately pissed off at him because she's a big girl and she can handle herself. Nevertheless, Barry still helps and when she gets fatally injured, he's the one who brings her back to S.T.A.R. Labs, where Sam and Dean find her and are incredibly worried about her. While she heals, her awakening begins and she reveals herself for what she truly is, and in this timeline none of them knew what she was because John kept it a secret. Alyssa learns of her new abilities and when Cisco suggests Alyssa joins the team, she immediately blows it off as just bullshit, claiming she was a hunter only and refused to join a "boy band". But as her powers get stronger and more uncontrollable, she ends up returning under the guise to only learn to control these. She does end up joining the team as a hero and works alongside Barry and Olivia as a member of Team Flash. Alyssa and Barry have a sort of mutual pining thing but she refuses to be close to him outside of being a friend and teammate because she believes (much like Olivia) that she doesn't deserve that happiness and that she's just too broken. Also all of her boyfriends have been used against her a tools essentially to get what the enemy wants and they've all died horrific deaths... so obviously she's turned off to relationships.
Titans: Yet again, Alyssa is adopted by John Winchester (there's a theme. have you noticed a theme?) and she's in that strange middle ground with him her entire childhood where he really, really wants to love her as his daughter and give her the attention and affection she deserves, but he also knows that if it all goes south, he'll have to kill her. In this timeline, Alyssa is still mostly raised by Dean and she has a much tighter bond with Sam than in any other incarnation of Alyssa in the DCU. This is because she and Sam want the same thing; to be normal. Like the Arrowverse timeline, Alyssa, Dean and Sam have no clue that she's a nephilim and Dean was just told by John that she's their half-sister who's mother had died and so now Dean has to raise her because obvi John pulls his disappearing act(however, due to Dean actually being an adult by the time a literal infant Alyssa comes into his life. So raising her isn't nearly as hard, thus making her a slightly more functional human being) Anyways, Alyssa gets mixed up with the justice system in Detroit due to her being framed for a crime she didn't commit (classic shapeshifter bs) and upon her getting out of the holding cell, she gets tracked down by Robin. Alyssa, however, is an equally good fighter due to her entire life of being in the hunter world and being raised as a tool for killing demons, changelings, shapeshifters, the like. After being able to actually beat Robin, Alyssa reveals that she'd never even committed the crime and instead had actually led him directly to where the shapeshifter had snuck away to, showing the disgusting molted flesh. Upon realizing she'd been framed, he agrees to "get her help" and later meets her as Dick Grayson. Of course, Alyssa (AGAIN) is not Stupid™ so she's able to immediately sense his energy and realize who he is. But since she's such a nice person (me while I fucking lie) she doesn't tell him or even Sam and Dean that she knows who Robin is. Upon them being able to track down the Shapeshifter with the help of Dick, Alyssa is cleared of the crime and is able to walk a free woman. However, Alyssa being a fucking Moron™ does actually reveal to Dick that she knows who Robin is in passing, causing him to question her why he'd care and she literally just pulls the while "idk man. just maybe so nobody tells everyone who robin is lol" and OF COURSE he's pissed because Alyssa is casually threatening blackmailing only she's not because she's just trying to flirt or some shit????? Again, this woman is a MORON™ and she doesn't know how to flirt?????? She's a Winchester, tf do you WANT FROM HER??? Anyways, when she finds out about Raven and all that, Alyssa is immediately very protective of her because Lyss can kind of relate to her and she doesn't know why, so she ends up sticking around to try and protect her and Lyss does eventually join the Titans. She also doesn't actually end up with Dick because she's a decade younger than him (she was born in 1999 in this timeline and I can't imagine a 28 year old Dick being like "yes, literal child! Let us court!") and she actually ends up with Jason!!! After all, she is John Winchester's daughter and she thinks she can fix him. (They're actually v happy together despite the fact that he, y'know, faked his death and came back. She beat him up for THAT. But outside of that, they're v happy.)
Teen Titans: Now, this version of Alyssa is interesting. Because unlike with the DCEU, the Arrowverse, or the Titans timeline, Alyssa is adopted by hunters, yes, but not John Winchester. What happened is that Bobby Singer had killed Ophiel (Alyssa's mother) due to her being a fallen angel who basically followed in Lucifer's footsteps and believes in everything he believes in, thus meaning she wanted to use Alyssa to kill all of humanity. Bobby leaves Alyssa with a couple named Francis "Frankie" Whitaker and Sophia Whitaker, knowing that they'd be able to raise her as their own and love her. They do and Alyssa is none the wiser about who or what she is, believing she's the biological daughter of Frankie and Sophia. However, when she's 15, she starts to awaken her powers and this throws her for a loop because she thought she was human, so her parents reveal she's actually a nephilim and that they regret not telling her sooner. This - of course - freaks her the fuck out and she ends up going to her uncle, Bobby, because even if he didn't raise her, he was still very much in her life. He confirms the fact that he was the one who killed her mother and that her father is presumed to be dead as well since nobody had heard from Dante in years. Lyss ends up crossing paths with the Teen Titans while she's trying to get back home, getting involved in a fight with a metahuman determined to destroy the city. Lyss proves herself to be pretty damn good at fighting due to being a hunter. She joins the team as "Angel" and proves to be a good team player and even becomes pretty close to her teammates. With their help, her transition into awakening her powers is actually relatively painless because they're able to give her stability she wouldn't be able to find anywhere else. Due to the entirety of the cast in this timeline is teenagers, Alyssa isn't romantically involved with anybody. She's very close to her teammates, but not in a romantic way. However, she does eventually meet and befriend Sam and Dean down the line as well and they're also a really good support system too. (her bff is Cyborg obvs. Thems bitches are WILD)
Smallville: This timeline of Alyssa is honestly the saddest. This follows the same storyline as TT only this time, Bobby ends up leaving Alyssa with a hunter named Theo Barnes, who ends up being killed by vampires and his sister (who isn't a hunter and is just a simple woman from Smallville) named Mackenzie Barnes becomes Alyssa's new mother. Lyss is raised since infancy by Mackenzie and Lyss views her exclusively as her mother, not even knowing Theo was supposed to be her original parent. Due to Kenzie being a normal woman, Bobby checks in frequently on her and Alyssa to A.) make sure she's okay, and B.) keep an eye on Alyssa and make sure she stays on the right path. Kenzie is a great mother and even when Alyssa shows signs of having powers, she never falters and never sees her own daughter as a freak. Alyssa is just an average goth girl in town, nothing particularly notable or even necessarily special. Alyssa is friends with Clark and his band of dorks, though she's always the outlier because even though she's not aware of her powers, she's however aware that there is something different about her. About the time she turns 14, Dean Winchester becomes the one who does routinely check-ups on her since it had been found out by some demons that Bobby Singer had been visiting someone in Smallville and he doesn't want to put Alyssa or Kenzie in danger. So Dean becomes Alyssa's new protector, someone who checks in once every few months and the two form a very big brother / little sister bond that only becomes stronger when her awakening starts. When the awakening begins, it's because she finds out that Clark is in trouble. Because they're best friends and even though she has that whole "I don't really care" attitude, she really does. It's because due to her being an absolute fucking loser with only three friends, she's terrified of losing one of them. So she runs into a fight even though Dean tells her not to because she doesn't know how to fight. But she's stupid and 15 and is TERRIFIED of losing her best friend, so she gets absolutely fucked up and Clark is way more terrified for her than she is for herself. She's just glad that she was able to save her best friend. However, hearing Clark getting fucked up by a demon that had - of course - followed Dean to Smallville in order to track Alyssa down, this causes her awakening to basically jumpstart and she immediately jumps into action to save Clark right as Dean gets there. She is able to tap into her angelic powers and exorcize the demon right in front of Clark and Dean, revealing what she is to both of them. Upon returning home, they find that Kenzie had been murdered by demons and this breaks Alyssa. She's taken in for the meantime by Clark's family and she's just... a shell. There's no life left and she loses the will to even want to fight anymore. Eventually, Dean is able to talk her down and help her begin healing, but she never is the same. She becomes a hunter rather than a hero or vigilante, but she and Clark are still close. This is yet another incarnation of Alyssa who never falls in love with someone because she's just... she's lost far too much. She has feelings for Clark, but he loves Lois and Lyss just isn't willing to fight for that kind of life anymore. She'll settle for friendship because it's all she can have.
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dceuw0rldsfinestenjoyer · 6 months ago
going down memory lane…
i know you guys had to be there but the benry superbat era was crazy
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frownyalfred · 8 months ago
So I’ve seen your other posts about Snyderverse!Bruce, and they reminded me of an article I read recently. It mentioned that Zack Snyder‘s vision of Batman is one that suffers from trauma, and, as a result, is someone who looks for other ways to cope (I think we all understood this)
He appeared on Joe Rogan Podcast to discuss his films. At one point, he spoke at length with Rogan about Batman and he basically said this :
“It might be in the theatrical cut, but it’s definitely in the director’s cut. Where he wakes up and there’s some chick in the bed with him, from the night before,” said Snyder. “Because I always say, Batman f— to forget, for sure. Batman’s a drunk, for sure. Because he has huge trauma, and you wonder why he’s a playboy, and anybody…f—— to forget is a common, that’s a real thing. That’s a way to deal with trauma.”
So basically for Snyder, Bruce uses s*x as a drug in BvS.
I think this interpretation only fits Ben Affleck's Bruce Wayne/Batman. I honestly enjoyed watching his performance, it was refreshing to see a new side of the character.
What’s your thoughts on this ? Do you agree with him ? And do you think he understood the character well ?
I've always loved that scene in BVS because, in the span of like 2.5 seconds you see 1) Bruce waking up after sex to some random girl 2) empty bottles of wine worth a small house next to the bed from the night before 3) Bruce taking a handful of mystery pills and washing it down with the aforementioned wine in one gross swallow.
I agree that it fits this particular flavor of Bruce, and not the canon typical version. He's coping using a variety of substances/escapes, from alcohol to sex to pills to violence. He's lost it in almost every way imaginable, including lashing out at Alfred (although this one doesn't leave, though I'm not sure it's because he approves or wants to stay so much as Alfred fears for Bruce's life if he leaves).
How does an addictive personality like that mesh with the hyperfocus and rigor of being Batman? It's an interesting question. We see Bruce, as Bruce Wayne, coping via every method available. As Batman, it's largely limited to violence, fear over national security, paranoia, etc, and rigorous training and intelligence gathering. Is the fear and paranoia a drug, in a way, too? Is it keeping Bruce alive the same way as the other things?
What I really like about the BVS era of Superbat fics is that the good ones really hammer home on that -- the Bruce who will fuck Clark, will take him home, and have it mean absolutely nothing. It's just another coping mechanism. It's not a pivotal reveal of intimacy and vulnerability like in other Superbat fics. You can fuck Bruce, can break his back, can drink with him and fight with him and still never know anything about him.
But that changes when Clark dies. The guilt claws at all of those coping mechanisms. Bruce could've left him in the Kansan dirt, but we see him becoming obsessed with Clark, even more so than before. And that guilt finds a link to the employees who he saw die, Robin he let die, all of it.
And all of a sudden, we see that energy being channeled into building a team. Building tech for the team. Rebuilding Wayne Manor, for the Justice League. It would be very interesting to see if Snyder intended to continue Bruce's issues with alcohol and grief through that period. Does having Clark back help? How does he recover from a period of what was essentially several addictions and massive trauma/grief?
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mytigerseye · 25 days ago
hide your scars, stalk your past
...reclaim your name or be a ghost of your sins
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20 | desi-australian | wide whiskey eyes
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⏳ the asis archives; project tyger ⏳
this blog is mainly for the arrowverse . specifically my version of the arrowverse based on my long fic that i’ve been writing — the flash x oc !!
i don’t mind posting other dc content — bat family , kent family , flash family , justice league (animated show) , young justice (tho it will be getting rewritten in my fic) , wfa
however, i will mostly post my barry allen x oc content, or just oc content in general
my main fan casts include grant gustin as the flash , robert pattinson as batman. flexible fan casts include superman (hoechlin, welling and corenswet) & green arrow (amell and hartley)
if it isn’t clear enough . i’m not a fan of the snyderverse
this blog will have nsfw so the standard mdni
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— racism, zionism, homophobia, xenophobia, classism, white supremacy, misogyny, not being a decent human being
— toxic westallen stans (just . don’t.. i don’t wanna get into it), toxic snowbarry’s, iris west supremacists (i don’t hate her you guys, well not really she’s just not important here ..), snyder fans (i couldn’t care less about the movies i’m sorry), dc comic know-it-all’s (pack it up)
— if you don’t like the content don’t interact — it’s pretty simple 😀
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my other fic blogs: enhypen . marauders (regulus x oc centric) . atla (zutara centric)
[[ send an ask/comment if you want to be added to the any particular taglist (including permanent) <3 ]]
!! this is a side blog so if you want to be moots lemme know bcs i’ll be following you w my main >.<
2025 © mytigerseye
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3hobbitsinatrenchcoat · 1 year ago
Gray's SuperBat Fic Recs
I have spent since May reading through the SuperBat tag on AO3 and have over 100 fics saved in my bookmarks but @thebibliosphere mentioned wanting some recs so I'm going to just rec a few that live in my head rent free.
(these are in no particular preference order other than they're probably in this order in my bookmarks XD) (also if you're an author and I have tagged the wrong blog let me know and I will change it)
An Innocent Cicisbeo by @mithen - This is the most recent one I've bookmarked, so it's very much so on my mind. I'm not usually one for Regency AUs but I really like how this one handled keeping everyone's powers and abilities but making them more tailored to the age. Also it's an arranged marriage AU and I am very weak for those.
Take Care of Business by @frownyalfred - A work teleconference that descends into absolute chaos in the form of the batkids, who woke up and chose violence. This one is good on it's own but there's also a podfic version by @mayonnaisetoffees that kicks that chaos up to 11.
Through a Glass Darkly by @susiecarter - An apocalypse AU of the snyderverse, this one is quite dark but slowly grows more positive over time. It features some extremely spot-on characterizations and an overall Mad Max vibe that I enjoy immensely.
This Time Around by @castlesteads - What's better than one formerly dead person trying to find their place in the world? TWO formerly dead people trying to find their place in the world. Clark helps Jason claw his way out of his grave and back to the land of the living. I love a found family where they quite literally find each other in the most heartbreaking ways possible.
Build Me A Place (we'll call it home) by @spiritsflame - I love it when Kryptonians are completely normal until they really aren't. This one features Clark completely remodeling his apartment because of courtship instincts and Bruce badly fumbling the entire situation. I just want to shake both of them.
don't know the rules but i got to win by @susiecarter - This is another weird Kryptonian trait thing... but this time it is non-standard abstract reproduction feat. gardening. Surprisingly enough this isn't even the first fandom I have come across with gardening as a reproductive vector. Always a different take though. This one features literal fruit-based flirting and innuendo, for a start.
A Common Misconception by rotasha - I have a very special place in my heart for fake dating aus, but this one is like watching two guys play an extremely slow and obvious game of chicken while not even realizing they're in a game at all. Fake dating for a whole year without catching feelings? Psh, easy. Spoiler alert, I don't entirely remember right now but I don't think they even make it a year XD
over this threshold by orphean - Another fake dating au but an entirely different vibe. Getting married for tax reasons is the oldest trick in the book but I am always here for falling in love when you're already planning on getting married. Also for someone so very smart Bruce can be extremely dumb and I love that for him.
Masking by @bombusbombus - I've read this fic like... probably more than 5 times and I am working (slowly) on a podfic of it. It heavily features both Clark and Bruce being neurodivergent together and falling in love via spending long hours in parallel play and infodumping and mutual unmasking both literal and figurative and just... I see a lot of myself in this fic.
There's a ton more I could rec, they're all in my bookmarks on AO3 but these are the ones that live in my brain the most these days. I hope others like them as much as I do.
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hmslusitania · 11 months ago
Hello! Long time lurker (I mean follower), I have been inspired by your recent bat family fics to get learn more about that universe but don't know where to start! I was wondering if you had a place to start?
Hello! Thank you for asking! I definitely have an answer, but I don’t know if it’s a universal answer so we’ll see!
Batfam Et Al are part of what I would call a “supermedia” (there’s probably a proper media term for it but I don’t know it) by which I mean: it exists in basically any form of media you could want, be it the original comics, animated series, live action series, live action movies, animated movies, books, video games, and — I presume — antique radio dramas. Getting involved in that is super daunting and understandably so.
The best advice I can offer for breaking in is to figure out what type of media works best for you, and then start there. (Other people reading this who might be diehards, I am about to name check three pieces of media that tend to get heavily side-eyed by comics purists but which I think are all very beginner-friendly, so look away)
For me, the form of media that tends to give me the most effective brain worms is video games. Although I had already started my DC entry somewhat against my will, the thing that actually fully dragged me into caring intensely about the Batfam was Gotham Knights, which lets you spend intense amounts of time with Gotham as a nightmare city, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd, and Tim Drake.
If you’re not so much into video games, the first thing in the non-Arrowverse/non-Nolanverse/non-Snyderverse DC world I spent time with was the animated Young Justice series. It does not have a focus on the Batfam in particular, but they do all make appearances at one point or another. It also has the benefit of introducing you to bunches of other characters within the DC universe, and even if some of those characterisations differ largely from their standard characterisation in other media (Kon), it does give you a good faces-to-names-to-soundbytes introduction to quite a broad yearbook of folks.
If your interest in particular is the Batfam, honestly the easiest way to get a toehold on that group is Wayne Family Adventures on webtoon. It is free to read and it’s fun and even though it does tend to actually resolve these conflicts and tensions unlike the prime universe comics, it does a decent job of naming what a lot of the interpersonal conflicts and tensions between the characters are so you can get a sense.
At which point we reach step two of “how to get involved with a supermedia” which is to identify a particular character (or two, or three) you can become unwell about, and then dig in to see what media is available for them. And as you consume said media, their adjacent characters will also clarify and you may find yourself becoming invested in them, at which point you may dig in and find more about them, and rinse and repeat.
The other thing I find particularly helpful to think about as I continue on my expedition into the jungles here (extended DC canon iterations) is that Batman (and Superman, and Wonder Woman) has existed as a character for nearly 100 years. By this point, they are all so entrenched in the cultural landscape that they are basically American folklore. And as with folklore, everyone and their mother has their own localised version of it, and they’re all correct.
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rabbit-ina-trenchcoat · 1 year ago
-> hi im maverick, charlie or toph i go by all 3 with no preference.
-> i use he/it/xem pronouns, mostly in that order.
-> i post abt everything on here. reblogs of social issues, fandom stuff, shitposts, etc. main fandoms at this time are mission impossible && superman (namely the snyderverse).
-> anonymous asks are currently closed due to personal issues. you can dm me or send me an ask at any time if you want, i'm very open to conversation, i just am very forgetful.
-> i am autistic with cptsd and bpd and utilize the tags actually autistic and actually borderline.
-> i have a sideblog for my fics, @acollectionofalpacas, a sideblog for my barbie collecting, @pinkkryptonite-enjoyer, and a in character ask blog, @its-just-lexluthor
update: -> i now have a blog for my ao3 account, @catkidjekyll
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ordinaryschmuck · 1 year ago
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...So, Snyder fans are just delusional, right?
Like, I get it. They want this story continued. But, like, there are other ways to do it. A graphic novel written by Zack Snyder, an animated mini-series on HBOmax, or even making fan fics and doing it yourself.
Telling other studios to buy WBD's biggest brand for the sake of finishing ONE narrative? Especially when this other studio did THIS:
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This is why people call Snyder's fanbase a fucking CULT. They don't give a shit about DC as a franchise and are WAY too desperate to continue Snyder's vision that they really believe WBD will sell the IPs to Netflix and now Universal.
Look...Snyderverse is dead. I know a lot of them don't want to hear that, but it's true. It's dead and the odds of it continuing are slim. It's an unfortunate circumstance in a studio's drive to make money and get audience's attention and we lose great stories that way. But here's the thing: There are OTHER great stories out there. There are MANY OTHER great movies and shows you can watch or get excited with. Movies and shows with their stories completed. It sucks that this one story will never have its ending, but at least it got a chance to exist for a while before being cast aside.
Also, Snyder is off doing OTHER things, making some...I don't know, his version of Star Wars? I didn't give a shit about Rebel Moon enough to care.
But he's still making that. He's sharing his vision about popular ideas and making movies HIS way. Would he want to continue finishing the Snyderverse if given the chance. Maybe? But he's still fine with this direction the DC is taking, even going out to see The Flash and Blue Beetle because he's a simple dude who loves movies, even a bad and mediocre one like those two.
Snyder is doing just fine, making stories his way and accepting his loss with dignity and grace. Maybe it's time to take that as a sign and accept that this loss is still a loss, no matter how badly you don't want it to be. It's better than to just stew in disillusion.
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acollectionofalpacas · 2 years ago
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Superman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Clark Kent/Lex Luthor Jr. (DCEU) Characters: Kal-el, Clark Kent, Lex Luthor Jr. (DCEU), Amanda Waller, Sam Lane, Dr. John Peril 
Additional Tags: Science Experiments, Alien Biology, Alien Culture, alien research, the beginning of this sounds like a scene from rio, because it is, Enemies to Lovers, but it's more like. neutral to lovers, some of these characters i have not ever written so be warned, Eventual Smut, Habitats, they put kal in a glass jar with some blades of grass, Alien Flora & Fauna, Graphic Description, Canon-Typical Violence, Size Difference, because it is canon the average krypton raised kryptonian is 7'4 
Summary: He felt like he had been walking forever. Jeez, how big was this place? And where the hell was the Kryptonian hiding? Was it getting colder or was he just nervous? Maybe the Kryptonian was nearby - he could feel eyes on him still. Maybe it was the piercing eyes of the Kryptonian. Maybe it was his imagination. Or at least it was his imagination until someone skittered through the darkness across the path. 
do not repost. reblogs appreciated.
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enviedear · 1 month ago
would you consider writing for any variation of Clark Kent; comics, snyderverse, smallville, superman (2025) etc.
honestly yeah! who doesn’t swoon for clark kent? tbr though nonnie—i need to do a deep dive into his content and determine my favorite iteration lol. i feel like the majority of my ck/sm knowledge is just a supercut of everything he was in during the 2000s—2010s
also i can’t wait for the new superhero movie to come out just know the fics inspired by that will be fluffy and joyous and FUN. alien sweetheart bf just sounds so cute and new movie clark exudes that 🥹
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zeawesomebirdie · 1 year ago
I don't know how to provide context for this screenshot without admitting that I'm only reading this comic for an extremely AU fic that I want to write but I think I love this man a little bit despite the fact that he isn't nearly as pretty as he is in the snyderverse
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frownyalfred · 1 year ago
I follow you because of Borderline, but I've been watching your responses to asks about your a/b/o fic and it sounds like you're really trying to be respectful of the trans experience. So thank you. As a trans person, a/b/o often feels very transphobic. I know some trans people like it but to me it just feels like a way for cis people to trans their blorbos without actually dealing with what it means to be trans because "oh its just a/b/o." Maybe some people can separate the two, but I can't.
I haven't read your fic but im glad to see that someone out there is putting so much thought into this. Also it's hilarious that your solution to the Snyderverse was "fix it with a/b/o."
Hi anon! Thank you for popping in -- let me retroactively apologize to you and all other followers who aren't into the a/b/o asks. Please know you can blacklist any of my tags (a sky of honey or a/b/o mention) at any time.
I really appreciate you sharing your perspective here. I've seen the process you mention in action before, and I can see how hurtful that can feel to trans individuals. It's a very blurry area in fanfiction, I'm learning.
I think when I started with that original shitpost, it was genuinely because I thought Bruce's somewhat erratic behavior in BVS was hilariously, if somewhat seriously, better explained by him being a defensive, nesting omega who'd lost a pup. So I teased folks with the idea that knotting would solve the Snyderverse, but it was actually more about Bruce's relationship with his own gender identity and how it interacts with Jason's loss and his mission.
I think, outside of a/b/o smut fics, authors have a lot of trouble when writing about this topic, just because we have to do so much worldbuilding. I'm not saying you have to focus on the universe's discrimination or gender roles if you don't want to, but it's kind of inevitable if you're moving outside of smut. There's just so many implications I keep running into.
Above all else, I want to tell the story I have in my mind in the most respectful and considerate way possible. I want to talk about Bruce's, Jason's, and even Lex's challenges with their dynamics without diminishing the experiences of gender and gender expression others have.
Thank you for sending this ask, and I hope you and any other anons feel comfortable sending questions, criticisms, feedback, etc. I can't promise I'll answer every single one, but I promise I read and consider them.
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