#academic career
thelittlemars · 1 year
Actually, you know what? I’m not gonna gatekeep this much information. You want to become an academic?? A real one??? 
Then here’s how to become an actual academic 📖🕯️
— by: Someone who’s actually becoming an academic
So, the first step might be the most obvious but yet difficult one: you need to be enrolled in an university. Or college. Never understood the difference.
Then, you find the field of study that you love and adore. Not that you just like. Well, I guess like works just fine, but it’s better if you love it because the more you love something the more you want to learn and research about it. And keep in mind that this is going to be your future, all-life-long job. So yeah, find something that you love doing or studying. It can be your favourite course, module or subject. It can even be a very niche thing. 
Then, find a professor that teaches or is researching that topic and stick to them like a koala on a tree. I don’t know how it works in your university and/or country, but if you have to write your final dissertation/thesis and your uni requires a tutor, choose them [I could write a separate blog post if you need help with your thesis work]. Ask them to give you extra readings, book recs, tips and tricks on how to become just like them, ask them if they are curating any project, such as a seminar, a congress, an exposition or a cool experiment that’s open to the public. Damn it, ask them if they need someone to help them carry the exams folders, or remind them of some event, or just if they want to have a coffee with you. You might think that all of this is prententious or that it make you possibly look annoying, but this is how it works. 
Academic careers are built on connections. The more people you know in your field the more you will be known, the more other academics might want to read your research, your papers, your articles and books. You have to make a name for yourself, and the only way you have is to create relationships in your field of study. 
This is why I also advise you to show up. University is like a society. Find conventions, seminars, conferences and exhibitions that interests you or that belong to your chosen field and just go. If you can, ask questions [remember to always introduce yourself, stating your name and surname!], give input. If you go to a museum exhibit and you see people working there or even the curator, have a chat with them. Ask them if you can have their email addresses so you can contact them if you have any further questions. 
I have done every single thing in this list. Well, maybe I didn’t carry my professor’s exams folders, but I know a friend who did. I prayed for things to go well. And they did.
If you are curious, I am in my final year of my Bachelor’s in Languages, and I am specializing in Germanic Philology. My dream would be to become a scholar in Norse Studies. Ky thesis will be on the influences that Norse Mythology had on a novel by Sir Walter Scott.
And, even if I am still completing my Bachelor’s, my tutor saw something in me. He invited me to participate in an editing project [that is technically reserved for Master's students] of a Middle English manuscript, and this edition will result in a publication that will have my name on it.
This is why I beg you, start building your connectiond. You never know if your tutor will have a shiny, new project you can be a part of if you don’t try. 
Everything else will come naturally at you. Trust the Universe.
Good luck, my fellow future academic! See you in class!
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nerdjourney · 4 days
Enterprise Knowledge Management: A Consultative Approach to Solving the Right Problems with Abby Clobridge (2/2)
Abby Clobridge used her expertise in library science, information architecture, and technology to start a #consulting firm. This week we talk about the challenges of organizational #knowledgemanagment.
Are you solving the right problem? To get a specific outcome, the problem we need to solve is not always what we think it is. Abby Clobridge, the founder and lead consultant at FireOak Strategies, and her team perform detailed discovery with clients to ensure everyone is aligned to solve the right problem(s). This week in episode 293 we discuss Abby’s transition to becoming a consultant and her…
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visit-ba-sing-se · 1 year
April fool's? ⁉️ Only for April 1st? ⁉️ That's a weak mindset. That's low perfomance 📉 👎👎 I am a fool every day 🗓 The grind 💪💪💪📈 never stops ❌ ⛔️ I am in it for the long run 🔛🏃‍♀️ No quitter mindset here 🚫🔝 🏆
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sa1tair · 3 months
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gatoburr0 · 3 months
Blog ain’t shit without acht in it
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Quick doodles
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Interested to know other lecturers' thoughts here. The university has just released the latest templates for our assignment briefs, and they now include this table:
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I have to select which areas I will allow generative AI to be used for in every assignment brief I write (with the obvious caveat that this is showing them how to use it as a tool, not giving them the green light to generate a whole essay and submit that.)
My immediate thought is that the 'research' section is dangerous, and the 'creative' one is immoral.
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versatancore · 3 months
max : ugh, i hate this car.
lando : you just won the race?
lewis : yeah HE won the race, the car has nothing to do with it.
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why-the-heck-not · 6 months
”fuck it im gonna have a nap” is always the beginning of an end
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quotidian-oblivion · 13 days
I want to make an Exam Motivation Collage
Please please please drop exam motivation quotes by reblogging, commenting, or putting in the tags. Please.
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demonicseries · 8 months
Giving a presentation on Möbius Pegged for my sculpture class tomorrow
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writterings · 10 days
me with my 18 year old students that i teach at a college
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merakiui · 1 year
MeraAaaAaaa!!! How dare you bring up having a fwb relationship with alpha!yandere!alhaitham and not expand more on that!! 😭😭😭 I need this. I NEED HIM SO BADLY!!! LAJDKSK
He's actually so frustrating!!! You could be in heat and he will act so unaffected. His restraint is so very commendable; he hardly spares you much reaction and will even cover his nose and say something along the lines of, "You should be more aware of your cycles so that you aren't an inconvenience to others." >:( it's really difficult to know what Alhaitham truly thinks because he's usually so straight-faced and serious, and he takes all the necessary precautions so he won't put himself in a troublesome position. But you beg him, tell him he smells good, cling to him out of biological imperative, and oohhh you're so lucky he's strong enough to resist, if just barely, otherwise he'd have you pinned against the nearest surface right this very moment.
The fwb relationship is established the day he helps you find relief in the midst of your heat. He's just helping you because it would be inconvenient and dangerous to leave you alone when other alphas (who may not have as much restraint or respect as Alhaitham) could be lurking nearby. And he's certain you woudn't want to come out of your heat marked and knocked up by some stranger. Truthfully, he doesn't want you to be marked and bred by someone you hardly know. If it were up to him, he'd rather do those things.
There's no getting rid of him after the fact. You can thank him all you want, buy him lunch out of gratitude, and insist you'll be more cautious going forwards, but Alhaitham is here to stay. He always throws things back in your face. Wasn't it you who begged him for this? Didn't you say you wanted him to be your alpha? He's only following your protocol. :) and, yes, perhaps you did say things like that, but the you who was in heat is vastly different from the you who is not in heat. He just won't drop the matter, reminding you that it's much more beneficial if you engage in mutually beneficial relations with someone you know and trust. What if he hadn't been there to help? What if it was another alpha, one with less restraint? What would you have done? You would have accepted anyone in that state, wouldn't you? And that's exactly the point Alhaitham's trying to make: it's dangerous if you're going to be so careless about your heats.
He does make a good argument. You know that, by biology's design, you will always be at a disadvantage when you're an omega in heat. You know Alhaitham's only looking out for you as a friend should. You know you should feel relieved he's even willing to go through all of the trouble to help you during future heats. And doesn't everyone wish to have a strong, sensible alpha care for them when they're at their most vulnerable?
Alhaitham's infatuation is subtle and so easily hidden. You'll never know he's harboring such an obsession. He only lets it slip when you're in heat because you're too omega-brained to really register the meaning behind his words, and everything he says and does is just music to your ears. He can get away with being possessive and maddeningly infatuated when you're in heat because that's when you're truly his. Though it's all loveless and the two of you are stuck as friends (nothing more, as you always claim) it's hard to ignore the chemistry beyond heat sex. Sometimes you'll spend mornings in bed with him, too lazy to get up, insisting on spending five more minutes in the comforts of his room. Sometimes he brings you breakfast. Sometimes he helps you to the bath. Sometimes it really feels like domestic bliss.
And eventually you'll spend so many heats with him that, the next time you go into heat, your body might even recognize him as your alpha. You really shouldn't tell him to bite you with such a tempting voice. He might just give you exactly what you want, if only to finally make you his and excuse such carelessness on the addictive effects you have on him.
Whatever happens, Alhaitham will have a logical reasoning to explain it away. He always does, and you always believe him.
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dionysus-complex · 2 months
I am sure I've talked about this on here before but I hate hate hate how in academia generally and my field in particular there's just a baseline, often unspoken assumption that you should always be ready and able and willing to uproot your entire life to pursue jobs and opportunities. like if I were in any other occupation "I live in one of the biggest metro areas in the US and would like to stay here at least long enough that my spouse can finish their degree program, but I would not be opposed to settling here long-term" would be a reasonable and completely non-insane thing to say. and yet I feel like the actual options in my field are so narrow for me even in a metro area of something like 18 million people and I worry that inevitably I'm going to disappoint people if I do prioritize staying here after graduation instead of moving to Massachuyorkland for a postdoc/visiting professorship/whatever
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otrtbs · 1 year
my master's dissertation is submitted. my degree is in god's (the art history academic board's) hands now.
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bitchesgetriches · 2 months
Hey bitches! When it comes to changing careers, is it worth it to enroll in a boot camp or other such school program or would you have better luck going for internships and then working your way up? From my research, people generally seem to think you should work rather than go to school, but for fields like cybersecurity, I feel like you need that basis of coursework to even be hired, is that right?
I think it really depends on the field! There are some jobs that absolutely require professional certifications or academic degrees. Others not so much! I've met a bunch of self-taught coders, self-taught carpenters, and self-taught small business owners, but not a single self-taught surgeon, self-taught somme, or self-taught elementary school teacher.
So research what you'd like to do starting with the path there. Reach out to professionals in your preferred field and see if any will hook you up with an informational interview or a brief email outlining how they got where they are. People will be honest about the requirements it takes to get where they are.
For example: it took ZERO certifications or higher degrees to become loudmouthed online advice-givers, and YEARS of unearned confidence and learning from our own mistakes to deliver the flawless Bitches you see before you today.
My Career Transition Succeeded When I Gave Fewer Fucks, Made More Friends, and Had More Fun 
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Hiya lovely, do you have any wisdom for someone struggling to study? I've been out of school for 3 years due to illness (in my formative learning years) and now I'm gearing up for university with absolutely no study skills, low energy and a whole lot of insecurity around it. I have always been intelligent enough to learn quickly but there's a barrier I'm just not getting through, possibly due to the latent effects of the damage.
I have high expectations for myself and I want to model myself off of your brand! Thank you very kindly in advance <3
Hi love! It sounds like you're in a difficult situation, especially for someone in their teens. My heart goes out to you for overcoming this and going after a university degree. This ambition and dedication takes a considerable amount of mental fortitude and strength, so please remember that. I'm flattered by your kind words <3
Here are some of my study tips to help you maintain your stamina and focus:
When in doubt, make everything into an itemized list (topics, timelines, organizing by subtopic, key facts/people/dates surrounding a significant event, concept, theory, or ideology, cause and effect, problem and solution, etc.)
Use real-life analogies and applications as often as possible to retain information (e.g. to remember acronyms, propositions through the "box" metaphor, etc.)
Reframe long-winded information into an ongoing narrative. Humans are better at retelling stories than retaining/regurgitating a laundry list of facts or statistics
Organize your study sessions to each focus on one main topic, concept, or chapter
Create a timeline for all your assignments. Plan in advance to work on projects in milestones rather than all at once
Utilize time-blocking to pace yourself through the information (e.g. devote 30 minutes to one task or an hour to studying a specific concept; take a fully unplugged break before resuming work or another study session). Use a countdown timer if you think it would be helpful for you – everyone is different
Prioritize rest, even if it sounds counterintuitive at first. You're most productive and focused when your mind is well-rested enough to achieve and maintain peak performance. Efficiency is more important than time spent on a task – the former is what makes all of the difference (and leads to a more well-rounded, fulfilling life, too)
Discover motivating playlists that keep you on task. I love the ones for ADHD from Jason Lewis - Mind Amend on YouTube (I'm listening to one now, lol). Coffee or caffeinated tea can also help your energy to power through a study session, just don't overdo it
Focus on one task, page, or concept at a time. Don't let the entirety of a project or the volume of your overall workload overwhelm you. Just focus & prioritize what's in front of you. Take one step closer to your goals every day. Perfectionism is the most stifling barrier to progress and long-term success. Remember that
You got this! Hope this helps xx
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