#Digital publishing
So glad to finally see some momentum building to push back against ebook pricing models for libraries. I wish it didn't take huge libraries throwing around "we have millions of dollars" to give us any hope of change, but such is life.
I was in charge of ebook and e-audio purchasing for a small library several years ago, and can remember when they started phasing out their "one copy/one user" perpetual licensing model for popular titles. It seems the leasing model has only gotten more predatory since I left that role. Back in my day we could choose to pay a little less (but still a lot, maybe $30) for the metered access licenses, and the OC-OU licenses were the really extortionate ones but hey, as long as they continue to host that title on their platform your patrons can access it.
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wizconsultslb · 10 months
The Twins
Wiz Consults, home of the Internet is led by "the twins", Wajdi & Karim, experienced professionals who are passionate about helping businesses succeed in the digital world. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, they specialize in digital publishing and marketing, and have a proven track record of delivering results for their clients.
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digitrendzblog · 10 months
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dheatopia · 11 months
Pageless Fairytale
'Where roses deck the flowery vale, There, Infant Jesus, we thee hail!'
Quote from the tale Snow Queen by Hans Christian Anderson
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"The Snow Queen sat in the very middle of it when she sat at home"
Illustration by: Edmund Dulac
In the digital age, the way we access and consume content has been revolutionized. Knowledge and literature are now more widely available, more reasonably priced, and more participatory than ever before thanks to digital publication and eBooks becoming standard. Amid this technological shift, classic stories, like "The Snow Queen" by Hans Christian Andersen, continue to hold a special place in the hearts of the readers as the themes of the tale remains relevant. In this blog post, we will explore how these timeless tales maintain their relevance in the digital age.
There are 4 main reasons on why classic stories remain relevant in the digital era:
Knowledge Accessibility
Affordability and Convenience
Revolutionized Reading Experience
Shaping the Publishing Future
The digital age has brought about a democratization of knowledge. Classic stories are no longer confined to dusty shelves or expensive hardcovers. Instead, they are available at the touch of a button, downloadable on eReaders, tablets, and even smartphones. This accessibility ensures that readers from all walks of life, regardless of location or financial means, can enjoy these literary treasures. "The Snow Queen" is just a click away, allowing anyone to embark on Gerda's heroic journey on saving Kay.
When it comes to the affordability and convenience, Digital publishing has made reading more affordable and convenient. . No longer do readers need to invest in expensive printed editions. Most classic stories, including "The Snow Queen," are available for free or at a minimal cost in the digital realm. Moreover, eBooks are portable, lightweight, and can store entire libraries, making it easier for readers to carry their favorite stories with them, opening up opportunities to read in waiting rooms, during commutes, or while traveling.
A new world was introduced to readers as the digitalized version of books were introduced. The advancement in technology enhanced the reading experience of the readers. EBooks can include interactive elements, such as hyperlinks, multimedia, and annotations, which deepen the understanding of classic stories. For instance, readers exploring "The Snow Queen" can easily look up related articles, illustrations, or even engage in discussions about the tale. This interactivity fosters a more engaging and enriching reading experience.
Lastly, Digital publishing and eBooks have played a pivotal role in shaping the future of the publishing industry. They offer a platform for both established and emerging authors to share their work with a global audience. Through self-publishing and online platforms, writers can tap into the digital age's vast potential and reach a readership that was once out of their grasp. This revolution in publishing ensures the creation of new classic stories that will be cherished in the years to come.
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While digital publishing has brought about numerous advantages, it has also introduced certain challenges that are worth addressing, including information overload and the potential loss of the traditional reading experience:
The outstanding variety of books, articles, and online information available to readers in the digital era may create a dichotomy of choice and distraction. Reading comprehension suffers when readers transition between tasks while utilizing digital devices, which frequently multitask. A focused reading experience might also be hampered by social media and email notifications. Digital formats also promote skimming and rapid scanning, which discourages in-depth reading and interaction with classic works like "The Snow Queen."
Digital book formats lack the tactile and sensory experience that physical books provide, which causes physical pain and digital tiredness. Some readers may be discouraged from adopting digital publishing since prolonged screen time for reading might induce eye strain and headaches. Additionally, some digital platforms include pop-up adverts that interrupt the reading flow, lowering the immersive experience and interfering with the flow of the story. Therefore, readers who embrace digital publication may find it difficult to limit their screen time.
In conclusion, digital publication has a variety of accessibility and convenience benefits, but it also has drawbacks including information overload and the possible destruction of the conventional reading experience. By bringing these issues to readers' attention and offering solutions, authors may empower readers to make wise decisions about how they interact with great works of literature in the digital age, preserving the purpose and pleasure of reading.
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Howdy Howdy
Here we are. 
Five whole ass years later. 
Anyway, I purged my everything and I’m doing a total reset because I have an actual “plan” for this blog sorta kinda. 
So I’m going to bluntly ask you to follow my Wattpad (XerxesMax19) to see what I’ve been writing and maybe read some of it. 
I write scifi/fantasy exclusively, at various levels of subtlety/intensity. About half of what I write so far is double-dipped as gay romance, and all of my stories so far have some violent element to them at some point. 
Below are what I’ve written and posted so far on Wattpad, along with synopses and potential trigger warnings. Enjoy: (Also y’all are gonna be nice to me because I am not a visual artist, okay, I just needed covers so I did my best)
That World Called Zerigoph (series)
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That World Called Zerigoph is a fantasy trilogy featuring both a slow burning war and a slow burning romance between James Melbourne, linguistic scientist/madman who finds himself on an alien planet, and Maxiaus Xerxes, the current prince of the kingdom of Zerigoph. It’s a story of reluctant identity, survival against political ploys, and choosing when to act on terrifying and dangerous emotions – both romantically and politically. 
There are brutal and graphic depictions of war, slavery/abuse, and mental health issues, as well as characters deeply questioning their various faiths in the face of adversity. 
There are also intimate romantic and sexual scenes throughout the trilogy, most containing some plot-focus. Chapter 37 of book 3 can be skipped entirely, as there is no plot relevancy to the sex. 
Clock Breakers
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Clock Breakers is a time travel scifi story about stopping the end of the world. Freezerburn has a dark history with disrupted time flow. When Nash collects him for a job under an unknown boss, he’s quickly forced to confront his demons while throwing himself through time loop after time loop in a desperate attempt to save the person who needs it the most. 
This book contains themes of survivor’s guilt with passing mentions of suicide and other violent crime. 
There is no intimacy/romance/sex in this book other than a passing reference to a character’s past. 
Bandaids & Pickle Juice
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Bandaids & Pickle Juice is a subtle fantasy story focusing on the sudden relationship between Mark Thompson, a single father, and Jacob Moonwater, a self-proclaimed “bad-boy” who’s hidden past and secret day job draws Mark in. While Jacob is fighting to keep his day job safe from an illegal crime-boss takeover, Mark is fighting to keep his family and new romantic interest safe. 
There are scenes of human brutality and threat to animal well-being in this book, as well as abuse of municipal/police status. There are also scenes of child endangerment. 
There are sexual scenes in this book, both quick and slow burn. There are also passing references and flashbacks to sexual abuse and manipulation. 
Works In Progress:
I am currently working on a story about a group of abnormal orphans trying to survive the growing danger of “speciesism” (functional racism) as they grow into their abilities and powers. 
It so far contains scenes of abuse and endangerment to our child (/young adult) protagonists, as well as many references to the Holocaust. 
There are no sexual scenes in this story, though there are a handful of passing references and remarks. 
I’ll probably post about it once I start uploading, but that may take a hot minute as it’s not done yet and it’ll be a bit to edit what with college and all. 
A Final Note On Trigger Warnings
In the publication descriptions on Wattpad, I list any visual clues that may relate to triggers (chapters marked with asterisks contain sex, etc.). 
I do not have a time frame for the next conversion project, but I am planning on creating alternate versions of the same stories to allow various people more comfortable reading experiences. 
For example, a Lavender Edition would contain toned down (and only necessary) violence, gore, brutality, and sex/romance/intimacy. The plot would be unaffected, but for those with triggers or sensitivities, it could be more comfortable. 
A Rose Petal Edition would eliminate sexual/intimate scenes and replace them with references or quick-cuts (example: “and then they went to bed,” rather than a vivid description of the events at hand.)
Anyway. This was a lot to write. Welcome back, I guess. Or welcome for the first time. I hope you enjoy my stories and characters, and I’m excited to jump start this whole promotion thing again. 
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inksproutdigital · 1 year
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Experience the magic of summer with our Summer Loving Coloring Book. ☀️🎨  Let your creativity run wild on 40 delightful summertime scenes filled with beach fun and icy treats. Dive into a world of colors and make this summer unforgettable! #coloringbook #summertime
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theversevoyager · 16 days
In the land of magic, where creatures roam, Two beings clash with force, their fates entwined like doom. One hailed from Earth, brought to this realm, The other, an immortal guardian, a being supreme. In a battle of wits and powers untold, They fought for what they believed, good or evil, no matter the cost. A world hung in balance, its fate uncertain, As each warrior stood, ready to fight the eternal. But in the end, a truth was revealed, A secret that changed them all, the conflict appeased, And harmony returned to reign over this enchanted hall. This is the summary of your work so far:
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jimspublishingblog · 22 days
Empowering Creatives: How Digital Portfolios Are Transforming the Presentation of Work
In the creative industries, where competition is fierce, the ability to present work effectively can make all the difference. Traditional portfolios, often limited to physical formats or static online galleries, no longer suffice in showcasing the full range of a creative’s skills and vision. Enter the digital portfolio—a transformative tool that allows creatives to present their work in more dynamic, engaging, and innovative ways.
The Shift to Digital Portfolios
Digital portfolios have revolutionized how creatives present their work by offering a platform where multimedia elements can be seamlessly integrated. This includes not only images and text but also videos, animations, interactive elements, and even augmented reality (AR) experiences. These features enable creatives to go beyond merely displaying their work to crafting an immersive narrative around their projects.
For instance, a graphic designer can use a digital portfolio to showcase not just the final product but also the design process through time-lapse videos or interactive prototypes. Similarly, a photographer can embed high-resolution galleries alongside video interviews that provide context and depth to their projects. This ability to integrate various media forms allows creatives to present a fuller picture of their talents and thought processes.
Advantages of Digital Portfolios for Creatives
Interactivity and Engagement: Digital portfolios enable creatives to build interactive experiences that engage the viewer in ways traditional portfolios cannot. By incorporating elements like clickable prototypes, embedded videos, and animations, creatives can create a dynamic presentation that holds the viewer’s attention longer and leaves a lasting impression.
Versatility and Accessibility: Unlike physical portfolios, digital portfolios are accessible from anywhere and can be easily updated. Creatives can share their portfolios with potential clients, employers, or collaborators through a simple link, making it easy to reach a global audience. This versatility is particularly beneficial for freelancers and remote workers who rely on a robust online presence to secure projects.
Personal Branding: A well-designed digital portfolio not only showcases work but also reflects the creator’s personal brand. Customization options allow creatives to align their portfolios with their unique style and vision, helping them stand out in a crowded marketplace. Whether through the choice of layout, color schemes, or the inclusion of personal statements, digital portfolios offer a canvas for self-expression that is aligned with professional goals.
Comprehensive Showcases: Digital portfolios are not constrained by space, allowing creatives to present a more comprehensive showcase of their work. This could include entire project timelines, behind-the-scenes insights, and even client testimonials, all of which contribute to a richer presentation that tells a more complete story of the creative’s capabilities.
Leveraging Online Portfolio Makers
To fully realize the potential of digital portfolios, creatives can leverage platforms like online portfolio makers that offer user-friendly tools for building and customizing their showcases. These platforms typically provide templates, drag-and-drop features, and multimedia integration, making it easier for creatives to design a portfolio that meets their specific needs.
Online portfolio makers streamline the process, allowing creatives to focus on what they do best—creating. They also ensure that the portfolio is optimized for various devices, ensuring a consistent viewing experience whether the portfolio is accessed on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.
Digital portfolios have become an essential tool for creatives looking to present their work in the most impactful way possible. By embracing the capabilities of digital platforms, creatives can create portfolios that are not only visually appealing but also interactive and engaging. As the creative industries continue to evolve, the importance of a strong digital presence cannot be overstated, making digital portfolios a key component in the success of modern creatives.
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joncronshawauthor · 1 month
🧟‍♂️ Writing Updates & Preparing for Launches | Author Diary - August 9, 2024 📚🚀
📝 Progress on “Punks Versus Zombies”: This week, I wrote two more episodes of “Punks Versus Zombies,” bringing us closer to the thrilling conclusion of this series. Crafting these episodes is always an intense process as I aim to escalate the suspense and tie up the overarching narratives. 🌐 Populating Patreon: As I transition to Patreon, I’ve been busy populating the new account with content.…
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rhythmicreverie · 1 month
In shadows deep where mortal eyes dare not tread, A hero rises from the ashes of the dead. With strength untold and will unyielding, they face the fearsome beast, whose legend echoes through the realms undisclosed. Myths from lands afar, from Norse and Celt, merge into one, as fate's grand tapestry weaves its tale to be spun. Through trials dark, our hero prevails, their spirit unbroken and strong, for in this world where gods and monsters dwell, they stand victorious, their name forever sung.
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paulbrasington · 2 months
Writing and money: why you have better things to think about
Every so often, on platforms like Medium, and elsewhere, you’ll see a piece proclaiming traditional publishing models are dead, or irrelevant, and in one recent example, the especially doubtful observation that the novel was dead, because it had developed to suit a particular commercial imperative, which has been left behind by the rise of short form digital platforms. I want to unpack some of…
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darkmodepress · 2 months
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Frankenstein cover image (chiarascuro)
The Frankenstein pod (1st edition) was the first html novel minted as an NFT on Cardano. dark mode press founder chiarascuro edited the text for accessibility for people with dyslexia, ADHD, thought disorders, and for 21st century readers in general.
Sentences and paragraphs were shortened. Multi-paragraph passages of dialogue were given block quote indentation. And the pod is in dark mode by default, with a light mode toggle.
Later, a second edition was created with four illustrations.
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Mrs. Monster
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The graveyard
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Little boat trapped between sheets of ice
Frankenstein is currently being overhauled as an ePub (with vertical illustrations) and will be available for free download in dark mode's Telegram channel soon.
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mbmllcsolutions · 4 months
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Logic Links | News Post | Learn to Earn Information
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elearningmania · 4 months
Get the case study of South African Publisher moved to a Secure Digital Learning Platform from the MagicBox.
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prosegalaxy · 4 months
In the shadows of time, a hero was born. With powers unseen and strength untried, they found their purpose. United against evil's might, they fought for what's right. A tale of heroes in verse, a story so pure.
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itesservices · 5 months
Unlock the secrets of digital publishing with our comprehensive guide, exploring everything from eBook conversion to formatting. Discover the evolution of digital publishing, its impact on authors and publishers, and the benefits of outsourcing eBook services. Maximize operational efficiency, gain a competitive edge, and enhance ROI with professional eBook solutions. 
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