#TW abelism mention
I don’t understand why people get so up in arms when doll companies make dolls with disabilities like I’m sorry what about little kids finally finding a doll that looks like them upsets you so much what’s wrong with you genuinely
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argotalks · 1 year
What is your opinion of the movie 'Music'? The one by SIA
That movie disgusts me. I'm pretty sure I have autism, I have many traits (since I'm black it's almost impossible to get diagnosed, also diagnosis is expensive).
The character Music is a walking stereotype. She isn't even played by an autistic actor! I am in no way blaming the young person who played Music, she was clearly convinced by SIA, who plays a motherly role in her life. Children often find it difficult to say no to parents or parental figures.
The story claims to be about a young girl with autism, but the supposed to be main character is set to the side and the story focuses on a blossoming romance.
The movie also enforces the "magical black person" stereotype. Where the black person is only there to solve problems in oh so magical ways.
In a scene Music is pinned to the ground when having a meltdown. THAT'S DANGEROUS!! It could hurt the person and could cause trauma in the situation.
SIA also got all her research from Autism Speaks, which is a whole other story. I will make a post about Autism Speaks. SIA claimed to do so much research, yet didn't learn that Autism Speaks is harmful to the community? Yeah, okay.
I could go on but this post is long enough, I could make a part 2 if requested.
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maskedinfinate · 2 years
It. It really just occurred to me how being labelled as HSP/a highly sensitive person has had major fucking impacts on my life negatively. I did not choose to be labelled like this, it was all done by my parents. They've made me believe i could never be autistic or have adhd or be neurodivergent whatsoever because they gave negative abelist examples of what they think autistic people are. I was never offered help or some kind of appointment to get a diagnosis because to them, i had hsp, and wasnt "autistic enough" to need that kind of help. Meanwhile, i was constantly shamed for showing neurodivergent behaviour, and over the years i masked more and more and they had no idea because I was never offered help for this. The only time that we started working on getting me a diagnosis and all that stuff was when I had to ask for it myself. And after an entire year, or, in fact YEARS of me showing symptoms, now my mom sees symptoms of adhd. But I feel like it just had to have been noticed sooner. Because if it was, then years of shame and suffering might not have been as bad when i knew what was going on with me and that i shouldn't have to be ashamed for it. Instead, i never felt like i could be a child, i had to pretend to like things i didnt to be like everyone else, or else i'd be the "weird kid." please, if anyone else has been falsely labelled as HSP have you dealt with something similar to this,,?? i know my post might not even reach anyone but. i feel like im not alone, at least, i don't wanna be, but at the same time i dont think i'd wish this upon anyone.
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doctorhoe · 2 years
going back to beating my old dead horse star trek into the ground. both snw and discovery have a weird affinity for killing off characters. I'm not gonna get into the fact that both airiam and hemmer were disabled characters (not today anyway). I'll only mention how neither of these deaths were earned in my opinion. while hemmer is a more egregious example with airiam it was obvious she was about to die because they only thought of actually giving her a backstory in the episode she was killed off. hemmer got essentially no character development despite being probably the most interesting character in this entire show and then he just.. died. I don't know which star trek writers need to hear this but character deaths don't automatically mean the story is going to be emotionally satisfying/cathartic. you gotta earn the "right" to kill off a character. they think they're killing off these characters like shakespeare killed off hamlet but its more like if shakespeare just killed off antonio at the end of twelfth night with no emotional build up whatsoever.
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goatlingsvent · 8 months
uh- queer asian here. goatlings is NOT ableist, racist, cultralist, or homophobic. Its ignorant when it comes to certain topics, but thats why people of that cultures speak up. Like- bfr rn...
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mosscaller · 1 year
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Image description:
Text reads:
"Ableism looks like calling people ‘inspiring’ for navigating asystem that is designed for exclusion, while doing nothing to hold the system accountable."
- Carson Tueller
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anti-endo-safe-space · 2 months
This is gonna make me probably sound kinda dumb, but what is narc abuse? Why is it so problematic? / genuine question
Hey no worries!
Narc abuse is basically saying that someone was abusive BECAUSE they had Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). A disorder itself is not abusive. That's like saying there's depression abuse because the person who abused them had depression.
NPD is a highly misunderstood disorder. Most people you hear will say that pwNPD (people with NPD) are evil or abusive when they went through abuse themselves, that's what led to the disorder.
And some people will say "well I'm not talking about pwNPD but narcissists" and, let me say this clearly, being a narcists is having NPD. You can be selfish and manipulative and NOT be a pwNPD. Your ex is not one just because she cheated on you Dave, she was just an ass. NPD is not just being full of yourself, a lot of times pwNPD hate themselves or parts of them do. Obviously that's not all but. (Dave is not a real person, I'm sorry if there is a Dave reading this, I picked a random guy name).
Basically, it's people who were abused and instead of labeling it what it actually was (physical, mental, emotional, sexual, whatever it was) and want to demonize an already demonized disorder.
You will notice there are some anti endos who believe in narc abuse, they refuse to listen to those of us with the disorder.
Also also also. Narc is a word that pwNPD ONLY want pwNPD to use seeing as how it is frequently considered a slur like the r slur. Please do not use the word narc (unless your calling someone a narc as in they sold you out for something and even then, we recommend changing the spelling a bit.
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gaymurdersalad · 9 months
David, why do you let him treat you like that?! He’s horrible!
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>… You— You all…
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>… You all… Don’t know what the FUCK you’re talking about.
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>What in your deluded, goddamned minds thinks ANY of this is okay to say to me— you superficial, you fake plastic bloodsuckers— I thought you cared about me! I thought you were fucking different, I thought you fucking liked me! I thought— Stupid fucking me, right? Thinking with my fuck-rotting brain like I have the goddamn right, yeah, serves me— I thought you would be nice to me!
>Nothing fucking nice lasts, does it? Henry tosses me out like garbage, like I fuckin’ meant nothing to him— and I bet I didn’t, I bet I shoulda blown my motherfuckin’ brains out for him, fuck, maybe then he’d actually like my sorry ass— Now you! You stupid lot, with your stupid fucking glasses and your self righteousness?! Comin’ into MY house and telling me who I should fuckin’ trust, meanwhile you hide behind those shitty shades and chastise ME for being a coward! Fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Do me one favor— oh, if I may ask, given my obvious un-superiority!— and go fuck off to whatever world you came from and make whoever the hell is miserable enough to have you deal with this bullshit.
>Fuck, you all know I’m grown, right? You know I’m an adult who makes his own goddamn choices? Do you— no, of course you do! You think I’m some shit-for-brains autistic kid who can’t make a goddamn decision for himself, you think— think that Jack here is taking advantage of the slow kid, huh? You think I didn’t make this choice? You think if I actually knew he hated me, I wouldn’t fuck off and paint my brains all over the walls of whatever fucking alleyway I’d find myself in, boozin’ and bingin’, because really, what would be the fucking point of life anymore— no! No! I know what the fuck I’m doing! You think you know better than me?! You’re fucking pathetic! You are a goddamn disease on me!
>Get out— Get the FUCK out of our house, you goddamned pests, you blood-sucking leeches! Don’t you EVER show those fuckin’ mugs around here again, you hear me? Next time you ever dare LOOK at me or Jack, I will reach down into yer gullet and peel your supposed-organs out one by one, every rip and tear being slow and worth it. I’ll make you and all your shitty friends WATCH, GOD-DAMMIT!
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>… Leave the way you came in…
>… Askers.
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dinkbear · 1 month
what is it about using a mobility aid that makes people forget you’re human? 🤔
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Important Rant abt Radqueers
CW:discusions of radqueers and the shit they support/ID as so just be advised(check the tags)
sorry this may be a long post but idc anymore./nbr
Seeing Radqueer people interact with the non/alterhuman communities and "be apart of them" makes us angry.
also seeing Radqueer people say they are "punk" boils our blood.
Radqueer as a whole is actually gross.
It supports and romanticizes Harmful paras,Abuse,Natzi and other harmful shits ideology and Abelism.
Ive seen radqueers try and justify their deplorable "identities" like TransID shit by mentioning Systems and BIID...stop just STOP dont rope us or anyone into your sick reasoning.
seeing blogs DEDICATED to being "TransBPD" or "TransPlural" or "Transtrauma" genuinley is discusting.
im sorry but your just using these things as fucking asthetics.
"transBPD" people dont ACTUALLY want BPD they want that glorified "edgy" romanticized version of it not the "i want to slam nails into my fucking skull" cuz you FP took 10 minutes to respond to a text.
"transPlural" people dont actually want to be plural they dont want to stand infront of a miror and not regognize themself and end up having a breakdown cuz "whats going on" and "why cant everything be QUIET".
"transTrauma" people dont actually want the trauma. They dont want to have been sexually assaulted at a young age wich causes life long problems like hypersexuality and a distrust of men. They dont want to have been beat cuz they took food without "permission". they dont want to tip toe around praying no one will wake up cuz if they do your doors going to be removed and your online privileges will be taken away.
this is genuinely a sick thing.
they use words like "transAge" "transNazi" "TransHarmful" to excuse the fact that they are degenerates and abhorent excuses of people.
seeing them talk abt how MAP is valid and encorage Zoophilia is honestly so fucking gross.
and no we are not being a fucking "snowflake" we are having common fucking sense.
you know its bad when even PROSHIPPERS have them on their DNI(pro shippers are gross aswell and can easily intersect with rad queer people)
this is genuinely a big fucking problem and just a fucking disgracefuk "community"
radqueer will never be fucking "valid" rad queer will NEVER be excepted.
anyone whos rad queer in the non/alterhuman community is not apart of our community
we dont claim or want yall and if your radqueer and say your a therian,,,,no your fucking not
our community will never EVER allow you to be near it(at-least i HOPE so)
note: thinking about making a masterlist of radqueer terms and emoji combos+their meanings so people can be aware and stay away,,, (also thinking about adding radqueers that i know have interacted with non/alterhuman posts and are "apart of the community")
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mewos-laptop · 3 months
Had a convo w/ a friend abt the way Basil gets demonized in the Fandom and figured it wld work as a post ssssooooo here you goooooo
(Sarcastic intent for all of this, it's long as shit so I'm putting this here so ppl don't take it the wrong way)
"Oh wow, this character has canonically been abandoned and neglected in some way for their entire life, and act very rashly, impulsively, and obsessively because of it !!! I wonder if maybe these are symptoms of underlying trauma and a personality disorder. Ohhhh that couldn't be !!!! It's clearly just bc they're and annoying little bitchy abuser manipulator who just wants to date Sunny for his own gain and doesn't care abt his friends 😁😁😁😁 I am not perpetuating any prevalent and harmful stereotypes about BPD, an already stigmatized and demonized disorder which systematically makes it nearly impossible for health professionals to believe you in anything you say, which causes even more trauma for the person suffering from BPD. I'm so glad that I know this character SSSSOOOOOOO WELL and I am now going to post my hot takes abt them and their BPD symptoms all over Tiktok to make teenagers without personality disorders agree w/ me more, and therefore make them ostracize and demonize real people with BPD !!!! I am such a good person for this, and do not need to face any consequences to my abelist actions !!!!"
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sukibenders · 1 year
I really enjoy Yellowjackets but the way it throws its poc characters to the side, the way the fandom does is so unsurprising but saddening at the same time. Shauna is one of my favorite characters, she's cool and stuff but, being honest, the trope of housewife having an affair because she's bored of her current life has been played before. So what if this one had certain elements outside of it, it's still common so it kind of grew tiring to see Yellowjackets constantly shove this plot at me when Tai's storyline is right there.
Taissa, a biracial woman who, even after living through something horrific as a kid, "bounced back" and lived the life she always wanted. She was a lawyer, now ran for and won a position in office, married a beautiful and smart woman and had a son, has a whole perfect family who she loves. Only for the trauma, the aspect of her life she promised herself and others to never talk about, is now coming back and in the process causes her to do things she doesn't want to do. The plot that could have come from Taissa alone is out of this world. You mean to tell me that a biracial lesbain running for office wouldn't be more entertaining than Shauna's storyline? Why couldn't Tai be the main focus?
And I don't even want to get into the fandom, but I have too. Listen, I like TaiVan for all that they are. They helped each other survive during a time where they thought it would be impossible. But what annoys me and, sadly, almost pushed me away from this ship, was how the writers and fans treat Simone and Sammy. Like the shows only way to have Tai together with Van was to put her wife in a coma and abandoned her son? That really does not sound like Tai, who fought to get her old life. And very insidious how some fans make certain jokes that just reek of "Let's push away the black characters to make room for the yte ones", because I've seen people call Simone the villain, to other things, just because she told Tai to get help all while framing Van as the better option. I've seen people in the fan call Sammy unnatural or even a demon just because he exists in a way that is not natural, by that I mean acting out and expressing coping mannerisms because he saw a version of his mother who terrified him but can't express, but I forgot because he's a little black boy who needs help people will ignore him or dehumanize him, because that's how this works right? The shows main, and only dark-skinned black characters were quickly pushed aside by the plot for what?
And I have a feeling the show may make us watch Taissa go through great lengths to keep Van alive (even though I do want Van to live), but won't extend the same want to Simone, which will read badly with the undertones in so many ways.
And the fandom treats Tai poorly as well (don't even get me started on some pretending to care about her family just to hang it over her head and call her a deadbeat) and reaching some nearly very ableist thinking when talking about her. Taissa deserved so much better, from the show and the fandom, and I hope they do better in season three but I'm not so sure to be honest, because most of the scenes even having mentions of Tai's blackness were because of Jasmine, not the showrunners, who it would be fine if it were small things here and there but to add so many crucial parts to your character because others won't begins to become a pattern.
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A reason why bullshit like narc abuse is not and will not ever be real, from someone with NPD:
We've learned how to be aware when we get a narc crash, especially so we can almost internalize it. We used to get angry and snap at everyone but we learned how to instead spend it snapping at ourselves while one of the protectors keeps anything dangerous away (thanks y'all /gen). We're in one because we applied fir something only to have the fucking owner get it because of course they would, it's their fucking project. We don't hate the owner, sure they're lovely.
We've learned one of the key things that helps is to find positivity specifically for pwNPD. So we looked up narc supply. Every goddamn article for 2 pages was on how dangerous and evil narcissists use positivity to manipulate and if someone craves compliments their a pwNPD.
In an attempt to try and direct something INSIDE to not affect anyone but us, we instead basically got told we're evil and abusive. So, to NPD abuse truthers.
Fuck you. Do you know how much time we spend every fucking day hoping, PRAYING, we aren't abusive? We have to stop ourself from constantly asking our boyfriend if he thinks we're abusive. Because of shit like you guys. We didn't ask for this condition. We have no goddamn CHOICE in it. You wanna know what caused it? 18 years of abuse, day in and day out. Where we never got praise so to us, we crave it. We crave to mean something. We hate us. We think we're the best at shit because it was beat into us we HAD to be
And we know, "narcs think they're better than everyone": A, don't fucking use that term unless your a pwNPD. B, we hate ourself. we think we suck and are horrible but not as horrible as everyone else. We have really a single person we hold even ABOVE our level which is our boyfriend. That is IT. To friends, I love you but I'm sorry. He's the closest to us and he's above.
This derailed but basically. To NPD abuse truthers, go fuck yourselves. And for fucks sake, pwNPD needing supply does not make them cruel or evil, they are still human
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0crooked-arcade0 · 1 month
We used to have a small following on tiktok and often talked about our system experiences being introject heavy in the age of social media, occasionally I'll get inquiries as to why we stopped posting for the indefinite future, which is a valid question I've thought on many times-
But I think in my case it boils down to the fact that we can't scroll three videos down into the system tag without seeing a post that basically goes
"Reminder! If you're a fictive and you don't immediately separate from your source and change your name you're promoting an anti recovery mindset. 😘✨️Source calls are predatory😰 and being in a relationship with a sourcemate is basically grooming. I hope all fictives rot in hell and stop making real systems look bad.😍😤💫💕."
Like, bait or not, people actually buy into this shit and use it as an excuse to bully people. Like, homegirl, you are throwing stones in glass houses, m'kay? ((LOOKING AT YOU ASPENFROST))
You don't get to come over to my page and tell me that I'm not presenting having the "shitty trauma raction that put a bunch of video game characters in our head for moral support because we couldn't cope with the constant abuse and our only options were being someone else or being dead disorder" in the 'right way'.
Newsflash, you can't say shit, we hail from the same damn circus and your clown shoes gave you up from twenty yards away, were both delusional, CALM DOWN.
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((Like, did they pick you? Did throwing people who present the symptoms of their neurodivergency in a way that isn't palatable to your neo-fascist sensibilities make the 'normal people' single you out as the good one? Yikes, I hope you can learn to love yourself despite your symptoms dawg, you'll find support, just don't let those losers use you as a strawman, you diserve better than that.))
-From the desk of District Attorney Alexander Duvall. (Order in the court⚖️)
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goatlingsvent · 1 year
Can't guarantee everyone who's defending it delusional, but if it means anything the word itself is reported to come from the k-pop fandom which speaks for itself.
I'm not using any terms that come from that cursed fandom.
It's like how STAN was actually short for stalker fan, was coined by Eminem in a song venting about a stalker who happened to be a fan of his but was seriously freaking him out and than was co-oped by Kpop fans who can't take a hint and don't understand boundaries.
I don't trust anything if K-pop fans coined it as largely they're known for being a transphobic, ablest, homophobic fandom. :/
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kittyvolvox · 9 months
if you guys don't know already stephen hawking was on the epstein list which is obviously awful and terrible and he most likely did terrible things. but guys this isn't a free license to be abelist. if your response to a disabled person or anyone of a marginalized identity being outed as a terrible person is to be abelist/bigoted you're not a real ally. stephen hawking's disability had nothing to do with what he potentially did. you don't get to call him "r2d2" or g-d forbid speculate on how he might have sexually assaulted people (which i have seen people do). like i literally saw someone in the comments of a video say "if you were sa'd by stephen hawking that's on you" which is not only abelist but also a super weird victim blamey 'joke'. like wtf i can't believe i have to say this.
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