#willogenic dni
anti-endo-safe-space · 4 months
So, we've seen a lot of people flaming fictives/introjects from things like Harry Potter, Twilight, DSMP, that kind of thing and we wanted to make this post.
With most of those posts, we've seen a lot of comments saying "they need to source separate" but if it's from a nonproblematic source that's not being said. Here's the thing. If an alter feels comfortable source separating, then that's one thing. We have about 4 alters from the Harry Potter franchise because we were absorbed in it when a lot of trauma happened.
None of us feel comfortable source separating. Some of us, like the fictive of Regulus Black, don't feel entirely connected to source. But notice, he hasn't changed his name. He doesn't PLAN on changing his name because while he is distant, he still feels ties. Do any of us support JKR? Hell no. We hate her with a burning passion.
Does that mean we refuse to do something like read fanfiction of HP? No, we write it because it helps Regulus process trauma, both source and his own, it helps others realize stuff will get better.
And gods forbid someone has a "cringe" source. We have a fictive from Twilight. She's pretty source connected because, well, she's source connected and wants to be. That doesn't mean your evil for being source disconnected.
We've got an introject of DanTDM, specifically his earlier videos. Does Dan (ours, we'll refer to the actual as DanTDM) enjoy watching those because it reminds him of his past? Yeah. But while he recognizes that he's from DanTDM, he doesn't feel he is him fully. He's his own person and that's okay.
Basically the point of this which we kinda missed. An introject does not reflect their source. It is not fair to demand that because an introjects source/creator is toxic that they source separate. Your being cruel and horrible for no reason that way.
We're well aware of the fact that we might lose followers, and if we do, then we don't want you here.
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Why do Endos/Tulpas/Willos/ect want to be a system?
I understand that other traumagens can have happy things to do with being systems but there's so much pain being a system.
I usually only post happy system things but.. I'm done with making this look all happy 24/7
Non-Traumagenic systems are not systems. Systems form through trauma. Systems form from intense trauma in early childhood. Why would someone want the panic, paranoia, pain of splitting, flashbacks, or even alters? (We love our alters, sure, but that's because they help us survive. They helped us survive.)
I've seen too many Endos be like "omgs I made myself develop an evil alter so quirky x3x3x3 who should I form next" ... do they understand that you can't force yourself to develop alters? Do they know how actually terrifying it is to have an alter who is not at all good morally, to have an alter who holds impulsive and intrusive thoughts that would disturb most people? Do they understand how fucking bad this disorder is?
I may be young but I know that I have this disorder and it's horrible to live with. Sure, I can try and make it feel better by posting about the silly things in the system, ect ect. But it isn't fun. It isn't a disorder everyone should have. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
The future is NOT plural.
Endogenics are NOT real systems.
Tulpagenics are NOT real systems.
Willogenics are NOT real systems.
"transDID, transplural, transSystem, transProgrammed, ect" ARE NOT REAL SYSTEMS.
Trauma is the ONLY way to be a system.
--- I'll only sign off for this because I'm especially pissed at this. So, Irato made this post to be clear on our stance.
ONLY ENGAGING IN SYSCOURSE ON THIS POST, after this I am staying away from it. Non-Traumagenic "systems" fuck off.
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the-party-city · 4 months
a warning to anti endogenic blogs!!
this person has harassed both me and my partner system @starry-city-sys in our direct messages and they have been notorious for harassing other anti-endogenic blogs.
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this person even went out of their way to message my partner systems sideblogs to evade being blocked. saturn has screenshots of their messages somewhere on his account, i will at some point look for them again and link them here.
if you've had an experience with this person please let me know and i will edit this post to add as much info as i can.
our messages:
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i didnt bother including their messages, it was basically every overused pro-endo argument, each of which have been disproved time and time again.
as i mentioned in my messages to them, they also guilt tripped my partner system, pretty much pinning the blame for their friends suicide on a complete stranger. let alone a stranger who does not send death threats or condones them whatsoever.
i do not condone witch hunting, death threats etc. this is for informative purposes.
i suggest you just block this account on all your sideblogs if you make any anti-endo posts at all. im pretty sure they scroll through the anti endo tags just to harass people.
please also reblog to spread awareness. thank you.
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stxrmonster · 6 months
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(Anti endos can still interact ! We respect all opinions of course and we are not endogenic!!)
(We do not support willogenic “systems” BUT willogenic -> HEADMATES <- are valid!!)
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(pro)Endo's follow our fucking DNI challenge.
If I can respect yours, you can respect mine.
And for you saying "A block is only 2 clicks": You not fucking interacting is 0 clicks.
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zioswritingcave · 3 months
welcome to HELL /J
this is where I write silly little things for silly little people!
basic dni, no proship, no bigots, no endogenic system interaction please
no proship asks
I write any regretevator characters basically so yayayyaayyayay
@zionanelequaso my mainnnnnn
uhhhhh also I write bbau characters but nobody’s gonna ask for those 💔
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hi we made an anti endo flag
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sometimes its super tempting to just lie to myself and say all the other alters is roleplay characters and there was no trauma and all of this was on purpose.
this is called denial and avoidance
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spacestationsystem · 2 months
actually you know what . appreciation post bc as a traumagenic system who splits involuntarily, frequently, and with a lot of less developed alters, i look up tulpamancy and willogenic practices and it helps US !!! it helps those nondeveloped headmates to feel more like people!!! so!!!!! thank you for that!!!
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anti-endo-safe-space · 2 months
New to system communities and looking at the syscourse and seeing most of it is taken over by pro endos that genuinely hate actual sufferers of DID... It's all so fucking triggering and I'm dissociating hard. I don't know how anyone else can deal with being gaslit this hard by people infiltrating their community. I feel sick.
It took us months to learn how to handle it and even then, we take days off at a time to cope with it. We recommend just blocking those tags that way you don't see them and risk interacting
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songs-by-the-river · 2 months
I really hate seeing others say how they want DID or think it's so cool when they're a singlet cuz why???? Why would you want this??? I genuinely can't comprehend why someone would purposely try to create a system either because this sucks
And don't get me wrong I absolutely love my head mates, I adore Saturn, Astrid and 404 are fucking cool as shit and I love everyone else, even the hurt ones, even our persecutors, but I would give literally anything if it meant I could have my own body away from them, I wish I could be physically detached from Saturn so I could give him actual hugs and kisses, I wish i could go get my own little job maybe at a library or smth simple and quiet, i wish I could look like myself instead of this body.
I just don't understand why anyone would want this
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the-party-city · 5 months
its really funny seeing endos and endo supporters saying "youre hurting trauma survivors by being anti endo!"
yeah? im hurting trauma survivors? you mean, the people that claim to not have trauma?
be ASTRONOMICALLY real with yourself
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raul-menendez-the-one · 2 months
Asking game for us fictives!!!
✅ Favorite thing about your source?
❌ LEAST favorite thing about your source?
🎲 Is there anything you would change about your source?
❓Do you look the same way that you do in your source?
👥 Do you have any source mates with you in your system?
📺 do you play/watch/read your source?
📖 How did you get your role(s)? Was they something you gained over time, or was it something that happened “automatically”?
👯‍♂️ how do you get along with the others in the system?
🫸 Are you source separated or not? If you are, how much?
🎵 What kind of music do you like?
🧠 How do you feel about being in a system?
❤️ Do you miss anyone/anything from your source?
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scratching-p0st · 1 month
Endos arent a part of syspunk bcause ableism isnt punk
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thethornzsystem · 2 months
New System tag!!!
Good evening comrades!!!
I introduce you to a new system rage I have created: #survivorsunited !
This tag is anti Endo/tulp/willogenic!
Trauamgenic systems are the only ones allowed to use this tag for the obvious reasons…
Now let’s jsut hope this doesn’t end up like the systempunk tag- 😅🥲
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divinecompass · 4 months
meet and greet post
make friends! share info abt ur system! interact with literally everyone who has liked rbed or replied. YAAAYY FRIENDSHIP 🎉🎉🎉
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