#Political Alternatives
tmarshconnors · 3 months
Biden and Trump First TV Debate
As I watch Biden and Trump face off in their first televised debate, I can't help but reflect on a country that has a population of 333.3 million people (as of 2022). With so many citizens, one would think there would be a wealth of candidates eager to run for the highest office in the land. Yet, here we are again, faced with a choice between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.
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I am no fan of Joe Biden by any means, and I am not saying that Donald Trump is the "savior" of America either. The reality is far more complex. Surely, there must be more people who can run for office, bringing fresh perspectives and new energy to our political landscape. Instead, we seem trapped in a cycle of familiar faces and entrenched political battles.
The Problem with the Status Quo
No matter who wins the upcoming election, one thing is certain: the American people will lose out. This isn't just a uniquely American problem, either. Over in the United Kingdom, we're facing a similar scenario. Our general election on the 4th of July this year feels like a rerun of old political dramas, with little hope for real change.
In both countries, the political landscape seems devoid of truly inspiring leaders. We see the same names, the same faces, and hear the same tired rhetoric. It's as if our political systems are designed to recycle the past rather than innovate for the future.
Where Are the Fresh Faces?
One of the biggest questions is why we aren't seeing more new faces in politics. With so many intelligent, capable, and passionate individuals in both the U.S. and the U.K., why do so few step up to run for office? The reasons are multifaceted:
The Financial Barrier: Running for office is incredibly expensive. Campaigns require vast amounts of money, which often means that only those with substantial financial backing or connections can realistically consider running.
Political Entrenchment: Established politicians have a stronghold on their positions, making it difficult for newcomers to break through. The political machinery often favors incumbents, who have name recognition and a network of support.
Public Disillusionment: Many potential candidates are dissuaded by the current state of politics. The negativity, polarization, and media scrutiny can be overwhelming. This discourages fresh talent from entering the fray, preferring to make a difference in less public, and perhaps less contentious, ways.
The Impact on Democracy
The lack of diversity in our political candidates has a direct impact on democracy. When voters are presented with limited choices, it undermines the very principles of democratic governance. Democracy thrives on variety and choice, enabling the electorate to select leaders who truly represent their values and aspirations.
In the absence of this variety, elections become exercises in choosing the lesser of two evils rather than selecting the best possible leader. This, in turn, leads to widespread disillusionment and apathy among the electorate. When people feel that their vote won't bring about meaningful change, they are less likely to participate in the democratic process.
Looking Forward
As we watch Biden and Trump debate, we should be asking ourselves what we can do to encourage more people to run for office. How can we lower the financial barriers, dismantle the entrenched political systems, and inspire a new generation of leaders?
We need to foster a political culture that values innovation, inclusivity, and genuine public service. This means supporting candidates from diverse backgrounds and with new ideas. It also means holding our current leaders accountable and demanding more from them.
In the end, the future of our democracy depends on our ability to broaden the pool of candidates and ensure that our political systems are open to fresh voices and new perspectives. Only then can we hope to elect leaders who truly represent the will of the people and can bring about the change that so many of us desire.
In both the United States and the United Kingdom, the time for political renewal is now. Let's hope that the next debate, and the next election, will feature a more diverse and inspiring lineup of candidates, giving us all a reason to believe in the future of our democracy.
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daily-spooky · 5 months
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Of the 19 hijackers who carried out the Sept 11 attacks:
15 were from Saudi Arabia (a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
2 were from the United Arab Emirates (also a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
1 was from Egypt, 1 from Lebanon.
None of the hijackers were from Iraq.
None of the Sept 11 hijackers were Iraqi.
None of the 9/11 hijackers were from Iraq.
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transsexula · 2 years
Please please please reblog this and put in the tags your music recommendations. I’m not talking about big artists and bands either— what’s a niche group, band, or artist that you can’t get enough of? What song or album do you enjoy the most? Why?
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safesoundxswift · 3 months
happy rishi sunak unemployment day to all who celebrate
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Being emo/punk/goth etc and not being "political" is like dressing like a priest and being surprised when people think you're religious.
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cheekios · 8 months
🚨Emergency Insulin Request 🚨
Firstly I want to thank my donors:
Special thanks to!
Rachel ❤️‍🔥
Makayla 💗
I have raised $40 despite having limit visibility (since been fixed) I am VERY VERY grateful for everyone who has interacted and donated so far. I hope to raise the full amount today so I can administer my insulin as time is running out. I’m calling for community aid to help me get insulin because the healthcare system failed me
Current Reading:
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I only have $410 left to get my perscription for Afrezza (insulin)
Cash App: $HushEmu
What happens when a diabetic does not get insulin? (I encourage everyone to read) TLDR: DKA which can unalive me.
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kiapet2 · 9 days
If you didn't watch the US presidential debate the best way I can describe it is Kamala was playing 5D chess while Trump played chutes and ladders
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jaynuu · 4 months
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FrUK if they did the couple portrait challenge
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theoniprince · 10 months
Finde es schön, wie die Kälte noch für das bisschen Glitzer sorgt:
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wealmostaneckbeard · 10 months
The politics in Lancer the mech pilot TTRPG seems center left to me. A good way to explain what's going on in that game's universe is with this overly long metaphor:
Imagine an alternate history where Nixon somehow beat JFK Jr to the white house, and once in office he lets Kissinger go nuts setting fascists up on an accelerated schedule. That's what Union's Second Committee was like. Then Tricky Dick procedes to nuke Vietnam a couple times. That's the Hercynia Crisis and that FTL Piston weapon launch. JFK and company ride the shock and horror of approaching nuclear war into office on the promise of de-escalation and enforcing civil rights, and they deliver. That's the coup that formed Union's Third Committee. Kissinger, Nixon, and the entire pentagon/raytheon corp take over NASA in Cape Canaveral, Florida where they form a tolerated corporatocracy in exile. That's basically Harrison Armory on the planet Ras Shamra. Now a United liberal-leftist front of America is actively trying to tear down dictatorships around the world that Kissinger set up (he got assassinated at some point in this time line) and replace them with socialist democracies. That is Union's Justice/Human-Rights Department and a few other government branches. So far they've had some success although people are pointing out that it's a bit hypocritical that the liberators are using weapons from corporate conservative states where civil rights are discretely curtailed. That's what's driving political discourse in 5016u in Union's legislative body, the Central Committee and it's myriad political parties.
So yeah Lancer's political intergalactic landscape is a bit like modern day? Except also cthulhu is giving out reality-breaking tech to militant civil rights advocates and random civilians? That's what HORUS basically is, btw.
Now that I've written this out, it would make for a good american alt-history with mechs campaign in Lancer...
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poughkeepsies · 5 months
Buck goes over to say hi to Isabelle at the wedding and introduces her to Tommy and of course she's so excited to see him and calls Tommy handsome and does all the right things and then the minute they turn away she leans in to Eddie and whispers "He can do better. I bet Tommy doesn't even have a silver star."
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daily-spooky · 7 months
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three--rings · 3 months
Leftists on Tumblr: See the electoral system and party politics is ALL BULLSHIT.
Therefore when I vote for Mickey Mouse and Trump gets elected, it's not my fault. Just like it's not the fault of all the other people who didn't do anything to stop it.
It's like people saying capitalism is bullshit and therefore when someone is standing before them saying "hey I'm starving can you give me a dollar" they lecture them about how money is all an illusion and they shouldn't be a slave to capitalism.
The fact that the system is corrupt and bullshit doesn't mean you can in good faith walk away from it and maintain your personal ideological purity.
Your responsibility as a human is to look at the choices in front of you and determine which option you have can do the most good.
Sure i GUESS not giving someone money for food isn't responsible for them going hungry because you didn't create the situation yourself. But what I WON'T do is fucking applaud you for sticking to your anti-capitalist ideals by letting someone starve. If you have the ability to make things a LITTLE BIT BETTER without significant harm to yourself in my morality you ARE OBLIGATED TO DO THAT.
"I don't believe in voting." Okay, well, fine, but I'M GOING TO JUDGE YOU FOR THAT. You don't get to dodge the opportunity to help people and then ask people to applaud you for your Complicated Moral Stance.
And yes, keeping gay marriage legal is helping people. Keeping right wing ideologues off the Supreme Court is helping people. Keeping trans healthcare legal is helping people. Keeping environmental protections in place is helping people. Keeping civil rights legislation in place is helping people. Keeping disability protections in place is helping people. Keeping regulations about food safety in place is helping people. Keeping banking regulations in place is helping people. Etc Etc Etc.
You deciding none of that matters because voting for democrats gives you the ick is the definition of selfish and I'm not throwing you a fucking parade for it.
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allthegeopolitics · 18 days
A far-right party has won a regional election in Germany for the first time since the Second World War. Alternative for Germany (AfD), founded in 2013 with an anti-migration and eurosceptic agenda, picked up the most votes in the eastern state of Thuringia. The party won 32.8% of the vote, followed by mainstream conservatives the centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) with 23.6%. It is the first time a far-right party has won the most seats in a German state parliament since the Second World War.
Continue Reading.
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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