#Personal vents
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antiendovents · 10 months ago
The way people are harassing me for my post on why endogenic systems aren't valid and claiming I'm spreading misinformation, then I look at their damn blog and they're pro endo. Like yeah, argue with the wall mate, I linked many sources and when I go over I can't see any genuine misinformation. If I made a mistake I'd like people to correct me kindly, but all I see is pissy pro endos trying to claim endogenic systems are valid.
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wanderingmind867 · 2 months ago
I love my routine, but nobody cared. my nighttime routine was ruined and now i'm miserable. I eat at 8 pm, brush my teeth and take my pills at 9, and go to bed by 10:30. That's my routine, and it's how I always do things. I like it that way. But today, things went all awry.
Today, my grandfather got drunk and wouldn't take me home. My dad was (justifiably) scared of conflict and wouldn't stand up to them. I screamed. I yelled. I cried and threatened to walk home. But nothing changed. I want them to leave. now. they've only hurt me. But i'll forgive him, because he's an affectionate drunk. silly, too. So despite his teasing and his neglect when he's drunk (his emotions are all over place as a drinker), i may forgive. But it was still really, really rough. I can't forgive him completely, though. He blew cigarette smoke in my face accidentally. So that was…fun. I now know that drunk people scare me. They're unpredictable, and now I'm gonna have trouble unseeing my grandfather at his most alcoholic.
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annnoel · 1 year ago
Something I hate is how obsessive I get over people I used to be friends with or have hurt people I know
There was a point where I would continually check a person's Tumblr to see what they were doing because of how they hurt my sister in the past. Luckily I haven't done it in a good long while but its wild how obsessive I got
And now I have an ex friend who's been on and off neopets who's on the art chat, and whenever I see them I just get a visceral rage in my chest. I end up thinking about telling them off, telling them how much of an awful person they are and how they didn't end up manipulating me, imagining them trying to talk to me as I tell them to fuck out of my life.
But I don't think I'll ever be able to do that. All I can really do is just watch as they chat with unsuspecting people on the boards. My friend doesn't give them this much head space, why do I? It's just frustrating, I wish I didn't get so visceral upon seeing them
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vilea777 · 1 year ago
sorry i cant hang out i forgot how to mimic human like behaviour
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gayvampyr · 2 years ago
no offense but you guys need to learn the difference between someone implying their experience is universal and a post simply just not being about you
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nozomi-kaizoku · 5 months ago
Tumblr media
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antiendovents · 11 months ago
breaking the queue I already set up to vent. Probably gonna put it under the cut because GOD DAMN I am angry. Dont worry, the queue will be back to normal soon ((yes I queue posts, don't question me, I will cry))
Uh, also I think I'll add a tag for my own vents, so you can block them if you wanna (#personal vent / #personal vents <- two because I'll probably forget to add or get rid of the "s")
I HATE ENDOS. I am like barely holding myself together, I am sick and tired of trying to find xenogenders, labels, ect, for me and my headmates only for them to be made by endos. Even when I see pro endos with like "oh, DNI if anti endo, but you can still use my terms so don't reclaim them" it makes me pissed off because I DONT WANT to use an pro endos term. I shouldn't have to. Am I going to reclaim it? I DONT KNOW. I want to but I have no motivation, only fear and anger. I am sick of my disorder being treated like a game. I have literally lost years of my life. Years, months that I can't remember. All of it gone. I question whats a trauma response and what's not constantly, I don't know if the trauma I remember is all that happened or if there's more I don't know about. Yet endos can just sit here with their little roleplaying accounts, pretending to have the disorder that makes my life a living hell. I can't make friends, I'm so fucking scared of people, of the outside world, so I come here to the internet and everything is so much worse. FUCK SAKE WHY CANT I JUST HAVE A SPACE TO BE ME. I am so tired of endos taking over safe spaces.
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professionallyunstable · 4 months ago
the devil couldn’t reach me so he made me feel like i dont belong anywhere.
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bloomdoom1 · 7 months ago
Tumblr media
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ttrust-no-one · 7 months ago
Tumblr is not a social media, it's an online psych ward.
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emotionaleating · 7 months ago
when someone doesn’t wanna tell me what i did wrong and suddenly i’m 8 years old wondering what i did to make my mom mad again
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vilea777 · 11 months ago
sorry i overreacted i had no idea everything would be fine
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froggys-vent-space · 6 months ago
Hello! Lottie's venting space!
Tw for lots of stuff. Very traumatized individual. Posts will be tw in the tags.
Programming tbmc ramcoa survivor. Struggled with self harm and suicide. Recovered physically from anorexia. Trauma entire life and still being traumatized.
So venty vents will be triggering. Will try best proper tw tag.
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bpdbimbo · 6 months ago
sorry for showing symptoms of the disorder i told you multiple times I have. Do you want me to kill myself?
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antiendovents · 11 months ago
more venting ... Eep kinda, I'm so sorry y'all put up with me , not exactly endo related tho, big TW in this one, please check tags for appropriate TWs
I don't really understand what's happening, am I crashing? Am I having some kind of melt down? I don't know. I just feel bad. Horrible. Like the entire world is so horrid and dark and that I'll never be able to be who I want to be. I don't understand this place and I don't think I ever will. I don't understand why people hate me, why they want me dead just for being me. I'm so scared. I feel like someone's going to kill me, like I will die before I even get the chance to be.. me. And everytime I tell someone they just fucking laugh at me, or try give me "logic". But I know that logically it is possible. I could get murdered and it's scary. I do not want to leave my house anymore. At all. It's literally my birthday and all I can think of is how fucked everything is and how I'm going to end up dead.
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