#Mr Wayne and Mr kent
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yuripira4e · 7 months ago
thinking about this one Superbat fic I read where they had to fake date or whatever but in it while they’re still in pre- relationship, they like fall asleep in the same bed, play games with their kids, and like shower while the other one is also in the bathroom and it’s like “oh yeah they’ve dealt with shit from crying into the others shoulder to literally trying to fuck each other during sex pollen episodes; there’s no world where they’re not the epitome of comfortable with each other even if they don’t think the other one returns their romantic feelings” and I just have to say I agree and I think about that hc at least once a week
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dailydccomics · 4 months ago
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Superman and Batman by Juni Ba
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jetslay · 3 months ago
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DC Super-Heroes by Barry Kitson.
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nosyrobin · 5 months ago
What if the superson trio swapped bodys like superman, batman and stargirl did in justice league action?
“Swapped bodies”
Summary: swapping bodies was the worst thing ever to happen to the future trinity of heroes.
Pair: Superson trio
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“Ugh! Catch him Robin!” Wonderboy yells, flying with superboy who trying to reach Mr Mxyzptlk who keeps swerving in the air. Robin clicks his tongue in distaste at the impatient Amazon. “What do you think I’m doing you brute.” Robin sasses as he keeps his eyes on the imp. He was on a roof, readying his grapple before Y/N spotted him. Y/N picked Robin up who “tt” at the male. Mr Mxyzptlk sticks his tongue out at the ten year olds. Superboy frowns, “Hey. That’s not nice dude.” Mr Mxyzptlk smirks. “If you think that’s not nice, then get a load of this!”
The imp randomly has a bender in front of the children, the flying boys stop. You still held Robin in your arms who was ready to aim his grapple right there. But sadly the imp had already put his action into phase as the souls of you and the supersons got sucked in the blender. Mr Mxyzptlk laughed his head off, seeing the ten year old boys scream and get their souls swapped. As the imp poofs away, laughing. The souls enter their not rightful place.
Y/N opened his eyes to see he was still flying, but turned his head to see that his body was holding Damian. Or was it Damian? “What the?!” Jon yells looking at the Amazon male. They had swapped bodies. And Damian doesn’t know how to fly, making him fall with a yell with Jon still in his arms. “Damnit!” Y/N yells, he immediately swooped down and held the two boys by their waist. “I hate this.” “Me too Prince.”
At the bat cave, Y/N were in Jon’s body, Jon was in Damian’s body, and Damian was in his body. Y/N immediately grabbed onto his body. Shaking the boy, “get out of my body Damian!” Y/N yelled. He was angry, confused, and annoyed. His eyes turned red, indicating heat vision that’s about to burst. Damian quickly pushed your head aside, the laser shooting off and damaging something. Jon awkwardly stood there, he felt happy he couldn’t hear things far away or even see through things accidentally. But still, he couldn’t do anything at the moment as the two super strong boys argue.
“If you were a little bit more patient, we would’ve succeeded in this mission!” Damian yells in Y/N’s body. Y/N gritted his teeth, pushing Damian from him. “Right, but you took your sweet time didn’t you Damian!” Y/N yells. Damian flew across the cave, before immediately tackling Y/N. Jon’s eyes widen, he tried to move towards the two angry boys. But with how they both were pulling hair and using their excessive strength. Jon said “nope, fuck this” and went to find the adults.
As y/n and Damian were tumbling around and wrestling. Jon came back with Batman and Superman. “Holy!—” Clark immediately tears the boys apart from each other. Y/N was still feral along with Damian. Trying to claw at each other. “Boys!” Superman yells out. The two stopped, looking at the kryptonian. “What is going on?” Jon, aka who’s in Damian’s body start to explain the situation that had happened.
“We sneaked out to do our own mission for this patrol but we caught this weird little goblin looking dude, can I say he was rude because he stuck his tongue at me and—”
“JON! Get on with it man!” Y/N yelled out impatiently.
“Oh right! Okay but like then he popped this blender out and switched our souls so now I’m in Damian’s body, damian’s is in Y/N’s body and Y/N is in mine and they started to fight so I got you guys here to se if yall can fix this.” Jon says, finishing in one blow. Clark and Bruce looked at each other and sigh.
What will they do with these three.
Time passed with the trio as Bruce went to contact someone. Firestorm soon walked in, smiling as he held Mr Mxyzptlk like a stray cat. The imp was nervously chuckling. “Ah Pooh, guess my fun is over.” Batman leaned his face at the imp. “Fix them.” Batman points to Jon who stands there with Superman holding two angry boys. Glaring at the imp, eyes filled with rage and distaste. Firestorm smirked, “or else professor would like a little talk with you.” Mr Mxyzptlk shudders again the thought of the professor in his head. “Fine! Here kids.”
“Kltpzyxm” the imp poofs away, not wanting to deal with the professor like last time. The souls of the boys went back to place. Jon smiled seeing his hands, Damian scoffed meanwhile Y/N rolled his eyes but smiled. “Awesome, we’re back to our bodies. You can put me down man.” Clark frowned. “Can’t do that sport.” The boys raised a brow as Jon looked at his father. Batman walked up to the trio. “You snuck out to do your own mission. You failed and got yourself in trouble. You are all grounded,” Brufe then points to the Amazon boy. “And I’ll be contacting your mother Y/N.” Y/N’s eyes widened, Jon frowns. And Damian scoffs.
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year ago
May I have more gen alpha Damian but as Robin? This little boy is a menace to the rouges ... I love this idea 💖💖💖💖💖
Riddler: Riddle me this.
Damian: *starts recording on his smart watch*
Riddler: The first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four letters signify a great man, while the entire word signifies a great woman. What is the word?
Damian's watch: Heroine.
Joker: You see, little birdie, it all started with One Bad Day—
Damian: *plays the world's smallest violin*
Freeze: With the press of a button, I will ice over the entire Gotham Harbor!
Damian: Cringe.
Hatter: *posts a TikTok monologue threatening the batfam*
Damian: *stitches himself yawning and falling asleep*
Croc: *roars*
Damian: *pulls out the All-Blades*
Croc: ?
Damian: My brother got the DLC.
Harley: *launches her confetti cannon*
*single piece of confetti falls out*
Damian, clapping: Go girl give us nothing.
Clayface: *attacks Damian*
Damian: *rips out a chunk of clay*
Damian: *starts playing with it like slime*
Scarecrow: I've got you now.
Damian: Imagine being a grown man beefing with a middle schooler. Couldn't be me.
Ivy: *ties him up with her plants*
Damian, a vegan: *chomp*
Damian: What are your pronouns so I can eviscerate you properly?
Two-Face: ...
Two-Face: He/they.
Ra's: It's just you and me, my disgraced heir. Let's finish this duel once and for all.
Damian: *taps his phone*
Jon: *flies in and pummels Ra's*
Jon: Thank you for ordering from SüberDefeats! Be sure to share your feedback.
Damian: *tips Jon and leaves five stars*
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why-i-love-comics · 3 months ago
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Batman/Santa Claus: Silent Knight Returns #5 - "A Most Magical Holiday to You All" (2024)
written by Jeff Parker art by Lukas Ketner, Michele Bandini, Bernard Chang, & Marcelo Maiolo
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kal8elle · 8 months ago
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Superman Family cartoon
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Jealousy can be ugly
An excerpt from the next part of my Damijon College AU:
“…Right,” Elliot said, standing up. “I should probably go.”
Jon nodded. “Good call.”
Elliot shot Damian a very nervous thumbs-up. “Nice seeing you, man. Hope we can hang out when you don’t want to kill me.”
Damian took another sip of his wine. “Doubtful.”
Elliot bolted. Jon turned back to Damian, sighing. “So.”
Damian just stared at him.
Jon winced. “You’re, uh… mad.”
Damian exhaled sharply, setting down his glass. “Kent.”
Jon straightened. “Yes, love of my life?”
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catastrophicalcat · 1 day ago
"We're not kids anymore" page turn (aka, more Damian being a drama queen)
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Shazam #20
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superbat-love · 2 years ago
AU where Clark keeps Bruce cryogenically frozen in the Fortress of Solitude after he falls into a coma due to a fatal disease. As time passes, Clark finds solace in conversing with Bruce, never giving up on finding a cure for him, as everyone he once knew gradually succumbs to fatal injuries sustained in battle or old age. Bruce becomes the last remaining connection to Clark's former life, alleviating his loneliness in the ever-changing world.
A thousand years later, Bruce awakens to a completely unfamiliar world. He struggles to accept the fact that Gotham City no longer exists, his entire family is gone, the villains he fought with have all perished, and the only other living person on the planet is Clark.
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cer-rata · 22 days ago
"Checking In" Ch 2:
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"Checking In" (8377 words) by Cerata Chapters: 2/3 Fandom: Super Sons (Comics), Supergirl (Comics), The Terrifics (DC Comics 2018), Batman and Robin (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, The Flash (Comics), Superman - All Media Types, Superman (Comics), Wonder Woman (Comics), Aquaman (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jonathan Samuel Kent & Kara Zor-El, Jonathan Samuel Kent & Jeffrey "PJ" Holt, Natasha Irons & Kara Zor-El, Kara Zor-El & Michael Holt, Clark Kent & Kara Zor-El, Lois Lane & Kara Zor-El, Jonathan Samuel Kent & Lois Lane, Cerdian & Robert Long & Jeffrey "PJ" Holt, Bruce Wayne & Kara Zor-El, Damian Wayne & Jeffrey "PJ" Holt, Donna troy & Kara Zor-El, Jonathan Samuel Kent & Robert Long, Jonathan Samuel Kent & Damian Wayne Characters: Jonathan Samuel Kent, Kara Zor-El, Jeffrey "PJ" Holt, Natasha Irons, Michael Holt (DCU), Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Cerdian (DCU), Robert Long, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Jai West, Iris "Irey" West II, Donna Troy Series: Part 6 of The Kids Are Alright
Lois cleared her throat, and Kara looked over at her, right into a truly terrifying glare. She flicked her eyes over to where Jon was sitting, and Kara followed that to find him looking between Clark and her nervously. Crap. Maybe they weren’t being subtle enough with the passive aggression. 
Kara sat back and relaxed her posture some, and Clark cautiously followed suit.
“...He seemed to have a nice time with Michael’s son while we were there.”
It was confirmation of the ceasefire, and Clark jumped on it. “Oh yeah? How’d that go, Jon?”
Jon made a face that was much less blindly positive than she’d expected.
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allzelemonz · 10 months ago
I went on AO3 for fics and was disappointed yet again, so I made a list of who I'm vibing right now. All of them had under ten fics (not counting my own). Who should I tackle first?
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dailydccomics · 1 year ago
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help the lil chaotic multidimensional demons Batman/Superman: World's Finest #25 by Mark Waid and Dan Mora
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jetslay · 6 months ago
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DC Super-Heroes by John Cassaday.
Rest in peace!
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drtwit · 3 months ago
The Standards We Set (DC Comics) - Nightwing/Starfire - A belated complete fanfic
Hey, so, funny story:
About a year, or two, ago I was writing this short DC fic. After a while, I finished it. Happy days, right? Well, I found myself a little bummed out for a while because I didn't get any comments on the concluding chapter.
Then, yesterday, I realized that the final chapter was never posted.
For the people who actually read it back then; we cool, right?
For people stumbling upon it now, just pretend that it was always finished!
Anyway, here's the fluffy little story about Starfire meeting Batman, because for some reason this has never really happened in the comics despite her almost marrying his god damn son.
Koriande'r of Tamaran had done many things. She had faced war on a galactic scale, endured unspeakable torture at the hands of her enemies, crossed oceans of time and space to reunite with her family and stood against Gods that threatened the very fabric of existence. And yet nothing has struck her with as much stress and panic as fighting for the approval of her boyfriend's father. She has been invited to the Wayne Halloween Charity Ball for her one chance to leave a lasting impression on Gotham's Caped Crusader, a battlefield in his territory, his advantage. A series of disastrous introductions plague her every word and Batman's paranoid nature is looking for every excuse to call on her weaknesses. A tough fight, no doubt, most would call it a social suicide mission. But neither her pride as a Tamaranian warrior, nor her dedication for her beloved, would allow her to falter. And if all else fails, she's been assured she can call on Alfred to knock some sense into the man.
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juiceboxman · 3 months ago
This is an audio drama adaptation of "Batman: Noël". A graphic novel by Lee Bermojo
I have made some big changes to the original story, including changing the villain and swapping out some characters - alongside some character and plot points as well. This was one of the first comic books I've ever read. I was blown away by the art and how the story was shaped. I have wanted to adapt it in some shape or form for a while now and I finally got around to it this year.
Lee Bermejo is a writer and comic book artist who has worked on such projects like Brian Azzerrelo's "Joker" and "Luthor". 
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