#Bat and supes
yuripira4e · 24 days
thinking about this one Superbat fic I read where they had to fake date or whatever but in it while they’re still in pre- relationship, they like fall asleep in the same bed, play games with their kids, and like shower while the other one is also in the bathroom and it’s like “oh yeah they’ve dealt with shit from crying into the others shoulder to literally trying to fuck each other during sex pollen episodes; there’s no world where they’re not the epitome of comfortable with each other even if they don’t think the other one returns their romantic feelings” and I just have to say I agree and I think about that hc at least once a week
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jesterraconteuse · 5 months
Hal Jordan finding out about Nightwing: YOU. You have a *kid*?
Batman: well... Technically he's my oldest and age of majority... But he's still my kid.
Hal Jordan: OLDEST? YOU HAVE MORE? 2? 3?
Batman visibly annoyed:... 6... Legally.
Hal Jordan: I'm going home. This has single handedly killed my willpower for a week, I need to process this.
Superman: Ah so you finally found out. I'm proud of him honestly, good to see he's willing to bond with others again.
Hal Jordan: You knew?
Superman: ...His kids basically call me Uncle Supes. I've babysat. I was around when he still just had Nightwing
WW: They're so cute! Children of such strength and bravery. Not to mention his dog, his cat, his cow... His son has animals even I've never seen before!
Hal Jordan: I've had enough.
And Hal hasn't even learned about his crime fighting cousin, batwing, Oracle, bluebird, Spoiler, and of course Jarro.
Note: everyone knows Supes is a father, he's the dad to talk your ear off about it but he's too nice with too much country charm for anyone to say anything about it. WW and Martian Manhunter are the only ones who listen absolutely intently.
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gravygranola · 3 months
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I interrupt my regularly scheduled program for this. hello jason todd community
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Imagine a world where Batman and his family never joined the Justice League but like, both Wonder Woman and Superman know him.
They mention him idly sometimes and even despite not being there (that they know of) he's become the League's cryptid. No one knows who this hero is- Gotham sticks to itself, it's a shithole but it's their shithole- or where they are or anything??
Eventually rumors start going around between the heroes. Is the bat some sort of eldritch being? They overheard the big 2 say something about shadows and undead revival?? Their secret boyfriend? They heard them talk about kids???
It comes to a slight head when during a mind-controlled Superman rampage he gets tackled by a black blur and the next time they see him he's fine?? No mind control??? What?????
"Oh, Bats was passing by and is exasperated about me getting mind controlled again."
Supes that doesn't explain as much as you think it does-
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secondstar-acorn · 10 months
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irn-bru · 7 months
i genuinely love how in their animated series, batman and superman both have the most disappointed parent energy imaginable. bats is just constantly finger wagging at generic bad guy of the week, and supes just angrily levitates outsides lex luthor's window with his arms crossed like a mother about to give you the most grilling lecture of your life. they are so FED UP and they want you to know it!!
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sisaloofafump · 8 months
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Little guys in the valentines special today
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mylifeinmetroplis · 7 months
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jesncin · 3 months
Just a fun thought, in the original animated series there was one episode where Batman went missing and Superman donned the cowl to go look for him to keep up the appearance that Batman was NOT missing. The fun part is when Batman's typical rogues attack, Superman is able to just no-sell everything they throw at him. I like to think that Bruce still calls Clark over sometimes to swap costumes to mess with the minds of the rogues.
Oh that was a fun episode! I only wish they let Tim Daly do a Kevin Conroy impression instead of giving Superman Kryptonian voice mimic powers (they probably wanted Conroy to do more voice acting for the crossover). Like how they did it in the Lex and Flash body-swap episode! It is too fun seeing voice actors mimic each other's cadence and personality when they're so dynamically different.
But yes imagine if it was a Halloween tradition for them to swap outfits and it became a Gotham local legend that Batman is just extra OP on this fine night of trick or treating.
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Actually the Justice LeaguexRWBY crossover was great because half the Justice League got to be magical girls and the other half were catboys
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atomicsheepscientist · 8 months
Random thought as I'm hyped up on coffee:
Read a post recently that made a case for Batman to actually be a sweet "a little bit of coffee with my cream and sugar" type of guy, and Superman to be a black coffee drinker because super metabolism processes the coffee so fast normal stuff doesn't affect him much.
I love this idea. The two switch coffee orders to maintain their respective images. It is glorious.
I raise you: this totally fits the Battison version of Batman. Fandom paints him as an absolute cinnamon roll, so I raise you his coffee order is the cinnamon roll coffee (Brown sugar cinnamon white chocolate breve latte) (I just had one of those, it was divine and so sweet).
His public persona always gets this order with a few specifications (maybe extra sugar and a specific milk type because yes).
So, obviously, Batman cannot be caught dead drinking that. He either never orders in costume, or is forced to get it black, only able to add those pathetic sugar and cream packets when no one is looking.
That is, until he becomes friends with one Superman. Superman has the same but opposite problem as him. So, whenever they are able to get coffee together in uniform, they get each other's orders and discretely switch. Of course, this means they have to get the coffee in containers that look the same and are not see-through.
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 years
Absolutely wild that captain marvel (dc) is mere months younger than THE BATMAN.
Notably, he's also one of the first heroes to have an villain team featuring RECURRING VILLANS as opposed to the previous 'villain of the week' style.
Batman is one of the WORLD LEADING fictional heroes, he's one of the first too. This man has been roaming the streets of Gotham since BEFORE WORLD WAR 2. To hear that shazam was created and debuted mere months later is insane.
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
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You know what I think could be a really interesting premise?
Liminal-as-fuck Batfamily (and maybe all of Gotham itself) who aren't part of the Justice League. Like I am saying full on cryptid batfam who terrorize the criminals of Gotham and aren't well known outside of the city besides rumours.
And now throw in the Phantom team, either via Sam or Ellie or otherwise bringing the anti-ecto acts to their attention. I'm saying feral ghostly children barely being held back by Alfred from destroying the GIW buildings with their bare hands. Yes, that includes Bruce and Kate.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
How Batman Obtains New Members for the Batfam
Bruce: I saw a black haired sad orphan when I was coming back from work today.
Alfred: Oh no.
Bruce: They were really sad.
Alfred: Master Bruce please tell me you didn't...
Bruce: Alfred met New Kid. Just adopted them. Also tell Damian that is time he come up with another name and go solo. New Kid is Robin now.
Independent Gotham Hero: *living their life* *wait is that shadow getting closer*
Batman: You'll never gonna make it by yourself. Stop being a hero before you die.
Independent Gotham Hero: No.
Batman: You gave me no choice but to either train you or have you trained by another core adult member of the bat clan.
*How Superman Gets New Members for the Superfam*
Hal: So, Supes, what's the deal with the new kid hidding behind you?
Clark: Is complicated.
Diana: Are they a clone?
Barry: No, no, betcha they are another one involving time travel.
Ollie: My bet is alternate reality.
Clark: Er...
Bruce: Just tell them, Clark.
Clark: Fine. They are a clone of a future version of my son from an alternate reality and also they are Wally's third cousin.
Superman: Hello, Conner, you wanted to talk.
Superboy: I think Bizarro Lex just follows me around now? Can I have him as a sideckick? He has superpowers from a failed science experiment.
Superman: *already tired* You know Bizarro people aren't pets right Kon?
Superboy: *offended* Of course Bizarro da-Lex is my friend and we fight crime together! *Clark looks at him as if reading his intentions* Please.
Superman: Okay.
Superman II (Jon): I discoverred an alternative reality were we are all martians but Mars exploded during the white martians war and the only survivor was an alternative version of aunt Kara and aunt Karen called K'aeri that is also the daugther of alternative Kon. She is really nice. Can she join us?
Superman: *trying to not show how done he is* If everyone is okay with that I see no problem.
Powergirl: I-
Superman: Come to ask my opinion on another super person?
Powergirl: No. I just wanted to say hi. Got a guinea pig but he isn't really super at the moment.
Superman: Nice to hear that. : )
Bizarro: I did not come to ask for a new member
Superman: Oh nic-wait a second.
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cainware · 2 years
I'm never going to get over the clear difference between Metropolis and Gotham in my mind, am I?
I'm never going to be able to stop thinking about how Superman is teetering the line of worry for being othered in the shining city vs Batman lurking in the shadows and grime and sometimes being waved at by average citizens who ask if he needs a bottle of water.
I'm never going to be able to stop thinking about Superman being loved like a God vs Batman being loved like a neighbor.
I'm never going to be able to stop thinking about Clark being a nobody journalist with a persona bathed in public light vs Bruce being a public power with a persona bathed in the city's shadow.
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movisual · 1 year
if the multiple dc media ive consumed has taught me anything, its that if youre protégés of batman and superman, fighting batman and superman, ALWAYS switch partners. bat protégé takes down superman, super protégé takes down batman. its science
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