#suspected PTSD
lunareclipse555 · 3 months
Hey, this is my first post! I had a blog prior under the same name, but it’s deleted! I still am not used to Tumblr, plus my old blog went untouched for MONTHS! 🙄
🍷 Name
People usually call me Luna or Kat.
🌍 Country
🇸🇪 Sweden! 🇸🇪
🍻 Age
21 years old (2003)
🌹 Gender + pronouns
AFAB, she/her
🧠 Diagnosis
Diagnosed with Unspecified Personality disorder and hypersexuality disorder.
Suspected ASPD and PTSD. The PTSD symptoms were present at younger age and have a tendency to fluctuate a lot and is the reason I entered therapy to begin with.
🎨 Hobbies
Drawing // Listening to music // Playing games // Reading // Playing piano // Live-streaming + VTubing // History // Psychology // Philosophy // Biology // Criminology // Movie + video making (esp. acting & editing) // Baking // Hanging out with people
There’s a lot of things I like to do, and still I’m bored.
❤️ Things I like!
• Call of duty: Zombies | I started playing world at war when I was 6 years old and has been my comfort game series throughout my childhood, ESPECIALLY the zombies game mode. Love campaign and multiplayer too though ❤️
• Horror movies, games, artists and books! | For example I really love Harlan Ellison’s I have no mouth and I must scream, Fran Bow, HR Gigers art. Psychological horror is my favourite horror, however I do love slashers too. Kinda like a brain rot for me, lol.
• American McGees plushies dreadful, I love them! ♥️ | Me and the ASPD bunny do have a love/hate relationship. He’s so fugly ❤️ but I kinda like it, idk? Would still wanna see a redesign too!
• Video game collecting | I love the games I’ve collected! Physically I own a PS1, PS2, PSP, Wii, Xbox 360 and a switch! ☺️ I’m proud of my collection soo far, might upload pics ✨
• Fandoms | Besides previously mentioned fandom’s like CoD, slasher horror and IHNMAIMS I’m in a lot more fandoms! I tend to go in and out of fandoms but for example Class of ‘09, silent hill, team fortress 2, Django unchained, metal gear solid and soo on so forth!
🚫 Dislikes
• People who unironically believe in ASPD/NPD/BPD/HPD abuse. Abuse is abuse, let’s not blame certain disorders for it. There’s sexual, physical and psychological abuse, abusers are abusers. Full stop.
• Self-righteous “empaths” who think they’re far better and more moral than others. Hate them, always have.
• Armchair psychologists, generals or whatever else where you think you’re so much smarter than the actual professionals because you said so. I appreciate knowledge, don’t appreciate unnecessary arrogance.
• People who get emotionally attached to their argument unless it makes sense to do so. I understand if you get emotional over conflicts involving human lives, fine. But if it’s an objective discussion, I’m not going to keep the conversation going if you keep being annoying and repeating arguments.
I’m here to meet others, whether it’s because of mental health, fandoms, interests or whatever! I’m very open to chat and meet new people! ♥️
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narcvampp · 8 months
` I don't give a fuck 'cuz I'm a millionare! `
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Nonhuman nightmare(godkin, vampkin, zombkin, dollkin, and therian)
HEAVILY disordered; Npd. Bpd. Hpd. Autism. Did. Ptsd
Memory loss. Psychosis. Depression
Anxiety. Suspected bipolar. Aspd traits. Hypersexual. Paraphile(Anti-contact, have multiple.)
'Obsessive love disorder' . StPD . + more
Proudly 'claimed' /ij, but in all seriousness, do not try to engage in a "friendship" unless we do so first. Our guard dog bites.
Taken + dating someone in my thoughts tbh
Minor. MDNI blogs can int, but we also do not check blogs before we int/follow back.
CW for some of our posts; we will post/rb shit about drugs, possible sexual content, violence, and ocassionally triggering topics(e.g., self harm, sa)
All of our names + pronouns.
No DNI, block us if we fit yours, we'll block you if we want. However, some of our stances are; anti-endo(of all breeds), anti-transid/radqueer/whatever you call yourselves, anti-contact paraphile for harming or non consenting actions.(e.g., acting on pedophilia or zoophilia)
Tags for posts; #vamp diary - all basic posts, #vamp sillies - responding to asks, #utterly insane - vent posts, #millionare - reblogs, #coffinshipping brainrot - exactly whar ir sounds like.
If you have any questions, our asks are open.
(Div creds @/mmadeinheavenn)
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lastoneout · 8 months
Day 3 of not sleeping: Didn't have any nightmares, thank god(I had a very long and involved One Piece dream??), but I tossed and turned and woke up a bunch and def didn't get anywhere near enough sleep. I'm awake now but I feel like completely shit, no migraines yet at least but I have a feeling that's going to change soon. Idk how tf I used to live like this.
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thalassic-p4rk · 2 months
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My catsona! It is 1am I do not have energy to elaborate further rn. I get up for work in like 5 hours.
Ngl I have no clue what this looks like my vision went out when I started the background 2 hours ago. I am heavily relying autocorrect rn I cannot see for shit.
Inspired by this bitch <3:
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yuga2000 · 2 months
"Unhappy kids turn to unhealthy habits"
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loislaina · 11 months
one thing i find people rarely talk about regarding trauma is how utterly *old* it makes you feel. im 34 and mentally/emotionally i feel like im a thousand years old most days. (other days i feel like a tall child but that's probably beause the trauma happened in childhood, my inner child acting out the past or whatever). physically i have very little energy, and almost zero motivation. there are days when i don't eat or sleep or even go to the bathroom unless i really need to. these symptoms have gotten better as ive healed but im still not up to a hundred percent, and there's no way i'll ever be the same person as before. but that last part is okay, because being alive means inherent change, and we all change as we grow... its just that some of us change in more severe ways sometimes
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kucherovv · 3 months
college summer break is kind of just school assigned rumination time. like enjoy 4 months off to do fuckall and spend hours thinking about your trauma
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moodr1ng · 17 days
recently been seeing (and seeking) more info on moral ocd and its like wellll it does seem like i definitely have that but talking about the stuff i obsess over w my psychiatrist feels impossible bc i cant admit to thinking about it without feeling like a horrible person, so im just gonna keep sweeping it under the rug lol....
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roseapprentice · 3 months
ugh, I listened to the podcast "Fur & Loathing," and it was a terrible, terrible mistake
I'm so mad at this podcast. It spends 5 episodes lulling you into a sense of trust and security by investigating the furry fandom with real curiosity and respect
And then the final episode is a sharp heel turn into ableist vilification
Like, "Look, this guy is clearly guilty because he's exibiting symptoms of PTSD from being repeatedly questioned by police! He even says weird stuff when we spend hours pushing him far past his stated boundaries and he starts dissociating. Clearly a terrorist!"
I'm not saying the guy they accused didn't do it. It sounds like he probably did, for all the same reasons he was the main suspect for years.
I even get not having much sympathy for the suspect. By the show's account he's a mean, vindictive, nazi-flavored troll.
But if you're going to report about someone through the lense of their mental illness, you take up a responsibility to at least handle that illness with some modicum of respect. Disgusted pity is not a valid substitute. The podcast's closing arguments were mostly just reframing evidence of trauma as evidence of guilt.
This show actually had me fooled that it was trying to be responsible journalism, and then it went full true crime genre gross. In a way that's super triggering for anyone who's experienced ableist gaslighting.
(*cough cough* Just any old hypothetical person.)
They didn't even have disclaimers in the body of the show saying not to harass the guy. And the host goes on about his years of experience doing journalism about internet communities, so he has no excuse for that oversight.
I'm so, so pissed.
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astriiformes · 1 year
[sighing] The demon won today.
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anglerflsh · 2 years
How did you find out about the autism?
My dad told me that his psychiatrist said he was autistic (and also me by extension), when I was around 17/18. Kinda sucked that the psychiatrist later told me he would have never told me.
I really didn't like him lol.
I met a group of people that were professionally diagnosed when I was in England and after two weeks of knowing me they asked if I knew I was autistic
I've done decently extensive research on autism + a lot of my family members have shown the same non-neurotypical traits as I have. I wouldn't say I have it just based on that happening lol. I'm not in a space where I could get a professional diagnosys yet
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crippled-native · 6 months
I have made good progress with my unilateral vestibular hypofunction flareup and am able to read a bit again so I’m diving headfirst into hEDs research and documenting my symptoms!
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seagullcharmer · 1 year
still feeling unwell abt leonard vanderboom btw. if you even care
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verved · 5 months
New therapist agrees w my suspicions of The Tism so that's a weight off my shoulders. I've been brushed off in therapy so much and it's nice to actually have someone agree w my anxieties and be realistic that my situation does indeed suck and we will focus on what we can instead of telling me to set impossibly abled goals.
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louiswilliamtomlinsons · 11 months
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hazedxhealing · 10 months
Having now processed and accepted that I was wrong in my quest for a DID diagnosis, I will now be putting every info-post I've made in my pinned when I re-write it.
Because I may have been wrong about *myself*, but this information could help someone else, and also the fight against endos isn't over.
I am now learning that ppl fake other things, too. That fight isn't over. Consider me an anti, I guess, but I won't stand for appropriation of excruciating mental illnesses.
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