#histronic personality disorder
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the-abandoned-director · 2 months ago
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thought people would like this 👍🏼
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230radicallyme230 · 29 days ago
Mfs when I literally tell them the only person I care about is myself when I actually only care about myself, and it wasn't some silly joke I made for the LOL's:
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thatonegaybrit · 3 months ago
POV people when I use neurodivergent to mean actually all neurodivergents yes even the "scary" ones: 😨
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noncollared · 7 months ago
all personality disorders and basic definitions of them cuz i'm bored
cluster a - odd / eccentric , there's multiple types of this i'll be discussing down below
PPD - paranoid personality didorder , it's known as actions of distrust , paranoidness , having unwanted thoughts such as , thinking someone's watching you , thinking people are against you , etc .
SZPD - schizoid personality disorder , it is defined as showing none of very little interest for social interaction , it is also shown as having a hard time expressing or explaining emotions
STPD - schizotypical personality disorder , people with this disorder often have odd thoughts , speech , behavior , and have discomfort for close relationships
cluster b - dramatic / erratic , there's multiple types of this i'll be discussing down below
BPD - borderline personality disorder , it is known for having unstable mood , relationships , actions , etc , often having awful mood swings , sometimes having BPD feels as if you're a different person due to the mood swings , BPD is very self destructive , and has episodes of self destructiveness and feeling as if everyone is against you
ASPD - antisocial personality disorder , can be defined as having little to no empathy , or have trouble showing empathy and emotions . this can also include having a hard time relating or feeling sad for others
NPD - narcissistic personality disorder , it is often seen as thinking you are greater then everyone else , most people with NPD have a weird relationship with themselves , as they feel as they are the best , but also have a hatred of themselves , on the topic of NPD . "narc abuse" DOES NOT EXIST . if you believe everyone with NPD is a abuser then you are ableist . yes some people with NPD can be abusers , but saying they all are is just wrong .
HPD - can be described as , wants people's attention and desires praise , inappropriate or odd ways of speaking , little empathy for others , tries to gain attention from other people , very vocal on emotions , but at the same time is confused about their emotions , and being easily influenced by others , it's often seen as doing things for attention or praise
cluster c - anxious / inhibited , there's multiple types of this i'll be discussing down below
DPD - dependent personality disorder , causes people with dpd to feel as if they can't take care of themselves and need care from others, so they are dependent on others, they might have trouble making every day decisions and feel as if they can't do basic needs or tasks alone
AVPD - avoidant personality disorder , characterized as being distant , or feeling uncomfortable with psychical touch in any way also known as hypersensitivity . it can include avoidance of group activities , unwilling to be involved with others
OCPD - obsessive compulsive personality disorder , this can include , unwanted thoughts of things , need to be a perfectionist , unwanted need to have everything perfect and under control
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narcissisticpdcultureis · 4 months ago
npd (+ hpd/bpd??) culture is not knowing if you've ever actually fallen in love or just loved the idea of being loved and worshipped like you deserve and the attention just felt great and you can't live without it so you constantly have to be in love
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sleepysugarr · 1 month ago
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HISTROCHIST ~ When you're a masochist and have histronic personality disorder!
Self indulgent
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Ruth Fleming from Nerdy Prudes Must Die is bisexual (canon) and has histrionic personality disorder (HPD) (headcanon)!
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Requested by @tedspankoffskisbignaturals
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genderdenied · 5 months ago
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☆ㅤfrilly HPD alt
pt: frilly HPD alt :end pt
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!!ㅤ;ㅤfor : anon
﹒ ㅤdefinition :
a cute frilly pink alternative flag for anybeing with HPD, because pink frills !! :D
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; userboxes by ghosting-plural-userboxes
; copy-pastable IDs && pt below !!
header id: A lace header, it curves downwards and is coloured with pastel pink. It has multiple outlines going dark pink, white, baby pink, dark pink. In the center is the words " frilly HPD alt " coloured white and outlined similarly :end id
divider id: A simplistic orange divider. It has an orange crescent moon on each side and is all outlined in brown, white, orange and brown again. In the center is the word " genderdenied " outlined similarly :end id
flag id: A decorated rectangular flag, it has 5 variously sized strips with different colours and patterns respectively. Going in top-to-bottom order they are: large baby pink with frilly border, medium pastel pink, small pink tinted white, medium pastel pink, large baby pink with frilly border. At the top and bottom of the flag is a strip of frilly darker pink coloured semi circles with hearts and dots decorating them. In the very center of the flag is the HPD symbol coloured white with a pink tint and pink outline :end id
footer id: A lace footer, it curves upwards and is coloured pastel pink. It has multiple outlines going dark pink, white, baby pink, dark pink. :end id
userbox 1 id: A red fox themed userbox. The picture is of a red fox sleeping peacefully, tongue sticking out slightly. The text reading " This being appreciates reblogs and comments " :end id
userbox 2 id: A red fox themed userbox. The picture is of a red fox having it's head held. The text reading " DNI: Radqueer, TransID, Syscourse and NSFW " :end id
pt: for anon. Definition, a cute frilly pink alternative flag for anybeing with HPD, because pink frills !! :D[happy face] :end pt
; tagging : @radiomogai @liom-archive
; quick mention !! while Myles is neurodivergent && does have (a) suspected personality disorder(s), xe does not have HPD specifically. xe made this flag as requested by somebeing who hadn't been able to find many flags for HPD like this, which is why xe feels ok posting this. /info /gen ( xe js feels the need to say this ( ˃ ˂ )[distressed-ish face] )
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starfilled-galaxy · 5 months ago
We need an actual tag for HPD ONLY, not umbrella cluster b stuff, an actual HPD tag, cuz even the actually HPD tag is taken over by general cluster b posts
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silly-mantis-creations · 1 year ago
currently a little busy so sorry for lack of posting recently- have these while you wait!
(btw this blog is in fact a cluster b personality disorder safe place! ableists of any kind can go jump off a roof! you aren’t welcome!)
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histroninarc · 1 year ago
(tw for sa) npd + hpd + hypersexual culture is learning from a young age that acting sexual gets u more attention from ur friends which ended up getting u sa'd but u still have a hard time calling it sa cuz u put urself in those situations and now u dont know how to feel loved if ur not the object of someone's desire even tho if someone actually views u in that way it makes u wanna throw up and die
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tator---tot · 7 months ago
Am I sometimes attracted to people romantically or am I just histrionic?
Do I like them romantically or am I just splitting/excited by a new person?
Do I want to be *with* them or do I just want to be them?
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narcvampp · 1 year ago
Normalize starting petty and unserious arguements with people because you like the long messages and attention you recieve from it. Even the negative comments give me supply because wow, they're actually fucking paying attention to me!
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dpdpuppy · 6 months ago
I'm a disgusting slut. All I can think about is sex. I want to be normal.
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narcissisticpdcultureis · 4 months ago
NPD + SzPD + questioning HPD culture is the eternal cycle of "My thoughts would make me be percieved as a bad person, however I act how a good person would so people can percieve me as a good person and have a good opinion on me, so is that enough to make me a good person or am I still rotten at heart?"
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financial-laid · 10 months ago
Yeah I have HPD ughhhhh HotPussyDisorder
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