#Munkustrap is her role model
thalassic-p4rk · 2 months
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My catsona! It is 1am I do not have energy to elaborate further rn. I get up for work in like 5 hours.
Ngl I have no clue what this looks like my vision went out when I started the background 2 hours ago. I am heavily relying autocorrect rn I cannot see for shit.
Inspired by this bitch <3:
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Who are the biggest demestrap shippers in the junkyard? Who's heart melts a little when they see demestrap being sweet and happy together?
Bomba 100% is the biggest Demestrap shipper, she has to hold back tears the first time she sees Demeter and Munkustrap cuddling with lil baby Jemima between them. Her sister's happiness means the entire world to her, and seeing Demeter's guard being let down, and the way Munkustrap defers to her, following her lead and making sure she's comfortable, it fills her heard so much.
I fully believe all the little kittens look at Demeter and Munkustrap with stars in their eyes. They look up to all the couples, but whenever someone asks the kittens who they want to be like, all of them point to the cuddling couple. Demeter and Munkustrap's devotion to each other, their affection and adoration, it's everything the kittens want for their future, to have someone look at them the way Demeter and Munkustrap look at each other.
(which makes me think about Munkustrap finding out that he's a role model for the kittens, and when the little toms get older and go to him for relationship advice with their own partners, he spends about an hour blubbering with Demeter about how they're all growing up and he loves them all so much)(Demeter just holds him and smiles because she loves how much he loves the Jellicles)
All the oldies, also, absolutely adore seeing Demeter and Munkustrap together. They're some of the only cats who really know the scenario and what really happened to make Demeter and Bombalurina leave, so seeing Demeter and Munkustrap find one another once again, and rekindle their romance after so long absolutely made them tear up just a little bit.
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Ideas I’ve Had But Am Too Lazy to Write Full Stories About: Mungojerrie Backstory
Jerrie and Teazer are the children of Skimble and Jenny. Few cats know who their biological fathers are, but Jenny is almost positive that these two are Skimble’s and he’s basically their dad anyway.
Jenny’s human family sold the twins to a wealthy family. They were moved to a different part of town and it was hard for their cat parents to find them. Jerrie, slightly older than Teazer, tried to act as her guardian and protector when they were separated from their parents.
The rich human family were assholes. Unlike most housecats at the time, Jerrie and Teazer weren’t obtained to catch mice, but purely as pets. Their tiger-stripe calico pattern looked interesting. They were decorations, like antique furniture. Basically, the family, though not abusive, weren’t exactly loving pet owners. They made sure their cats were fed, showed them off at parties, but otherwise left them alone. In order to get their attention, and as revenge for generally being terrible, Jerrie and Teazer started making trouble for the family in any way they could. Outside of the home, they broke into the houses of their rich friends and continued making trouble. All of Kensington soon knew of “that awful cat”. They thought it was only one because the twins were identical and careful not to be seen in the same place at the same time while doing crimes.
Jerrie and Teazer began life as identical twins, both biologically queens, as almost all calicos are. But, Jerrie felt different from Teazer in a way that the twins couldn’t quite explain to other cats. Teazer started referring to Jerrie as her big brother, always sort of aware of why Jerrie felt so different. When Jerrie started officially introducing himself as a tom, Skimble and Jenny were glad that there was now an easy way to tell the twins apart. As for the humans, the cats had no way of communicating any of this to them.
As they grew older, Jerrie and Teazer began to view their troublemaking differently. Teazer saw the whole thing as a joke, a series of pranks they pulled on the stupid humans. With other cats, she was comparatively well-behaved. She made trouble for her parents, but if she was scolded for it, she stopped and apologized. She spent a lot of time hanging out with other Jellicles, who sometimes met near Jenny’s home. She made friends with Victoria and Etcetera, two kittens only slightly younger than her. Jellylorum lamented that Teazer was a bad influence on her kittens, but she didn’t try to stop her from influencing them. If it wasn’t her or Jerrie, it was Tugger. Bad influences were everywhere.
Jerrie, on the other hand, started taking crime more seriously. He felt like an outcast, unable to be who he really was, having difficulty getting other toms his age to recognize him as one of them. Crime became an outlet for his anger and he robbed both cats and humans, since he had issues with both. He wasn’t without friends, since Teazer was always there to support him and Pouncival had decided that he was cool, very similar to what happened with Etcetera and Teazer. 
Sometimes, Jerrie worked separately from Teazer, going to the Bad Side of Town and spending time with the feline mafia that led him to Macavity. Macavity accepted him for who he was immediately and even used his magic to give him the male body he always wanted. Jerrie looked up to Macavity for a while and started doing jobs for him, wanting to learn how to be a better thief from him.
Jerrie’s parents eventually found out about Macavity. They didn’t tell Teazer, because there was a chance that she’d want to get involved. Skimble and Jerrie got into a serious fight over it. He was understandably worried about his son’s safety, along with not approving of him working with an enemy of the tribe. This led to Jerrie running away for a while, staying with Macavity and his “tribe”.
But, when Jerrie started to spend more time around Macavity, he realized that something wasn’t right about him. He was far more willing to actually hurt people, cats and humans alike, than Jerrie ever was. Jerrie started to realize that, despite all his lashing out, he didn’t want to actually hurt anyone, not even the dogs Macavity seemed to enjoy murdering. When he started to protest Macavity’s orders, Macavity threatened to change his body back to its original state, or to follow him back to the Jellicles if Jerrie tried to go back to them. 
On top of that, Jerrie started noticing how Macavity treated queens. He actually didn’t have many henchwomen outside of his various mistresses, who never seemed to stick around for very long. One of them was Bombalurina, another Jellicle. Another was Demeter, who wasn’t part of the Jellicle tribe, but had learned a lot about it from Bomba.
Eventually Bomba left, taking a kitten named Jemima with her. Jerrie never found out if she was Bomba’s kitten or Demeter’s, since they both seemed equally responsible for her and they all looked similar. Demeter was too afraid of Macavity to leave him, so she didn’t leave with the other queens.
Bomba had been impossible for Macavity to intimidate, so he let her go. He only kept around cats he could control. But, with Demeter as the only remaining mistress, Macavity focused all of his attention on her. He was absolutely terrible to her in every possible way and didn’t seem to care when Jerrie found out. Jerrie was too scared of Macavity to challenge him, as far as he knew.
But, Jerrie grew tired of watching Demeter be abused. On top of that, he was still in touch with Teazer and he didn’t want Macavity to know that he had a sister. Teazer was curious and impressionable, the sort of girl who could be seduced by a bad boy. If there’s one thing that brings out Jerrie’s courage, it’s potential threats to his family. He decided to leave Macavity, hoping that the other Jellicles would be able to handle him if he cared about losing him. He couldn’t get Demeter to come with him, but he told her where and when the Jellicle Ball was being held. Everyone would be there, and there would be safety in numbers. Demeter planned to escape on the night of the ball.
Jerrie was immediately forgiven by most of the tribe, though Munkustrap and Alonzo remained a bit suspicious, at least for a while. Jerrie didn’t think Skimble would forgive him for running away and possibly letting Macavity know where the tribe was. Skimble forgave him, but the two didn’t communicate well, so Jerrie wasn’t entirely sure. During Skimble’s number, he figures it out.
After his time with Macavity, Jerrie started to considering giving up his criminal career, but he’s pretty sure that’s the only thing he’s good at.
After the ball, after stepping up to avenge Munkustrap and facing his fear of Macavity, Jerrie is considering training to be a Jellicle protector. Munkustrap has replaced Macavity as his role model and his parents couldn’t be happier. He still likes to make trouble, but he’s now more like Teazer, messing around for fun. If Macavity ever retaliates against Jerrie by changing him back, Mistoffelees can easily fix it, having figured out how to change his own sex as part of the Seven Kittens Incident.
After all the angst, things are getting better.
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sybright · 3 years
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The Deuteronomy Siblings
For day 5 of Jellicle Week of Demeter! I usually hc Demeter as not having any familial relationships, she’s a stray with no known/living biological family. Buuuuuut, in one of my longtime AUs, she does have family. 
I’ve currently been calling this my mish-mash AU, because it feels like the most descriptive, yet brief name for this AU of mine. One of the primary aspects of this AU is the Deuteronomy family, which consists of Grizabella as the eldest child of Old Deuteronomy, then Munkustrap, the second eldest, and then Demeter and Tugger as the twins/youngest.
Even though I haven’t really talked about them that much, I will say that over time I have become EXTREMELY fond of this particular family unit, like more so than any other Cats family unit that I like hfdsjfhdsj. Anyway, enjoy some sibling dynamic hcs below the cut!
Demeter and Grizabella:
Everybody in the tribe looked up to and admired Grizabella in some way prior to her leaving, but out of all of them, Demeter admired her most. Griz being the only other girl in the family added to this, but Demeter always felt very connected to her sister. She wanted to be just like her when she was older, glamorous and confident. It’s for these reasons that Griz leaving impacted Demeter the most out of anybody in the tribe. Griz was her role model, and Demeter was so heartbroken over her abandonment that she left the tribe herself for a few years, before returning after she had more or less gotten over her grief.
Because of her strong connection to Griz, and because of her experience in living as a stray when she ran off, Demeter feels a sense of sympathy for Grizabella when she finally returns. But she still remains cautious and conflicted towards her sister until the moment of acceptance and forgiveness occurs from the whole tribe.
Demeter and Munkustrap:
Demeter and Munkustrap are by far the most mature and responsible of the siblings. They’re often in agreement with each other in family arguments, tend to hold the same opinions on most matters, and generally get along very well with minor teasing here and there. Also, despite Demeter being a twin (albeit the slightly older twin), she and Munk sort of share the role of middle child in the family. They both receive a little bit less attention compared to their very overly dramatic siblings (and both collectively shake their heads at Tugger’s youngest-child antics), and are pretty independent and self-reliant. When drama is occurring in the family, they’re both usually on the sidelines and try to stay out of it.
Demeter and Tugger:
So despite Demeter sharing many attributes with Munk, and being on common ground with him a lot of the time, she’s actually closest with Tugger, her slightly younger twin, out of all her siblings. Shocking, I know lol. But really, Demeter and Tugger are almost total opposites in personality. Demeter’s the level-headed, responsible one, while Tugger’s the immature, reckless one. They get on each other’s nerves quite a bit, but they do actually have a few things in common. Like many people, I’m quite fond of the idea of Demeter being very punk in human AUs, that’s her style to me, but I also imagine her cat form being very punk as well.
Despite their large difference in personality, I think Demeter and Tugger both enjoy and partake in punk/rock/alternative styles. In a human AU setting, I can see Demeter and Tugger having similar, if not some of the same taste in music and bands, and often attending concerts together. Outside of a human AU setting, I also think they both have a bit of a rebellious streak, it’s just that, in Tugger, that rebellious streak is much more prominent. But Demeter’s rebellious streak sure does show up every now and then. 
If Tugger has a wild idea, Demeter is more likely to support him and back him up than Griz or Munk, because she’s able to decipher whether it’s a good wild idea, or a bad wild idea (cause she’s rebellious, but also more mature than Tugger). In the same vein, if Demeter has a wild idea (and hers are almost always good wild ideas), Tugger has her back 100%. The two of them are inseparable when they’re on the same page and being chaotic good together. So they may annoy each other a lot, but they’re tight-knit and thick as thieves.
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0zzysaurus · 2 years
You know how I feel about it, but just for you.....
They both don't want kids, but they're perfectly fine babysitting for a day or a week.
!! Oh they love being babysitters. Jerrie likes teaching the boys new ways to cause trouble in a big-brother sort of way - and Teazer obviously has her younger sister Cettie that she has to look after every now and then, and so she tends to take the initiative to look after the other girls, too. They aren't exactly the best role models, but every single kitten adores when Jerrie and Teazer visit and spend extended periods of time at the Junkyard. Something exciting is always bound to happen.
I also like to think that - during the times they do come and stay - Jerrie and Teazer are actually under Munkustrap's protection, and so they focus on babysitting the kittens to keep their minds off of Macavity or his looming henchmen.
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junkyard-gifs · 3 years
Time for some more unexpected family tree headcanons with the 2020 Asia tour cast!
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(Photo by Ellie Nunan.)
So, left to right, we have Kade Hughes (Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus), George Hankers (Mungojerrie), Rafe Watts (Munkustrap), and Dan Partridge (Tugger).
But Kade, in the comments:
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Obviously as with any other similar statement from an actor a) who knows how seriously it's meant? b) it presumably applies only within their own production and their own headcanons of relationships that they develop with other members of their own cast and c) you can ignore it anyway.
But this one's fun so I'm going to play with it.
Possible interpretations:
Tumble and Jerrie are brothers and Tugger and Munk are their dads.
Munk is Tumble's dad and Tugger is Jerrie's.
Munk is Jerrie's dad and Tugger is Tumble's.
(Or they're not literal dads, just dad figures, but either way....)
These are all precious. Can you imagine poor Munkustrap trying to shepherd his chaos son(s) while Fun Uncle/Dad Tugger is just out there egging them on and being the rowdy role model they want to aspire to? Picking up the lootbag and giving Jerrie the 'I'm Not Angry Just Disappointed Actually I Am Angry Too' glare?
Oh, and since Ellie Nunan calls Kade's Tumble her son, this comes with a side order of optional Munkudots.
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mistocore · 3 years
bombalurina for the ask meme
Sexuality headcanon: Bomba is def Bi with a woman lean for me >:) but i do think she would be open to dating anyone! ( so Bi/Pan i guess !! )
Favourite ship(s): I don’t actually ship Bomba with a lot of people BUT my top picks are Cassandra, Demeter and Mungojerrie? ( for some reason? dont ask , i went down a rabbit hole )
Brotp: Tugger is obvious here. But i also think shes bros with Munkustrap and calls him ‘darling’ a lot in an endearing platonic way !! I also think she has a good friendship with Alonzo
Notp: I don’t like her shipped romantically with Tugger. they are besties / exes . i also dont like her romantically with Munkustrap and any of the kittens / older cats . I think Bomba is a prize to be won haha .
A random headcanon: She actually loves to sew and cross stitch and has a knack for being creative with fabric and thread!!! i hc she helps jenny anydots and jellylorum with their sewing work . also she drinks her coffee black with ice .
General opinion: LOVE bomba shes one of my favourite characters . i love her strong presence and she has undeniable girlboss energy . i love that she is nurturing and kind and so open with her sexuality and beauty . she is a wonderful role model and i bet she would be an AMAZING mother
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Napoleonic Era/Wars CATS AU Masterpost
Hello! With the help of @demandra, I finally fleshed out this monstrosity of a masterpost. It’s technically not complete, but I really wanted to put something to paper.
To summarize: It starts during the Battle of Jena-Auerstedt. Prussia is defending itself against Napoleon and his Grande Armée. Munkustrap, Tugger, and Alonzo are Prussian soldiers, who are running away from Prussia and mainland Europe to escape a charge of treason and a possible death sentence. Through the help of Munk and Tugger’s father, they manage to escape on a British warship to England.
Below the cut is a more detailed version of the premise, as well as some character descriptions. 
Not sure where to put the tag or even if I should, but thanks @skimblyshanks because your turn-of-the-century au was kinda the inspiration and basis for this... even though your au starts 86 years after mine starts.
Munk and Tugger are part of the Prussian 22nd Infantry Regiment. The two depend on each other for their sanity and safety.
At first the battle is going well, the Prussians outnumber the French. During the heat of battle, Tugger gets shot and drops to the ground, the flag he's carrying falls as he drops.
Munk is standing beside him and when he sees his brother fall, he disobeys his orders, passes the flag to his irritated but distracted captain, and falls to his side. Munk is panicking at this point and is franticly trying to save his wounded brother.
Meanwhile, the rest of the company is slowly retreating, as the French receive reinforcements, and are growing in strength and numbers. Alonzo, one of the sergeants, spots the two on the ground, laying in the middle of the crossfire between the two opposing companies. He decides to also disobey his orders, and rushes over to pull them out.
Munk insists that he would rather die than leave his brother, so Alonzo being the smart sergeant he is, drags Munk and Tugger away from the field when a moment of pause is caught between volleys.
Another Prussian captain, Captain Hildebrandt (Macavity) who was somehow detached from his company, spots the sergeant trying to drag the two to the surgeon's tent. A ruthless and harsh tempered man, he was also acting as a double agent working for the French.
Thinking that he would get away with shooting this poor sergeant, he takes his pistol and aims it at Alonzo. Being dragged while clutching your brother is hard for the body, so Munk stops Alonzo and is about to stand up when he spots someone taking aim at them.
Mac pulls the trigger.
Munk didn't have time to recognize his uniform, so on instinct, Munk pushes Alonzo to the ground. The bullet whizzes by Alonzo's head, barely missing his right temple.
Again on instinct, Munk draws his pistol, and shoots at the man. He only hits Mac's shoulder, and he is wounded but not dead.
The story that follows, is a whirlwind tale where Munk, Tugger, and Alonzo try to escape treason for shooting an officer. They wind up fleeing to Hamburg, where they encounter the British frigate HMS Rocket. They end up in England safe and sound, but their troubles are not too far behind.
Below are some character descriptions...
The Prussians:
Munkustrap (Lieutenant Matthias von Korngold of the 22nd Infantry Regiment)
Confident and courageous, he puts his responsibilities as second in command of his battalion, and as a brother, on the forefront of his mind. Being the son of a nobleman, he strives to fulfil his father’s wishes and to bring honor to his family name. 
Rum Tum Tugger (Lieutenant Thomas von Korngold of the 22nd)
Overly charismatic and pompous, Thomas’ source of pride is the regimental colours he carries into battle, defending it with his life. He reluctantly joined the army by his father request, and his over confidence is popular with the men, but not with his officers.
Alonzo (Sergeant Alonzo Visser of the 22nd)
The son of a hardworking carpenter, Alonzo’s tough but uncertain personality clashes when having to make decisions in the heat of battle. He looks up to Matthias as a role model, and is often seen as Matthias’ counterpart. 
Old Deuteronomy (Count Albert von Korngold of Blankenburg)
Old but undeniably wise, the count thinks very highly of his children. He only wants his children to be happy, but sometimes his wish for his family to be filled with honor gets in the way.
The French:
Macavity (Captain Morris Hildebrandt of the Prussian 17th Infantry Regiment)
A harsh and ruthless French double agent, he feeds Prussian army positions and intelligence to the French. Originally loyal to the Prussians, he started working for the French when he fled Prussia to escape a death sentence when he attempted to marry a noblewoman above his station.
Mungojerrie (Lieutenant Jamie Kellerman of the Prussian 17th Infantry Regiment)
Originally from Paris, he has witnessed the horrors of the French Revolution first hand. A deep Royalist supporter and a Prussian double agent, he and his sister intercept intelligence from Morris and send altered versions to the French. He is second in command of the 17th Regiment, and works under Morris’ command.
Rumpleteazer (Rebecca Kellerman)
The charming and light-fingered cantinière (or canteen keeper) of the 17th Regiment. She provides the men comfort food and drink and she uses her charm to gather intelligence for her brother.
The British:
Misto (Lord Quincy Saint James)
A well to do gentleman of a noble status, he is to inherit his father’s titles, and is expected to pursue a life in politics. Contrary to his father’s wishes, he yearns for a life as an actor, much to the dismay of his father.
Victoria (Lady Victoria Saint James)
Quincy’s gentle but outgoing sibling, Victoria enjoys the life of a well respected opera singer. She loves her brother to the ends of the Earth, and supports him in his interests. 
Bustopher Jones (Hayden Saint James, 4th Viscount Palmerston) 
The father of the Saint James siblings, as well as the respected Secretary of Foreign Affairs, he is a very busy man with little time for his children.
Plato (Peter Ashton)
Victoria’s fellow actor, Plato is utterly smitten with Victoria. His interest in her is hindered by his lower social standing.
Skimbleshanks (Captain Samuel Barker, Captain of the HMS Rocket)
A roughened sea captain, he is well respected, but his sometimes eccentric ways of accomplishing missions draws concern over his commanding capacity.
Tumblebrutus (Midshipman Toby Whiston)
New to navy life, the wobbling and sea sick Toby has aspirations for a fulfilling naval career.
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skimblebaby · 5 years
Silversprats, my jellicle OC
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Questions from @magical-marvelous-mistoffelees
What is their name? Gender? General age?
What are three adjectives to describe them?
Do they have a human home or are they a stray?
If they have a human home, what is their home life like? If they are on the streets, what is life like for them?
What is their ‘role’ within the tribe, or what are they known for? (Ex: Tugger is the curious cat/rockstar, Gus is the theatre cat, Mistoffelees is the magician, Munkustrap is the Jellicle Protector, Jelly is seen as a caretaker, etc)
Who are their best friends? You can include characters from the show or tag other people’s OC’s. How popular are they?
What is their favorite food? Do they prefer human food or something they’ve hunted?
Do they have any accessories? Scars?Why or why not?
What style of dance do they work best in?
Do they have any sort of magic? Do they fear magic?
Any fears?
Do they believe in love? If so, what is their “type” and how do they act when they are in love? If not, then why?
Do they personally know anyone who has gone up to the Heaviside layer? Do they believe in the Heaviside layer?
Any passions or hobbies? (Ex: Dance, hunting, etc)
If a song was sung about them at the Jellicle Ball, what would it be about?
What are their thoughts on some of the main characters in the show? (Ex: Tugger, Munk, Jenny, you get to choose!)
Do they have any secrets they are hiding?
1. Silversprats, female, a young queen
2. Reckless, vigorous, unstable
3. She’s technically a stray
4. Silversprats lives on a ship in the ocean, accompanying Growltiger. She’s a part of his crew and sleeps in a cabin with other pirates. Her life is a typical pirate life
5. Sprats loves fish and is always hungry. She has mastered swimming by catching fish. She’s something like a fishing cat
6. She doesn’t trust her crew enough to share her personal stuff (she’s surrounded by pirates, criminals no normal cat would trust) but genuinely likes hanging out with them telling dirty jokes and drinking. Pirates like her but don’t try to hit on her because she’s dangerous and would cut their tongues off if she’s not in the mood
7. Her fave food is fish and crabs and shrimps and other seafood
8. Silversprats wears an eyepatch, mostly on her right eye but not necessarily. Her eyes are fine, the eyepatch helps in a fight protecting her vision and improves her aiming when she’s throwing stuff. Also she can pretend to be half-blind to deceive one into giving her alms when she’s on land
9. Sprats’ style of dance is traditional charleston. She’s an eccentric dancer who likes making up weird and funny moves. She prefers dancing solo and intentionally goes rogue if she follows in a couple as she doesn’t like to follow in general
10. Silversprats has no magic and she has never come across it in her life. But she would totally lose her mind over it if she did
11. Sprats is naturally afraid of death and sees nightmares about Siamese coming for her. She’s neurotic about them and would pretend she has only one eye so when they cut one of her eyes out she would still have an eye hidden under her patch. You see, she knows maths.
12. She wouldn’t be able to tell if she believes in love or not. She never had real romantic relationships. The only cat she personally knows who isn’t a filthy bastard is Griddlebone
13. Silversprats has a really vague idea of what the afterlife is so she doesn’t want to die at all. She doesn’t believe she would go somewhere nice after the Siamese murder her because she leads a lousy life and robs people
14. Sprats LOVES fishing and swimming. She’s happy to spend her days in the sea because she adores it with all her heart.
15. The song would be about a pretty little pirate who’s got no shame or morals and wastes her life on a shabby barge
16. Sprats kinda likes Growltiger despite the fact he’s always rude to her. He’s scary and stinks but she respects him and sees him as a role-model. Besides, she’s in love with Griddlebone (well everyone on that goddamn ship is)
She has never met any cats from the Jellicle tribe
17. Sprats is extremely insecure about her origins. She is an orphan who ended up on a pirate ship somehow and doesn’t know much about her kittenhood. She gets agressive every time someone mentions it
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bluetortoist · 4 years
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Questionnaire 1
What is their name, gender, and age?
Punkie, and she is a 22-24 yr old female mixed tabby. (Her specific breeds are unknown)
What are three adjectives to describe them?
Shy, Sweet, Lazy
Do they have a human home or are they a stray? If they have a human home, what is their home life like? If they are a stray, what is life like on the streets?
She has a human home, but no one really pays attention to her or realize she's there most of the time.
What is their ‘role’ within the tribe, or what are they known for? (Ex: Tugger is the curious cat/rockstar, Gus is the theatre cat, Mistoffelees is the magician, Munkustrap is the Jellicle Protector, Jelly is seen as a caretaker, etc)
She doesn't have a role. She considers herself, more or less, a bystander or a wallflower.
Who are their best friends? You can include characters from the show or tag other people’s OC’s. How popular are they?
She is a shy one and hasn't introduced herself to most yet. But she is close to Bandit, Cosmo, and Tim. Atticus, though she has only ever talked to him formerly, she considers him a nice Tom.
What is their favorite food? Do they prefer human food or something they’ve hunted?
Meat meat meat. Cooked, raw, She loves meat of any kind. If not meat, She's very fond of fish too.
Do they have any accessories? Scars? Why or why not?
She mostly wears shorts, tank tops and black thigh highs. She has a collar, but its too itchy and doesnt like wearing it.
What style of dance do they work best in?
She doesn't have a preference. She likes the look and feel of all dancing, but doesn't have a lot of confidence in her abilities.
Do they have any sort of magic? Do they fear magic?
She has no magic. She's a bit spooked at some magic, but she does like most of it.
Any fears?
Quite a lot. She has sensitive nerves. She can get a bit nervous around dogs or even sometimes rats.
Do they believe in love? If so, what is their “type” and how do they act when they are in love? If not, then why?
She believes in it and hopes that she'll find it sometime in her life. She has more than enough crushes on a lot of different cats and is always a mess when near them. Shell jump at the chance if anyone shows/ confesses attraction to her. But if she's in love, she won't notice that she's finding herself spending more time with them and opening herself up more.
Do they personally know anyone who has gone up to the Heaviside layer? Do they believe in the Heaviside layer?
She has heard bits and pieces of the Heaviside Layer. But she doesn't know anyone personally.
Any passions or hobbies? (Ex: Dance, hunting, etc)
She likes singing when she's alone. She's actually really good at sewing and likes making clothes and stuffed toys and what not. Shell sometimes play with the kittens in the junkyard.
If a song was sung about them at the Jellicle Ball, what would it be about?
Probably about how much of a poor, hopeless cause she is. Some feel sorry for her, some try to make her feel better, and some would tease her and sing about how high strung she is about everything.
What are their thoughts on some of the main characters in the show? (Ex: Tugger, Munk, Jenny, you get to choose!)
She has a crush on nearly half of them. But really, she has so little a presence, some of the MC's don't know she's even there half the time.
Do they have any secrets they are hiding?
She's pretty tight lipped and doesnt mention it often, but she kinda keeps her past homes a secret because she doesn't like to think about it.
Questionnaire 2
What are they like on the outside?
She's shy and socially awkward from how sheltered she was and how long she had went without socializing with other animals.
How do others perceive them?
A lot mostly see her has this timid, skittish; someone afraid of their own shadow. Might even think she's a bit troublesome with how little confidence she has in herself or how she doesnt assert herself. Basically a doormat.
What are they actually like on the inside? Are they similar to how they are on the outside, or totally different?
She's still shy and awkward, but she is also very sweet and kind towards other people. As much as she worries about the constant idea of people taking advantage of her, she doesn't want to change that part of her mentality. Shes a good listener and would offer a hand or anything shed be capable of. She loves children and is a little better talking with them.
How many cats truly know who they are on the inside? Does your character often show who they truly are?
She tries to, she really does. She knows how much trouble she puts herself through with how she is now and is trying to be more assertive and talk more. Not a whole lot know. Just her close friends really know her real nature. She can open up more when it comes to kittens because she thinks they are easier to talk to.
What makes your character appealing to other cats? What reason do others have to like them?
She is kind and patient to smaller kittens and animals and has a very quiet and calm demeanor. In a way thats what makes her approachable. Some cats like her sewing/knitting skills and would ask stuff from her and that makes her feel good about herself.
What flaws does your character have? Do they give anyone any reason to dislike them?
She is afraid of all sorts of things and that can get sort of irritating to some. Her social inaptability is also a problem for her and some people don't have that sort of patience and she knows that. Her biggest problem though is her inability to fend for herself with how prone to teasing she can be.
Can they fight?
No she can't.
Do they often get into fights? What do they get into fights over?
She tries desperately not to. She's not strong and doesn't know how to fight at all. She'll mostly cower or try to talk out of it.
Who are their parents? Are they alive? Do we know what they are like personality wise? Does your character have any sort of contact with them?
She knows she has a mother, but hasn't even met her and only vaguely remembers what she looked like. She figures she may or may not have rejected her, but tries not to think that. She doesn't know if she is still alive or not still. She might be able to find her if she looked hard enough.
Do they have any siblings or other relatives?
She does. about five older siblings, but they more or less considered her a stranger rather than a sibling, likewise her. She was considered a runt and had to be taken care of by her first human owner.
(If they have a home) How did they end up in their current home? (If they’re a stray) How did they end up on the streets?
She went through a pretty fair amount of adoptions at a very young age. She is now on the streets because of how little her current "owners" cared for her and made them let her out for whatever reason they thought at the time. They still haven't wondered about her whereabouts.
What was their childhood like?
Her first home mostly consisted of her moms' owner taking care of her needs before she was given to another home. Her second family couldn't keep her long with how their older cat would hiss and scratch at her. Her third and current family didn't really pay her any attention other than feeding her whenever she started crying. She was very lonely in this home and would just laze around and paw at the door to be let out.
What was the worst experience they ever had to go through, in their opinion?
A couple of experiences, but one that stayed in her mind was the older cat from her old home. She was a real bully and really affected her self esteem.
Do they potentially have a crush or a mate? Have they ever been in love?
Nothing too serious at the moment. She has a couple of crushes and has a friends with benefits thing going on with Bandit, Tim and Cosmo. She has yet to find anyone she thinks she'd want to spend her life with.
Who do they look up to?
Confident, and bold Queens like Bandit or Bomba. She wants to be as confident and beautiful as them.
Greatest achievement?
Any time when she speaks up or stands up for herself or someone.
Do they have any pet peeves?
She doesn't like when people crink their necks, the image freaks her out a bit.
How do they react to a compliment? An insult?
To a compliment,
To an insult, she doesnt have the guts to stand up yet, and just takes it and tears up a bit or apologizing.
What are they best at?
Sewing/knitting/crotcheting, taking care of/playing with kids, and singing (by herself).
What do they often fail at?
Talking and being part of a crowd for now. But is working on it right now
What assumptions do others make about them and how does your oc react to them?
She has been made fun of a few times already and was bullied seriously once in her life. Shell try to ignore it, but if its bad or gets physical shell end up crying.
How many languages do they speak? Do they have an accent?
She only speaks english.
Do they label their sexuality? (Pan, Gay, straight, etc)
Cis, Bisexual
What is their ‘outlet’? How do they express themselves?
Mostly through her sewing. She doesnt have a lot of outlets and hasnt explored anything new yet.
Are they secretly worried about anything? (Worried about a friend, the future, family, etc)
Nothing serious, but her anxiety makes her worry about every little thing even when there's nothing to worry about.
(Extra, for the creator)
Why did you decide to make an oc?
The idea of a Jelliclesona sounded really cute and I ended up loving her a bit too much haha.
How did you pick their name?
Its one of my many nicknames my family calls me and I thought it sounded cute enough for her.
Are they modeled off any specific breed?
Not any in particular, all that I could think for her is that she would be some sort of a brown tabby mix. Her technical traits are unknown atm.
Are you currently in a rp with your oc?
Why did you pick that design for them?
All just because of my favorite things to lodge around in. The thigh highs are just personal aesthetic.
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I've been thinking about what to do with my little blind kitten Fiddlefizz
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I've thought what if she's a lost kitten that Jerrie finds so he brings her to Munk because he's the best dad. Now Munk is helping Jerrie become a good dad too in his own Jerrie way.
Maybe it could become dem x munk x jerrie. Demeter and Munkustrap with their children Jemima, Quill, Jitterbug, Quasi and now Fiddlefizz and they can help Jerrie and maybe let him join the family 🥺
help i love this 🥺
ngl dem/munkus/Jerrie wouldn’t work with my family tree and how i hc their ages but i love the idea of munkus being a Dad Role Model for jerrie 🥺
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sillybub · 5 years
💮 🏵️ ⚡ 😻
💮 - Victoria
A beautiful, graceful girl!!! She seems kind of nervous to me, but has so much bravery and kindness when she becomes the first to touch Griz!
I imagine that she's very polite and demure, and has this admirable confidence; she isn't afraid to be a daring and bold when she needs to be (shown when she is the first cat to reappear after the second Macavity scare; she also had to be physically blocked from touching Griz several times).
She is Mistoffelees's sister
Her humans are a young couple
She is mute and communicates primarily via expressive movement
She has the s o f t e s t fur you will ever touch!
🏵️ - Exotica
Oh boy, I have a lot of room for speculation here!! I'm disappointed that we don't really see her; she's only in like, two songs and is always in the background. I think she's really cute and has lots of potential to be a lovely character!
She's cousins with Coricopat and Tantomile
She isn't actually a part of the tribe; she's just here visiting Cori and Tanto and it happened to fall on an important celebration
She's a highly successful showcat and has an intense rivalry with Tugger over it
They pretend not to know each other at the Ball
⚡- Electra
An underrated kitten! She comes off to me as the most responsible kitten, even though she isn't technically oldest. Also, I love her tortoiseshell design!
She had been a lone feral cat, but was fostered by Jennyanydots
The only kitten with any functioning brain cells
Despite her attempts at trying to be "in charge", she inevitably gets roped into the other kittens' dumbassery
She's training under Alonzo and Munkustrap to become a protector!
😻 - Etcetera
Every time I see her, a wave of serotonin rushes me! She's so full of energy and it's honestly infectious! I have nothing but love for this funky girl!
She's a dare-devil. If you dare her to do ANYTHING, she will always do it with no hesitation
Seriously her sense of self-preservation is non-existent
She's Jellylorum's daughter and Pouncival's sister
She thinks of Tugger as her role-model, much to Jelly's despair
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theimpossiblescheme · 4 years
My Electra Headcanons:
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She’s Macavity and Bombalurina’s daughter who was later adopted by her uncle Munkustrap.  Although she was born in Macavity’s lair, she was much too young to remember any of her time there and now knows Bomba as her aunt.
Her best friends in the world are Jemima, Rumpleteazer, Etcetera, and Tootsie. (@bullseyegames​)  She even courted Cettie for a while after realizing she liked queens.
While she was still coming to terms with liking queens instead of toms, she appointed her friend Tumblebrutus to be her beard.  Her Uncle Misto also gave her some great advice on his own coming out experience, and she’s still very close with them both.
She thought she had a crush on Tugger for a long time, but really she wanted to be like Tugger, not with him.  He became something of a role model for her without knowing it.
She’s a huge fan of human culture—anything she can find that interests her in the human world, she immerses herself in it.  She visits music clubs and cabarets with Tugger every chance she gets, taught herself to read in English and loves old creepy fairy tales, has had green tea on multiple occasions, and loves messing around with any makeup, jewelry, buttons, and paint she and Jemima find in the Junkyard.
Her other biggest role model in the Tribe is Munkustrap, who she’s always admired for how strong and in-control he always seems.  She wants to be more like him when she grows up.
She used to be intimidated by Old Deuteronomy, but he decided to fix that by offering to dance with her while everyone was rehearsing for the Jellicle Ball.  She ended up just standing on his back paws while he bunny-hopped around the Junkyard for a while, but it was so much fun that she couldn’t dream of being scared of him anymore.
Her scrappy and daring personality has made her “one of the guys” among the young toms in the Tribe.  In addition to her other good friends, she’s always up for causing trouble with Carbucketty, Admetus, and Pouncival.  She and Carbucketty even have their own secret handshake.
She loves autumn both for the excuse to be warm and cozy and to have fun-colored leaves to jump in whenever she likes.
She had her rebellious teen phase where she snuck out of the Junkyard more often and insisting on acting and being treated more grown-up than she actually was.  Munkustrap left her be for the most part since she needed to learn on her own that asking for help from the adults was nothing to be ashamed of.
Jellylorum may not actually be her aunt by blood, but Electra refers to her as Aunt Jelly anyway.  Whenever Etcetera is off with her other friends and not available for her to play with, she stays and keeps Jelly company instead.
Her sworn enemy is a young tom named Siersciuch from Esther’s mini-Tribe—the two are constantly inches away from a full-on brawl whenever they’re within ten feet of each other.
She sleeps with her eyes partially open and her body either in a full liquid spread or curled up in a ball.
She considers herself more of a tomboy than a traditionally feminine queen, but there’s a part of her that deeply admires Victoria and Zyleta, a queen from Esther’s mini-Tribe, for how elegant and put-together they seem and wishes she could be the same.
Among the female kittens, she’s the one who’s always most eager to play “Growltiger and Genghis” with Gus whenever he visits.  She loves pretending to be one of the Raffish Crew and hearing all about their adventures, and there was one occasion where he tried to give her a piggy-back ride to chase after Gilbert playing Genghis, but he ended up injuring his shoulder.  Electra felt awful, but he assured her she hadn’t done anything wrong and that they could still play once he got better.
She eventually accepts a queen named Nasira to be her mate, and the two were perfectly happy never having kittens of their own.
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Bombalurina ❤
- She has a crush on Demeter, however knows she is with Munkustrap. It breaks her heart, but at least she is her best friend. 
- Although she flirts with Tugger they both know theres nothing behind it. 
- She is extremely distrustful of Mistoffelees's powers after what happened with Macavity. 
-When they were younger she had a crush on Macavity. When he picked Demeter over her she was devastated. 
- She loves encouraging behaviours Demeter doesn't agree with in Jemima. 
-She is the best gossip in the junkyard. If you need to know anything you go to her. 
-Pouncival is actually one of her best sources for gossip. The other cats can't help but talk to him, since he looks so sweet and he runs his mouth. She knows exactly how to get the juiciest gossip out of him. 
- Other than Pouncival, Cassandra is her gossip buddy. 
- She is fierce and knows how to handle herself in a fight. She is not one to anger. 
- She has a fiery temperament. One wrong word can rile her up. 
- Despite being flirtatious, she is very picky with who she actually dates and goes with. She mainly uses her flirting to get what she wants. 
- Other than Munkustrap she is the best at calming Demeter down should something frighten her. 
- She was there when Macavity attacked Demeter. It's the only thing she won't gossip about.
- Others assume she’s a bad role model for the kittens, and that she dislikes spending time with them but that is far from the truth. She teaches the queens to stand up for themselves and not to fall in love with the first cat to look their way. 
- Sometimes the younger cats go to her for advise they’re too scared to ask their parents. 
- Munkustrap is the only tom she won’t tease and flirt with, out of respect for Demeter. 
Send me a cat and I’ll tell you my headcanons about them!
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scorpiofangirl1109 · 4 years
My Cats OC Part 22
part 21- https://scorpiofangirl1109.tumblr.com/post/645431325613080576/my-cats-oc-part-21
hello everyone! so i am back with part 22 in my series on kiki! i hope you guys are enjoying it! this part will focus on kiki's relationship with another jellicle in the tribe. this is one i think people will like!
this update will focus on kiki’s relationship with bombalurina. this is one i have been thinking a bout a lot and i hope you guys enjoy it! 
so in my own personal headcanon bombalurina would be the older sister of demeter. so this would make her an aunt to kiki because of how demeter is kiki’s adoptive mother. 
kiki adores her aunt bombalurina a lot. bombalurina has been her aunt for as long as she can remember and she loves her aunt. the kitten calls the older queen auntie bomba. 
bombalurina has a soft spot for kiki and she does love her. the two of them have the type of relationship one would except an aunt and nice would have. sometimes kiki will join her aunt bombalurina and her mama demeter and spend time with them. this is what kiki will call girl time and she loves this time with her aunt and mama. 
bombalurina enjoys getting to spoil kiki a bit and similar to kiki’s uncles\ tugger it is not uncommon for bombalurina to give her niece little surprises and treats when her parents are not looking. kiki loves this of course, and she always gives her aunt a big hug afterwards. 
this is something that demeter knows about and even though she tells her sister not to spoil kiki so much bombalurina just tells her it’s ok and it is not causing kiki any harm. but usually bombalurina will spoil kiki when she comes over to her den and they are just having a  fay with just the two of them.
kiki will got to her aunt’s den sometimes to just hang out with her aunt. she likes talking with her aunt and she knows if she ever needed to go to bombalurina about anything her aunt will be there for her not matter what. 
bombalurina is a jellicle kiki really looks up and she wants to be a lot like her aunt bomba and mama when she grows up. she really admires how confident her aunt is and wants to be that way when she grows up. and munkustrap is glad that kiki has a female role model she really looks up to besides demeter of course. 
for her part bombalurina, like tugger, is also protective of her niece and never want to see kiki be hurt because it would break her heart too much, bombalurina definitely treats kiki as her niece but also if she were her own little kitten. 
kiki definitely thinks bombalurina is a cool aunt and she loves her so much and enjoys it when she can spend time with her aunt. 
alright that is it part 22! what did you guys think of the relationship between kiki and bombalurina? anyways i hope you enjoyed this update! i will be back with a new update in the series soon!
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amethyst-labyrinth · 7 years
Under the Jellicle Dawn
Chapter three. 
The Rum Tum Tugger was not cat that felt guilty about things he caused. Knocked and break something off a shelf? The humans shouldn't have put it where he could break it, their fault. Being a less then ideal role model to the younger toms? He was only being true to himself. Being accused of being a heartbreaker? He never asked for anyone to fall in love with him, well except for Mistoffelees, he was the one cat that Tugger had asked to love him, wanted to love him, and needed to love him.
Which was why he felt an odd sensation of guilt rise though him. It had been his idea to do a magic show for the tribe, instead of bringing his father back discreetly like Mistoffelees had suggested. He just had to show him off and then after the ball leave him alone to face all the petty jealous cats in the tribe all the while he losing energy ready to pass out any minute. What if he hadn't found him when he did and Mistoffelees had indeed walked to their human home on his own and his weaken state was hit by a truck while crossing the street?
What kind of a mate and friend did that make him? Mistoffelees could have been laying dead somewhere and Tugger would have been none the wiser!
"I think it was the enchanted hairbrush that did it," Mistoffelees said giving Tugger a small smile. "That kind of thing requires." He paused yawning. "A lot of magic. Shouldn't have bothered making it, you messed up my fur again anyways."
"Now whose fault is that?" Tugger asked him tenderly.
"Mine? You're the one who kissed me first."
Only because you were close enough for me too," The smaller cat replied yawning again resting his head against Tugger's chest. He could fall asleep like this; Tugger's fur was so soft. Just a few minutes standing there was what Mistoffelees needed then he was sure he'd be able to make to their human home. Suddenly the tux found himself being lifted up into Tugger's arms.
"Tugger! Wha…?
"Shh," Tugger soothed. "Misto, you're falling asleep on your paws. There's no way you can make it back to our human home, and I would carry you back, but as you know I can't keep my Jellicle forum outside of the junkyard without your help. So my dear Mistoffelees I am taking you to my den so you can sleep. Don't fight with me on this!"
"I can walk! You don't have to carry me like a kitten!"
"And have you tripping over your owns paws? You're liable trip and fall on something sharp and rusted, it's for your own good really."
"You sound like my mother."
"Lovely queen she is too."
They were quit after that. Mistoffelees closed his eyes, he rather enjoyed being carried by Tugger, not that he'd ever tell the Curious cat that, he just felt so safe and cared for he was almost asleep when his ears perked up.
"Munkustrap," The tux said worriedly.
The protector of the tribe hadn't known about his powers or true appearance, this wasn't going to end well. What would Munkustrap do, say? Throw him out of the tribe? Accuse him of being in cahoots with the Hidden Paw?
Tugger tensed up having a similar train of thought. His griped tighten as his brother approached the two toms.
"Is everything oaky?" The striped tabby asked.
"You tell me?" Tugger asked evenly.
"You're carrying Qua…Mr. Mistoffelees. Is he alright?"
"He's beyond tired, saving father from the hidden paw took a lot out of him. He needs his rest!" Tugger said harshly. "So if you have a problem with him, you'll have to deal with me!"
Munkustrap was a little taken aback by his brother's attitude towards him. He had never seen Rum Tum Tugger so protective of any cat or so hostile towards him before.
"Whoa," The protector of the tribe said holding up his paws. "I come in pace. I was hoping I could talk to Qua…Mr. Mistoffelees."
"I told you he's tired," Tugger told his brother in a less harsh tone.
"He can answerer for himself," Mistoffelees said sounding irritated. "Tugger, put me down this is embarrassing!"
"Oh and I suppose it would be less embarrassing if you were to fall flat on your face instead?"
The Magic cat huffed and in one surprisingly graceful move he slipped out of Tugger's grasp and landed on his feet though did wobble slightly.
"What would you like to talk about Munkustrap?" He asked the tabby.
"Father explained the reason for your deception and that it was his idea. He knew that after what happen with the Hidden Paw another cat with powers joining the tribe would not have gone over well the others and I-I wouldn't have trusted you. I wouldn't have seen any good in you only evil."
"He's not evil!" Tugger yelled. "Misto is one of the kindest cats I know!"
"I know that!" Munkustrap was quick to replay. "I know that because I got to know him for who is. I hate Macavity," Munkustrap began. "He has powers he using them for evil so I believed all magic cats were evil and I hated them without even knowing them. I was blind and that blindness could have cost me a really good friend and I'm ashamed."
Tugger wasn't sure what to say. And then a sleepy voice said.
"Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster...for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you."
The two brothers looked at Mistoffelees in awe at the profound words. He truly was a clever cat.
"I read off the quote of day calendar at our human home," He said yawning. "Some human named Friedrich Nietzsche said it." He was also a well-read cat. "Is that all you wanted to say? That you would have hated me if I were honest with you? And because I lied to you, you like me?" Mistoffeless asked him wondering he was too tried to even properly understand what the protector was saying.
"Er-something like that," The Tabby said scratching his ear. "Also you have my blessing to become mates with Victoria."
"Wait what?" Cried both Mistoffelees and Tugger cried.
"I know how close to the two of are."
"Not that close!" The Magic cat said becoming more awake.
"Mr. Mistofelees, it's alright, I approve."
Normally Tugger would have found this funny. Two cats who are mates and another cat doesn't know trying to setup one of the cats with another cat, but since Mistoffelees was his mate it was not funny, not mention that Victoria didn't need any false hope, the poor kit had enough heartbreak in her life as it was, first her father dies before her eyes and ears had even opened, her mother then becomes mated to Munkustrap only to die giving birth to hers and Munk's son Victor, and now her stepfather was trying to set her up with a cat who already mated!
"But I don't want to become mates with Victoria!" Mistoffelees whined. That did cause Tugger to chuckles slightly to his mate starting to get cranky was a rare entreating site.
"And just why not?" The gray tabby asked sounding offended.
"I'm in love with another cat!"
A look of understanding crossed Munkustrap face.
"Cassandra is mated to Alonzo," He said gently. "I know it's hard when the queen you love, loves another, but…"
"I'm not in love with Cassandra."
"It isn't Jemima is? You know she's still just kitten."
"No, it's not her ether," Mistoffelees said sounding even more tried. Oh why, oh why didn't he just teleport to his human home after the ball? Right now he could be curled up asleep in his favorite spot in the garden, under the catnip bush, closing his eyes and picturing the garden he could just smell the plant's intoxicating sent, a soft purr rumbled from his throat, his slightly keened the air.
Tugger knew he had to tell his brother about Mistoffelees and himself, perhaps it was time to give his brother some clues and let him figure it out for himself.
"Say Munk," Tugger said pulling Mistoffelees closer to him. "Do you remember what Misto called me during my song?"
"Yeah he called you a terrible bore."
"Very good," Tugger said. "Now can you tell me what happened moments before he called me that and after?"
"Yes, Rum," Munkstrap sighed wondering why he was humoring his brother in the first place? "You put your arm around him and then once he called you a bore he throw your arm off and walked away."
"And what did I do?"
"You walked away as well."
"Now would you call being called a 'terrible bore' an insult?"
"Ah small one yes. Rum what dose this have to do with Mr. Mistoffelees' love life?"
"Everything, just bare with me. Now when I'm insulted I usually retaliate correct?"
"And yet I did not, I just simply walked away without so much as even a bop to the head. So what dose that tell you?"
"That the two of you have close relationship if he's able to get away with insulting you."
"Yes, the key words being close and relationship," Tugger told him emphasizing the two words as he began to caress Mistoffelees who at this point had fallen asleep.
"Um Rum," Munkustrap began. "I don't you should be doing that to him."
"Oh Misto doesn't mind. In fact he longs and craves my touch," Tugger said before licking the tuxedo cat's cheek.
"No Mommy! I don't want a bath!" Mistoffelees mumbled.
"Misto! Wake up!" Tugger shouted.
"Wha? You're not my mommy!" Mistoffelees yelled confused causing the gray tabby to snicker at him.
"Of course I'm not your mother," Tugger said exasperated.
"What's going on? I was asleep!"
"I'm trying to tell Munk something important and I need you to be awake for it. Now where was I? Do you remember what Bomba called me?"
"A curious beast," his brother told him.
"Would you call that a complement?"
"In your case yes."
"Now Bomba clearly has a thing for me."
"That's an understatement," Mistoffelees said. Tugger licked the side of his face in response. "One of these days you're going to lick me bald."
To that Tugger gave the magical cat, a love bite on the shoulder much to the bewilderment of his brother, who just prayed Mistoffelees wouldn't end up hurting him when he finally got feed up with the other's antics.
"Now," Tugger continued. "I have rejected Bomba."
"You have?" The gray Tabby asked shocked. "You don't want her as your mate?"
"That is correct oh brother of mine. For I too am in love with another cat," He said nuzzling the magical cat. "Let's fast-forward to after father's disappearance. I sang a song for Mistoffelees about Mistoffelees, about how amazing he is! Have I The Rum Tum Tugger ever sang the praises of any other cat wasn't our father?"
"So what dose all that tell you?"
Munkustrap being a logical cat thought over what Tugger had told him logically and came to only conclusion. His eyes widened when he realized who it was.
"Well I never would have believed it. You're so different from each other, but well if you're in love with Bombalurina then I'll I wont meddle."
"No!" Cried both toms putting paws too their faces.
"How did you come up with that?" Tugger asked wrapping his arms around Mistoffelees waist.
"Why else would you reject Bomba? If not because, your best friend is in love with her?"
"Because I don't want her! And Misto is not in love with her! He's in love with me and I'm in love with him." There he told him, maybe not way they had planned, but at least now he know.
"It's true," Mistoffelees added. "Rum Tum Tugger and are mates."
"And before you say anything, yes father knows and approves as dose Misto's family."
Munkustrap look at then blankly again for a few seconds before throwing back his head and laughing.
"He's gone mad from the shock," Mistoffelees whispered.
"Okay, Okay," He said between giggles. "I get it, you're not ready to settle down. You could have just said that in the first place."
"What?" Asked Mistoffelees.
"You and Rum here in love and mates! That's the most ridicules thing I've ever heard!"
"You don't believe us?" Tugger asked his brother.
"Rum, you are the queen's tom and Mr. Mistoffelees, you're so unimpressed by him half the time you act like you dislike him. I'll buy you being friends, best friends even. I've seen the way you joke around with each other, but if you're in love with each other then I'm the Great Rumpus cat!"
"Well you are the protector of the tribe," Mistoffelees said rather crossly. "That puts you closer to him then rest of us."
"I don't mind you dating Victoria, as long as you're honest with her and explain…"
"No, no, no!" Mistoffelees yelled. "I am not going to date, woo, curt, or mate with Victoria! Tugger and I are mates! We are not in an open mate-ship."
"What about all your flirting?" The gray tabby asked his brother.
"That's all it is, just flirting, a little bit of fun and I'd stop if Misto wanted me too."
"I'm sure," Munkustrap said skeptically.
"It's true," Mistoffelees said yawning. "Tugger can flirt with a chicken for all I care, oh wait he has. And just because I don't fall all over myself and worship him like all his fans do, doesn't mean I don't love him any less."
"Sure you do. And you Rum, I'm sure you must love that."
"As a matter of fact I do," Tugger said. "I will admit our relationship is somewhat of a love/hate nature, we do love to annoy each other after all and we do have our lovers spats, but we are also very loving to one another. It would surprise you, brother how loving and caring we are too one another," Tugger said tenderly nuzzling Mistoffelees who once again had fallen asleep.
"Look I get it, Mr. Mistoffelees doesn't want to mate with Vicki. I wont press it, so the two of can stop pretending your mates."
Tugger's ears went flat and his tail began to thump side to side in exasperation.
"Why can't you believe us?" Tugger asked.
"Because it's ridicules! You in love, with a tom no less."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Tugger demanded letting Mistofelees go in his rage causing him to fall on the ground. "I can love just like any other cat!"
"Rum I didn't mean you're not capable of love."
"I'm on the ground," Mistoffelees said waking up.
"Then what did you mean? Protector?" Tugger growled, causing his brother to flinch slightly, Tugger only called him that when he was truly angry with him.
"What am I doing on the ground?"
"Well you know how you are," Munkustrap said.
"I know how am, but I'd like to know, how you think I am!"
"Rum, like I said you're the queens tom. You surround yourself with queens."
"They surround me."
"You love the queens! You lust after them!"
"Sure I love my fans, but I don't lust after them! They lust after me! I've never fooled around with any them!"
"Was I sleeping on the ground?"
"So what you fancy toms and not queens?"
"I am attracted to both, but Mistoffelees is one cat I love. I sang a song for him after all."
Munkustrap didn't doubt his brother being attracted to both genders, but he still couldn't fathom what his brother was telling him, but not wanting to fight with his brother anymore decided to agree with him.
"I stand corrected, you two are truly in love."
"You always have to scoff at everything I tell you," Tugger said knowing his brother was lying.
"Just forget it okay? Now if you will excuse us," He said going over Mistoffelees and slinging him over his shoulder as he began to walk away Munkustrap cried out.
"What?" Tugger asked.
"It's Demeter," The gray tabby began.
"I'm not going to mate with her ether!" Mistoffelees called from over Tugger's shoulder.
"She's gotten the idea in her head that your Macavity's son and that you could turn out to be evil like him."
"My father is Cat Morgan! You've met him! He introduced himself to you!" Mistoffelees said trying to climb down from Tugger only for the Mane Coon to hold onto him tighter.
"I know that," Munkustrap told him. "And I've told Demeter that, but well she thinks your mother had an affair with Macavity and lied to you about your father."
Mistoffelees's ears went flat and a growl escaped his lips.
"Father, is talking to her trying to make her see reason, but well maybe if you talk to her and explain…"
"Misto doesn't have to a explain himself to Demeter!" Tugger said angrily turning to face his brother. "Or any other cat for that matter!"
"Tugger, put me down," Mistoffelees told him.
"Misto…" Tugger begain.
"My mother! No one insults my mother with out repercussion! Now where is she? I demand satisfaction!"
Tugger maneuvered Mistoffelees around so the two cats were face to face.
"Believe me," He told the smaller cat. "I plan on satisfying you later."
"Tugger if you don't put me down right now I will use force."
"Go ahead." And with that Mistoffelees began to try to bop Tugger on his nose with his paw. Unfortunately being half asleep his aim was very off.
"Misto babe, this isn't working," Tugger said while laughing. "Now I am taking you to my den so you can some sleep."
"The homemade taffy on the larder shelf," Mistoffelees began. "I have pictures of you after you got up to your ears in it. I'm sure your fan club would to see what you like without your fur."
"You wouldn't."
"I would."
"You are a mama's boy, you know that?"
"The first time she met you, she washed your face and you let her."
"Fine, lets go see crazy paranoid Demeter," Tugger putting Mistoffelees down.
"Rum!" Munkstrap yelled.
"Don't call her that! Demeter has been though a lot, she can't help that she's over cautious she's learned the hard way what happens when your not."
"That doesn't give her the right to start badmouthing Mistoffelees or his family. So where is she anyway?"
"At father's tire."
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