#people dont exploit systems which dont exploit them~
goblin-hart · 7 months
I keep finding myself in these conversations recently:
someone in power provides a resource to help people and makes it available to everyone (cause duh).
And someone goes: but what if people take advantage of it?
...you mean...if someone uses a resource which is available?
But what if they don't need it!
Then it won't help them?? Even if they use it?
*foaming at the mouth* But they shouldn't get apple if not starving!
If there are enough apple...why shouldn't everyone have access to apple?
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blackpilljesus · 7 months
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I saw this from the female separatism subreddit & the responses are some of the biggest reasons for separatism et al (or extinction if I'm being candid here). Moids cant be reformed they are fully aware of the hell they force women to live in. MaIe achievement & happiness is rooted in female exploitation & life. Their glory days are based on our horrific days. No amount of love, kindness or facts will change maIes and we cannot happily or even neutrally coexist with them.
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Main points across answers:
Many want to experiment but not permanently be women
They dont want to be in constant danger or lose their autonomy at the hands of maIes for merely existing
They dont want to deal with childbirth (& periods)
They dont want to have to share spaces with species much stronger than them with ulterior motives
It makes me go crazy seeing people give moids benefit of doubt for their evil like "maIes just dont understand", "we need to teach maIes", or claiming that maIe violence is a result of maIes struggling with (expressing) their feelings. I get that women love maIes and it can be hard to imagine that people can intentionally be so evil but it is what it is. MaIes have no problems expressing themselves, abusing women is what maIes choose to do because they enjoy & benefit from it - that is their expression.
MaIes see the same news of women being abused, raped, and killed like we do except rather than be disheartened or alarmed they're either apathetic or satisfied. It isn't aliens that's committing GBV it's maIes & maIes have no problem reminding women of this when women anger them (such as rape threats & threatening women they'll end up on the news/true crime). The victim blaming, denial, and derailment of misogyny is part of the game to keep the system alive, they know the events occured & are a systemic occurence they just dont care. Hell not only do they not care, they rejoice in it or get off on it.
MaIes set up environments that work in their favour which simultaneously ensures that women will lose. They know women are set up to live in damn near impossible conditions for us. It's normalised for women to defenselessly share personal & private spaces with beings much more stronger than them with ulterior motives for us, it's trap. It's interesting how these moids aren't saying that they'll just cover up and *poof* harrassment gone, or they'll just pick a nice guy & they'll be okay. MaIes know the net negative they are towards women.
MaIes know that childbirth is a painful process & what do they do? Demand it happens and make it even MORE painful for women. MaIes that impregnate women do not love or care for them. Pregnancy itself is dangerous & sometimes lethal, often comes with a range of health issues, to cause someone to be in that condition especially in a environment where abortions are illegal is reckless & unloving. Now imagine how sinister & full of hatred one has to be to impregnate someone and abuse them on top of that. Many women risk their health & lives to reproduce with a Y and they get abused by said Y instead of being taken care of. Deranged.
Realising that maIes are aware of the evil they inflict is one of the things that radicalised me. It isn't a miscommunication or ignorance issue, their violence is intended. They want control. The cruelty is the point. Instead of wasting time & energy trying to change maIes or hope that they "understand" one day, focus on yourself & other women (who prioritise women). Moids aren't oblivious to female pain they enjoy it. A lot of women treat maIe evil like it's a mistake on maIes part but it's calculated terrorism. I know that this will go over many womens heads as they refuse to hold strong negative sentiments about moids as a collective so if you're not a woman like that, take this post as a sanity check. You aren't crazy, it isn't all in your head.
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a big german newspaper (die zeit) recently published a more critical article on the so called „verrichtungsboxen“ (literally: boxes of execution; boxes on the street where prostituted women and sex buyers can go to consummate the sexual acts; anyone who knows german will know this is a gross terminology, fitting for a gross concept).
while the fact these boxes exist is in itself a tragedy, the letters to the editor are giving me hope that there are sane people left in this country - even though from their names and writing style i would guess they are of the older generation, pension age.
heinz wohner: „if you dont get a visceral reaction of disgust and shame looking at these obfuscating boxes called ‚eco toilets‘ and the image of what is going on in them, you have to be extremely cold. calling what is being done to these women for little money ‚work like any other‘ is sugarcoating the issue.“
wolfgang wendling: „maybe there are women who voluntarily prostitute themselves, but the majority is doing it out of necessity and under pressure. calling the oldest trade in history a profession like any other is pure mockery. its not an honor to call our country europe‘s biggest brothel. but it‘s true. we should be ashamed that women are being exploited, humiliated and abused before our eyes. the more severe the poverty is in the country of origin, the cheaper you can have them. we should finally stop this, which is the only appropriate action for a civilised country.“
brigitte kosfeld: „the photo of these boxes alone speaks volumes on the inhumane practices hidden behind the liberalisation of prostitution. when the law was introduced, there were convinced social democratic women who were holding speeches on ‚prostitution as a profession‘. the intentions behind the law might have been honorable, but the reality has always been deeply anti-woman.“
professor claudia reuter, phd: „the liberalisation of prostitution in germany has failed in all regards. according to a french study, the average life expectancy of a prostitute is 33 years. babbling about self-determination in this case is inhumane. the state is not supporting prostitutes’ workers rights and their health, but their economic and sexual exploitation. its about time for the swedish model: protection for women and consistent punishment for sex buyers and pimps.“
joachim kasten: „social democrat august bebel already wrote in 1879 (…) that ‚honorable family men‘ were contributing to uphold the system prostitution with their money. according to him, they were generously let off their responsibility to disappear in anonymity. apparently today we are still where we were at the end of the 19th century.“
sabine moehler: „the description [in the article] of typical injuries prostitutes have reminded me very much of those women in physically abusive relationships show as well. a man who abuses, humiliates and demeans a prostitute in any way will do the same to his partner, wife or lover as soon as he doesnt like her behavior. (…) even reading about this is upsetting me a lot.“
and of course the one sex buyer who just had to write to the editors, peter müller: „its one sided to use the misery in berlin street prostitution with sex on public toilets as a reason to debate the liberalisation of prostitution. there are many brothels were the ladies are treated with respect. of course working as a prostitute harbors certain risks - but there are women who freely choose this job, and in my experience, some of them are doing it with passion and love. the regular prices are not the dumping prices you mentioned (5-10 euros) [note: which is indeed normal in street prostitution] but actually 80-100 euros for half an hour - not to mention those dont include extras and humiliating sex practices. i met women who earn better in prostitution than some employees in germany.“
loose translation and highlights by me.
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t34-mt · 2 months
What spices do kyhuines and maanuls like, and which one would be the most profitable one to trade (Aka the most popular/Most expensive one)? Can i exploit kyhuines and maanuls financially, pleaaaaaasee
Apart from salt because they need it on a biological level just like we do. They like the ones that make their tongues tingle, the spicest shit ever you'll ever experience because it's the thing they can feel the most, and they like adding it to their meals for an extra kick. Their taste buds are numbed down because they just have less than we do, part of their tongues hosts keratin spikes.
And no, you can't exploits them financially because they don't work with money, the world will work through bartering, giving an object in exchange or a service. When primitive money systems are present in some communities its just trinket objects they can exchange for small goods. They're stubborn, you can do whatever you want they won't see the utility in money system because they're not getting anything valuable to their eyes in exchange.
I guess you can do that in places like kaar'kchir (and it's sister cities) who do work under a very messy money system, which I rather tear my hair off than bother trying to commerce and exploit them. I dont even think it would be worth the hassle since youd only be able to use your hoarded money there.
Plus the money system there changes via ring districts, the furthest from the center of the ring the more chances people don't even use money system anymore. because they'll probably work like the average colony where they're self sufficient. It's just that they're in what's considered as "kaar'kchir territories" and are considered as kaar'kchir citizen. even if they may work vastly differently than someone from the center, and even if they don't want to be categorized as such to begin with.
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randomwriteronline · 5 months
I wonder if the Skrall would have been more compelling as a threat and made the necessity to unite the villages more urgent by like... Exploiting the glatorian system.
So in the story they are already outsiders whom nobody likes. They do nothing but fight and enslave agori and glatorian. Their alliance with the bone hunters is treated as a shocking concept - which you could consider fair since the other tribes dont do alliances apparently - but in insight its not that surprising. Uniting the tribes against them is also just... not really necessary? The Glatorian work for whoever pays them or whatever they believe in, and theyre fully capable of coming together independently from the villages to kick the skrall into a new pair of pants - plus as mentioned, this is their job. If the tribes unite and the Glatorian system ends, they end up losing their main source of income. Hell, Tarix and Ackar made the rules for the system, everybodys worked hard to keep it going smoothly and it hasnt caused any trouble in one hundred thousand years. Why should they get rid of it?
The tune changes if the Skrall are smart enough to maintain a semblance of legality.
The thing is that the Glatorian system accidentally sets itself up to be exploited by the Skrall. They are a tribe of warriors, of course theyll thrive in an environment where disputes are solved by controlled fighting where side that wins gets everything they demanded without any more arguments. We enslaved some of your people because they were trespassing on our territory, if you want them back fight us. We want this spot that's in your area and would let us get more water, if you want to keep it fight us. We need resources and we decided we want yours, if you have something to say about it fight us. And because they are formidable in the arena they keep winning and thus expanding their hold on Bara Magna inch by inch, and nobody can say anything against them because they do so legally through the Glatorian system, and if they start complaining about it and not respect the outcomes of matches against the Skrall that will lead to people not respecting the other matches' outcomes either and theyll all fall back into a war. So they grit their teeth and bear it, because its still better than fighting directly.
Except the Skrall don't have the time to keep doing this forever. The Baterra are coming and they need more land to put between themselves and them, and this careful approach is too slow - so they need to crush the other tribes, catch them between two fires, weaken them until theyre easy prey and have no choice better than submitting to them - so here comes the alliance with the Bone Hunters, that nobody would imagine because who would be foolish enough to work with them? Not even the Skrall, certainly...
And this is why the tribes must unite. Because the peacekeeping order they made isnt ensuring their safety anymore, and their insistence in staying separate is only making them easier targets.
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vegannerdgirl · 1 year
wait riding a horse is exploitation to you 😭 pls be fr. theres a dif between forcing your horse and harming them (which im not saying isnt common with equestrians honestly We need to put so many of those ppl down i stg) and riding them for fun or going on a trail or smth. riding your horse is not inherently anything, you dont have to! but its literally what we domesticated them for, its like saying working your border collie is exploitation. (horse racing, rodeo etc does not apply we need to kill people)
You freely admit that abuse is possibly common in the equestrian world, and in the next thought admit these people should be killed. But you seem shocked that I believe a system in which horse riding for pleasure is inherently exploitative. This confuses me a little.
Working my bordie collie for what, exactly? Herding sheep I plan to sell to slaughter? I'm not sure you want me to say here. I am against any system that exploits both humans and non-human animals. Saying they are "working" when they have no control over their lives nor do they have consent, whether or not they enjoy it, is not a system I wish to support.
"There's a difference between forcing your horse and harming them" That is exactly what breaking entails, forcing young horses to accept being ridden. It is force. We do not ask them politely, we force them to accept a rider until they no longer fight them off. A horse that does not accept being ridden is a horse with no monetary value, and is therefore useless to the market. How long do you think such horses last before being put down?
In terms of domestication, horses did not willingly submit to being used by humans. Do you freely admit this as well? When we captured them and rid them, did they simply comply? Or did they buck and struggle and fight to get away? Just because we have historically used them for a purpose does not mean we should keep doing so. Part of growing up is learning the behaviors you do that are harmful, and choosing to change them. We do this individually and on a societal level, and we look at this as progress.
There is nothing wrong with reevaluating our relationship with animals, and realizing in most cases, it is entirely one-sided. Which is not, inherently, a relationship at all. It is exploitation.
Adopting a horse to care for them, giving them space to exercise and socialize, is not exploitation. Buying a horse to ride for pleasure is, and always will be, an inherently exploitative system. Because every step along the way was a human forcing a horse to obey.
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Planet >> Cheat Sheet <<
We got 9 Planets, and we got 2 extra things; the Sun and the Moon. So we got 11 important things. Everything else is all very revealing although I think we all can agree anything named planet takes >precedence > especially with all the. mythological writings backing them.... and we astrologers just like the moon because shes meant to be our mum. and no one can hurt mummy >> everyone with mummy issues pipe down stfu.
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Well these mythological writings are nice but im here to modernize it with some writings written today. > And with this model of simplification maybe its easier to understand and interpret how they interact with one another in your life. IMO Astrology is not that complicated. Its just hard to talk about because its taboo. Especially since we connatate it with ideas like: the God Of War, or the God of the Underworld this can make it all the more harder to suspend our disbelief. Now legs go
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Sun > The star governing our Solar System literally dictates how our days are gonna go depending on where he is positioned. He is the star, he is the main event, he is the bringer of light as much as he is the light > This makes him giver and a taker because he demands your attention but it literally allows us to live and feel alive. So where the SUN is makes you the star of the show, you dominate here because you invite people in to play and you make sure you playing too. The sun is the party > whats ur party lookin like? The Wolf of Wall street
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Moon > The thing we all have an emotional connection with; since we are all wishing for shit at night and in all honesty its also when we are all the most comfortable getting emotional. or getting REAL. She listens to us as if she is our mum. And she is also a connection to our mums because she represents our psychological foundations which are almost always intrinsically tied to how our mothers raised us > or whoever did raise you < so our moon shows us how we were raised and how we raised ourselves. Where we find comfort and what we hold onto to feel safe. Good Will Hunting
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Mercury > He's the closest to the Sun because he a lil curious how the Sun got so hot. And he right next to venus because mercury a lil curious george. Mercury is what you talk about, mercury is what your curious about. Mercury is what you understand and what you have a yearning to understand. Mercury can do it all, and whatever is touching this, is usually what people come to you for advice for, because they see you got this > all figured out. Rick and Morty
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Venus > venus is the beauty, venus is what lookin good on you. and since you know it look good, you exploit it for attention. Which is why Sun dont appreciate venus because she taking some of that attention it craves. But anyway. Venus is what you attract and what your attracted to, its your value, its how others want to treat you and how you like to be treated. Venus is nice, so your nice back. so be nice or you'll be rejected and it'll hurt you more because you didnt conform to the ideals of the hot babe that is venus. get simping or die trying Wednesday
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Mars > The warfield, the battlefield, the mine waiting to explode. This is mars and it was designed to blow up to cause destruction. This is where you fight and how you fight, but also how others fight you. How good you are at fighting is also indicated and well anyone can fight, but it seems we have supressed mars a lot. And its pretty fkn sad. Makes it all the more easier for some people to get away with fighting.... Which is stupid because they are not good at fighting but since most people dont like to fight we are ruining everyones abilities to fight. A bunch of bitches I say. No wonder you jump into fights as fast as you do because your so InSeCuRe. or get as angry as quick as you do because you been hearing InSeCuRe... we all in the same society calm the fuck down, but lets pretend to be the warrior and watch television again shall we. Breaking Bad
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Jupiter > The generosity of abundance and the idea of attracting all your wishes. Well the rich get richer and the poor get poorer right? Well thats a Jupiter thing, because you attract what you are. And thats why your good at whatever jupiter doing. Because you get a lot of energy attracted here, and you dont mind sharing some of it around. Which only brings forth more abundance > and the cycle of abundant manifestation has been created <
Super Mario Movie
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Saturn > The restriction and limiting fashion of something has actually made you learn to honour/respect it more than anything else. Saturn gave you the sauce by removing the sauce. Now you know how to make yo own SAUCCEEE. and dang don't it taste good now that you made it on your own? and you made sure it tasted as fine as you've always wanted it to be. Hard work pays off and it pays good and you bitchez complaining about saturn should put more work in, or frankly you not doing the right type of work. Saturn a boss, and if your not a boss. You getting bossed around. Saturn fucks you around so you learn to DEAL WITH IT. John wick
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Uranus > Okay so everything got backflipped and made everything turn into a fuck fest. But thats okay. You learned something right? ANd you could only learn it from him.. or that specific fuck fest that he invited you to. So you have an acute understanding founded within a niche puzzle which gave you the quirky genius trait that you have > in respect to where he be. what he do. its ya boy sparky speaks and today we getting into some bullshit
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Neptune > your a dumbass but your onto something. But your not owning it because it is 100% hard to understand, but this makes you look like a airhead, or a delusional something or rather. But. your actually onto something and when everyone else catches up they'll regret calling you all those names because it really was all a cover up of their own insecurities of not understanding something as deeply as you do. You are surrounded by energy here, and a lot of it is created by your imagination > which is fueled by whatever you saw that it can work with or from. And thats why you've learned ways to let it pass through you, or you learned to integrate it into your being. (its always both) Whichever you think it is; thats what happened. Scott Pilgrim against the World
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Pluto > The dark thing. considered evil, misunderstood, loner. dangerous and thats why everyone looking at you all weird and distrustfully. Because pluto embodies the hunter and the hunted. The concept of life or death is your pluto. because you encounterd things that tried to kill you; you yourself too learned to kill, but its a lot more undetectable and 'mysterious' since well you are trying to kill something and that requires covert operation. It plays with the real consequences; not the scratches or bruises of a mars, but the bullet of a pluto. Which is why people distrust it a lot, and by extension you also extend that same sense of distrust. due to your understanding of fear and extreme understanding of what could be the potential consequences; you play to win. otherwise you could die. you are afraid tpyically, so you behave fearlessly; but thats actually out of fear itself. or your funneling negative energy and well thats a pluto thing. And boy does thing thing attract a lot of energy too. I mean consider how when anything bright on in the dark attracts so much, the same happpens to something dark that is exhibited in the light > they both attracts so much.
The Menu
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Oh and I know there is a million overlaps. Ik there are probably better examples. This is my post > make your own < please criticise my work or that of my language again ya fkn bitchs idgaf > swamp stays swampy > fuck off <
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"we need a new system"
bestie Im starting to think they don't want to change it cuz the system we have now already legalizes everything they want to do. I dont think they're uneducated or ignorant on how the policies they've created have affected us.
I think they do see our rights as stealing from them. Because they don't see us as human or equals and so trying to say they don't deserve to keep exploiting us is being taken as seriously as they can take it. Which is that of a dog who hasn't adjusted to it's place on the floor beside the bed.
"they just need to get used to it, don't give them any attention; ignore them"
The difference between us and the dog is that I wouldn't have to debate for 3 generations to convince most people to buy dog a bed and then have to settle for newspaper. The dog often doesn't have to beg for food or to be given water, either.
But if someone said a dog deserved a seat at the table how would you react?
Maybe like how the system acts when a human being who isn't white, abled, or cis says they deserve rights?
The system is working Exactly the way it's supposed to
If they wanted to. They would.
We don't need a new system, we need a complete overhaul.
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yknow. while theres obvs a whole host of deliberate references saltburn pulls from mythology and classic literature, theres a lot of more contemporary, probably unintentional parallels i noticed could be drawn as well! (mainly my own faves bc my favorite hobby is projection)
so, in no particular order:
saw 2004. this ones a bit of a stretch but i mean, cmon. homoerotic bathtub. also the twist villain (ish), themes of vouyerism, playing games with peoples motives, pitting people against each other and exploiting power dynamics+dirty laundry. and the class disparity between the two love interests (yes saw is also a gay romantic tragicomedy to me. sorry)
dark shadows (the movie not the show) oliver is very vampire coded (i need to make a whole separate post abt that tbh) so hes barnabus collins. pamela is the redheaded dr. cotton whose overstayed her welcome. "the eggs are made for you. everything else is on the side"🤝"we dont have horses. we have a chevy". tragic gothic murder-(almost)-suicide romance. ig this makes felix josette, venetia carolyn, and farleigh the spooky little kid who can talk to ghosts,,,,,? eh yea ok its not a 1:1 ratio
hereditary. elspeths scream finding felixs body in the morning. the tendency to just fully suppress trauma until its impossible to ignore at which point it spills out in the most ghastly ridiculous ways. the undercurrent of intergenerational mother-son trauma. the way they both seem to juggle two focuses at once, one focus being interpersonal dynamics, the other being class commentary (or supernatural horror in hereditary, though id argue saltburn succeeds at this where hereditary falls flat) also the twist that its not in fact the family thats scary and culty and weird and ultimately the biggest threat, but an outsider (hated that twist in hereditary, loved it in saltburn)
sucker punch. again the theme of vouyerism! also consent, sexuality, and hypersexuality, getting by on charisma in a losing battle when surrounded by those with systemic power over you (farliegh ily mwuah), the fine line between desire and glorification and dehumanization, and how it forces the audience to do the uncomfortable work of reconciling our desire to take the eroticism presented to us at face value and sexualize the characters and their relationships, with the power imbalances and therefore inherently dubious consent between them (and us, the audience)
a girl walks home alone at night. this ones mainly just the title, but again i just really like the subversion of expectation that oliver is gonna be the one helplessly sucked into this whirlwind of danger, when in reality, hes the threat. and both the cattons and we ourselves as the audience wholly underestimate him due to the implicit biases it forces us to reconsider
the hunger games. more vouyerism, the way it catches the audience in wanting to focus on the romance because its comfortable and what we're used to, rather than actually look beyond the surface and engage with the power imbalances, particularly the classim and racism commentary. also that scene where oliver looks out the cab window and sees saltburn for the first time reminded me a lot of peeta and katniss looking out the train seeing the capitol
euphoria. ik yall noticed the jules and felix parallel w the angel wings, and duh jacob elordi is in both. but can i also pose that they both have themes of coodependancy and love as addiction and favorite persons and not loving someone as a person but simply loving to be loved. and also body glitter and cocaine
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dreamlanders · 10 months
i think you are blurring the lines between symbolism and propaganda .. toontown cogs r metaphorical characters who laugh at and imitate the capitalistic dull buisness man type imagery.. if anything, toontown is anti capitalist propaganda for how the cogs are villainized throughout the game for their actions . besides, its a little disrespectful to compare real life colonization to a video game like toontown.. i definetly dont think people who enjoy making content abt cogs or anything deserve that kind of slack
lmao ok so heres the thing
im korean right, and as all koreans do, i have MANY family members who have experienced imperialist oppression under both the japanese and the united states’ neoimperialist project. i know a lot of americans or non-asians in general dont really get taught about this, so im gonna summarize this quickly because im not getting into the absolute horror of it all on my goddamn toontown blog
japan annexes korea in 1910 and violently exploits korean land and labor for 35 years, and along the way they attempt to systematically destroy korean culture, language, and history, down to banning the korean language outright and slaughtering native dogs. as is often the case with the imperialist narrative they adopt a false pretense of “modernizing” the “backwards” koreans. anyway they lose ww2 and we all know how that goes, so south korea is under new management from the united states, who installs or backs a long string of authoritarian dictators who wipe out hundreds of villages in jeju island and shoot protestors post korean war. again, a very rough summary
where im going with this is that with my family history in mind (because all of my grandparents lived through the japanese occupation and korean war and have the stories to prove it), i approach a lot of media asking questions about imperialism and exploitation. yeah including the kids mmo, because theres plenty of things that coincide with these in, admittedly, toned down ways (its a kids game)
clash cogs’ motivation is, as far as im aware, to use toontown’s resources for profit by means of fuel. this reminded me of the way korea suffered under japanese occupation, during which koreans were kidnapped by the government and used as unpaid labor for mining and for manufacturing by companies like mitsubishi, on top of the agricultural exploitation and the theft of korean natural resources for both japanese demand and profit
the rewritten cogs have a slightly different motivation, with the same endgoal. by trying to “convert” toons to coggish practices and trying to get them to stop being toony, its an act of cultural destruction. being toony is part of toon culture, using jellybeans for money and hosting parties and doing slapstick comedy are all important parts of toon culture. the chairman is trying to destroy this. this is what sticks out to me the most, because the colonizing bastards tried to beat the culture out of koreans as a whole, and this is whats always been emphasized in the family stories. you think my grandparents know japanese for the fun of it? no, because they were quite literally forbidden from participating in their own cultural practices because someone thought that their culture was superior to ours.
its disrespectful to compare the lived experiences of my fucking flesh and blood to media i consume? disrespectful to who, anon? to fucking who?
anyway i never said toontown was pro capitalist propaganda what the actual fuck. first off symbolism is often present in propagandistic media pieces, but also more to the point, since i would not call toontown propaganda: no shit theyre representative of capitalists, but the problem with capitalism is that it allows for a system of violent colonialism, exploitation, and displacement in the name of profit, and its natural for this to be evident in media focusing on capitalism. and i said this last time, but i dont have a single goddamn problem with people who like the cogs, but 1. im just a little frustrated 2. yall gotta stop making them the good guys and unironically hoping the chairman wins.
donate $100 to palestinian relief efforts or buy the equivalent amount in esim cards for gazans and post the receipt on your public blog if you want to have me answer any more of these kinds of asks. this aint a discourse blog put up or shut up
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we should abolish prostitution, period.
„but what will women with no other options do?“ they should not be prostituted in the first place because thats coercion of sexual acts which is illegal. if they cant say no without serious consequences, and the sex buyers know that or at least have to assume it (because why would she be prostituted if she didnt need money), it makes them abusers and sexual offenders and they should be treated as such.
„but what about the women who enjoy doing it?“ if they have other options - they can do something else. their alleged personal enjoyment does not matter more than the overall harm the industry afflicts on marginalised people, especially women.
„but then it will just become invisible and social workers cant reach the women“ invisible prostitution is not reduced when buying sex is legal, legalisation just additionally creates and fosters visible prostitution. apartment and other hidden prostitution is common whether buying sex is legal or not.
„but trafficking is already illegal, prostitution should be legal“ you are a fool if you believe those are two entirely separate things; the voluntary vs forced prostitution binary is misleading on purpose, a lot if not most prostitution is inbetween: being under financial duress, impoverished and/or having financial dependents like children and other family certainly inhibits free and voluntary choice.
„but all labour under capitalism is coerced, prostitutes need workers rights and protection“ and in any other context, coerced sexual acts are recognised as violence, not labour. other industries and job are exploitative, but dont constitute sexual violence.
„but what will the women do?“ what is your proposition? they will certainly never get out of the system if their sexual abuse is legitimised and supported by legalising the purchase of sex. we should emphasise creating alternatives and lifting women out of desperate situations, and urge our governments to take action. harm reduction is important now but the longterm goal should be abolition, making buying sex legal only strengthens and helps the system - and damns marginalised people to this fate now and in the future.
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yb-cringe · 5 months
I think a lot of people aren’t aware that there have been actors on the server for weeks and system admins for even longer so this is probably out of nowhere for them. Especially if their only interaction with the server has been doomscrolling and fanfic (reasonably so). They don’t know that since the server re-opened the amount of admins on has been slowly growing. Still, it rubs me the wrong way when people say the admins who stay are being exploited and just don’t know better like they’re not people with agency.
I still want backpay in reparations to former employees, but I know that takes money they don’t have right now, and every testimonial said how wonderful the whole team was except a few people and there was nary a complaint about the acting/rp aspect of the work. It remains to be seen if the toxic work culture has been fixed, and I doubt it because that takes time that being from different cultures complicates further, but I’m willing to give them a try. You don’t fix a toxic culture by through hypotheticals and prep alone. Things need to run so they can test out their changes to see if they hold.
Also this event could literally just be as nothing as re-opening the old spawn for all we know. We know nothing and we’re all jumping to conclusions.
i think this is all pretty good but doubley so on that last bit. like we rly dont know what this event even is lol. it could be something great! it could be really needed rn. people assumed it was like huge lore which fair the photo is pretty mysterious but also it could be like SO many things. being cautiously optimistic.
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im sorry but ive been really mentally in the wringer for the past god knows how long and its passed through my mind multiple times through the years but id love to have some extra hands on deck (if that makes sense?) for when it gets too much for me to handle and ive thought of maybe like creating a tulpa or smth to help out a bit and have some extra support just 'round yk. and even though obv i know that theyre gonna be a whole 'nother person and i know im not just going to treat them as a 'get out of jail free card' of course i have to pull my own weight especially after i drag em into this mess so to speak but i still feel????? like its exploitative?? idk.. thought? dont feel like you have to respond i suppose i just just had to write this all down get my thoughts out but do what you will with this ask
(Note: We don’t use ‘tulpa’ language, as we’ve heard from many Asian Buddhists that this language is racist/cultural appropriation. So we’ll be using ‘paro’ or ‘thoughtform’ language in this response!)
Hi! We don’t have any personal experience with creating a thoughtform, but we’ve heard from a lot of paromancers (including our partner system!) and have spent a lot of time in paromancy spaces. And honestly, it’s to our understanding that creating a thoughtform for the sole purpose of having a helper or creating a headmate to manage symptoms or act as a caretaker may not be a good idea. Thoughtforms are people, just like you and me, and they may not live up to any preconceived expectations you have for them, especially when it comes to providing support and/or guidance! So creating a thoughtform in order for them to fill the role of helping and supporting you may not turn out how you expect, as they might reject that role or resent the idea of being created merely as a means of support.
However, you know yourself and your situation better than we ever could! So if you really feel like creating a thoughtform is the right path for you to take, and that you’ll be able to give your thoughtform agency, and not hold them to any preconceived ideas or expectations about who you want them to be, then do as you like!
If you’re curious about other forms of created plurality besides paromancy, we recommend checking out daemonism or imagian plurality! Both of which are, to our understanding, a bit lower stakes and perhaps a good way to “test the waters” of plurality so to speak. Especially imagian plurality, which is basically creating imaginary friends and choosing to view them through a plural lense! And imaginary friends do have the potential to develop fully into thoughtforms later, so if it’s going well, you’ll always have that as an option!
Good luck to you with figuring this out! Whether or not you do choose to get involved with paromancy or create some sort of headmate, we’re wishing you the very best with everything!
🌷 Corrie and 💫 Parker
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anti-endo-safe-space · 4 months
i'm gonna be super upfront here: i'm ignorant of a ton of shit regarding this whole situation, but a genuine curiosity has been aroused in me in the course of some mutuals talking about this stuff and Knowing More Stuff is always worth it. so i kinda wanna just drop some questions in your inbox and then go hide behind a bush.
i had what would be called an alright childhood from a distance but had a bunch of mental health issues that did not get addressed well into adulthood. like the kind of shit that somehow made me suicidal at ten, and i can't remember most of my life before 20. i do remember being groomed and exploited.
i started dissociating frequently and like. here is the point where i am ignorant, on terminology and also substance, so i'm going to do my best to muddle through. at some point early on there came to be like. two conceptual like, i dunno, *stuff* in my thoughts. they had names and they seemed to be very internally consistent. i understood them to be me, because they were in my brain and my understanding at this time (granted i was like. ten.) basically was "how could something be in my head if it isn't me." whenever i dissociated one of them took over. there was dialogue. i could make suggestions (one listened way more than the other) or i could not. but i understood these to have all sprung from my sense of self as i understood. they did not and have not gone away even through vast stretches of very good times.
what i don't get is what this is. after that reading that aforementioned conversation mentioned before i went poking through some stuff, vocabulary and experiences and such. the idea of a median seems to align a lot with shit, but as i understood it this generally did not seem to be a thing that was occurent in people reacting to trauma, which. like. i would say "reacting to trauma" has been something i've been doing for a long time, even through those good times.
so like. wtf. i don't know. basically wondering if you have any insight. sorry for dropping a novel in your inbox.
Hey there's no worries. We're not going to diganose you because we do not know your life story, we suggest a therapist. However.
If you are a system, it's common to not remember the trauma. I (host the one typing this) only remember some because I'm a partial trauma holder. But we have some who have no clue what the bodies been through. So, if you are one, the seemingly average childhood doesn't change that. Plus, what is considered traumatic to you doesn't mean it is to everyone else (about our third ever split was due to bullying on the school bus, it was physical yes but still. That's not something always seen as traumatic).
Reacting to trauma could mean being a system. But, we'll be honest here.
We don't believe that median systems really exist. It's a case of either you are or you aren't to us. Now, if science shows "hey actually" then we'll believe it (legitimate documented science that is accepted by most of the psychology community in the last 15 years (not directed at you, anon, but any pro endos/endos who see this and are going to go "well what about this guy from the 80s or this study that was done by people with no knowledge in psychology and haven't been shown with other studies")). So, it sounds like being a system but that's something you've gotta figure out.
We're sorry we dont' have the best input there /gen
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mothmvn · 4 months
uuuugh intellectual property rant i think about a lot because i can't bear to try the Artist career in current conditions
unfortunately digital media reality interacts really stupid with the concept of "intellectual property"
we can often secretly agree intellectual property is a bad thing because sharing and iterating upon ideas is a good thing, because for eons and eons that's been living creatures' method for moving forward. however, since you cannot actually own a digital or online object (it gets reproduced! that's how it's viewed on a new device! it exists by being copied and re-shared!), the intellectual property becomes the only thing underpinning the collection of pixels produced in digital art shared online
so then generally left-wing people still end up arguing for their inherent, capitalism-given right to restrict access to new or unique ideas. because this is already a system they exploit for money. not necessarily in a malicious way, but like, they have already built their careers on the current legal/tech platform, which depends on the idea that humans are not just legally, but morally wrong to steal and re-publish information. in a world where "information gets duplicated for free for the person to view your work" is the bones of the main communication system. am i going crazy here
idk, like it's difficult for me to even argue that people producing digital items have a property-like right to them. you have a layered PSD or Premiere file or whatever that you don't share (on some level this is "the artwork" in ALL its dimensions), and you share thousands of flat copies you can't claim to own (you hand them over to apps and websites). in practice, you "own" the right to sue someone else, if they use one of the many auto-generated copies in a way you personally dislike (e.g. they earn money that you believe you would have earned otherwise)
which like. that's still not "owning your art", in my understanding. what you "own" is the right to link endlessly multiplying copies to yourself - much like a book author over all copies printed anywhere and everywhere. but book copies are solid objects that can be stolen, at least! this falls apart with e-books just like it falls apart with digital artwork! we're all trying to fake some kind of monetisable scarcity with digital files!! ! am i going crazy here!!!!
(and the only way you can logic your way into scarcity is by believing in your own legally-reinforced superpower of Intellectual Property, an ephemeral flavour you create that no one else has the right to replicate. how recently in history did we invent this authorial overreach vs how long have we been iterating on shit in spite of our friend saying loudly in the background "Hey What the fuck I painted that kind of thing first")
so like, the entire argument put forth by anti-AI digital artists completely falls apart for me if i level with it morally, genuinely
i can't stop mulling this over because i Hate that the premise of "art for fun, for me" as a career, its financial security, is staked on me becoming a digital cop. i dont want to do that! and non-digital materials aren't the medium most actual art Work is done in (because again, that work takes place in the realm where we practise monetising IP & being an e-cop about people re-using my art). so the only role i can see art playing in my life is a hobby.
and i guess on an interpersonal level it sucks that I'm separated from most "real artists" just by this refusal to utilise "IP powers" in real life. refusal to rely on money i "should have earned" from someone else's re-iteration or re-share to a different audience. god just saying that makes me feel nasty - yeah, i the original artist coulda done that hypothetical re-iteration too, but DID I?! isn't that the argument we use to value art - "you coulda done it but DID YOU" ?!
i dont know. am i going crazy here.
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nanamissingno · 4 months
just musing. its kind of bleak
in truth, at risk of sounding overwrought, ive felt really uniquely hopeless for the past year. which is interesting to experience bc its a detached assessment of the worldstate as opposed to the kind im familiar with, which is more based on the emotional experience and therefore more identifiable as being depressive
but im taking my meds regularly. and this has been a constant state of being even outside the haze of the experience i have with depression+dysthymia. so i dont honestly know if thats what this is. i think it might just be that things are very very bad, and im seeing them be that way, and im responding to it
the exploitative systems in place are interconnected and so, so unfathomably large, and i am not just small in comparison but actively sick and getting sicker. the sicker i get, the less access i have to public spaces in which collective action, the only thing that could save us, is truly viable at a community level
its not a tack im used to taking in this arena, and i suppose im a bit worried about how that will come off to those who know me, and know the philosophy i usually lean into. i dont want to disappoint or worry anyone, and i fear thats inevitable here. but then, im supposed to try to care less about disappointing people, huh
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