Goblin time
198 posts
21, 4th yr bio student trying to flirt with the arts. This account is a mostly uneditted delirium of thoughts and feelings pfp @veluv_art
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goblin-hart · 12 days ago
one of the worst takes I've seen recently is that it's "awfully convenient" that the wild robot came out around the time AI is getting better. like it's a tech conspiracy to make us like robots more.
...as if we haven't been personifying robots since forever?
The Iron Giant
1964 Rivets and Sprockets
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There are also wizard of Oz books about friendly robots
don't get me wrong I don't like AI especially for things like art and I don't think they should replace parents lol but humans have been fascinated by artificial consciousness forever
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goblin-hart · 12 days ago
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MOROCCO (1930) dir. Josef von Sternberg
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goblin-hart · 27 days ago
Dating Won't Fix your Mood issues (opinion piece)
PSA my opinion and experience, I have no qualifications that make me more of an expert than any other person with experience being lonely and dating <3
I have some friends who will have long term sadness and like loneliness and will tell me "I just want a relationship".
I've had times when I've been single where I'm like "ugh if only a partner was here to comfort me, that would make me feel better" many times. In fact it was my mantra all through high school- that my deep-seated loneliness and sadness was just for the want of my person.
um yea, if you're single and dealing with this- welp good news! A relationship wouldn't fix it lol
the only sadness my relationship has gotten rid of is the sadness of seeing cute couples videos and having someone to send them to
my relationship has brought me a ton of joy and I'm so grateful, but it hasn't "fixed" anything and I wasn't "missing something" before it.
the truth is that your ideal relationship does not exist without you, so if you're not in one rn, you aren't incomplete and doomed to perpetual sadness because of it
its hard not to expect having a partner to fix everything, but i think sometimes people deny themselves care because they think the only solution is a partner.
finding out the hard way
this christmas my partner and I spent it together. I was pretty unstable mood-wise I will not lie. I kept feeling deeply upset and blaming it on not getting enough attention from them (sorry love). It literally escalated to me asking them to cuddle and get as close as possible and I still felt like I wanted them closer, more attention, something to ease how sad I was feeling.
Point being you're partner can support you but they aren't a magic end to all your issues. (unless they are somehow and then i'm jealous cause you don't need to work on solving your own issues lol)
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goblin-hart · 27 days ago
i got a new computer (like brand new) and it has the most comedic collection of issues
this poor beast does not wish to exist
internet speed is below 1Mbps (normal is in the 20s-30s at least) so it takes about 10 minutes to download a 16mb file
it really hates some antivirus software (no clue but it uninstalls some antivirus apps every time I close them without telling me lol)
but good news! according to the computer's diagnostics the wireless connection is working perfectly :)
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goblin-hart · 2 months ago
organize, build community
whatever happens you don't want to be alone while it does
no matter the outcome of this election: organize, build local community, build strength in masses. elections aren't the only time politics happen, it also happens on the streets, in the community and by mutually supporting each other.
the way forward is together. we build power from the ground up. in the US and everywhere else in the world.
a better world is possible and we can start building it now, by ourselves. anarchism starts in the now.
hack the planet
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goblin-hart · 2 months ago
I'm in uni rn and I'm sure posting smth political will come to bite me in the ass but it's incredibly frustrating to have basically all my classes point to modern capitalism as the problem™.
And it's frustrating bc when I start talking about revolution people look at me like i'm a raving rabid dog foaming at the mouth asking to carpet bomb civilians. Even some of the profs teaching me these things.
So many people are willing to acknowledge the government and economy need to change (and are the problem) and yet so so few are willing to pursue that thought anywhere near action. Even so far as to vote for a 3rd party.
Like literally all my classes back up with proof bribery of politicians, rich lobbying outweighing the wants and needs of citizens and non-citizens alike, political censorship, the willingness of the government to repress free speech, the near conspiracy level that northern governments manage to maintain the poverty of the south, that this has been a problem for over 100 years, that politicians have been ignoring their own promises for over at least since the 1880s in the US.
And somehow- we with all the money- have a huge portion of the population barely surviving, homeless, begging people for medical support, etc.
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goblin-hart · 5 months ago
I need an adventure novel centred on Lenara Kahn and Jadzia Dax running away together, petitioning the trill gov to change their policies. Taking refuge on DS9 then going all over the galaxy together. Omg im cryinnggggg
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goblin-hart · 6 months ago
I love you in my sleep
I woke up this morning with texts from you
you care about me while i'm asleep
that thought just keeps circling my head
I wonder if it can possibly be true
but they're there. You're there.
I think I might cry
caring about you is already the best thing i'm doing
i never expected that to be mutual
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goblin-hart · 7 months ago
I think writing in my journal like some sickly victorian man has helped me greatly. Its way better to say:
"I have never faced such an adversary. It's as though it wishes to destroy me, sending coughs when I doze off at last and blocking my very breathing when I lay down."
"I'm sick and sad :( I have a cold"
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goblin-hart · 7 months ago
pretty shitty how baseline human activities like singing, dancing and making art got turned into skills  instead of being seen as behaviors
so now it’s like ‘the point of doing them is to get good at them’ and not ‘this is a thing humans do, the way birds sing and bees make hives’.
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goblin-hart · 7 months ago
tw ed
there's something real fucked about the fact that everyone ik has a messed up relationship to food.
and worse than that the majority of the people I know have either an active ED or had one in highschool/middle school.
the afab folks tend to be more aware of it and more willing to call it an ED.
but holy shit some of my amab friends are fighting it blind. and like that whole gym bulking and cutting thing is a massive trigger imo. And then they just think they're being 'mindful' about food.
all im saying is that smth got fucked up good, and I doubt it started with our gen but its a fuckin epidemic and we don't acknowledge it enough.
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goblin-hart · 7 months ago
When I say self care I dont just mean
⛲🌟🧼clean, skin care routine, or journaling demurely~♡°○
self care can also be
🤬💀cussing someone out in your voice memo space
picking outfits that don't 'emphasize'🙄 your best features (bc be fr how exhausting is it to spend your life working PR for your body)
🧚‍♂️Playing in the mud🍄
making random art in the dark without worrying about how good it is🎨🖼👨‍🎨 bc who cares if you're art isn't the best
🍟🥙🍡🧀eating dinner after a day of eating 'unhealthy' food bc you deserve food for just existing, and no amount of punishment will teach you to love yourself
telling yourself you're beautiful while you cry.
🚫blocking accounts that don't spark joy. turning off notifications for a bit.
im blanking but there are so many dirty little goblin ways of taking care of yourself.
clean girl can be a fun vibe but its not everything
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goblin-hart · 7 months ago
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i feel like spock knows what just happened behind him somehow
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goblin-hart · 7 months ago
So far Prodigy feels like a mix of star wars, she-ra, startrek, and player one.
I'm on the second episode so we'll see, but wild so far.
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goblin-hart · 7 months ago
I dunno if star trek prodigy is intense exactly but the pain of watching characters actively sabotage themselves because they can't ask for help or are too hyper independent is bruuutaaallll.
anyway, I am now looking up spoilers so I can get my cringing over with sooner lol
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goblin-hart · 8 months ago
i cant afford to pay my mercenaries but im sure they will understand
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goblin-hart · 8 months ago
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Getting ready for the gratitude festival!!
(The reason kira never got Zanthi Fever’d after this is because she repressed so hard here she got brain damage.)
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