#messy drama
jadeluz-official · 2 months
Hi, is there a rivalry between fans of the musical and fans of the film? I see that fans of the film or the BL couple don't like the musical, why?
It has been a long time since I've seen the musical and I do not want to revisit it. I wouldn't necessarily say there's a rivalry considering the common ground being Beetlebabes or Beetlejuice himself, but from my experience, fans of the film weren't very fond of the way musical BJ was portrayed.
The most controversial part is that the musical tried to push a friendship route with Beej and Lydia, like the cartoon spin-off, but failed to encapsule Beej's amorous feelings towards Lydia. The musical also failed to regard Lydia's timid personality and made her very snarky and bratty. There's a musical number named "Creepy Old Guy" where Lydia and BJ get married just so Lydia could backstab him.
Tim Burton and Michael Keaton were both personally invited to see the musical, along with the rest of the og cast, and the two didn't give the musical two seconds of the day. Everyone else had seen it apart from them. If you know Tim Burton, he's not fond of people who mess around with his characters.
Ya see where I'm getting at?
They took these characters without his permission (since he doesn't own the rights, Warner Bros does) and ultimately stretched them so far from canon material. Many people think Tim Burton made this sequel as retaliation against the musical for tearing apart Beetlejuice and Lydia's relationship. 
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There is a longer post on Reddit, linked here, that can explain most of what happened, including the chaos and divide of the fandom that ensued. The musicalbabes are cool cool, I just don't like the musical itself, ya know?
@theblacklistforever97 hope this answers your ask since it was also similar!!
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craxxez3 · 23 days
Mathias is 15. So it's make sense when the actor said he don't know if Mathias really like Erik. It's maybe one of the puppy love, that will pass by.
I'm not Matherik shipper. The moment it's down on me they all 15 babies... I don't expect a heavy romance in this show. So give me messy dramatic teenage drama, that the headache I sign for.
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saint-jussy · 2 years
The Montagnard Love Quadrangle in A Declaration of the Rights of Magicians: a Compilation
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dallasyt · 5 months
Welcome to the best day of the week and get ready for our latest ”Am I the a**hole?” YouTube video where we are reading some messy family drama. The eclipse couldn’t even overshadow!
We post FULL YouTube videos EVERY Wednesday at 11:30 AM and a TON of YouTube Shorts DAILY in between.
Make sure to subscribe to turn on the bell icon to get notfied when we post.
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“I have no idea what Ryan has planned — if indeed he has planned anything.”
- George R. R. Martin
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quote: source
image: source
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awetfrog · 10 months
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goth/emo overdone eyeliner solidarity
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soosoosoup · 6 months
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John Dory and Branch
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nhura · 23 days
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(See readmore for thoughts, cope, bonus, etc.)
Anyone else up thinking about Ratio's big, strong, secure arms and how warm and all-consuming they could be in a hug or embrace. :/ Anyway
I just wanted to draw them being cute and seizing a sliver of a moment where they could have some PDA silly time without actually having any eyes on them. They're public figures and working adults with very clear boundaries between public persona and private life (to varying degrees of "in a sad way"), so while it may be in Aventurine's nature to constantly blur lines for various agendas and self-preservation (read: play "the flirt" without an aligned goal), I believe that in an actual relationship they'd be fairly private.
It's kind of fun to break your own rules, though! Ratio would be more upset about the consequences, though. He's a little bit of a hypocrite, which is devastating for someone of such discipline, but nobody's perfect.
I'm of the mentality of, "If you're tired of working on it, then just post it!", so here are some fun peripherals that I didn't feel like adding:
Some staff in the background sweeping up to evoke a blended sense of fragile privacy and liminal time.
A laptop on the aquarium/bar/counter because there's something fascinating about seeing people on their work laptops in public.
The rest of their clothes (casual friday)
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fizzytoo · 2 months
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preparing to play lovestruck w a bad bitch 😋😋
original lot by @captain-silvera
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izufeels · 2 months
im BEGGING for bf texts w kirishima 🙏🙏🙏🙏
description: texts with your boyfriend
content warning: smau; fluff; “baby”; monoma hate
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queenvhagar · 4 months
Criston Cole is a knight of common birth in a medieval, feudalist world who rose to the highest position a knight could hold in the realm, who was pressured into sex with the member of the royal family directly responsible for his position as Kingsguard, resulting in him almost ending his life out of guilt for breaking his vow.
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Alicent Hightower is a grown up child bride to an older king who was forced to perform her duties no matter the hour, who visibly disassociated during the act, who never had the luxury of thinking of her own desires at any point in her life, who birthed and raised her babies while still a child herself.
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I would ask this show to explore how these two individuals overcame their sexual trauma and ingrained beliefs about duty and sex to start an extremely active sexual relationship but I know deep down that this is as far as the writers want to go with these characters in relation to this pairing:
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scarletlotus182 · 5 months
I think what a lot of destiel fans forget is that outside the spn bubble most of us dislike Supernatural and anything related and have mostly heard of it against our will.
The whole destiel news meme is largely because of circumstances surrounding it and not because people were genuinely interested in what was going on in the show.
I promise you when it comes to cultural impact, Gundam, a series thats been around since '79 and it's most recent series which focused on a gay relationship ending in marriage in a country where gay marriage is not yet legal has had the bigger impact.
Everyone is begging you to step outside of your western-centric bubble
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galapogos · 3 months
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‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ it's always been about love and hate, now let me say i'm the biggest hater i hate the way that you walk the way that you talk i hate the day that you dress
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brw · 3 months
comic writers need to write messy cheating breakups again. all these amicable offpanel breakups are BORING!!! and they rarely make sense with where the characters are in their relationship anyway. i want three issues minimum dedicated to adultery and the fallout of it. we used to be a country.
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nichelleladonna · 4 months
happy pride month mkulia fans 🥳
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cryptocism · 2 years
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You think just anybody can qualify for a crush on Superboy? There's a vetting process. You have to submit an application to the board.
I continue to draw the silly bits of Frequency (this one is from Chapter 5, if context is a thing you like to have)
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