#reddit submissions
dallasyt · 1 month
Join me as I dive into some wild "Am I the A**hole?" Reddit stories while working from my car! In today's episode, we explore: A guy who’s clearly taking advantage of his girlfriend's kindness—what's his deal? Also, a girlfriend who calls her boyfriend’s degree useless—ouch, talk about harsh words! And lastly a boyfriend who just can’t handle his girlfriend’s endless rambling—is he being fair or just plain rude? Tune in to hear these stories and my thoughts on who’s really in the wrong!
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incorrect-dnd-classes · 10 months
Wizard: How to cite a dream/hallucination in APA 7th? Artificer: What? Wizard: I want to include something that was revealed to me in a vision in one of my research papers. But I do not know how to cite it.
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N: Hey what’s this movie called?
Uzi: I love you man
N: Aww I love you too, but seriously what’s this movie called?
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sandmandaddy69 · 3 months
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 5 months
FEFERI: My pet jellyfis)(, Mike, w)(o is neurodivergent. )(e is 1 sweep old today!
KANAYA: Where Did You Get That
KANAYA: I Have To Ask Out Of Genuine Curiosity How Is It Determined That A Jellyfish Is Neurodivergent
FEFERI: I filled out an online quiz using )(is answers! 38D
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shiftythrifting · 2 years
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found on reddit and had to share
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tf2incorrectquotes · 4 months
Scout: Having to call a judge "your honor" is so friggin' dumb.
Madcap: "Your Honor". I mean, give me a bloody break! What else do you want me to call you? Your highness? Do you want me to fondle your nuts while I blow you, too?
Scout: I've seriously been in courtrooms where I'll say "Sir" and the judge will be like "It's 'Your Honor' young man!!" Fuck off. How much of an egotist you gotta be to care about some medieval-ass title? It's some LARPing I'd expect kids to do. "Oh Billy you have to call me supreme leader Snorlax the magical wizard!!!!" Shut up.
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Myri Antilles: We need to get this door open. Scut, give me your credit card. Scut: Okay. Myri, pocketing it: Thanks. Trey, break down the door.
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incorrectvtuberquotes · 4 months
Kiara: Sarcasm doesn’t get you anywhere.
Amelia: Well, it got me to the Sarcasm World Championships In Uruguay in 2018!
Kiara: …Really?
Amelia: No.
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dallasyt · 1 month
Join me as I dive into some wild "Am I the A**hole?" Reddit stories while working from my car! In today's episode, we explore: A guy who’s clearly taking advantage of his girlfriend's kindness—what's his deal? Also, a girlfriend who calls her boyfriend’s degree useless—ouch, talk about harsh words! And lastly a boyfriend who just can’t handle his girlfriend’s endless rambling—is he being fair or just plain rude? Tune in to hear these stories and my thoughts on who’s really in the wrong!
Make sure you comment and let us know what you would like to see from us next. Don’t forget to click the like button and share our video. Subscribe for more content and turn on the bell icon to get our post notifications of all our videos.
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Illusion Steve: Hard boiled eggs are disgusting. I almost died eating one. The crunchy-soft mix is disgusting. It’s like eating ravioli with chips. 
Sabre: You’re supposed to remove the shell lol 
[The reason Illusion thinks that you’re supposed to eat them like that is because that’s how Galaxy Steve eats them.]
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aita-polls · 13 days
AITAH for telling my daughter I won’t budge even if she never speaks to me again?
**I am not the OP and do not claim the statements below to be my own** [Link to Reddit Post]
My daughter Casey (17f) worked and saved up money for around a year to be able to afford a better car than we could buy her with our family budget. My other daughter Alana (16f, has ADHD) recently got her driver’s license, and asked to drive Casey’s car. Casey allowed it, but Alana ended up having a bad accident around 6 months ago which basically rendered the car unusable.
The insurance payout wasn’t nearly enough to cover the replacement, and with Alana’s medical bills from the accident (thankfully there was no permanent damage, just a broken arm and leg), there was no way we could afford to replace Casey’s car immediately.
Alana was very apologetic to Casey, and so were we since we couldn’t afford to replace her car. Casey didn’t accept our apology, and has been basically avoiding us, skipping family dinners, and pretty much pretending that her mom, Alana, and I don’t exist and only talks to us if she needs a form signed for her school.
I begged her to come to a family therapy session, and she eventually relented but with the condition that Alana wouldn’t be present. In the therapy session, she told us that she won’t be resuming a relationship with us until we replace her car, which realistically won’t be until next year. When the therapist asked how she expected us to do that, Casey said we could just make Alana work to earn the money.
The issue is that Alana has severe ADHD, and already has trouble managing her school work. I’m worried that making her work to earn the money will harm her grades and have significant ramifications for her future. Casey said “well she should have thought about that before destroying my car, I don’t care, I’m not gonna speak to any of you unless I have my car replaced”. I responded that she was free to avoid speaking to me for as long as she wanted to, but I’m not going to permanently harm her sister’s future to get her a car earlier.
My wife agrees with me that we need to stand firm on our position, but is also genuinely afraid of Casey never speaking to her ever again. I understand that her car was ruined, but I as a parent I need to look out for all my children, not just one. I also don’t want to set the precedent that emotional blackmail will work even if what you’re asking for is unreasonable.
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redditantisemitism · 12 days
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People agreeing with literal dogwhistles…if this was posted a few years ago, I bet the comments would be very different.
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