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aita-polls · 13 days ago
My friend is writing and posting a fic on ao3. They requested irl friends not read it (I am an irl friend) but I want to show them support with their fic (it isn't super popular and they get really excited about kudos and comments) wibta if I secretly read and commented on it? (New account, never tell them IRL it was me)
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theepoetspoem · 3 months ago
Am i the asshole?
Me and a coworker have been very flirtatious at work, during breaks and even when seeing each other out of work for a few months now.
Yesterday we were on our lunch and she was sitting between my legs rubbing up and down my leg scrolling on her phone while we talked and casually mentioned oh hey i asked out one of the new guys we hired and been dating them for a week now.
I proceed to not say a word. Stand up pack up my food and go sit in my car. For the rest of that shift and todays they kept following me around asking me why I'm mad and won't talk to them.
Little back story i vented to them month and months ago that i was kinda scared by dating because my ex cheated on me with someone that was a "friend"
So her just casually saying that too me while rubbing my leg and stuff just set me off and upset me. Its not fair to me or to this new guy. And I'm tempted to tell him what she's been doing since she said they been together a week now.
So let me get this straight
You've been flirty and touchy for months
You two are not in a relationship
Last week you told her you're scared of the idea of dating
This week she tells you she is dating someone else
Now you're upset and want to tell the other dude?
Yes. You're the asshole.
If you wanted to be monogamous, you should have voiced that. Otherwise, dating is dating. It's engaging with people to see if you'd make a good match for a couple. There is nothing wrong with her doing that especially if you've been going on for months like this and won't commit to her or ask her to be your gf. She's already given you months worth of her time and you only NOW want all of her attention but she's giving it to someone else.
Maybe that guy is ready to date and be in a relationship. You already told her you're scared to.
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apwstr · 3 days ago
We're BACK with a new episode of 'A Podcast Will Save This Relationship' with Josh and Sarah, we talk about Severance Season 2, and then we discuss the state of modern television. We also read some reddit stories involving band members, drinking Dr. Pepper at the gym, and refusing to sit in a man's lap. C'mon down!
Please also check out our mutual aid resources as well!
Available wherever you find your podcasts. Link in bio.
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randomfandom-3 · 8 months ago
aitah for burying a baby alive
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mcyt-aitah · 2 months ago
Am I the asshole for abandoning my younger brother? So I (F) and my brother (M) have both been rulers of our respective kingdoms for many years. (He’s been the leader of the swamp and I’ve been the ruler of the ocean) We’ve had some pretty close trade relationships due to how we’re both on water. He was even the best man at my wedding, and me, him, and my husband are all in this alliance with a few others.
This all came to a head a few days ago, my axolotls were telling me that it was my birthday, so I asked around what a “birthday” was, and questioned others if they could hear my axolotls, and I finally reached my Codish ally. Before I could even speak, he wished me a happy birthday. I had no idea how he knew that it was my birthday, so I asked him. He told me the cod told him.
This was very confusing, as no one else but me could understand the sealife. I left for a while, returning to my empire and finding a few books that heavily hinted that I was his older sibling. I called him over to my empire, and he had a book himself that he forgot in his chests. Reading them all out told us that we were both siblings. I had abandoned him when he was very young to figure out how to defeat our enemies and forgot who I was.
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i-had-a-bad-feeling · 4 months ago
aita for being pissed at my family today?
Last night I had a rough game and was frustrated (yes I cried a little). I came home, showered, and went right to bed (10:30 pm) because I’m currently sick/injured and I PLAYED sick/injured
I wake up this morning (11:00 am), only feeling a little better, to find that my little brother gets to go spend the day with the cousin im most excited to see at the family function tmr so I’m mad
I go through my day (sick) and I do chores and help clean up meals/snacks.
I wake up from a nap and do the dishes, then my mom gets home and starts scolding for smth ab last night, and then gets mad when I have a JOKING attitude.
AITA here??? For being pissed that everything I do is wrong apparently??
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thessidy · 5 months ago
Anyone have advice for dealing w a rebellious protagonist? I’ve tried to wrangle her, explain to her that she needs to betray her friends, needs to go down that dark path, etc etc to serve the themes of the book. She just doesn’t get it. She insists it’s not in her character, insists she would be more logical or think things through a bit better. But at this point I’m too far in; I can’t just rewrite the entire 3rd act. What do I do?
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indig0-constellations · 5 months ago
AITAH for disliking my friends boyfriend because he said Supernatural fell off when Castiel was introduced in season 4? For context-
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certifiedstrawberryblonde · 6 months ago
Just found my ex gf on tumblr oh my god should I follow for the plot yes or no
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oh-to-be-a-murderer · 4 months ago
Guys story time!
AITAH for keeping in contact with my best friend when his ex - girlfriend who was a general friend of mine told me not to?
So i had been friends with this girl for around a year who ill call S, she and I went to the same maths class before I stopped going there and we have kept contact since. My other guy friend, who ill call R, and I know each other for about 9-10 months barely a year and he's a pretty chill guy, never had any scandles or anything. Thing is, S, me and R, go to the same maths class and at one point they both figured they liked each other. He asked for her number from me and I pushed it off thinking he was trying to mess with her. He's a bit of a prankster and prank calls people for no reason. After a few days, she calls me and tells me that they're dating, I had class with him that day and I went to class and he informed me separately as well. As soon as I heard I knew they wouldn't last a month. I told him to his face, that she wasn't worth him. I told him he deserved better because I knew all the scandals S had but he was rigid. Almost 2 weeks later S calls me crying, saying R broke up with her, I told her it was okay and that the relationship wasn't worth being in. Then I called R up and asked why he did so. He gave me a damn long list of why she was a red flag and honestly none of them were wrong but I did warn him beforehand and he just threw everything away. Now after S heard that I talked to him she called me up and told me not to talk to him. I straight up told her that he was also a friend but she insisted that in their breakup I had to be on her side, which I from the beginning wasn't! Now she won't keep contact with me and backbites about me AITAH?
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aita-polls · 7 days ago
Am I (28f) the ah for not caring for my husband's child? (Sorry, the context here is really long)
I met my husband (28m) as freshmen in college. We were both 19 and in nursing school, & we were very close. We studied together every day and went to frat parties and flirted occasionally and did all the things stupid college kids do. He helped me through several really awful depressive spells, and I nursed him after a car accident and his subsequent painkiller addiction.
After we graduated, we started dating. Then I switched to an acting career and moved several states away for job opportunities, so we did long distance. Then we had to keep doing long distance because of the pandemic. During this time, he got fired, so he moved in with his two best friends to save on rent. Similarly, a lot of people in my apartment building were getting COVID, so I blew all of my savings on a tiny, shitty little loft to be isolated. In hindsight, it was a terrible decision.
When quarantine ended, he drove out to propose to me. I was shocked, but I said yes. We decided that we would have to keep living separately and have a long engagement for financial reasons and because of my job. He went back home, and like a week later, I stopped hearing from him. (I later found out that he had asked one of his roommates to let me know what was going on.)
I found out from his other roommate that he had adopted his sister's newborn son. She was and still is in a vicious cycle of addiction, going in and out of jail and rehab, and she was just in no place to care for a child. I understand why he adopted his nephew, but it really threw a wrench in my life plans. I had always planned on being child-free. I'm not good with children. Anyway, my fiance got a job as a 911 operator and settled into life as a parent, and I found some semblance of stability in my acting career. I also opened a tattoo parlor out of my loft and got a side gig as a content creator, all while driving out to my fiance's every other weekend to see him and help him out with life and his kid and plan our wedding.
We got married this December in his state over his Christmas break. My semi-estranged, formerly abusive parents came. Apparently, they didn't know he had a kid (who's now 2), even though I'm pretty sure I've told them. Ever since, because I'm still living in my loft, they've been messaging me non-stop about my "neglecting my poor baby" and "being a terrible mother".
I do not feel that this child is mine. I only see him every other weekend, and while I do love him and care about him, I don't play a parental role in his life. I have no biological or adoptive relationship to him-I'm his stepmom at best and his uncle's long-distance wife at worst. Also, this is not a child that is uncared for. He is raised and provided for very well by my husband, his extended family, and the roommates. So, AITA for not abandoning my busy life to act like this kid's stepmom?
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ohoddsleepydood · 2 months ago
I know I should’ve put this on Reddit but I cannot currently log in for some reason:
Am I the asshole for slapping my step-dad?
WARNING: Substance use, Abuse and Self Harm etc
A little backstory;
My entire life I’ve had to deal with mental illness, specifically Bipolar disorder. And when you’re not diagnosed as a child everyone treats you like it’s all your fault. I don’t completely blame me, I was a total little shit and had many breakdowns in which I would be physically violent, but you have to remember, I WAS a child. I had reason to act this way, I didn’t understand my brain and no one else did either.
I was in special ed classes when I was in elementary school and I didn’t even have autism. But I was still very neurodivergent. I’ve had to go through a lot of emotional abuse and gaslighting from my mother and alcoholism from both of my dads. And I don’t blame my dads because my stepdad also deals with depression and my bio dad has a LOT of trauma and is in the Navy.
I finally got diagnosed when I was 11 and started the search for a right therapist and the right meds. I cycled through a few until highschool when I just used the schools therapist. Which I was lucky they had. I learned that mood stabilizers make me feel extremely numb and not to take a very high dose of them. But even after getting diagnosed I was still treated like I was the problem.
I progressed a lot through out the years but I was still struggling with suicidal thoughts and tendencies including hurting myself frequently. It got so bad that during middleschool I literally BEGGED my parents to take me to a mental hospital and they consulted my therapist which said I was fine when I obviously wasn’t.
This isn’t mentioning that I was a very busy child with a lot of extracurriculars that I was forced to continue in even when I asked to be taken out since they were taking a toll on me.
Fast-forwarding to present day:
Last year at the end of the school year I had to stop my at the time boyfriend from killing himself which was a MAJOR strain on my mental and physical health. I began spiraling mentally, btw MORE than I was before when I was dealing with a lot of existential dread even when I was in active therapy and on meds.
So I started using a LOT to cope and hurting myself. I was using mostly edibles and couldn’t even count on my friends to stay with me all of the time bc it was finals week, so I was mostly alone in this state. At one point I went to an older friends’ house and they gave me a bong which I’ve never had before and it led me to nosedive into psychosis.
After which I ended up being taken to an in town psych ward of sorts which was an awful experience given I had to educate them even when I was in psychosis bc none of their methods were up to date. Because of friends influence and my state I at the time thought I had DID and talked to myself in a messy notebook. I ended up leaving that place against medical advice and had a friend drive me back to campus.
I did this because I wanted to be with friends which was an awful idea since they were very unreliable and all around didn’t spend much time with me when I needed it most.
I was MIA for a bit bc i didn’t have a phone charger and couldn’t contact my family. Eventually I got a wellness check on me and I got escorted to the actual hospital by the police, I was in and out of consciousness and paranoid as hell. When the cop asked what I was on I cried and told her edibles, she was very calm and said that that wasn’t illegal so I was fine.
I went into the mental ward of the hospital and was a fucking ray of sunshine bc I wasn’t medicated and very out of my head. I was even doing pushups in my room. I didn’t have any cloths with me that I could wear until my parents brought me some. While I was there my parents moved me out of my dorm even though I really didn’t want them to. I don’t blame them, they didn’t know when I was going to be out of the hospital and it was the last week of school.
When I got out I was more depressed because I was coming off of a high and on a LOT of antipsychotics and mood stabilizer so I was sleeping all the time.
Eventually I ended up going to ANOTHER institution after IOP wasn’t working for me. I won’t go into much detail for the others but I ended up going to 5-6 different mental hospitals/institutions after many relapses and attempts. When I finally finished IOP I tried to kms again this time with something more lethal:bleach and a Dremel. That was the final straw and I ended up going to a rehab in Florida which btw I ended up having to spend my life savings on.
Soooo ever since I got back my parents have been threatening to kick me out (party bc I relapsed, yes ik that’s bad but I’ve been clean for over a month now from using and self harm) And they’ve been acting like nothing has changed which is a fucking lie. The only excuse they have is that when I lost my job my sleep schedule was fucked up bc I didn’t have anything else to do.
Last week I was manic asf bc of stress and coming off of rexulti bc my insurance wouldn’t approve it and trintellix bc it ended up being 400$. So I was awake for 2 days straight and wasn’t even doing anything wrong, I was CLEANING and my mom came in and told me to leave.
So during last week I’ve been getting my things from my house and not a single time would they help me take it back to my dorm, I always had to have a friend or family do it. Last night I got most of my things packed up except for some clothes I forgot and they started yelling at me bc apparently I was taking too long.
I was having an argument with my mom and my stepdad stepped in and started yelling at me too and tried grabbing my things including my suitcase which was OPEN. So obviously I tried to get it back from him and my mom was trying to separate us and he just kept throwing insults at me and I threatened to slap him if he didn’t stop and he said “do it”. So I fucking did.
I ended up breaking his glasses which left my hand with a few cuts and my mom had to hold him back from going after me. I was told to gather my things and I tried to as quickly as I could but I’ve been living there my whole life so obviously it took me a while. During which I was calling out my mother and step-father.
One thing I recalled repeating my mother saying was “We don’t owe you shit and you owe us everything” and ofc she denied it. She’s also many times said that she’s done so much for me and I should be thankful when most of it was the bare minimum except for extracurricular activities which I am grateful for and I’ve expressed such many times.
I also called out to my stepdad which idk if he heard or not, “remember when you were drunk and you punched me in my stomach when I was a CHILD?!”
I feel so bad for my 10 year old sister to have to experience this. Next month I plan to transfer the title of my car; which btw was only in my moms name for insurance reasons, and get the rest of my things and then I don’t plan to talk to them ever again if I can help it. Thank GOD my sister has messenger kids on her tablet so I’m not completely cut off from her.
So…. Am I the asshole?
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apwstr · 2 months ago
GREETINGS ALL! We are new to tumblr but not podcasting! And we have another episode of 'A Podcast Will Save This Relationship' with Josh and Sarah out this week, where we talk about the TikTok ban, and then Josh Mansplains 'Limitless' (2011). We also read some reddit stories involving shitty stepmoms, ungrateful students, and husbands with a secret. Go watch the dang show and have fun!
Please also check out our resources for help in areas affected by the LA Fires, Lebanon, Gaza, Congo, Sudan, links to multiple gofundmes, places to purchase eSims as well as helpful links to stay informed!
Available wherever you find your podcasts. Link in bio.
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professor-doc-emeritus · 11 months ago
There's a lot of reddit refugees/AI bot accounts here and on other websites that are spreading AITA posts around, but not sharing the required-reading post that's necessary if you want to engage with that content without becoming a goblin
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ox-sauna · 11 days ago
i love eating eggs during breakfast and saying "it's oophagy hours!" even though they're not exactly the same thing. is this word misuse? am i going to word jail?
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sonny-boiiii · 1 month ago
Okay time for an AITAH but i dont have reddit
AITAH for declining every outfit my parents buy for me?
So i am going to several mardi gras parades with my parents this weekend. All at this fancy new orleans club that my dad is a member of. You are required to wear nice clothing so my parents have been scouring all over to find outfits for my sister and i. Last night i had dance, so while i was at dance my parents and my sister went out to the mall and got me an outfit. I came back from school today and my mom finally shows me the outfit. I did not like it one bit. It was a straight plaid skirt (the star plaid not the striped) and a sweater that had the sleeves cut off like a t shirt. I expressed that i didnt like it several times. The skirt was too small but the top fit. I had to beg for them to not make me wear it. And a little bit before my grandparents offered to buy me, my mom, and my sister these dresses from perlis (fancy store in louisiana). They are white with purple green and gold stripes, and are like oversized polos. I expressed that i did not like this dress either and they didnt buy them for any of us. Bring us back to now. I feel really bad because they are buying these clothes for me, but they clearly dont care about how i feel when choosing them, they only care about what they like. My dad even showed me another shirt that i again, didn't approve of and he said that if it fit i was gonna wear it. I convinced him not to however. So AITAH?
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