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livelaughlovebeinggod · 29 days ago
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you literally have the power to wake up in a whole different reality tomorrow.
want to wake up in dubai tomorrow? alrighty~
want to spawn a few thousand dollars in ur bank account rn? done!
want to fly or teleport wherever you want? sure~
want to have a whole new family? it's already done lol
want a certain dress in ur closet rn? it's there~
absolutely anything is possible instantly. you're literally omnipotent. emphasis on the word omnipotence.
you're god. remember that. just decide. it's already yours.
there's NO separation between what u r and what u want to be. you're already IT.
you're limitless.
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heavenangelly · 4 months ago
How limitless you really are
The law opens up opportunities “normal” people could only dream of happening. Anything that you dream of happening can actually happen.
Whether that be being a nymph, mermaid, going back in time, traveling across the multiverse, waking up in a mansion, being a trillionaire, having a super natural friend group, having powers, suddenly becoming a nepo baby, never having to work a day in your life, never dying, shifting to your favourite book or tv show, be married to ur celeb crush, etc. You can have it all. And It’s not a promise, it’s a guarantee.
That’s pretty beautiful, isn’t it?
But then you get caught up in the 3d and ego. Something as simple as manifesting wl, clear skin, your sp, money, whatever you want, suddenly becomes extremely hard. You start fighting tooth and nail for that thing and lose sight of the big picture. When you fight for what you want, you’re fighting yourself. You are the only person that has the power to decide you have what you want or don’t have what you want, so fighting the 3d is kinda stupid, isn’t it? You’re fighting yourself, your reflection. Stop it, take a deep breath, and really understand what it means to be the creator of your reality. You really do control everything and the 3d not conform is impossible since it’s literally YOU. When you conform, it does. When you change, so does it. So when you feel like you don’t have your desires or if it’s taking forever or you’re struggling, take a step back and realise what you’re actually doing and telling yourself. Your word is law, so if you say you have it, you have it. If you say you don’t, you don’t. There is no outer source out there that is controlling your manifestations. Only you are. You are in complete control 24/7. Isn’t that wonderful?
Reality changes at your will, and that is so fucking powerful. So relax, take a moment, meditate on what you can actually do (literally anything you desire) and do it. Nothing is hard unless you say it is. Decide to take complete control of your reality and give it a complete 180°. You don’t need to struggle anymore, you don’t need to fight. You don’t need to be the side character in your own reality anymore. It is yours, but do you believe that?
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noxxuniverse · 3 months ago
You are limitless.
Stop putting things on pedestals, stop acting like your circumstances matter. You are limitless. You can have anything you want babes.
We put so much pressure on ourselves to be "realistic" when "realism" doesn't even exist. The only thing limiting you, is you. So get up, get what you want, and live that life you've always wanted. You want powers? You've already got em.
I love you all <3
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imperfect777 · 2 years ago
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Your limitless. Nothing is too big or too small. Nothing takes longer than anything else. Any and everything is possible, live your dream life.
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ko-existing · 1 year ago
Real vs. Unreal? — It's "THAT" & "THAT"
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"THAT" does not discriminate between what it sees "in reality" and what it sees "in imagination" there is just Oneness. One. ONE!Not two. As soon as you say "well... but i can't feel it with my senses" you are creating duality / two-ness where there isn't any. Awareness is aware. "IT IS". Nothing else. It's simple but you're overcomplicating it.
Reality = Imagination
Imagination = Reality
@infiniteko // Koda📿 • Chen
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dotingsis · 2 months ago
Tell me the worst things, let me be a princess
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s8tnn · 2 months ago
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gojo’s eyes appreciation post 💙🤍
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thehemsworld · 19 days ago
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Chris nos bastidores da segunda temporada de Limitles. Os mimos estão sendo preparados
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thismommyisforreal · 2 years ago
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Wishing you a wonderful weekend
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reality-detective · 5 months ago
Once you become fearless, you become limitless 🤔
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freshfakeboy · 1 year ago
Most of the time, when I lick strangers piss off of toilet seats, it isn't even to get off, I just see it and my brain goes num and forces me on my knees, my purpose is to clean up after men, right?
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livelaughlovebeinggod · 7 days ago
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i love the law. i really love how i can do, have or be whatever i want and whenever i want. i really have all the time in this world. i love how i can change my life into whatever i want no matter how big it is. i love how i cannot only just explore the earth but also the vast multiverse with a snap of my finger. i love how i can be with the people i love and people who love me. i love how i can buy absolutely anything without being worried about money. i love how i can experience life however i want. i love how i can always just come back and relive the moments i cherish. i love how i can just choose to be reborn again and no matter how many times i wish to. i love how i have the choice to be immortal. i love how I'll always have everything available to me. i love how easy life is. i love how i can walk and explore any world i wish. i love how i can create my worlds and explore them. i love having the freedom to do anything. i love how i can alter the world i live in into however i wish. i love how everything is handed over to me so easily. i love how everything always goes is my way. i love how i can make my childhood dreams and wishes come true. i love how i can just wake up in any reality i wish. i really love being all powerful. i really love being limitless. i love being omnipotent. a world where there is no limit, only love & magic. a world where i am the creator. infinite possibilities and worlds to explore, oh how blessed it is to be born and know how powerful you are. you are magic. you are love. you are god. create. live. love. be.
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heavenangelly · 12 days ago
I used to be obsessed with living life “naturally” only to realise I wasn’t living life naturally, I was just living an undesired life.
This is more of a personal post, but I feel like it can help you guys as well. Lately, I’ve been stuck in the loop of “letting life unfold” without me doing anything to make it go a certain way, but I realised I’m always making it go a certain way. It just depends on whether it’s a negative way or a positive way. Life wasn’t naturally unfolding, I just associated pain = natural life, but that’s not true.
In truth you guys, I was manifesting so many undesired things because I wouldn’t let myself make my life good, because I believed I had to work for what I wanted and needed to get things through the 3d, but that isn’t true. It doesn’t need to be true. It was true for me for a long time, but it just left me miserable.
This is your sign that it’s okay to manifest whatever you want without needing to “work for it.” Working for it just makes your life harder and makes you manifest more difficult circumstances. You are always in control of your reality, but it’s up to you if u want that to be in a positive way or negative way. You don’t need to work for your desires or wait for a perfect time to manifest them, do it now. Life “unfolding naturally” is bs because this will always be your reality/mirror and it will always change if you do, it isn’t its own entity.
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yourmoonie · 8 months ago
You can have it all!
You are the architect, the painter, the selector, the producer of your own life. The thoughts you hold and the inner dialogue you engage in craft the world you experience. Your inner world shapes the external world you live in. If you are faced with challenges, it's your own perception that can get you out of that situation. It's time to stop criticizing yourself and start embracing your worth because your dreams are within reach. If you desire it, then it means it's possible for you! You possess limitless potential and far more power than you realize, so have faith in yourself and your capabilities. Trust yourself more today. Even if self-belief feels distant right now, trust that you will succeed, no matter the obstacles. Remember that circumstances are irrelevant until you give them relevance.
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bunnakit · 8 months ago
tbh I think we should talk about San's isolated vocals in Limitless more
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