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loa girlie 4 life ♡
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livelaughlovebeinggod · 6 days ago
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i love the law. i really love how i can do, have or be whatever i want and whenever i want. i really have all the time in this world. i love how i can change my life into whatever i want no matter how big it is. i love how i cannot only just explore the earth but also the vast multiverse with a snap of my finger. i love how i can be with the people i love and people who love me. i love how i can buy absolutely anything without being worried about money. i love how i can experience life however i want. i love how i can always just come back and relive the moments i cherish. i love how i can just choose to be reborn again and no matter how many times i wish to. i love how i have the choice to be immortal. i love how I'll always have everything available to me. i love how easy life is. i love how i can walk and explore any world i wish. i love how i can create my worlds and explore them. i love having the freedom to do anything. i love how i can alter the world i live in into however i wish. i love how everything is handed over to me so easily. i love how everything always goes is my way. i love how i can make my childhood dreams and wishes come true. i love how i can just wake up in any reality i wish. i really love being all powerful. i really love being limitless. i love being omnipotent. a world where there is no limit, only love & magic. a world where i am the creator. infinite possibilities and worlds to explore, oh how blessed it is to be born and know how powerful you are. you are magic. you are love. you are god. create. live. love. be.
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livelaughlovebeinggod · 6 days ago
Hello! I just have a few questions about manifestation. I promise it won't be long.
So, for some reason any time I think something is going to go one way- the opposite occurs(IMPORTANT NOTE: usually, it goes the opposite or something gets in the way of it happening)
Like for example:
1. Before class my teacher told us that we were going present on Foods, but I felt as if I wasn't mentally prepared enough and in my head it's as if I accepted that things goes the opposite. So, physically I was still preparing and revising for the presentation but mentally, I was telling myself that I just have to woman up and get it done but I was also telling myself that I really don't want to do it but I don't have a choice.
2. I think a boy doesn't like me and turns out he does.
3. This one time I wanted a position in the graduation committee, and I was going up against another girl. In my head because I thought that things go the opposite of what I think, I told myself that maybe she's going to win
but at the same time it was like my mind was torn in two because scenarios were replaying in my head of me winning but I told myself the opposite(To make it simple: I was doubting my self).
4. Last example(Only added this because i really like even numbers). When I was supposed to receive something that somebody told me they had or when I make plans, something gets in the way. I can tell somebody that I want a chocolate bar and they buy it (when I'm supposed to get it after creating scenarios in my head about receiving it and day dreaming about eating it ofc), they end up losing it or something else happens happens it.
I gave all of those examples to say: I think my subconscious has accepted that the opposite of what I want is what will show. If you agree, could you please just give me some advice? I have asked numerous people and subreddits but I haven't gotten anything solid.
"I think my subconscious has accepted that the opposite of what I want is what will show"
Can you see that you're actually "aware" of your beliefs in your subconscious mind? you're aware of the pattern. You see, your subconscious or whatever you see it as, contains your beliefs which have been strongly believed by you which then gets reflected in your physical reality. But before all these, you still have that awareness within you that is aware of it all happening, you're even aware that your so called subconscious believes such things therefore making it happen in your reality. You've strongly assumed that only the opposite happens but since you've that awareness of it, you can easily change it. You just have to be aware that those beliefs are not YOURS, they're just beliefs you've believed so far but they're NOT true and they're not the sole truth of your reality, those beliefs are still in charge because you're still giving your power to them. Use your awareness to your advantage and CHANGE YOUR GAME. Become aware that EVERYTHING goes your way no matter what, and the opposite beliefs are not powerful anymore because you've decided to not give power to them anymore, they're just mere old beliefs now which u once entertained but your awareness/you are the one in charge. Shift your awareness and you'll shift your game.
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livelaughlovebeinggod · 6 days ago
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© realitywarpingg
Really read and understand this. The only teaching you need is that you're the creator/god.
Your decision is LAW.
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livelaughlovebeinggod · 6 days ago
Those who are unaware of who realitywarpingg is, let me tell you he's one of the best if not the best teachers of the law. his teachings were so advanced and simple and made it really click for me. I'll HIGHLY recommend going through his posts and really internalising it, i can give you my word, it WILL make it click for you. He has unfortunately gone inactive in his old and current accounts on Instagram but thankfully I've screenshotted each of his posts which you can find here. I CANNOT recommend it enough, trust me on this. Basically his posts are really ALL you'll ever need to know about the law. Go read them NOW!! 🫶🏻
For all the posts of realitywarpingg (previously in instagram) click HERE.
These are all the ss of his posts.
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livelaughlovebeinggod · 12 days ago
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livelaughlovebeinggod · 14 days ago
read this!!!
*WARNING: TOUGH LOVE RANT. also, like everything in life, take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not doing anything i mention in this post, then this post doesn't apply to you.
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before anyone comes for me, MOST of us are going through (or have gone through) hard circumstances. many of us have come from abusive households, abusive relationships, poverty, homelessness, & just overall bad circumstances.
but you know why the bloggers & anons who succeed in manifesting their desires/desired lives ACTUALLY SUCCEED?
because they took accountability for their current state and their limiting patterns.
because they were disciplined & determined enough to claim their desire(s), apply the law, & persist regardless of EVERYTHING.
because they knew that this practice would actually change their lives forever and allowed NOTHING to stand in their way.
if you were to be 100% honest and tell me why after months/years of being in this community you STILL haven't manifested your desires/desired life yet, what would be the answer?
overconsumption? procrastination? laziness? lack of persistence?
whatever the case may be, what i do know for a FACT is that it has been no one's fault but YOURS.
many of you guys come running on this platform; asking the same repetitive questions, complaining about not seeing results, whining about how sad your life is and how hard your circumstances are, or just straight up hating on some of these bloggers that are helping you FOR FREE, when they could be using that time to enjoy their desires/the life that they manifested for themselves.
"can you pleaseee manifest/tap into the void for me?" 🥺
"im so lazyyy, i can't be bothered to persist..." 🥱
"loa is FAKE! you guys are a bunch of lying b***hes..." 🤬
"my life is sooo hard, i have such a horrible life...*continues to trauma dump*" 😭
there are MILLIONS of people in the world who are in unfavorable/horrible circumstances that have NO IDEA what the law of assumption is, and have NO WAY to access this type of information!
you guys literally have the knowledge and awareness to make the most beautiful life possible for yourselves with JUST YOUR IMAGINATION, and yet, A LOT of you guys are the most ungrateful, lazy, irresolute, undisciplined whiners, who don't want to do even the BARE MINIMUM to change your entire lives!!
TRUST ME, everyone on this platform (including myself) understands that there will be setbacks. we all know that they are going to be bad days. we all understand that everyone has their own personal/mental issues. we get that life has obstacles and that not every day will be a win.
BUT, you guys NEED to put in the effort & not give up! you guys NEED to STOP letting your ego win! you guys NEED to get tf off of social media and stop overconsuming information. you guys NEED to claim your desires/desired life, stay consistent & persist until your desires/desired life has materialized.
because guess what, a day turns into a year pretty quickly, and you'll have gone another year of NOT having your desires/desired life, and it's going to be no one's fault but yourself...
do you REALLY want another year of watching everyone else get what they want besides you? do you REALLY want another year of not having your desired appearance, your sp, or financial freedom?
i hope the answer is no...because that's a HUGE waste of time that could be used to actually have the things & life you want.
everyone deserves to live the life they want...but at the end of the day, no one & nothing has the power to manifest the life you want but YOU.
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livelaughlovebeinggod · 14 days ago
nice to meet you... how do I deal with 3d? I mean my popular sp ed. Womanizer and somewhat famous, he only dates models and doesn't even look at me, so it's impossible for me to get him to look me. On the other hand, my other sp dates the most beautiful and popular girl at the university and everyone dies for her, I would like to be even more beautiful, to say the most beautiful woman on the planet, but I don't go out to parties, I don't have any followers on social networks. And the handsome and popular guys don't even turn to look at me.
It can be hard but focus on being your ideal in your imagination, just identify as someone who's the prettiest and your sp loves you back even if the 3D shows you opposite, you turn to self and know that what I believe is the truth. Assume differently and you'll see your desired reality.
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livelaughlovebeinggod · 14 days ago
Do you have any advice on how to deal with over thinking? I am open-minded and all but I am such an analytical thinker, I try to make sense out of everything and consequences and things like that. thnx<3
Honestly my overthinking stopped or atleast got quite less when it clicked for me that my world my reality is just a projection of my inner beliefs and perception, it actually makes so much sense, you know? Like yes ofcourse reality is nothing but a mere reflection of what you see as truth. It has been studied and proven so many times by science and psychology how our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality, there's no doubt that if you persist in believing that you're what you desire, it'll eventually become truth. it is simple and makes sense, which helped stop my overthinking. I don't worry about consequences, how it'll happen or whatever doubts I have, since I know my reality will inevitably show me what i believe the most. :)
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livelaughlovebeinggod · 14 days ago
Heyy ⭐️
How are you ? I’m planning to enter the void so i wanna manifest that my mom make 680 billions euros per year and my dad make 750 bilions euros per year also, it is possible? technically it would make my parents the richest people on earth right ?
Thanks for your future answer and I really love your content 🫶🏻
Hey love, I'm doing good!! Wbu? and YESSS it is absolutely possible no matter how crazy that sounds lol. Yes, it'll make your parents the richest if you so wish. thank you for liking my content, means a lot!!! 🫶🏻
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livelaughlovebeinggod · 14 days ago
Heyy !!
So basically yesterday,i was on TikTok and unconsciously I said to myself if me and **crush name** are really mean to be together I want a sign and like 10 minute after I was still scrolling on TikTok and I saw a TikTok saying
no hashtags,no nothing, this is a sign that he likes you back.
In my for you page I don't have this type of content so I can't say that's my usual suggested content
Like before my fyp was full of Kpop related things but like suddenly my fyp become full of TikTok saying « he likes you back »so I think it's really a sign that the universe give me but I'm still skeptical like what if I'm being delusional ?
Can you tell me your thoughts on my situation and if I'm really being delusional or it's a true sign from the universe please?
If you believe it is, then it surely is. here i encourage believing "you" as the universe, you're the creator of your reality. Whatever you'll assume, becomes the truth in your reality. So yes, it is a sign, although if you say it is. I would advise just knowing that you two are already meant to be together, you don't need an external sign.
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livelaughlovebeinggod · 14 days ago
shoutout to my most favourite and beloved shifting bloggers here
@charmedreincarnation (I miss them so much)
@heliosoll (love their advices and stories)
@masoncantthinkofaname (honestly my favourite shifter now)
I'm still missing a lot of them but these 3 are my most favourite and i admire them so much. their experiences and knowledge, i appreciate it so much! Thank you sm! 🫶🏻🥹
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livelaughlovebeinggod · 17 days ago
Hii ! How are you
I wanted to know if I can manifest that we are the 3rd September 2024 so I can fully live my second year of high school ?
Sorry for my bad english,English isn’t my first language
hey love, I'm doing good! What about you? 🫶🏻
And yes you absolutely can. like i said, there is no limit to what you can manifest, it doesn't matter if you want to wake up tomorrow on 3rd of sep 2024 or 3rd sep 2301, you can do it haha. you can have ur ideal school life as well, just decide it's done & persist.
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livelaughlovebeinggod · 17 days ago
Hello if I want to claim to be the most beautiful woman in the entire world and for my beauty to be known throughout the world, what will happen to beauty queens, models, etc.?
hey love, as for your question, this is your reality. If you know you're the prettiest person in your reality then that's the truth, beauty models will remain the same but you'll still be called the most beautiful in the entire world, it's all dependent on what u assume.
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livelaughlovebeinggod · 17 days ago
imagine missing out on experiencing countless universes, seeing people/characters you admire, having anything you'd like, being immortal, and countless other possibilities, just because you willingly don't want to open your eyes and see beyond what you're shown… I simply don't understand antis.
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livelaughlovebeinggod · 18 days ago
read that again. You're the CREATOR of your reality.
your 3D is JUST the PROJECTION of your inner beliefs and assumptions, whatever you PERCEIVE as the TRUTH of your reality, will ALWAYS & EACH TIME REFLECT in your reality NO MATTER ANYTHING. That's THE LAW.
like i seriously want to scream this into y'all ears!! (with love ofc). it is just THAT SIMPLE.
Your 3D cannot show you what you don't see as truth, your 3D is YOU. You're constantly being shown what you perceive as truth within yourself. Your 3D CANNOT show you betrayal by not showing you what you want, only your refusal to accept it as truth CAN.
You cannot just say "do i lack the power of manifesting?" "Why is it taking so long?" "where is it?" Etc and then expect you'll get what you want!! you gotta PERSIST.
It is absolutely okay to waver at times but realise that your reality won't show you your desires until and unless you've attached your truth to it, you've to stick to the new story which is just knowing that it's done.
You don't have to act a certain way in your 3D, you have nothing to do with 3D, like I said, it's a mere projection of your perception of self. you're the ONLY POWER and the ONLY one who CONTROLS THIS SHIT.
I'm screaming this to y'all until you all understand. Stop doubting yourself and START applying the law, you won't get what you want if you never start or give up after 2 minutes of persisting. idc if y'all affirm 24/7 or just decide it's done and live your life, whatever makes you happy, JUST DO IT ALREADY and PERSIST OMFG.
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livelaughlovebeinggod · 20 days ago
just got this message on Instagram, and i just have to say, wow.
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it’s all about your state of mind, change it, and you’ll see how your desires RUN to you, congrats to this sweetheart, so proud, you’re such a master ♡︎
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livelaughlovebeinggod · 20 days ago
love raven so much, miss her :(
how i revised my boyfriend’s mother’s death
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a little backstory
— for the sake of privacy, we’re gonna say my boyfriend’s mother’s name is kay
kay’s “death” was caused by a car accident (wasn’t her fault) and she later passed in the hospital. this all happened in new york, and my boyfriend and i live in georgia. but about a 2 days after we found out, we flew out there.
my bf and his mom were super close so that loss was a lot on him. he started burying himself in the gym, sleep, work etc & eventually he became really depressed. he would not get up out of bed and i could not take that. that was when i decided to revise her death, and this was like a week after she passed.
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the moment i learned she was dead, i naturally entered the state of loss. so, i simply and quickly went over what state of mind i was currently in, and what state of mind i needed to be in.
now y’all know i love meditating <3 so ofc i meditated. the one i used is by edward art, i believe i’ve mentioned it before. but here’s the link 😌💘
so yeah after this meditation i had completely satisfied my imagination, i had a great feeling of serenity, and i was in the state of the wish fulfilled. + i let go of any need to control the 3d.
— reminder: don’t look at your 3d as something to change. things change when they change in consciousness/imagination. if you wanna manifest something, don’t point out your current circumstance as something that you need to change. be cool and fulfill it in imagination;)
— also sn: my boyfriend knows about the law but he doesn’t necessarily study or consciously use it. so, i didn’t tell him i was revising his mom’s death.
— and i had to continue to act like his mom was actually dead when i was around him, even tho at this point kay was 100% alive in imagination.
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so in the morning, i would wake up and assume the state of fulfillment. throughout the day, when i would go check on my boyfriend, he always expressed his feelings, how i could help, and new ways he was trying to cope. honestly, seeing him so hurt and confused hurt me. and throughout this, one of the few things i always reminded myself was that, i’m not my emotions and i’m my thoughts, and neither of those things matter (in terms of manifesting).
another thing i always reminded myself of was the fact that i’m god, BUT i’m also human. so, the ‘god me’ was relaxed & satisfied. the god in me also didn’t have a hurting boyfriend with a dead mom. but the ‘human me’ did and he needed my comfort.
so that’s what i did, i comforted him because he was grieving the death of his mother. so what? i’m human, and i have human decency so ima comfort my baby.
HOWEVER, i didn’t attach myself to that (accept it). i didn’t look at me comforting him as “his mom’s dead and that’s final”, i just did it because he’s my bf and he’s hurt. but i still maintained fulfillment in imagination.
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— i talk about this more in depth here. but basically the post acknowledges that yes, you’re god, but you’re also still human and you have a human life to respond to. so do that, respond to your life (when necessary) while simultaneously fulfilling the inner man.
as long as you continue to return to the state and fulfill SELF, you will manifest whatever it is you’ve fulfilled.
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when it manifested
the night before it manifested, my bfs dad asked everyone (the family) over for brunch. just so everyone could be together during rough times and whatnot.
the next morning when we woke up, my bf.. it was like he completely reverted; he just went back to his regular self. i made sure to take a mental note of it.
as we were driving to his dads house he was acting very normal. all that pain, hurt, etc was not there. his whole energy was different. then what really got me was when we had got to a red light. he said “i already know my moms threw down, i wonder what she cooked”……….and i’m like, i know i’m not trippin. just went along with it and agreed with him cause what was i supposed to do lol😭?
so we pull up to the house and get to the door, and one of his brothers opened it. as we’re saying hi and walking further into the house we start smelling food and my bf goes “YUP! I KNEW IT!!”
then he walks into the kitchen and says ��hey ma watchu in here cooking? it smells good”……. and his mom was literally standing there smiling before she gave him a hug.
this all happened naturally by the way. it was like… she never died😂😂 the power of revision yall!
anyways the whole afternoon went by like nothing ever happened.
i honestly thought it was pretty funny. knowing how they used to interact with each other while they were grieving kay’s death vs now was hilarious. and what makes it funnier is they never knew and never will 😂😂😂
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so there y’all have it, how i revised my boyfriend’s mother’s death. sorry i made y’all wait so long:) i literally got so demotivated while trying to type this.
feel free to ask questions cause ik yall got some😩😂 love y’all 🫶🏾
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