#mental illnesses
What really sucks is when you know you should be doing something but physically/mentally cannot bring yourself to do it no matter how important doing that thing is.
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
Leftism and inclusion leaving y'all's bodies as soon as medium to high support needs autistic people and people with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorders, any mental illness that makes you uncomfortable start asking to be treated with humanity and decency.
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dreamdropsystem · 6 months
Shoutouts to:
cluster a autistics
cluster b autistics
cluster c autistics
depressed autistics
anxious autistics
autistics with eating disorders
autistics that deal with hallucinations
autistics with dissociative disorders
autistics with tics
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olkarrion · 2 years
physically disabled people who are also mentally ill i love you and you are so strong <3 im struggling a lot with both right now and i just wanted to let you know that i see you, and i care about you.
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sarnai4 · 7 months
The Deranged
Something that fascinated me about Dagur (spoilers) was after he turned good. Before, he just seemed off, but I assume part of it was due to him being bad. When we saw him genuinely trying to be good and "normal," that was when it sunk in for me just how mentally ill he was. There are so many moments of him trying to not lose his temper or still just not realizing how his behavior is unlike the others. It's so interesting to me, but it's also very sad that it's probable he'll never really receive any type of help since he lives in Viking times.
Personally, I still think that he had hope as a kid. Going back to Viking times, it probably is why he got worse. People saw him do abnormal actions and just wrote him off as weird. We've seen Dagur be around enemies and not hold back. In Twinsanity, he talked about the laughs that he AND Hiccup had when he tried to drown him. He would not care about pretending like they both had fun if he knew that wasn't true. He didn't even sound sarcastic because he probably meant that. Just like when he called Hiccup "old friend" in The Night and the Fury. This boy seriously did not know what he was doing wasn't friendly or normal. At that point, it becomes the responsibility of the adults to sit him down and explain to him what is and isn't okay. I really think he wouldn't have become an enemy if that had happened so that he could have learned how to form a healthy friendship with Hiccup and the other kids on Berk. Instead of this, his mind is viewed as a weakness.
Dagur is called "Dainty" for being so unlike the others at his home. He's called a "lunatic" for being weird on Berk. Finally, he calls himself "deranged" to use what everyone has told him made him weak or a freak to make himself dangerous and worthy of getting the respect he's always wanted. If he never had the potential to be better, he wouldn't have been able to be so selfless later on, even going so far as to put himself in danger when Heather and Hiccup still hated him. That is one sharp turn. He was evil before, but he was never hopeless. In RoB, I think Dagur was a neutral character with the possibility to have turned good or bad. It's just a shame that he went down such a dark path before turning around.
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ruifictiveagere · 4 months
Taking Care of Chronic Littles! Hospital Advice :)
~ in recent events, we've realized that there isn't as much support or advice for littles who are usually always in doctors or always sick, so we want to change that!
(making a second version for if u dont have a caregiver, but u can also follow this advice for yourself!)
Remember to be patient with your littles!!
- being in a hospital or even a simple doctors appointment is so so so scary. letting them know that you're there and being patient with them can help a whole lot more than you think.
Asking your little what would help
- sometimes we all want to be heroes and fuss over little things, trying to help every chance we get
- however, asking what could help your little most and what would be comfortable can go a whole much smoother than trying to fuss and being too overbearing.
Being encouraging about med taking
- i know when im little, i hate taking medicine. it can be so scary and yucky! especially if it's pills.
- just being patient and trying to make it more enjoyable for your little can help!
- some examples:
- making it a game
~ try to make it fun for your littles, as fun as you can!
- offering treats afterwards
~ a small treat will go a lonngggg way :3
Trying to find good coping mechanisms
- finding a good coping mechanism for both you and your little is essential for anything
- sometimes being in a hospital can make your little panic, and panicking while already feeling icky is terrible! having these coping mechanisms will help both of you stay calm and assess what you need to do
Making sure to take it easy
- taking it easy after something big like this is a MUST. you don't want to end up in the loop again so soon!
- maybe stick to just cuddling, reading, watching movies, etc.
- making sure to listen to what is comfortable for their body and what is not, their usual little clothes might feel too tight or icky when feeling sick
Reassure your little
- needing all this help can feel really selfish at times, reassurance can be a big thing
- reassure your little that this is not their fault and that it will be alright
- and making sure to reassure littles that they will get better helps too, because with all the chaos and icky feelings, sometimes we just need a reminder that this is just a small hiccup and that it'll pass
{ That's all my advice, lovelies, but i hope whoever finds this has a wonderful day/night and that this helped at least one person <3 }
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lead coping mechanism rn
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aurae-rori · 4 months
What are your thoughts on people who fake mental disorders?
Actually, I'm going to go in depth about this (even though I should probably be studying for my exams.)
First of all, faking mental disorders is wrong. You shouldn't be doing it, it takes away from the people that actually need resources for dealing with their issues, and I think everyone can just state how plain wrong it is.
However, there is another side to this.
I believe people that fake mental disorders are in genuine need of help. Faking something much worse than what you actually have is a genuine cry for help. Yes, they're seeking attention - seeking it because they have no other way to reach out for help. They could also be trying to get attention because they were emotionally neglected when they were children and never got the proper love and care that they should have gotten.
Usually, if you're faking a disorder, it means that you have your own plethora of issues to do with being acknowledged, not seen, and being brushed off when you regularly asked for help. If someone is faking serious shit, it means that they have serious issues too, and that it should be acknowledged and that they should get help for their own issues, but not for the disorder that they were faking having.
You shouldn't be faking disorders. But for some people, it's a last resort to ask for help, or a way to get the attention that they crave because they were never loved.
TLDR: People who fake disorders have issues, and need help too.
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The brain is an organ. Mental illnesses are illnesses of that organ. Brain scans show that there is a physical difference between a healthy brain and a sick brain. Telling someone “You’re not really sick. It’s all in your head.” is like telling someone with asthma “It’s not real, it’s all in your lungs.” The brain is an organ that can malfunction as much as any other organ.
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saszaszeszi · 3 months
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I decided to rewatch it again to make sure I just didn't watched it with ready opinion... But yeah I think I'll try tommorow and must remember to not look at the comments... The last one is most infuriating and at the same time just sad.
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quantum-bliss · 7 months
The broken who never bleeds.
The empty who never needs.
The writer that doesn't read.
The romantic with no strings.
The suicidal who still breathes.
The depressed that never grieve.
The contradictions of beauty in everything.
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crazycatsiren · 2 months
People tend to think low empathy = low sense of morality and high empathy = high sense of morality and this is where they are very, very wrong.
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dreamdropsystem · 6 months
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let's not forget:
autistic children become autistic adults.
disbaled children become disbaled adults. - shane
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colombinna · 5 months
i think i need to befriend more people with personality disorders and other 'scary' disorders bc i don't think i can be myself in the neurodivergent positivity groups filled with mostly only autistics and ADHD, if i talked about the shit that actually makes me angry and what i actually feel about certain things everyone would pile onto me bc i feel that people's support is still superficial. Like I don't even tell people I don't like dogs bc dog owners are fucking weird, and that's my most "normal" problem
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asherisawkward · 1 year
What mental illness does Philip have?
I’m just going to briefly list what I’ve noticed and what others have noticed for him. I am not trying to demonize or harmfully depict any of what I list, and I have several of the disorders that I’m listing while another suggestion was made by someone diagnosed with that disorder. Some of these aren’t actual disorders but are instead symptoms or behaviors I’ve noticed in him.
Having said that, I’ve noticed traits for the following:
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Related to the Grimwalker cycle of death and rebirth)
*Unspecified Schizophrenic Spectrum Disorder (hallucinations and “delusion” associated with the BI inhabitants)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Incredibly obvious)
Possible Trauma-Induced Memory Issues (Portraits in Hollow Mind)
Substance Dependence/Addiction (palismen)
Unspecified Anxiety Disorder (Dread and anticipation leading up to the expected betrayal of Grimwalkers, the creation and use of multiple back-up plans)
Major Depressive Disorder Symptoms (Lack of care for his own degrading state, inability to care about other things)
Lack of Regard for Safety and Health (Continued use of palismen, putting himself in dangerous situations [Eclipse Lake, Stonesleeper incident, betraying the Collector], continued use of curse despite negative side effects)
Lack of Care for Life/Possible Suicide Ideation (“I just need to live long enough to see this through,” indicates a lack of regard for his own life and a lack of plans after something that takes significant effort; when I was at my worst, I had this feeling of, “I’ll do this one last thing, and then I’m done” that he seems to mimic, and he doesn’t even notice or care that his body is decaying in WAD)
Self-Harm Issues (Cut his ears and carved glyphs into his arms, continued to absorb palismen and transform when it negatively affected his health)
*This is the diagnosis suggested by @streya-nova. I’ve read it, and they make a ton of great points. Additionally, one of my aunts has paranoid schizophrenia, and I’ve recognized some overlapping symptoms. Their discussion of this is in the link below.
I hope this all made sense for you!
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furiousgoldfish · 2 years
Me? Having the symptoms of a disorder I have? It's more likely than you'd think.
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