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arandomao3user · 1 day ago
Rena, my beloved U_U
Can confirm, he's a loser. /j
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People constantly ask how Jason managed to pull his current significant other, and he always blue screens because. He didn't. They pulled him. That man has NEVER made the first move. Couldn't flirt for shit even when he was with Rena. Just stumbles his way into relationships with 10's who could break his spine
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year ago
Bruce trying to shove talk his in law
Bruce: *opens his mouth*
Wally: *zooms away*
Bruce: *long spiel*
Bruce: ...And that's why if either of you hurt him, I'll make sure you stay dead this time.
Roy: *takes out one earbud*
Roy, to Artemis: Did you hear something?
Artemis, watching TV: *shrugs*
Kory: I've come to seek your blessing to ask Barbara out.
Bruce: Sure.
Kory: That's it? Isn't there a ritual bat-talk you undergo with all of your children's lovers?
Bruce: Barbara can handle it herself.
Bruce: If any of you make Tim sad for even a SECOND, I will take everything you have.
Bernard, a college student: *hands him a dollar*
Kon, a farmer: *empties a pocket of dirt*
Bart, a Bart: *spits out a pizza crust*
Steph and Cass: *enter holding hands*
Bruce: It's too early for this.
Steph: It's three PM.
Bruce: Thank you for the intel, Detective Montoya. Now about you and my cousin—
Renee: Hold on, I'm getting a call.
Renee: *answers the phone and walks away*
Bruce: You must be Duke's girlfriend.
Izzy: Yeah, I am. Got a problem with that, nepo baby?
Bruce: ...You may proceed.
Jon: Hiya, Mr. Wayne! I'm here for me and Dami's playdate.
Bruce: Did you say playDATE?
Bruce: He may seem tough, but on the inside he's a little boy who's been hurt too many times.
Selina: Is this really necessary?
Bruce: Promise me you'll take care of that little boy!
Selina: Okay, okay, yeesh.
Alfred: Master Bruce, I think you misinterpreted what I meant by I love scones.
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bluebedo · 7 months ago
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Trinity-adjacent twitter AU (PT.10!!! DOUBLE DIGITS!!!!)
Recently went insane about Kyle Rayner and also started thinking about just how many ppl Red Hood works in ships with...
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faiyaart · 21 days ago
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1asbrightasthestars3 · 2 months ago
My favorite genre of men:
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Black hair, white streak.
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tlamishereig · 5 months ago
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best ships ever
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azuree1733 · 1 month ago
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Missing them ☹️☹️☹️
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mysticalarmand · 7 months ago
Tim: I refuse to believe that Jason is virgin.
Dick: Debatable.
Tim: C'mon, there's Rose, Kyle, Roy and Artemis.
Steph: Tim has a point, he's gotta at least had sex once, right?
Dick, walking out of the living room to drive back to Blüdhaven: I only know about Rose pegging him. The rest is personal stuff.
Tim: Oh, Jason and Roy definitely fucked.
Steph: Elaborate.
Tim: If Jason's personal business didn't involve Dick, he would've spilled.
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corpsedisturbed · 10 months ago
oh the beauty of being a multishipper and not having to go through some insane discourse about "why x ship is better than y"
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seilnakyle · 2 months ago
Dexter Soy posting Jaytemis art after lex in the city called Jay a whore 😭 that’s my goat!!
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ghurab-alzilal · 5 months ago
Artemis: Jace?
Jason: What's up?
Artemis: What do you think about children?
Jason: They're cute. I would love to raise another again. Eventually.
Artemis: You're not a father. Are you?
Jason, pointing to Damian : No. I'm a mother. That's my child.
Damian: *covered in blood and surrounded by many unconscious thugs as laughs his ass off *
Artemis, awkward : I can see the kinship...
Jason: And your opinion on children?
Artemis, staring at Damian : You know what, never mind, I could risk having them with you...
Artemis, taking a closer look at Damian : Eventually...
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moon-ayyye · 4 months ago
Jason todd's type is women who would tell the cashier he asked for no pickles and men who could dismantle governments in their spare time. he's THE Sub.
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morgangalaxy43 · 5 months ago
Dick and Jason are definitely brothers because they have the same type which is redheads
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years ago
I’m curious; Who is the “ Shipper” of the Batfam? Like the one that’s always like “Omg I ship it-“
Bruce and Selina: *kiss*
Dick: I ship it.
Tim and Bernard: *hold hands*
Dick: I ship it.
Duke: *puts his arm around Izzy*
Dick: I ship it.
Steph and Cass: *share a milkshake*
Dick: Didn't see that coming but I ship it.
Artemis: *borrows Jason's hoodie*
Dick: THAT'S MY BROTHER but I kinda ship it.
Ace and Krypto: *wrestle over a chew toy*
Dick: How did I not see it before? I ship it.
Salt and pepper shakers: *exist*
Dick: Duh, of course I ship it.
Dick: I wonder who I'm being shipped with.
Dickkory and Dickbabs stans: *pause in the middle of fighting*
Dickroy stans: This is gonna be good.
Birdflash stans: *get the popcorn*
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pinkiemachine · 24 days ago
can we have some arson/jaytemis headcannons please? 👉👈 (no pressure of course)
Lol, would love to! Okay, so I haven’t had a chance to really thoroughly sit down and dive deep into both their characters, but here’s what I do have so far:
Artemis and Jason are both very troubled individuals. VERY troubled. To the point that neither of them thought they’d ever find someone to love in a million years. When they first meet, they’re both impressed by one another on a technical level. They’re both skilled fighters and they spar well together. Naturally, Artemis is the better fighter overall (being taught ancient fighting styles from birth and having superpowers helps) but Jason held out longer than just about anyone else she’d ever fought.
Here’s a fun little titbit for you! In my version, Artemis has bonus superpowers because of some rewriting I did for the origins of the Amazons. Her blood comes (a few generations back) from Ares and Aphrodite. This results in her having a duel power. The Eyes of Fear and the Eyes of Love. By just looking at someone, she can either make them mortally terrified, or make them fall in love with her. Whichever is more beneficial to her in the moment. She typically never uses the Eyes of Love. But then, early on in their relationship, she’s trying to beat Jason in a fight and uses the Eyes of Fear on him. It doesn’t work. He’s seen true fear before and lived to tell the tale. This is nothing. So, instead, Artemis uses her second power to try and get an edge. This, too, doesn’t work, because, well… he already was kinda in love with her… So that’s cute.
ANYWAY—At first, the two of them are a bit standoffish. Like, “you don’t want to hear about my weepy backstory right?” “Right. And you wouldn’t want to hear mine either?” “Nope.” But naturally, over the course of them adventuring together as The Outlaws, their pasts are kinda pried out of them and they get to know one another better. They have a silent understanding of one another. They respect each other and what they’ve gone through.
Speaking of their adventures, once they learn how to work well together (which took a little while, since they’re both kinda hard-headed) they develop the unspoken promise that they will always have each other’s back when the chips are down, and once they cross that threshold, the 💕 feelings 💕 start rising to the surface.
Sure, both of them are objectively attractive, but what Jason really likes about Artemis is how calm he feels whenever he’s around her. She’s far more mature than the average woman his age, if a bit intense, and she knows how to handle herself in a fight and take care of herself. He doesn’t have to worry about her getting hurt or letting his guard down around her, because he knows she’s got his back. For those little moments when they’re alone, he feels… peace. Like he doesn’t have to have walls up all the time. Like he can breathe. And like he can smile. She doesn’t even need to do anything, him just sitting next to her is enough.
For Artemis, deep relationships are hard. She’s had very few, and lost too many of them. Connecting with people—let alone people her own age—feels impossible anymore. So she puts up walls and gives in to the idea of being a loner all her life, but she’d be lying if she said she didn’t want deep meaningful relationships. When she meets Jason, she expects him to be just another person who floats in and out of her life, but as she gets to know him, through their adventuring, sparing, and their witty back and forth banter, she begins to feel for the first time in a long time that he just might understand her, in some ways. He doesn’t pity her or weep over her like some do, and he doesn’t get all awkward and nervous like some she’s met before. He just… gets it. That’s rare, in her experience. She doesn’t want to lose him—like, really bad—but she can’t tell him that. He probably doesn’t feel the same, and he’ll probably just wind up going his own way eventually, so there’s no point in getting attached… but she gets attached anyway (and so does Jason).
You know that scene from Avatar the last Airbender where Toph punches Zuko and is like, “that’s how I show affection,” ? That’s their relationship around others/in public. Hitting, shoving, laughing at one another’s stupidity, teasing, etc. They both try to play it off like they’re just good friends. But when they’re alone…
It’s like a feeling neither of them can describe. Something so foreign, and yet so exciting and wonderful… it almost doesn’t seem real. It certainly isn’t something they’d ever share with anyone else; that would spoil the magic of it. It’s like this precious secret, just between them. The way they make each other feel… the peace, the joy, the calm… it’s something they know they’re never gonna find with anyone else.
Now, committing to something like marriage is not exactly the first place their minds go, because they still have lingering ✨ issues ✨ and that nagging fear of losing someone is still hovering at the backs of their minds, so that sort of thing won’t happen for a while…
…but when it does, it happens so fast, you blink and you miss it. Jason just shows up to the Manor one day and is like, “Oh, yeah, by the way, Artemis and I eloped. Bye.” Cue Bruce spit take.
Again, that won’t happen for a long while, but it’s gonna happen. Eventually. Heheheh.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months ago
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This pic goes moist.Why is a 15 year old boy calling his 30something brother too handsome.Why is he refering to his longtime big sister figure as too female and to a bisexual boy with a whole ass boyfriend to enforce heterosexuality and in the same piece she spent the aformentioned upcoming Valentine's Day with his older sister,for the second year in a row,so far,as confirmed as of now.Why is he implying the 'deep romantic longing love with pretty girls who match my mean and freak is the ultimate yum and Casual Sex Is The Ultimate Yuck,Do Not Make Me Percieve The Fornication Word Existing' guy is a playboy.Why do both of them got the ginger skintone despite having black hair.Where are Duke and Maps in this fuckbuttery.I know i keep talking weird and i apologize girlypops this is making me go fucking insane.ALSO USING TOO FEMALE FOR STEPHANIE INSTEAD OF DICK IS CRAZYYYYYYYYY
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