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haithhegimp · 21 hours ago
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my post!
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Copying snap trend dickkory redraw
Art by
1. pinkgirl_op
2. momo.omom126
3. jellie.kirari
4. an1maj
5. Jhugwdkk
6. uzzzy.2
7. rob1n
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blubonez · 1 day ago
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part 2 wip!
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moonilit · 2 days ago
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Itty bitty of dickkory
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lady-corrine · 1 day ago
Dick Grayson and his Kory pictures that he keeps everywhere 🥹🫶🏻
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raven-undergrove · 1 day ago
Like to charge. Reblog to cast. ✨🔮✨
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catinasockinsideabox · 1 day ago
The Dickkory and Dickbabs subreddits are... LONG POST
After reading a comment under one of my posts from a moderator of a Dick and Barbara subreddit, i decided to open reddit and check the subreddit, seeing if making an account on reddit was worthy or not. While searching Nightwing, i found a subreddit about Dick and Kory too. For the new people who haven't read many of my posts: I don't mind Dick and Kory together and i enjoy the fan arts, i got beef with some toxic shippers, that's it.
I don't have words to describe my short experience. I have A LOT of questions.
Is the subreddit about Dick and Kory or about bashing Dick and Barbara, Barbara and the shippers of the other ship?
I got addicted to the Dick x Barbara subreddit and been spending almost an hour scrolling on it to see and read posts. I think the last 'Rant' They have a flair for rant posts. 10 points for whoever made it post i've seen is from 6/7 months ago.
On the Dick x Kory subreddit, the moment i got on it, the first post i saw was a 'mocking' one. Keeping scrolling, buried by the fan arts posts you're gonna find a lot of posts mocking the other ship or talking badly of Barbara and the Dickbabs shippers, commenting everything they say and 'insulting' them. Is that all there is to talk about on there if not enjoying fan arts? On the DxB subreddit i've seen some posts asking questions, on this one there are more bad posts. When there is a post asking a question, it's still gonna mock the other shippers.
Now i wonder, the moderators do something about this? I'm sorry if there's one moderator who have tumblr and is reading this but i have to say this. This is toxic behavior. For the shippers of Dick and Kory who complain about the Dick x Barbara shippers talking bad about them, this is not helping their case.
In the recent post i saw on the subreddit, someone in the comments said they found the post disrespectful, the op replied explaining how the other shippers of the other ship and dc writers do the same. The person who made the comment answered op saying that they shouldn't do the same.
If this person is reading this post, i'm sending you a kiss. That must take a lot of courage to say there. This person is getting dislikes for saying both girls should be respected. I was relieved to see few others disagreeing with the post.
I would have said it myself but it's not my place ON their subreddit and i didn't want to make an account for now.
That comment reminded me how i was called out once by a DxK shipper for something like this. I said something, they had called me out and i told them that other shippers of the DxK do the same, so why shouldn't i. That person told me that just because they do, it doesn't mean i should do the same.
So if a DxB shipper do it it's wrong but if a DxK does it it's alright? Sure, fine, ok, i understand.
I once again apologize if a moderator of that subreddit is reading this but let me give you an advice i know this sentence sounds mean but it's not, i want to believe that whoever you are you're a good person who's trying their best to be a good moderator but it's hard on a big subreddit there's an important need of better moderation. I don't know anything about reddit, don't know if i want to know more but i know that for how the things are going, not many people shippers or not are gonna view the DxK shippers. I'm not saying there should never be a rant post, i'm saying those rant and mock posts should be lessened and more civil. Outside all this, i'll let you know i really enjoyed the fan arts!
On the other side, for the moderators of the DxB subreddit...I don't know if you guys did something but the posts surely changed a lot in months. As i said from the start, the rant posts are all old. While i don't agree with some things that were said in those i'm relieved to see how old those are and how there aren't many anymore.
If those subreddits should be a safe place for shippers, it doesn't mean they should be places where people are free to insult and attack others. If you can't see the problem and get mad about this post, i don't know what to tell you.
You want DxB shippers to shut up and stop bad mouthing your ship and Kory? This isn't the way. This way, you're just ruining the reputation of your favorite ship. I get you're angry at how even writers bury and erase DxK but it doesn't mean you should bad mouth the other ship too because others do.
Also i'd like to apologize again to any moderator from both subreddits if they're reading this and feel somewhat attacked, this isn't the meaning of this post. Sending a virtual friendly forehead kiss to you guys.
Now i'd like to say something about the tags on this post.
Since when i'm trying to get good replies to have a discussion or finally someone bringing up a nice come back that makes sense but people just comment about how i shouldn't tag Dickkory in this and ignore the post, i'm making it clear here so you don't need to waste time leaving a comment :
Tumblr works through tags. It's true that you don't want to see the boring rare Dickkory critique post in the Dickkory tag but it works like this.
When i scroll through the Damian Wayne tag i also don't want to see the bad posts and i am just looking for fics or art but if it's about Damian Wayne what is that person supposed to tag the post as if they want people to see it and maybe have discussions or read about people's opinions?
This said, useless comments about the tags that aren't bringing up a good discussion and criticize the tag choice are gonna get deleted. You can say anything about the post and i won't touch your comment if not replying but if all you have to say is whine about the tags don't even bother to leave a comment.
Edit for people who clearly didn't understand what i said : No matter who attacked who first, you're still both wrong. If the DxB shippers attacked you first then they're wrong, i don't approve it. It doesn't mean you should attack them back. Yea the guy attacked that bully so i should attack them too, is what you guys in the comments are saying. Does it sound right to you? You answer violence with more violence? Also i'd like to specify that yea i'm doing the same but this is a blog dedicated to it. And others have one too so, thanks to your logic, i can have one too because the others do so too. The subreddit is not about attacking others, it's about the ship, sharing arts and content about it but yea i'm new so how should i know right. Call it 'hate dickbabs club' at this point and nothing change.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 days ago
Idc if your version of Jason Todd says acab.Does he have Duke Thomas as his Robin and Nell Little as his Batgirl and fw's the Fox family and was a hardcore Kory fanboy as a kid or does he not love black people more than he hates cops
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in2thevoid4life · 2 days ago
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So I read the complaint about how Kory only thinks about Dick when she is given space to be alone.
I only give them 2% in agreement. The rest is firmly a no.
Non romantic argument:
Dick and Kory are two halves. Not just in a romantic way. Kory is the emotional one and he is the logical one.
She holds Dick up to a higher standard when it comes to technology and detective work. Would all this be easier if he was there? Yea.
On top of that in this issue he had just lost his brother and his father figure is losing. Even if they were not romantic she should be worried for him.
She loves her friends and of course she loves dick. But right now she is restraining herself from going off and being with him in this dark time.
Romantic argument:
That’s her boyfriend. She’s not laughing in his face about his worries. Actually I argue this is a tone down version of the worried girlfriend trope.
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loopyboom666 · 1 day ago
Alright... it's time...
Teen Titans Go! (2025), Issue #1 - Sholly Fisch, Thomas Krajewski, Jennifer Muro and Franco Riesco, Dario Brizuela, Gretel Lusky
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kksrtz · 17 hours ago
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Because I had to
@nixxchiii thank you for the idea~
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uglynavel · 3 months ago
I wanna know where people have lately gotten the audacity to leave comments on fanfics talking about how much the fanfic sucked and negatively critiquing an author's fic like it's a published book review.
It pisses me off cause I've seen authors abandoned or delete their fics because of this.
You're getting fanfics for FREE! No one asked for your opinion.
I hope y'all know as authors we get email notifications when you comment so we see EVERY comment that's been left.
We also can see the negative reviews you leave when you bookmark our fics
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yrkhn · 6 months ago
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i had a thought
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kuronekoartsblog · 3 months ago
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He likes ‘em strong ☄️
I said I’ll draw them and I did😌
The intention here was making it look like a variant cover, I recently discovered my love for this field so I wanted to try something for fun sjksk
Hope you like it!
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ashoss · 4 months ago
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needed to draw kori and this is what came from it
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t00thpasteface · 1 year ago
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"well, the laser vision IS a plus, because it's cool watching her set stuff on fire from 50 yards away. and i like that she can fly and get things off of high shelves for me. but those aren't the ONLY reasons why i like her!"
(also i hope you enjoy retro batdad, because that's where my brain's at right now. i'm delighted that starfire's design is already so incredibly 60s; she fits right in 🌠)
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