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rose-in-blue · 1 month ago
Valentine’s Day Special — “Really and Truly”
Alastor x reader
Summary: After the hotel’s valentine’s day party, Alastor gets a little drunk. Who knows what secrets will be revealed when the Radio Demon gets a little too much whiskey?
Warnings/tags: afab/female reader, cursing, fluff, tipsy!Alastor
A/n: I was very inspired by the valentine’s outfits from Vivzie, so everyone’s outfits here are (modest, going out, of course) versions of the designs. (I was also inspired by @zonxter's amazing work here) Also, this is my first time writing a kiss scene, so please let me know if it's ok! :)
Word count: 1392
You sighed, picking up yet another plastic party cup. After a long day of setting up the hotel for Charlie’s Valentine’s Day party, the last thing you wanted to do was clean up the mess the guests had made. However, one look into Charlie’s puppy-dog eyes convinced you to ignore your oncoming headache and help. 
“Another, please, Husker!” Alastor, the only one not helping, sat on the couch in the lobby, surrounded by a few to many shot glasses. Husk rolled his eyes from the bar, but dutifully poured another and brought it over to Al. You sighed. It wasn’t fair that you were working your ass off while the Radio Demon just sat around, was it?
Making your way over to the couch where he sat, you kept picking up streamers in various shades of pink and red and stuffing them into the black trash bag you carried. As you drew closer to Alastor, you could tell just how drunk he was. Chuckling to himself about seemingly nothing, his bowtie was completely undone, just hanging around his neck, and both his feet were up on the couch. One knee crossed over the other with his hands draped across his chest, this was possibly the least put-together you’d ever seen him. His eyes lazily drifted up to yours, a tipsy blush across his cheeks. “Why, hello, dear!” he said, radio filter gone, almost slurring his words together. “You wouldn’t mind getting me another one of these, would you?” he asked, raising the now-empty shot glass in his hand. You just rolled your eyes and moved on, clearing more party cups off the bar. You didn’t really know why he let his demeanor slip so much, especially since everyone was still out and about, but you decided it was better not to ask. 
Alastor huffed like a child, then called out to Husk, who poured another one. Alastor groggily grabbed it off the bar with his shadowy tentacles. 
Sitting at the bar, you subtly glanced over at him. Alastor looked different today— a nice different. Instead of his usual suit, the one he wore now had only black and dark red. Heart shaped buttons and small stitched x’s adorned his cuffs and vest front. You blushed slightly; vests were your weak spot. Alastor caught your eyes, and your blush only deepened as his smirk grew. Breaking his stare, you returned your gaze to the bar in front of you, suddenly fascinated with the etchings in the wood.
“Hey, (Y/N)! Could I have some help over here?” Charlie called from the other side of the lobby.
“Sure,” you called back, getting up from the barstool.
About an hour later, the lobby was finally back to looking normal. Charlie and Vaggie had just gone up to bed, soon followed by Angel, Lucifer, Niffty, and, finally, Husk. You finished up in the kitchen, then went out one last time to check on Alastor. He was still on the couch, even more disheveled than before. Over half a dozen shot glasses sat on the table in front of him. You sighed, before going over to pick them up. Alastor looked up, as if just now registering your presence. “Ah, darling! Won’t you pour me just one more of those?” he asked, eyes half-lidded. 
You firmly shook your head. “No, Alastor. You’ve had enough. I don’t know what got into you tonight, but no more of it. I’m cutting you off.”
Alastor practically pouted (yet somehow remained smiling). “No, dear. Please get me another, or I will.”
You turned to face him, looking down to where he was splayed across the couch, legs now wide open. “No! No more! You’re going to be too drunk to get up to your room if you have more.”
Alastor growled, his eyes flashing into radio dials. He grabbed at your hands, pulling you toward him until you fell forward. You flushed; partly out of anger (and partly because you were practically sitting in his lap). “And what, my dear, gives you the jurisdiction to preside over me, to make that decision for me? Hmm?”
Still flushed, you didn’t really know what to say. (Even when drunk, Alastor had such a way with words). “I, uh…” You decided to just be honest. “I don’t want to see you regret anything you might do tonight.”
He smiled, pulling you even closer. Your face was inches from his, your stomach pressed against his. “Oh, dear… I would never regret anything I did with you.”
You turned as red as his hair. “I’m not so sure about that,” you backed up, pulling out of his grasp. “You’ve never even held my hand before, and now you’re pulling me into your lap? I don’t think that’s something that you would do if you were sober.”
Alastor’s smile turned almost sad. “Or maybe it’s just something I’ve never been brave enough to do,” he said quietly.
“...I… I’m sorry?” you whispered. There was no way that Alastor had admitted that. But, if he really had… then maybe your feelings toward him were reciprocated? No, of course not, you shook the thought from your head.
He looked down, sighed, and then looked back at you. “Forgive me, dear,” he breathed. 
Before you had a chance to ask him what he was talking about, Alastor had pulled you back to his lap, crashing his lips against yours.
You froze. As much as you’d dreamed of this moment, you couldn’t rightfully continue. It would be taking advantage of the situation. Fighting against every urge to kiss him back, you pulled away.
Alastor looked surprised, then sad, then guilty. “I… I’m so sorry,” he sighed, dropping your hands.
Rushing to fix your mistake, you started babbling. “No, no, it’s not that, it’s just…” you struggled to find the right words. “I can’t. Not while you’re like this. Not when you can't make decidions, on weather or not you want to do this."
Alastor blinked, seeming out of the alcohol trance for a moment. His eyes softened, gazing lovingly into yours. “Oh, my dear… You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that for.”
You were taken aback. “I… what?”
“Sweetheart, ever since you arrived at this hotel, I’ve wanted to kiss you more than anything. I thought that today, on the day dedicated to love…” he laughed at this, gesturing around at the hotel, still minimally decorated. “...it might be the perfect opportunity to tell you. Ah, but alas…” he giggled, no doubt from the whiskey, “...Alas, it seems that I couldn’t have done it without a good ol’ glass of rye!”
“Um… really?” you whispered, not wanting to get your hopes up. "Not about the rye part, the... the other part?"
“Really and truly!” He smiled. Taking your hands again (softer, this time), he slowly pulled you back on his lap so that you now straddled him. Eyes never breaking from yours until they closed, his mouth gently found yours again. Running his silver tongue across your bottom lip, he smiled into the kiss. His lips were warm and soft, locked on yours. You breathed in a gasp as his tongue found its way into your mouth. Oh, he tasted so sweet— like strong rye and vanilla. The kiss was soft, not what you’d imagined from Alastor. It was a pleasant surprise, though— a very pleasant surprise.
The kiss deepened, as Alastor’s hand came up to the back of your neck. You shifted your hips forward, hands gripped tightly to his coat lapels. Alastor softly moaned into the kiss, and you matched it with a whine; in perfect harmony.
Gasping, you both came up for air. Staring into his eyes, a love-struck smile played across your face. Alastor goofily grinned. “I love you, (Y/N).”
You blushed as you stood, pulling Alastor with you. “Let’s see if you’re still saying that tomorrow, buddy.” Guiding him into the elevator, you pressed the button to the top floor.
“I will!” he assured you. Then, after a few moments, “Won’t you stay the night?”
Smiling, you held tighter onto his arm. “Not tonight, Al. Let’s wait until you’re not… intoxicated.”
He grinned as you led him out of the elevator to his room. “Really?”
You smiled as he walked into his room, turning back to gaze at you.
“Really and truly.”
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months ago
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This pic goes moist.Why is a 15 year old boy calling his 30something brother too handsome.Why is he refering to his longtime big sister figure as too female and to a bisexual boy with a whole ass boyfriend to enforce heterosexuality and in the same piece she spent the aformentioned upcoming Valentine's Day with his older sister,for the second year in a row,so far,as confirmed as of now.Why is he implying the 'deep romantic longing love with pretty girls who match my mean and freak is the ultimate yum and Casual Sex Is The Ultimate Yuck,Do Not Make Me Percieve The Fornication Word Existing' guy is a playboy.Why do both of them got the ginger skintone despite having black hair.Where are Duke and Maps in this fuckbuttery.I know i keep talking weird and i apologize girlypops this is making me go fucking insane.ALSO USING TOO FEMALE FOR STEPHANIE INSTEAD OF DICK IS CRAZYYYYYYYYY
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discoholicmusic · 1 month ago
another year, another v-day playlist refresh!
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❤️ i can be your angle... 💔 ...or yuor devil...
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somethingyoirelated · 1 month ago
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New seasonal line of hexgems went into production 💙
Twitter | Patreon | Pillowfort | Pixiv | Instagram | BlueSky
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realmoftheacornking · 1 month ago
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More sentimental V-day bullshit.
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graveyardfullofstars · 1 month ago
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only love could kill me, god bless
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skeletonbonezzz · 1 month ago
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crimsonxe · 1 year ago
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They fully flying the bee flag on this v-day and I left one comment in but cut the stuff around it (not anything bad or annoying, just people I don't want to have to get permissions to post comments of) cause truth was said. Oh and the insta post is a "bees moments across the show" type of thing with Worthy in the background. So definitely worth a watch xD
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notsocheezy · 8 months ago
V-Day - The First Twenty-Four Hours
Guess who's got two thumbs and no penis? That's right, this girlish-shaped thing!
My "the surgery" went off without a hitch! And it couldn't have happened at a weirder time. The news has been absolutely wild this week, hasn't it? Mass Windows system outages, Biden dropping out of the presidential race... probably some other stuff... I'll be honest, I'm a little woozy from the Oxycodone, so a lot of the past week escapes me at the moment. But let me tell you all about the first day. I still remember most of that.
I arrived at the hospital at about 5AM yesterday, and they had me wipe down with CHG wipes even though I'd just taken a CHG shower. I guess they like to be safe. But it leaves a residue that isn't the most pleasant thing in the world. It's kind of like when you step out of the ocean and the salt dries onto your skin in a fine, well-seasoned flaky layer.
After that, they gave me a morphine injection into my spinal fluid, which according to the pain management guy, reduces the overall necessary intake of opiates/opioids (what is the difference between those anyway?). So far that seems to be very true. My new bits don't hurt in the slightest even now, after the injection has worn off.
On the other hand, though, there has been excruciating pain in my chest and shoulders. You see, this was a laparoscopic surgery performed with a fancy robot - the DaVinci XI - and they had to pump me full of CO2 so they'd have room to work. That's right folks - I'm carbonated. And they didn't just give me one new hole, but an additional five incisions on my abdomen, which also don't really hurt but damn are they itchy. It turns out though, being a human balloon is a really bad experience. If I'd had an inflation kink before, this would probably have killed it in its tracks.
When I woke up in Recovery, I was at 10/10 on the pain scale. It was truly miserable. They had to inject me with Fentanyl (Ooooooh, scary!) just so I could breathe. Once they did, though, I was fine. That is, until they moved me onto the bed in my room several hours later. Now the pain comes and goes, but I'm on pills for that.
Other than the chest pain, the most uncomfortable thing is the catheter. It constantly feels like I've just gotten back from a long road trip without pit stops, or the credits just rolled on an IMAX screening of Oppenheimer (I saw that twice, by the way). I have to pee so damn bad, but I'm just kinda... always peeing. Very weird. Nice not to have to get up, but I'm not even really allowed to get up. Which is a shame, because I'm told moving around will help the CO2, ahem, escape. Via the most obvious channel, of course.
On that note, I was on a liquid diet until about an hour ago, and now I've got an omelet and some oatmeal that they forgot to put sugar or salt in. They really want to get my guts up and running again - they gave me a laxative and a stool softener. But I'm nervous about getting up from the bed. I've got more wires attached to me than my PC at home, so I'll need to unhook everything to get to the bathroom.
Anyway, other than being misgendered a concerning amount of times by people who should be able to read the word "vaginoplasty" on my chart, everyone has been very kind. I thought I'd be more scared and depressed being left in the hospital by myself, with all my loved ones hours away, but I've been able to make friends with the nurses.
If you're on the fence about getting this done because you're scared of the recovery process, don't worry. I'm only a day in and I'm doing just fine. Electrolysis was significantly more painful down there than this is. Can't speak for more traditional methods, but the robot is damn good. I, for one, welcome our new robotic sex-change overlords.
Anyway, stay tuned for more. I'm here all week.
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palatteflags · 1 year ago
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Valentine's Day based Nick Valentine from Fallout moodboard~ ^^ For an anon!! Sorry it was a little bit after Valentine's Day, still hope you like the look~
Want one? Send an ask!! -mod Jay
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You deserve rough Roman justice.
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princessacexsnake · 1 month ago
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Happy Valentine's Day today from the Gangreen Gang!
Made by me! (x)
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month ago
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Tim Drake i fear
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discoholicmusic · 1 month ago
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realmoftheacornking · 1 month ago
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Swappin' Spit with Al Parker on Valentines Day morning.
Kev remembered! He got me a gift, and was super amorous this morning. OK, I got him nothing, thinking that he'd forget the day. This means I have to duck out at lunch and get him something super cool.
I know exactly what I'm getting for him--he's had his eye on it for a long time. Between smooches, I told him that we'd exchange gifts tonight; I lied, and said I had special-ordered his, and I was picking it up today. Just a little white lie. He's going to be beside himself with joy.
Neither of us wanted to get dressed this morning. It was really, really hard for the both of us.
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horroraceman93 · 1 year ago
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Pretty sure these two are just doing it as friends, but here's Dora Marquez (Dora the Explorer) and Annie (Little Einsteins) singing a Valentine's Day duet!
What song would they be singing to the couples and the singles that are satisfied with getting love from their friends and family? Up to you guys!!!
Sorry if I included them in my Femslash February but this is Valentine's Day. So I had to do two characters do something for this day. On that note, if they were in teen, or young adult ages can you imagine them being an item?
Well hope everyone is celebrating Valentine's Day in Femslash February.
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