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Cassandra Erica (she/they) invites you to cut through the Cheddar Chatter and pop a Brain Curd or two (hundred).
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notsocheezy · 2 hours ago
Drawing furry characters in historical costumes is sometimes fun and sometimes challenging, especially since the convenience of using animal body language to emphasise their emotions is sometimes compromised. One character in A Friend Of Caesar is a vestal virgin - and being the protagonist's aunt, she is also a wolf like she is. It took me some time to figure out how to make the priestess veil work with having expressive ears, before I figured out how fun it is to have them define the whole shape of her veil. The fabric sits differently, looking somewhat square and high up when she's alert and relaxed, and going flat and triangular when she angy.
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notsocheezy · 10 hours ago
Hey you all know about that fungus that possesses ants to make them climb on the tip of grass blades in hopes of getting eaten by a cow, so that the fungus can continue its life cycle in the cow's guts? Because I think that's the kind of thing that's wrong with cave divers.
We don't know what's down there. We don't know what's gotten into their heads that makes them so determined to physically, personally go down there to find out. But I wouldn't entirely dismiss the possibility that whatever has gotten into them is very invested in getting eaten by whatever is down there.
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notsocheezy · 13 hours ago
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notsocheezy · 14 hours ago
horses made me transgender
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notsocheezy · 15 hours ago
Basic Biology™ people believe there are only two numbers and that "two" isn't one of them.
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notsocheezy · 1 day ago
Fuck the person you reblog this from, reblog to give YOURSELF bigger tits!
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notsocheezy · 1 day ago
please supplement your marxist leninist political reading with emotional and interpersonal theory please please please learn how to have a conflict with someone that doesn’t involve obliterating them or freezing them out please learn how to solve a complicated problem with a friend and actually keep the friendship please treat your friends and partners and comrades like their internal context is important to you and you care about their emotional lives
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notsocheezy · 2 days ago
🪄 lingwizard Follow
Magilinguistics and magiconlinguistics are so underrated. The idea that the specific language and syntax used to cast a spell can alter the efficiency and flow of a spell is amazing; it’s honestly infuriating how many people, including many mages, think Latin is the only valid conjuring language even though glossolalia is a WELL-DOCUMENTED PHENOMENON. I use many other languages in various spells and it’s really fun. Would recommend.
🪶 featherspells Follow
🌱 gandalfbignaturals Follow
Yeah, welcome to the club! Using your native language isn’t recommended for summoning forces from other realms, though. The portals tend to collapse if you do that.
🗝️ keytomychest Follow
Wait wait wait, I just consulted my familiar about this, is magiconlinguistics modifying or inventing an entire language to optimize your magic? Because that sounds like something both extremely commendable and also batshit insane.
🌳 druid-ruin Follow
Yeah, that’s basically exactly what it is. We’re surprisingly pretty chill. I mean, except for that one time where someone hyper-optimized Taikureiden Suomen Kieli V5 to create the first, and most dangerous, known instance of the Everything-Damage Fireball spell, but we usually don’t talk about that.
🪄 lingwizard Follow
Ah, Taikureiden Suomen Kieli, the most absolutely broken magilang to ever exist. Go Finland, give us more fucked-up spells!
🪶 featherspells Follow
wait, the Everything-Damage Fireball is REAL? I thought you guys were joking.
🌳 druid-ruin Follow
We WERE joking. ONCE.
🔥 icastfireball Follow
on one hand, this is really cool and all, but on the other hand, i'm scared of what this can do. However, on the secret third hand, i kinda wanna modify a language to make demonic creatures physically sick upon hearing it, cause i wanna do a little trolling.
🪄 lingwizard Follow
Grand Mage Amara Lightningchain coming up with the idea for the Volapük Silananazunik experiments be like:
🔥 icastfireball Follow
hold on let me look something up
🔥 icastfireball Follow
wh. what the fuck
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notsocheezy · 3 days ago
This reminds me of how I came out to my shithead uncle.
I was growing out my hair over the course of the first summer of estrogen, and before I left town to go back to uni, I had one last dinner with my cousin's family. I was determined to come out to them in person, though I wasn't quite sure how I'd manage it.
I was on edge the whole day. I came over in the morning to start my pasta sauce (it simmers for several hours) before going to work, but when I got back I found out the bottom of the pot had scorched after someone forgot to stir it. Anyway...
We serve ourselves and I'm practically shaking. It's hard for them not to notice, but they're totally clueless as to why I'm so nervous. Offhand, though, my uncle comments on my appearance.
"I see you've been growing out your hair. Just promise me you won't put it in a man bun!"
He, my aunt, and my cousin had a hearty giggle at the remark, and I knew this had to be my opportunity.
"In that case, I've got good news... I'm not a man."
They were all pretty baffled. But I gave the whole rigamarole, still absolutely shaking, and the first thing he said, in the most reassuring voice he could manage, was:
"No matter what, you'll always be my nephew."
"Uh... Thanks?"
Anyway, I stopped talking to him after he wished death on every person vaccinated against COVID. But that was years later.
I outed myself to a client today.
*Edit: I should point out that while I’ve been out to family and friends for a while now, I always guy-mode while working because it’s just easier.*
Like most of my clients, she’s an older lady and is, to put it politely, quite conservative (her nickname on my phone contacts is "Racist Jill."
Racist Jill always likes to have a chit-chat after I’ve finished working in the garden - she usually complains about the quality of her home nursing care (because they’re Filipino or Indian) or about The Gays or Young People Today and I politely smile and nod because whilst I don’t care for her world-view, I do like her money (and charging her extra on account of having to listen to it.)
Anyway, while I’m sitting in her lounge politely listening to her, she suddenly notices that I’ve had my ears pierced: "You haven’t always had earrings!" she says.
"No," I said. "I got them a few weeks ago as a gift to myself."
"Well!" she huffs. "I can’t say I approve of men with earrings!"
And then, in a completely spur-of-the-moment, impromptu, spontaneous moment-of-madness, I leant over the coffee table and said conspiratorially, "It’s just as well I’m not a man then…"
I leant back and let the silence hang for a few seconds while the cogs turned in her head. I could see her trying to think of something to say so I decided it would be much funnier to just cut and run: "So, I’ll see you again in three week’s time?" I say.
Thoroughly confused, she agrees, we say our goodbyes and I leave - a big smile on my face because Racist Jill is the first and most unlikely person (who is not friend or family) that I’ve come out to.
I can’t wait to see her next time.
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notsocheezy · 3 days ago
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notsocheezy · 3 days ago
Whenever I bring up the fact gender is a social construct and not linked to "sexed brains", transmeds will always come out of the woodwork and ask me "so you think gender is a choice?"
And I sigh because this line of thinking is so obviously meant to defend against cisgender bigots who believe trans people should not exist. Yeah. It's tempting to tell bigots "I have no choice but to be this way"/"I was born this way"/"I can't be changed" etc. But that just tells me you would be one of those bigots if being trans was theoretically found to be a choice. It tells me that if you had the option to change yourself to conform to a sick society, you would.
This might raise a few hackles but why does it even matter if gender is a choice or not? Your choices as an autonomous human being are still deserving of respect. Even if someone had chosen to transition just because they want to, and considers their gender to have changed, why does that matter? Do you believe that isn't a 'real' trans person? Do you believe they shouldn't be allowed to transition? If so, that is a slippery slope that will harm the 'actual' trans people you claim to protect by causing even more gatekeeping to gender affirming care.
Perisex people need to realize that having their identity as a trans person Proven By Science wouldn't actually convince bigots not to hate them or think they should be "fixed", in fact, pathologization would likely make it worse in many ways. This is coming from an intersex person, I literally have physical body variations visible to the naked eye and pericis people still do not believe I am real. The pathologization just gives bigots more reputable leverage against me to call me disordered. It does not help me and it will not help you.
Plenty of trans people feel their gender has changed, or is continually changing. Plenty of trans people feel as though it has always been the same. I believe and respect both sorts of people equally. I think everyone deserves acess to gender affirming care if they want it. I do not try to sort people into categories of who is deserving of the autonomy to change their body and who isn't, I just believe people when they tell me about their identity and what sort of body they want. It isn't that hard.
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notsocheezy · 3 days ago
The raw absurdity of being transgender and thinking change is not messy and possible. It's breathtaking.
"Transphobe" is not a type of person, it is a state of being. It is impermanent. And we can only hope others afflicted by it are as willing to reflect as this... *shudders*... redditor.
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this can't be a real person bc no transphobe would think about us in this measured, understanding way but also what is the goal here with this post???
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notsocheezy · 4 days ago
on Planet Where Everyone Can Teleport the first person on the moon went there by accident and promptly died. The next dozen or so people also went by accident, and also died. Number 14 figured out that people who go to the moon die and very cleverly brought a sword and six weeks of travel rations. This did not help.
No one on Planet Where Everyone Can Teleport ever figured out why people die in space because they don’t need airplanes and never found it particularly interesting to climb tall mountains. Astronomers use telescopes to take pictures of the ever-growing pile of corpses on the moon.
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notsocheezy · 4 days ago
@stvksn on ig
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notsocheezy · 4 days ago
the fundamental problem on this website is that if a homeless person tried to talk to most of y’all you’d be scared out of your minds
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notsocheezy · 4 days ago
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notsocheezy · 4 days ago
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