#immature personality disorder
hauntedselves · 2 years
Other Personality Disorders
This post is about personality disorders that used to exist in the DSM or ICD but don’t anymore. You cannot be diagnosed with these disorders, as they’re not in any diagnostic manual; you would be diagnosed with Other Specified Personality Disorder (or the ICD-11 equivalent) instead.
Passive-Aggressive / Negativistic (PA/NegPD)
A pervasive pattern of negativistic attitudes and passive resistance to demands for adequate performance, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts.
Masochistic / Self-Defeating (Ma/SDPD)
A pervasive pattern of self-defeating behavior, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts. The person may often avoid or undermine pleasurable experiences, be drawn to situations or relationships in which he or she will suffer, and prevent others from helping him or her.
Sadistic (SaPD)
A pervasive pattern of cruel, demeaning, and aggressive behavior, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts.
Depressive / Melancholic (De/MePD)
A pervasive pattern of depressive cognitions and behaviors, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts.
Other Personality Disorders
Turbulent PD has never existed in any DSM. It’s part of Millon’s theorised personality disorder taxonomy, but doesn’t appear in any other literature.
It seems to be an alternate way of categorising and defining hypomania & cyclothymic disorder, and is similar to ADHD, NPD & HPD.
Millon classes it on a spectrum from ebullient personality type -> exuberant personality style -> turbulent personality disorder.
Theorised in German, Russian, and French psychiatry.
Haltlose translates to “unstable” (literally, “without footing”) and refers to a “drifting, aimless and irresponsible lifestyle: a translation might be ‘lacking a hold' on life or onto the self)”.
“Those with haltlose personality disorder have features of frontal lobe syndrome, sociopathic and histrionic personality traits”.
Someone with haltlose PD “lacks concentration and persistence”, and “lives in the present only”. They are “easily persuaded, and [are] often led astray”.
Haltlose PD is similar to AsPD as there is “an inability to learn from experience, and no sincere sense of remorse”. They are often described as ‘lovable rouges’.
(Cullivan, R, ‘‘Haltlose’ type personality disorder (ICD-10 F60.8)’, Psychiatric Bulletin, 1998, pp. 58-59).
Immature PD was mentioned in the DSM-III as a specifier for Other Specified PD, but removed in later editions.
It seems to be a combination of borderline, histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, dependent, schizoid and avoidant PDs.
Almeida et al. suggest the following criteria for Immature PD: irresponsibility; impulsivity; unreliability; easily swayed; mood swings; expect overindulgence from others; dependency on others; ability for remorse or regret but it’s “light and fleeting”; inability to manage assets; inability to follow plans; quick to lie; unable to delay gratification; quick to frustration; devaluation of others; risk-taking behaviour; unstable relationships and behaviour; feels both entitled and worthless; attention seeking; recklessness; shyness; ungrateful; over-familiar with others; unable to plan for the future; substance use.
They also suggest 3 subtypes of Immature PD: the dramatic and emotional subtype, the shy subtype, and the mixed subtype.
(Almeida et al., 'Immature Personality Disorder: Contribution to the Definition of this Personality', Clinical Neuroscience & Neurological Research, 2019, pp. 1-16).
Eccentric and Psychoneurotic
These two personality disorders existed only as ‘other specified’ PDs in the ICD-10, where no definition is given.
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flowerbloom-arts · 1 year
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A sort of prequel to this post with the middle-aged Muddler putting down Moominpappa for his reckless decision-making.
It's just... I don't know. A younger Moominpappa having a proper conversation with a realist who is completely unable to get behind anything about him wouldn't be something he wants nor needs to hear.
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ebb4ndfl0w · 5 months
Book Rec for whoever needs it.
We are a couple chapters into Adult Children Of Emotionally Immature Parents and cannot recommend it more. It's been super insightful and validating. To all you "parent/therapist friends", people pleasers, anxious/unstable attachment havers, etc etc etc. I very much recommend it. 11/10
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cold--carnage · 5 months
okay genuinely, I am so fed up with this site. like don't get me wrong, I love being on here and interacting with friends and stuff, but people are so nasty to others for no reason. we get hate mail for venting too much, we get hate mail for being too happy. we get fakeclaimed. we get people trying to trigger an ed relapse. we get victim blamed. we get invalidated. we get all this hate, despite avoiding conflict at all costs. it's infuriating because no matter what we do, someone is out to get us
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eclaire-went-bam · 4 months
nobody in the group chat acknowledged what i said abt the crazy thing that happened today i'm cutting them all off because they're worthless to me & i'm too good to need any menials.
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boyczar · 10 months
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d1gitalr0t · 7 months
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c0rp53fuck3r · 2 years
So I'm curious on something and I tried to look it up but the answers I found on the internet were really anti npd and biased so I'm going to ask here. Hopefully someone with npd could answer.
What's the difference between someone with npd and someone who's emotionally irresponsible/immature?
I'm asking for personal reasons as I feel someone I know had npd but I don't want to ask them to look into it because I know they'll take it as an insult because of the negative stigma with npd.
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fvneral-m00n · 2 years
Yesterday my friend was pretty mean and its stuck with me. She was saying how she keeps her distance from me because her mother was borderline. Our third friend in our group also has bpd too but she doesnt mind him. Today she almost went off at me saying she keeps her distsnce from me because i remind her of her mother. The thing is. I have never done anything bad to her or said a bad word to her. This is actually my frist time splitting on her. She lives close and iv brought her meds (just for stomach bugs) and helped with chores and her own deep personal private issuesand she phones me in the night cuz she says shes always having some kind of crisis and i come over and bring my weed for us to smoke her out  till she feels better, over the summer i arranged a bunch of fun stuff for our friend group and idk, i wouldnt say i tried to hard but i was kind friendly and welcoming, i didnt even think from what she has seen of me she would have even known i had bpd if i hadndt said, i would just be a little off, ik when i told her i was also autistic she was like oh so thats why your kind of weird. If anything she displays alot of the nastier sides of bpd like she is very rude and blunt and un empathdtic with what she says and doesnt listern and not that itd a problem you do u girl but shes very promiscious but ik its a symptom but she meets for sex or money and hookups (for context me and my partner are going on 6 years and strong). From the way she is with me vs the way i treat her you would think she was the one with bpd but her reaction really upest me and now idk. when i meet new friends when the time is right i always tell them i have bpd (shes known for months)..idk i feel like with all the erractic moods and weirdness that can somtimes come with knowing a borderline its there right to known i mean il spend a week in bed then suddenly wanna hang out a bunch and i worry that they think its them and that i dont like them. And also not to use it as a excuse but i explain to them about switches and the importance of giving me space if im stsrting to be moody and agitated over things i shouldnt be. I always thought honesty was the best way forward so friends can learn to adapt around my triggers and teach me what maybe i shouldnt do as some things come hard to me but today i decided i dont think i wanna tell anyome about my diagnosis again because this is far from the first time its caused rejection and bpd is a very abandonment senstive disorder.......any advice guys. Im broken for life so i may as well learn how the best way go approach it is or should i just become a hermit
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psychwardgenius · 27 days
Me thinks ASPD too often seen as “I’m angry cruel and I lash out” disorder when it’s fully chocolate coated in white supremacy culture, and therefore it exists as a spectrum everyone is on. So hard to empathize with the takes that ASPD makes one alien, when it’s really a basal developmental inclination at this point bc of what colonization did to everyone. All these “oooh I’m so scary I have ASPD I’m not like other girls” posts make me wretch, it’s big cringe. Antisocial traits are in everybody and it’s the othering of the sociopathic behaviors and neglect of addressing the role white supremacy has to play in the disorder that keeps the clinical field from being able to treat it- BESIDES THE FACT that Antisocial traits help enforce the status quo and inhibit people making meaningful change in their communities, and are even rewarded within the current capitalist environment- especially among the predator financial elite class. Lastly this isn’t like the false statement that everyone is a little autistic bc autism ain’t got shit to do with white supremacy. ASPD is linked to it.
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royalntha-blog · 3 months
Any Day – One Liner No.  37| Don't Set Your Own Pant on Fire
The most cripling robbery happens when a person lies so much that they have no confidence in their truth.
View On WordPress
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greppelheks · 1 year
Idk if it's nature or nurture, but everytime I see my uncle I realize I'm like a carbon copy of him.
#when I was little I looked up to him#he was the cool uncle who did his own thing#and didn't want too much to do with the family drama#(everybody is unhinged narcissistic personality disorders emotionally unstable and immature)#I desperately wanted to have a good relationship with him which unfortunately never happened#but I just now remember - I kinda forgot - how much I looked up to him#we both liked movies a lot and he'd sometimes burn some dvds for me#but now that I'm older I'm realizing how much I'm like him#we're both the two single siblings in the family never married living alone and liking it that way#we're both very independent and trying to heal from our trauma#both through some spiritual thing or learning about psychology#we both crave independence and freedom from work and people#we have similar ideas about relationships and living together and settling down etc#it's funny because now that I'm grown we're having a grown conversation and I notice how much he likes me#and probably sees something of himself in me#he's never fully healed from his family stuff I notice he has kind of a hard time expressing his feelings#getting a bit shy and uncomfortable#I've reached next level healing and emotional maturity#where I'm asking him the questions he wants someone to ask him#(our family will literally not show interest below surface level like ok you want to do this with your life ok thats nice)#so I asked him some questions about his dreams and relationships and he went OFF.#and it kinda... got the ball rolling because he started talking about stuff and I kinda set an example for others on how to ask stuff lmao#healing the bloodline#personal#anyway it's funny because I never felt connected to my family I never felt a part of it#but they've apparently been a big influence on how i see certain things anyway
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slayingfiction · 2 years
Character Flaws
When creating characters, it's all too easy to envision the most perfect people, especially when it comes to creating love interests. Even our loveable morally grey characters are mostly perfect, if only they would stop killing...
So, here are a list of some flaws (based on personality, not appearance) to help round out your characters. While it's nice to be good at everything, it's abnormal. No one is perfect, and your characters will be much more relatable if you knock them down a bit.
Please note, none of these are (specifically) mental disorders, as I don't consider those a character flaw.
The Good (aka little flaw):
Absent-minded, aimless, argumentative, audacious, awkward, blunt, bold, boring, capricious, childish, clumsy, competitive, complainer, cowardly, critical directionally-challenged, dubious, finicky, fixated, flake, flirty, foolish, gossipy, gruff, gullible, hedonistic, humourless, hypocritical, idealist, idiotic, ignorant, illiterate, immature, impatient, impetuous, impulsive, incompetent, inconsiderate, indecisive, indifferent, indomitable, irrational, lazy, lustful, materialistic, meddlesome, meek, mischievious, nagging, naive, nervous, nosey, obnoxious, overambitious, overconfident, overemotional, overprotective, overzealous, passive-aggressive, paranoid, peevish, perfectionist, pessimist, pest, predicatable, pretencious, prideful, rebellious, renege, rigorous, sarcastic, skeptic, seducer, selfish, self-righteous, shallow, slacker, solemn, spacey, spoild, squeamish, stubborn, supersticious, sycophant, tactless, tease, tempermental, tenacious, theatrical, thoughtless, timid, unpredictable, unsupportive, vain, workaholic
The Bad (aka big flaw):
Addiction, adulterous, aloof, anxious, apathetic, arrogant, belittling, belligerent, bigmouth, bitter, bully, callous, deceptive, dependant, deranged, dishonest, disloyal, disrespectful, egotistical, envious, erratic, exploitive, fanatical, fickle, fierce (at the extreme), gluttonous, greedy, harasser, hubris, impious, infamy, intolerant, judgemental, lewd, liar, meglomaniac, morally grey, narcissistic, negligent, obsequious, obsessive, offensive, prejudiced, quixotic, reckless, rigid, self-martyr, self-righteous, short-tempered, spiteful, squanderer, stingy, unethical, unforgiving, untrustworthy
The Ugly (aka cross the street when you see this person):
Abusive, bigot, controlling, cruel, explosive, immoral, inhumane, intolerant, machiavellian, manipulative, murderous, neglectful, oppressive, racist, remorseless, possessive, self-destructive, threatening, treacherous, vengeful, vindictive, violent
The seven chief features of ego: self-deprecation, self-destruction, martyrdom, stubbornness, greed, arrogance and impatience.
Some of these may not even be considered flaws, and some may jump from one category to the next. It's all about how you present these flaws in your characters.
Have any more to add? Did you find this useful? Let me know down in the comments :)
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washedoutwings · 2 months
hey guys!! just want to clear some stuff up when it comes to being aspec :)
recently we’ve been seeing some veeeeerrryyyyy incorrect takes, such as the following screenshot (no i didn’t blur the name, think of this as a blocklist for you)
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as an arospec ace collective, we feel like we’re in a pretty good position to address this. this also isn’t the only person we’ve seen say stuff like this, but we don’t feel like hunting down other harmful takes :)
firstly, if we’re being loud it’s because we aren’t being heard.
[this is literally just how activism works, but go off ig?? -💖🐘]
secondly, who are you to comment on our struggles? we’re white, and as such we don’t pretend to understand the discrimination and struggles that poc face. we know that we have very different experiences and aren’t in a position to say what is and isn’t a struggle for them.
as for these struggles, parents maybe wanting grandkids is nothing. we are excluded from queer spaces for being too straight and not queer enough. we’re discriminated against by allo cishet people because we’re too gay and weird and immoral. when we create our own spaces we are told that we don’t deserve them. our only community is each other, and even then it’s filled with infighting because we’re all being told that we don’t belong anywhere.
we are told that we are fucked in the head, belong in a psych ward, are just trying to get attention, shouldn’t be allowed around people, are sociopaths/psychopaths (which is also ableist), are just naive/immature/ugly, just need an excuse for not getting laid, and are predators. these are literally all things that we (this collective) have been called personally.
we can’t talk about it in therapy or to doctors because now that’s the problem that needs to be fixed and we need to unpack the trauma that caused it. they are literally trying to tell us that our orientation is not real and is actually a problem or disorder that needs to be solved and changed. that is literal fucking conversion therapy
and we sincerely doubt that many aspec people would struggle with dealing with even worse aphobes because we do anyways. daily. from our family, our community, our healthcare, coworkers, classmates, and just about everyone else we interact with.
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userboxes by @/inhumanliquid i think
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moodr1ng · 2 years
i totally understand that when discussing the sex lives of gay people, there is a very large overemphasis on a top/bottom dichotomy to the point that many people (especially cishets and lgbt people w little experience in the subject) believe that all or at least most lgbt people are exclusively tops or exclusively bottoms, and i understand wanting to correct that misconception, especially because part of the reason it is so widespread is because cishets assume that in same-gender relationship one person must always be "the woman" (who therefore exclusive bottoms) and one "the man" (who exclusively tops). i understand wanting to make people understand that for many if not most gay people, switching is natural and enjoyable and that these roles are not usually so strictly defined.
but ive seen far too many people say things like "we take turns like normal people" or "im normal i just switch" - with that specific phrasing of "normal" or very similar wording - and i really want you to consider that that is a very hurtful thing to say. there is and has been a longstanding disdain for men who exclusively bottom and a specific disgust for men who bottom in sex with other men, as well as disdain for stone butches and stone fems, who are often treated as regressive, selfish, reproducing heterosexuality, or inherently sexually disordered. people (especially wlw) who exclusively top or bottom are often treated as if their sex life cannot be satisfying, as if they are sexually defective, as if their boundaries are unfair to their partners, as if they have some sort of sexual issue that they need to just get over. before you say something about how switching is "normal" unlike the supposedly immature or regressive people who dont switch, please consider that there is no "normal" sex, that it is not more progressive to put norms on how people may have sex, and that what is most unhealthy for all of us is to tell people that their sexual boundaries and the things theyre not comfortable or willing to do during sex make them abnormal. as someone who is a stone top in large part because of sexual trauma, some of you honestly make me feel like shit about myself for not wanting to be topped, and i dont think thats "normal".
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avpdvoidspace · 5 months
Really uncomfortable with the narrative I've been seeing that people with personality disorders are stunted by trauma and suspended in the mental state of being a teenager. This narrative could most definitely be used to take autonomy away from people, and imo it's not true. Trauma has certainly changed the way our brains work, but that's not the same as being 'mentally a teenager', and it's dangerous to suggest that. I don't think PD traits can or should be classified as 'immaturity', either.
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