#idk but im tagging it neurodivergent anyways
gremlinghost · 11 months
In school I did this thing where I put as much effort as I could into assignments when I had the energy, so that later in the term, if I really didn't want to do something, I didn't have to. Taking a 0 wouldn't hurt my grade enough to matter. Like, in my senior year economics class, I would do a retake on any test I didn't get an A on at the beginning of the semester, but I only did like half of the homework. I got a B in that class.
It's all about spoon theory to me, as a term went on, I knew that the amount of spoons I had decreased every day. If I can afford the spoons to go in for a retake at the moment, there is literally no reason not to in my mind. It means I'm preserving my future spoons. I can afford to use less spoons at the end of a term because I invested spoons at the beginning, which in turn means I just have more free spoons. Even if I only end up saving one spoon in the future when I spend 3 spoons to do better in a class, I still think it was totally worth it. If I wake up with 50 spoons, spending 3 spoons is a much smaller deal than spending 1 spoon when I woke up with 10.
I know it's hard for a lot of people, including myself sometimes, but you have to think about the future when you choose not to do something. It's annoying at the time, but I have been so eternally grateful to my past self for just doing the extra little things so that I don't have to do something else.
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12rods4mikewheeler · 27 days
shoutout to girls who can't relate to the new trend of "girlhood". whether it's because of the culture they grew up in, maybe they're queer and masc, maybe they're neurodivergent, whatever it is. you're valid.
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thediamondarcher · 1 year
sometimes i want to get my eyeballs out of my head and pour them into iced water while my skin is getting washed like a car
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wander-wren · 1 year
unironically, telling myself “you are not a unique specimen of humanity” has become the most helpful mantra, as a neurodivergent trans kid whose teen years were (technically have been) spent feeling like some kind of extinct animal dropped into a close-but-not-quite-right ecosystem.
you are not uniquely awkward or strange or embarrassing. everyone struggles to communicate, to express themselves. everyone messes up. the cashier at the store has seen six people try to push a pull door or drop their change or what have you. it’s fine.
you are not uniquely smart or knowledgeable or enthusiastic, even about things that matter a lot to you. other people can know things and get things right and be excited, and you can even be wrong, and it doesn’t mean anything. it does not take away from you.
you are not uniquely unequipped for life. a lot of people struggle with things that should be simple. a lot of people can’t keep to schedules, or forget important tasks, or just plain need help sometimes. we’re social animals. there are a lot of skills involved in making it to the end of the week, and not everyone gets taught them all, or even the same ones.
you are not uniquely tortured. sure, your exact experience might be strictly yours, but broadly speaking? there is a name for what you’re experiencing. there is a community. if it is distressing you or harming your daily function, there is help. you are not alone.
you are not a unique specimen of humanity.
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cxsmicvega · 1 year
neurodivergent people who talk in the third person have my entire heart 💖 /platonic
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gl1tched-g0th · 8 months
"All this anger was once love" How about all this love was once anger?
I hated the world and the people in it because no matter where I looked, I seemed to find myself - see myself - within every person I met. and I hated it. I Hated how I was essentially being forced by the world to see myself. I was in a House Of Mirrors, and I couldn't get out. I kept stubbing my toe, hitting my head against a wall I didn't see, thinking I was So Close to the exit, only to run face first into another mirror, and drop to the floor like a bouncy ball ricochet off a solid surface.
The world is full of people like you. Sometimes that's amazing. Sometimes it's Scary. Sometimes it gives you hope. Sometimes you hate it, don't want to face it. But when you stop stubbing your toe, stop hitting your head against a wall out of a desperate attempt, stop charging head first into a mirror because you saw a Glimpse of outside light. You take a second, breathing heavily while laying flat on your back, staring at the ceiling - which has your reflection staring right back at you. And then you realize that all you can give yourself, is love. You can point up to the ceiling - your reflection following suit - and go "I see you. I hear you. I understand you. You deserve to be better., for yourself and others."
The world is already so full of hate and rejection and fear. There are people who slam their fist into the mirrors, going on a rampage and ending with bloody fists from their self-hatred. There are people who admire their reflections in the House Of Mirrors, but they don't stare because they truly love themselves; they're insecure of the way the world views them. There are people who rip their clothes to blindfold themselves, who refuse to see the reflections entirely. There are some people who can only curl up on the floor, and cry, their reflections crying with them, out of fear and hopelessness. But one thing throughout it all remains true:
You can't truly love someone properly without loving yourself first. Im a firm believer in that. You cannot truly, wholly, unconditionally, purely love someone until you give yourself the same love. Give yourself patience. Give yourself sympathy. Give yourself relief from the anger, sadness, resentment, pain you're holding in. Give yourself a kiss on the forehead and some cookies and a nice warm blanket. Give yourself the chance to talk with your reflections, not destroy them or obsess over them or blind yourself or hide from them.
All you can give yourself is love. All you can give someone who you see yourself in, is love.
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nothinmuch6 · 2 years
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Cast of dimension 20 + stims (8/?)
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meduwusa · 1 year
i work at a froyo place where customers serve themselves and then i ring them up at the end. theres only one person on shift at a time at my job, so i get to experience every single customer that enters for six hours myself and i am solely responsible for their experience at the store. sometimes this can be overwhelming and stressful, but it also grants me some of the best interactions with people.
the other day i had a 10-year-old boy and his grandmother come into the store during one of our rush times. the boy was being a bit of a disturbance (loud and making a mess), but it was obvious he was excited and there are plenty of kids that come in and do similar things. no reason for me to rain on a kids parade yknow? (not to mention he was teaching some first-timers how to use the machines! put this kid on payroll!) anyway when things died down and there were only a few people left in the store, he was skipping around the room while his grandmother watched from their table. he skipped up to me time and again to ask a question about my job, the machines, the toppings, etc. i would answer and he would skip off again.
as they were leaving, the grandmother stopped to thank me for my patience. she said that he was recently diagnosed with adhd and autism, and many establishments dont tolerate his behavior. that my smile and engagement with him was more than most people bothered to do. i told her that a majority of my friends are on the spectrum as well so i totally get it, and that he was a treat honestly. her eyes lit up. she asked me if they were doing well in life and if they made it through school, and i told her they were doing just fine, making their way through college now. she thanked me again, for a different reason this time.
ive been thinking about that interaction for days now. i hope that woman breathes easier knowing there is more kindness and acceptance in the world for her grandson. i hope that kid grows up well knowing he is loved and not just accepted but welcomed. i hope more people encourage children's joy and enthusiasm, especially for neurodivergent children. there is so much hope and joy and relief in the world, if only you are willing to give it.
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sea-buns · 11 months
I've reached a point where I am two eps behind on Burrow's End and it's starting to feel like the point of no return. If I'm not faced with deadline pressure to watch something, I am well and truly fucked. All because I forgot what week the first ep was airing :( and I'd been so hyped :((
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dovelives · 2 years
*slaps own body* this little thing can fit so much trauma in it
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hardrockshrimp · 1 year
I feel insane I just wanna talk abt trains with Bruce Dickinson
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cryptidapprentice · 2 years
im trying dating apps and like,,, idk how to explain that i feel a certain sense of.. immaturity???? compared to the other people in my age range??? like i think maybe it comes from the neurodivergence but like ill look at the profiles of ppl who are my age or like a year or two older or younger and i cant help but feel like we are Not The Same.
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iwasyouonce · 1 year
Do yall believe that "intrinsic value" in people is a thing? Cos i personally do. Maybe it's my religious upbringing, maybe it's the fact that I am neurodivergent myself with a neurodivergent sibling so I've lived life rather differently from other people.
But it never fails to shock me when (some) people talk about others without any regard and acting in ways that make it seem that they perceive certain types of people, or people from certain areas as intrinsically "less than" because of something.
How could you legitimize the way you view yourself and your worth while completely stripping that from others as well? Maybe it's because my brain is just built different or wtv, but viewing yourself as "superior" than others just doesn't make sense to me. Whenever I look at social issues (on the large scale) or interpersonal differences (smaller scale), things are never so "clear cut."
Some people view others with a higher level education as more "worthy" than those who maybe just finished middle school. But that is just....fucking stupid. Everyone starts out at different places. The countries we are born in, the families we have, our race, the current economy, the presence (or lack of) natural disasters, the educational system, the political system, the type of social welfare provided - ALL VARY and differ. No one person is the accumulation of all their decisions (good and bad), and the routes that we take in life drastically differ based on external factors as well.
Judging people based on their family background, educational level and their current job is rampant in my culture. WE ARE TRYING TO SURVIVE IN THIS HELLSCAPE, IN THIS STUPID RAT RACE. The last thing ANYONE needs is an opinion that screams "bruh you suck. try harder. i one upped you"
Like...it's disgusting that in the current world we live in, all these differences override our shared humanity. All of us have been so busy upskill-ing ourselves and securing jobs to lead a stable life that we forget that human connection and empathy is just as important as basic needs such as food, water and shelter.
By wearing our achievements on our chest, climbing the social ladders and being obsessed with where we rank in relation to others, we view life in a linear way like a staircase going up, when it never was and never should be viewed that way. Placing people on linear scales and viewing things (esp social issues) through a black and white lens severely diminishes the ways in which people are multifaceted, and the opinions and solutions proposed would be likely to do more harm then good.
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little-red-fool · 2 years
Can anyone else tell the temperature of a running tap just by the sound of the water alone or are you normal.
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chemicalcarousel · 2 years
4am psych rant about personality theory sry bout that /lh
(by an ex psych student who's a neurodivergent dissociative system)
Disclaimer: it is now a few years ago that we took this course. We also have a bad memory. This is more us thinking out loud based on what we remember from various sources. Peace and love /gen
▪︎I'm thinking back on our class in personality psychology and it was really interesting bc our professor said that even though psychologists agree that there's something that's a "personality", it is super hard to define what it is and nobody really agrees on a precise definition
▪︎Personalities change over time, between social groups, in certain circumstances, ect. It has range, but there's still something about it that is coherent and individual. Or at least for the average person. Most people would be able to say some basic facts about themselves, but honestly most seem to struggle with defining themselves. Not only from my observation, but that's what people around me have said whenever we are forced to introduce ourselves in a new setting /lh
▪︎So even neurotypical people struggle with "knowing who they truly are". They take mbti tests, look at their zodiac sign, love language tests, hell even a silly internet tests about which Italian dessert they would be. Just like we do lol we have so much in common after all /lh
Idk it's super interesting. We need to pick up our text books and re-read some of it if we manifest the concentration for it lol
Also sorry if this doesn't make sense im tired and I just needed to rant bc I like to talk jdksksksks
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garbage-salt-scraps · 2 years
being neurodivergent really is just
"i function in a way that makes far more evolutionary sense and it far closer to how other animals function naturally in the wild, but because of how human society has been built this way of functioning (which harms nobody) is seen as actively harmful and/or wrong by many"
right?? like? it can't just be me that feel this
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