#yeah sure that works
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hoodedjelly · 7 months ago
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robot au that i started for my own selfish reasons and now i kinda have a story for? adding previous drawings so it can all be together.
explanation of the au below ig?
ok time for me to be completely transparent with you all, i just like robots, ford is one of my fav characters, fiddleford is engineer, boom gay robot story. it took me a while to actually think of a kinda "story" for this au, it still kinda doesn't have one, very much just a concept and aesthetic. just one rewatch of Ghost in the Shell made me want to come back to this.
but the long and short of it is: setting: future? robotically advanced 1980s? si-fi robotic future with a 1980s aesthetic over it.
STAN-13Y (stan) and STAN-F0RD (ford) were made ~30 years ago, they were both malfunctions in the eyes of their creators. stan with his programing and ford with his misprint (an extra finger on both hands). they were made for one purpose, to make millions helping the world. while ford pursued that goal since his programing was seemingly "normal", stan was thrown out for "not having any use for his program". but ford was a lot more human then people let on, only feared that those emotions he was feeling was another malfunction just like his brother. he kept it in. eventually he went off to continue his studies on his own (was trusted to do so). on the way he found B1LL a program he trusted to be downloaded into his own, it was in fact a virus. And a trusted engineer he met that works for his creators company, fiddleford mcgucket.
now heres a screenshot of a pinterest board thats the kinda vibe i was trying to go for
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little scared to post this cause i feel it might be cringe but WHATEVER!!!! IM HAVING FUN!!!!
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astrostx · 9 months ago
watching my girlfriend get dressed in her professional interview clothes and i have never wanted to give her head more badly in my Life i Swear
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skyspersonalhell · 2 months ago
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Discarded wind-up doll
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gomzdrawfr · 2 years ago
hi yes its 2.30am I cant sleep anyways I drew myself meeting the cod boys the other day and realize i didnt share it here
it was decided from birb polls so first off
Ghost - Hug
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and then Price - I get to decide what I want to do with him (I decided to bite him bcuz I can)
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and then Gaz, gave him a kiss
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lastly Soap, punch him (I am not sorry)
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Bonus when the boys got tired of me and want to send me back
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ok i go back eep
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thatfilthyanimal · 1 year ago
"Megamind as an influencer sounds terrible"
In the prequel comic #Megamind projects himself live during a kidnapping where he sits Roxanne down in front of a TV to play VHS recordings of previous battles with Metro Man (and of course, her) so everyone can see how great he is
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Like literally the entire prequel comic is just Megamind peacocking around Roxanne to show off to her with old recorded footage of himself while the city watches. ANYWAY. Like y'all, the movie literally introduces Megamind's current-day dynamic with Metro Man with him projecting his bigass head in front of everyone in the city. And then he does it AGAIN to Metro Man directly because heaven forbid anyone isn't looking at what he's doing
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Megamind's entire existence is running around being flashy and loud and out there like this, genuinely HOW is this a shock to people,
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Also he's still like this in Button of Doom, the short that came out in 2011, because I know some of y'all weren't paying attention. Btw: the short focuses on Megamind realizing that he doesn't have to be like Metro Man to be a hero himself so like, expect that theme to continue.
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Anyway looking forward to more Megamind stuff in 2024 because I'm not fucking boring and I understand Megamind is supposed to be a big loveable dork and a huge attention whore. ✨
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sorbusaucuparia · 3 months ago
wait oh my god i've never posted my Insanity Project
so yall know 6 degrees of kevin bacon? where any actor can be connected to any other actor through who was in movies with who else? well at one point i got it into my head that it'd be interesting to have that date for youtubers.
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...this was the result
this is. obviously not every youtuber ever and even for the people on here it's incomplete and impossible to read. so i abandoned this and made it into a much less visually interesting but much more useful spreadsheet. which i unfortunately have much less data on. (only like 17 videos so far bc i forgot it existed for several months but im actively updating it again)
(sorry for the terrible quality, again this is just. not visually interesting)
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eventually i want to learn some kind of data processing so that i can put this in a network that pulls data from the sheet to make a chaos net or be able to process this data in some way so that you can actually try to make connections a la 6 degrees of kevin bacon
obviously i need a lot more data than i have now to do that and bc my dumbass wasn't storing videos the first time i cant. really pull from there. i MIGHT be posting a google form at some point maybe
before anyone asks i can't really crawl data automatically because collabs don't always have people listed in the description
also if anyone knows of a better way to store this or how to do the processing i described above please send me an ask or a dm
also also i am aware this is stupiid. and don't come at more for the problematic people in the data, number one they were originally added before it came out they were problematic, number two it's data. and data includes people who you don't like. whether you want them to or not, they have been in videos with other people
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god-of-knk · 5 months ago
I need him so dependent on me to feel alive that he cries when I don't kick him.
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ajthepeach · 2 months ago
hi! so i know you're christian, and no hate, but i know that a lot of christians are pretty homophobic/transphobic. what are your veiws on lgbtq issues? no hate again but just wondering
hi there! thank you for being so polite!
whatever you do with yourself isnt my problem. im gonna love you anyway, even if i dont approve of it. literally all of my friend group is lgbtq and theyre the people i trust the most, love the most, etc.
additionally, it IS NOT MY JOB to judge or convert you. MY job is to tell you the facts [and not in a hateful, patronizing "im better tjan you and youre going to heck" way, i mean in a "i care about you and dont want you to get hurt" way], thats the Holy Spirits job.
tl;dr not my business even if i dont like what youre doing. love u anyway
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garianna · 3 months ago
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vague unexplainable human penguin sketches from the depths of my mind (but mostly young aa and gary)
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mothsdrinkingtea · 5 months ago
updated sona sheet
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I drew this in like 12 minutes on my phone sorry about that chat
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cb-writes-stuff · 6 days ago
Y’know I can’t say I expected to come to tumblr and find love, but that’s how it goes I guess, I can’t complain
Anyway my phone is not only running out of storage space but disc space as well, so it’s operating worse and worse
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fanby-fckry · 9 months ago
Hey, remember when I said I was sad because I don’t dress up like I used to, anymore?
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Felt cute, might delete later, etc. etc.
Also, I need to get my hands on some clippers; you can barely call this an undercut at this point, lol.
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chambergambit · 4 months ago
medium vs message vs subject
tw for for discussion of depression, mental illness and suicide.
I had a Not Great reaction to a New Yorker Cartoon, lol. Gave me a lot of thoughts and feelings, so I decided to write about them here.
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(Image description: a black and white drawing posted on Instagram. In the drawing, a man plays fetch with his dog, both of which are accompanied by a thought bubble. In the man's thought bubble, it says "I love how he finds joy in the little things." In the dog's thought bubble, it says, "The emotional burden of alleviating his depression is crushing me." End description.)
I had a pretty visceral reaction to this cartoon. At the lowest points of my depression, "my loved ones are crushed by the burden of caring for me" was a regular, invasive thought, and the thought that immediately followed was, "they would be better off without me."
These thoughts were suicidal ideation. Seeing a cartoon use my suicidal ideation as a punchline, particularly in such a way that affirms the ideation? Felt like a gut-punch.
I left a comment saying this, with the addition of: "I'm not saying jokes about this topic cannot be made. They certainly can be. But they need to be better than this one."
Most of the replies agreed that the cartoon was insensitive. But one person asked: "don’t you think the fact that it’s a dog, who couldn’t possibly think that, means the cartoon is calling this pattern of thought you’re talking about absurd?"
To which I replied:
"I understand what the joke is saying perfectly well. What I'm saying is that the way the joke is presented gave me (and evidently others) an involuntary trauma response. It's presented without sympathy or sensitivity for those having these types of thoughts. There's no real commentary on the nature of suicidality beyond "this is an absurd thing to think." It comes across as mean-spirited. I'm not saying that was the cartoonist's intent. I'm just saying what my experience with the cartoon is. And before anyone jumps in with "it's not that deep" - single gag cartoons are not that deep, but suicidality very much is. A single gag cartoon cannot be as sensitive and nuanced as the subject warrants, resulting in a not great joke."
I kinda hate when you critique something, and someone comes in with what ultimately amounts to be "you just didn't get it."
Like, I did get it. I still didn't like it. Why? Because the joke sucks.
I know that suicidal ideation manifests in absurd thoughts. I think we all kinda know that. But what is the cartoon saying beyond that? What is it saying about the absurdity? Not a whole lot. The joke is just "mentally ill people sure are crazy!"
Yeah dude, we know.
Make a better joke! Say something more! Say it with the sensitivity and nuance the subject deserves! Say it through a medium that allows you to do that!
"But, but if the artist's intent isn't to be mean and reductive, then--"
Shut up. Shut up. It doesn't matter. Someone didn't mean too stomp on your toe, but your toe still fuckin hurts, and the person responsible for that hurt is still the person who did the stomping.
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pinkwafflesxd · 1 month ago
For my bf on Valentine's Day :3 (he doesn't have Tumblr but I swear to God if any of my friends show him those before tomorrow I'm gonna flip)
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I have good hopes he's gonna like it since it's got some of his fav things. (I'm giggling at the C-4PO socks idk why) I'm gonna have to give it to him tomorrow instead of Valentine's Day because we probably won't see each other unfortunately but I hope he likes it 😻
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zzz-updates · 3 months ago
Log in during Version 1.4 to claim Asaba Harumasa
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Zenless Zone Zero Version 1.4 "A Storm of Falling Stars" is coming out on December 18, 2024 (UTC+8). S-Rank Agents Hoshimi Miyabi & Asaba Harumasa will be added to the Exclusive Channel! Log in to obtain S-Rank Agent Asaba Harumasa and Lv. 1–40 Agent upgrade materials for free!
Pre-register for Version 1.4 now to obtain Polychrome x160. Invite your friends to pre-register and unlock milestone rewards including an Agent level-up bundle and an exclusive namecard.
>> Participate Now <<
>> Official Hoyolab post <<
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royal-songbird · 11 months ago
i tag my ocs in posts a lot but ive realized i dont actually....talk about them here.... SO im going to try to change that :3 if anyones interested in hearing about them , just shoot me an ask :D [and you can find all my ocs here ]
i should probably make a catch-all oc tag too sometime....
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