hi we have did
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28 y/o⭒DID system⭒alter intros⭒content warning: trauma talk
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chemicalcarousel · 1 day ago
allow yourself multidimensionality, you are not one emotion, one trait, one story. you’re a million experiences and a million pieces
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chemicalcarousel · 1 day ago
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chemicalcarousel · 2 days ago
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Life advice for the ages. Those doing wrong want you tired and hopeless. But stay angry. And when a chance is in front of you: bite back. Digital plans for a real linocut. I'm anxiously awaiting a press to make this stuff possible with my RSI in my hands.
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chemicalcarousel · 2 days ago
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chemicalcarousel · 4 days ago
had a bad flashback earlier. like i guess we've had worse, but this was more intense than our average flashback. we are feeling ok now and were able to lessen the impact of the flashback by literally just writing affirmations down to kinda communicate with each other and force all our focus to be on writing things like "it's not the past any longer, we are not in danger, we are safe" a bunch of times over and over again until we felt like we didn't need to anymore. it actually really helped, but man it's hard when you don't always understand why you're exactly having a flashback, because the memories are so fragmented or the reaction to the trigger seems somewhat delayed. i feel like sometimes im feeling fine after a trigger but then maybe 30 min later my body will start reacting. it's so confusing. it took us such a long time to just start to recognise just how many flashbacks we have all the time, but uhhh it's a lot lol
i honestly have no idea who i am rn. im so exhausted. i'm gonna get ready for bed and then hope levi (our sleep alter) can take over and we can get some fairly peaceful sleep
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chemicalcarousel · 4 days ago
"i wish i had cancer/a wheelchair/severe disability so i would be taken seriously." so you've automatically assumed that these people are taken seriously or treated well (which they aren't) without even thinking about it huh. the assumed premise undermines your very point. if you took these people seriously then you wouldn't idly wish to have their struggles
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chemicalcarousel · 4 days ago
Some helpful phrases I think when I’m starting to spiral:
I am not my intrusive thoughts.
This is not an emergency. I can slow down and think about what my next step is.
I’ve been through similar circumstances before and survived. I’m going to be okay.
I won’t argue with irrational thoughts.
It’s okay that I’m having these thoughts. I don’t need to act on them.
I am capable of getting through this.
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chemicalcarousel · 4 days ago
i'm actually crying about my trauma rn?? man... i'm starting to be able to cry again what? dunno if it's because i'm erwin (hiii!!) or maybe not crying is a sertraline side effect because we've suddenly been able to cry after stopping taking it? or maybe it's the autism burnout?? or uhhh maybe the things going down in danish politics is getting to some of us. a politician has been charged with possession of +8000 pieces of csem, a couple of hundred of them were of the most severe degree. discussing it with people has lowkey put us into a flashback i guess? still bad at recognising flashbacks, but i think some of us alters are going through it rn. trying to take it easy <3
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chemicalcarousel · 4 days ago
i really want to spell it out for perisex people:
my genitals do not work. there's as much poorly-healed scar tissue on my dick than regular skin. i can't piss properly or be aroused properly. i get completely random aches and pains and sometimes i piss blood for no diagnoseable reason. there is a decent chance every time i need treatment relating to my genitals that surgeons just turn me away because they don't know what to do with genitals like mine. the vast majority of people immediately find my body disgusting, my body is irreversibly ruined because of some cosmetic surgery i had before i was old enough to walk or talk.
after hearing that, do you expect me to give two fucking licks of a shit what my assigned sex is? if i was assigned female (no i'm not saying my assigned sex, it's nobody's business) would you tell me to my face that i can't identify as transfem because a doctor who hated me permanently injured me? are you fucking dense? let me just ask my rapist what my sexual orientation is while i'm at it since apparently the opinions of people who torture me matters more than what i think about myself.
if you are perisex, YOU DON'T GET IT! i don't care how much theory you've read or how many intersex people you've supposedly talked to, YOU DON'T GET IT. you don't get how assigned sex is coercive, you don't get intersex people's experiences, and you certainly don't get to tell intersex people how to feel.
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chemicalcarousel · 6 days ago
"Trans men and women are both suffering" and "trans women are often specifically targeted by bigotry and harassment even within their own communities and deserve to be able to talk about their own unique challenges without being talked over" and "trans men are often erased from conversations about how bigotry and transphobia targets them and are not exempt from all the horribly draconian laws transphobes are attempting to pass" and "being trans doesn't make you immune to participating in horrible transmisogyny even and especially if you aren't aware you're doing it" and "holy shit don't reinvent bioessentialism but for trans people like holy fuck men are not destined to be evil and women aren't automatically incapable of harm" are all opinions that can and fucking SHOULD coexist
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chemicalcarousel · 7 days ago
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This One’s Called I Got A Headache And It Hurt Real Bad
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chemicalcarousel · 8 days ago
talking about the risks of having a certain diagnosis on your medical record is not 'fearmongering' btw it is helping people to make informed decisions about their own healthcare. nobody benefits from having the wool pulled over their eyes about their own legal and medical rights
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chemicalcarousel · 12 days ago
When you’re chronically ill or disabled, a short task also requires an allotted recovery time or flare time. I can vacuum my bedroom in 10 minutes with difficulty, but then I need 2 more hours to rest because I exerted myself. I might even need an entire day to recover from a more difficult task. So a 10-minute task now becomes 2+ hours, and an hour task becomes a day. So when I ask someone else to do a task I can technically physically handle, it’s because they can do it in minutes and I need hours.
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chemicalcarousel · 12 days ago
i had a fever dream about hrt gummies
[tip me im broke lol]
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chemicalcarousel · 13 days ago
“what if kids identify with something and it ends up just being a phase-?” good. stop teaching and expecting kids (and adults honestly) to formulate permanent traits and ideas of themselves. everything in life is a phase. that doesn’t make it any less legitimate while you experience it. let people explore themselves and know it’s okay if what you think about yourself changes.
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chemicalcarousel · 13 days ago
me when my furry vent art is gonna be exhibited at a museum for the mentally ill
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chemicalcarousel · 14 days ago
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