#good French fries
keventeragro · 3 days
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French Fries Cooking Tips | Veg Snacks | Keventer
Quick tips to remember when you cook French fries at home
Read More - https://www.keventer.com/media/blog/make-perfect-french-fries-at-home-every-time/
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cottagedreamy · 2 months
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They're such a good duo...Pls let's talk about them more.....
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banananarat · 4 months
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based on true events
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looney-mooney-studio · 2 months
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I know Lezah is dead. I KNOW. But her last name is Sllew and she SLAYS. I want to give her apple juice and trail mix with extra raisins in it as a snack break from breaking convention regulations
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random-dragon-exe · 5 days
Okay, MAJOR SALT COMING! Also a long post!
So I have the Disney Villains tarot deck but before I go into the salt part of the post, let's go into the positives.
The cards have stunning art and each card is appropriately themed to the villain generally speaking about 98% of the time. (IMO).
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Another positive is the roster of villains included. Seeing even a few minor/underrated villains is pretty cool and impressive.
Some examples of these villains include Bowler Hat Guy, Madame Mim, Madame Medusa, and possibly Yzma.
Now onto the salt.
As impressive as the span of villains is, two villains are absent who (IMO) deserved a card.
King Candy
First, there are other villains absent, but I'm sticking to these two since I've seen these movies. Now going in order, it is an absolute SHAME (IMO) that King Candy doesn't have a card, but I have an idea of which card suits him best.
The King of Swords. Although this card is given to Scar, and I do love how it looks, I believe that King Candy deserved it.
Plus, Scar appears on like three other cards, so I think it's okay for him to appear three times (sorry Scar, I do love you too).
Anyway, I'm going to go into some detail as to why I believe King Candy/Turbo deserves the card by going into the meaning of it and how it relates to him.
I'll admit, I have a lot of points and can talk about this for days, but I'm going to condense them to 3-ish. I'll do the same for Frollo too in a part 2 post.
Going for a two in one here: The card is about being an authority who uses reason and their intelligence for good. while the reverse of this is being cunning to deceive people.
After Turbo hijacked Sugar Rush, he was very methodical about his approach to make it sound like he's their rightful ruler. He locked up their memories, then he fabricated the lie that she was a danger to their game. Turbo did his best to make sure nothing went unchecked and made sure to make the lie sound convincing to protect them (but mostly him). He's very strategic, and was able to come up with a plan to manipulate Ralph with 16 manipulation tactics in one go. He was even able to feign being concerned to play on Ralph's attachment to Vanellope.
I think the best line that best captures this aspect of the card is "Doing what's right, no matter what." AKA: He recognizes that it may sound harsh, but he makes his lies sound reasonable to protect his subjects and game.
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The card also represents enjoying structure when upright. But it's controlling and oppressive in a need for order when reversed.
Turbo needs everything to be to be going his way, as he's a control freak.
Inserting the test animation here, he even says "You are a threat to my game, to the order I have maintained. And if there's one thing I can't abide, it's anything out of order!"
Also, the split-second something isn't in his control, he starts to fumble and break into either rage or nervously laughing. He's capable of coming off as cool and composed, but he's scared of being caught and it can cause him to lash out in anger (another aspect of the card).
Just as mentioned in the previous point, he made sure nothing went unchecked and made an entire world literally revolve around him. He can and WILL happily use all of his resources of excessive force he has like the cops, the Sugar Rush equivalent of S.W.A.T., and the fungeon to detain someone who stands in his way.
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As a minor note, there's a line in the tarot guidebook that states the reverse of the card can represent "someone who needs to win at any cost." Which describes Turbo to a T. He not only wants attention but he's also extremely competitive. It's part of his programming, and it ties to his love for racing. To always come out on top and be #1. No matter who or what stands in his way.
That core drive (pun intended) was the cause of his villainy in the first place and earned him his infamous status in the arcade.
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Okay, I don't want to sound too salty, but you can imagine my disappointment when King Candy didn't get a card.
Oh well, Its fine, I still love and use this deck.
So I guess we can call this the thrilling conclusion to the 3 part saga of including King Candy in Disney Villain merchandise.
Also as a sidenote: hypothetically if he did get this card, what would the imagery be?
I feel the card has the potential to get creative with the glitch effects. For example make it so that he's glitching between the Turbo appearance and the King Candy appearance. If we want to be a little cheeky, we could have it set in his castle, and out the window, we see a the cybug Ralph initially sent to SR flying outside a castle window. (similar to Hook's card as the crocodile is seen outside)
So basically, my interpretation would be a mix of these images and Captain Hook's card:
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But, if anyone else has really cool ideas, I'd love to hear them! If you want, you could also draw it out to illustrate your point (pun intended) Honestly please do, I'd love to see other people's interpretations of this card for him. The possibilities are endless!
Join me in my antics next time when I analyze Frollo and and the card I think he should've gotten.
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waterfishlol0 · 14 days
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Literally losing it today but here was a doodle i made for Weapon By Name by @cnwolf-brainrot
More misc doodles unrelated under the cut
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clancysjumpsuit · 3 months
clancy the pup is a sensitive dog. last night i wasn’t doing so well. i was crying on the floor and clancy puts his head under my chin. i covered my face with my hands and he paws my hands away and gave me kisses. he then sat in my lap, leaned against my chest and gave me more kisses. i never trained him to do that. he does it on his own and i’m forever grateful
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vipassana · 3 months
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More food from my camera roll
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m1ssunderstanding · 1 hour
nothing intelligent or helpful to say about it really but we had SUCH a good time at One Hand Clapping. Everyone should go if they've got the chance.
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jesusmyking2024 · 1 month
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sweetest-honeybee · 1 year
Wally holding apples (and other foods) just bc he wants to is beginning to seem very relatable bc I have my food. Haven’t touched it, but the presence is nice. Like a friend :)
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brother-emperors · 1 year
Hi. I want to read Camus' Caligula. Which translation have you read (if you read it in translation)? I would search under tags but my tumblr is currently acting up. If you've read more, which one would you recommend, or what did you like about each one?
I've read camus' caligula in french and a couple of translations in english, the only one I like is Stuart Gilbert's translation, the other ones aren't even worth talking about tbh
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I'm incredibly obsessed with phrasing of 'this ghoul-haunted wilderness of mine,' 10/10
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frythatrice · 2 months
Girls' Last Tour ep12 rant/reaction/something/review?
I am (very drunk) and just watched Girls' Last Tour for the first time. Here are some thoughts about ep12, specifically the camera sync scene and a bit beyond, maybe. I got all synapses firing trying to write out this intro as coherently as possible, I'm not sure the rest will be readable - I will check when I'm sober.
Ep12 of Girls' last tour makes my head hurt. I don't know what the fuck is happening in my head but I can tell the writing kicks ass.
The contrast between people living absolutely normal, mundane and boring lives, school festivals, clubs and hanging out with friends, getting better at the hospital, birthdays, having children, being contrasted with abject brutality and the worst of humanity. Being observed by two girls so far removed from all the happenings, living so far in the future they never really ever had a concept of what society or culture even is, "history" being just… the idea of a society, rather than a specific culture or nation. Mundane daily life contrasted by the horrors of war, and how do the girls view it? "It kinda makes you feel less alone". They just witnessed the fall of humanity, and it boils down to more or less a fun fact for them.
"Our military has secured a great victory, with the neighboring state's casualties numbering over fifty million. // So we bought french fries."
It's like the mundanity of human existence being flattened in one sentence. 50 million people dead is basically a fucking genocide. It's being put on the same level as a McDonald's side meal. The contrast makes my fucking head hurt.
It's like the show is saying, look at all the people they killed, look at how hard they were winning their stupid war - to the people that have to live in the world they left behind, it has as much (or less)worth as french fries.
Chito and Yuuri, the last two humans alive, saying that they don't care the world is ending as long as they're together is the biggest fuck you to the worst of humanity I've ever seen in my life. They just watched a highlight reel of how the world ended and concluded with "ok that that was cool, anyways". That's fucking crazy. Humans can do some fucked up shit but sometimes girls hold hands and I feel like that makes up for it.
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satturn · 3 months
actually crazy how underrated dom fera still is he makes such good songs
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tenpixelsusie · 10 months
i literally do not understand people who don't like arby's cause where i'm from their food tastes like if there was a god and he finally answered my pleas for pity on my miserable soul
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chiptrillino · 2 years
nothing is more humbling then a 8-years-old telling me i don't know how to draw and then demands of me to draw power puff girls for her all afternoon long!
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