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brutal-nemesis · 4 months ago
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@befuddled-calico-whump oh you are SO correct
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daily-leoneed · 3 months ago
Day 248
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We’re back with a fact! Honami has neterious bad luck when it comes to drawing New Years fortunes…. In both the first and second NY events this was discussed, and as seen in the gif, is present during the special overworld animations that occur during NY.
Apologies for disappearing everyone! Exams are pretty tiring, but I am free now so daily Leoni is back in the house!!
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befuddled-calico-whump · 2 years ago
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@brutal-nemesis 's Neteri (and Erebus)
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letstalkwhump · 2 years ago
Let’s Talk Whump No.3
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump!
I’m Malice, from @whumpers-inc and today I’ve got the fabulous @brutal-nemesis in the house to talk about her experience with and love for whump!
Let’s talk about you! Tell us something about yourself :)
Yo, I'm Nemi, I'm in my 20s and a whumper all the way, baby. Outside of whump, I like rocks (like have an entire degree in geology like rocks), video games (Octopath Traveler, Pokemon, FE, Nancy Drew PC games...), anime (don't ask me about Chainsaw Man, I won't shut up), and hiking (rocks but in their natural habitat).
What does “whump” mean to you?
I get to stab men and laugh about it. I love violence, I am very sadistic
Your fearsome reputation is something of a legend around here. How did you find whump and what made you want to join?
Very long rabbit hole but to be less long about it, I saw some whump stuff on the blog of a pokemon tumblr I stalked (because I didn't have an account) and I was like, Hey This Is The Shit. I lurked for a while but as time went on, I wanted to talk to people about whump and share my own shit cuz I've never really had anyone to talk to about that sort of stuff (at least not without making them really concerned lol).
Being able to talk about wanting to beat up/stab/restrain a guy without concerned looks and questions is so therapeutic, honestly. Do you have a favourite(s) whump trope?
Gore, noncon surgery & body modification, vivisection, female whumper w/ male whumpee, and just general depravity!
Female whumpers, my beloveds! Speaking of favourite pieces, tell us one that you’ve written?
Uhhhh what have I written at all...mmm, well, as far as Castys things, if I had to pick one, it'd probably be Cycle-stys of Yikes . Basically it's a nice little overview of Castys losing his damn mind while he's stuck in a lab for like 240 years. It's probably one of the darkest things I've written as far as, uh, what happens, and that's saying a lot. Idk I just feel like I did a good job with describing these really fucked up actions as...whatever the hell he thought was happening.
For Erebus and Terror...it's hard. I'm really proud of the whole series, tbh, just how I've been able to develop both Erebus and Neteri over time as they change each other, but for a standout chapter...Maybe Chapter 14, Red, White, and Blue , cuz I really love the way I wrote Erebus's panic and what was happening to him from his POV without explicitly describing what was happening. And what's not to love about how upset he is in that one :)
Damn, Red, White and Blue! You’ve definitely earned your reputation..that was brutal! Is there anything new you’re working on at the moment?
Yare yare...I should get started on the next chapter of E&T at some point, shouldn't I? I mean, I have a huge AU stockpile that's basically all between me and one person and we just sit on them, so probably nothing from there for the people...So yeah, probably the next chapter of E&T whenever I get around to that and then I'll probably try to come up with something for Castys since I'm sure people miss him.
Take it from me, the people definitely miss Castys! Care to share what your writing routine usually looks like?
Hahahaha who knows, man. Back before my lil hiatus, I used to write every day whenever I had time and felt like it, but then I became Gamer Mode for a few months and I'm still working on getting out of that habit. But usually just on the couch or in my room with either my video game/anime OST playlist on shuffle (she's 59 hrs long!) or my weeb playlist (anime ops and whatnot) because if it's English words then it's harder to focus on writing,  y’know. Usually I jump around in whatever chapter or piece I'm writing, writing the scenes or bits of dialogue/description as they come to me, and slowly stitching the whole thing together until it's one whole blanket boy.
Is there an easy thing for you to write, something the words just pour for? Anything you struggle with writing?
The easiest thing in the world is whatever bullshit thoughts Castys is having. He is incredibly easy to channel. Any of his dialogue or what he's thinking about comes without much thought. The words also usually flow for my classic™ incredibly long run-on sentence paragraphs that have like no breaks in them cuz it's all go go go, baby. Erebus and Neteri talking isn't too hard either, especially if they're bickering. As far as hard, probably descriptions of pain because it can hard to say how much a thing hurts over and over without being repetitive. I am also not a researcher.  I will just be out here making shit up because it's MY fantasy world so I can have whatever bullshit I want!
Do you have any words of wisdom or writing advice for us?
Well, my old habit that worked for me was to try and write every day, for at least half an hour. If I end up going more, great, but if it's not working at least I tried. That and inspiration is everywhere. Steal whatever shit you like and cobble it together into something unrecognisable. It's not plagiarism cuz you're making something new. Like, E&T came from Stephen King's Misery and a magical girl anime. Go crazy, go stupid.
Go crazy, go stupid. I love it! Let’s give a shout out to your favourite writing/whump blogs, bffs or people who've inspired you. We're hyping everyone up here!
Can't not shout out the bestie @galaxywhump who has impeccable taste and bomb writing and we talk a whole lot everyday and yeah, queen shit. @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifih-wifi is another good friend and amazing writer and she's got so many different stories that everyone can find something they love. Ugh, there's a lot of other people I could talk about, but I'll give the last shout-out to @whump-side cuz her art just always hits the spot for me, so fuckin good.
Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us today. Is there anything you like to add?
Don't be afraid to be a little bit silly, lads, we're here to have fun and it doesn't have to be the most serious shit in the world for it to be good whump. we love being silly and crazy.
Thanks for dropping by @brutal-nemesis ! 
And to all the readers, have a whump-derful day!
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newsmatik · 23 days ago
ARSenal Wonderkid Ethan Navy to watch vs West Ham
Ethan Neteri and Mikel Artel (photo by Michael Reven, Shaun Butterill / Issues) Arsenal Wonderkid ethan Nivari is one of the young talents at this time, and she is the same as the participants in their event to ham ham. With the sako paka injured, a place was opened on the right side of Neterni, it was very important to praise some of the highest photos in the game. So there are many other…
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lyricsssdotin · 7 months ago
Demand Lyrics
Singer:Goldy Desi Crew, Shipra GoyalAlbum:Singham (Punjabi) Ho naagni ae gutt, suit patialviKaatil ne lakk de hulaare chann veHo reejh naal takk lai je roop kudi daDin’ch dikhadu tainu taare chann ve Ho aini sohni naar chhad ke naar chad keBudy kehdya kamma de vich maahiya Adab subah de jatt ne subah de jatt neTeri ek bhi demand na pugayi aaAdab subah de jatt ne subah de jatt neTeri ek bhi…
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pharaohniic · 1 year ago
Name & throne name: Atemu
Full name: Netery-kau-Atemu
Full Title: Nesu Bity, Neb Tawy, Sa Re, Ka-Nekhet Atemu
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height: 5'5"
Birthday: III Shemu day 19
Family: Akhnamkanon; father (deceased), NeferMut; mother (unknown), Aknadin; uncle, Seto; cousin
AE verse: Maakheru Sa Re Atemu, Nesu Bity. Reigned during the time of major turmoil for the kingdom, made worse by the Theif King's attacks and raids. Atemu did the best he could with the conditions he had and by all accounts was a decent king. During the final battle against Zork, he sealed himself and the dark god away. The rest is history.
Atemu was as much of a fan of games as his future incarnation Yugi, having a giant maze with many rooms built for the enjoyment of himself as well as his court. He also had various smaller games on hand such as Senet and a game involving dice made of bone.
Despite being a lover of games, he also participated in other duties that were required of his position. Hunts and warfare to name a couple. Atemu can drive a chariot, ride a horse, shoot a bow and use both sword and spear. With the introduction of using ka and other entities for battle, he didn't have to get his hands physically dirty too often. But he did if he had to.
Modern Verse: Revived, he's staying with Yugi at the Kame Game Shop. He still plays games with friends and enjoys those, but he's begun to branch out to experience other things while he's stuck in the modern era. He's not sure of the reason, but he's on the defensive in case it's for some large-scale threat about to appear.
There's a bit of a warning to add, to those who've made it this far:
This Atemu still possesses the capacity for violence if he feels his loved ones are in danger or if there's a chance he could lose. He reverts to the way he was at the beginning, fully willing and capable of doing harm.
In canon, he was fully capable of attacking Haga, Malik, Ghouls and others wishing threat on Yugi or his friends. This Atemu is no different. He's not as nice as most would think. He will be civil to those who are civil, but downright nasty if provoked.
Yugi can recall Atemu's anger or someone trying to get him to see reason, but without that interference there can be big, big trouble.
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Neteri 💕
Nemi this is so hard lmao
I finally settled on “Take a Chance on Me”
Erebus says “no”
(Gimmie a Man After Midnight was VERY VERY close thou. A real toss up)
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444names · 2 years ago
followers of this blog + roman and egyptian deities
Abesanet Abisttantu Abisucar Ablock Acled Aclernens Acleucardu Adjed Adjweress Aetout Aglauntios Agrasy Agreakey Agrenun Agrum Alatum Amapis Ambiesbis Amhour Amminote Amoinow Amonkougus Amorvo Amosret Ampectawy Ancanefnus Ancha Anchlos Anclo Andatout Andonus Anestte Anisanic Anngs Anower Anputiris Ansiona Ansus Antatet Antherebes Antus Anutingal Aperices Apisirenna Apoethelp Apoevatum Arduis Areammit Armomer Armonnus Arnus Aronkeyer Aroolastta Artass Artes Artis Arudius Arveskhmeh Arwomit Arwornum Asgustis Atern Atobek Atuff Avanta Avantia Avatep Aventut Averweade Babis Bablos Babloto Banduildly Baner Baneval Baninng Bansnus Bantiss Baper Baponius Beger Bekaus Belatheder Belotooks Bened Benhocius Bensegin Blocius Bloet Bloever Blogmings Blogus Blostuci Blyuqiin Bodet Bodfro Bodfrus Boonina Borae Bornus Borus Brius Bucalash Buccice Bucidat Bucimbie Buicurs Cafabuin Cafankout Calatobis Caliceress Camunsten Candona Canetio Canos Canoweads Carvo Casticur Cicur Ciminet Cimisaker Cishus Cistio Cleuces Cleucicur Cobaret Cocor Coller Collught Colluicur Comant Conbius Connina Copder Copin Copinowes Coptefrus Corinner Corlgress Coros Corudiesat Cryshngs Datennius Datum Dementaris Dfrus Diessoff Dintintis Eqrldeta Eqrldons Eyevai Fabian Fadrae Fandenus Fanevis Fanger Fanonos Fanost Fanput Fardspec Farver Folat Folow Forand Foranukau Froons Gejuing Gerwos Glaste Glatepwads Glatis Glatu Glatuff Gldbuketet Gldet Gldly Grandamet Granius Graomes Grassofora Grotelp Hannus Haplenukey Hapon Hasgus Hatef Hatepons Hatgenjoy Hatmesbi Hcick Hedatond Hehet Hekertut Heketen Helede Helic Helly Helogus Helos Hephin Hepwad Hesatus Hetial Hezmullers Hezmunta Hintia Hotenjoy Huetepep Iannices Ihycoo Imbra Imenus Imhet Imhou Imiss Innius Intast Iosreted Istiand Isunstia Itawy Juinkough Juinty Juisiald Khell Khello Khnuchis Khotchon Knevensus Kodamunne Latut Ledgallos Leduicet Lenjoy Lentawer Lentitset Lereit Lerldon Leskhbell Levet Levind Light Lives Llock Llunuket Llunus Losiris Lownhora Lughtast Luines Luings Lunly Luxeneka Maastia Makertret Mandam Mandeta Mantertis Maping Mards Marette Marius Martucci Marvo Mched Mchezmut Mchlog Mehes Mehest Mehis Menjoyes Mensbialat Mentetin Mentutinis Merworit Meterysser Metwerldet Miding Midinne Minesu Mingof Mitentheka Mnater Moindunted Momalentat Momos Monamne Monia Monlivi Mosegome Mostah Mounnoball Mounu Mspefnupht Mulis Nehisam Nehme Nemandam Nemapon Nerbell Neresbit Nernus Nespins Netelos Netery Netirith Nevatgebeg Nevatuff Nextiros Nonker Nonus Nostaro Notchors Nownhorus Nucell Ofolooks Oforo Onbie Onduinnist Onodaroo Oseket Ougus Paket Pamut Poete Pomaunet Ponota Prian Prooks Prost Ptarn Ptelly Ptentastu Pucafably Quvit Quvitet Quvivetis Randeak Raples Reads Reakeyerie Reamullios Reneitah Renpucera Resama Resbis Retelatum Rishus Sagus Sanes Sataset Satut Sedemis Segejus Segings Segof Serau Shehit Sherit Shetemough Shthekhe Shuek Siand Singen Sings Siovand Smennius Smenuka Sonus Sopduis Soping Soptefnus Soptetep Spepep Spiat Stuchloold Sucal Sucheavent Suluild Susaass Tainbornus Taral Tarondonn Tarvos Tasey Tastangs Tawepwader Tawor Tefnus Tellass Temenuka Tepoevi Terex Teribetep Thanex Thatgebet Theadjet Thehit Thelocock Thethougus Thezerty Thite Thitjeder Thorrus Thoton Thotum Thounly Thuekaus Tirit Tobet Trice Tritably Unarash Unnus Vetio Vhetast Vicocisis Vinkou Viria Viricock Vissio Vitisios Viver Viving Vosttet Wadezmu Wajka Wawerworn Wenty Weper Weriben Weshta Witemidan Witetial Withep Woruwajka Wriss Wshnut Yamaall Yooksper Youral Yours Yuqiing Yuwuis
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whumpsical · 4 years ago
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i drew @brutal-nemesis 's Neteri & Erebus getting acquainted bc i love the scene where she's just, , analyzing him lmao
enjoy Erebus looking into the camera like he's on the office
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lyricsssdotin · 8 months ago
Saade Kothe Utte Lyrics
Singer:Ammy Virk, Nimrat KhairaAlbum:Saunkan Saunkne Saade kothe utte cheene neSaade kothe utte cheene neTeri meri jodi sohniyeTeri meri jodi sohniye Ho jivein mundi ch nageene neJivein mundi ch nageene ne Saade kothe utte chidiyan neSaade kothe utte chidiyan neTere mere viah vaaliyanTere mere vyah waliyan Gallan pind aa vich chhidiyan neGallan pind aa vich chhidiyan ne Saureyan da pind tera…
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yet-another-heathen · 1 year ago
a whumpee who used to live in luxury. A royal, a noble, something else equally as wealthy? They were cared for beyond belief, wearing soft clothes and sleeping on silk sheets and bathing in palatial pools while servants massaged scented oils into their hair.
and then they lose everything. they suffer and are hurt irrevocably. theyre thrown in the dirt. theyre forced to wear the same clothes day in and day out. they have to do all the work for themselves because there arent any more servants to do it for them. theyre filthy and exhausted and aching and yet they must continue.
then caretaker comes into the picture. draws them a bath. whumpee doesnt remember how long its been since theyve had a warm one, or even how long its been since they were clean. caretaker helps wash their hair, their face. theyre gentle, so gentle, more than whumpee knows they deserve.
It’s not like how it used to be. It’s not in a gold-lined tub with expensive scented oils and rose petals. but its the best thing whumpee has ever experienced. he doesn’t care that its a little haphazard, just that caretaker cares enough to do this for him and wanted to help him.
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yet-another-heathen · 4 years ago
Hmm...how about what Henry would think of Neteri lol
Nothing but respect: 10/10 would love her. He would just fold his hands behind his back and politely inquire about her work until she really got going, and listen with rapt attention once she did.
He appreciates a scientist, especially an enthusiastic one, and would find her intriguing. So long as she kept the details of her test subjects...willingness to participate, a little on the quieter side, he could overlook a lot of the other more questionable parts of her work.
And personality-wise? He would find her awkwardness endearing, her enthusiasm charming, and her ruthlessness delightfully close to home.
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wadjets-word · 4 years ago
Any information about pigs and how they were viewed/treated in Ancient Egypt?
I have a Neteri who has a pig-headed form/whose animal is a pig, so I’m trying to do some research! Thanks!
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Aww this is so cute crafts for Erebus, Castys, and/or Neteri? (whoever you have vibes for)
Neteri was really the only one speaking to me
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She gets crochet! I’d like to imagine she makes Erebus a hat that accommodates his new… features.
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brutal-nemesis · 4 months ago
i think hasan would love to learn about neteri's science over a cup of tea <3333
Bonus: the boys are there too!
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