#looney mooney rants
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looney-mooney-studio · 7 months ago
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People here needed to know about the Union Yaoi
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looney-mooney · 2 years ago
Actors and Animators should go on strike next tbh. Especially cgi animators. Put the fear back into Hollywood
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looney-mooney · 2 months ago
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op there was an oddly placed ad that made me think you were complaining about the existence of roombas
usamericans, do you remember in the incredibles when syndrome made the robot go haywire just so he could swoop in and 'save the day'
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looney-mooney-studio · 8 months ago
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Please enjoy this meme I put way too much effort into
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looney-mooney · 28 days ago
Just finished watching season 3 episode 4 of Invincible. Severely disappointed by the lack of Omniman/Allen the Alien fanfiction on AO3
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looney-mooney-studio · 7 months ago
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I heard people were shipping Fiddlestan now. Finally, we can acknowledge their totally real, very canon Vegas wedding
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looney-mooney · 8 months ago
Spoilers for the finale of Fairly Oddparents: A New Wish under the cut cuz I need to RANT about this okay???
Just watched the season finale of FOP a new wish and uhhh. Why does it Suck??? Like for real, WHY does it SUCK???
I’m. They did my boy Peri DIRTY, first of all. Seriously, WHY was there SO MUCH gross-out humor with him? SECOND of all, they didn’t even BRING UP the fact that if Peri dies, so does Irep. Like, that wasn’t even a THING that was MENTIONED. THIRD of all, they really just DID NOT flesh out the character interactions to the same level that we’ve been getting throughout the rest of the show? Like, at ALL???
Also, I’m. Okay. Dev and Irep’s interactions in Irep’s introduction episode were SO FUN, but in this special their chemistry is fucking NOTHING. Why does Irep get along better with Dale Dimmadome??? It would be so, SO MUCH MORE FUN if Irep hated Dale’s fucking GUTS. If he saw Vicky in him. I was excited for this special SPECIALLY BECAUSE Dev and Irep were so much fun to watch the first time around, but this one just FLOPPED.
God. Like, I get Dev did something wrong. The narrative wants to punish him, he’ll probably find out somehow later down the line because they can’t just throw him away like that. I GET IT. But like. Okay. Okay.
Here’s how I would fix this.
It’s so fucking easy to do, too. Have Dev wish fairy world back to normal, so that Peri doesn’t die from magical backup. It doesn’t make sense for Wanda to have to be the one to do it, because she’s only not had access to magic for like a DAY, ON TOP OF having granted a BUTTLOAD of wishes JUST THAT MORNING, vs Peri who hasn’t been granting wishes for Dev for a WHILE, Who is VISIBLY DYING THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE EPISODE BECAUSE DEV DOESN’T MAKE WISHES.
THEN, when HAZEL gets to make her rule free wish, have her wish Dev gets to keep Peri anyway. Have her wish for ALL the people who saved Fairyworld to get to remember forever, Dev included, even though he was the one who -
If Anti-Cosmo and Dale took over the takeover and overthrew their sons. Like, not even maliciously, just in a “we know better than you” sort of way. But then Irep started having Peri’s magical backup affect HIM, too, and Anti-Cosmo dismissed it, thinking the takeover was more important.
Dev’s still mad at Peri, but he DOES care about Irep, so he agrees to reverse the damage so he can make a wish, which would save Peri and therefore also Irep. I would also like it if Peri’s magical backup manifested in more,,, visually subtle ways. Fainting spells, occasional vomiting, loopiness, confetti coming out of orifices, the OCCASIONAL bloating, but treated more like a chronic illness than. Whatever the fuck they actually did in the show. This would set the stakes higher by making it easier for the audience to actually take the danger to Peri’s life seriously. Instead of, you know. Treating Peri dying like a JOKE.
Then Dev would have to work together with Irep, Peri, Hazel, Cosmo and Wanda (maybe even Anti-Wanda, too, since I don’t think she wants her son to die, though I think if she does join it’d be at the last minute) to fix everything. And Hazel could still recruit her friends, but it would have a much tighter focus on this new core squad, and a lot more focus on character-oriented espionage than “rule of cool”ing it. Maybe even have a nod to the fact that Dev and Winn were friends once, too? (Can I get some nuance, can I PLEASE get some nuance???)
I don’t think we actually need to involve earth that much, either. Don’t replace fairies with anti-fairies, just take away fairy magic, introduce the “not using magic is life-threatening to fairies” aspect, with Peri as our main example, and that’s a really good threat on its own.
Then the ENDGAME leading to season 2 could be “Peri and Irep are BOTH Dev’s fairy godparents now, but now Irep has to follow Da Rules the same way any legitimate fairy godparent would. Dev still doesn’t think of himself as being friends with Hazel right now, but he’s happy to lord over the fact that he has two fairies now over her. The show now has room to play in a space where there are limits to the power of the antagonists, and the protagonists only get to be happy because they were able to break da rules in the first place, and now we have to live with that.” A pleasant symmetry that lays down the groundwork for some Actual Narrative Themes, instead of… whatever mess that was.
I mean, god, I’m not even sure I want them to have a season 2. Like. Jesus, the version of this show and its characters that I built up in my head was so much better than the actual show itself turned out to be. And there’s something really sad in that, you know? Like, I loved this show, and I thought it was building up to something really fun and interesting. But it just. God. It fumbled the landing of this first season so hard.
I’m probably still gonna make, like, an illustrated video essay about my version of this finale like a dude bro posting their fanfic to YouTube and calling it a rewrite, but oh my GOD it was BAD and I thought it was gonna be SO GOOD and it WASN’T and AGHHHHHH. I wanna FIX IT.
(What this whole thing really taught me though, is that I should really be focusing more on making my own stuff. I can’t control how a big studio treats the story I want to see, but I CAN control how I write my OWN stories. I’m gonna let the disappointment fuel me to do better)
Ahem. Anyway, thank you for letting me rant, I really fucking needed it after that.
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looney-mooney-studio · 7 months ago
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Thinking about that one joke in the Book of Bill that implied Bill might be the biological father of the Flynn kids. Thinking about how Linda Flynn had a secret career as a famous astrophysicist at one point. Thinking about how we don’t know exactly what Bill was doing in the 90s, and how he seems to want to skim over that part of his life, after Ford broke up with him for good but before the twins showed up in Gravity Falls.
Thinking about how Bill frequently hung out with famous musicians. Thinking about Linda, a brilliant young woman fresh off a bizarre pop star career, wanting to make a name for herself that ISN’T Lindana, might have found a new direction with an old friend (before he showed her his true colors.)
Thinking about Bill, fresh off a devastating breakup, trying again one more time to get SOMEONE on Earth to make him a portal. Trying to make the plan WORK. Trying to get a home for his friends in the face of a home dimension that was being destroyed (again). Having someone who’s COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from the man he was obsessed with, but who was no less brilliant and no less capable. (But, unfortunately for him, MUCH less gullible.)
Thinking about how Linda doesn’t want people to know about her former career as a famous astrophysicist. How she keeps this secret, even better than she did her past as Lindana. How she keeps the lid on this even TIGHTER. How she’s almost bitter about it. As if something HAPPENED.
I’m not saying Bill Cipher WAS Linda’s partner of at least five years, even going so far as to start a family with her before she saw his true colors and filed some sort of Uber-effective inter-dimensional restraining order against him, one-upping him so hard that he doesn’t even wanna think about it, but. Holy shit. Imagine
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looney-mooney · 1 year ago
Guys I just had the SILLIEST Invader Zim thought. I think that, if Zim actually did his job and told the Tallest about the resources Earth could provide, they’d wanna keep us around. Why? Because, what’s the one thing that humans do that no other species on Earth does?
We cook.
And what’s the one thing the Tallest care about more than anything else?
We could make them potato chips. Veggie straws. Peanut butter chocolate cups. Truffle fries. Banana splits. Homemade ice cream soda floats. Strawberry shortcake. Ramen. Taquitos. And, like, a kajillion other snacks that GIR (their creation) is already addicted to that they would fucking ADORE. Tell them about the snacks, Zim!!
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looney-mooney · 2 years ago
Also! Potluck parties fucking RULE. You get to make food for people and try the food of others in return and how is that not like a core aspect of humanity? The shared joys of creation and sharing? Of food and company? Fuck!
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looney-mooney-studio · 8 months ago
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We got Canon Irep Design let’s gooooooo
(Also, I’m giving this pair a ship name, here and now, if only for tagging purposes. I dub thee, Fairy Goddads!)
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looney-mooney · 11 months ago
I’m gathering set design references from Phineas and Ferb (for au purposes don’t worry about it) and
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How the fuck do they go downstairs???
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looney-mooney-studio · 7 months ago
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I finally actually watched the episode of the OG show where Peri and Irep do the egg baby assignment together. My main takeaway is “Peri’s singing is so relaxing to Irep that it makes him konk out in 3 seconds flat.”
My secondary takeaway is “oh so they were ALWAYS well-intentioned parents surrounded by other (worse) adults who were a risk to their kid but who had no idea how to actually take care of said child themselves. Good to know” but I’ll make stuff about that later
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looney-mooney · 8 months ago
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An observation I made while reading the Sonic IDW comics
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looney-mooney-studio · 7 months ago
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Boys kissing
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looney-mooney · 1 year ago
Finally watching Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and I got to That Part with Nina and Alexander. And man, I have some THOUGHTS
Because like. So, I’m familiar with this plot twist. I watched the first anime, the one where Rose is basically the B-plot protagonist, back in High school. I liked it a lot, it was good, and this plot twist is if anything more devastating there than it is here because they spent a lot more time with Nina and Alexander in that anime. This plot twist has been memed to hell and back. I was expecting it.
So, having gotten over the initial horrifying shock that her own father would do something so irreversible and experimental to his own fucking daughter FAR in advance, I was able to see this with clear eyes. And uh. I think Nina probably would have been fine?
Like, it’s awful, it’s horrifying, yes. But also. Her mother’s first sentence when this procedure was done to her was to ask for death, but Nina’s first sentence was to ask if her father was hurt. Her second sentence? Was used on an attempt to de-escalate the situation, by asking to play.
And nobody listens to her. Everyone is too horrified by what she is now to ask her what she thinks of the situation, if she’s okay, what she wants to do about it. Everyone is horrified by Nina’s existence except for her. Everyone is too busy trying to punish her father for what he’s done, trying to reverse the irreversible, to listen to her.
And what a horrible sort of irony, right? She’s the first healthy, living chimera to be able to understand and use human speech, and nobody even wants to listen to her.
When her father is killed in front of her, she cries. She walks carefully towards his corpse, and tearfully calls out to him. She is sad, because OF COURSE SHE IS. She’s NINE. Her dad, the only family she had left, just got murdered in front of her. And then his murderer turns to her, and acts like her subsequent murder is a mercy killing.
Nobody ever asked her if she wanted to keep existing, even if it meant being what she now was for the rest of her life. Nobody ever asked her what she wanted. Nobody even listened to her when she told them what she wanted.
Nobody played with her when she asked to play.
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