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Thinking about that one joke in the Book of Bill that implied Bill might be the biological father of the Flynn kids. Thinking about how Linda Flynn had a secret career as a famous astrophysicist at one point. Thinking about how we don’t know exactly what Bill was doing in the 90s, and how he seems to want to skim over that part of his life, after Ford broke up with him for good but before the twins showed up in Gravity Falls.
Thinking about how Bill frequently hung out with famous musicians. Thinking about Linda, a brilliant young woman fresh off a bizarre pop star career, wanting to make a name for herself that ISN’T Lindana, might have found a new direction with an old friend (before he showed her his true colors.)
Thinking about Bill, fresh off a devastating breakup, trying again one more time to get SOMEONE on Earth to make him a portal. Trying to make the plan WORK. Trying to get a home for his friends in the face of a home dimension that was being destroyed (again). Having someone who’s COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from the man he was obsessed with, but who was no less brilliant and no less capable. (But, unfortunately for him, MUCH less gullible.)
Thinking about how Linda doesn’t want people to know about her former career as a famous astrophysicist. How she keeps this secret, even better than she did her past as Lindana. How she keeps the lid on this even TIGHTER. How she’s almost bitter about it. As if something HAPPENED.
I’m not saying Bill Cipher WAS Linda’s partner of at least five years, even going so far as to start a family with her before she saw his true colors and filed some sort of Uber-effective inter-dimensional restraining order against him, one-upping him so hard that he doesn’t even wanna think about it, but. Holy shit. Imagine
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lovetei · 1 year
I saw your toxic things the demon bros will do to keep you with them and i absolutely fell in love with. More of, my mental health issues felll in love with- ANYGAYSzz
I was wondering if you could maybe do the same for the side characters¿¿¿¿
Also did you drink water today? Cuz if thats a no here you go 💧💧💧💧
And some cookies just incase 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
Love anonymous 👑
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I'm not actually supposed to post anything for tonight, because I don't know? I didn't get to start anything this morning so I crammed this post T_T
But love lots! Hope you enjoy this piece ^^
But seriously, I was like "Oh shit, the algorithm I don't have!" And proceed to finish this.
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What are the most toxic thing they will do in a relationship just to make you stay with them?
Versions: Demon brothers, Side Characters
Warnings: Manipulation, yandere themes, execution, mention of torture, psychological torture, love potions, Mentions of murder, framing, alcohol
Links: Masterlist
DIAVOLO will use his authority
He's already so happy to have you by his side
And by staying there you already secured the position of the next ruler that will stand beside him
So, why do you have to leave..?
And the reasons
"I'm not fit enough..."
"I don't deserve this much..!"
"There are more people out there that are more worthy than me..."
Won't cut it.
He knows your worth and he's sure you do too.
So why?
Perhaps you're just nervous that you won't be able to match his grace?
You don't need to.
His grace is unmatched among the demons and yours is too among the mortals.
You both are on the same chapter, just on different pages.
So why make things hard for yourself?!
All you need to do is say yes and everything will be taken care of.
Clothes, food, money, status, security and literally anything.
He loves you and you does too so it's not going to be a marriage with no love...
You're starting to drive him insane, MC.
And he might just do the same to you
So he'll invite you over for a fancy dinner and a few drinks
You accepted, despite knowing that Diavolo might try something after he got you drunk
Thinking that Diavolo forgot that you can't get drunk by just a basic demonus
That's what you are for thinking Diavolo actually misses something, anything about you
So he changed the bottle of demonus to an actual human liquor but neutralized it's taste by the help of his one, loyal servant
Not even two hour passed by and you're already putty in his hands
Dancing just like how he wants it on his palms
Then he'll slide a paper into the table to you, together with a beautiful pen
He then point at an empty line with his finger and said "Look at that MC, this line right here wants your signature."
"Hmm, why?~"
"Because it's such a huge fan of you and it needs you to become something, someone better, so why don't you give it a sign?" Is what he said while smirking.
And there you are, signing the papers while your mind is clouded with alcohol
Oh what is it?
Just a marriage contract
You don't want it?
Look into rules and regulations, Claus 5
It's against your human rights?
How foolish, you're not in the human world.
You will tell the whole Devildom about it?
Lèse majesté
And what's the punishment for committing that? Simple.
BARBATOS and his timeline power
He loves you
So much actually
At first, it was fun to be in a relationship with him
It's fun, slowly opening him up like a present and seeing the gift, a part of him that only you know.
He builds up trust for you and so do you for him
Then it started to get suffocating
He won't admit it openly but you know,
You know that the one who kills anyone who dared act close with you is him
And it terrifies you
You may allow it if it actually harms you, severely
But it's not for your protection anymore
He's doing it out of pure annoyance now
He doesn't like you around the brothers
The angels
Or even Lord Diavolo
In fact, he doesn't want you around anyone.
And it's making you feel more unsafe
He's starting to isolate you from everyone and everything
He's trying to isolate you from the world
So you decided to end things with him
And he doesn't seem to take it lightly like how you expected...
How did you know?
You woke up weeks before that break up happened
You know how it happened and you know who made it happen
It's none other than your boyfriend of course
You thought that maybe if you talk nicely with him he'll actually understand the problem
But he didn't
He started to get more and more aggressive with you
Then when the week end
It repeats
And repeats
And repeats
And repeats again
And again
But it will keep going on like that until you learn
Until you learn that there's no other option than him
No other ending than him
He doesn't mind driving you crazy if it means you'll continue to love him
So good luck, MC.
SIMEON might just ask Father for help
Ho doesn't understand!
Why would you want to break up with him?!
He did everything, MC!
It's not clear!
Nothing is clear!
You just belive that you two are not fit together..?
You don't want him to end up like Lilith..?
He doesn't care!
He'll burn these precious, white wings for you!
He'll kill for you!
He'd actually prefer to end up like Lilith rather than this!
Because, at least, Lilith managed to be with her love until her life ended...
He'd rather be a demon or a human rather then live like the adored angel he is without you...
You'll still leave huh?
Alright then.
I guess he has no choice but to ask Father for help
What do you mean it will cause him to fall? Oh dear, it won't.
It might actually even promote him into a higher rank.
Father wants you in his side.
In fact, the whole celestial realm want you on this side
So when he asked "Father, it seems that we need to take even larger measure to have MC side with us. What do you think we can do?"
What a brilliant plan.
Let's see if you can still leave knowing an innocent life, Luke, will be put under danger because of this tantrum,
Because of you.
SOLOMON and his hidden antics
Oh dear, angel
His little devil
His most prized possession
His favorite concubine,
You won't be leaving him anytime soon, dear.
When you told him that "I want to break up with you."
He kept himself quite for a while before answering "Let me give it some thought, MC. For now, stay with me."
And just as he expected you listened obediently.
But then, his grip around your waits became more rough
And the hand he used to playfully wrap around your neck became more tight
It's hard...
It's hard to feed you his love laced cooking
But he found out that you just loves, adored even, Luke's baked cookies...
And since you're a human, he knows that Luke creates special cookies just for you
One that don't contain exotic ingredients that will upset your stomach
And it just made the work of latching love potions easier for him
He'll just add a few drops and it will do the magic for him
So, all he has to do sit tight
And wait for you to crawl back to his lap yourself.
RAPHAEL will use spears for example
But he loves you, MC..?
He might just start crying if you say more
"Sure... But I'll make sure you'll come back to me..!"
At first, it sounded like a joke and it's funny enough to make you giggle
The beautiful memories of peaceful separation didn't last long after you saw a dead body pinned by spears though
His spears, to be specific
It doesn't even make sense
You don't even know this guy...
He hasn't talk to you and you don't even know him
Hell, you don't even recognize his face...
So what's the catch?
Why is he killing completely random people...
That's what have been running around your mind
You haven't seen him around RAD anymore
And if you do he refuse to answer your questions
Except his face will lightly flush and he'll even smile a little before sa say "Ah~ It's nice hearing your voice..."
His tone, the way he says it, none of theme are innocent
And he made it known that he knows what he's doing
The curiosity didn't last long
Until you found out that the corpses aren't for you from him as a threat
It was for the families of the victims
You found out that each of them have high power among the nobilities of Devildom
And he killed them to make the families think that you're telling him to do so
It's not to make you feel guilty, it for them to start attacking you
Until you're pushed back to a corner where no one else can save you
Except for him.
Man he loves you so much...
But all he do is stare at you blankly after you told him you ant to break up
Staring at you like you're just some kid throwing a tantrum
It's Mephistopheles in front of you, I mean, he's rich, handsome, tall, smart and has good family background
If he's a human everybody would have gone crazy over him already
Plus he wears heels and he has a sexy cane
What more could you ask for?
But yeah...
You don't want to be with him forever?
Sure, he'll talk to Diavolo.
"I'll buy MC's contract and I'll put them under my wing." Is all the reason he needs to say and a few more to have Diavolo selling you
What about your family?
This amount will do right?
I mean...
He paid for what your worth so don't expect it to be much.
Anyways, you're his now
By the eyes of the law, money and his
He'll never let you get away?
And if you did try to?
He'll simply frame you for treason and let's see if you won't come crawling back to him
After finding out that he can choose what type of punishment, torture method, to give you.
But don't worry.
He likes the game cat and mouse
He don't like playing it for a long time though
So be careful
His patience isn't as long as the line of money and connection ahead of him
THIRTEEN basically holds your life
Break up?
"You're not." Is all she said as she holds your candle
She's grinning widely as she let your candle melt, its 's wax falling directly in her hands
"Why would you even want to?" She asked even though she knows, no reason can separate the two of you
And if you did say "I don't care." as she holds you candle
She might just accidentally extinguish one of your loved ones candles
So be careful, MC.
Among everyone
She's the only one who won't joke around.
And just so you know
Her patience is shorter than the amount of time it requires to kill someone's fire off of their candle.
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little-pondhead · 2 years
Some fic because I love your au, Fenton is gender brainrot, and little baby dan cracks me up. Full disclosure, my only familiarity with DC is DP crossover fanfic, and a Batman movie I fell asleep during. (If I had a better grasp on the characters I would totally write more :(( i love interactions) also sorry for the weird spacing. Idk why tumblr did that
There was an empty cardboard box on the table of the Justice League’s main conference room. Taped on the top flap, next to a doodle of Fenton’s logo, was a jump drive.
Heaving a sigh, Batman plugged it in and pulled up his screen on the projector. The drive, which was named “little baby dan’s evil playtime”, contained two files; WATCH_ME_FIRST.mp4 and its-a-secreeeet.pdf. He clicked on the video file, and immediately the projector filled with a blurry close-up of Fenton’s goggles.
After a moment of fiddling with the camera, Fenton stepped back, giving a cheery wave. His lab coat and goggles were a pastel pink, which was new. “Heeeeya, Bats! Whoever else is there! If you’re watching this, you probably weren’t there when I dropped the box off, aaand it’s probably empty.”
He clapped his hands together gleefully. “And Connie, if you’re there, this is payback for cussing around my daughter.” Batman was instantly relieved that Constantine wasn’t on base. Hopefully the situation wouldn’t require Constantine’s expertise. (Or any of the Justice League Dark. Fenton seemed determined to drive them all to an early grave with his casual refusal to acknowledge the supernatural air around him.)
“Now, as you’re all heroes, I’m sure you’re all familiar with the whole,” Fenton paused for a moment, as if searching for the proper words. “”You ate a burger on a Tuesday or something equally inane, and it kickstarted a series of events that led to you going insane and evil and murdering 95% of the Earth’s population and now you must fight your evil alternate self, because your time-controlling cryptid Peepaw said so,” shtick, so I’ll skip the backstory. Say hi to Dan!” Fenton grabbed the camera, and Batman quickly jotted down several notes about the concerning number of things the boy had just said.
The camera swiveled around to show Nightingale, holding a strange beast in a manner that reminded Batman of an “elongated cat meme” Nightwing had shown him when he was still a Robin. The creature bared a maw full of razor sharp fangs at the camera. Nightingale adjusted her grip to hold the creature’s paw and make it wave, which evoked a deep growl.
“Haha, he’d kill me if I did that. Dan likes Nightingale much more than he likes me.”
“Because the worst she has ever done is attempt to shoot me.”
The camera had moved, so Batman couldn’t visually confirm that the deep voice had come from the creature, but the voice didn’t match any of Fenton’s previously revealed companions. “Yeah yeah, her aim sucked back then.” Fenton gave the camera a toothy grin that was only slightly less unnerving than the creature’s. “Dan’s not technically me, he’s much more like Dani, actually, but the world would probably end again if we left him with his other... What did you call him?” Fenton glanced offscreen.
“Bane of my accursed existence.”
Fenton chucked. “The other half responsible for his existence.” Batman added more notes to his file. “So, yeah, Clocky left him with us for a bit to help along his rehab. But a certain psychologist-in-training I know says that repressing rage isn’t healthy, and even without a lot of his powers, he can wipe out most of a city in- what, an hour? We tested it. It was around an hour.”
Everyone present shared a look of deep concern. As if able to see their reaction, Fenton quickly held up his hands in surrender. “Don’t worry! Clocky reset it. Approximately zero people have died from Dan in this timeline.”
“Yet.” Came a furious rumble from off-screen.
“Yes, you’re very scary.” They heard Nightingale coo.
Fenton laughed. “Yeah, we need him- and all of you, -out of our hair for a bit while we concoct more evil plans, and you’re all the least likely to die to him, so you get to babysit! Thanks!”
He reached to shut off the camera before pausing and turning away. “Foley! Which of the furries is the one who really likes animals?”
“Man, do you realize how that sounds out of context?” Foley laughed. “I think Tim said it’s the little one. Damian?”
Fenton nodded and turned back to the camera. “Don’t let Damian try to adopt Dan. Or anyone. Dan will bite their hands off. I mean it!” To emphasize his point, he removed one of his hands.
Batman sighed and added “ability to remove limbs” to a list of Fenton’s powers.
“I’ll include a list of “tasks”” Fenton’s disembodied hand made finger quotes, “we gave Dan to keep him occupied. There’s some at the bottom for you guys. They’re mostly just blatant abuse of his powers for the sake of fun and science. I’d appreciate it if you’d let him mark things off the list and add notes on how it goes. Or you can do it. Or I can steal your cameras. Your choice.”
He thought for a second. “I think you’re supposed to leave, like, pizza money or something, but I don’t think you can get pizza delivered to space. Anyway, thanks for letting me blab your ears off while Dan’s probably committing war crimes for twelve minutes. For your sake, I hope he inherited my interest in space. Good luck! Thanks for babysitting!”
Waving with his still detached hand, Fenton ended the video. Batman closed it and opened the PDF as the few other members present murmured amongst themselves. Most of the pages were filled with a curling script Batman didn’t recognize. The fourth page had a huge, bolded header, reading JP TASKS.
The door opened and shut in half a second as the Flash burst in. “Superman!” The speedster wailed. “I can’t get this thing off of me!”
The Flash waved his arm around, sending small droplets of blood flying as he tried to dislodge the creature sinking his teeth into the speedster’s arm. Batman raised an eyebrow beneath his cowl as Superman quickly lent his super strength in attempt to pry the creature’s jaw open. Dan didn’t budge.
Well, he could certainly see the family resemblance been Fenton, Dani, and Dan. Shaking his head, he turned back to the list.
Task 1: Find Dan. He’s probably attacking someone.
He highlighted the text and crossed it out. This was going to be a long shift.
[Anon, this is me crying over the wonderful gift you have given me. You bastard.]
"Do you think Fenton's regeneration powers extend to his..." Green Lantern frowned, trying to remember the word the kid had used but coming up blank. "I dunno. But do you think if we cut off little Dan here, he'll heal back up with no problem?" He gestured helplessly to the scene in front of him. Flash was still screeching about the beast on his arm, and now Superman and Wonder Woman were trying to pry him off. Batman was standing to the side, silently bemoaning the lack of quiet. He just wanted one peaceful shift. Just one. Please.
"I'd like to see you try, hero. And I'm not little." Dan spoke, startling all of them. His grip on Flash's arm tightened, making the speedster squeal before releasing the man and spitting out a mouthful of his blood. Batman noticed that his mouth didn't move despite the clearly spoken words. In fact, when Dan closed his mouth, it was like he didn't have one at all.
"So you do speak!" Superman marveled.
"Of course I do. I am not unintelligent, unlike you lot."
Despite his pain, Flash still made sounds of protest that everyone promptly ignored.
Superman flushed. "I just wasn't sure. It was hard to tell in the video."
"Ah, yes. The video that the Fenton menace sent you. Was there a note for me in the flash drive?"
"Uh, no." In one of his less finer moments, Green Lantern stuttered over his words and moved in front of Batman, obviously lying. Dan merely growled and flew through both men, heading straight for the giant monitor. Batman barely suppressed a shiver. Density shifting? Might as well add it to the list. He could see Martian Manhunter, who was in the back of the room, tilt his head at the display.
Dan ignored the room as he used his entire body to manipulate the computer mouse and scrolled back up to the top of the page. Staring intently at the scribbles no one could make out, the heroes could do nothing but shoot each other nervous and confused glances. More than a few of them jumped when Dan chuckled deeply. Honestly, his tiny body was at complete odds with his baritone voice.
"Maybe rehab will be fun if he's letting me do this." Dan sneered, flashing their reflections a sharp fang. No one wanted to ask what exactly he was in rehab for. The little beast turned his gaze to Batman. "You are the one called Batman, who rules the cursed city, correct?" The dark hero nodded, not trusting himself to say anything. "Excellent. You will be my chaperone for now, just as Fenton decreed it. Good luck, mortal man. Pray, I do not destroy your home a second time."
Without any time to unpack that conversation, Dan promptly disappeared from view. Some blinking text caught his attention, and Batman scrolled back down to the English text, glancing at the next few items on the list.
Task 2: Do not let Dan read his portion of this letter until you have a way to track him. There is no containing him.
Task 3: Keep him with a chaperone at all times. (If you can)
Task 4: Do not let Dan back into Gotham unless you're fine with a sudden decrease in the clown population.
Task 5: Take him for a walk in Death Valley. He likes hunting lizards.
Task 6: Make sure he goes down for his 2pm nap every day.
Task 7: He'll ask for it, but do not give him any burgers for mealtime. It upsets his stomach.
Task 8: Dan gets ONE(1) sweet after dinner before brushing his teeth. Those green pop rocks Batman always carries will do fine; he likes those. :)
A sudden alarm blared from his wristwatch, making Batman tear his eyes away from the screen, indicating an emergency at Arkham. This time, Batman actually sighed out loud. There was more to the list, but right now, he really needed to find their new charge before he killed the Joker, from the sound of it.
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angelkiyo · 2 months
in bloom [sakusa kiyoomi x fem! indie actress! reader]
chapter iii + masterlist [fluff, modern/timeskip au]
(🎧suggested song: everything - the black skirts)
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“Uh huh, well I do acting. It’s fun and it pays the bills.” You tapped on the table and smiled, taking a drink of the cosmopolitan you ordered.
You were currently on a date with a guy from In Bloom, his name was Semi Eita. You have heard of him a few times from friends back in high school. Your parents have also mentioned him a few times as his parents were family friends. Although the close connection with your parents, you never really got to see him or really talk to him. You just knew of him and he knew of you.
He had a casual maroon crewneck with some baggy jeans and Adidas. The two of you were at a dark bar in Shibuya, ironic considering how busy it was outside. Eita recommended it as he didn’t want to be seen.
“Oh, nice. My parents mentioned that to me. Some people on my timeline have profile pictures that look like you so most likely it was you.” He gave an awkward smile and took a swig of his vodka cranberry.
He was a musician. You have seen videos from his gigs before but to you, he didn’t seem the type to go on a dating app. Then again, neither were you.
You laughed a bit, “That’s funny! Yeah, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen some clips from your shows on my timeline! God, I haven’t played guitar in such a long time.”
He smiled and took a sip of his drink, “You played guitar? That’s awesome!”
You smiled sheepishly and nodded, “Yeah…but you’re way better!”
Eita smiled at you and swished around his glass, “I mean playing instruments isn’t that easy either, y’know. Give yourself a bit of credit.”
You laughed and eased up. Eita was nice and attractive. Of course you’d be flustered if an attractive guitarist complimented you.
It had been almost 24 hours since your “following Kiyoomi” incident and nothing had happened. When you woke up, Hitoka and Tadashi already left for work, leaving a barrage of interrogating text messages.
After an hour or so of conversation from both ends and the occasional turn at the bar TV playing some football match, Eita decided to drive you home.
He spoke again once you two got into his black Audi, “So what made you download In Bloom? You seem sociable enough to get a significant other on your own without the help of some shitty app.”
You shrugged, “Getting over someone, y’know. I know it’s the “first date” or whatever but I wanted to be honest. Also trying stuff out because I saw it in an ad so I was curious. You?”
Eita sighed, “I get that. My friend, Satori. He said that if I could pull in hundreds of people for a show, then I should have enough balls to get a girlfriend. We were talking one day and he made me download the app. Doesn’t help that my parents want me to settle down soon too.”
“Did you want to download it?”
Your question made Eita’s lips go into a fine line, “You were honest so I will be too; no, I didn’t want to.”
You nodded and sighed until he spoke again, “I mean it’s not like I regret it. You’re nice and pretty so I don’t mind. Um, where did you go to high school?”
You smiled at his attempt at changing the conversation, “Itachiyama Institute for high school. You?”
His eyes widened at the mention of Itachiyama, “I - uh, went to Shiratorizawa. But damn, that’s insane. I know you went to school in Tokyo but not Itachiyama….”
You raised your eyebrows at the mention of Shiratorizawa as well and laughed, “Well, it was paid off with my volleyball sport scholarship.”
“Oh me too! You played volleyball?”
You nodded, “Yeah, I was an ace but my last year, I got injured really bad and was unable to play. Luckily, my GPA was high enough to continue having a scholarship so y’know…”
Eita nodded as his fingers tapped on the steering wheel, “Did you possibly know Sakusa Kiyoomi or Komori Motoya? Sakusa played with my friend and well, Komori was a hell of a libero. I think they play pro now...”
You froze at the mention of Kiyoomi, “Uh yeah. I’ve um- heard of them. Ki- Sakusa and uh- Komori, yeah they were in the boys team at the same time that I was in the girls team.”
Eita looked at you confused at your changed demeanor but laughed it off, “You know them well?”
You laughed and shook your head, “No no, I just know them from volleyball. You mentioned you also played?”
Eita nodded and smiled, “Yeah, I was a setter and a pretty damn good one if I do say so myself.”
In your opinion, Eita was great and really nice. He lived up to the occasional praise your parents have said. He's a hot musician, for god's sake!
“This is me…” You said, tapping on the window showing your apartment complex.
Eita smiled, “So…I’ll text you? I hope you enjoyed our date.”
You nodded and pointed at your phone, “ I did. Text me, Eita. I really like talking to you. Good night.”
You leaned closer to him and kissed his cheek, finally getting out of the car and waved at him as he drove away.
You thought you had a good day, really. It was 9 in the evening and it seemed like no one was there.
God you were mistaken…
“Oh L/N! Is that you?”
Your heart felt like it was going to stop as you turned to see Komori and Sakusa.
“O-Oh…Hi. It’s nice to um- see the two of you.”
You were lying.
You saw them and crossed your arms awkwardly, tapping your hand against your arm. Kiyoomi really did look good. It’s been almost 8 years since you’ve seen him and he got taller, more muscular, and his hair looked as good as before. He didn’t have his mask on but his facial features in general looked pretty. Though he looked like he was swaying. Komori was shorter yet supporting Kiyoomi from falling down as he supported his cousin by his shoulder.
Komori smiled and waved, “It’s late. What are you doing out here so late! Me and Kiyoomi just got back from hot pot. Do you live near here?”
“Oh, I was just coming back from a date! And yeah, I do live near here. Actually right here so, y’know.”
“Ooh! Me an’ Kiyoomi actually live across the street! Geez, how cool!”
A date?
He felt jealous. Sakusa Kiyoomi felt jealous.
Maybe it’s the liquor he drank at hotpot.
Maybe it was actually how he felt.
Seeing you in person after so long caused a pang in his heart. Your features have gotten more mature and yet, more beautiful. Kiyoomi hasn’t dated anyone since he dated you. You were his “first love” and he never really had the time to move on from you romantically. He’s been busy.
The three of you were under a street light and you still looked as beautiful as before. Kiyoomi mumbled, breaking the loud silence, “A date?”
You made eye contact with him, where he broke it immediately and you cleared your throat, “Y-Yeah…it was from this dating website In Bloom or whatever, and it’s cool, I guess. I mean I have my options open so…”
You mentally cringed at the last part. You didn’t want to sound desperate in front of your ex-boyfriend who you still think is hot.
“Oh so does Kiyoomi! This loser had never had a girlfriend.”
You raised your eyebrow at Kiyoomi who started massaging his temples in annoyance, muttering a quiet 'Why did you have to say that?' to Komori who just snorted, “Oh really? I thought you did in high school. Must have been someone else.”
Kiyoomi tensed up and looked away slightly. He felt your gaze practically shoot daggers at him as you crossed your arms. Komori looked at the both of you and smiled, “Y’know, it’s getting late, let’s go Kiyoomi.” Komori began pushing Kiyoomi in front of him before waving to you, “Good night, L/N!”
You nodded confused and started walking to your apartment complex, leaving Komori and Kiyoomi alone, "Good night Komori. Good night Sakusa."
Kiyoomi felt his heart race again. You would even call him by his first name before the two of you even started 'talking' romantically in the first place. The way his last name slid off your tongue grew a pit in Kiyoomi's stomach as he held his head down in shame.
Once they were in farther away from your apartment complex, Kiyoomi sighed and slurred frustratingly, “Why would you tell her that?”
Komori shrugged and kept walking with a mission, “Y’know. I mean it’s true, not like you have dated someone. I’d know about it.”
“Y—Yeah but it’s herrr…”
Kiyoomi felt himself tense up again. Motoya should have known about it. But at the moment, he was just confused as to why his cousin was walking too fast to the apartment.
Komori Motoya wouldn’t say he’s a messy person. He wouldn’t say he’s an instigator either. He isn’t the type to cause problems all the time.
He loves watching romantic comedies now and then. He has even paid for a year's worth of Peacock just to watch reality TV shows such as The Bachelorette and Love Island (he has considered signing Kiyoomi up before).
Though, after seeing the potential chemistry between his cousin and you, he felt that he had no choice. The both of you have In Bloom, played volleyball in the same high school, and live near each other.
Hell, he still remembered Kiyoomi searching you up on his socials. Kiyoomi was even embarrassed at Komori calling him out infront of you! It was a situation that needed his help.
Did his cousin like you?
If he did, Komori would make sure his cousin’s feelings would come across. He didn’t want Kiyoomi to live all miserable and alone.
After Kiyoomi showered and fell asleep, Komori snatched his phone and leaned it towards his cousin for Face ID. He felt relief as usually his cousin is a light sleeper but due to him being drunk off his ass, Kiyoomi knocked out.
Komori isn’t stupid and started swiping furiously on In Bloom to get to you. He assumed that since you live near, it would be quick.
And quick, it was.
Y/n L/I. - 25
info: tokyo, actress of sorts, vb lover :)
“Bingo…” Komori immediately swiped right on your profile.
He wanted Kiyoomi to be happy, even if it meant pushing him out of his comfort zone.
What type of cousin would he be if he didn’t assist his own family.
[New Notification from in bloom!]
Y/n L/I. & Kiyoomi S. are a match! Start messaging for a chance to get to know each other!
a/n - THIS IS SO MILLENNIAL CODED BUT THIS JS A ROMCOM SMAU SO BARE WITH ME. may seem like filler but i rlly do want this fic to be mainly fluff! also pls ignore timestamps 🤗😭
🏷️ taglist- @lilchubbyyy @renardiererin @wolffmaiden
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raecaw · 4 months
hi okay i was meant to sleep like an hour ago this is going to be so fucking incoherent you have been warned
first off the timeline divide in the epilogues into meat and candy is so fucking interesting to me because its like. its so clearly a reference to the meat/candy binary of storycrafting that hussie talks about in the [s] descend author commentary iirc - meat as action heavy content that drives the plot forward, and candy as lighter less heavy content (usually focused on shipping which matches with the candy timeline being represented with the sucker juju or whatever the fuck its called). caliborn is meat calliope is candy this is simple this is basic.
*BUT* - if you look at calliope and caliborns roles in the narrative of homestuck itself theres some really interesting shit there right - caliborn is the meat. he drives the plot forward he wants nothing but action he literally tries to steal the narrative and recreate it in his own image. calliope is the candy the focus on shipping. in universe shes explicitly written to be a fandom stand in, especially obvious in how she draws fanart of the kids right. caliborn = meat = canon (also side note i cant fit anywhere else - the meat timeline is the one where john kills lord english, which has to happen to preserve the timeline, arguably making it the 'canon' timeline). calliope = candy = fandom. obviously the two timelines are representative of those two binaries, and alt calliope controls the candy timeline (which has a much heavier focus on shipping/fan kids/relationship drama/generally the type of shit you see in fanon content) but theres no caliborn right? hes dead.
enter dirk. unfortunately one of the most interesting fucking characters in this entire shit heap i hate it here. hes clearly the caliborn stand in for post canon - he controls the meat timeline, he and alt calliope keep trying to kill each other, he hijacks control of the narrative homosuck style and arguably pushes his friends and family to act out of character to 'fix' the narrative (second side tangent here but to me thats why everyones so. gestures vaguely at post canon. not themselves yk. theyre either in the fanon timeline or the 'canon' timeline thats being hijacked and controlled just like homosuck i swear theres a reason theyre like that guys- (<voice of a guy desperate for post canon to have anymeaning)). not to mention all the connections dirk already has to caliborn theyre basically splinters in law at this point
so everything lines up pretty well so far right. candy is the fanon timeline, the focus on shipping and interpersonal drama as established in the meat/candy storycraft binary, controlled by the character written as a stand in for fans. meat is the canon timeline, the focus on action and conflict, controlled by (a stand in for) caliborn. its all normal and great and fantastic if you just ignore the burning trash heap that is the actual content of post canon.
and then the dirkjohn propaganda kicks in /hj
but fr though this doesnt even have to be in a shipping way its just. jesus fucking christ these two have so many parallels its insane.
winding it back to og homestuck for a moment - john arguably *is* homestuck right. hes the audience surrogate, the first character we meet and the last we see, the guy that gets retcon powers and literally rewrites the entire narrative around him - literally leaving his mark permanently on the rest of the comic (the arms and oil retcons on the early pages). john as homestuck is i think a fairly common reading and also makes the rest of my argument work so lets just accept it and move on okay <3 okay. also, the way he becomes the narrative is incredibly heir of breath coded - he literally inherits/becomes the narrative, and the narrative changes around him to protect him (all ways heir interacts with aspect), and he does all of this almost without realising it. he never wants the narrative, and he barely uses it once he has it - honestly, hes pretty detatched from it, just kinda... breezing through yk. breath coded behaviour
so. johns homestuck - or homestuck proper at least. and what does john do in the epilogues?
...he either dies or becomes a depressed repressed mess going through a midlife crisis that basically just drifts through life doing fuck all. yyeah. homestuck aint doing too great in post canon (Which. checks out). him dying in meat specifically though is really fucking interesting to me, *because*-
i think. ult dirk is post canon. or at least, he is to post canon what john was to homestuck. he literally kills john (homestuck) and takes his place as the bearer of the narrative - and hes entirely fucking aware of what hes doing (yet another fun parallel between them - john never has to face himself (not even an alternate self - one of very few characters in the comic to not have one), and if you consider him the narrative then he never has to face the narrative. dirk *constantly* has to face himself, which means if he is post canon, hes constantly aware of it. theres also potentially smth here with heirs being a passive class while princes are active but i could be wrong ive never cared about +/- alignments LMAO). dirk's also the narrative in an incredibly prince coded way - he destroys the narrative, and he destroys *through* the narrative. he kills the very thing he wants to become more than anything because thats the only way he *can* become it.
so. dirks post canon. he and calliope had split control over the epilogues, but now hes almost completely taken over control of post canon (and im tempted to say thats commentary on how much influence the fans had on the epilogues, following the calliope = fandom reading, but im not gonna put much weight into that because i have no fucking clue how things went down behind the scenes). calliope can definitely still be read as the fandom in post canon though, which makes her hatred of ult dirk and everything hes doing even better because like. yeah! look at the fan reception to everything in post canon! we do want it dead the way she wants ult dirk dead! (also really fun in how it matches up with cherubs fighting for domination - dirk being the caliborn stand in and alt calliope being the calliope that *did* fight her brother and win). also ult dirk (canon) hating alt calliope (the fandom) lines up really fucking well with how bitter and cynical post canon was towards the homestuck fanbase but again thats probably not intentional
so. ult dirk is canon and fighting to 'fix' the narrative/continue its relevancy (could be seen as a metaphor for how capitalism insists creative properties continue on into infinity with pointless sequels < absolutely a fucking reach). alt calliope is the fandom and would Really like him to fucking stop please. john is homestuck and is just fucking dead
(side note pt 3 electric boogaloo but i dont think its a coincidence that the only surviving jegbert (the only one that can crack her egg barring any weird corpse revival bullshit) is in the candy/fanon timeline. it also might not be a coincidence that the only strider to not be ascended and/or turned into a robot is roxy (also transed gener in the meat timeline). ult dirk gets his ass kicked by the power of transsexuality real)
anyway tldr because its 2 am but post canon is just an extended metaphor for sequels killing their sources, mocking their corpses and then trying and failing to fill their roles while the fandom tries to murder them and everything after the paradox space comics was a mistake thank you and good night
ok firstly: who are you and what are you doing on my blog. secondly: thank you for this it's everything i was hoping for when i asked for you to hyperfixate on BC in my inbox.
i fully agree with this reading + appreciate the nuance that BC brings to the table. I think Hussie coined and embodied the term "suicide of the author" by explicitly turning canon over to the readers and allowing the concept of canon to become dubious. it was an extremely risky move that paid off in some ways and flopped in others. much like most other risks hussie took with hs. i find BC so compelling because it is simultaneously flogging a dead horse and creating interesting arcs and futures for beloved characters. Like thats the thing i cant say i love BC and I can't say i hate it, compelling has been the most descriptive word i can come up with for it lmao.
I want to extend and highlight the calliope/caliborn(dirk) metaphor in regards to the ultimate fate of canon. we know that cherubim have the double sided childhood where one is active while the other sleeps, and we've explicitly seen that calliope represents candy and caliborn represents meat. also i could be delusional but i feel as though there's been foreshadowing for a while that the timelines will at some point converge. there are many unanswered questions about the state of the new universe and the cracks in the sky, and i feel this is representative of the cherubim reaching maturity. at some point i think the meat universe and the candy universe may crash into each other so to speak, and perhaps one may destroy the other. again this parallels dirk and calliope's fight across both timelines.
i also heard a theory some time ago that in the meat timeline, dirk and rose on their quest to create a new session of SBURB to continue the reproductive process of the universe (lowkey a noble pursuit sans the evil controlling shit) , will create the 48 player squiddle session thus completing the giant time loop theyve been slaving under this whole time. and as we hear enough about from dave, serving time loops can be an exhausting feat of self fulfilling prophecies stacked on top of each other. It seems that the characters were under the impression that the great time loops were complete (or at least escaped from) when they created Earth C but I believe they were mistaken. What happens when the loop is truly complete? does True Free Will finally begin to take effect? Do our protagonists travel to the new universe too or are they destroyed with the old one? does the story end or does it loop back around forever and ever?
I think that the decision John made at the beginning of the epilogues had that ultimate outcome. Both decisions led to the characters escaping the time loop, but for the meat timeline it means they have to complete the time loop and for the candy timeline it means they have to escape the time loop. Is the candy timeline a doomed timeline? perhaps. but we know from Davesprite that it is possible to escape doomed timelines and enter the alpha timeline, you just have to change yourself somewhat so from a narrative perspective you're a different character from your alpha counterpart.
much to think about.
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bananaactivity · 29 days
ahhhhh your latest morgie art was so cool--you mentioned the gray streak in his human form and i gotta ask--is it natural or a conscious choice? cause iirc one tragic aspect of hook/morgie is that one day, morgie will lose hook. hook will age and die, and with his neverland trauma will never accept mortality. but morgie is a le fay and of magic--is he choosing to age?
Also yea pretty much. Morgie has no qualms as it relates to the whole immortality thing. He completely excepts that everyone he knows that isn’t immortal will die before him, everyone except Hook of course. He’s really upset about that one…
He does alter his appearance to age. When he was a youngling he first managed to hold a human form and modded its look after his mom and its size after his cousin. He has to manually modify his human form to age, but after a couple years it becomes second nature for him to notice small changes in the human form as it grows and make tweaks. Before switching back from his primordial form he noticed the grays and age that Hook now had and tweaked himself to match his aging friends.
Small short super tragic fic incoming 😓:
“I know you’re doing that on purpose Darling, you don’t have to pretend anymore.” Hook smirked. Morgie sighed. He knew what James meant, but undoing all his work made him feel…uneasy. “ I know. I don’t do it for you James… It makes me feel better…about… our predicament.” Morgie had given up trying to immortalize his love long ago… Neverland had hurt him. Bad. He didn’t want to be the bad guy, but time was so limited he didn’t want to wait another millennia to see those sly blue eyes once more in some new timeline. He wanted to be selfish…but he wouldn’t be the bad guy, not to James. “ Come on darling, last time I saw you as well, you, I almost ripped my jacket off right there.” Hook bit his lip and stroked his mustache, irritatingly more grey by the day. Morgie looked at it and then he grew upset, “ James! It’s almost over. My time with you is so meaningful and yet so meaningless it drives me insane! I have millennia to spend with out you, I cant-“ Hook grabbed Morgies shoulders and forced him to look into his eyes. “ Morgs, Love, I’m only 45, I’ve got a good sixty left in me I think!” He laughed. LAUGHED. “ Sixty?? Hook, MILLENNIA VS SIXTY. That is SO little time it’s comical!?” Morgie began to hyperventilate, he couldn’t imagine a world devoid of James, every other friend of his had longer lifespan, but sixty years left? It must have been the cruel joke of whatever being had cursed his creation. Of course he’d fall for the one who would leave him so soon. “ Morgie La Fey you are such a strange creature.” Hook chuckled. “ What would your space dad thing think of you crying over a mortal man? I’m just a man Morgs. Not even a good one. But life’s only worth it to me because it doesn’t last. I’d love to spend an eternity with you but think about how boring it could get!! Let’s just… live in the moment.” James was so endearing… and sometime he was very right. “ I understand. But~ You meantioned something about my other… appearance…” Hook smirked again. “ What can I say… I love when a man can keep up with me, or a primordial beast thing I’m not too choosy~” Giving Hook something he wanted was always a treat. Losing him would be hard… but he’d see him again one day.
Anyways I had the random urge to write something quick, it’s not my usual fare but I wanted to do it bro.
(make sure if you see this post @throwawaybog you either comment under here or message me what you’d like to see a sketch of remember it’s gotta be descendants related, but it doesn’t have to be my designs though, and if you have references make sure to send those as well)
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Early dating chenford have there real first kiss on New Year’s Eve
Okay so I changed this a bit and made it their first kiss in front of their friends which ties into the other prompt I used! Honestly the Rookie timeline is so messed up I’m not sure when they started dating, so I just so one month. Also in my mind they already slept together 🤭
I hope you like it anon I know I changed it 🫣. But I had a vision and when I have one I run with it.
Early dating chenford have their real first kiss on New Year’s Eve (first kiss in front of their friends)
Chenford + any version of them successfully hiding that they're dating; anyone/everyone being shocked to find out.
Tim and Lucy spend New Year’s Eve together at Angela’s house and when the lights go down they kiss and then that leads to their friends finding out they are dating.
I want your midnights But I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day
December 29th, 2022
“Tim.” Says Angela coming up besides him. “What are you doing for New Year’s and New Year’s Eve?” Tim glances at her and then his eyes scan the station for Lucy, she’s talking to Aaron just across the station smiling and laughing and he smile softly to himself. His plans for New Year’s involved Lucy and kissing her under the star in his backyard.
“I’m not sure yet why?” He asks her. Angela grins at him a mischievous glint in her eyes.
“Wesley and so are having a get together to watch the ball drop and you are coming.” She says and Tim groans a little. “And I don’t want to hear any excuses.” She says jabbing at his chest. He rolls his eyes and then his eyes find Lucy once again.
“Is Lucy coming?” He blurts our before he can stop himself. Angela gives him a weird look but nods.
“Yes. If she wants to.” Angela replies grinning at him.
Tim sighs loudly as if being at a party all night was going to ruin his night. (As long as Lucy is there he would be fine). “Why does she get a choice and I don’t?” He grumbles. Angela just laughs and walks away.
December 30th, 2022
“Did Angela rope you into her New Year’s eve party?” Lucy asks him tracing her finger down his arm.
He nods and she stops her motions and lays her head on his shoulder. “I was kind of looking forward to a quiet evening.” She admits and Tim is surprised by that. He would think she would be begging him to go to the party.
“We don’t have to go.” He says kissing the top of her head. “Angela is a nuisance but she will understand.” Lucy lifts her head up to look up at him.
“That’s sweet but Angela made it very clear that you are going and I don’t think you want to piss her off.”
No he doesn’t. Despite everything Angela could be very scary. “Do you want to go?” He asks searching her face for uncertainty.
“Yes.” She replies as she lays her head back on his shoulder. “I do because you will be there and I think I would go anywhere with you.” Tim kisses the top of her head, he would go anywhere with her too.
“Okay we will go.” He says. “But we try and escape early.” Lucy lifts her head up again and gives him a kiss maneuvering herself so that she’s on his lap.
“That’s no fun Tim.” She says playfully. “I want to kiss you when the ball drops.”
“In front of everyone?” He asks her with raised eyebrows. “When we are technically still in a secret relationship?”
“Or you know off to the side.” She says and Tim kisses her softly. “It will be fun no matter what.”
And Tim has a feeling she’s right about that.
December 31st, 2022
They both have to work on New Year’s Eve and Tim keeps throwing glances at Lucy who is talking to Celina across the station.
She had been throwing hits out to him on what she is wearing tonight. Except that’s all he got were hints and it was driving him insane.
“Just tell me what you are wearing so I can match with you. He had said on the way into work. Lucy had rolled her eyes at him. “It’s a New Year’s Eve party Tim we don’t need to match besides if we matched wouldn’t that give our relationship away?” She said.
And he supposes she has a point but still, it would be nice to at least know what she’s wearing. They went about the day and the 5:00 came and Lucy met Tim by his truck. She glances around the garage and then stands on tippy toes and kisses him. “Pick me up?” She asks and he nods.
“I will see you at 8.” He says and she throws him a grin over her shoulder as she walks to her car.
Tim knocks on Lucy’s door at 8 sharp, and she opens the door right away. She is in a short glittery silver dress that has a cut out on the side. She’s wearing heels to match and her curly hair is cascading down her back.
Tim’s mouth falls open and she grins as she gets closer to him so she can give him a kiss.
“Was it worth the wait?” She mumbled again his lips. He nods enthusiastically and wraps an arm around her waist. They stand there for a few seconds before Lucy is tugging him to the elevators.
“Come on we don’t want to be late.” She says and he follows after her, licking his lips as he realizes the dress fits her curves perfectly.
He takes her hand once they are outside and she squeals in surprise when he backs her up against his truck.
“You look beautiful. We should skip the party.” He mutters into her ear. She laughs as his hands slip to the her back, placing them just above her ass.
“It’s a little late for that.” She says looking up at him, her eyes sparkling. “And it would be weird if we both missed the party.”
She’s right and he knows it so he reluctantly lets her go and she opens the door and slides in before catching her finger on his jacket collar. “However after the party you can your way with me.”
Tim groans at her words. It is about to be a long night.
They arrive at Angela’s and Lucy goes ahead of Tim. He watches her from behind and then tries not to pull her to him so her back is to his chest. Angela opens the door and raises her eyebrows at them but doesn’t say anything. She just ushers them in gushing at how beautiful Lucy looks. She gives him a sly smile over her shoulder and then follows Angela into the kitchen where she hugs everyone.
Tim usually doesn’t like parties like this he feels awkward and uncomfortable even if he knows everybody. But tonight as he watches his girlfriend float around the room smiling and laughing as she talks to everyone. He realizes it’s not that bad.
“So Tim.” Says Nyla coming up from behind him grinning at him. “Who are you going to kiss at midnight?”
Tim looks over at Lucy who is perched on a chair, a glass of wine in her hand as she talks to Celina.
“Uh.. no one.” Says Tim and Nyla is still grinning at him. “Not even Lucy?” Tim nearly chokes on his beer as he turns to give Nyla a wild eyed look.
“Why would I kiss Lucy?” He asks. Nyla shrugs her shoulders. “She’s the only single person here besides you.”
Tim grins to himself and then schools his expression to shrug at Nyla and she just grins at him some more before she walks away towards Lucy no doubt to ask her the same thing.
He sighs and walks to the kitchen to grab another beer and just as he’s opening it Lucy comes in.
“Everyone keeps asking who I’m kissing at midnight.” She says.
Tim snorts a little. Who are you going to kiss at midnight?” He asks her teasingly. She rolls her eyes at him and the walks over and kisses him hard.
“I’ll give you one guess.” She tells him. Tim pretends to think about it, and he scratches his head.
“Hmm. Let’s see Aaron?” He asks her and her mouth tugs up into a big smile.
Lucy laughs loudly and then covers her mouth. “Hmmm. Wrong.” She says.
He pretends to think again his fingers trailing up her exposed skin at her side. “Me?” He says quietly and she nods giving him another kiss.
“I’ll see you at midnight.” She says and then backs away, turns around and leaves the kitchen.
It’s five minutes to midnight and the living room is full as they watch the TV. Lucy is by his side not quite touching but close enough so he can pull her in.
Four minutes
Tim glances at Lucy who is grinning big and he realizes that it didn’t matter where he spent his New Year’s Eve as long as he’s with Lucy he would be happy.
Three minutes
They have only been dating a month and even in that little time he knew this is was a forever kind of thing and the three little words kept creeping into his mind but he knew it was too soon.
Two minutes
Wesley starts to dim the lights as the ball gets lower to the ground. He has always found the ball drop to be ridiculous especially since this was just a rerun of something that happened three hours ago. But then he looks a Lucy and she’s still grinning big and yeah it’s worth it.
One minute
The lights are almost all the way out, the TV the only thing lighting up the room. Tim tugs Lucy closer to his side and she comes easily.
Thirty seconds
January 1st, 2023
“Happy New Year’s!” Everyone shouts and the room goes completely dark as Lucy reaches up to kiss him. He kisses her her hard as he pulls her so close there is no space between them. All he tastes is her. All he smells is her and he knows if he could do this for the rest of his life he happily would.
There’s a loud cough behind them and they both break apart. Lucy blushes as Tim looks around the room staring at all their friends.
“Uh…” He says scratching behind her neck. “Lucy and I are dating.” There’s an awkward and shocked silence as everyone looks at each other and then back at them. Lucy shimmies right back into Tim’s side burying her head into his chest. Tim glances around the room his eyes landing on Angela who is grinning at him.
“Finally!” Angela shouts and the room erupts in laughter. Tim grins down at Lucy who grins back and tugs him towards the door.
“Let’s go home.” She says and Tim follows after because well he would go anywhere with her.
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lollytea · 1 year
Okay but consider the following: Hunter becoming fandom-famous takes place in the same timeline as Movie.
People don’t really notice who this is at first. His account takes a bit to really get off the ground, and the overlap of people who could recognize the actors in Movie and cosmic frontier cosplayers is not that big but eventually, someone points it out in the comments of his latest pics with Willow. They’re mostly ignored beyond a few comments like hahaha weird or a plain lmao by someone, but the thought is out there now. It’s started.
Someone else notices too. Someone puts a screencap from Movie next to one of their group cosplay pics. More people notice the resemblance. It’s a small group, granted but they sure as hell do exist. Someone even dm’s keikos_husband like “Hey, look at what i found! [Image attached]”. They never get a conclusive response.
The scar thing is the one everyone keeps debating about because spaghetti guy doesn’t have them to the same extent that keikos_husband does. Until hunter posts that pic of his first cosplay. Which, if he’s really that age, matches up perfectly with the timeline of Movie.
Hunter just watches this whole thing like, gus, get over here it’s your fucked up movie again. He’d clarify, but Luz keeps insisting that he not and she thinks it’s really funny, so he doesn’t say anything.
Gus's Fucked Up Movie haunting the narrative more more persistently than Caleb Wittebane is extremely funny to me. Especially considering that these are two different semi-niche Internet corners.
YouTube essayists are like "After years of dormant activity, we've gotten a new lead in the Gus13 case in the form of a micocelebrity in a 90s sci fi book series fandom. Many have theorized that popular cosplayer/writer/prominent voice in the Cosmic Frontier community, Hunter Noceda, also known by his URL Keikos_husband, is the infamous "Spaghetti Guy" in the even more infamous "Movie" But does this theory hold any water? Let's dive in. But first, let's talk about today's sponsor, Hellofresh,"
Gus definitely cosplays a lot too and him and Hunter have done a few O'Bailey and Avery shoots. So Gus has a good chunk of Internet fame of his own. However he probably uses an alias so suspicion is initially nonexistent. Until somebody digs up an old reel Willow posted of their behind-the-scenes process (cleverly editing out the whole part with illusion magic). There's this one bit where the camera focuses on Hunter and Gus in an immature squabble as Willow's voiceover speaks to the viewer. It's hard to decipher and nobody has really cared until now. But now, with the new Gus13 buzz, that little moment has been studied under a microscope and people are now theorizing that Hunter says something along the lines of "Shut up, Gus,"
The guy who does the insanely realistic special effects is named Gus???
The conspiracy boards go crazy. Craft stores all over America are running low on yarn.
Luz keeps reblogging Gus13/Spaghetti Guy is Keikos_husband memes on tumblr and its driving people insane. Like is it a joke or not girl, is it a joke or not??
Willow makes it a million times worse when she posts a selfie of to her story, with Hunter eating dinner in the background, which she captions as "Made my man some spaghetti 🍝 💀"
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bradycore · 1 year
ok i know that you may not like destiel, but i promise you, as a fellow sam stan, the second half, especially the last couple chapters, of to become a man goes fucking wild for sam. it drives me feral even to this day. no spoilers tho.
when i was reading this fic, i would refer to to exist again because the interconnectivity is off the charts. the dialogue from the two fics are the same but the perspectives are different, so reading to exist again only or to become a man only is completely different experience off what is basically the same series. its like how arrested development's orginal formatting final season had all the different perspectives and jokes set up in each episode that didnt make sense until you watched the entire thing. and it is hilarious. the setup, which seem offhanded and weird pieces of dialogue in to exist again become key plot elements in to become a man. and deans perspective of magic is so different from sam's and cas. you just get a really good feel for how much of a freak sam is and how normal dean is in a world full of magic. it just adds another layer to world building.
and the fic addresses all of the issues i have about dean. it doesnt just wave a wand and make him unproblematic, but demenior makes dean work for it. he has character arc. he is not perfect at the end, but he is trying and that is what is important. and you also gotta to read to become a man just because of the whole cliff hanger for to exist again. once the to become a man has caught up with to exist again. i mean. the answers are definitely worth the wait.
i can tell you what specific chapters that are important for sam. i never reread the fic in its entirety but only to specific chapters that drive me, as a sam stan, insane. but its also the little moments between the major sam plot points that treat sam and deans relationship with such care and fucked-up-ness that i would recommend that you dont. you got to find the parts that drive you insane yourself
oh my god. i almost forgot about dem's characterization of purgatory. i dont want to spoil it, but it really expands on the wrongness of the leviathans and purgatory that supernatural never was able too.
and overarching themes. the overarching themes. its fucking beautiful and ties up everything so well. sam and dean have their own themes and arcs (which you can pretty much get from their story titles) that complement each other so well with the overarching message (the love it takes). it is wild. no it is well thought and planned.
warning: there is eldritch monster sex scenes in to become a man. you can skip it if you are not into it. there are warnings at the top of those chapters.
i could write essays about to exist again and to become a man. i could talk about them all day.
and it was such a joy reading it in real time. the theories and analyses that the readers made comment section for each chapter. the real time interactions with the author. it just made the experience so much better. and the music. oh the music that goes with this fic.
if i were you, i would reread to exist again whenever the timeline matches up with to become a man. it so worth it.
and the dem shares many of your cas/angel headcannons that are fully fleshed out in this fic.
oh and @demenior has little fics of the love it takes on their tumblr (this fic series is why i joined tumblr the first time around).
wow hello!!! it would be a mess to try and respond to each part of this individually but i read all of it closely and rlly appreciate the breakdown!!! i could rave about to exist again all day for the rest of time (the lorebuilding alone holy shit??? seriously its. im. its SO good.) and you make an excellent case for to become a man (congrats on ur lawboy coding) so clearly i will just have to reread the former and read the latter as soon as possible
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nataliedanovelist · 3 years
GF - Timestuck AU: The Power of Mabel ch.7 (finale)
While fighting over a time machine so one twin can win a pig or the other can win the heart of a girl, Mabel is left stranded in a snowy forest with no time machine and no brother. Oops.
AO3 link
Ford sat on the kitchen floor with his back against the cupboards, clinging to his knees, his glasses still in hand. His throat was sore and his eyes hurt and his nose was runny and his heart was raw and broken, and yet he wasn’t done crying. Though he was done sobbing and occasionally crying so hard he thought he would throw up, free-flowing tears still streamed down his face as he hid the bottom-half of his head in his beefy arms. 
“What do we do now?” He moaned.
Stan looked at the know-it-all who didn’t have a clue. He sighed and moved to sit next to him, his back against the cupboard and his knees up by his chest as he combed his mullet. “I dunno… Sit here and die?”
Ford hiccuped a cruel laugh and buried his face in his arms fully. “I wish I could.”
Stan snorted. “What’s that saying? The good die young?”
Ford groaned and started to sob again. 
Stan rubbed his back, his head against the cupboard and he looked up at the ceiling. “O-Okay, okay… Let’s think about this. So we never made up, or something else really bad happened between us, and that’s the timeline Mabel was from, right?”
“Right.” Ford gruffed, lifting his head up and rubbing his eyes dry.
“So, since that didn’t happen, or it happened differently… B-But that doesn’t mean she’s… She’ll still exist in our timeline, won’t she? She’s gonna be okay?” He asked the scientist, digging for some kind of hope.
Ford sighed and rested his cleft chin on his arms. “As long as what happened didn’t interfere with Alex’s life too much… Which I don’t know how it could… Mabel and Dipper should still be born in 1999. There’s a small possibility they’ll be different than what they once were, or because of some unseen butterfly effect, their birth might be different or might not happen at all… But…”
The eldest by fifteen minutes slipped his glasses back on, stood, and said stubbornly, “I’m going to do what I can to ensure it is a better future than what the kids had. Our entire family was broken because of what we did and didn’t do. Clearly either one of us went insane or died or something horrible, and I won’t allow that to happen.”
“I don’t think we gotta worry too much about that happening.” Stan said from down on the floor. “I mean, if Mabel changed things so much that an entire reality changed, then we don’t really gotta do much except not screw this up.”
Ford laughed and held out a hand to his twin, who gladly clasped it and stood. “You’re right.”
But the men were disheartened to finally notice the mess in the kitchen. Mabel’s cake batter sat on the flour-dusted counter, the oven was hot and ready for baking, and the muffin tray was on the floor from where Mabel dropped it. Ford looked down at the sweater he was wearing - the sweater she had knitted for him - and without a word he walked to the living room and saw Mabel’s knitting sitting on the couch where she had left it, a completed red sweater with a golden heart on it.
Ford smiled mournfully and held the sweater as Stan joined him and gasped at the sweater. The big brother held it out to the little brother and croaked, “We’ll see her again.”
Stan smiled, cleared his throat, and took off his hoodie and snagged the new sweater to slip it over his old white t-shirt. “Yeah.”
July 22nd, 1980
Ford held the lantern up to better read the writing in the cave. He peered at it and was intrigued by a description of a being with answers. It would be summoned if he read out-loud, and though there were many clear warnings against this, the desperate scientist was extremely tempted.
“Sixer! Let’s move before we get caved in or some shit.” Stan called as he walked up to Ford. “What are you reading, cavemen graffiti?”
“Look, Stanley, there are tales of an all-knowing being with answers. It could help me with my theory…”
“Nope.” Stan grabbed Ford by the collar of his trenchcoat and dragged him away like dragging a child out of a toy store.
“Stanley! Let me go!”
“That shit’s got bad voodoo written all over it! You’ve gotta be inhaling toxic cave gas or something to think summoning a demon is a good idea!”
“We don’t know it’s a demon.”
“Really? Then why does that wall read in old blood ‘Do not summon demon!’?”
“Huh. Well, um…”
“That’s what I thought, now don’t make me pick you up and carry you. Let’s move.” And he lightly shoved Ford forward to lead the walk away from the cave and through the tunnels for sunlight.
Alex’s wedding was wonderful and a joyous day, but it also made Ford and Stan nervous. They both agreed not to say a word to anyone (as far as Fiddleford knew, Ford had found the girl’s parents and all was over and ended well), and white they were happy to be one step closer to meeting the kids, they were slightly worried that something might be different than Mabel’s timeline.
She never told them her mother’s name. Did Alex marry someone else? Did they marry at the correct time? There was no way of telling, and they both agreed to allow themselves to enjoy the day and maybe drink a little. Or a lot. 
When Shermie called and told them that Alex and Dana were going to have a baby, Ford choked on his coffee and Stan dropped the phone. They silently exchanged looks and were terrified that there was only one baby. But it was seven months before the end of August, so maybe the new parents were choosing to keep everything a surprise. Knowing Alex, that is something he would do, especially if there were twins. A beautiful surprise for his twin uncles.
So they congratulated Shermie and made him swear to call them if anything happened so they could be there. And despite their fear, they were very joyous of becoming grunkles again.
August 31st, 1999
The entire week leading up to the day, the men were incredibly anxious. The birthday was on 31st, which meant Dipper and Mabel could be born at 1am on the 31st, or 11pm on the 31st. They had no way of knowing, but as long as that damn telephone stayed silent, they weren't leaving the house all weekend. Neither of them slept the night of the 30th, just in case.
Finally, a little after coffee on the 31st, the phone rang. Both Ford and Stan tackled each other and fought for it, but Stan sat on Ford and grabbed it first.
“Stanley, get off me!”
“Stanley, what are you doing to your brother?” Shermie chuckled on the other end.
“Nevermind that, Sherm!” Stan laughed. “What’s going on with you?” He asked casually, though he smiled down at Ford, who smiled back, despite still being sat on in the kitchen.
“Well, you guys know I’m gonna be a grandpa soon…”
“Really? Had no idea.” Stan said sarcastically as he stood up to get off Ford. “So? Is it happening now?!” Ford ran down the hall.
Shermie laughed. “Yup. I just got here myself and Alex and Dana got here about twenty minutes ago.”
“Piedmont Hospital, right?”
“We’ll be there in six hours.”
“It’s an eight hour drive!”
“I said six hours!”
“STANL-” But Stan hung up the phone.
Stan hurried up to his attic bedroom and dressed in his baby-blue Hawaiian shirt and slacks, while also grabbing a suitcase he’s had ready all week, prepared to stay as long as Alex and Dana needed him.
He ran back downstairs with suitcase in hand, with Ford by the door, and they sprinted into the Stanmobile and drove down the road.
Shermie was waiting for them in the hall, beaming with joy, and his little brothers ran to him for a tackle-hug.
“Good to see you, Grandpa!”
“Congratulations, Shermie!”
“Thank you, thank you!”
“Did we miss it?!” Stan asked. “Has it happened yet?!”
Shermie grinned and nodded. “Yes, everyone is safe and fine.” And he opened the door.
The aged explorers beamed (and no, they weren’t crying) to find Alex holding one baby and Dana holding another baby. The eldest pair of twins high-sixed and cheered and then gently approached the little ones, beaming down at them.
It was like they had been holding their breath for twenty years, and now they could finally breathe.
“What are their names?” Ford asked quietly, seeing how each newborn was sleeping soundly.
“This is Mabel,” Alex introduced, giving the bundle to Stan.
“And this is Mason.” Dana said tiredly, giving her son to Ford to hold.
Stan and Ford were a bit concerned with the name change, but one look at the baby boy relaxed them. Of course a name like Dipper was a nickname.
“Matching names, huh?” Stan asked cheekily, cradling Mabel and looking down at her with shining brown eyes.
“We couldn’t help ourselves.” Alex chuckled.
Ford’s eyes were glued to Mason. While of course he had been dying to see Mabel again, he had also been excited to meet his science-loving nephew. He was so cute and small in his polydactyl hands and Ford knew it would take a lot more strength than what he had to let him go.
The author tore his eyes away to see his twin looking down at Mabel with tears in his eyes, holding her close to his heart and trying really hard to hold it together, but his joy and peace was far stronger than any bad habits that stopped him from showing his emotions. Stan lightly kissed Mabel’s cheek and Ford saw his lips barely move, though he didn’t hear what he said. Which was fine by him. Ford smiled back down at Mason, finally content.
No one heard him say it, thank Moses, but Stan couldn’t help himself. He had whispered to his niece as quiet as a mouse, “I’ve missed you, pumpkin.”
And finally, after all these years, the small hole in the boys’ hearts could be filled.
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dylanlila · 2 years
Been doing some spring-cleaning on my Amy playlist and driving myself insane thinking about Amy/11 as a sun and moon dynamic (obviously, who's who switches constantly, but always tied together, yet can never permanently be that way), so now I'm dead-set (see: deluding myself) on When The Day Met The Night being an Amy/11 song.
Because, and this is going to be a mini-essay, the song doesn't make it clear who's who between the sun and the moon + she and he, I think it's largely read as he being the moon and she being the moon but it can be read both ways -> Amy and 11 never really fitting neatly into one box.
And the song (and the album as a whole) has very overt fairy tale influences -> like a name in a fairy tale
As a bonus, the album this is on, but not this song sadly, has quite a few references to Rimbaud's A Season In Hell
But onto the song itself:
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The links to the many gardens, especially the idea that the gardens are where he comes back to her (S5, the big bang Dr finding her asleep in her garden, S6, Amy finding out that he didn't die while she's in her background, S7, the scene with the convo with Rory where the TARDIS can be heard arriving)
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Thinking about how 10's regen to 11 going roughly, collapsing and bleeding energy everywhere, literally just hanging on
But also Amy's "why did you say five minutes" in the garden and the look on her face when she says that -> the idea that she spent a lot of her 12 years barely hanging on to a sense of normality and sanity
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Thinking about both of them making promises not to leave the other, textually or implied, and both of them breaking said promises....
To end this insane ramble, I'll leave you with the knowledge that if you queue Little Amy (the murray gold track) before When The Day Met The Night and then set the spotify crossfade to 3secs, the two tracks sync really nicely <3
This is an EXCELLENT match (thank you for the rant :")))) Keeping the reply under the cut because things got messy and deranged :/
Just... thinking about Night/Day imagery in general and how 11 and Amy meet during the night and each one of them thinks of the other as the sun while perceiving themselves as the moon. Considering how 10 felt about regenerating and how that predestined 11 to have his actual identity constantly creep up on him which he isn't  thrilled about because he's preoccupied with holding on to everything 10 was. (INSANE how Ten has to deal with Rose's ghost, the ghost of a living person and eventually ends up as one himself. He lives because Eleven wants to keep him alive, but it's not quite him... never a proper ghost, never a proper person...) it's only at the end of his arc that 11 acknowledges 10's vanity of all things. And then regarding Amy, there's the otherness she experiences in every timeline, even in the one where she remembers the Doctor, her drawings and artworks of him exist in her bedroom still. What a crooked solar system! The Moon chasing The Sun, 11 not allowing 10 to go, Amy waiting for 11.
Back to the Night/Day thing (the stuff above was a prelude, I guess), 11 comes back to Amy during the night (5x01) and leaves her during the day. (The God Complex) Key motif of The Romantic Period!!!! But also reminiscent of Symbolism. (Romanticism and Modernism as Amy's Art Movements Agenda is going strong) Actually your analysis here SCREAMS Verlaine's À La Promenade to me. ("and dying, like a sunshine of a dream" it says + mentions of costumes and vows, but again it's so much better in french dbdjdjjdjdjr modernism is freaky translated, but not the freaky that was originally intended to be portrayed bdjdjdjdjd)
Ooooooh the gardens, it gets even crazier with the gardens. The symbolism is ANCIENT, they are beauty and innocence and life, but are also wilderness and escapism and a ticket to nowhere. But for Amy, each reading of the garden kind of starts to exist with all these qualities exaggerated depending on the narrative moment, to the point of all of it becoming unbearable. She waits for the Doctor as a child and the green enveloping her house is too messy, she marries Rory and her new garden is too neat. Too messy and too perfect constantly being presented as the only two options Amy has, they only two ways in which she's allowed to be perceived. Truly haunted by her own dichotomy-defined presence. (never really fitting neatly into one box!!!!!!) "You could really spend a lifetime in here - not that I'm going to." on one hand she's been spending lifetimes in gardens like the TGWW one. On the other hand the TGWW garden is everything she wants, but Amy won't even consider it because she craves the Big Dramatic Moment, the feeling of having something happen to her even and especially if it's unpleasant ("kind of a good hurt") because she's been stuck in the in-between since forever and she doesn't want her dreams handed to her without the journey, without a sense of achievement. Wish fulfilment isn't appealing to her at all.
AAAAAAAND I wandered off here and this is INSANE and incoherent, but YAY for the Rimbaud cameos in music, I LOVE to see it.
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randombubblegum · 3 years
Just venting for a sec it drives me crazy because everything about otto and his behavior (the limited amount that I know) would lead me to believe he is respectful, conscientious, careful, and kind except the fact that the two people he seems to be closest to in the world are, not to put too fine a point on it, awful. There must be some fucked up shit we don’t know about because I don’t see how the person otto seems to be would continue to be with gr*ce after all this time (I get the Awsten thing is more complex because that’s also his job but still)
yep!!!! i think about this so much!!!!!!!!! everything ive ever seen or heard about otto makes me think hes gentle and kind and respectful and like, not a sex obsessed malicious asshole who doesnt care about his best friends feelings and yet? the fact that he would do what he did to awsten is just so incredibly insane??? it is SO out of line with every other piece of evidence we have about his personality and i know we dont know him, but like, people who DO know him tend to describe him very consistently and it just. it doesnt add up!!!! it doesnt!!!! how can he be this kind and gentle old soul and also fuck his best friends longterm ex IMMEDIATELY after they break up. and then date her and just expect awsten to what? fucking deal with it? not even the fact that the band just got signed so he couldnt do anything there, just on a purely friendship level like it is insane……
the only theories ive been able to come up with are like, as ive said, maybe otto was the sheltered inexperienced type and didnt have the wherewithal to reject gr*ces sexually aggressive comeons when she was trying to fuck awstens friends after the breakup and geoff (WISELY) brushed her off…. but even that is out of character for him!!! but it does kinda match up w how callous and indifferently cruel he can be to awstens feelings based on what we know about o9k (and ocean marie)…….. and i assume he just couldnt break up w her now if he wanted bc she is SO pathetic. no friends, no family, nothing going for her, heavily medicated by her own admission for what i can only assume are a host of mental issues (no shade for that god knows i have my own problems)….. like shes just pathetic and clingy and helpless and i think he feels too bad. i think hes too compassionate to break up no matter how he feels about the relationship (and we will never know bc gr*ce would never admit theres issues there lol)
so i just…… i dont know. it doesnt add up to me with my perception of otto as a person. awstens a dick but theyve been best friends for years and SOMEHOW even thru the betrayal so i get why hes not about to drop him, but……. its just something that doesnt add up and will never add up. and its just such a horrible and fucked up situation that NOBODY talks about and NOBODY pushes back on that it genuinely makes me mad lol. why does she get free reign to misrepresent their relationship timeline and bury the fact that she did what she did. and why is otto okay with it???? what kind of person just goes along w something so fucked up, especially when its in such stark contrast to the rest of his apparent personality and value system? i just dont get it
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toomanyrobins · 3 years
a little birdie told me pt. 10
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Summary: Y/N “Birdie” Parker left New York and her family three years ago in the middle of the night. Now, a call for help to her best friend brings her back into the fold of the Three Families and their “business”
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Parker!Reader
Content warning: physical abuse, miscarriage, mentions of forced marriage, mentions of alcohol abuse
Word Count: 1.8k
series masterlist // next part
Y/N was in the kitchen when she heard someone return home. She had been sitting at the kitchen island, staring down at a glass of whiskey. She had poured it to settle her nerves, but had yet to pick it up. Pepper walked in and immediately could tell that something was bothering her daughter. She saw the glass and slowly slid it out of Y/N’s hands, “What’s wrong? I thought last night was a success. Did something happen?” The younger woman nodded and refused to meet Pepper’s eyes. It didn’t take much for the intuitive woman to guess what was ailing her daughter. She nodded, “You finally realized you are in love with Steve.”
“I didn’t mean to be,” Y/N wailed as she slammed her forehead onto the island, “ow.”
“Why is this such a bad thing?”
“Because the last person I was with was a terrible person,” Birdie grumbled, “I had every intention of staying single forever to avoid feeling like shit every again.”
“Honey, that’s insane. Anyone with eyes can see that Steve is disgustingly in love with you and would move mountains to make you happy.”
“It’s just so soon. Too soon.”
“There’s no timeline for this kind of thing. When you know, you know.” Pepper laughed to herself, “The funniest thing is that when I confronted your father about the arranged marriage, he told me that the plan was for you and Steve to get married.”
Y/N shot her head up and nearly toppled off the stool, “What? He picked Steve for me? I—I have to go.”
Y/N was trying to keep her head on straight as she walked into George’s office. The entire drive over, she had tried to calm down and approach this with some levelheadedness. Before she could even sit down across from the desk, that plan was thrown our the window, “I need answers and I don’t think Dad will tell me everything. Why were you going to marry me off to Steve?”
George sighed and leaned forward, “First of all, I’ve told your father that you should’ve been told about all of this. The truth of the matter is that we needed stability in the families and this was a way to bring us together. HYDRA had started gaining power and your marriage was a way to secure some balance and open up channels that had previously been closed off to us. Also, we had seen the two of you together. You got on well. Why the sudden interest?”
“I don’t know if I can stay here. Apparently, everyone has decided I’m Jamie’s mom. No kid deserves to be stuck with me as their mother.”
He leaned back in his chair, “He really did a number on you.”
Y/N felt like the air had been sucked from her lungs but she tried to play dumb, waiting to see how much he knew, “Who?”
“You think I don’t know things, Birdie? I’ve got your medical records from your hospital visit. I know that your hospital visit wasn’t a one time thing. I know about the miscarriage. I may not know his name, but I will soon.”
“I'm a Barnes. A third of the group that runs New York. You think I can’t get information?”
“Have you told anyone?” They both knew who Y/N was truly worried about.
“I haven’t told Steve or Tony. You should though. I highly doubt they would be mad at you for anything,” his voice softened, “You were abused, Birdie. Nothing that he did to you is your fault.”
Her nails were digging into her palm, trying to focus on anything else, “I let him kick me in the stomach. I didn’t even try to stop him. What kind of fucked up, evil person does that?”
“You’re not evil. You’re hurting and have been for a while. I don’t think running will solve anything for you. Are you truly capable of leaving Jamie behind? Your family? Can you leave Steve when you love him?”
Y/N looked at her godfather, “I don’t love Steve.”
He laughed, “You used to be better at lying. He has always brought you back down to earth. I thought a match between the two of you would settle you down. Steve even agreed to it, but he stipulated that you had to go to college first and that you had to agree. He couldn’t force it on you.”
Y/N couldn’t believe it. She thought that he had just been hiding the marriage from her. Never had she considered that he knew he was her future husband, “He knew the whole time? Why would he want to marry me?”
“Of course, he knew. God knows why, because you were insane, and still are. He was ready to marry you. Clearly he thought you could make each other happy.”
“He didn’t tell me he knew it was him the whole time. I just thought he knew you were marrying me off.”
“Seems he wanted a chance to romance you all on his own, but you were gone before he got the chance.”
“This is so much information,” Y/N rubbed her temples.
George poured himself a drink, “I was like you for a really long time. I fought with my father every time I saw him, and I spent most of my teens and twenties drunk and alone. It’s a sad, lonely life that you have an opportunity to avoid. Take a chance, make mistakes. It’ll be worth it.”
Y/N sat there for a minute, trying to absorb all of the information that had been thrown at her. The office door burst open and Tony came in, “Good, your mother said you’d be here. I need you to do something.” Y/N’s nerves immediately felt like they were on fire. The moment her father had that look on his face, it was a problem, “There is a deal coming up and we need to present a united front. With the rumours swirling since your return, we’ve discussed and think the best move is for you to marry Steve.” 
“Tony—,” George tried to warn him that it wasn’t the time. The whole office was frozen as she absorbed the information. 
The laugh that broke the spell was harsh when Y/N realized he wasn’t kidding, “Oh my god. OH MY GOD! That talk about not wasting my life was just a load of crap.” She whirled around to Tony, “You will never learn, will you? I am not some piece of property that you can trade!”
Her father tried to walk closer but she stopped him. He continued anyway, “What is your objection to Steve, exactly? He’s a good man...mostly. We thought he'd be a good match for you three years ago and you are even closer now.”
Y/N started to walk towards the door but she turned, “I knew about your plans for me then. It’s part of the reason I left. You move people around like pawns and don’t seem to know or care that your choices affect us. All I’ve ever wanted is a say in my life and every fucking time I think maybe it’ll be different, you manage to prove me wrong. So congratulations, you continue to fuck it up.” She stared unblinkingly at Tony, “I think it goes without saying that I’ll be taking you up on your offer.” 
Y/N walked down into the Ivory bar on a mission. She found her brother in his usual booth with the group. She marched up to the table, “Evening, gentlemen.” They all nodded at her before she turned her attention to Steve. She planted her hands on the table, “Look here, Rogers, you can just move on to the next girl and stop wasting my time and yours. Do me a favor and lose my number. I’ll never marry you.” 
She didn’t look back as the men watched her through the window. She swung her leg over her bike and shot off. No one said a word and instead turned to look at Tony and George who had come down after her.
After she had left, Y/N pulled off near Central Park and parked. She wandered for hours until she bumped into someone. She had felt the weight of someone’s gaze for a while. Spinning around, she expected to see a familiar guard and was ready to tell them off. Instead of one of Tony’s men, it was the person who haunted her nightmares. “Better watch where you’re going, darling.” The voice made her blood run cold. Y/N was looking into the eyes of Brock Rumlow, the devil himself.
She stumbled back, trying to put some distance between them, “What are you doing here?”
“Looking for you. You think I’d just let you leave?” Brock grabbed her arm and jammed a finger into her stomach, “You’ve got my kid in there.”
She laughed in his face, “No, I don’t.” He gritted his teeth and tightened his on her arm. Y/N knew that she was going to have bruises later. 
“You killed our baby?” she shook her head, but Brock was blinded by rage. He shook her, “Don’t lie to me, you traitorous whore.”
“You beat me so badly that night that I lost the baby. There is no one to blame but you. And now, you have no claim over me.” Y/N wrenched her arm away, “You lose.”
“That’s where you are wrong, darling. What would Daddy Stark think of you running away to be with me? A member of HYDRA? Would they keep you if they knew the truth? You really would be a traitorous whore in everyone’s eyes.”
Y/N thought she was going to be sick. Brock was a member of HYDRA? She couldn’t believe she hadn’t known. This was so much worse than she could have imagined. “Stay away from me.” She turned and walked away.
He called after her, “I’ll be seeing you, baby!” The moment she rounded the corner, she took off in a run. Y/N’s thoughts flying as fast as she was down the streets. Once she was a block away, she cut off into an alley. She needed a moment to get her plan organized. As much as it pained her to admit it, Brock was probably right. If everyone knew the details about his connection to HYDRA, at minimum, she’d be exiled and never be able to see her family again. At worse, she’d be dead… a traitor to the Three Families. Y/N knew that there was only one thing she could do to make her position more secure and she hated it more than anything: she needed to marry Steve Rogers.
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kbsd · 4 years
not sure if you’ve answered this before, but what’s your process look like when you make an amv? i’m just curious and in constant awe of ppl who can make videos like you do :)
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hello all!!! i have answered this before and i have a vid help tag with other asks i’ve gotten about stuff like this! but i’ve gotten several more messages along these lines so i’m just going to answer a bunch of them together (under a cut since i love to ramble about editing lol). i do just wanna say i’m definitely not the authority on video editing and obv everyone has their own techniques!
edit: i just finished typing all this up and it’s SO long so sorry in advance LMAO god bless anyone who reads this entire thing
so i work in news tv and we have a very specific workflow for writing scripts, sourcing video, producing, and editing. i’ve just applied that to making amvs! for every video i make, i copy the song lyrics into a google doc and adjust them to match the song i’ve cut (i often will trim songs for time and/or content purposes). then i start planning! i’ll mark down what clip i want to use for each lyric next to that line, and any sound bites i want to use (with episode numbers!). i’ll color code between video and sound bites and lyrics, so my scripts end up looking something like this (for my honeybee amv):
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doing the planning ahead of time makes everything much easier when it’s a video that spans the whole show or involves a lot of sourcing, like honeybee or sports analogies. that way when i get to the actual editing process, i already know what i’m going to do and have a game plan. for videos like happy ending or believe it or not, where i’m mainly just pulling from a few episodes, i can just plan it in my head as opposed to writing it all down, and produce as i edit. obviously i do make in-the-moment decisions while editing—sometimes a shot doesn’t work the way i thought it would, or i go where the video takes me—but planning ahead definitely helps. i know some people use spreadsheets as well, with columns for lyrics, video clips, and sound bites if applicable. once you find a system that works, it actually goes pretty quickly.
as for sourcing clips themselves/finding clips within episodes, i talked about that here and kind of here. the short version is that transcripts are a must, and the supernatural wiki is hugely helpful by cataloguing all the hugs, prayers, phone calls, etc. in the show. gifmakers that tag episode numbers on their posts are your friends. it gets easier the more video you make—that’s another huge reason i make the google docs for each video (even the ones i plan in my head, i end up going back and making a loose script with episode notes just for reference). if i can’t remember where something is but i know i used it in another video, i can easily reference past scripts!
i also cut all my videos in the same project in premiere pro, so i can flip between them easily. instead of checking a past script, i can just go to the video sequence itself and copy the clip i’m looking for! this was especially helpful when i match cut together the 5x18 and 4x22 wall slam shots for my bestie video, and then stole it from myself for honeybee hahaha. at any given time i have at least 8 sequences open:
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because of the sheer volume of videos i make, it’s worth it for me to download the entire show—i have all 327 episodes in HD, plus deleted scenes. if you think you’re only going to make a few videos, i’d start with scene packs. you can usually just google “destiel [or whatever ship/character you’re looking for] scene packs” and there will be any number of ones you can download. if you need other specific scenes, you can always download/torrent individual episodes or screen record netflix (that’s what i did before i got HD download links). i’m happy to share my links if you DM, but be warned it’s a lot of disk space (about 500GB on my hard drive). someone also compiled every destiel scene, downloadable here.
having every episode already loaded in premiere for all my projects also makes it a lot easier to source clips. once i use a clip in a video, i’ll put a marker on the episode file, so that after a while i have most of the important scenes/lines marked to easily find them. to give you an idea, this is my episode file in premiere for 12x10 lily sunder has some regrets (markers at destiel scenes, the car fight, hot girl cas, etc.). markers are the green tabs along the bottom:
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premiere also lets you color code and name markers, so ONE DAY i will go back and color code them all. the ones above are all the same color, but in a perfect world, i’d have a myraid—for destiel shots like hugs, touches, looks; for important pieces of dialogue; for action shots; etc. but for now this works ok for me, so that’s a project for another time!
between detailed scripts, one giant premiere project, markers, the wiki, and my own memory, i have so many points of reference that i can usually find any clip i need in about 2 minutes max. sound bites are often harder to start out, or tiny specific shots i haven’t used before, and that’s when i turn to tumblr gifsets or beloved mutuals to crowdsource. but if you’re as obsessive about marking/keeping neat scripts as i am, it gets easier and easier with every video you make. that’s part of why i’m able to cut videos together so quickly. (also i want to stress i do this for a living and have to produce/edit a new piece for my show every day so i’m used to it. and compared to constantly updating content/sources and news that changes every day, 327 highly documented episodes that never change are much easier to handle hahaha)
this is all great for me since i make so many videos and plan to continue doing so, but if you’re only making a few, this level of work isn’t worth it imo. really it’s all about developing a system that works for you. whatever you do with episodes/sourcing, though, i cannot recommend planning things out in a script ahead of time enough. 
everything i just mentioned is producing, though. for the editing process, i usually do it in this order:
music first. any parts i want to cut, i make sure it all sounds smooth
then soundbites. i usually try to weave them into the lyrics—i have characters talk in breaks between lines or instrumental sections as much as possible. i’ll sometimes go so far as looped/extending an intsrumental part to make room for the soundbite i want there lol. if i do have dialogue over a line, i do the sound mixing/levels at this point as well to make sure everything is audible/one doesn’t overpower the other. (also i always include the video that goes with these bites when i drop them in, and decide later if i want to show the character speaking or have other clips cover the dialogue)
once i have all the audio locked in, then i bring in all my other video clips. sometimes i edit completely chronologically, sometimes jumping from section to section—it depends on the song or how i’m feeling
double check sound mixing. i usually listen to my videos through a few times, with headphones and without to make sure it’ll sound good no matter how people watch it
once i have picture and audio lock, i go through and color correct my clips. i’m basic and just use lumetri color in premiere, and usually just play with brightness, saturation, temperature, and tint until i like it
render and export! :)
i always have several audio tracks, but i try to keep my video tracks condensed. i’ll drop clips on a V2 level, and edit a section there, and drop the whole chunk down to V1 so i know it’s finished. that way when i leave and come back i can know where i left off/what’s done/etc. to give you an idea, this is the timeline for my what the hell video:
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i always render as H.264 with high bitrate, and make sure to check “render at maximum depth” and “use maximum render quality” for the best quality. i’m sorry, but i don’t know what the equivalent options are in final cut, imovie, kdenlive, etc. i post on youtube mostly so i don’t have to sacrifice quality, but usually just using a lower bitrate will get you under the tumblr file size limit and it’ll still look good.
as for the anon who asked about “polishing”: first of all, thank you!! second of all, it’s in the details. all of this is a matter of taste and my own insanity, but here are some little things i always try to do:
after i color correct, i blur out any credits from the starts of episodes. i use gaussian blur for this, but really any blur tool works
as much as possible, i avoid clips where we see a character’s mouth move but don’t hear the words. in tv/film we call it “lip flap” and i just think it looks messy. also i’m trained to avoid it at all costs at work hahaha. it’s more for serious videos that this matters a lot to me (e.g. i think i did a really good job eliminating lip flap in my happy ending amv)—for comedy videos i don’t sweat it as much
i put audio fades on the start and end of every single audio clip i use, even if i don’t think i need it, to make sure everything sounds smooth
i use markers for timing, especially in action-y videos like what the hell. i’ll put a marker on the clip i’m using at the exact moment a punch lands, and in the song on the beat. if i have the magnet/snap in timeline tool on i can just easily snap them together instead of having to spend time finagling it
this is such a small thing but i dip/cut to black for a tiny bit at the start and end of every video. this way if i post with tumblr video player, there’s black between the loops, and it gives you a beat before the video restarts. i do this even on videos i post on youtube, just because i think it looks nicer/more professional
this is 1,500 words so i’m going to stop myself before i pull something. if you have follow-up questions feel free to ask and i’ll continue to add them to the vid help tag, but any more questions about sourcing clips or my process in general i’ll just link this post going forward. anyone who made it this far, i am sending to a telepathic kiss. thank you for reading and happy editing!
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My HxH ships
Disclaimer: These are my thoughts on my ships to share with my Tumblr friends. If you’re some stranger who disagrees with it and it evokes negative emotions on you, kindly exit. I know the internet has a bunch of trolls/idiots that has a habit of harassing people because the ship is “wrong” or it doesn’t suit them. Well, honestly, I don’t really care if you agree with them because I don’t know you personally? And this is fictional so it’s not something to be taken personally or even seriously. Don’t confuse my personal values with what I like with the ships.
I can’t believe I even need to make a disclaimer on this because a bunch of people don’t know how to be civilized once they are anonymous on a social media platform. I will just block lol; BYEEE.
HxH I love:
Defintion - Actively ships them, willing to make fanfics of them if possible
1. Kurapika x Neon
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This ship is so underrated it hurts. They may not be similar in terms of personality and views of the dead: Neon focuses more on the living and the present (that’s why she doesn’t have sympathy for the dead and tells Chrollo her fortunes are for the living), while Kurapika focuses on the past and mourns for the dead (his mourning for his clan). But I think both of them are very similar in terms of loneliness. Neon doesn’t have friends and lacks affections from her father; Kurapika is lonely because all of his clan members are dead.
I know the common barrier is Neon’s hobby for flesh collecting, but I think this difference is what makes it more complicated and interesting for me. Especially when Kurapika has been in many seasons under the Nostrade Family... it makes me wonder what kind of interactions they had since it was all Killua and Gon on-screen.
2. Hisoka x Machi
I actually had always liked Hisoka with Machi together. Hisoka seems to really like her and enjoys her company. Machi may seem irritated by him but I think she’s more of a tsundere? She still decides to patch him after the fight against Chrollo, and their relationship got a bit more complicated after the Hisoka vs Chrollo fight.
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3. Tserreidnich x Theta
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Okay, I LOVE this ship. This is right out love-hate kind of relationship. It lowkey reminds me of Clarice/Hannibal and I find this ship so fascinating? I don’t see a lot of fanfics of them unfortunately. So Legacy by Alltagsabenteuer is a blessing from heaven because it’s the only TsexTheta tag in AO3.
So far I haven’t found anyone else who loves this ship, so please identify yourself if you do.
I’m starting to think I like those complicated love-hate dynamics....
HxH ships I like:
Definition of like - Actively ships them, may make fanfics of them or not. But doesn’t think of them 24/7.
1. Pokkle x Ponzu
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This was like, a ship that never really sailed because Togashi decided to kill them both. I think this ship had potential and I’m hoping they find happiness in the afterlife.
2. Chrollo x Neon
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I actually really liked how they vibe together during this one scene (although Chrollo targetted to meet her for her fortune-telling abilities). I am a KuraNeon shipper but I like the idea of Chrollo being a 3rd party because I think it fits so well? Chrollo and Kurapika are enemies and I had always found it fascinating how both of them got entangled with the same woman.  Also, people be like “Neon is 16″ uhhh... Hunterpedia states she’s born in 1982, along with Kurapika and Milluki. She’s the same age as Kurapika and Milluki; and Kurapika is widely accepted as 19 now; and it does tally if you see the Hunter x Hunter timeline (although there has been several discrepancies and dubious canonity when it comes to the Official Hunter x Hunter database and the HxH manga timeline). I’m not sure why people falsely remember Neon as a year younger than Kurapika and use it as a common argument to not support Chrollo/Neon when people have no problems (except for some) when it comes to shipping Kurapika with Chrollo.
So... Chrollo be that Mr. Steal Yo Girl and Kurapika’s posessive reaction to it will be astronomical.
I am also hella gonna support the upcoming #kuroneoweek2021 in May! @kuroneoweek
So you bet there will be more fanfics of KuroNeo from me!
HxH ships I support:
Definition of support: Does not actively ship them, but definitely likes the idea of them
1. Killua x Canary
I love how Canary tries her best for Killua and she does care about him. I realised that Killua seems to have an issue with older women (e.g. Bisky, Elevator girl), but I think for girls who are about his age, he’s okay with them. There is a misconception that he can’t communicate with women well (probably because he has issues with his mother), but I think that’s just for old ladies - Canary is cool with him.
2. Hisoka x Illumi
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It drives me nuts how these two have matching outfits. I know that they have a more of a give-and-take transactional relationships rather than purely friends, but this is fab best friendship goals. My friend loves this ship and I absolutely support it.
3. Retz (with either Gon or Killua)
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The unreasonable hate on Retz is insane because “she’s ruining KilluGon”. I think it’s really refreshing to see Killua and Gon hang out with another girl their age. You can see that Gon is really sweet towards her. Killua is more suspicious of her for a good reason but he never hated her. Remember that Killua is not used to interacting with people due to his family background. In fact, as @u-named mentioned, Killua and Retz shares similarities in terms of wanting to be free from their family.
4. Alluka x Gon
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I would love to see a fanfic where Gon starts to woo Alluka and Killua will be that overprotective brother, knowing that his best friend is a player. Alluka/Nanika healed Gon anyway, so she’s technically his saving angel.
5. Ging x Gon’s unnamed mom
Okay, this is a bit weird cause we don’t know who Gon’s mom is... (and screw that Pregnancy Stone theory, I just think it’s weird how Ging mentioned Gon’s mom in the tape if he never had a mom lmao; is he gonna say “which you don’t have” like ???).
I actually like fanfics that explores Ging’s life before Gon and various interpretations of who Gon’s mom is.
What Lies Beyond by Thatsoneperson is one of the best fanfics I’ve read when it comes to Ging’s life before Gon. The ending was really heartbreaking and I had always loved the “Gon’s mom was from the DC” theory because Yusuke’s ancestral father came from the Demon World and there were hints of Gon’s dark aura throughout CA and Election arc.
Somehow in my headcanon, I had always envisioned Gon’s mom to resemble Usagi from Sailor Moon but with Gon’s hair colour. Gon also has certain personality traits that are very different from Ging and I believe that came from his mother.
6. Meruem x Komugi
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One of the most unexpected, beautiful, saddest, semi-canon pairings in the entire series. It highkey reminds me of Beauty and the Beast. It was beautiful how Meruem, a Chimera Ant that was supposed to be destined to rule the world above humans, became gradually attached to a blind human girl.
7. Killua x Machi
This is fucking weird; because of the age gap but I like to think Killua meets her again one day when he grows up, and they had some sort of flirtation because he needs to be on par with Gon when it comes to dating women.
There was actually a cute fic about that called A Series of Pick Up Lines by Yandere Shoujo where Killua was trying to use pick up lines on a woman because he wanted to try it out after knowing that Gon dated women prior and just so happens to bump into Machi.
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whatiwillsay · 4 years
kaylor oomfs avert your eyes 😞
i get asked from time to time “why don’t you like kaylor, why don’t you like karlie, why do you think kaylor isn’t together? why aren’t you and ttb married yet?” and i think it’s high time i centralize my thoughts and receipts on all of that in a little timeline of shady things karlie has done to taylor that have made me wary of kaylor/karlie/that whole situation.  don’t read if you stan kaylor this isn’t for you (unless you know you’re interested in the truth.)
first things first, i do think something romantic happened between kaylor go read @swiftiesleuth‘s realistic kay timeline for what i (generally) think happened between them.
but long story short - i think joshlie is real, i think they weren’t all that serious at the beginning, she famously didn’t meet his family for years, he didn’t take her to work events for a long time, so there’s room for her to have a fling with taylor even though we ended up with a real joshlie endgame.
taylor’s music and art supports this theory - in the wd mv she paints herself as the other woman, on rep she sings of secret sexy sex with her best friend that drives her crazy, in cruel summer she sings of a miserable, secret, and toxic situation with a person who rejects her love, in illicit affairs and august again she is the other woman - the art matches up.  she also sings about her sunshine being gone on lover, and eclipsed on folklore. we have good clues in taylor’s artistic expression.
taylor’s given interviews about some of these karlie songs - she said cruel summer was about the start to a “doomed” relationship and look at what she said about august:
“It kind of explores the idea of the undefined relationship. As humans, we're all encouraged to just be cool and just let it happen, and don't ask what the relationship is — Are we exclusive? But if you are chill about it, especially when you're young, you learn the very hard lesson that if you don't define something, oftentimes they can gaslight you into thinking it was nothing at all, and that it never happened. And how do you mourn the loss of something once it ends, if you're being made to believe that it never happened at all?”
if joshlie is real which i think they are that 100% sounds like taylor having to process being gaslit by karlie while she cheats on josh with her.
so why do i think joshlie is real?
-  josh has no credible gay rumors that didn’t originate on gaylor tumblr: he has old ex gfs that came before karlie, harvard message boards gossiped about him and didn’t like him but never said that he was gay, in fact one of the complaints josh’s schoolmates had about him was that he got special treatment for her girlfriend at parties.
-  as stated before taylor’s art suggests she’s been the other woman with someone in her life recently.  if josh and karlie are beards then what is the affair? why is taylor the other woman so often all of a sudden?
-  i’ve spoken to someone with a mutual friend with the kushners - grain of salt of course, i know you can only trust stuff you hear from me with no proof so much, but i do absolutely trust this person and they say - no way in hell is joshlie fake, no way in hell is josh gay, no way in hell is karlie having taylor’s baby.  also karlie absolutely has moved down to miami with josh.  i’m sure we’ll see her in nyc and la from time to time but she is living in miami now.
-  vicky ward, who is a real investigative journalist not some unhinged person on tumblr, wrote a tell all about the kushners.  she uncovered gay rumors about josh’s father and josh’s brother but not josh.  she had actual sources and was legitimately digging up tons of dirt on these people and not a word about josh being gay or joshlie being fake.
-  yes karlie did convert to judaism.  it’s really offensive to suggest she didn’t.  of course she always could have done it for personal reasons but occam’s razor dictates she did it for josh i don’t know what else to tell you 🤷‍♀️
-  also just vibes.  karlie writes him love notes and leaves them with his breakfast.  they make playlists for one another.  if the kushners weren’t so heinous they’d be cute.
so in the joshlie is real world view i inhabit, i don’t stan kaylor the same way i do swiftgron because i don’t think kaylor was ever a committed monogamous relationship.  important and impactful on taylor’s life? absolutely.  inspired some amazing music? 100%. but was is true and tragic love that drives me insane and makes me feral?  no.  i don’t believe so.  is it still an interesting and iconic ship? yes!  but i don’t stan because it wasn’t like...true love or gay shit like that.
so let’s talk about karlie’s screwups that 1. assure me kaylor is not together and 2. make me have no desire to stan karlie/kaylor.
1.  after the kimye drama (something that deeply traumatized taylor we now know thanks to miss americana) karlie said she was sure kim was a lovely person 😭 now i know she walked it back and tweeted she and taylor had one another’s backs. i know karlie was just trying to be diplomatic.  but come on...if someone did what kim did to taylor to my lover or hell even just my friend i would say “fuck that clout chasing fame whore” bottom line.  c’mon guys.  have higher standards for your otp.
karlie also has vibed with kim on IG about her adidasas line.  recently!  yes i know she’s just promoting her brand but c’mon.  taylor still hates kim, their drama got rehashed in march 2020 and just 6 months later kim n karlie are bestie-ing around on ig.
2.  ALL the fucking masters drama and scooter fucking braun
-  not long at all after the masters heist karlie was palling around with scooter on a yacht like come on the only other thing taylor is equally as traumatized over as the kimye drama is the master’s heist.  why is karlie hanging out with him and partying with him at this time?
-  karlie liked a tweet completely incinerating taylor (in a gross and unfair/inaccurate way) regarding the masters heist.  she unliked it but still.  why was she even looking at that shit.
-  and yeah we gotta talk about perez.  so perez hilton (who is a scumbag and gross but sometimes does have legitimate tea) posted a video saying that karlie and taylor were no longer friends because karlie betrayed taylor to scooter.  now if that were all there was to it, it’d be dumb gossip.  but a taylor fan account posted the video to twitter ashley avignone and claire winter both liked the tweet.  ashley liked two tweets about it.  perez proceeded to tweet that since two of taylor’s oldest and truest friends liked the tweets it must mean he was correct and neither of the girls unliked the tweets.  ashley and claire are low key people, not celebs, not pawns in a “fued narrative”, just long time and loyal friends of taylor’s.  they liked the tweet, imo, because there’s some truth to it.
-  that brings me to spencer pratt.  spencer is a reality star and super swiftie/huge fan of taylor’s.  he despises karlie.  he’s tweeted negatively about her and he also had perez onto his podcast to talk about the drama between karlie and taylor.  taylor herself sent him a cardigan.  do you really think taylor is going to allow a cardigan to go out to the guy who’s dragging her girlfriend or bestie? i don’t think so.  receipts on perez and spencer here.
3.  karlie posted for hailey fucking beiber’s bday instead of taylor’s and hailey hates taylor 🤢🤢🤢
4.  karlie married into a fascist family that is associated with the trumps.  like how can you expect me to stan?  trump is a fucking criminal evil piece of shit.  i know karlie isn’t like him (probably) but it’s still awful.  kimby even goes around liking ivanka’s ig posts like give me a fucking break 😭.
in summation, you can disagree w me all you like, you can ship kaylor all you like, but if you’re of sound mind i don’t think you can look at the facts in this post and think i’m misguided for not being a kaylor/karlie stan.  and you can’t blame me for thinking if you spend a lot of time obsessing over that ship you may not really be that big a fan of taylor’s.  and if you’re spending a lot of time leading lgbt kids on to think they’re going to get a kaylor end game when all the objective facts of the case suggest that that’s never going to happen you might need to reevaluate but at the very least you certainly can’t press me for not doing all that.
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