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foreverrryourssss · 1 month ago
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All 2025 🥂
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vskitty · 4 months ago
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petite-anni · 3 months ago
💗Diet Smart - Stop Feeling Hungry💗
we simply deserve beauty and peace
1. Hydrate
Sometimes hunger is just thirst in disguise.
Sip on water, herbal teas or infused beverages to keep cravings at bay. Plus, your skin clears, flushes out toxins and it‘ll give you a natural glow
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2. Hunger Shields
Lean proteins, such as chicken, tofu or lentils, and fiber-packed foods, like chia seeds, oats and veggies keep you full.
They are a must-have in every diet.
+ Smart Snacking
healthy and satisfying snacks come hand in hand with a rich diet. A hand full of almonds, a boiled egg, a Banana or apple slices with nut butter can be mighty. Just be extra careful with the amount, especially on nuts. They are healthy, but have lots of calories that can easily bring you out of your deficite.
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3. Slow Down
Chew slowly, savor the flavors. Your body needs time to register fullness. Eating is an act of mindflussness, create the time you need. Appreciate the fact that you are able to have a meal on your plate. Be thankful, you are blessed 💕🙏🏻
4. Embrace Volume Eating
Load your plate with low-calorie nutrient-dense foods like leafy greens, cucumbers, carrots, broccoli or else. You can always add veggies to your plate. They are filling and healthy.
Also, choose Potatos over rice and noodles. I will die on that hill. They are low calorie and more than filling and low in calorie.
5. Search Distraction
Hunger can easily just be boredom.
Dive into a book, sketch, take a walk, study, go for a walk, water your plants, chat with friends and family.
Keeps your body and mind busy.
6. Respect Real Hunger
Eating is a blessing. Respect your bodys function and fulfill its needs. The fact that you choose a nutritious meal is the sign of a strong mindset. Dont punish your body with damaging food, such as sweets and sugary liquors, just to satisfy a craving. It deserves the right treatment. Care for your body by eating and that in a healthy, filling way.💗💗💗
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nourishcolourbites · 2 months ago
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n1pp · 3 months ago
Teas For Healing
01. Rosemary Tea
Promotes brain health and increases blood circulation.
02. Hibiscus Tea
High in vitamins and is refreshing.
03. Lemon Balm Tea
Treats beadaches and bas a calming effect.
04. Chamomile Tea
Helps you sleep better and treats stomach aches,
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angel-dustspo · 1 month ago
Daily check in – Day 67!!
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30 minutes Day 2 of Iron series by caroline girvan🧸
Steps: 20 034
Eating (no carb day):
breakfast - yogurt bowl with chia seeds, pecan nuts, an orange and some coconut flakes + ginger tea
lunch - a cucumber, some chicken soup, cottage cheese with hazelnuts, some pistachios
dinner - a cucumber, a chicken breast with ketchup, a lot of coconut and some vanilla protein yogurt for dessert!!
Water intake: 2 liters
Sleep: almost 8 hours
spent 6 hours on forestttt!!
revised some french for the national competition tomorrow !!
read 85 pages (and finished my book:3)
finished my math homework
finished my eng tutoring homework
did my english hw for school too
Screen time: really low
Self care:
Linda Sun all day long <33
used some hyaluronic acid + ate clean for my skin
turmeric face mask + hot ginger tea + soft music + lit candles
Emotion log:
Well my meals sound so much better on paper and I'm glad about it but I have been missing my carbs, chocolate and dessert after every single meal a lot too
Thoughts for tomorrow:
The french national competition is tomorrow and I'm lowkey representing my school so I'm pretty anxious!!!!!
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fitnxsss-xo · 1 year ago
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theglowsociety · 1 month ago
You will never feel truly fulfilled in life by drifting through the wind and seeing where it takes you.
You have to take the time to identify what a successful life means to you and start executing on a game plan to build that life.
So ... What does success look like for you?
Is it fame and influence?
Is it making an impact?
Is it being happy and healthy?
Is it building a strong family or community?
Is it turning your passion into a career?
Is it achieving financial freedom?
Is it building generational wealth?
Whatever it may be...
Understand that your definition of a successful life is completely valid ... but only if it's what you truly believe in your heart.
I believe that success is a decision.
Not a destination.
It's a commitment to showing up every single day to pursue your true potential.
It's working your ass off and stepping outside the limits placed on you by society and the people around you.
It's becoming the absolute best version of yourself possible and continually pushing for more.
It's living up to an extremely high standard and inspiring others to do the same.
...and it's continuing to choose these things consistently over the course of your lifetime.
Your potential is constantly evolving as you do.
Which is why I believe success is the constant pursuit of your own true potential.
So … are you choosing success?
You answer that question every day through your actions.
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foreverrryourssss · 2 months ago
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vskitty · 2 months ago
jan - feb weekly workout schedule
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monday: upper body & core strength
goal: build lean muscle in arms and strengthen core.
warm-up: everyday full body pilates - 10 min
slim arms in 1 week - 10 min
optional: toned arms with dumbbells - 20 min
core: get abs in 2 weeks | abs workout challenge - 10 min
stretch for splits (front splits flexibility routine) - 15 min
how to get a flexible back fast! - 10 min
tuesday: leg flexibility & splits
goal: work towards front and middle splits.
warm-up: everyday full body pilates - 10 min
full body stretch for flexibility - 20 mins
intense hamstring repair yoga routine - 25 mins
wednesday: lower body & glutes
goal: tone legs and grow glutes.
warm-up: everyday full body pilates - 10 min
arms: slim arms in 1 week - 10 min
30-day fat burn: legs & butt shaper - 10 min
or option 2: best at-home booty workout - 20 min
legs: toning ballet legs workout for sculpting, lengthening and strengthening - 25 mins
stretch for splits (front splits flexibility routine) - 15 min
how to get a flexible back fast! - 10 min
thursday: back flexibility & posture
goal: improve back flexibility and posture.
warm-up: everyday full body pilates - 10 min
strength & mobility:
shoulder & back mobility workout - 10 min
fix your posture - 10 min
stretch for splits (front splits flexibility routine) - 15 min
how to get a flexible back fast! - 10 min
optional: deepen your arch | back stretch routine | spinal flexibility - improve posture - 10 min
friday: full body strength & core
goal: engage full body strength, focusing on core and arms.
warm-up: everyday full body pilates - 10 min
ballet back & arms sculpting workout - 10 min
ballet legs & core workout - 20 min
flexibility: full body stretch for flexibility - 20 min
saturday: deep stretch & legs
goal: deepen flexibility, focusing on legs and hips.
warm-up: everyday full body pilates - 10 min
strength: toning ballet legs workout for sculpting, lengthening and strengthening - 25 min
how to get a flexible back fast! - 10 min
get your splits | hip flexibility | splits challenge - 20 min
intense hamstring repair yoga - 25 min
sunday: active recovery / light stretch
goal: relax, relieve tension, and lightly stretch.
active movement: walk or gentle yoga flow - 30–60 min
flexibility: bedtime stretches for relaxation - 10 min
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angels-671 · 1 year ago
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𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓭𝓸 𝓲𝓽
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sheilababi · 11 months ago
want to be held and dealt with gently, softly, tenderly.
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petite-anni · 7 months ago
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go study. We love smart girls 💜☂️
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n1pp · 3 months ago
Sleepy Girl Mocktail (with magnesium)
A Sleepy Girl Mocktail with magnesium — a cute little mocktail drink that's good for your nervous system and your sleep, 40 mins before sleep is best.
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Alternatively, you can go for something more earthy, like chamomile tea — I like mine with a dash of milk.
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angel-dustspo · 2 months ago
Daily check in - Day 53!!
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walked a lot
10 minutes night time yoga by yoga with bird
Steps: 19 371
breakfast - an orange, an apple, some coconut, like 2 carrots + I made myself a green smoothie!! (accidentally put WAY too much ginger tho so it was only half edible) \(ToT)/
lunch - a cucumber, a boiled egg, 3 meatballs, some air fried potatoes with hot sauce + a tangerine, some white chocolate pudding dessert (idk what it is hahah), some protein choc cookie and a bit of tiramisu (it's gonna be gone soon nooooo:(((((( )
dinner - like 2 oranges, some more coconut + made mini pancakes and topped them with berries, banana, honey and chocolate spread :3
Water intake: 2 liters
Sleep: 8 hours
spent 4.5 hours on forest!!
read 110 pages (finished Little women!!)
did my english homework
Learned some new guitar chords (I'm learning how to play Lemon boy by Cavetown atm <3)
Screen time: finally decided to check my notifs after all these days, wasted quite some time having convos I didn't want to have
Self care:
Turmeric face mask + just playing on my computer with my friendsss
Emotion log:
I feel like I am so much better and I'm doing a lot of progress with my recovery, it's like the ed voice isn't even there at all i love this sjsksjjs!!!
Thoughts for tomorrow:
I really wanna make some coffee and eat my pain au chocolat for breakfast!!!
I hope I do well in tutoring tomorrow
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frameconfessions · 3 months ago
I don't think the Technocyte Coda "boys" are the original On-Lyne boys. I think the originals are long dead and these things are cloned from leftover DNA like hairbrushes and things like that (like one of Amir's datamined emails mentions in the mall). We know the Orokin like trying to do longevity experiments and cloning experiments later on in the timeline and if Gregory V is Alad V's ancestor, the motivations would certainly line up.
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#this is what anon is talking about btw for the technocyte coda lore and the on-lyne boys and yeah i completely agree with them#this fully fits the motives and themes of the orokin empire so we seem to be seeing it start to creep it's way into the timeline#perhaps even the hollvania government were the ones who infected the area with techrot AKA the infested to begin with#maybe they had pre-orokin orokin or corpus investors who sponsored this whole thing as a sort of experiment too#let's just be glad Alad isn't as creepy about presumably young women as his ancient ancestor Gregory#he's creepy about warframes instead! xD#this is found in the Höllvania mall btw these emails that Amir got his hands on through hacking some servers or something#a government doing weird drug experiments on people who are on their land? hmmm where have we seen that before? :) hmm indeed#but yeah this whole backplot reeks of orokin involvement and would parallel Alad being super interested in the warframes#once again proving that yes salad v is indeed orokin as Hunhow had stated; it's probably the V family name tbh#wait.... what if the V family were some of the founders of the orokin empire#hmmm lots of food for thought and theory potential here to work with i really hope we see more of the concrete timeline in-universe#mod rose#warframe confession#warframe 1999#warframe#gregory v#alad v#on-lyne#technocyte coda#yknow whatever a concrete timeline means in warframe's eternalism filled universe where things are changing all the time
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