#don't fakeclaim
ur-local-ghost-pal · 14 days
Hey! Able-bodied people who know someone with tics or want to learn more! Pls stop to read this really quick if you can. I'm someone with tourettes and I would like to kindly remind you to not do the following. 1. please for the love of fuck do not give someone who is ticcing (or in general disabled) fake pity looks. You know the ones where you look at us in an almost pitying way, but it isn't really that genuine because you kinda care but it's not effecting you and you can't really bring yourself to care much. Yeah, cut that shit out. 2. if someone's tics cause them to hit themselves, don't get mad when/if they hit you. Most likely it will happen if you are around them a good amount. You can be hurt - obviously tics like that hurt - but if I see you demanding comfort, pity, and apologies angrily from the person ticcing I'm going to stomp you with my cane. Especially if you don't show you care when they are hitting themselves nonstop daily. 3. I shouldn't have to say this but even if the person ticcing doesn't seem overly upset, don't trigger their tics on purpose. Just don't. The person ticcing might not care much but why do you feel the need to? Like, unless explicitly asked for whatever reason, just don't. It's kinda rude, can be dangerous, and you don't have any reason to (again unless asked). 4. please, please, please don't be awkward when someone is complaining about the pain their tics put them in. Don't just stare at them weird after they talk as if they did something wrong or it's so odd that they just expressed any amount of discomfort of their disability. And for the love of goodness do not be rude to them about it or gaslight them. 5. in general you shouldn't do this at all but we're talking about tourettes so here we go. If someone needs a mobility aid due to tics, don't touch it. Don't pick it up without permission or play with it. Don't try to take it as a form of punishment (parents this is for you). don't doubt they need it. Again, don't gaslight them into thinking they don't need it. Don't tell them they're being dramatic. 6. the last one. Do NOT fakeclaim ANYONE. Please. Tics can develop at any age and tourettes is not the only tic disorder. Sure, you can't be diagnosed with tourettes if you developed them after 18, but you can have tics. Tics can be sudden or gradual when developing. If you want to fakeclaim your friend, roommate, family member, or even that rando on the internet. Just shut your mouth. It's not that hard. Most people don't do this so don't feel targeted unless you have done these. If you have done these, just stop. It's not that hard.
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cl0ckworkpuppet · 11 months
on that note, i think there's a lot of merit in talking about the happy, weird, or even silly parts of being a system. because at least for me, being a system can be really, really scary-- especially in the beginning, when i was first discovering that's what was happening, i was terrified. the origin of my system is pretty brutal, something i wouldn't talk about in detail to someone i don't already trust deeply. but we're not defined by our trauma, our plurality just came from it. we're all still people, individuals with our happy moments and our sad moments. i don't think anyone should be defined by the worst things they've experienced, systems included.
and also, when people think of systems, of someone with "multiple personalities", the first things they think of (thanks in huge part to awful media representation) are the scary things, the tragic things, the unrealistically violent things. talking about the day-to-day discoveries and occurrences that are unique to plurality-- yes, even the "cringe" or the "quirky" that make us look like we're "faking it" to someone who doesn't know better-- is incredibly important for breaking the stigma around DID and OSDD. because believe it or not, fun system fact, systems don't go through heartbreaking, life-altering trauma every single day. i know, right?
so before you recoil at someone you think is being "too silly" to be real, ask yourself this: do you know this person/this system's entire life story from the one single post you're seeing? or even from reading their entire public blog? do you know who they are more intimately than they know themselves? is this really about them "faking it", or do you want a reason to dehumanize a person so far that their only visible trait is their trauma?
and even if you are right, and they are faking it, what do you stand to gain from running the risk of denying a system who *is* real of their identity?
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luxlitemidnight · 21 days
me when I want to interact more with osddid spaces to learn more about my suspected OSDD-1a but alas. I can't go three steps without a #endos fuck off in my feed
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thistledown-moved · 2 years
So funny when people make posts like "if you REALLY had [disability here] you wouldn't be ABLE to have a social media account" like god forbid disabled people do anything that isn't lament in total isolation until they are Fixed or until they die.
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richierambles · 8 months
Being serious here.
If anyone who reads this simps for the bowers gang, or likes them, or wants to be their friend, or feels sorry for them, or whatever-the-fuck, get the fuck out of my blog<3
This is me being serious rn, no matter how good of a person you are, if you like those assholes in my eyes that automatically makes you a fucking ass. And before you say sum shit like "but they're fictional characters who cares", I do. I care. 😘
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arsen1cs4ng0 · 3 months
i cant believe i have to say this and i know some people are gonna piss their pants over this, but just know the chipspeech fandom will forever be a system-friendly space, and if you dont like that then you can take your ass elsewhere
systems are stigmatized enough and i dont want any systems here to feel unsafe. if this is how yall are gonna treat systems then it really says a lot about you
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tales-from-sysblr · 7 months
Got fakeclaimed by another CDD system because one of my alters is completely detached from his source, in their words "you wanted to roleplay being [charater] and then go bored so instead of admitting he's fake you just morphed him into a new 'alter', stop faking some people genuinely have mental illnesses" Like how do get so deep into fakeclaiming that you fake claim a system for an objectively health thing they did?
Sometimes I question the intelligence of sysblr..
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syscontroversial · 19 days
Hey, if you're going to fakeclaim endogenic systems, don't use their fucking tags.
Many traumagenics don't want endogenics in their tags, and I fully respect that. Just don't go into theirs. You're giving them the right to go into yours.
It's insanely simple.
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cold--carnage · 8 months
I don't know who I am and what's going on all the time?? I must be faking the "I don't know who I am and what's going on all the time" disorder
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cccat-in-a-meat-sack · 8 months
NPD + DID culture is actively hoping we get posted to r/syscringe or r/fdc because tHE AMOUNT OF SUPPLY THAT WOULD BRING OH MY GOD
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thehealingsystem · 11 months
no way I saw someone say that r/fakedisordercringe has potential.....because instead of going after queer disabled people, they could go after endo systems........ "yeah this subreddit bullies and harasses neurodivergent people and anyone it deems 'cringe,' but it would be better if they went after this specific group of neurodivergent people" have you considered you're part of the problem
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chaos-in-one · 8 months
The amount of posts I have seen over on r/fakedisordercringe that are just "well this person is faking because -literally a perfectly normal & completely possible part of the disorder-!!!" is fucking WILD to me Especially with how often I see people on there claim that the users of the subreddit are "mostly REAL disabled people tired of people faking their disorder"
Like girl if that's true why do so many people on there not seem to have done any sort of research on what normal symptoms of any of these disorders are? 💀
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Finally got a call back from the autism assessment people. And what do you know? They said that insurance wouldn’t cover it so if we want to actually get me in to get tested it’ll be 4,000 US$ out of pocket. My parents said we can’t afford that right now.
This is what we mean when we say diagnosis is a privilege. Because in the US, it literally costs thousands of dollars for them to even look at you. And even if you can afford that, or your insurance will pay for it (most probably won’t), you still have to deal with doctors who have a very narrow view of what autism looks like, both in how it presents itself symptom-wise, and in how the people who have it look physically. If you do not fit the stereotype of Smart, but Socially Awkward White Boy, there is a chance they will reject you outright.
“Diagnosis is a privilege” doesn’t mean that only privileged people get diagnosed, or that your life must have been easy and perfect if you yourself were able to get one. It means that not everyone with certain conditions/disorders/neurodivergencies is able to get diagnosed with them for a variety of reasons that don’t include “they’re faking it”. And that is literally just a fact.
Like, seriously, what do people who think diagnosis isn’t a privilege think getting diagnosed is like? Like, with some disorders it’s much easier. I was diagnosed with depression the first day I saw my first psychiatrist. But most of the disorders they always claim people are faking (autism, adhd, did) are actually very difficult to get diagnosed with just because it takes so long and can often be very expensive. Like, I’ve literally been waiting to get diagnosed for almost half a year. And now they say they won’t even try unless we fork over $4,000. People who are against self-diagnosis are so fucking dense. Like, what do you want me to do? Say I don’t have autism because I couldn’t pay them to check??? Cause only rich people can have autism I guess./s
Knowing that I’m autistic has helped me understand a lot about myself that I didn’t before. It has helped me realize that some of my weak points (not being able to work with vague instructions, being very sensitive to criticism, etc.) have a reason behind them and other people experience them in similar ways. I am autistic. I do not have any doubts about being autistic. And I do not have to prove to strangers on the internet that I am autistic before I get to talk about my experiences with it without being relentlessly scrutinized.
Edit: Been seeing some ppl talk about this phrase in a way I hadn’t before and I want to clarify: getting diagnosed is not always actually good, especially when you’re very young and you don’t get to decide whether you want it or not. What I meant in this post is that access to diagnosis is a privilege. Hope that clears things up if you had questions. This was mainly meant to demonstrate that ppl who are against self-dx need to get their facts straight. I’m not actually here to talk about the privilege aspect very much either (I didn’t realize there was discourse there), but in short: it’s complicated, but it is often a result of some privilege that ppl are able to get diagnosed, especially later in life. I also want to make it clear that it’s very valid to not want a dx. I actually went back and forth on it myself bc of all the fucked up laws and discrimination and stuff. (Which is yet another reason self-dx is valid and sometimes the best option) So yeah. Idk, just wanted to make it clear what I’m trying to say.
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one of the funniest things is checking that there aren't anti endos in our notes and seeing a dni that reads something along the lines of:
- fakeclaimers dni
- endo "systems"/supporters dni
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ironwoodwolves · 4 months
🎵 Been thinking about my kintypes, especially in light of all the stuff going around about voluntary vs involuntary otherkin and therians. Yes, I do think if the identity is something you actively choose all the time, that's a linktype, not a kintype. And that's fine. Otherlinkers are valid and part of our alterhuman community. But if it's something you don't choose - especially if it's just there, ingrained into your identity - whether you originally chose it or not, that's a kintype.
I've been questioning my own kintypes a lot. I'm a Canadian timber wolf, an African golden wolf, a coastal gryphon, and a kiko kitsune. There are vastly varying levels of choice involved in this.
To start with the completely involuntary, kitsune. I'm not just a fox, I am genuinely of the mythical variety. My body type is a big factor here, in that I'm built more like the statues you see outside shrines and I have five tails. I get strong phantom shifts with all of my kintypes and can therefore describe them pretty well. This particular kintype is not just involuntary, but against my will. I don't want to be this. I do not want this. I'm working on accepting it - because it's not going anywhere and ignoring it doesn't work - but I do not want to be this. For a variety of reasons. But I'm stuck with it.
My wolves are... complicated. It took me over 10 years to work out what sort of wolf I was because I thought I was just one. But the weird combination of phantom shifts and exomemories kept me from figuring out which one and I eventually let go of that question until I became active in the community again. I've been questioning them since realizing I'm a system, though. We have a wolf extranth, a coyote extranth, and another wolf therian in the system. I've felt sort of disconnected from my lupine identity because of all that and because of the questioning about whether my wolf theriotypes are real or a result of my sysmates. The timber wolf, which is the largest subspecies of grey wolf, could conceivably be attributed to Seer, who is a fictional - and particularly large - species of grey wolf. Likewise, the golden wolf could be attributed to Coyote Kid, as I did kinsider coyote while trying to figure out my second theriotype. At the end of the day, though, I've been a wolf all my life and it’s the first identity I associated with nonhumanity and therianthropy. It's part of me and part of who I am, even if sometimes I question that.
My gryphon is no less complicated, but for different reasons. When I first awoke as a gryphon, I did not want to be one. I was a wolf and had identified as a wolf therian for several years. And back then polykin were met with intense skepticism and the therian and otherkin communities were fairly separate. You were one or the other, you were not both. And my gryphon definitely fits more into otherkin. Even theriomythic doesn't work, as we weren't feral. But over time I got more comfortable with my gryphon and with being polykin and being both therian and otherkin, though I always (and still do, to an extent) considered myself a therian first. Lately, though, with how much I've been questioning my wolf theriotypes, I've kind of clung to my gryphon. No one else in here is a gryphon or even anything close to one. I've always been a wolf first and a gryphon second, including in internal sense of self, but with everything going on... I appear as a gryphon in headspace. I have a lot of really strong gryphon shifts, too. And I've kind of come to think of myself as a gryphon first and a wolf second. I didn't choose this identity, but I think that both consciously and unconscious I've chosen to make it my primary nonhuman identity.
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syn4k · 4 months
re the system ask game: how does divinity/godhood work in ur headspace? like is their power directly related to what they represent or their followers or is it a fixed static thing irrelevant of everything else or is every divine being equally powerful or something else?
along a similar thread: has anyone ever ascended to divinity from being mortal/has a divine being ever became mortal permenantly?
(if everyone is immortal or smthn yk what i mean by mortal. like not a god or devil or equivalents)
(also sorry if i assumed smthn or said smthn insensitive or wrong im using like fantasy godhood as a framework for ways how ur pantheon could work)
(ofc u dont need to answer or even address anything in this ask u dont wanna talk about/wanna keep private as always :3 )
up here, every god but three have either been created or ascended from mortality!
the three primordial deities (life, death, and fate), who have existed since the start of everything, hold the sole power to appoint gods and their stations. all three aren't required to agree on someone's ascension since fate was asleep for the vast majority of history, instead it's a 2/3rds majority, but yeah.
a deity's power is essentially based on their domain, but a select few of the older ones have collected a large and/or devoted enough following to gain more power in that way.
underneath the primordial gods are the regular gods, and boy howdy are there a lot of them. they're generally grouped into "major" and "minor" categories based on influence, power, and the importance of their domains, but everybody and their mother has different opinions on what exactly constitutes a major or minor deity and theyve been arguing about it since the start of time so i won't get into that right now.
very few gods formed naturally or even semi-naturally! all of the primordial ones did, of course, but there's also a few that by virtue of their domains already kind of half-existed before they were officially dubbed deities: notable examples of these include Time, Nature (specifically relating to the non-human flora and fauna of the Overworld), The Nether, Entropy, Destiny, and the Moon.
(Some notes on the list I just gave: The End and the Void have no god assigned to them due to the nature of their formation and structure. The Sun doesn't have one dedicated god but instead a council of sun gods who all take turns with it. There are regional Sky Gods. There's also an Ocean Queen (formally the Lady of the Waters), but she's not the goddess of the sea because the ocean and all water in general are kind of ungovernable due to other reasons).
The rest of the major gods, however, and all of the minor ones, were either created or were originally mortal and were chosen by Life and Death to ascend to godhood. It's actually fairly common for a mortal to become a champion of one of the more powerful gods and then ascend to minor godhood themselves later after a while of service.
oh yeah! forgot to mention that earlier but champions are a thing up here. basically they're mortals that were granted immortality by their god(s in rare cases) of choice in return for helping said god(s) run their domain and doing their will down on Earth. it's a mutual contract and it usually lasts for a set time or until both parties agree to drop it, in which case the champion is no longer bound to the god's service and continues to age like normal.
a god being stripped of their godhood and becoming mortal again is a rare event, but it does happen sometimes nonetheless. usually this requires a full discussion by the Godly High Council, but in Extremely Rare cases one of the primordial deities has done it alone for emergency reasons, because they have the power to do that. most of the time it's a vote tho.
it's a pretty serious thing though and being stripped of godhood is not the same as retiring from it. (retiring is common amongst gods who were originally human because the vast majority of mortal minds can't handle long-term immortality and that's okay.)
also, in this case, the definition of being immortal up here means that you have respawn enabled just like in minecraft. that's it. those who die permanently are mortal and although not all immortals are gods, all gods are immortal.
i think that should be most of your questions answered? thanks for the ask! :D
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