#don't fakeclaim
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ur-local-ghost-pal · 7 months ago
Hey! Able-bodied people who know someone with tics or want to learn more! Pls stop to read this really quick if you can. I'm someone with tourettes and I would like to kindly remind you to not do the following. 1. please for the love of fuck do not give someone who is ticcing (or in general disabled) fake pity looks. You know the ones where you look at us in an almost pitying way, but it isn't really that genuine because you kinda care but it's not effecting you and you can't really bring yourself to care much. Yeah, cut that shit out. 2. if someone's tics cause them to hit themselves, don't get mad when/if they hit you. Most likely it will happen if you are around them a good amount. You can be hurt - obviously tics like that hurt - but if I see you demanding comfort, pity, and apologies angrily from the person ticcing I'm going to stomp you with my cane. Especially if you don't show you care when they are hitting themselves nonstop daily. 3. I shouldn't have to say this but even if the person ticcing doesn't seem overly upset, don't trigger their tics on purpose. Just don't. The person ticcing might not care much but why do you feel the need to? Like, unless explicitly asked for whatever reason, just don't. It's kinda rude, can be dangerous, and you don't have any reason to (again unless asked). 4. please, please, please don't be awkward when someone is complaining about the pain their tics put them in. Don't just stare at them weird after they talk as if they did something wrong or it's so odd that they just expressed any amount of discomfort of their disability. And for the love of goodness do not be rude to them about it or gaslight them. 5. in general you shouldn't do this at all but we're talking about tourettes so here we go. If someone needs a mobility aid due to tics, don't touch it. Don't pick it up without permission or play with it. Don't try to take it as a form of punishment (parents this is for you). don't doubt they need it. Again, don't gaslight them into thinking they don't need it. Don't tell them they're being dramatic. 6. the last one. Do NOT fakeclaim ANYONE. Please. Tics can develop at any age and tourettes is not the only tic disorder. Sure, you can't be diagnosed with tourettes if you developed them after 18, but you can have tics. Tics can be sudden or gradual when developing. If you want to fakeclaim your friend, roommate, family member, or even that rando on the internet. Just shut your mouth. It's not that hard. Most people don't do this so don't feel targeted unless you have done these. If you have done these, just stop. It's not that hard.
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pluralhottakes · 6 months ago
sometimes pro endos and anti endos should just. chill. interact. don't limit yourself to only interacting with people with morals that are 100% the same as yours. everyone's all "no one is perfect" until the imperfection is that they don't agree with you on something. like no actually flaws aren't just skills people aren't good at, they're also moral things
tl;dr just chatting with people who disagree with you is ok and not everything is about syscourse
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cl0ckworkpuppet · 1 year ago
on that note, i think there's a lot of merit in talking about the happy, weird, or even silly parts of being a system. because at least for me, being a system can be really, really scary-- especially in the beginning, when i was first discovering that's what was happening, i was terrified. the origin of my system is pretty brutal, something i wouldn't talk about in detail to someone i don't already trust deeply. but we're not defined by our trauma, our plurality just came from it. we're all still people, individuals with our happy moments and our sad moments. i don't think anyone should be defined by the worst things they've experienced, systems included.
and also, when people think of systems, of someone with "multiple personalities", the first things they think of (thanks in huge part to awful media representation) are the scary things, the tragic things, the unrealistically violent things. talking about the day-to-day discoveries and occurrences that are unique to plurality-- yes, even the "cringe" or the "quirky" that make us look like we're "faking it" to someone who doesn't know better-- is incredibly important for breaking the stigma around DID and OSDD. because believe it or not, fun system fact, systems don't go through heartbreaking, life-altering trauma every single day. i know, right?
so before you recoil at someone you think is being "too silly" to be real, ask yourself this: do you know this person/this system's entire life story from the one single post you're seeing? or even from reading their entire public blog? do you know who they are more intimately than they know themselves? is this really about them "faking it", or do you want a reason to dehumanize a person so far that their only visible trait is their trauma?
and even if you are right, and they are faking it, what do you stand to gain from running the risk of denying a system who *is* real of their identity?
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interstellar-cluster · 3 months ago
Firstly, trigger warning for fake claiming and other potentially triggering things!
We did this on our therian page but I wanted to do a similar thing to, mostly just for shits n giggles and let go of some bad thoughts 🫶
So here’s a list of things we’ve been fakeclaimed for and/or things that we think that we could be fake claimed for!
Feel free to reblog with your own things that have been fakeclaimed for, try to keep it light hearted and silly! This is to kind of hate on sysmeds because honestly they’re silly too and I think we should reclaim some of these things!
Here we go:
- 100+ headmates
- Almost half of us are fictives
- We have "problematic" fictives
- We have fictives who split very soon after the source was created (days to weeks)
- We track our headmates extremely well
- We have pretty good communication
- We have a lot of fragments who aren't developed much, if at all, and generally just exist as a name in our Simply Plural
- Our structure suggests that we're polyfragmented despite not being a disordered system
- We have extreme trauma resulting in C-PTSD and DPDR, but not a CDD
- We are trauma-endo
- We purposefully formed a lot of our headmates
- Our headmates form to cope with trauma, but we still aren't a disordered system
- We prefer the term "headmates" over "alters"
- We support tulpamancy, the related terms, and practice it (the Westernized concept)
- We have "problematic" fictives who identify as the character entirely except the "problematic" parts (or partially so), such as our Jimmy fictive
- We have headmates who are in insys relationships, especially polyamorous insys relationships
- A lot of these relationships are fanon ships or "problematic" ships (like Simon Riley and John MacTavish, or Jimmy, Curly and Anya)
- Some of us talk to ai bots of characters that we have fictives of on platforms like Chai and Character AI
- Almost every time we find a new comfort character and begin talking to them on AI bots, they end up forming
- We have social media accounts dedicated to our plurality
- We don't switch and headmates communicate through the host
- We don't care how other people identify (rq-apathetic etc) because we believe identity labels themselves can't hurt people
- We believe sysmeds and anti-endos are not valid in any way until they change their opinions about the matter
- We have non-human headmates
- Some of us are age and/or pet regressors
- Some of us are alterhuman or otherkin
- We roleplay a lot and use it as a way to help fragmented fictives develop their personality by letting them roleplay as themselves
- We have aphantasia so we find it difficult to visualise a headspace, but we still design it by drawing it
- We can dissociate on command
- We can create dissociative barriers between headmates on purpose to protect others or keep secrets (this also occurs with the AI bots of fictives thing), although this is almost always consensual unless it's something extreme
- We have quite a few headmates that fall under the stereotype of the "evil alter" and fully embrace that (or are actively recovering)
- We often sign off messages and use Plural Kit on a daily basis
- We have trauma from syscource and sysmeds/anti-endos
Yeah thats pretty much all I can think of right now. We'll probably update this as time goes on because we honestly think it's funny seeing what people can come up with to fakeclaim us. Also we'd love to see if we'll end up on fakeclaiming pages like systemscringe or fdc because that would only prove our point that sysmeds and medicalists in general care entirely too much about the lives and experiences of people they don't know.
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mewos-laptop · 3 months ago
Btw fuck anyone who has EVER fakeclaimed ANYONE bc of bullshit posting on the internet. You're not anyone's doctor, you're not anyone's therapist, and you don't know jack shit about anyone.
The internet is a safe space for many mentally ill and disabled folks, especially young people. Obviously, there ARE better coping mechanisms, and posting personal details of your mental health and disabilities comes at a risk, but *sometimes people don't have anywhere else outside of the internet to talk to anyone about their struggles.*
Just because someone posts online about their mental health and disabilities doesn't mean they're giving you a free pass to be a dick to them and try to tell them what they do and don't have. They don't owe you anything, much less teens who are coping with the shit they're going through the best they can in this moment.
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luxlitemidnight · 7 months ago
me when I want to interact more with osddid spaces to learn more about my suspected OSDD-1a but alas. I can't go three steps without a #endos fuck off in my feed
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spookyspeks · 5 months ago
If a mobility aid user makes a personal decision to do something that might not be best for them physically, like not using their aid for something or doing something that might be strenuous just because we want to do the thing, don't start fucking telling us what to do or infantalising us.
A lot of us know our limits and know what we can handle. Maybe we want to make our own personal decisions about what we want to do. Maybe I want to go without my cane on a night out, maybe a wheelchair user wants to go for a walk, maybe we want to wear heels or platforms or go for a run.
If an abled bodied person wants to do things that aren't great for their body or health, that is their choice! Don't fucking hold disabled people to a different standard! We all have different limits and we all have different things we want to do.
It does not mean we're faking being disabled, it does not make us victims of expectations. Maybe sometimes we want to fucking do shit, it's our decision and our responsibility
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carnage-cathedral · 5 days ago
Maybe people with DID wouldn’t get such a bad rep all the time if people like you didn’t fucking fake it and use it as a crutch to trauma dump on everyone around them.
At least I don’t have to fake my diagnosis in order to be taken seriously.
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brokenmirrorssystem · 3 months ago
Currently torn between info dumping abt our system online but also not wanting to share anything because it's kind of personal?
*dramatic sigh*
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richierambles · 1 year ago
Being serious here.
If anyone who reads this simps for the bowers gang, or likes them, or wants to be their friend, or feels sorry for them, or whatever-the-fuck, get the fuck out of my blog<3
This is me being serious rn, no matter how good of a person you are, if you like those assholes in my eyes that automatically makes you a fucking ass. And before you say sum shit like "but they're fictional characters who cares", I do. I care. 😘
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arsen1cs4ng0 · 9 months ago
i cant believe i have to say this and i know some people are gonna piss their pants over this, but just know the chipspeech fandom will forever be a system-friendly space, and if you dont like that then you can take your ass elsewhere
systems are stigmatized enough and i dont want any systems here to feel unsafe. if this is how yall are gonna treat systems then it really says a lot about you
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pluralhottakes · 5 months ago
Systemscringe: We hate endogenic systems because they're faking a disorder!
Also Systemscringe: *Fakes having an entire traumatic experience to bait people*
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tales-from-sysblr · 1 year ago
Got fakeclaimed by another CDD system because one of my alters is completely detached from his source, in their words "you wanted to roleplay being [charater] and then go bored so instead of admitting he's fake you just morphed him into a new 'alter', stop faking some people genuinely have mental illnesses" Like how do get so deep into fakeclaiming that you fake claim a system for an objectively health thing they did?
Sometimes I question the intelligence of sysblr..
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self-dx-culture-is · 6 months ago
Self dx culture is KNOWING you have autism, having a younger sister who just got diagnosed, and a brother who was tested and was almost diagnosed but didn't meet all of the requirements, but still being scared to tell people you're even thinking about seeking a diagnosis because you don't want them to think you're faking.
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cccat-in-a-meat-sack · 1 year ago
NPD + DID culture is actively hoping we get posted to r/syscringe or r/fdc because tHE AMOUNT OF SUPPLY THAT WOULD BRING OH MY GOD
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acespoliticalwaffles · 2 years ago
Finally got a call back from the autism assessment people. And what do you know? They said that insurance wouldn’t cover it so if we want to actually get me in to get tested it’ll be 4,000 US$ out of pocket. My parents said we can’t afford that right now.
This is what we mean when we say diagnosis is a privilege. Because in the US, it literally costs thousands of dollars for them to even look at you. And even if you can afford that, or your insurance will pay for it (most probably won’t), you still have to deal with doctors who have a very narrow view of what autism looks like, both in how it presents itself symptom-wise, and in how the people who have it look physically. If you do not fit the stereotype of Smart, but Socially Awkward White Boy, there is a chance they will reject you outright.
“Diagnosis is a privilege” doesn’t mean that only privileged people get diagnosed, or that your life must have been easy and perfect if you yourself were able to get one. It means that not everyone with certain conditions/disorders/neurodivergencies is able to get diagnosed with them for a variety of reasons that don’t include “they’re faking it”. And that is literally just a fact.
Like, seriously, what do people who think diagnosis isn’t a privilege think getting diagnosed is like? Like, with some disorders it’s much easier. I was diagnosed with depression the first day I saw my first psychiatrist. But most of the disorders they always claim people are faking (autism, adhd, did) are actually very difficult to get diagnosed with just because it takes so long and can often be very expensive. Like, I’ve literally been waiting to get diagnosed for almost half a year. And now they say they won’t even try unless we fork over $4,000. People who are against self-diagnosis are so fucking dense. Like, what do you want me to do? Say I don’t have autism because I couldn’t pay them to check??? Cause only rich people can have autism I guess./s
Knowing that I’m autistic has helped me understand a lot about myself that I didn’t before. It has helped me realize that some of my weak points (not being able to work with vague instructions, being very sensitive to criticism, etc.) have a reason behind them and other people experience them in similar ways. I am autistic. I do not have any doubts about being autistic. And I do not have to prove to strangers on the internet that I am autistic before I get to talk about my experiences with it without being relentlessly scrutinized.
Edit: Been seeing some ppl talk about this phrase in a way I hadn’t before and I want to clarify: getting diagnosed is not always actually good, especially when you’re very young and you don’t get to decide whether you want it or not. What I meant in this post is that access to diagnosis is a privilege. Hope that clears things up if you had questions. This was mainly meant to demonstrate that ppl who are against self-dx need to get their facts straight. I’m not actually here to talk about the privilege aspect very much either (I didn’t realize there was discourse there), but in short: it’s complicated, but it is often a result of some privilege that ppl are able to get diagnosed, especially later in life. I also want to make it clear that it’s very valid to not want a dx. I actually went back and forth on it myself bc of all the fucked up laws and discrimination and stuff. (Which is yet another reason self-dx is valid and sometimes the best option) So yeah. Idk, just wanted to make it clear what I’m trying to say.
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