Do You Even Clone, Bro?
The ethical implications of cloning and genetic engineering has a role that appears in the reasoning behind why the practice of cloning is being performed. There are pros and cons to cloning and genetic engineering. Some being it could be good to experiment with the science, but there are a lot of effects that could occur once the cloning was performed. For example, the cloned person could look and have the same DNA as the person that was cloned, but it might not act the same or have the same well-being. Additionally, with genetic engineering, it could lead to birth defects on the human being's health in the future. Cloning can also lead to creating a divide in the world between cloned people and the average human, because of the way it was made and how it will be throughout its life.
The practice of both cloning and genetic engineering takes a huge responsibility and a well thought out plan throughout the whole process of the human’s life. This can be taught through the story of Frankenstein and how he truly wanted to prove that he was smart enough to create something that was basically super-human and had many skills. However, once the creature actually came to life, Victor hated it and abandoned it causing the creature to act out. The same thing could happen with cloning or genetic engineering, if the scientist isn’t willing to take the full responsibilities of the experiment should not be done. Furthermore, scientists can not fully predict how the clone’s body will respond and act to the experiment. Overall, I do not believe that scientists should pursue the task of cloning and genetic engineering because there are several negative effects it could have on society.
Word count: 291
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Ethics is the moral principles that direct how people behave in certain scenarios. Ethics plays a big role in many situations, specifically ethics has a big role in the practice of designer babies. There are several reasons behind why a person would support the designer baby project other than just for the practice and research of DNA. It could be from the worry of a parent, who wants their child to be healthy and possibly be prevented from disease; so if they have the choice to possibly change that then they would. However, there is another side to the people who support this idea; which is the people who do this to make their children more athletic, change the appearance of the child, as well as boosting the intelligence of the child. 
I understand the reasoning behind the prevention of health issues, which would be the only reason why I would take part in the designer baby practice. I don’t necessarily agree with this procedure when it comes to the cosmetic intention of doing the experiment. I believe this knowledge and technology could be dangerous because there is obviously a disagreement that could escalate and get out of hand due to this practice. Additionally, this experiment could begin to be used for the wrong cause, such as an experiment gone wrong and the scientists having to throw away and lose an embryo that could’ve become a child.The technology of designer babies can become a dangerous task, and it could cause perfectly fine human beings and possibly lead to worse effects on them in their life as well. Even though this technology could be beneficial for certain people, it does not mean it should always be used. 
Word Count: 285
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Ethical Dilemma
Victor might have a hard time deciding whether or not he should create a girl companion, because there could be many possibilities and things that might go wrong with it. The girl creature could become a monster and go on a killing spree like the original creature began to do. The girl creature could also be unaccepted and cast away just like the other creature. However, the problem with not making the new creature would be that the creature acts out of anger and does bad things. Along with making the original creature feel even more lonely and sad, also possibly causing it to lash out in anger. In comparison with Victor's side, there is the creature's side. The creature wants a girl companion to keep him company since there is no one that accepts him. The new creature could be a safe place and good way for both creatures to feel welcome and be with someone who has something in common.
Overall, I think that Victor should create a girl companion for the creature because it would help the creature’s behavior. The only reason why the problems Victor thought of while making his decision might come up, is because of him. It is Victor's fault the creature has acted out. If Victor would have accepted the creature, it might have never thought of asking for a girl companion, because it would have already felt welcome and accepted. 
Word Count: 238
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The Dark Side
From the start of the creature's life, he was immediately met with hatred. The creature had no experience of life, and the one person that could have taught him the way of life hated him. He then runs away and has no intent of hurting anyone; the creature tries to get the attention of Victor, but fails. So the creature runs away and tries to insert himself into society, but everytime he tries, the creature is casted away with disgust. I think the turning point for the creature is when he  finds a family that indirectly teaches him how to live and speak, but then they discover him and beat him. The creature was so heartbroken and angry by this because he felt like he had finally found a place that felt safe and helpful. After being heartbroken he makes the decision of becoming the monster everyone accuses him of being. After reading about the creature's story, I do feel sympathy for him. I believe that he never got a chance to be taught how to live and deal with his emotions. So, he had no other choice but to become the monster everyone was calling him, because no one would help him. 
Word Count: 203
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Role of Parents
The role a parent has in their child’s life is huge. Victor’s role as his new creation’s creator should also play a big part in its new life. Victor has a new responsibility now that he has created his new being. He has to watch over it and teach it the right ways of living. I think that Victor was very set on his creation, that he would never create it just to destroy it not knowing what the  outcome of it would be. So, I  think that Victor should have nurtured his creation and be a father figure to it, instead of making it and then not knowing what to do with it.
The creature was obviously different from the rest of society, so it would have been very difficult to integrate the creature into the world rather than just isolating it. Although, I do believe keeping the creature in isolation could lead to outbursts or loneliness. Along with this, isolation might spark curiosity, causing the creature to want to see the outside world anyway. I think Victor is the main person, if not only, person to blame. He  abandoned the creature right as it awakened, not giving it a chance to learn, nor be helped with its new life. It is also Victor’s fault because he wasn’t looking after the creature as soon as it woke up, causing it to be on loose and become a murderer.
Word Count: 234
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Tabula Rasa
Tabula Rasa is latin for “blank slate,” along with being a concept that was formed in the 17th century. It means that people were born blank and throughout our lives and experiences is when we gain our knowledge. When babies are born, they obviously have a lot of things in life to learn as they grow. I also believe that babies already have a personality made from the parent’s character that is hardwired into them. Which is why nature and nurture come into play when talking about someone's character. I think nature and nurture both provide an equal role into someone's personality. As I said before, I believe babies are sort of born with a “pre-made” personality that reflects some of the parent’s qualities.
Additionally, I believe as humans grow they grow from their experiences of life which also shapes them into who they are. When it comes to the parents, I think people should have both a mothering and an assertive figure; whether that be two people or one. A mothering figure is filled with compassion and caring which is what people need when they receive a tough and truthful figure, which I believe is also needed. I think both types of figures prepare people for the world.
Involving nurture into a child’s life is something that can happen through the parents by pushing their kids to try new things, but experiences should also happen naturally. I think parents should love their children no matter what and show them what that looks like, but also shouldn’t keep them away from the real world. Parent’s have to play a big part into their cold life, to provide everything someone might need, whether that’s physical or emotional.
Word Count: 290
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