#disasociative identity disorder
tf2tism · 4 months
I go from "What I didn't like that, I've never even seen this post???" To "Oh yeaaaah I have DID..." Too many times a day lol
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mixtapesystem · 7 months
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°☆▪︎ Welcome To Our Blog▪︎☆°
We are The MixTape System, A DID System of so far known 17 members. We have AUDHD, MDD, BPD, GAD, and C-PTSD. We are an lgbtqia+ heavy system.
We're making this Tumblr to share our expirences as a system and better our communication within our system and to open communication in general as a system in being a system. This may include : vents, positivity in systemhood or life, our expirences with DID, etc.
- This blog is an 18+ Tumblr page. Absolutely no minors.
- We don't tolerate gatekeeping within the community either as all expirences should be valid. We try to stay nuetral within the community. Though we do believe some sort of trauma is needed to be a system.
- no transphobes, homophobes, racists, zoophiles, proshippers , etc
- feel free to DM, Send Asks, Friend Request
Thank you for taking the time to read about us and our blog!
- The Mixtape System { 📼 }
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harleyshellhole · 1 year
You know what. Fuck it Those that will care can leave anyway It's the day for it. And I'm a fucking system too Working on diagnosis but I know what I'm struggling with I'll keep most of it to myself and I guess to the other's accounts But we are System Umbra and damn proud of it.
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shinyasahalo · 2 years
Ml leak/theory about Lila.
I read a theory that the reason Lila lies and has multiple identities is Disasociative Personality Disorder or Multiple Personality Disorder, and I REALLY hope that's not canon.
They have not given Adrien's emotional abuse the nuance it needs, and unlike Lila he gets a lot of screen time.
I don't think they would take the time to establish that she is evil DESPITE her mental disorder and NOT BECAUSE OF IT.
They show Marinette with PTSD but not Adrien.
They can build off the established fact that she was lonely at home to explain why she would want more than one family. If her bio family won't give her attention, then she'll spend time with a different family.
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vtuber-boostin · 9 months
Hiyooo!! We are the Peria System, a group of Disasociative Identity Disorder(DID) alters. There is Percy(he/him), the birb god; Kera(she/her), the ??? mercenary; and D, the mimicry king. We love to answer questions so please feel free to ask any and all!
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crow-gang · 4 years
Im losing it. Look at this lil friend!!! I love these things. - Moonshine 🍄🍄🍄
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Hey got a kh fic au for y’all.
Modern au
Sora lives his whole life thinking he’s got DID
His alters are Vanitas, Roxas, and Ventus
They occasionally come out and use the body, and Sora is mostly back inside his ‘heart space’ though sometimes he is co-con
Sometimes they are just missing time/memories though that they just can’t account for, other times they seem to live out very real lives based on their memories that seem to have nothing to do with the system’s ‘real life’
So all of his family and friends are familiar with everyone in the Lonely Hearts system.
Obviously all of them have their own memories and feelings and whatnot but everyone is sure that the 4 of them just share a body
And then one day Sora is out with Riku and Kairi and he just stops and stares
Someone is standing across the way looking into a store window - someone ridiculously familiar
Sora just turns to his friends and says, ‘are you seeing this? Am I hallucinating?’ And obviously they’re both like ‘what the heck are you talking about?’
And Sora just walks over and taps the guy on the shoulder, Riku and Kairi right behind him
And then flesh and blood Vanitas is right in front of him.
They’re both just staring at each other, obviously getting more and more freaked out about who’s in front of them
“Is this some kind of joke?!” Vanitas’ voice is at best strangled and at worst a squeak. Sora finally finds his voice
“Vanitas?” And both of his friends finally figure out what is going on - and looking at him, sure, it’s clear this new guy looks exactly like how Vanitas dresses when he’s fronting.
Long story short it turns out Vanitas is real and has been living his whole life thinking Sora was one the alters from *his* system.
This means that the lives that Sora thinks he dreams up in his heart space are him using other people’s bodies in the real world - living out their lives too
And then all at once a realization. If they’re both physical people, that probably means Roxas and Ventus are too.
They exchange phone numbers and set out to track down the other 2.
Sora ends up finding Ventus first. He shows up at his address and knocks on the door. Aqua answers and gets kind of a funny look on her face, this kid seems really familiar.
And then he reintroduces himself as Sora - making her just freeze for a moment. She *does* know him. She knows him and is good friends, always a bit goofy but a nice kid, she just doesn’t know him in this body
(Ventus had tried to describe his alters to Terra once, and he managed to draw them pretty accurately. Comparing one of these sketches to Sora pretty much cements who Sora is in Aqua’s mind)
So Aqua lets Sora in to go talk to Ventus, and a minor freak out occurs via Ven when he realizes what’s going on. They even video call Vanitas for a bit - who’s just irritated that Sora beat him.
(Vanitas has got a job that he can’t usually get out of so he’s kind of limited in travel)
“Wait does that mean I have a twin too??”
So they split again and Ven calls dibs on meeting Roxas first.
Shows up in Roxas’s home town, not really sure where he is, but not feeling remotely lost because he’s lived out this life too.
So he runs into Hayner and Pence and they obviously just think it’s Ventus fronting because they look exactly the same - they can’t tell the difference and Ven obviously knows them already
So he’s like, when did you last see Roxas out? And they’re ‘oh I think I last saw him at your house’ - and he’s just like thx bye see ya
(By this time, Sora has managed to make it down too)
So Ven and Sora show up at Roxas’ house and knock on the door, Roxas’s mom answers and is just like ‘oh did you forget your key? I thought you’d come home already. Who’s this?’
‘Oh this is my friends he’s just over for a few minutes’
And then they walk a few feet into door and just yell all at once
“ROXAS!” And Roxas’s mom startles and slams the door.
And they hear Rox fall on his face upstairs and stumble downstairs looking half asleep.
And Rox’s mom is a little very much freaked out by this point
And Roxas is just staring at Ven and Sora, who are both grinning maniacally, and he just slowly reaches over to pinch himself.
“I’m asleep right? I knew I shouldn’t have gotten out of bed”
And then they all tell everybody what happened and they all become reluctant (on Vanitas’s side) friends/brothers. And they all visit everyone else all the time bc obviously everyone is already friends with everybody
The end
Idk I had some thoughts and wanted to write it down but here you go
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meadowsystem · 4 years
My name's Rose, I'm the host of this system.
I'm twenty-three yrs old, and about five foot seven. My style is girly, dresses and body suits have become my favourite clothing.
I train service dogs. I'm also a licensed hairstylist where I live.
Cleo my service dog is pretty awesome. She is a multipurpose service dog in training and the center of my world.
Some of Cleo's favourite things are peanutbutter, working, her wife Beans and pajamas.
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cliffdm · 3 years
A challenge. For those seeking to prove their mettle or simply bored. 3 identities, 3 forms, 1 average height slenderman-like physique, androgynous, 2 taller than average, think hellboy/minotaur, 3 incredibly petite, feline and more feminine.
All with the same grey/green eyes.
Dm for more details if you feel they're needed.
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kittens-and-pills · 5 years
Anyone else with DID start getting really into a new show or something and you really connect with a character then you notice your mannerisms become more like theirs and your just like
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Because you know what your brain is doing. Then you notice your personality shift a small bit to be more like theres and it's like
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We don't need another, thank you!
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cody-creatio · 4 years
Dark Shadow and DID
Trigger warning: discussion of trauma and Disassociative Identiy Disorder (DID)
Quirks are know to act based on the mental state of the user (ie. losing control when someone is distressed) so is it possible for a quirk to develop based on the users mental state as well?
Take for example if a child is experiencing repeated trauma at a young age, is it possible for a quirk to develop to help cope with that trauma. Specifically is it possible for a quirk to develop in the same way as/along side Disasociave Identity Disorder?
Fumikage Tokoyami has a rare emitter type quirk called Dark Shadow that grants the him a shadow-like being within his body, but what makes his quirk so unique is that Dark Shadow has his own  conscience. While for me it’s hard to imagine how genetic mutations alone could produce creatures both connected and disconnected to the user, I think it is possible that genetic mutations and early repeated trauma could mix to create a creature (in this case Dark Shadow) to help the user cope with their trauma and experiences the same way alters are created for people with DID.
While I don’t want to idolize DID or trauma in any way or to cast any unwanted light on fictional characters, I am hoping that someone out there can see this and think that it is empowering that Tokoyami and Dark shadow have potentially transformed their trauma into a means to protect others and to be a hero. That they could be someone who shares experiences with you and can be a role model for not letting horrible experiences control your life and to turn it into something better for yourselves and others.
If this offends anyone please let me know and I can delete/revise this post immediately, it is not my intent to harm anyone or any community in any way.
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frnkieroismydaddy · 5 years
The best things my alters said during CPR training
You can't choke if you're dead
I like to call this position the dead rockstar
What if I like being choked?
I don't consent to my child not dying
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scars-pills-pain · 5 years
Do you ever just feel uncomfortable with everything? Laying in bed I’m uncomfortable going out I’m uncomfortable. I’m uncomfortable with my thoughts my feelings. Uncomfortable with being around people I’ve always been around. I don’t know how to handle it anymore. I feel like I prisoner in this uncomfortable feeling not matter what I do.
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spookybunnytrauma · 4 years
I don’t know if I have osdd or did and I’m so confused and upset and I feel so alone someone please help me understand, I have a call soon with professionals but i need someone to help me now please
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Trisha Paytas is Disgusting
I’ve been watching the drama go down on YouTube and I just have to say on behalf of my friends and followers with DID that I think what Trisha has done is absolutely despicable. Over the years I thought she was uneducated, self-righteous, annoying, and hypocritical and any number of other unflattering things and I wish she would get off the Internet. But this has really gone over the edge.
And her ex is so hurt because it's clear Trisha is acting and with her actions make a mockery of something very serious and also blaming bad behavior on alters which is sooo not the move because alters aren't evil and the mental health community is trying to debunk that idea to this day.
I’m not sure how someone like Encina Severa ended up with someone like Trisha as she’s clearly a way better person, but I’m deeply sorry for her. And for everyone affected by this misinformation.
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enbycourse · 5 years
Disorders are a reason, not an excuse
You cannot excuse someone’s rude behavior just because they have a disorder. If someone suddenly starts flipping out and yelling at your or someone else, a problem they have can explain why they acted like that. It’s a reason for their behavior. However, it’s not an excuse. They should still face consequences for their actions whether they had control over themselves in the moment or not. They still need to sincerely apologize and fix what they did.
A freshman in my band is special needs. Not sure what he has but I’m pretty sure I’ve heard people say it’s autism. He’s not very liked. But it’s not because he has a problem, it’s because of how rudely he acts. Him being special needs doesn’t excuse him walking up to several members of the band and calling them obese. Maybe it could explain why he would do that, but he still needs to own up, apologize, and face consequences. It doesn’t excuse him calling several members obese, making several homophobic/transphobic remarks, and pretending to shoot people frequently.
However, most people choose to ignore the more harmless actions of his that are likely a result of him being special needs. During class he tends to curl up into a ball or slouch over. We don’t consider this a problem unless it’s in a setting where we needs to be professional and maintain posture. We don’t say anything when he’s whistling as long as it’s not while someone is trying to speak or again, in a setting where we need to be professional and keep quiet. Those are harmless acts and it’s allowed in moments where it’s appropriate.
So yea. Harmless actions that are a result of a mental health problem or a developmental disorder can be excused, but actions can only be explained. You can’t use those problems to get away with being an asshole. If you flip out on someone during an episode you need to apologize.
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