#cptsd therapy
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oceangemstone · 2 months ago
therapy resources / schema therapy / dbt/dialectical behaviour therapy / internal family systems / meditation / c-ptsd etc. resources
this is a link to my personal google drive, it has lots of dbt stuff, some random other resources that either i or my friends have found helpful incl. DID/OSDD/dissociation resources, & some handouts from a personality disorder program i did (was aimed at pplwbpd officially but the staff all refer to it as the "personality disorder clinic", fwiw)
bunch of other stuff under the cut including video content if that's more your thing
DBT stuff
this subreddit is a wonderful community, usually helpful with questions & has some resources linked also:
https://www.reddit.com/r/dbtselfhelp/ https://dbtselfhelp.com/
TIPP skills (from dbt/distress tolerance unit but deserves distinction. biochemical benefit > psychological benefit. at least for me)
https://manhattancbt.com/dbt-tipp-skills/ https://in.nau.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/202/TIP-Skills.pdf
also emotional freedom tapping / eft (not a tipp skill iirc but it should be, one of the few things that kinda works for me)
"client's guide to schema therapy"
(the website name is very questionable but i can't find the pdf for free anywhere else orz. this is a good starting point for schema therapy tho. sorry y'all. i will steal it for my google drive when i have time)
^THAT LINK stuff is not free!!! BUT you can find a lot of them with this google search:
[title of worksheet/handout] -site:psychologytools.*
ex. i search the following: "unhelpful thinking styles" -site:positivepsychology.* ...and this pops up, tadaaaa:
(i'm just linking the paid site because i cant find them gathered like that anywhere else… dont have time to search each one individually rn lol. maybe another day)
free stuff:
https://positive.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Schemas-Needs-and-Modes-Reference-Sheet.pdf (overview) https://bmcpsychology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40359-020-0392-y/tables/1 (more detailed info on each schema) http://www.schematherapy.com/id72.htm (more info on modes) https://positivepsychology.com/schema-therapy-worksheets/ (a few worksheets linked on that page)
if video content is more your thing:
interpersonal effectiveness extras: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwPrhSDQ0V_tBg36U3wWZpLopxJBurSsq
"middle path" skills: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwPrhSDQ0V_uB2e7Y570ihYBEYd7dK9Sv
"radically open" skills: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwPrhSDQ0V_udTjVVHhz5e1wzOSDyVeN2
DBT expanded edition: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwPrhSDQ0V_vjlYkkflUDRmfhw_hM13M-
more DBT, videos by Dr. Thomas R. Lynch: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkKKzTWUSjRhnRr5Pe2GMA7VDg_E8wBcm
DBT skills animations:
Patrick Teahan channel:
(great channel run by a mental health practitioner who has experienced childhood trauma, he gets it. check out the playlists tab. he also has some free resources/worksheets on his website which is linked on his channel iirc)
attachment styles playlist by Jennifer May, Ph.D: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwPrhSDQ0V_smHuEjj2CxW4u7J_FozLlS
Crappy Childhood Fairy channel: https://www.youtube.com/@CrappyChildhoodFairy/playlists
(cptsd content mostly, haven't watched much of her stuff but i liked what i did see. she isn't certified but she is someone who experienced childhood trauma as well).
healing cptsd (small channel, few videos but good info iirc): https://www.youtube.com/@healingfromcomplexptsd2767
(i cannot recommend her channel enough… i don't watch her longer videos/seminar(?) stuff but her meditation videos are like. actually helpful lol? i find a lot of that stuff not helpful at all but something about her is very calming and open and grounding. love her)
Rachel Richards massage channel:
(she has some great videos for somatic symptoms... some playlists focus on anxiety relief, breathing/relaxation, posture/mobility, sleep, etc.)
Dr Daniel Fox channel:
(cw: ableism/ableist language toward cluster b's is present on this channel, he just has a LOT of videos so i include the link... like if youre looking for something specific to do with pd traits, there's a good chance you can find SOMETHING here. *i have mixed cluster b traits incl. the more demonized ones disclaimer*. but yeah steer clear if that bothers you)
Struthless channel:
(mostly adhd/exec dysfunction/motivational advice stuff but i find his videos like actually kinda inspiring/motivating so i'm including it here since not a lot of stuff... feels motivating to me at all ever. but i never regret clicking on his vids! good motivational speaker lol)
that's all i can think of rn please lmk if any of the links are broken or like... if you have a question u think i can help w ^-^
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nothing0fnothing · 2 years ago
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being like this and living with someone who doesn't understand is so hard.
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the-io-collective · 1 month ago
whatup, it's the designated tired wine mom of the system (ace) here writing about grounding skills in case it helps everyone. and i'm not just gonna tell you "take a deep breath." this is the real shit that works for our system. note this is from the perspective of an OSDD system, but anyone can use these tricks since dissociation's widespread across trauma and MH disorders.
also we've got like, 70% of a psych degree so i may know what im talkin about
what i'm doing right now: use your fine motor skills. i am quite literally typing this to ground us. learned this one from our therapist. engaging your peripheral motor neurons forces the CNS (central nervous system) to actually engage with the body and like. put you in it.
further on that, ENGAGE YOUR SENSORY SYSTEMS. i'm a massive fan of scented candles for this. just make sure you aren't picking a scent that's tied to a trauma
if you can, pet an animal. hold a cat. they're great for this.
further on that, soft things in general. fidgets. nuanced textures that you can interact with (case in point, i'm typing this like a maniac rn)
learned this one from a friend ( @spacefall-system , cheers mate) consume some sour sweets. shocks u into 'oh fuck i'm here.' also some science shows it can trigger the parasympathetic nervous system, which is essentially the "calm tf down" part.
get your shoes off and put your feet on the ground. physically feel what that feels like.
i am currently chugging oversteeped tea bc the bitterness is keeping me grounded. also the mug is warm, which reminds me that i'm controlling my hands and i'm holding it.
hold ice cubes.
physically rub your arms and legs, like you're trying to warm them up.
if i were to suggest anything, i'd make it a convo with your system. leave a journal page open. figure out what grounds everyone. some littles may like a specific stuffie. i know i prefer tastes and scents to ground. everyone's different.
on top of all this, though, be gentle with yourself. grounding ain't the same as forcing yourself to stay in front. our therapist is real clear on that one. switches happen with CDDs. grounding is an important skill to have, but don't get all mad at yourself if you're dissociating. that's literally how this works.
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betweenthenotes · 11 months ago
Its gonna be okay just remember that no matter what your trauma is, someone’s made a spotify playlist for it
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eclecticopposition · 2 years ago
seeing personality disorder discussion on the dashboard. the impulse to share all the self-therapy books and tools we have has never been stronger
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nothing0fnothing · 1 year ago
hey I have some lived experience personal care advice I had to learn the hard way in my adulthood after growing up with abusive neglectful narcissistic parents. Maybe it will help someone else.
The most important room in your house to be clean is your kitchen. If you only have a few spoons and a whole house of mess, spend them on getting your kitchen clean, hygienic and tidy enough to be usable.
spending money on things that last longer or work better isn't a waste of money. You don't have to use the cheapest of everything because spending is bad work out what YOU think is worth splurging on.
Always buy the best shoes you can afford. Taking care of your feet is so important for your health. If you're afab the same goes for underwear, buying one pack of good quality, good fitting cotton breathable underwear will save you so much money on feminine care supplies if you get what I'm saying.
Get your feet measured in a shoe store. Especially if you're over 25 your feet will have grown since you were 18. I spent years thinking my body was wrong because my feet ALWAYS hurt. My girlfriend suggested we measure them and I realised I was in shoes two sizes too small. For years!! I didn't even know shoes were supposed to have space in them.
a cheap bottle of washing up liquid (dish soap) costs like £1 and can be used on basically every surface. Clean your counters, toilet, sinks, bathtub or shower, oven and hob with a scrub daddy and some cheap washing up liquid. It doesn't react with other chemicals and it cleans deeply and easily. I even use it on the inside of the shower glass where it collects that crusty water residue.
When bathing with an unscented bar soap everywhere first. Then wash a second time with your scented soap. The scented liquid soap isn't designed to clean you it's designed to make you smell beautiful.
Don't use scented soaps on your kitty. Don't use femfresh or other feminine washes on your kitty. Don't use feminine wipes on your kitty. You use your unscented bar soap you use on the rest of your bodh on your kitty once a day. That's all it needs.
You don't need sewing skills to mend things. A £5 sewing kit you keep somewhere in your house and maybe a 2 minute YouTube tutorial is all you need to fix holes in your clothes and make them last longer.
Cereal for breakfast is quick and convenient but aim to eat protein for your first meal. Things like eggs, meat, a protein shake, Greek yogurt. You'll feel fuller for longer and your body will appreciate it.
most things don't need to be ironed. For the things that need creases out a steamer is better for the fibres and easier to use. Simply hang up the item and hold the steamer against the creases.
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ed-recoverry · 3 months ago
Beating yourself to a pulp when someone asks you to own up to a wrongdoing is just as toxic as refusing to take any accountability.
Admitting you’re wrong sucks. Having someone tell you you’re wrong really really sucks. No doubt about it.
But we are all human. Even the healthiest among us are bound to fuck up many, many times.
And part of being healthy and maintaining healthy relationships is being able to own your mistake and move on.
Yes, it’s toxic and counter productive if you refuse to take any responsibility.
But it’s equally as toxic to go on and on about how awful you are and how the person asking for an apology should just leave because of how much you suck. And how this means you’re the worst friend/partner in the world and you deserve nothing.
This is just as toxic as refusing to take any responsibility because this is another form of refusing to take responsibility.
All this does is make the person who asked for an apology feel like they owe you an apology. It also sends the message that they are bad for wanting an apology.
That is not accepting responsibility.
It’s sucks realizing you fucked up. Admitting it sucks even more. But it’s a whole lot easier (and healthier) to apologize for your actions and move on than to dwell over how awful you are for making a mistake.
Because you aren’t. Everyone makes mistakes.
Apologize, move on, and take steps to avoid making the same mistake. That is how you give an apology and ensure your partner/friend feels safe with you.
We all mess up. We all need to give apologies. I promise it isn’t the end of the world.
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nostalgic-shamefest · 18 days ago
Crazy how whenever we have a Buck pov episode, Eddie seems to not give a single spare fuck about him, but textually he's saying shit like "i don't know what I'm going to do without you" "I don't like [us being apart] any more than you do" in 8x09. While high on pain meds, was telling Tommy he felt guilty for not including Buck even though Buck was an asshole about it and jumped on him aggressively in 7x04.
Like these bitches are insane for eachother. In-sane. Buck thinks Eddie is all cool and like casually PUT HIM IN HIS WILL. Meanwhile, not a season later, Eddie's sobbing at his bedside when he's unconscious in a hospital. LITERALLY WAS DYING, COULD BARELY BREATHE LET ALONE SPEAK, BLEEDING AND DELIRIOUS AND THOUGHT TO ASK "ARE YOU HURT"!!! And Buck's broken by severe childhood emotional neglect brain goes "I think he's just tolerating me cause I'm there". Honestly relatable but oh my god! Delusional!
I mean don't get me wrong I think Eddie is nowhere near where Buck stands feelings realisation-wise and he's emotionally constipated (denial king teach us your ways), but by god Buck is the poster child for moderate to severe CPTSD! And these pov-esque episodes are the perfect visualization of what an actual emotional flashback feels like!!
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fehck · 21 hours ago
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writingmyheartsout · 2 months ago
Nobody's Soldier - a Bucky Barnes story.
(chapter 2)
first of all i have to apologize for not updating all these past months, me head wasn't in the right headspace to do that as intrusive thoughts kept telling me this was bad.
second, i literally rewrote the whole chapter, because i wasn't feeling it anymore as I used to be, it's still very much angsty but I had the feeling I was going a lil too much OOC (but you'll tell me that if it still are)
third and last, imposter syndrome at its best...
i'm truly sorry for made you wait this long
This fic is also on wattpad and soon on Ao3
Nobody's Soldier playlist on Spotify
CW: talking about trauma, PTSD, nightmares, Bucky Barnes (he's a warning himself), trauma, unexpected feelings, obsession, anxiety, denial, mention of manipulation, slight mention of sa, crying, desperation, unhealthy attachment, limerence, fighting over unrequited feelings, reader has female pronous.
(chapter is 8k words more or less)
chapter 1 is here
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Ch. 2 - Popular monster
Bucky kept checking on his phone, expecting a text from you, an update, anything that would let him know you were ok. But the phone remained silent.
It took you a while to gather the will to leave your bed and eat something, but as soon as you stepped out of the bedroom and looked around the living room, you nearly cried again.
The tv sat there, broken and half torn apart, as a reminder that what happened was all too real.
Your first instinct was to go back to bed and cry until you passed out, but your brain thought otherwise as your body moved on its own. You began picking up random items all over the room and throwing them into large black garbage bags, tv included.
This behaviour wasn’t new or unexpected; you often reacted this way when you were nearing your breaking point, and right now, you were very close to it.
After spending part of the day and night back and forth from your apartment to the dumpster, you finally began to feel exhausted again, your mind finally empty.
But the moment your head hit the pillow, the screen of your phone lit up with a notification. 
It was Bucky
Bucky cursed at himself with every word he knew as thoughts slowly began to swirl inside his mind. The clock continued ticking, and the phone lay untouched on the table in front of him.
Should he message you? Would you even want him to? When exactly had he started to care? He pondered these questions as he picked it up once again, debating whether to send you something or not.
But before he could process it all, his fingers acted on their own, opening the chat and typing something, much to his dismay. 
-From Bucky: Hey... are you okay?
You probably stared at the preview of his text longer than you'd like to admit, resisting the urge to open it while still grappling with disbelief that he had actually done such a thing.
On the other hand, you didn't want to give him the wrong message, especially since you suspected he had feelings for you.
Yet, the growing sense of relief settling in the pit of your stomach was unmistakable, and you realized something so simple yet so terrifying.
You cared about him. A lot actually.
Bucky's heart raced in his chest as he stared at the chat, waiting for your response. He felt a wild range of emotions, going from a sense of guilt to utter shame.
Shame for not being able to control his growing feelings or for pushing you to the brink of an episode. Still, he couldn't shake the fact that deep down, he knew you were right. That he shouldn't feel this way...and yet, he did.
But all he needed at that moment was to know you were okay.
However, you didn't answer him. Sure, you were about to, more out of habit than anything else, but you were still very much in shock. The thought that the situation was utterly crazy wouldn’t leave your mind.
Nonetheless, you had to stop this, whatever this was, from spiralling into something you couldn't control.
You didn't sleep much after that. By the time you crawled back into bed, it was already early morning, so you decided to resume reading.
Maybe this would help to distract you for a while, you thought. But as soon as you went to pick up a book, memories flooded your mind.
You remembered that time when Bucky called you after a nightmare and how you helped him calm down by reading him your favourite story.
This whole situation felt like torture, and the strangest part was that you couldn't stop thinking about how, with just a simple hug, he had made you feel better than you had in years.
On the other hand, Bucky felt a sense of despair welling up in his chest when no answer came, as anxiety gnawed at him.
You were the one suffering the consequences, and he was the only one to blame. A frustrated huff escaped his lips as he ran his metal hand through his hair, then collapsed onto the couch with a loud groan.
Thoughts flooded his mind, too many to be healthy. In an act of desperation, he unlocked his phone again, texting you... again.
-From Bucky: Please... say something.
You eventually fell asleep, your reading glasses on and the book resting on your chest. When you woke up later that day, your phone screen was lit with yet another text.
...say something... the message read, simple as that, making you feel guilty for not responding earlier. You knew you didn't have to reply, but you couldn’t help but think that maybe you were exaggerating the whole situation. Perhaps it was just a slip-up and nothing more.
But another part of you, the rational side, kept reminding you that this was how everything had started.
The manipulation, the controlling habits, the abuse. It all started with someone developing feelings right when you were at your weakest.
You couldn't do this anymore, not when you had worked so hard to get to where you were now.
You chose not to answer again, confident that somehow he would get over it.
Bucky's mind raced as he stared at his phone, willing a reply to appear on the screen.
All he wanted, was some sort of sign, anything that let him know you were okay. That you weren't as mad at him, at least not completely. That you still felt comfortable enough to talk with him.
But when hours passed and you hadn't answered, his heart sank as more thoughts started to creep in.
The realization that he had lost you overwhelmed him, leaving him feeling numb.
His eyes started to prick with tears as he cursed himself for letting his emotions get the best of him. He couldn't wallow in despair, not over you, not over someone he barely knew.
But someone who seemed to understand him.
No, he couldn’t go there. He had to distract himself and focus on something else.
So, with a deep breath, he stood up and turned on the tv, trying to fill the silence of his apartment, which had become too loud for him in that moment
After that incident, nearly three weeks passed. You returned to your usual safe routine, but it felt like something was wrong, like something was clearly missing.
Then one morning, just after breakfast, your phone rang and Dr. Raynor's number appeared on the screen.
It was strange, she had never called you before. When you answered and she asked where Bucky was, you felt confused.
It turned out he had stopped showing up for his therapy sessions without saying a word. She had tried to reach out to him, but he didn't pick up.
He was alive, that much she knew, yet you could clearly hear the concern in her voice.
After you explained what had happened between the two of you, how he had come over and the incident that followed, she added something that left you stunned and altered the perception you had of him up to that point.
His whole history, the abuse, the manipulation, who he was and the... arm.
“The arm?” you curiously asked, not quite getting what she meant.
“He has a prosthetic arm, a vibranium one...” the doctor began to explain, her tone careful “...although it's not the same as the one he had, it's a harsh reminder of what happened to him and what he did.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t mention this sooner, but it’s already complicated as it is,” she added.
At her words, the pieces started to fall into place. His behaviour, the way he addressed you, how he looked around the apartment as soon as he walked in and the… gloves he hadn’t taken off that day.
Another hour passed as Dr. Raynor continued to explain that Bucky still saw himself as some kind of monster, an experiment and how losing himself for so long had inevitably changed him. It only made sense that once the call was over, you texted him without thinking twice.
You were worried and maybe a little furious.
-to Bucky: your doctor called me. Why did you stop therapy? You know you have to go.
Then you quickly added a second one.
-to Bucky: she also gave me the whole story, your story I mean.
Bucky was laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to get himself to relax enough to sleep. He had been feeling exceptionally crappy, for lack of a better word, having spent the whole night awake when his phone went off.
His mind was in a constant battle, and all he wanted was some peace and quiet. So when he lazily picked up his phone to check and saw your name, the first thing he felt was relief.  
However, as he eagerly sat up, he almost dropped the phone when he read your texts, his heart nearly stopping.
The doctor told you everything... Those words echoed in his head as his thoughts spiralled out of control.
He had been lying to you for the most part. He hadn't meant to keep things from you, but deep down, he knew you would see him differently from now on. You would look at him with pity, unable to see him as a person anymore, but rather as... a monster.
He desperately wanted to text you back, but he felt stuck, unsure of what to say or do.
So he just lay on his bed for the next half hour, his phone still clutched in his fingers as he tried to come up with something that wouldn’t push you away again.
All he needed was to see you, but he was terrified of how you would react now that you knew about his secret.
Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes stretched into hours as anxiety began to eat him alive, until he finally pressed send.
-from Bucky:..It’s complicated... can we talk tomorrow? I’ll come over.
You didn't expect a fast reply, hell you didn’t expect a reply at all.
So when he texted back after hours of leaving you on read, the content of his message startled you.
 ...I’ll come over... The words ran through your mind, almost triggering your panic as you tried to come up with a polite reply. 
You knew you had to start somewhere, but you felt torn.
You were caught between wanting to give him a chance to explain and the absolute fear that something worse might happen if you saw him again.
-to Bucky: we'll see about that..but you can call me, we can still talk…if you want.
You suggested instead, thinking it would be better for both of you, at least for now.
Bucky stared at your words for a long minute, a small smile grazed his lips while his heart did a weird flip in his chest.
You hadn’t said a definitive no to his request, you were still willing to talk to him. But those words, that we'll see about that lingered in his mind, giving him a glimmer of hope while leaving a bitter taste on his tongue.
As he fought the growing urge to call you right then and there, he decided to send a message first.
-from Bucky: I’ll call you in ten, alright?
He sent the text and hastily placed his phone on the bedside table, letting out a shaky breath.
If you agreed, there was a good chance he would get to hear your voice, something he hadn’t realized how he missed so much until now.
For a long moment, after his last reply, you stared at the short message almost as if it were some kind of riddle waiting to be solved. A smile crept onto your face at his eagerness without you even noticing it.
What the fuck were you doing? Why were you smiling? You chided yourself, shaking your head in confusion as you tried to suppress the knot forming in your stomach.
With ten more minutes until the phone call, you thought distracting yourself would be a good idea, more to calm your nerves than anything else.
Instead, Bucky's call came a few minutes early, and you didn’t pick up, your phone lay on the bed while you were in the next room.
Bucky had to resist the urge to call you again immediately after he sent the text.
His mind wouldn’t quiet down, racing with thoughts about a million things. About hearing your voice again, the possibility that maybe you weren't as mad at him as he thought, and how nervous he suddenly felt.
And the ten minutes felt like an eternity. 
He tried to keep himself busy and away from the phone, but as soon as the ten minutes were up, he found himself with his phone in hand, calling you... only to be sent to voicemail.
He was not panicking, absolutely not.
His thoughts immediately spiralled into worst-case scenarios. maybe you had changed your mind or maybe calling you was indeed a mistake.
But he tried to push those feelings aside, convincing himself that you were probably just busy.
And while those thoughts filled his mind, he found himself in the middle of his fourth time re-dialling your number. The ringing sound the only thing echoing in the room.
On the other hand, you had lost track of time while focusing on cleaning the apartment, a standard behaviour when you were unable to concentrate and something clearly upset you.
When you finally checked your phone, you nearly dropped it upon seeing five missed calls.
"Damn it Bucky, you wasted no time," you mumbled with a sigh.
That alone should have served as a warning sign, but you ignored it completely. Thinking nothing of it, you called him as you sat down on your bed, waiting for him to pick up.
Bucky was startled when his phone suddenly rang. His eyes fixed on the screen as your name appeared, causing his heart to leap into his throat and almost miss the call.
When he finally answered, a shuddering breath escaped his lips before he said anything.
"Hey," he said quietly, a nervous smile tugging at his lips while anxiety fluttered in the pit of his stomach, waiting for an answer… craving it even.
His soft exhale, the hushed hello and his gentle tone caught you off guard, making your cheeks blush slightly.
It had been long since you heard his voice you thought, still reluctant to admit you missed him…in a way. 
"Eager much..?" you joked, attempting to break the awkward silence between you and hide your distress.
"How are you?.." you added then, genuinely asking. It had been weeks since his last therapy session after all, and even though you both had a setback, you wanted to check on him, making sure he was okay.
Bucky chuckled lightly at your words, the small smile on his face widening slightly.
"Sorry for the multiple calls. You didn't answer so I was..." panicking the hell out. He almost confessed, then he cleared his throat and continued, not particularly keen on discussing how worried he had been up to that moment.
"M'fine, mostly. How have you been?"  he asked instead, quickly dismissing your question, trying to stay calm and hoping you wouldn't notice how strained his voice really was.
"You don't have to justify your worry, y'know?" you said honestly, understanding where his words were headed. Then he lied, probably out of habit.
"And…I know you're not, if you were, why did your doctor call me this morning?." you stated, your tone soft yet firm, not wanting him to feel at fault. 
Meanwhile, if you had to be completely honest, he didn't seem that dangerous. Maybe a little eager, but not a total red flag.
Bucky's breath hitched the moment you called him out, and he cursed himself for it.
Of course you’d noticed, he should have expected you to be more observant than most people.
"Right.." he said, running a hand through his hair, letting out a tired sigh as he did so.
"The good doctor called you, huh?” he asked ironically, unable to hold back a bitter remark. 
"C'mon she's not that bad" you playfully replied, still sitting on the bed as a light huff left your lips.
“She’s just worried…” you added, your tone gentle yet firm “...and to be honest, I am too”
Bucky let out a small chuckle as you teased him about his doctor, rolling his eyes even though you couldn't see him. But then you said more, catching him off guard.
Were you worried? Did that mean you probably cared? Right? 
He immediately shook that thought away, it wasn’t the right time, not now, though those words kept lingering in his head.
“You? Worried? About me?..” he asked, genuinely baffled by your comment as a slight frown crossed his face.
"Yeah, Bucky...y'know like a normal human being would.." you bit back, not really annoyed, at least not that much, as it wasn't entirely his fault...or so you thought.
"There is so much going on lately, like being affected by someone trying to help you?” you stated honestly, not wanting to scold him but rather hoping to settle things.
“Maybe we can talk about that? " 
From honest discussions to fights, you had learned not to shy away from confrontation anymore. It was something you picked up in therapy. Now, when a problem presented itself, you just went straight to the point, only to find out that most people couldn't handle a simple conversation.
Bucky's heart picked up once again when you hinted at his behaviour, and he honestly had no idea how to deal with it.
You really didn't hold back, did you, sweetheart? he thought, nervously running his metal fingers through his hair as he tried to come up with a decent answer.
Finally, he let out a weary exhale before speaking again.
"It's not that simple. But yeah, we can talk about it..." he said quietly, as the weight of shame settled back in.
After his answer, after sensing his evident reluctance, you couldn't help but feel a little guilty about your words. However, it was no use dwelling on it.
"No? Then talk to me. Believe it or not, I'm not mad at you" you urged him, your voice still gentle.
What you were trying to do was reassure him and help if possible, even if it meant confronting an uncomfortable truth.
“I've been there before, I know how it seems… " you added, showing him that you understood what he was going through. 
You? So you weren’t mad at him. Why? You should have been, it's what he deserved. 
Bucky was speechless for a moment longer as your words sank in. He had made you uncomfortable and pressured you, this was his fault.
His throat felt constricted, and he had to swallow once, then twice, before he could answer.
"Y'mean, someone... had feelings for you? In therapy?" he found himself asking instead, unnerved by the thought of someone becoming obsessed with you, knowing deep down he was doing the same.
You should have seen that coming, still, yet it still took you by surprise.
"It's.. it's one the reasons I'm still dealing with the program, Bucky..." you replied, your tone growing quiet.
You understood that, as your therapy partner or former one, he should have been informed about the situation. Still, it was hard to articulate.
"It was straight-up manipulation, as my doctor put it. This other person, he..well...he… he used me" you tried, but the words wouldn't come out. Staring into nothing, you felt too scared of another episode happening. Taking a deep breath, you steadied yourself as you felt panic building inside you.
"I honestly thought it was real, I thought it was love…” you added, your voice barely above a whisper by the end.
Bucky felt his heart sink the moment you began to explain. Those words were all too familiar, and they hurt him as guilt washed over him again. 
"I'm sorry for what happened to you...."  he only said, his jaw clenching as he spoke, yet his voice sounded almost gentle.
He wanted to say much more; he wanted to express how much he hated himself for nearly doing the same to you. But the words got stuck in his throat, leaving him feeling like a coward.
I'm sorry I did that to you, he thought, as guilt consumed his mind.
"You... you know I would never do anything like that to you, right?" he asked carefully, trying to change the subject while feeling nervous about a possible backlash.
At his words, you let out a light scoff, noticing how tense his voice had suddenly become.
"No shit, Buck..." you joked after a moment “.. I would hope so” you added quietly, shaking your head in disbelief, hoping it was true.
For Christ's sake, you even found him attractive, you thought, as a small smile tugged at your lips. 
"But I'm at fault too, I should have thought better than to hug you like I did, no matter how bad I was feeling..." you stated, genuinely believing it was your fault as well.
"It gives off the wrong idea...most of the time”
After everything that had happened, you blamed yourself? Thinking you caused all this? He thought, staring at the floor as he processed your words in his head, feeling even worse.
Good job, Bucky. Really great job. he chided himself silently.
"You... didn’t know where you were. You had a panic attack..." he said, hating the idea of you taking responsibility for something like that. He knew damn well you weren’t in control of your actions during an episode. He had been there before, more times than he could possibly count.
"I'm the one at fault... not you," he said firmly, remorse coursing through him with every word he spoke.
"Bucky...I.. " you started to say, feeling the need to try and justify yourself once more."... I was just grounding myself " you confessed, falling back onto the bed with a frustrated groan as you ran a hand over your face. 
"Still, I...I got you what? Obsessed? Addicted? Whatever this is..." you added, not really asking any actual questions but rather stating a fact."... surely something went wrong here”
Bucky’s thoughts momentarily halted as you spoke. 
"No!... no, no, no. You didn't do anything." He shot back, his voice laced with disbelief at how much you were taking the brunt of his mistakes.…"..you didn't ask me to feel this way, sweetheart. I did it myself, it’s on me.”
He hesitated, mentally scolding himself for letting that term slip out so easily. Yet, he felt compelled to make sure you understood that none of this was your fault, that you were innocent and he wasn't. You were simply trying to be kind, nothing more
"Do you really think you're responsible?” he honestly asked again.
"Well...yeah?..." you replied, your voice uncertain. That little name didn’t go unnoticed, leaving you taken aback as your cheeks dusted pink instinctively. "...I mean, my first therapy partner thought I led him so..." you added quietly.
And it was the truth. In the very early stages of the program, before Bucky was involved and before you were even paired with anyone, you met a lot of people.
Most of them complete idiots.
"It's one of the reasons why I flinch when someone suddenly touches me when I'm not myself.." you confessed, feeling a wave of shame rise within you. "...that's why I reach out and hold onto whatever I can find most of the time”
Bucky's heart tightened uncomfortably as you referred to the people you had met before him.
Led him on? Seriously? Why was your first partner such a jerk? Did he even have any issues? he thought, listening to your explanation.
Bucky felt horrible. He was already upset about his slight obsession and how he had made you uncomfortable, but now,  hearing you open up about your past and how others had treated you, he felt even worse.
He was no better than all of them.
"Then... why did you hug me?” he asked simply, letting out a deep sigh as his tone grew quieter, almost apologetic.
"Because you were there and felt safe..." you blurted out without much thinking, your gaze fixed on the ceiling.
“ And I... I was weak.." you added, feeling embarrassed to admit the truth as you tried to find a rational explanation for your behaviour.
But then, you remembered how terrified you had been right after when irrational fear took over.
Bucky's heart fluttered at that. Did you feel safe with him? Could he calm you down? You trusted him? The realization took him off guard as his brain processed the information.
He had to take another deep breath to steady his heartbeat while a small smile appeared on his face.
But then he remembered your reaction afterwards and that same smile faded, making him want to scream in frustration.
"I felt safe?..." he asked, more to himself than to you, almost as if he couldn’t believe it. But you were on the other end of the line and heard anyway…
"But you? You flinched away..” he added, trying to make sense out of your words.
"That's how irrational fears work usually.." you said bluntly, letting out a heavy sigh.
"Trusting you as a person? Yes absolutely, I could do that..." you tried to reassure him, hearing silence on the other end.
"But as a man? it's a little more complicated, to put it simply” you explained, trying to make it as clear as possible and leaving no space for misunderstanding.
If that meant you wouldn’t hear from Bucky anymore, so be it.
“I still don't know if you want something out of me..or not" you added quietly. 
But those words stung him more than he would like to admit, though he wasn’t surprised. No, he clearly understood your point; still, it hurt to hear you say that, even if he was the one at fault.
He ran a hand through his hair again and swallowed hard as you continued, feeling as though he was being accused.
You knew him well already, because your words hit the mark as you called him out once again. An irrational anger welled up inside him, and he swallowed hard. 
He didn’t want you to be scared of him, after all, he needed you. You were the only one, after so many years, who finally understood him and made him feel calm.
"Why would you even think I want anything from you?” he said, a slight edge creeping into his voice, his tone turning unexpectedly cold.
The change in tone genuinely frightened you. You hadn’t seen it coming.
"With the way you got so obsessed, so quickly...” you started, trying to keep yourself as calm as possible, relieved there was a phone between you both.
“Or... how you already sound pissed,  even after I’ve tried to reason with you..." you continued, sitting back up at the edge of the bed.
This whole situation started to scare you more than it should. You just wanted to live your life peacefully, nothing more, nothing less.
"I'm sorry Buck but...I don't.." you added, fear and guilt plaguing your mind at this point, wanting nothing more than to put an end to this conversation already. “...I don't think we should speak again, not until you work on these issues by yourself…”
Bucky felt like someone had stabbed him right in his chest with a rusted knife. All the guilt and shame he felt earlier were soon replaced by anger.
You? Wanted to stop talking? Cut all contact? What about him then? What would be of him without your soothing voice? he thought. He couldn’t do that, not now, not ever.
"We're not doing that.” he snapped. The very thought of never hearing your voice again, not talking to you, triggered something deep inside him.  His heart was racing in his chest as he spoke through clenched teeth.
When he spoke again, his tone had grown slightly more threatening, and that's when you reacted. Although calm and collected most of the time, there were times, usually when someone crossed a line or something felt off, that another side of you came out.
"You don’t realize it, do you? Even now? You’re so desperate to be accepted that you can’t see how you're behaving?..." you said, your voice raising a little as your tone sharpened.
"Can’t you see how your little addiction is clouding your mind? It’s really a simple concept to understand..." you continued, frustration edging into your voice.
"Having feelings for someone doesn't mean forcing that obsession on them. And here I thought you were smart, but clearly, I was wrong.”
Bucky was taken aback by your sudden outburst. You spoke with passion and determination, far from the calm and gentle demeanour you usually showed him, and your words stung.
However, they also made a few pieces click into place. You were right, you had been from the very beginning. 
But that realization only infuriated him even more.
"How dare you judge me? You're no better than I am.” he retorted, his voice rising with each word that left his mouth, still reeling from a mix of anger and blame.
"You have irrational fears and trauma just like I do. Don't you dare pretend that I'm the bad guy here."
Deep down, he knew he was taking out his anger on you, even though you didn't deserve it. But it felt like he couldn't stop, his mind tangled in a haze of angry thoughts. Above all, he was terrified of losing you.
You might have laughed when he snapped back, if the situation hadn't been so tense and if you weren't feeling so scared. But that didn't mean you had nothing to say in return. After all, it wasn’t the first time someone had used your situation to hurt you.
"Really? I’m judging you now? " you repeated in disbelief, scoffing slightly as you didn’t quite believe what you just heard.
"I never said I was better than anyone, not even you. I know my problems, but at least I can manage my own feelings.." you added, not even bothering to defend yourself against his accusations.
"So how dare you speak to me like that …”
Your words only turned his anger into desperation, and Bucky stopped making sense. You were taunting him, teasing him, mocking him even and he knew It was only his fault. Unfortunately, even if he understood, that realization did nothing to ease his feelings in that moment.
"You really have no idea how you affect me? How you make me feel?" he spat out, guilt overwhelming him along with hurt.
"Why do you think I became obsessed in the first place, huh?” he added, taking a deep breath and trying to calm his racing mind, his body tense with emotions.
"And now you're telling me you don’t want to speak with me anymore? Just banishing me like that, without a second thought?"
He could attend all the therapy sessions possible, and it wouldn’t change a damn thing. How you made him feel, how you made him laugh, smile, and long for more.
And that was the one truth that terrified him the most.
"You really think I can stay away from you?" he suddenly asked, his voice both distressed and unsteady, almost on the verge of tears.
The pain in his last words made you pause for a moment as remorse began to creep in.
Was he truly hurting that bad? Did he really not do it on purpose?
"Then tell me.." you started, your tone softening as you sought a way out of this pointless fight. 
"If I have no clue as you said, talk to me…… let me understand,” you added, trying once again to reason with him, hoping it would be the last time.
But even now, your first instinct was to distance yourself from him as much as possible. You thought you understood, but you were still very much afraid, unable to shake the feeling that this situation would only worsen.
Bucky felt his jaw clench as you asked him why. He didn’t know how to answer, his mind was working against him, and the right words eluded him.
He knew he was going too far, but it felt impossible to stop. The prospect of rejection and blame weighed heavily on him.
"What about…” he started “...what about the fact that just hearing your voice drives me crazy? That, the more I talk to you, the more I want you? ” he confessed, his voice quiet yet edged with emotions as his heart ached.
“I'm… I’m obsessed with you, happy now?”
He was obsessed, and he couldn’t help it. He couldn’t change the fact that he was feeling something he hadn’t felt in years. And if this was what obsession felt like, then so be it.
"The problem is wanting to control me, Bucky..." you retorted “...the problem is shoving all your sudden feelings onto me”
“The problem is making me feel guilty" you went on, your voice growing serious, sounding angrier than you intended.
At that you stood up, nervously pacing up and down the room, your jaw clenching as you tried to keep the anger down.
"I should be yours no matter what, that’s what you’re saying? Just because you are hooked on my voice?" you bit back, almost as if you were accusing him, stopping in your tracks as a frustrated sigh left your mouth.
Bucky hated the way you described his feelings. But the more you talked the more he realized, for real this time, how he was acting. How he let his desperation, his fears control him as soon as you said you didn’t want to speak with him anymore, that you wanted to stay away.
You were being reasonable, he was the one who started acting crazy.
"I wasn't trying to control your actions, doll. I just..." he only said then, stopping only to better collect his thoughts as the little nickname slipped out his lips without realizing it.
"I need you. You have no idea how calming you are for me, how I find myself craving to hear your voice..." he continued, speaking in a low frustrated tone, his anger now mingled with his inner desperation as he felt his eyes starting to sting.
"You're the first person that understands, how do you expect me to stop needing you?”
"This is not the right way to do it, clearly.." you replied, still slightly pissed at his stubbornness, but noticing how he was starting to calm down. 
"The thing is, emotions are never wrong, you just learn to manage them..." you went on while now pacing back and forth in the living room. 
Still, you felt stressed, on edge even as the whole discussion brought up some unresolved issues that you completely forgot about. You could only hope that it wouldn’t bring up a panic attack as well. 
"When you have feelings for anyone, or supposed to have..." you started, mostly annoyed now "..you don't need them, to the point of feeling sick"
Then you stopped for a moment, sighing heavily and closing your eyes, your fingers went to pinch at the bridge of your nose as you tried to think about what you were about to say.
"Jesus, I can't believe I'm explaining this.." you huffed then, calming down your nerves.
"When you feel something, you want to spend more time with them” you then started explaining, hoping it would break down into his stubbornness. 
”Needing someone is a coping mechanism.." as your voice wavered a little “...you know what a coping mechanism is, right? " 
Bucky clenched his jaw even more when you spoke. He did, in fact, know what a coping mechanism was. 
He also knew that you were absolutely right with what you were saying.
His obsession, was a coping mechanism, an unhealthy one. He had gotten obsessed with you because you were the first person that made him feel something good, so he latched onto it, not wanting to let go. 
He felt a pang of guilt in his chest.
"I know what a coping mechanism is..." he muttered through gritted teeth.
"But I didn’t do it on purpose. I just couldn’t help it. You make me feel calm, you make me forget about everything. You make me want to try again."
Now the hint of anger, the bite he had in his tone had disappeared almost completely, replaced with pure panic.
"How am I supposed to deal with that, huh? You feel so so good to me.”
Hearing the change in Bucky's voice made you stop suddenly as your heart clenched at the fear now evident in his tone. You felt bad with the way you were speaking to him but at the same time you didn't, given the fact that, maybe, you were able to knock some sense into him.  
"That's why I.." you started, voice now more gentle than before "... I told you we should be apart for a while"
It wasn't ideal, not even for you since you were at fault too here. With the way you acted when you hugged him or with how dangerously comfortable you were getting with him.
Feeling so calm and safe with someone you barely know shouldn't be happening. You reminded yourself more than once.
"If I'm the trigger here, you should understand how much of your feelings are real and..." you stopped for a fraction, realization dawning on you as well.."...and how much is just an unhealthy obsession.."
If you were just a means to an end in this absurd scenario, just something to help him cope with, then you don't want to be. You wanted to be seen, for yourself, as a person.
Bucky's heart was beating faster in his chest, your words, your reasoning filled his mind and he found himself agreeing with that. Still, despair and guilt filled his heart as the sole thought of not hearing from you anymore felt so wrong to him.
"You're not a trigger..." he protested, weakly so as his voice wavered slightly.
But you were once more right. What he was feeling towards you wasn't normal, wasn't right. He was obsessed with you because you made him feel calm at a time when he was at his lowest.
"I want you..." he mumbled, his voice lacking the greedy, possessive edge he had before.
"I don't want to lose you…please” he pleaded with you, desperate to make you agree to stay, at least, in touch.
"I'll do anything. I'll work on myself, find a way to deal with this obsession." he insisted, absolutely hating using that word, even if it was the truth.
"Please, don't cut me off. I'll lose my mind if you do.”
You exhaled deeply, moving to sit on the couch and taking the phone with you. He was doing it again, begging you. But again, it was just the addiction talking.
"Then what, Bucky?.." you asked then, after a long moment, exhaling deeply as you closed your eyes..."... every time you need a fix, you call me?.." 
You know you didn't have to be so harsh right now, but you truly wanted him to realize how deep he was in this and how bad it was affecting him.  
"It's the addiction talking here.." you added as another deep sigh left your lips...
"You're not even asking yourself if I feel something for you..." you stated as your stomach churned the more the anxiety grew…
"You only see what I can do for you..."
Guess you weren't that lucky. But with the history you had, that didn’t surprise you much. Maybe it was really your fault. Maybe you really led them on. Maybe they got obsessed because you did something.
You really don’t know, but everytime you tried your best and this time you truly believed he could have been the right therapy partner for you.
That was a low blow, but Bucky knew you were right.
He really hadn’t even thought about the possibility that you might not feel something for him, that he was hurting you by acting like this.
He had been selfish… no, he had been damn greedy. He was using you as his own personal drug, his only way to feel better.
He wanted to protest, to fight back, but he couldn’t.
"That’s not true..." he muttered, his voice even more laced with guilt and desperation now.
He wanted to tell you that he actually cared for you, that it wasn’t just about what you could do for him. He wanted to tell you that he saw you as a person, not just as a way to feel less alone but he couldn’t.
Because he had been treating you like an object, like a goddamn cure for his loneliness, he was using you exactly like others did. 
And the worst thing was that, deep down, he knew what that felt like and that made him feel even more horrible.
"I thought I was doing the right thing..." He protested weakly, still trying to convince you, still trying to bargain his place in your life.
"I'm not..." you started, stopping mid-sentence soon after to recollect your thoughts, trying to find the right words.
But his words, his final candid confession, his regret, all this made your heart ache, probably more than you could have imagined. But, at least, he finally saw the whole picture.
"I'm not blocking you Bucky, that I can do but you need to go back to therapy.." you stated, a slight tremble in your voice betraying how you really felt as you were questioning yourself if it was the right thing to do.
"Go back to your doctor, talk with her about everything but not for me or anyone else..." you added, your voice now gentle.
"Do it for yourself, to feel better..."
Hoping that your final advice would suffice, that your words would be heard once and for all, and that he would finally try to understand why he was acting like this.
Bucky remained silent for a long minute as he listened to you. Deep down, he knew you were right about everything, realizing he had been selfish and obsessive without a valid reason, treating you poorly and being a terrible therapy partner.
And the thought that you might despise him for it hurt his heart the most.
"I will, I promise." He answered finally, taking a deep breath as his voice was still shaky and broken.
"But, what about you?" He dared to ask after another minute of silence, still the idea of letting you go tearing his heart apart.
"What about me, what?.." you chuckled softly, caught off guard by the sudden question.
You were aware he just wanted you to keep talking to him, that he just wanted to have your voice in his ear. Maybe there was a small part of him that cared about you, about what you would do without him around but still.
He was a goddam addict right now, acting desperately like one.
"I'll just keep with mine I guess.." you said honestly, sighing heavily as your voice went soft. The whole so-called fight had drained you, making you even more tired than you already were.
"Still, i don't know what I'll do with the program though, for now at least"
To be fair, you weren't sure what you were going to do next. If you would find another partner or quit the program altogether. But saying it out loud, voicing the inner thoughts inside your head, definitely helped making a decision.
"Uhm listen, Bucky..I...I have to go.." you suddenly said then, trying to find a way to close the call without hurting him further. 
"But as I said, you still have my number, just...if you message me I can't assure you a reply, ok?" you added, reassuring him still even if your brain reminded you how stupid this decision was.
The words struck him harder than any bullet could have. He felt the jolt of panic, wanting desperately to keep you on the phone, feeling his eyes welling up. No, he knew he couldn’t explode with everything he was feeling or he’d lose you forever.
He knew he needed your voice in his ear, needed to hear you talk to him, needed you like air to breathe. 
But his hand was shaking as he held the phone to his ear, struggling to stop himself from begging. He swallowed, realizing he’d been silent while you assured him you wouldn’t block his number even if you won’t text him back. 
That gave him the tiniest reassurance, but the doubt nagged at him almost instantly. Would you stick to your word? What if you didn’t? Panic lapped at his heels again and he clenched his jaw, forcing his words down.
"I understand." He whispered, his voice low and uncertain.
Don't beg, don't beg, don’t beg...Bucky repeated to himself as he felt a familiar sense of obsession creeping back in.
He had to fight it, he had to stop this before it consumed him completely. After all, he had promised to return to his therapist, to try and deal with this issue, to begin feeling better.
After that heartfelt call, he reached out to you the very same night. However, as you mentioned, you chose to ignore it, not wanting to give him a false sense of hope or start another discussion so soon.
A week went by, and then his doctor called you again, asking for your side of the story. At that, you recounted everything that had happened, sharing every detail you could remember of without placing the blame on him, convinced it wasn’t entirely his fault. 
And what she told you helped you understand the situation better. She explained that Bucky had an episode of limerence, a state characterized by an intense infatuation that bordered on obsession most of the time, and that it was dangerous for the current state of his mind.
She also advised you to maintain some distance for the time being, a decision you had already considered, since she wanted to break through the patterns deeply rooted in his mind.
"James' not a bad man, it's just that people had shown him very little kindness for a long time," she added. She suggested that while some of his feelings might be genuine, she wasn’t entirely sure, encouraging you to act according to your feelings when you heard from him again. 
“Just be honest with him, for both your sakes,” she concluded before ending the call with another thoughtful piece of advice.
After that conversation, you felt a sense of relief, to be honest, as much as an unexpected happiness.
Why were you even happy? 
Why were you so relieved that his feelings could be real? 
Did you actually have feelings for him?
Regardless, you followed her advice, until more than two months later when you finally heard from Bucky again.
It had been a long, hard two months for Bucky.
His therapy sessions focused on helping him work through his feelings and analyze his behaviors. He realized he had become obsessed with you, but it took him a while to understand the root of that obsession.
After much reflection, he discovered that his desire for you stemmed from a deep need for connection. Unlike many others, you had seen him not as an asset or a monster, but for who he truly was. This realization helped him make significant progress.
It was tough for him to go without talking to you, as his thoughts continually returned to the conversation you shared and your words.
However, he was working hard to manage his feelings, control himself, and learn to understand the difference between obsession and genuine emotions.
Finally, when his therapist gave him the green light to reach out to you, he didn’t hesitate. With a somewhat clearer mind, he picked up his phone, his hands shaking. After what felt like an eternity, he sent you a message.
-from Bucky: Can I call you?
If you're here so you read it all, and for that I thank you (let me know what you think about it)
Again, i'm sorry for the wait, i want to promise you all I'll do better next time, and I want to keep it that way, I just hope my brain won't fail me again.
Also, there will be a bonus chapter later next week, it's something I wrote as literally a...bonus...so you're free to read it or not, it doesn't change the story <3
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iced-depresso-macchiato · 24 days ago
Okay real question-
How do you make new friends as someone with cPTSD in their early 20s?
How? There’s so much context that people just won’t have about you and how do you introduce yourself or talk about stuff when your whole life is so interwoven with little traumas that you’ve only just started to discover?
Especially if you’re a parentified child like yeah I’m quite good at being the friend who takes care of others but I feel like I’m hanging on by a thread and I need a friend to just be there - not to solve things or do anything but just to be there and not be freaked out but I don’t want to be a burden and trauma dump on them because I have a therapist.
How do you make friends in early adulthood when you’ve only just realised that your childhood (the bits you remember) aren’t the norm? What do you talk about when your hobbies have turned out to be forms of escapism and self-soothing tactics?
Complex trauma is so weird. As much as ‘you’re more than your disorder’, it’s different here. This literally grows with you. How do you make new friends when you’ve don’t know how to exist as your own person outside of a fight/flight response?
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atalldrinkofcaprisun · 4 months ago
powder: *down to fight for the undercities independence. has weapon skills. was going to NAIL BOMB ANOTHER CHILD IN THE FIRST EPISODE. wants to help fight and has already gotten a proclivity towards explosions, gadgets and guns*
me: i want to hold your hand and let you know i’m so serious when i tell you to please pay attention
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ed-recoverry · 1 month ago
As someone who has been on the internet from way too young, I just want to say, more often than not, it’s better to just ignore that stupid comment than reply. Very rarely does it lead to an interesting debate in which both parties calmly discuss their position and present evidence backing it up. It almost always ends up with just you being more upset. More often than not, your best option is to just sigh and scroll. Use that block button if it’s really bad. Learning to do that makes being online a lot easier.
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doomedfromthewombfr · 3 months ago
30 Years of Trying
After 30 years of therapy, I think I’ve finally hit the wall. I’ve tried everything- CBT, DBT, EMDR, every acronym they could throw at me. I’ve cried, screamed, journaled, meditated, done the breathing exercises, the worksheets, the self-compassion mantras. None of it stuck. None of it saved me.
It’s not that I didn’t want to be fixed- I wanted it more than anything. But at some point, you have to stop throwing yourself at the same brick wall, hoping it’ll turn into a door. Therapy didn’t fail me, and I didn’t fail therapy. It just wasn’t enough to untangle this mess I’ve become.
So I’m done. No more talking circles around my pain, no more searching for answers that don’t exist. Let the therapists set their bars low for someone else- I’ve finally accepted I was never meant to clear them anyway
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fehck · 13 days ago
"Death will come and it will have your eyes."
― Cesare Pavese, Verrà la morte e avrà i tuoi occhi
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poetrydarling · 4 months ago
you have no proof
at first it was
if there's no bruises
no marks, no evidence
there's nothing they can do
when purple dotted my body
snaking up my legs, my torso
it was as long as there's no blood
no one will hear
whilst my skin stained red
it dripped, then smeared
it was still alright
because my bones were intact
you're lucky
god forbid something in me finally snapped
then you would really be in trouble
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