#clark honey...
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flwrcrxwnlyon · 7 months ago
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Oh buddy
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lucysgraybird · 1 month ago
meet the readers: honey!reader
on the arm of: clark kent (smallville), william h bonney (billy the kid)
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what is she wearing? an old t-shirt worn ragged, either once her father's or owned since high school, jean shorts that are similarly toeing the end of their lives, thrifted maxi skirts and loose dresses when it's just too hot to justify anything touching her legs, minty chapstick that just appeared on her room one day, a braid edged in a bow of string, heavy work jeans to help on the farm, a single silver cross in the hollow of her throat
what is she listening to? plastic jesus by tia blake, i know the end by phoebe bridgers, castle on a hill by ed sheeran, sullen girl by fiona apple, solid liquid gas by eartheater, ptolemaea by ethel cain, the bug catcher by haley heynderickx
✴︎ who was raised small-town religious and still is, but in her own special way - god is now a friend to talk to rather than a deity to be feared.
✴︎ who falls into a summer fling that quickly turns to be more with the boy with sparkling eyes giving her parents a hand on their farm over the summer.
✴︎ who rambles through the graveyards and the more desolate parts of her once-great midwestern industry town, sometimes on the arm of her sweet boyfriend who's happy to be with her, no matter where it happens to be.
✴︎ who is more likely to have bugs crawling over her hands than kittens cradled in them, who wanders the gravel roads leading up to the farm after storms to pluck lost worms out of harm's way.
✴︎ who is trying to learn that while home may be people, not place, it's okay to miss the places too - even if other people tell you you shouldn't
✴︎ whose first kiss was shy and quick, proceeding her prompt disappearance into her room for several hours while she tried to parse the way her stomach fluttered at the feeling of his lips over hers.
✴︎ who isn't necessarily sure she knows what love is, certainly not romantically, but knows that being curled under his arm feels safe and certain and that might just be enough for her.
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greeneyed-thestral · 1 year ago
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devine-fem · 11 months ago
OH! I’m starting to see where he gets it from.
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He picked it up.
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Well, no wonder, mom and dad seems to be rubbing off a bit.
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iamweak · 2 years ago
bruce is the type of person to not really use pet names for his partners but save them and exclusively only use them for his kids
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sunday-supernova · 2 months ago
bonus supernova 1!!!
had this idea yesterday could not rest until it was made a reality happy holidays and/or merry christmas for those celebrating!!!
(callum dec 1 to 25 every year without fail)
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call-me-chips · 4 months ago
Bored, so ima list what animals I think the Renegades characters are
Nova: Black cat
Adrian: German shepherd
Oscar: Opossum (Idk why, he just is)
Ruby: Bunny
Danna: Monarch butterfly
Callum: Golden retriever
Max: Puppy (prob also a golden retriever)
Honey: Bee
Leroy: Rat
Ingrid: Honey badger
Phobia: Crow or raven
Winston: White poodle, but his fur is dyed in neon colours
Ace: Grey tabby cat, but very sickly and thin
Maggie: Magpie
Hugh: Labrador retriever
Simon: Ragdoll or tabby cat
Ice bitch: Bitchy pure white cat
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Instead of getting Bev a teddy bear for Valentine’s Day, Brill gets her a stuffed bee holding a heart
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yen-sids-tournament · 1 month ago
Quotable Disney Round 2 Group A Bracket 1 Poll 8/8
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***Please vote on the content of the quote not the format of the picture***
Honey Best:
Obviously the "HONEY, WHERES MY SUPERSUIT" quote is iconic, but I think this is the icing on the cake too!
that's some revolutionary shit right there, gave me chills as a kid
All Our Polls
Full Quotes Below
"The 'Greater Good'? I am your WIFE, I am the greatest good you are EVER gonna get!"
~Honey Best, The Incredibles (2004)
"It's you who need us! We're a lot stronger than you say you are. And you know it, don't you?"
~Flik, A Bugs Life (1998)
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evviejo · 2 years ago
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thirteen’s era appreciation: 249/?
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kitsunetsuki · 1 year ago
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Mike Berkofsky - Dress by Ossie Clark (Honey 1968)
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notchainedtotrauma · 6 months ago
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Sonya Clark, our glass,
raw silk and burlap
Sonya Clark, eye to eye,
found glass beads
Sonya Clark, stethoscope,
Sonya Clark, blued,
Sonya Clark, synapse
cloth and thread
Sonya Clark, promise
Sonya Clark about this artistic project the Communicatool:
These devices connect eye to eye, heart to heart, and head to head to yield empathetic and perhaps even telepathic communication. A promise between two people is remembered when each places a finger in attached miniature gloves. All were inspired by objects of material culture: a twin pair of antique spectacles, a doctor’s stethoscope, an image of thread tied around a finger to remember a promise, and an edan (an object worn by Nigerian judges that symbolizes balance in communication).
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frownyalfred · 1 month ago
Do we get another sneak peak of coral room 😞
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bruciemilf · 2 years ago
If you haven't already, can you speak more on the Waynes (Martha & Thomas)?? I just want to know how their older teenage years were shaped and how it looked. If they went to college/uni the what kind of shit did they get up to? The pictures just make me so immersed in their world 💗
I know I rave a lot about Italian Thomas, but consider: His family's from Texas or Georgia and he's just weird enough that he fit in Gotham right in.
I picture him as a football or hockey manager who's got a big heart and the worst temper. This post is brought to you by Battinson, an emo bitch, saying "y'all" by accident around Clark and that boy's brain damn near gives
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frozen-orbit · 8 months ago
Renegades characters as one out of context Taylor Swift lyric
Ruby: "The life of the party, you're showing off again. And I'd roll my eyes and then you'd pull me in. I'm not much for dancing, but for you, I did."
Oscar: "I always forget to tell you I love you. I loved you from the very first day."
Danna: "Do you believe me now?"
Narcissa: "I don't really wanna fight, 'cause nobody's gonna win."
Max: "You're a bandit like me. Eyes full of stars."
Maggie: "Knew her when I was young, reconnected when we were a little bit older."
Callum: "You showed me something that I couldn't see. You opened my eyes and you made me believe."
Genissa: "Women like hunting witches too, doing your dirtiest work for you."
Winston: "Laughin', but the joke's not funny at all."
Honey: "I know they said the end is near, but I'm still on my tallest tiptoes, spinning in my highest heels, love."
Leroy: "Remember when I pulled up and said 'get in the car'."
Phobia: "Made you run and hide like a scared little boy."
Ace Anarchy: "Now he sits on his throne in his palace of bones praying to his greed."
Lady Indomitable: "So they killed Cassandra first 'cause she feared the worst."
Millie: "And so I changed your name and any real defining clues."
Didn't include Nodrian cause they have their own post 😁
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youredyingthatsallthereis · 2 months ago
gambit posting rip my old icon which was cropped from one of my absolute favorite gambit panels:
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but soup made art of the one and only hardstyle dj gary roach sanderson and said i can use it so there he is 🥹🎧🎶✨🪩
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