#Honey Harper
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call-me-chips · 5 months ago
More Renegades memes
Spoilers ahead
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ilovenovaartino · 9 months ago
A little headcanon that I want to share:
We know that Nova can do her own flawless eyeliner, but HEAR. ME. OUT when I say that she can also cut her own hair.
When she moved in with the Anarchists her hair started growing, but Nova didn’t like it and she preferred it short, so she asked Honey to cut it for her, as the time passed Honey explained to her how to cut certain parts, how to measure how long or how shot she wanted it etc.
After ten years of learning with Honey she started to cut it herself and trim it herself.
Anyways I thought it would be nice to post it
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sunday-supernova · 2 months ago
bonus supernova 1!!!
had this idea yesterday could not rest until it was made a reality happy holidays and/or merry christmas for those celebrating!!!
(callum dec 1 to 25 every year without fail)
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trains-off-the-tracks · 1 year ago
we were Robbed of the anarchist found family. they lived in the subway together for ten years we needed the intense chaotic bonds
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frozen-orbit · 8 months ago
Renegades characters as one out of context Taylor Swift lyric
Ruby: "The life of the party, you're showing off again. And I'd roll my eyes and then you'd pull me in. I'm not much for dancing, but for you, I did."
Oscar: "I always forget to tell you I love you. I loved you from the very first day."
Danna: "Do you believe me now?"
Narcissa: "I don't really wanna fight, 'cause nobody's gonna win."
Max: "You're a bandit like me. Eyes full of stars."
Maggie: "Knew her when I was young, reconnected when we were a little bit older."
Callum: "You showed me something that I couldn't see. You opened my eyes and you made me believe."
Genissa: "Women like hunting witches too, doing your dirtiest work for you."
Winston: "Laughin', but the joke's not funny at all."
Honey: "I know they said the end is near, but I'm still on my tallest tiptoes, spinning in my highest heels, love."
Leroy: "Remember when I pulled up and said 'get in the car'."
Phobia: "Made you run and hide like a scared little boy."
Ace Anarchy: "Now he sits on his throne in his palace of bones praying to his greed."
Lady Indomitable: "So they killed Cassandra first 'cause she feared the worst."
Millie: "And so I changed your name and any real defining clues."
Didn't include Nodrian cause they have their own post 😁
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amuletx · 2 months ago
"You are a queen, Honey Harper. You must never kneel. Not to me. Not to anyone. Not one of us shall ever kneel again." - Ace Anarchy
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mikodrawnnarratives · 29 days ago
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Not sure how to add this to the big Notes Document i have in the works but it is interesting how the different reactions reflect the characters so early
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karmaspidr · 2 years ago
Basically the start of the final battle in Supernova.
Ace: Niece. Kill the boy.
Nova: But, Uncle-
Adrien: Do it, bitch. I dare you.
Nova: Shoots Honey Fuck this shit. Kiss me now.
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rosisregiis · 2 years ago
yeah ok but why is it everytime i want to compare roles in a found family i use the crows
different character same font: six of crows and the anarchists from renegades
kaz brekker/nova artino
- leader, cunning, ambitious, black capes black mask black galore
- doesn’t want to get close to anyone
- society views them as “bad”
inej ghafa/ingrid thompson
- cutthroat, second in command, moves like shadows
- knives/bombs same idea
nina zenik/honey harper
- uses charm, flirting, plays dumb, acts crazy or unknowledgeable but is actually insanely powerful and will be violent when need be
- fiercely loyal to their friends
- kind of takes on being the mom friend
matthias helvar/phobia
- the outcast, not much known about them, the serious one
- always standing on the edge of the group being menacing but is actually a cuddly bear deep inside
- doesn’t talk much but when they do it’s the funniest one liner
jesper fahey/winston pratt
- the joker, the silly one who is really hiding their trauma with humour
- is the butt of many jokes but takes it with his head held high cause he knows they still love him
wylan van eck/leroy flinn
- chemicals, does a lot of behind the scenes stuff rather then physical fighting action
- has a pure heart and good relationship with each person
- seen as the “docile” or “nicer” one
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call-me-chips · 16 days ago
Some Renegades couples for Valentine's day <3
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Honey is going out with herself btw :3
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badslittlemuffin · 1 year ago
Hugh Everhart, and also sorta Simon Westwood:
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Max Everhart:
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and then I realized he was white so I pictured Percy Jackson💀
Honey Harper:
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didn't really picture her as Cruella De Vil, it's just her ✨️vibe✨️ was Cruella De Vil
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sunday-supernova · 3 months ago
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sunday supernova week 4!!!
traditional doodle this time pardon any missed details!! scout and i were discussing what the anarchists would do for thanksgiving (if there were such a thing in gatlon) and agreed upon the following:
-ingrid would blow up the turkey (whether it's an accident or not is debatable)
-winston would make absolutely delicious shortbread butter cookies (with lucky charms in them)
-honey would make the best pie you've ever tasted and be a total badass about it
-phobia just looks winston dead in the eye and says "bees" at least once a week and winston's day is instantly ruined
-nova is the only practical one (read: opens cans and calls it a day)
-leroy would make camp stove mac and cheese and it would be delectable but nobody would eat it because every time he cooks he jokes so consistently about poisoning the food that nobody will touch it with a 10 1/2 foot pole and he gets all of it :D
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azlyricsdotcom · 2 years ago
Strawberry Lite // Honey Harper // Starmaker (2020)
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(If you wrote this, please reply or something so you can get proper credit and be tagged)
Content Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
The anarchists hatch a plan to capture Adrian and use him as bait to get his dads in a vulnerable position. Nova finds herself questioning the Anarchists and grows close with Adrian. The renegades are wrong, but are the anarchists wrong as well?
Set in an alternate universe where Nova doesn't go undercover right after Frostbite invades the tunnels.
Words: 15798
Chapters: 11/?
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cheesewelsom · 2 years ago
SpiderWorld AU. ( So im bored, so im just creating a spiderman world or something )
This world is called Scitan, ( originally it was supposed to mean sci-fi and manhattan, but it sounded like Satan so this is where all the shit came from)
There are two main places, Heaven and Hell ( not literally. ), Heaven is a floating platform, just on top of Hell. Heaven is where the wealthy live, like, they're very wealthy, with healthy trees, lush grass, golden roads and it literally looks like a daydream.
And hell is below heaven, Heaven blocked the sun, so now hell is this cold, and desolate place. It's dirty, run down and honestly, if it wasn't for the second sun created by the people below, they would've been dead from the lack of sun.
It's just basically south side chicago.
Honey Harper got in to a car accident, her parents are dead and now moves in with auntie may in one of the apartments. ( It's honestly in one of the good places in hell )
But the car accident gave her amnesia. Now she's suddenly in a new place, new home, and she can remember a thing.
Then suddenly, she finds a tattoo? While she is looking at herself in the mirror, she finds her neck surrounded by these long lines? There are atleast eight lines surrounded by thin lines, she turns around to see a spider, right on top of the 1st to the 4th cervical vertebrae is a body of a spider, with it's eight legs wrapped around her neck.
Okay, the doctors at the hospital didn't tell her of any tattoo. She didn't know this,but the eight legs stand for her powers.
The Eight legs :
sticking on to walls
Enhanced sense
super speed
Anyways, she thinks nothing of it, she starts school tomorrow, she reads her subject just o get ahead.
Everythings fine until she was showering at night, she was washing her neck next thing she knows everything's way too clear, her body feels light, and why is her skin suddenly a different color? She rushes to the mirror to see no hair.
Well, no face too. She just has this.. mask? Where is her hair? Or her face? She looks at her body and her body is still human.. it's just, there's this kind of scale? This hard armour on her. She pinches it, and it isn't stretchable. It's like touching concrete, she couldn't feel anything happening under it too.
She punched her arm, nothing. She's scared. Panicking, why can she still move her arm when this armour is hard as fuck?
She touches her neck again then suddenly she's her again, she as skin. She pinches herself and it hurts.
She cries happy tears as she finishes scrubbing herself dry, she doesn't touch the spider on her neck.
The next day she gone to school with uncle ben, took the test and left. They go get ice cream and see two 5 year olds in front of them. She looks at them, she really looks at them and they seem really familiar. They both shrink under her gaze, she was even more confused.
"miss, we're sorry for telling you those things. " They apologized and she's even more confused, Uncle ben seems to sense her confusion and gives them a good smile and nods.
They get their ice cream and leave, they leave the stall, they get home and she's curios. She presses her spider tattoo and her skin changes. She still had her clothes on, which is a relief.
When she looks at her skin, she could see the little intricate details, like the tiny bumps that now make up the texture of her skin, my gosh, she's gonna feel like a snake.
She rushes to bathroom until she realizes she's already there.
Then she sees herself, ( you guys can imagine her spider suit, never have i thought making a spiderman story and the hardest thing to imagine was her freaking spiderman suit. )
And she's shocked, she looks at her hands and she notices her wrists have three rings each on them.
She figures out some Powers, she figures out she can walk on air, not float or fly which wad a bust. Stick to walls, webs ( she figures that out with finger guns, but when the webs came out, it stuck to her palm, so now she still finger guns but the palm out of the way. ) And enhanced sense.
What she heard was none of her business, and the toothpaste in her mouth mixed with ice cream was actually delicious, she's trying that combination next time.
She actually figures out the suit may be indestructible by stubbing her toe, but instead of pain, the door dented a bit.
She's never been happier in her entire life.
Pt, 1.: Not sure if im making a part 2.
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frownyalfred · 1 month ago
Re: your reblogged ask about omega jason being a sought after partner for socialites just for the name alone and connections -
Jason: i know how to fix this
Jason: -calls Roy up- hey you want to make rich people angry and come attend a Wayne gala with me as my "partner"?
Roy, who high key low key down for real: Only every day. Want me to break out the big guns on this?
Jason: sure. Wear your most obnoxious trucker hat.
Roy: : ( hey.
-- later --
Bruce & Lex: Ollie's kid ?!?
Jason: -smug (not snug) as a bug in a rug- Two birds one stone
I can't tell what's funnier -- Alpha!Roy or Omega!Roy. Or maybe even Beta!Roy. Truly, any option would turn heads and make people furious. Other than Bruce -- Bruce secretly likes Roy and has wanted to steal him away from Ollie now for years, but clamped down on that because he thought it was an omega instinct. It's not, it's just common sense LOL.
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