#Renegades phobia
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call-me-chips · 5 months ago
Some random Renegades incorrect quotes
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frozen-orbit · 9 months ago
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sunday-supernova · 2 months ago
bonus supernova 1!!!
had this idea yesterday could not rest until it was made a reality happy holidays and/or merry christmas for those celebrating!!!
(callum dec 1 to 25 every year without fail)
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annoyedbreadstick · 2 months ago
Shadow creature and the child
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I’m rereading parts of Renegades and I’m cursed by the memory of Phobiace 😭 I’m just casually reading and I’ll see phobia or ace’s name on the page and I’ll be reminded of that cursed crack ship
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someonewhogotanaccount · 2 years ago
Some questions about Phobia
Uhhh... hello? Yeah, I think I should greet you because it's my first post and everything.
Well, I was recently wondering about some stuff and I never figured out the answers so I'll ask you now, Renegade-Fandom :).
We know that Phobia was never hurt in a fight, right? Never ever was beaten by any hero (leaving out Adrian). And he can kind of teleport/(dis)appear through shadows. So, what I am wondering now is why the hell didn't the Anarchists use him to free Ace from Cragmore? Or, maybe more in general, why didn't he show up at the mayors' mansion to kill the Dread Warden and Captain Chromium? As we know, Adrians worst fear is being helpless/weak and Phobia could make it come true in killing Adrians dads while Adrian himself is helpless and feels to weak to rescue them.
Or am I just a big dumbass and overlook something completely obvious?
The same goes, by the way, for the fact that Phobia just disappeared when Team Sketch went to the catacombs. Like. Come on Phobia, you had one job! You can't even had been weaken because you've been litually next to your source of power (because, yk, he absorbed his power from Adrians worst fears who was standing not that far away of Phobia, if I remember correctly).
And another last thing I also think about is that Phobia didn't figure out that Adrian was the Sentinel. Shouldn't he feel some kind of connection to him? Or at least recognize the fears?
I got all this questions while writing a spontaneous scene with Phobia in a fanfiction and since I have now the opportunity to ask you over tumblr, I thought I should take a try (hope it doesn't come out in the end that I just missed some very obvious things ;).
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alchemisticramblings · 9 months ago
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i am having. Way too much fun with this meme format
they all look absolutely ridiculous here and im pretty sure i gravely fucked up the renegades uniform
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mikodrawnnarratives · 30 days ago
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On one hand, this makes Adrian's choice to take away his power of his own volition very interesting, and i cant remember atm if Supernova pays any lip service to this fear but its cool
on the other it kinda adds how everyone getting their powers back undermines some sacrifices and punishments made but ig we'll see if it was worth it for setting up the sequel series Max being the only one to not have powers in a world that will still have contention around prodigies and hierarchies of power
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it's also interesting the fact that Adrian both has this fear and is the most prominent character that didn't face trauma to get his power. The anarchist's reaction is from people who DID face trauma before receiving their power, cuz that was the only way they could survive. Winston was happier without his power for instance, so the differences are highlighted in another way
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rosisregiis · 2 years ago
yeah ok but why is it everytime i want to compare roles in a found family i use the crows
different character same font: six of crows and the anarchists from renegades
kaz brekker/nova artino
- leader, cunning, ambitious, black capes black mask black galore
- doesn’t want to get close to anyone
- society views them as “bad”
inej ghafa/ingrid thompson
- cutthroat, second in command, moves like shadows
- knives/bombs same idea
nina zenik/honey harper
- uses charm, flirting, plays dumb, acts crazy or unknowledgeable but is actually insanely powerful and will be violent when need be
- fiercely loyal to their friends
- kind of takes on being the mom friend
matthias helvar/phobia
- the outcast, not much known about them, the serious one
- always standing on the edge of the group being menacing but is actually a cuddly bear deep inside
- doesn’t talk much but when they do it’s the funniest one liner
jesper fahey/winston pratt
- the joker, the silly one who is really hiding their trauma with humour
- is the butt of many jokes but takes it with his head held high cause he knows they still love him
wylan van eck/leroy flinn
- chemicals, does a lot of behind the scenes stuff rather then physical fighting action
- has a pure heart and good relationship with each person
- seen as the “docile” or “nicer” one
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maggothaven · 1 year ago
Phobia being created by Adrain is funny to me cause up until that point I was totally imagining him as just a regular guy who got a scary power by happenstance and decided to use it to compete with Honey for the title of most dramatic person alive.
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black-bulls-mansion · 10 months ago
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Black Clover/Dungeon Meshi Crossover — Part 1
[half-foots, gnomes]
This is our take on the Black Bulls if they're part of Dungeon Meshi's world, if you haven't seen the show yet - you should! It's an enjoyable and amazing non-isekai fantasy series!
We'll divide the bulls by their races, starting with the Elf race!
Nacht the Renegade, of the Faust House:
Expert at forbidden ancient & black magic.
Had his soul divided into four parts to merge with four demonic beasts and gain their service, which gave him the ability to turn into four types of were-transformation and back to an elf.
His family was wiped out during an illegal ritual by a dungeon-level demon lord, Nacht and Morgen were the only survivors from their house, however Morgen had his soul devoured by the demon and was left crippled and unresponsive.
Nacht got accused for Faust House's crimes and sentenced to life prison for over 100 years until he managed to run, swearing to find his brother's soul and bring it back to him.
He eventually met Yami, an ogre adventurer, and became partners with him. They created the Black Bulls guild together, though few of the members are aware of Nacht's existence.
Naturally, he despises demons. He has no opinion about monsters, but hates dragons because they're too troublesome.
He's racist towards every race, especially his own kind, even more so towards himself, and double more towards Yami.
Noelle of the Royal Line, the Mixed Elf:
For most of her life, Noelle was discriminated by her family without knowing what she did wrong, until Solid accidently revealed to her that she was - unlike her siblings, who are all pure elves - a result of mysterious relationship between her mother and a human.
Facing the truth with denial and doubt, Noelle decided to go out in the world to look for answers from her real father.
Like all elves, she can use magic naturally, but her control skills are flawed and never had anyone willing to train her.
She hates all monsters and finds them creepy, especially mimics, even though she seems to attract mimics. She hates dungeons in general and would have never went to one if she didn't need money and resources. She tries to look for a party with an elf, which is how she ended up with the Black Bulls after meeting Gauche.
She has conflicted opinions on the other races but acts all prideful in front of them while secretly being curious about their habits and culture. Especially half-foot!
Her staff is a very powerful relic she inherited from her mother, its name is "Silvantus Schnauzer," Noelle will beat you with the fury of thousand gods if you get it wrong.
Gauche of House Adlai:
His family was falsely accused for ancient magic use and fell down the hierarchy as a result even after their name was cleared. Pissed off, Gauche took his sister Marie and left. The years they spent on their own were the worst in Gauche's life.
The siblings were later found and adopted by a kind gnome, Sister Theresa, who taught Gauche how to use the ancient mirror tool he stole from elven warehouse.
When he starts exploring dungeons for treasures, Marie begs him to take her familiar fairy with him.
Because of his bad nature, rudeness, and the general dismiss other races have with elves, Gauche works alone and is often avoided by other groups. He's eventually managed to bond with another lone explorer, Zora - an ogre, and later joins the Black Bulls guild.
Slimes are Gauche's least favorite monsters. In fact, he might have developed a phobia for them. Not that he'd admit it.
Say a bad word about Marie's fairy - or Marie in general - and he'll kill you. Seriously, don't. He'll make sure you'll not get revived with a whole body.
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call-me-chips · 5 months ago
Some Anarchist incorrect quotes,
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And some Nodrian ones :)
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frozen-orbit · 8 months ago
Renegades characters as one out of context Taylor Swift lyric
Ruby: "The life of the party, you're showing off again. And I'd roll my eyes and then you'd pull me in. I'm not much for dancing, but for you, I did."
Oscar: "I always forget to tell you I love you. I loved you from the very first day."
Danna: "Do you believe me now?"
Narcissa: "I don't really wanna fight, 'cause nobody's gonna win."
Max: "You're a bandit like me. Eyes full of stars."
Maggie: "Knew her when I was young, reconnected when we were a little bit older."
Callum: "You showed me something that I couldn't see. You opened my eyes and you made me believe."
Genissa: "Women like hunting witches too, doing your dirtiest work for you."
Winston: "Laughin', but the joke's not funny at all."
Honey: "I know they said the end is near, but I'm still on my tallest tiptoes, spinning in my highest heels, love."
Leroy: "Remember when I pulled up and said 'get in the car'."
Phobia: "Made you run and hide like a scared little boy."
Ace Anarchy: "Now he sits on his throne in his palace of bones praying to his greed."
Lady Indomitable: "So they killed Cassandra first 'cause she feared the worst."
Millie: "And so I changed your name and any real defining clues."
Didn't include Nodrian cause they have their own post 😁
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sunday-supernova · 3 months ago
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sunday supernova week 4!!!
traditional doodle this time pardon any missed details!! scout and i were discussing what the anarchists would do for thanksgiving (if there were such a thing in gatlon) and agreed upon the following:
-ingrid would blow up the turkey (whether it's an accident or not is debatable)
-winston would make absolutely delicious shortbread butter cookies (with lucky charms in them)
-honey would make the best pie you've ever tasted and be a total badass about it
-phobia just looks winston dead in the eye and says "bees" at least once a week and winston's day is instantly ruined
-nova is the only practical one (read: opens cans and calls it a day)
-leroy would make camp stove mac and cheese and it would be delectable but nobody would eat it because every time he cooks he jokes so consistently about poisoning the food that nobody will touch it with a 10 1/2 foot pole and he gets all of it :D
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annoyedbreadstick · 2 months ago
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Rest In Peace, Callum.
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I know the Renegades fandom gave Phobia some stupid name and I can’t remember what it was. I swear it started with an S. Please help
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