#chronic illness recovery
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sleepysleepysleepybaby · 7 days ago
so I’ve been very slowly recovering from severe me/cfs. (very very slowly). about two weeks ago, i made a List of recovery goals, as a way to give myself a sense of progress.
the List includes things like driving a car, or travelling to the CBD. i felt like everything on my List was still pretty far away for me and i wouldn’t be able to achieve any of them for at least a few months, given that i’m still basically housebound and 80% bedbound.
a week ago, i started having a medication reaction. it was pretty bad, so i went to stay with my parents. while i was there, the reaction got much worse and i ended up needing an ambulance. and because my parents live in a different area to me, i got taken to a different hospital. a hospital that happens in be in the CBD.
i had written on my List: travel to the CBD. okay. i meant, have a fun day in the CBD. NOT go to the hospital in the CBD. but technicallyyyyy i DID travel to the CBD??
i’m back to baseline now. and i think it’s just a silly fluke. then, today, my mum is driving me to a drs appointment. and on the way there, we get into a minor accident.
i love my mother - but she’s not good in a crisis. she got really, really upset. so upset, that she couldn’t continue driving me. and we were only a few streets away from the clinic.
so i got behind the wheel??? and i drove us the rest of the way.
just to reiterate though, when i wrote the List this is not what i had in mind. i thought my first drive would be planned, and that it would happen when i was well and truly ready. not like this????
but i have to tick it off. because i DID drive. technically.
i think the List is cursed.
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imaginarylungfish · 1 year ago
after recovering from my chronic illness (ie. i only have flares like 1-2x/yr instead of symptoms every day), i see how damaging it was to my psyche to not be believed as sick by doctors and my family at first. that set my recovery back so much. it made me second guess myself and dismiss my pain so much so that even to this day (about 3 years since daily symptoms) i don't have a good idea of when i'm too sick to go to work. (ie. i just push through when i should probably rest.)
that experience of people invalidating my pain just made me default to always believing someone when they say they are hurting. physically or emotionally. sure, they may not realize their pain isn't as bad as others' pain but why do we need to compare? their pain is still bad enough. their reality matters. their pain matters.
comparing pain seems really useless ~most of the time~. (of course, there are instances where we must triage or put someone's needs above our own, but that's not ~most of the time~.)
example: at my work this week (i work at a nature center where we lead field trips for elementary school kids), my coworker asked if someone else could greet the school when they arrived because her asthma was bad. my asthma was also bad that day and i was having an mcas flare, so i turned to see if another coworker would step up. one did and things worked out fine.
my coworker with asthma and i did not need to compare our pain to see whose was worse and more "worthy" of sitting out. we just passed the job onto someone else. our other coworker helped out and picked up the slack (as will we when someone else needs us to step up).
so, i just don't see that much good come from comparing pain. i've had people over the years try to tell me their pain is worse than mine, as if it's a contest. that feels super shitty and invalidating. (i understand those people are probably just trying to get their pain validated, but sometimes i don't have the capacity for that when i am also in pain.)
pain isn't a zero-sum game. just because i'm in pain doesn't mean you aren't. we can both be in pain. and we can both help each other in/with our pain.
so, i guess what i'm trying to say is that it seems like validating people's pain is better than the alternatives. i don't know what other people feel unless they tell me. so, if someone is telling me they are in pain, who am i to tell them they are wrong?
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compassionmattersmost · 3 months ago
In the Quiet of Healing: My Journey with the Parasympathetic Nervous System
Healing Through Rest: How the Parasympathetic Nervous System Can Support Recovery from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome In the aftermath of the recent hurricanes, Helene and Milton, I’ve felt post-exertional malaise weigh heavily on my body. The fatigue has been more than just physical—it’s emotional and mental, a deep, enveloping weariness that reminds me how fragile recovery can be. As I continue to…
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thoradvice · 11 months ago
you don't have to be glad that it's not worse. that goes for everything. disability, trauma, mental illness, grades, finances, whatever. you're /allowed/ to be upset that things are the way they are. you don't have to be grateful for your situation - bad is bad. somebody else's suffering doesn't make yours less painful. it's okay to be angry
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irisesinyoureyes · 1 year ago
i used to be really sick for 6 years. now i'm better but everything seems temporary. i don't feel like things will last. i don't know what to do with this extra time/health/life i stumbled upon
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achronicwriter · 2 years ago
⛅️ Tuesday, July 11, 2023 🌘
I was awakened quite a bit earlier than I wanted to be by a tiny ball of fluff screaming in my ear. She doesn't look it, but I can't swear this kitten isn't part Siamese. The kids are experimenting with calling her Eclipse.
The Miracle Morning: I began the day with Pranic breathing, affirmations, and visualization followed by some stretching. I'm currently re-reading The Shower Habit, by Stephanie Ewing. I did a ten-minute braindump; any more than that would have despooned me before I could actually write.
Writing: Thirty minutes insane scribbling. I discovered the notes from an idea I had in January and realized it fit perfectly into the Solarpunk Superhero setting I'm working on.
I went back to sleep at 10:30 am listening to the audiobook Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty on YouTube.
I slept soundly for five solid hours and woke up feeling almost "human."
We had the baby for a couple of hours, then swapped her out for the kitten for a couple more. I'm not sure which was noisier but at least the kitten took a nap!
I'm making headway on a new baby blanket, with a combination of stitches I'm perfecting for use on an afghan for my Partner in Crime. Only theirs is also going to be granny striped. When they send me the yarn I'll get going on that. It's going to take a while because it's a full sized afghan and I've never made anything bigger than a throw.
Another crochet project is an afghan for our neighbor we adopted. He's battling very poor health and I'd like to get it done asap. I need yarn for that, too.
Both creatures were back in the kids' apartment at sundown so the husband and I could unwind. I think I'll make that the rule unless other arrangements have been made in advance.
Crime Scene Kitchen is my current favorite cooking competition show.
I heated food (turkey and veg meatballs, baked potato, shredded cheese) and rounded up the ingredients so the husband can make himself some homemade trail mix. The kitchen is an unsanitary mess but I just didn't have the oomph to clean it.
Despite the five hours of extra sleep I was run down, tired, and a little sore all day. Nothing much got done again. and it's really hard not to be frustrated.
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perdamian · 8 months ago
hey guys… we all know that it’s okay for mithrun to have a caretaker for the rest of his life, right? that even after he heals and potentially regains his desires he will probably still need support?? that the goal of healing is not to become a “normal person”, but to build skills to navigate the world in a way that accommodates your disability??? that relying on the people around you is not a failure, but proof of your desire to live????
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thepeacefulgarden · 2 months ago
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Also, if you only have 30%, and you give 30%, you didn't give 30%. You gave 100%. You did your best. Your best is going to look different each day, and even from moment to moment within that day. And some days really are just about making it to the next one. That counts, too. If all you did today was breathe, you did enough.
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neuroticboyfriend · 11 months ago
if you're a recovering addict, i want you to know you're doing good.
you didn't use today? you're doing good. you used recently and you're still recovering? you're doing good. you sought support today? you're doing good. you practiced harm reduction? you're doing good. you want to relapse and haven't? you're doing good. you're getting involved, even if others are doing more? you're doing good. you're resting today? you're doing good. you're alive? you're doing good.
this shit takes time. you have spent a considerable amount of time doing harmful things to yourself, or others. you're not going to change overnight. all you can reasonably do is get through the day, adding as much good to your life/the lives of others as you can. it doesn't matter what happened yesterday, or what's going to happen tomorrow.
all you have is this moment, and if you're on the path of recovery... you're doing good. this is your story. not someone else's. not some idealized version of yourself. it's yours, just as you exist, right now. that's all you have, and all you need.
keep going. you got this. i'm glad you're here (and so is everyone else who interacted with this post).
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study-diaries · 10 months ago
Your pain (physical/mental/emotional) is valid even if nobody can see it
Your pain is valid even if you have no physical symptoms
Your pain is valid even if there is no physical injury
Your pain is valid even if others tell you it's not
Your pain is valid even if you do not have a life threatening disease
Your pain is valid even if you don't have a diagnosis
Your pain is valid even if you do have a diagnosis
Your pain is still valid even if nobody believes you
Your pain is still valid even if you are too "young" for the problem/issue
Your pain is valid even if the health care advisor/anybody tells you that it's in your head
Your pain is valid no matter what the conditions are
Your pain is valid.
Pain does not discriminate between age, gender, race, nationality etc. Just because you can't see pain, doesn't mean it's not there.
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spoonie-on-wheels86 · 1 year ago
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bardic-inspo · 9 months ago
*takes your face and holds it tenderly*
You were not made just to suffer. You are more. You are so much more than your hardest moments. 💜
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I hope that this winter season brings you healing and peace. 🩵❄️
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compassionmattersmost · 3 months ago
9: Listening to Your Body: A Compassionate Approach to the Leg Press for Post-Viral ME/CFS
When living with Post-Viral ME/CFS, it’s essential to remind ourselves that our journey with exercise is not measured by how much we do, but by how gently we honor the unique rhythms of our bodies. This is especially true when it comes to engaging in physical activities like the Leg Press Machine. Today, we’ll explore how to mindfully approach this exercise in a way that supports both your…
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buglover77 · 1 year ago
Thinking about so many people this holiday season. People in ED recovery. People who haven’t started their ED recovery yet. People with sensory issues around food. People with unwanted dietary restrictions and intolerances and allergies. “Picky eaters.” You are valid, you are loved, you are capable, you are strong. I hope you are able to find joy and delight this year in your meals. Wishing you all the best. ❤️
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this-smile-is-real · 6 months ago
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Hi, I’m Hannah.
I am trying to build my life after 49 hospital admissions in 8 years. After 20+ years of trauma, an eating disorder etc. I have diagnoses of cPTSD, Anorexia, Fibromyalgia, Functional Neurological Disorder and my large bowel no longer works. I have been on the disability pension since 2019 but have increasing medical costs, increase in rent, more and more specialists and appointments weekly, fortnightly and monthly. I currently have 11 people on my team but can only afford to see 2 regularly.
I am needing help financially that I can’t find elsewhere. I am doing all that I can and am also currently studying at university but have become so overwhelmed, in thousands of dollars debt and am always behind in bills. I would be so grateful for any donations. Thank you
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