#anti endos pls dni :)
snow-on-mtsilver · 2 months
when anti endos get upset about endos/pro endos using sp or pk(both pro endo) i think of this scene for some reason since like, they can't really "steal" other people's usage of those things, and they're free for everyone to use so like
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thevoidoceansystem · 2 months
I’m sorry, but I just saw an anti endo post that said smth along the lines of “invading traumatised peoples spaces and causing them to have to be paranoid…” blah blah, yeah yeah stupid anti bs.
Put like paranoid? About fucking what bro?
About the fact that some1 u may be following or interacting with isn’t traumatised themselves?
Like how is that bad? The fuck it got to do with u?
I just… sigh antis astound me with their stupidity sometimes 🙄
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sawyer-is-eepy · 5 months
MaDD and plurality
okay so we're MaDD, right?? and we're also plural??
NOBODY talks about how freaking hard that makes communicating omg.
constantly i'll be trying to talk to someone and then i drift off and suddenly they are completely drowned out OR they're ALSO daydreaming!! it's so frustrating, because it means that to even semi-effectively communicate, i have to talk out loud. if i have to communicate something important and we're in a public place i just have to focus REALLY hard on internal communication and it sometimes STILL doesnt work.
on top of that, we have ADHD so it's even harder, and talking out loud still doesn't work that well because without another person physically here to snap me back to reality whenever i'm daydreaming, if i start daydreaming, i'm just stuck until i realize, which can be anywhere from within a minute to literally 20+ minutes. usually they're able to get my attention by that time, but it's hard because our communication is not easy for anyone but the host(me, who is ALWAYS fronting) to initiate, so unless i actively open myself to communicate with them, it's hard for them to get my attention. sometimes my daydreams even last hours, but that usually doesn't happen when i'm not actively deciding to daydream. so yeah, it's really difficult because i've already got issues focusing, and adding basically irresistable urges to daydream at random that get triggered way too easily on top of that, inner communication is SO HARD.
anyways, this makes making a tulpa really fucking difficult because forcing is really hard.
but here are my tips, for other MaDD, especially anyone making a headmate/alter/tulpa/parogen/whatever themself -
incorporate your daydreaming into the communicating/forcing. like daydream you and that alter hanging out and then communicate via that. this does not ensure that you won't start daydreaming about anything else, but it lessens the chances. if you try to force yourself to not daydream at ALL the urges are gonna be much harder to ignore, at least for me. if you're ALREADY daydreaming, and it gets interesting enough, minor distractions are gonna catch your attention less and less because you WANNA focus on this one daydream. it becomes much more enjoyable.
this kind of like the last one, but this is more specific to tulpa/parogen forcing. don't really view it as a chore, which i've accidentally been doing more and more. not a chore i dislike, but i've been viewing it like something i have to do every single day for x amount of time other wise it wont work and it'll fail horribly and everything will be ruined, when it shouldn't need to be that. it shouldn't be on a to-do list, unless that really works for you(which if that's the case that's freaking awesome and you should probably ignore this tip). idk about everyone else, but it's much easier for me to daydream if i'm treating something like something i need to do because it's so much more tempting to just go live somewhere else for a minute while i do things i need to do. i often daydream doing chores because it's not interesting enough to keep me grounded. so, to make sure it gets done, i drift off while i'm doing it, so i am doing it in the real world but to me i'm in another world or in one of my stories. but for forcing, to be able to do it, you HAVE to be constantly aware and present. if you view it like you're just having a fun little conversation with them, it becomes like whenever you're bored or lonely just like you would reach out to a friend, but instead you're getting some talking to your head friend in. even if it's not traditional forcing, it works and develops them more, even if it's just a bit here and there. idk about everyone else, but i think partially because of my ADHD and partially because of my MaDD, whenever i have a chore i need to do i kind of put it off if i'm already doing something. i don't really *want* to put it off, but i just can't get my body to move. especially when I'm daydreaming. because, why would i get up and do the boring thing when i can watch my story in my head ? it's so much easier to sit and do nothing. but as we all know, that ADHD paralysis is so so SO stress inducing, the best option is to always get up and try to force yourself to. idk if non-ADHD MaDD will relate at all though, because that paralysis is mostly exclusive to those with ADHD afaik, but for me, my MaDD makes it much worse. anyways, that probably didn't make much sense sorry
write down what everyone is saying. this makes it much easier to keep track of what they are saying and stay present, but it also documents the conversation as well. so even if you weren't that present during the conversation, or you're worried you'll forget something important, you'll have a record to read back on later if you need! and also with created alters/headmates, keeping track of their progress is always incredibly important!!
don't listen to music! this one might be a bit of a given but unless it's like instrumental music that you genuinely won't pay that much attention to but still helps you focus, DON'T listen to it. songs are an easy gateway into a daydream. ESPECIALLY songs with lyrics, even ones that you can't understand because they're in another language, which by the way for literally any other thing you need to focus on, that's a great tip, listening to music in other languages, because you can still focus with interesting music in the background but the lyrics arent grabbing you at all. anyways back to plural-related MaDD tips, yeah, don't listen to music. even if that song usually doesn't catch your attention. for me, if i'm talking, internally or externally, and there's music with lyrics playing, i reallyyy cannot focus on what i'm(or others, again, internally or externally) are saying. idk, might just be some sort of auditory processing issue related to my ADHD but i cannot focus on it, and because it's hard, i just need to pick one, and sometimes my brain picks the song and i just. stop talking. and start daydreaming.
idk what to do if you're not fronting and trying to communicate with whoever is fronting, because i've not switched(like i mentioned before, the host, who is me, has never not been the one fronting), but if anyone has any other tips either related to that or the ones i already have here, please feel free to let me know because i'd love to hear them and i'm sure others do too!! anyways, i hope i helped, idk this might be too specific to me.
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sweet-drmzzz · 3 months
hello friends and moots!!
We’ve been considering making a plural specific side blog >.<
we’d do member intros and sign offs and in general just be a bit more organized w plural related stuff :3
Plz vote lolz, we can’t make decisions on our own TwT
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seraphim-coinz · 5 months
Hi friends ! !
This is an important message!!
We'd really, really, really appreciate it if people started reblogging. The likes are so, so kind and sweet, but we're never going to get any sort of reach if we aren't REBLOGGED ! ! !
PS: Thank you to each and every one of our 24 followers so far. We are so, so appreciative of you guys supporting us.
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banner credit: @cafekitsune
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sovereignsystem · 2 months
Smh we split someone new and Levi didn't prox him?
Lame dude. Hy really needs to be more accepting of new splits.
Whatever, I prox'd the new split (Voss) and also prox'd Simon since he was discovered recently (hes been around a long time just never confirmed till now)
Host doing host stuff :P
-🧟‍♂️ (He/Him)
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cavityinmybrain · 9 months
i find it very strange how many times i have been followed by actively anti-endo accounts on here. despite the fact that i am not hiding that im an endo supporter at all.
i have even brought it up to some accounts to let them know that they were breaking their own dni by interacting with me and one replied: “im fine interacting with traumagenic pro-endos but not endogenic systems” like that just makes me feel so mfin ICKY dude.
at this point i dont want to call myself traumagenic to keep this specific subsect of people away. whats the one thats like “you dont get to know”-genic? im that one now fuck you.
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autopsycollective · 5 months
hey here’s an idea, if you disagree with my views on endos then why not just block me or don’t interact with me instead of fucking crying in my comments about it.
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cemetery-drive-sys · 6 months
Hihi just wanted to pop in and say ily and ur valid and ur beautiful and amazing and it's ok to feel!! Take a break if you need.
I love you soooooo much :3 /p
- 🕸️
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antis-hell · 11 months
Raaahhhh making an official post advertising our server>:]
Join Sillies hangout!! Pls pls pls pls
We are a small lil server for people to chill, vibe make friends, or just infodump about your hyperfixations!
Traumagen system and cluster b safe with pk and tupperbox for yall
A request channel, so you can ask for your interests own channel to talk in
Few but firm rules to keep members safe without being restrictive
We allow slurs that you can reclaim to be used light heartedly
Emoji requests so you can add your fave emotes to the server to use
A safe verification to prevent bots or raiders
And more:D🎉
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entropy-sea-system · 2 years
BPD Grumpy Bear
Reformatting this post from a previous post I made!
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I've watched only the recent care bears(unlock the magic) and I found it relateable that Grumpy had moments where he snapped at people he cared about or had his anger be more intense than he found manageable. As someone who has experienced similar things as a trauma response and still sometimes needs to be left alone when really angry so I don't inadvertantly hurt people, I related that to being similar to an aspect of my bpd.
more under the cut!
And grumpy's anger gets represented as a thundercloud due to his belly badge power which sometimes functions as an indicator of emotion. I sort of relate to not exactly knowing how you feel until it becomes visible or obvious, due to my alexithymia. Also he has one arc where because he was working on something that was important to him(Rain, Rain, Go Away), he didn't realise until later that he was frustrated and taking it out on others, which he then apologises for.
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He also appears to split on another character whos kind of like his friend/kid(?), (basically a young whiffle who joined the group and gravitated towards Grumpy) alternating between getting along with her and feeling very positive about her and then having times where due to frustration he wants to be left alone or gets upset at her(If it's Broke, Fix It).
He also shows similar emotions about the other characters he's close to and has a few taking accountability for the effects of his anger and doing his best to manage it type of arcs I suppose(Rain, Rain, Go Away and Sorry not Sorry). The latter episode also shows him to have difficulties with apologies which I relate to though thats due my aspd and npd rather than bpd.
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Also its not very noticeable but he has this thing where he feels the need to be alone usually due to being introvertedish or needing to work on something or due to intense emotions, but at the same time misses others when alone and seems to have doubts about himself. Sort of makes me think of the emptiness and possibly abandonment issues associated w bpd.
And in one episode he is shown to be likely the most suspicious of newcomers out of the care bears(Things That Go Plunk), and this suspicion towards others is something I relate to my bpd and trauma, more so the latter, as a hypervigilance type of thing.
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In one episode where his anger-formed thundercloud causes rain (Rain, Rain, Go Away) , the whiffles in the meadow where it rained(which as a result became messy and muddy and the plants got washed away), including Dibble(the one whos joined the care bears group), are upset at him.
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As a result, he thinks the best solution is pretending to always be happy and not prone to anger or frustration, basically the opposite of his usual personality, to the extent that his sense of self is eclipsed by his need to avoid anger. Its even physically shown by him sticking a sticky note with a smiley face on it over his belly badge and asking to be called Mr. Happyface.
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This I felt reminded me of bpd masking and having an unstable/variable sense of self. The storyline that results felt kind of iffy in that the other care bears try to make him angry so that it rains in an arid field in addition to telling him to be and accept himself. It felt like they were just trying to get him to make the raincloud at some points.
But at the end of the episode he also learns that its best to be himself and accept his emotions rather than pretend to be someone he's not which I feel can be similar to someone realising they're pwbpd and not feeling like they have to mask their bpd traits all the time. I guess I personally have been masking less since I realised Im pwbpd but also prefer to be left alone when some of the traits like intense anger show up due to that not always being safe for me to show around others.
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I will also definitely be making an addition here of the IDW comics arc he has because that felt very much like I related to it as someone with BPD. However when I made the initial post, I had not read the IDW utm comics (and in fact may not even have made my way through the entirety of season 1 at that time)
Okay, so, remember how Grumpy's cloud powers get more rain and storm like when he's frustrated or angry(and more unpredictable due to being in the silver lining)? I noticed a detail here in the comics where he's lifting cans with a cloud (as far as I remember he does not lift things with his clouds other than perhaps the entire cloudseeker, in the show) and as his mood changes the cloud turns gray and rainy.
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(for reference he starts off pretty burnt out already from fixing things in this issue. He just really needs a break.)
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There is a plot point here where Bluster, Robbie, and the bad crowd are messing with these mirrors that are supposed to show one's ideal self to make the mirrors show their worst self. They dress up as the worst possible selves of Grumpy, Cheer, Goodluck, and Funshine (as they are the ones who enter the 'funhouse' with the messed up mirrors).
Each bear has an arc where they overcome the negative perceptions of their worst reflection. Grumpy's 'reflection' shows up the earliest and he did not look at the normal mirrors which show ones ideal self first like the others did.
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Cheer, Goodluck, and Funshine all see past the illusion but realise Grumpy's still in the maze. At this point Cheer goes in to find him.
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I do very much connect this to having an unstable sense of self (which I experience due to my bpd and other neurodivergences). It also really shows how much he cares for his invention (The Cloudseeker) and Dibble. (Also side note huh. They can get oil from rainbowson mountains??? Interesting. )
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At this point, Cheer reassures Grumpy that the crew knows he's not turned to the bad crowd like Bluster and Robbie try to convince them (and him) he is. She also reminds him that they know he cares and I think it's really cool how her leadership skills are shown in this arc!
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And at this point Grumpy breaks through the illusion with the help of Cheer. I find it to be a similar arc to Rain, Rain, Go Away in the acceptance of having grumpiness as an emotion though this is also Grumpy realising he matters to the people he cares about. And I think its nice that this arc is portrayed.
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At the end, Cheer also gives him this piece of glass from the funhouse for his souvenir hat to remind him of his true self, and that was another way Cheer's leadership skills and ability to reassure others was displayed.
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Finally, the arc ends with Grumpy seeing his ideal self in the nearby mirrors. I feel the comics mostly spoke for themselves thus I don't have all that much to add on here.
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snow-on-mtsilver · 2 months
us(a questioning non-disordered system) when an anti-endo follows our main account (which has no signs proving which side of syscourse we're on or what our origins are)
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thevoidoceansystem · 3 months
Plural resources any1?
does any1 have any good resources on plurality? we're a system but we're pretty new to this whole plural thing and would like 2 know more and be educated!
(endo-friendly only pls)
— 🌸🌊||🌙🌌
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sawyer-is-eepy · 6 months
oh my god this is just anti endo shit... like i know it isnt explicitly for endos but i was expecting positivity and memes :(
if youre like me and browsing this tag, im so sorry <33 love youuu youre valid :D youre wonderful :D
if youre an anti endo, thats... okay too. im not gonna fight yall over this tag cause like i said its not only ours just its a bit misleading thats all.
to ALL systems: have a great day/night!
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nepenthesys · 2 months
We'd love more plural friends who are 17+!! Don't be afraid to shoot us a dm! :D
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solroswaslost · 3 months
Hello! I'm the creator of Retro, Disco, Melody, and Chase!
I'm a Greaser Kinnie, I use He/They/Xem, I'm a minor(16) I already have a lovely partner who on here goes by Dizzy so please be respectful of that, also I'm so sorry if we start talking and I stop answering.. I genuinely forget to answer and then get scared to text back after a long while /gen
My other socials! Tho I really only post on here..
DNI - Endo systems, racists, homophobes, transphobes, etc basic Dni
Depending/if we're close - Flirt /j /p
Go ahead! / INT - Make art of my characters, just tag me please, I'd love to see it! Make headcannons of said character, ask questions about them or me! || Systems, Fresh kinnies, PJ kinnies (I forgot what else to add..)
- My ocs (Except I have.. alot alot of ocs)
- Hazbin Hotel!
- School bus graveyard
- Heathers the movie
- Dialtown!
- Monster Prom!
- Poppy Playtime
- Bendy and the ink machine / dark revival
- Black Butler!
I will be posting things like:
- Greaser/Vinny posts
- PaperFreaser (PaperJam x Fresh x Greaser) (or any ship with Greaser in it)
- Me reblogging every single blog my partner posts
- ALOT of characters...
- Alot of angst??? Maybe, I'm still deciding
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