#ship kids
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dicediceking · 2 days ago
Ao3 link here lovelies!
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This cover is so good!! In so proud of it
Anyway, I'm sure you know my tacomic kiddos, Chili and Micro
Well I thought it would be fun to delve into their story a little more. Specifically their origin story. Though, really this a Mic centered fic
I might not continue it tho :/ idk
Well hope u enjoy!
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peeperscreeperz · 7 months ago
A compilation of all the mlp fankids pairings I've done so far!
Rarijack, Twijack!
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Raritwi and Twipie!
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AppleDash and Twidash!
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Flutterdash and pinkieshy!
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And lastly so far, Rarishy and Fluttercord!
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I have 5 more between the mane 6 to do kill me.
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startheskelaton · 2 months ago
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Safest place in the world
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roadkill-creatures · 1 month ago
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junipers-insects · 4 months ago
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Uh??? Babsies???????
Scarf.f harnesses ..
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pupp0ccino · 4 months ago
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the brothrs....
I am such a sucker for these two, I love the idea of them both being a product of Error and Inks left overs from fights and not actual love. I have a whole mental au for them with my friend @/canvasism where they are both raised from birth ( which is basically a few years since they were never actual skele-pups and where born as adolescents , Gradient being slightly older) by Error in the anti-void , and occasionally visited by Fresh, who serves as the really cool step dad. Error doesn't notify Ink of their existence until they're like teens and keeps them just tucked away in the anti void.
Error treating them more like his little siblings than his kids, cuz he is in no means appropriate to be a parent. He was very split on how to feel about them at first since they are technically anomalies that aren't supposed to exist by any means, but as time passed he starts to care for them, he's more or so good at showing his love by being over protective.
Error sewn/knitted clothing for them and eventually taught them to do it themselves so they all make their own clothes.
Pj has a slight ignorance when it comes to personal space , and loves psychical affection. While Gradient is more like Error, he doesn't necessarily hate to be touched though, he's just really awkward with it. He tolerates it with Pj because he loves his lil sibling, he just gets caught off guard when Pj hug tackles him even when he does it so much, he never seems to get fully used to it
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zu-is-here · 5 months ago
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Happy birthday to the boy who changed the fate★
Axel [10/29] & Eve by ari-cuno
Anko by groovygladiatorsheep
Crazy Lace by clownyclowns
Esther by orange-dreamzer
Flicker by bluepallilworld
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saffron-gold-stardust · 2 months ago
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Alright I’ve been meaning to post these kids FOREVERRR and I’m just gonna do it now!!! Pls… have this little sunrise trio: Lux, Seraphine (Sera), and Cosmo! I love Lux a ton btw, and I always wanted to include her with any other Cream ship kids I made. I’ll put more rambles beneath the cut.
Lux created by Jakei95 btw!
These kids aren’t tied to the cream comic btw, prolly goes without saying, but yeah. Their timeline follows this post-underverse storyline idea I have (the New Days tag, tho there isnt much there rn). Per ~the lore~, they are half elemental and half monster. The family is based out of a restored Xtale, in a house the king and queen gifted Cross and Dream for their wedding uwu
Lux (19, she/they)— The oldest daughter of Cross and Dream. She’s level-headed and relaxed, but still has a bit of cheekiness and mischief to her. A bit of a diplomat at heart, she currently has a small intern gig at the castle where she works as a liason for monsterkind, and doesn’t mind the thought of one day doing similar work in the multiverse for Xtale. She’s extremely studious and loves reading; even now she likes to spend the evening curled up to couch with a book, next to one of her dads. She’s got a serious knack for monster magic, and leans on it the most during sparring sessions. Her emotion abilities relate to feelings of calm and relaxation/rejuvination.
Seraphine (Sera) (16, she/her)— The spitfyre, the yapper, the forthright, Sera is athletic and very passionate. She has her dads’ strong senses of justice and fairness, as well as their stubbornness, and from a young age picked fights with bullies and authority alike. I’m not saying XUndyne has tossed a baby, but I’m also not saying XUndyne hasn’t tossed a baby. She never quite got a grasp on the diplomacy her older sister and Papa (Dream) have, but she does her best, and is a genuinely sunny and kind soul to be around. (It’s fine she’s 16 she’ll figure it out eventually). Her main mode of sparring is in swordplay, which she seriously began learning around 11. Her emotion abilities relate to feelings of justice.
Cosmo (10, he/him)— The youngest of the three, and the only son. Cosmo is very sweet and shy, and tends to be reserved in the kinds of activities he takes part in. He’s not the biggest fan of school, and really dislikes sparring, so Cross and Dream don’t force him too much. He looks up to his sisters and adores them, and it goes without saying that they spoil and baby him quite a bit. He likes spending his time in nature, and likes to keep a field journal with doodles and notes on his finds. All that said, he’s the most in tune with his elemetal powers, and already is a much stronger empath than Lux, a big reason for his overstimulation in social situations. His emotion abilities relate to inspiring hope in others.
Plssss feel free to ask me questions about them, I adore talking about my babbies, hehe.
Oh yeah since cosmo isnt fully shown in these two, here’s a wip of his reference:
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toddellz · 8 months ago
how regretevator fellas got their babies tho (i know most of them is adoption but i'm kinda curious i mean WHAT---)
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weellll…. !!!!
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mudboowl · 1 year ago
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Hehhehe Ship kids!!!
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spaceflower07 · 5 days ago
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them three years into their marriage
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dicediceking · 4 months ago
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These are @clarissasbakery fantube ship kids
They're so cute I just had to draw them
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hellcifrogs · 9 months ago
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ShikaIno fusion kid! I'll call them Inoshika!
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elsa-fogen · 2 months ago
Next Gen
AS you may remember, Icy made Bloom had her children and then Bloom had a child with Sky and DIED
Here they are, i finally thought about them enough
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Icy is a Cloud Tower headmistress, and at first she was going to say no, because.. it's Bloom's daughter and she has nothing to do with this one, that means she supposed to hater her too? But... the fact that Ness hates her family and Bloom specifically (1), has an existential crisis Icy can relate to (2) and is her fan (3) made Icy change her mind lol
(She'll come to Bloom's grave later to taunt her DEAD enemy about this, the pettiness this woman has...)
Sky is a VERY bad father, btw. He's actively turning his daughter into his dead wife. He even made her wear same clothes, and have same hairstyle all her childhood. Ness cut her hair right before going to Cloud Tower (she was supposed to go to Alfea, but run away)
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junipers-insects · 3 months ago
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Missing someone?
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