#adhd med student
medschooldiary1 · 2 years
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I have just started thorax and hopefully I can catch up to the heart part today . Totally realistic expectations 🤡
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a-is-away · 5 months
transitioning into mcat studying
my finals are finally OVER. now i begin studying for the mcat on june 15th. i've been doing some light studying throughout the past few months but now is really the time to hit the books
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the goals/plan:
study 7-8 hours every day, with half days on sundays
take a practice exam every week and a half
focus on uworld for the first two to three weeks, then change to aamc content
do a daily cars passage
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i really want to make higher than a 510, but my dream score would be a 518. realistic goal is 512 but striving for a 520+ always
shoot for the stars, friends. happy studying.
- a
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sahhr-studiesmed · 3 months
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Every morning I wake up feeling scattered and that persists until I don't feel scattered as significantly. Right now, I feel scattered too.
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ineedfairypee · 11 months
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Fml 🙃
Trying to study without meds feels like trying to build a house without mortar. It can work on a day when the weather's really good but even then it can all fall apart so easily, let alone if there's wind and rain!
I've studied med free before and I'm sure I can do it again but whether I'll achieve all that im capable of is another thing entirely!
Time to stock up on good diet and exercise and other compensatory strategies, take cover and hope for the best! 😩
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incorrect-pipravi · 11 months
Me, because I decided to prioritize my health (both mental and physical) for a few days and now I’ve fallen behind with 10+ lectures to catch up to:
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Also me, trying to motivate myself:
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duckyfann9871 · 2 months
This brain that’s failing quizzes and can’t hold attention to anything can’t be the same brain that would speedrun textbooks and scored top of my class in college/undergrad
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cysticnotes · 2 months
I am a victim of nostalgia.
Last time I was 13 and stalking my then boyfriend's family from my mom's Facebook account. I found social media fascinating.
Now I am 18 , mother sleeping in a hospital bed and it's been more than a week. I feel the emptiness of this room weighing me down , I feel unloved by the world and more so , unlovable. Guilt nibbles on me.
I see Facebook , good ol' Facebook. First person that comes up is my ex's mother , they are on a trip , all sisters and cousins and uncles and aunts . They look happy . I wish I had a family like that , a time like that .
I see the counselor back home , they are celebrating their 20 th marriage anniversary. I wish my mom could see hers too and oh I see money is pretty much everything.
I see my old drawing teacher , I see him posting his student's art works with capital letter captions like a proud dad . I wish I saw the picture beyond the pain of waking up at 6 every Sunday at 15.
To be the exact pathetic protagonist, I feel jealous. Hurt , sad ." Good for you " but I wish you could say that to me too .
I tried asking myself ' why am I feeling the way I am feeling?' I lied down for 45 mins with tears racing down warm and agressive. So you could totally say its either because I want to relive my past once , give more love , whine a lil less , think a lil more or I just want to belong somewhere else to someone else .
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flygonscales · 2 days
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2 weeks at uni and I’ve already reached peak procrastination. I found masking tape and somehow decided that the best use of my time was to make a tiny Belphemon-sleep.
#I actually can’t wait till student finance have processed my dsa#maybe next year or something I should look for an adhd diagnosis? if I’m having this much trouble focussing and a cup of coffee doesn’t work#anymore as a way for me to focus maybe I should see if meds would help?#(when I got my autism diagnosis i was also told its possible that I have adhd. I’d privately suspected adhd before I considered autism)#like. some days I can focus. it feels like I’m balancing on a knife-edge and it’s very stressful#and I can’t do it on command or anything#but sure#seeing one piece of fanart with Boy from tts#and my whole day goes down the drain because I can’t drag myself away from the series#and listening to video game soundtrack helps but then if I do that too much I start feeling lonely but I can’t listen to a podcast because#then I focus on that above the work I’m meant ti be doing#and even then I might look up other stuff about the video game I’m listening to#and the worst times are when I become self aware and that really breaks my focus but I know I’ve got to keep going#and then at the end of the day I feel awful because I’ve done about 1-2 hours actual work in 6 hours#time I could have spend doing other work or#heaven forbid#enjoying myself#that was more of a rant than I expected#I’m doing ok I think#I hope#i know I’m not meant to compare myself with others#but I’ve done more work than my flatmates#and that at least makes me feel a little better#I’m going to get myself a coffee now#hopefully that’ll help me today#my goal is at least 200 words#then I can stop#actually autistic#autism#personal rant
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hinotorihime · 14 days
you'd think that someone, somewhere on the internet would have posted something about how jewish med students navigate sabbath observance in relation to the hospital schedule UGH am i just not searching the right terms
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fridayyy-13th · 1 month
wow. not even a week into college and i'm already behind on work. fucking lovely.
#friday chats#friday vs post-secondary school#tw vent#(in the following tags)#i am immeasurably stressed right now#i need to talk to my doctor about getting a booster to go along w/my adhd meds#bc this has been a problem for a while but i think it's about to come to a head#and i'm very scared for when that happens#maybe also talk to my school's disability services#bc Good Fucking God i'm already overwhelmed#it's 11:56. should i just go to bed? i have so many things left to do#when do i even have the time to go to disability services. and i've heard a lot of schools' processes w/that are slow and overcomplicated#fuck. fuck fuck fuckity fuck.#i think i'm spiraling#i'm worried that if i don't get a degree i won't be able to find a nice enough job to support myself independent of my family#and i don't want to be stuck with them forever#i really really don't#maybe i can talk to disability services sometime tomorrow morning. see what they can do#i think there's mental health services too. i hope they're decent#i just feel really bad right now. and it's only week one.#it feels like time's moving too fast but too slow at the same time#classes take forever but my free time zips by and runs out way too quick#and when it's gone i've completed maybe one or two things. out of several. if any at all.#i just don't know what to do. it's only been three days.#maybe i can drop a class; i think i'm taking enough to still be considered a full-time student with one less thing on my plate#i hope so#fucking damn it#how do people do this??? for multiple years????#and i feel selfish for saying this but i hope if y'all see this post you'll interact with it somehow. even just a like.#i want to know someone hears me
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the-fictive-haven · 21 days
We hate having to do this, our system is all about being independent. But $300 in our bank account is only going to go so far once we're completely on our own.
On September 20th we will be moving for college, the first time we have ever lived away from home and the support of our family. We'll have to pay for our own medications, and we have a lot of prescriptions that will add up very quickly.
Our gofundme page is here.
We'll be trying to do commissions once we manage to get enough art pieces done to start advertising - we know nothing comes for free and intend to put as much effort into giving back to the community as we can. But for now, while we have no safety net, please consider sharing or contributing a dollar if you can spare it.
Thank you.
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orcelito · 6 months
Oh yeah, I'm going to get into crochet. I'd been thinking knitting originally, but in looking it up, I realized crochet would be more in line with what I want to try to make. I want to learn how to make cute little yarn animals. & I need to learn a hands-on hobby besides Legos, bc as fun as Lego model building is, it's not exactly sustainable as a main hobby 😂 too expensive. Fun treats when I get a new model! But I'd like smth to just Do with my hands while I'm watching things or w/e. It's calming. I think it'd help me a lot.
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zipquips · 27 days
god it's only day two of class and i feel so so so so very behind
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sahhr-studiesmed · 3 months
I need to find more study accounts who are in med school and actually diagnosed with ADHD and/or autism. Because help me— what do you mean you have short attention span and can work/study for long periods of time and make yourself avoid distraction?
Don't you get restless and bored? Like? Don't you feel like you are running out of time because you can't focus? Doesn't it feel like you are dragging yourself so hard you can't even describe what it feels like.
Please let's switch places. For real. I hate the system that doesn't accommodate people like me or atleast made available resources that made things easier.
But to know that you struggle like this while others don't. Its very lonely and isolating. It's defeating. I don't wish this struggle on anyone else, I just wish I had resources to recognise that this is what I have and resources that made it easier to have this.
Indian med schools are just hell. Thats what I will say.
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natalias-pierogi · 1 year
honestly it frustrates me so much that exercising and eating well and getting enough sleep truly are one of the best things you can do for your mental health, but most of us has such a damaged and skewed relationship with those things because of the things we've been hearing since childhood.
when we're told to work out its usually not in a "move your body in ways that feels good and is enjoyable" but in a "work out so you can fit into this unnatainable beauty standard that will change in a few years anyway". when we're told to eat healthy were not being taught how to balance our diet so that we have energy and enjoy food. instead we're told to count calories and cut down on sugar and carbs.
we're not being taught to love ourselves and take care of ourselves. we're being taught self hate and self sabotage instead.
and that makes me so mad.
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bloomingbluebell · 3 months
i've been avoiding practicing driving because i've been preferring being in my own world lately and i HAVE to pay attention when driving so i just. don't. drive.
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