#disabled student
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unforgivablyshy · 1 month ago
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February 6
It’s been a crazy week! But let us as academics not forget what materially matters. There is no point in gaining an education if our community is at risk. Prioritize resistance as well as education and self care.
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puffyrice · 8 months ago
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Gearing up for September already 😫
I have a dosage calc exam before school starts, and I can’t go to clinical if I don’t pass it (we can only get 1 question wrong). I got this book from Level Up RN to practice. Also learning some basic pharmacology to give me a head start for that.
Side note: I’m more active on Instagram now! I’m making content about chronic illness and being a disabled student. @thelupusnurse
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If you're wondering how disability staff in schools get trained about physical disability, they don't.
I'm the first wheelchair user ever in my school. The school is pulling rules out of their ass and consistently have no clue on what the guidelines are from the department. One of the disability coordinators at my school could not fathom why a red emergency cord should touch the ground (also didn't know what it was), the two of them keep acting like they're allowed to give me medical 'advice' encouraging me not to use my wheelchair (even after I've clearly shut them down and stated I'm more than aware about the effects of deconditioning) and the current SNA in my school seemingly thinks and acts like I cannot simply be anything else then a lovely little cripple with the autonomy of a five year old and the personality of a puppy in unfortunate circumstances.
All these people are specifically there to help disabled students. But seemingly their training and knowledge stops once a wheelchair user comes into the picture.
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feminist-furby-freak · 1 year ago
Academia is the pinnacle of performative activism. All my profs (who are in the gender studies department fyi) have us read all this disability theory and have sections in their syllabi about accessibility and ableism in academic spaces. But when I’m like hi I’m severely disabled can I get an extension/an additional excused absence/other reasonable accommodation they’re like no welcome to the real world sweaty where there aren’t handouts.
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thecultofcupid · 1 year ago
Elevators should be in working order and available for use. Period.
I am a Studio Art major meaning most of my work and supplies are in the campus art building. None of my classes are on the first floor, meaning that as a disabled student, I have to have full-time access to the elevator to both get to class and do work outside of class. So why is it that I find myself stuck on the first floor for the second day in a row with an elevator that won't respond with not even a notice saying it is/would be out of order and no clue when I'll be able to use it again?
Accessibility should be the standard. Not just an afterthought.
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a-fox-studies · 1 month ago
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January 28, 2025 • Tuesday
--- 15 days of productivity • COLLAB CHALLENGE WITH @winryrockbellwannabe and @nanthegirl • Day 10/15 ---
📝 AJ'S study time: 40mins
📝 Nan's study time: 5h 13min 👑
📝 Iris's study time: 2h 15min
I have given up on my operating systems exam because I cannot physically look at words anymore without feeling like throwing up and banging my head against the wall. Makes me want to cry out with rage sometimes like WHY AM I DISABLEDJFKDJFK
I'm fine :D
At least I'll be done with this exam. Or maybe not because if I fail i have to retake it next year
🎧 Red lights — Bangchan, Hyunjin (Stray Kids)
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lupusbaby · 7 months ago
So I was venting on Reddit about how difficult/maybe impossible it will be for me to do the weekly 9-hour clinical for nursing school I have this coming semester. They declined my request to split it into 2 half days. I’ll be able to use my cane at least.
A bunch of people basically said I will never be able to do it, I’ll be a burden to the other nurses on my team, and one even said I would endanger my patients because my brain would be distracted by my pain.
Like..I get it. I guess they’re right. But I feel like shit about it. I want to be a nurse so badly and I’m already top of my class in all the nursing courses I’ve taken. I love it so much so far even though it takes so much out of me with my health issues.
Kinda hoping the tumblr chronic illness community is a little nicer 🥴
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suckmymain · 2 months ago
i hate having those “this is going to be the rest of my life” breakdowns and yet, they persist…
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howtobeapersonwithfibro · 2 years ago
However bad you think accessibility on college campuses is, it's worse.
Looked around today and basically wanted to give up just trying to figure out where to enter this one building and how the hell I am supposed to even park close when there are only special lots.
It makes me want to give up just because of that. I shouldn't have to panic about just getting to and from my classes.
We deserve better.
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unforgivablyshy · 4 months ago
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Nov. 17th
Sunday study session! Finals are in full swing in my research classes. I’m doing another project on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis this semester.
Tea of the day is a creamed earl gray and my study music is Glass Animals: Zaba (deluxe)
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puffyrice · 6 months ago
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9/7/24 - Morning vs night in my new fav study spot 💕
I’m trying to get caught up on all my work this weekend. I finished a bunch of pharmacology templates, and now I have a few hours of ATI modules to complete. I also went to the gym and did my aqua therapy exercises this morning.
🎧 ~ Lotion - Deftones
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Here's a good example of why it's always really important to ask a disabled person before you start helping them:
Someone nearly yanked my shoulder out if its socket because they grabbed the door and opened it further as I was going through it. I get you were trying to help, but I couldn't see you, and therefore didn't have the chance to take my hand off the door, so my entire arm went with it.
Could this have turned out worse? Yes. Which is exactly why I'm talking about it.
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the-fictive-haven · 5 months ago
OCD and ADHD is such a funny (/sar) combination when it comes to college work.
Like. For the whole week the assignments pile up and linger in the back of my mind, I stress and stress about it and lose more and more motivation because of it until I fall into a depression, and then all of a sudden the day everything's due I snap into hyper-focus mode and knock all of it out at once on a lousy night's sleep and two coffees and realize it wasn't actually that bad at all as I turn everything in at like 11:55pm
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ash-the-fluffy-cat · 5 months ago
My band teacher is probably the teacher who has spent the most time making materials accessible for me out of all my teachers in my life. It took me until I was in high school to end up with a teacher who seems to care that much. I am so glad I ended up in a school that actually has a good level of support and funding for disabled kids, that’s what happens when there’s only like two high schools in the division, compared to in the city where there’s like four or five.
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chronicsymptomsyndrome · 1 year ago
Big celebratory shoutout to disabled/mentally/chronically ill school dropouts. You’re brilliant. You’re a hero. Don’t be ashamed. In fact, be proud. Be proud that you were…
…perceptive enough to see the situation for what it was…
…smart enough to know what you needed to do…
…strong enough to defy expectations…
…brave enough to forage your own path…
…and don’t let anyone convince you that their degree makes them smarter than you. or better than you. or more successful than you. or harder working than you. or more deserving than you. All it means is that they had better support systems. better resources. adequate accommodations. All it means is that you both had goals and plans and dreams, but the world let you down while it was seeing them though. All it means is that our society is deeply lacking both systemic and systematic equitability. And that is something to be angry or upset about, absolutely, but not ashamed of.
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worms-in-my-brain · 1 year ago
Hey if there are any disabled and/or mentally ill people out there who are in their first year of college or university and who are struggling. You got this. Shits really hard when you have extra stuff on your plate. And y’know what, it might not work out! But that’s okay. It’s not for everybody, and you don’t have to do it to have worth. You don’t have to do anything to have worth as a person. You can lie in your bed all day and you still deserve to be here and you still deserve to have people who love you.
I’m in my third year now and I’m coping a lot better than I was before. But sometimes I’m just sitting there and I remember how fucking hard it was. Truly if anybody needs to or wants to talk, feel free to send me a DM.
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