#disabled musician
stuffydollband · 2 months
Hey there, Dolls! A minute of your time please. If ya haven’t heard, I’ve now got a subscription service through Bandcamp!
It’s got a few tiers, each with its own fun perks, but for just 5$ a month, you get my whole back catalog as well as early access to new music like my most recent album, “Hanging…” which is ONLY available through the subscription and will remain so for a while. At high levels, you get access to input on what I’m working on, credit as a Producer (I’ll even swear on a Bible that you’re an honest to goodness music producer if you want to put it on a resumé), and if you’re CRAZY and give 30$ a month I might send you something weird!
I know we’re all struggling out here, so truly no pressure if you can’t afford it. My music will continue to be available on streaming platforms and Bandcamp, and the albums that are released early through this subscription will eventually make their way to the public.
But! My goal right now is just to make 200$ a month through this. That’s only 40 people who would need to sign up at the lowest tier. I’m old and sick, with myriad issues that make touring (an already failing model for independent artists) basically impossible, so I’m hoping this can serve as a way to get a bit of financial relief and allow me to keep making my sad songs for you all.
That’s it! Thanks so much for your time, please spread the word, share this post, and, if you can, consider donating. I love you all, stay tuned Dolls!
Oh! P.S. I’ll also take this time to announce that the next album being released on this service will be called “Like You Own The Place”! It’s an album entirely of waltzes of various genres. Some purely instrumental, some with lyrics, and I’m very excited for you all to hear it. Long time fans know I love slipping in a waltz or two, but this time I went fully overboard and made like 17 of them because it was cold and I needed a distraction.
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ghostcashew · 3 months
hey! my wife @stuffydollband's laptop that she uses for everything including making music has become unusable! as a big fan of my wife and also of her music, i'd very much appreciate if any of you could donate to help her get a new one 💜
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violin-check · 3 months
I thought it might be fun to share a video of a violinist I found. This is, as the video title shows, Clayton Haslop, a violinist who has focal dystonia. This obviously has a large impact on how he plays, as he can only use two fingers when the violin is designed (and its music is written) to be played with four.
The way he plays is so fun to watch, partly because of the differences in how he has to play (mainly a lot more shifting than usual) but also because he's just such a good musician.
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blxxdbxnnie · 9 months
I HAVE A SOLO AT MY LAST FIRST CHOIR CONCERT!! (aka the first concert of my senior year of highschool!!) WISH ME LUCK!!!
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Reactivating my account since Twitter is a hell hole. If you’re interested in disability rights activism, the arts, and the intersection of those things, feel free to follow 🙂
I am an Autistic and Physically Disabled Arts Administrator that has a passion for advocating for the disability community in arts spaces. I have hEDS, Reactive Hypoglycemia, Severe Eczema, OCD, Anxiety, POTS, MCAS, and Occipital Neuralgia amongst other diagnoses.
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riverkwai404 · 1 year
Being a disabled musician is fucking wild because I play a woodwind instrument (flute) where half the game is how fast you can move your fingers. Like for 30 MAYBE 40 minutes on good days? Fine. Beautiful runs. But on bad days like today? I played ONE piece ONE time and I’m sweating and can barely move anything except my thumbs (the fingers you use the least). It’s a trip.
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ofdinosanddais1 · 1 year
Came up with an album idea called "Revenge Fantasies" about the complex emotions of suffering violence and abuse in a community that tells you that good people can only go to the good afterlife if they forgive everyone who hurt them and then cue the victim feeling like absolute shit that they can't bring themselves to forgive someone that's caused so much pain and maybe forgiveness is empty after all because what is forgiveness actually supposed to look like??? And then diving into the part of C-PTSD that causes a change in beliefs/religion because after suffering for so long, the way you were taught to view the world is just confusing now because why would someone use this as a lesson or for growth?
And then I'm debating whether to release a song with references to my abuser's own trauma that he used against me to guilt me into letting him abuse me because these lines really throw his insecurities in his face but also, like the title of the song, I don't care. When I did, I couldn't live. Believe me there's no fucks to give.
Yes those are actual lyrics to the song.
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cherieye · 3 days
My music improvisations available on Bandcamp
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I’ve been squirrelling away all year on this project. It’s very slow going as I am doing it around constant health challenges (complex disabilities).
It’s a project of love and finding my lyrical voice.
I’ve created a soundcloud account and will share there when I have something I feel worthy to share.
Follow there to get notified when I’ve uploaded something.
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changeling6 · 3 months
Burning worthiness
Is it all that's left
To strive for
Turns to carelessness
All these years I wish
I were taught more
Running around like someone's gonna save me
Have you known who I've become lately
I know, to you, I am not a stranger
Ruling the town to know my standing
Racing towards a runaway bandit
I will laugh in the face of danger
And that's how I will be
A vigilante
I can escape the world
I've done it since my birth
How did it come to this
This pocket apocalypse
If I were you
And you were me
Would you know how to be happy?
It's a parking lot
Not a silly little racetrack
Who are you trying to
prove yourself to?
It's a hedge maze
Not a fucking death game
How can we move on
Without breaking the rules?
Teaching kids to do your dirty work
I'll have you know, I was the first
To come up with the plan to save us all
All you had to be was the adult
How could this become my fault
And now you say I'm responsible for the fall...out
And that's how I will be
A vigilante
I can escape the world
I've done it since my birth
How did it come to this
This pocket apocalypse
If I were you
And you were me
Would you know how to be happy?
I raised myself since I was a kid
And now I have to prevent the apocalypse
I raised myself since I was a kid
And now I have to prevent the apocalypse
Running around like someone's gonna save me
Have you known who I've become lately
I know, to you, I am not a stranger
Ruling the town to know my standing
Racing towards a runaway bandit
I will laugh in the face of danger
And that's how I will be
A vigilante
I can escape the world
I've done it since my birth
How did it come to this
This pocket apocalypse
If I were you
And you were me
Would you know what it means to be me?
And that's how I will be
A vigilante
I can save the world
I've done it since my birth
How did it come to this
This pocket apocalypse
If I were you
And you were me
And we were never
Meant to be
And I was myself
I was free
Then how would I know
What it means to be happy?
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yourdailyqueer · 4 months
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Billie Eilish
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
DOB: 18 December 2001 
Ethnicity: White - American
Occupation: Singer, songwriter, musician, actress
Note: Has Tourette's
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stuffydollband · 1 month
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My new song, “Flightless Rail”, is out NOW wherever you stream music!
A beachy song about a bird for all your lazy summer hangs! This was inspired by a recent @scishow video so big props once again to Hank Green et al for everything they do to make education accessible.
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thequeefdealer · 17 days
[SURVEY ENDED]Hi, anybody with any neurodiversity! I really need some help with something!
Can you answer this questionnaire on having ADHD, autism, or any other type to neurodivergence and is impact on your creative endeavours or career? Doesn't matter what gender you are or if you're professionally or self diagnosed, or if your creativity isn't a job and just a hobby! All opinions are valid and useful!!
This is for my final project in uni so it'll help me get a banging grade of I have a good sample size! Thank you so so much if you do this. I'm so grateful!
If you can't take the quiz please reblog it so it finds someone who can! Thank you so much!!!
(BTW it's completely anonymous, no signing in, no exact ages (as long as you're over 18), no names, no genders, and the only ppl seeing the stats from the quiz are my tutors marking this and myself, so go ham!)
Here's the link!!!
Thank you so much. You're amazing!!!!
(Edit: I got asked about the security of Google docs and them seeing your answers and your data. I am really sorry about that, and I understand the fear. You honestly don't have to answer if you feel uncomfortable about google having that data. If you still want to do it, maybe opening it on an incognito window will help it not link back to your Google account. Either way, it's entirely your choice to answer these or not! Thank you)
Thursday 20th June Update:
This survey is now closed with an absolutely amazing pool of data and more support than I could have ever expected! Thank you so much, everyone, for your support! You've helped me to no end! Once the Paper is done the Data will be destroyed (no skin off my nose, if my uni ever wants me to publish this dissertation or I ever want to use it in future I'll just redo the survey and probably better than before!) Anyway, thanks again for all your trust, insight, and answers. They're invaluable!
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transjudas · 1 year
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Frank having a hard time hearing people in the audience. (x)
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veraberetta · 3 months
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"Oh, right, how could I forget my favourite teddy bear and drumming monkey! They were thank-you gifts I received for helping a toy store owner move his storage all day!"
She wished she could play a duet with the monkey so i repaired it for her 🎷🫂🐒 her design is very dainty, the harsh contrast is great, i feel like she's a very well constructed character.
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[Text Description]
Background: Galaxy with blue purple and pink ombre with tons of stars in the universe
Disability and the Arts
Quick Facts as Described by the NEA
Fact 1: While Disabled Adults make up less than 12% of the population, they make up less than 7% of arts participants.
Fact 2: Although 45% of the Disabled population is made up of older adult (Age 65+), age is not a factor when it comes to arts participation.
Fact 3: Disabled adults are just as likely to make visual art and are more likely to create fiber art than the general population. 
Source: https://www.arts.gov/news/press-releases/2015/new-nea-research-arts-participation-among-people-disabilities#:~:text=Adults%20with%20disabilities%20are%20underrepresented,visiting%20art%20museums%20or%20galleries.
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