#a letter to those who say “the future is plural”
delphientropy · 4 months
(may edit/revise in the future)
you say the future is plural,
that there will be thousands nested in yours,
but i hope that your future is not true.
if it were,
every day, the news would be horrid.
every parent to hold a belt like a whip
every parent dismissive and neglectful
every friend hostile and hissing
every doctor cruel and unwelcome
every priest holding you down, you are devilish
every human to hold you as a freak
every water prepared to sink you.
your future sounds like a nightmare.
i hope the future is unity.
i hope the future is single.
i hope the future is one.
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kodyfae-the-1st · 3 months
A response, i guess
Alright so I saw this pretty shit post recently, and I cant help but say I'm a little pissed. I will not be sharing the name of the blog that posted this, as i do not wish for them to be harassed.
So here's my response.
An open letter to you who wrote this.
"Hating endos is lame, hate on us instead ! We’re a DID system that believes people shouldn’t have to have their own entry in the DSM5 to be respected , apparently a controversial opinion these days !"
So though i agree in part that hate is lame as all hell, i do believe that listening to science is more punk than throwing it out the window. Yes system diversity is important as a working point in the community, it is still important to listen to the science.
Though some may not fit the diagnostics 100% doesn't mean they aren't valid that is true, but even so, there have been no scientifically supported exception to one. trauma is a necessary part, and the mind cannot and will not fracture like this without it, that should be without dispute.
"Being unapologetically plural is punk, ESPECIALLY if you don’t fit the “scientific” idea of what a real system should be."
You are right that science is not all inclusive, but i will say being anti science seems pretty conservative for a self proclaimed punk. but asides from cheap digs like that, id really recommend reading a couple scholarly articles if you are ever in doubt of the science, there is a lot to learn, and a lot left to be learnt.
"Systems should support other systems regardless of where we come from. The world doesn’t understand us and they don’t want to have to understand us, if we want to have a future where we are proudly and loudly ourselves we have to work together to make it."
Yes systems should absolutely support each other, and i do feel we fight too much sometimes. And no. the world does not understand us, but that does not mean it is ok to spread misinformation. Im sure you do this with good intention, and i too do my part with good intention. but we are fundamentally opposed, and i do not wish to support endos in a journey for recognition.
Some may genuinely have it, i do believe that, and others may be suffering from something else, so similar it may be difficult to know the difference, but i do not believe that they can be systems without trauma.
"I have to fight to be accepted as gay, i have to fight to be accepted as polyamorous, I have to fight to be accepted as trans, I have to fight to be accepted as non human, I have to fight to be accepted as autistic, I have to fight to be accepted as plural."
A lot of us have fought those same battles, i at least have, and a lot of systems still fight for this, and i do not believe that it should be a thing everyone goes through. And we still fight to accept ourselves in this, But i do not support endos fight for recognition. But i will fight with all i have to get them the help they need, because a lot of them do desperately need help. and i think that the fight to give them a support system and help is much more punk than this fight to support misinformation.
"I do not want anyone to have to fight me to be accepted as who they are, I want to fight alongside them because we’re fighting the exact same battle and it’s hard enough without us stabbing each other in the backs."
There is absolutely too much backstabbing in these communities. And i am willing to fight here alone to get them help, im not saying here that they aren't systems, some may very well be and have forgotten the trauma, but i do not wish to stand beside them in a fight against science. Im sure we'll all know more in the future with more studies made, and maybe itll turn the view on systems upside down, but until then i stand with the science, and with those that want and need help.
I do though want to mention lastly that as per the dsm-5 trauma is not noted as a criteria for diagnosis, and thus i am open to read articles of exception to this rule if they can be provided from credible sources.
I will also ask that if ever i said something incorrect i hope youll tell me and ill do my best to make amends. Please do also feel free to share your opinion, id like to hear more perspectives, and learn the faults of my own.
Well wishes.
-Kody, and a very tired system
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sophieinwonderland · 5 months
Additional points that we...KIND OF made in two different posts yesterday (not even having to do with the current debacle, just...in general) that we feel is very important, and are just going to re-post in here:
You should believe endogenics exist first and foremost because they tell you they exist.
It's nice that science is starting to support us and the DSM and ICD are doing great at getting better for that, but it's still the weapon of our oppressors.
Just a few decades ago, you'd be anti-science for saying transgender people AREN'T a mental illness.
It is very, very easy to see how that can change back once you realize progress is not linear. "Progress is not linear" is the part individuals seem to forget (and we're not gonna lie, we sometimes do too, because that's terrifying to think about).
We feel like discourse wouldn't be discourse anymore if people acknowledged that because a lot of them would be forced to, we guess, question the acceptability of targeting X over Y and Z, and why they give A and B more authority over how X experiences their lives than even over X — if we can use letters in placement of actual groups of people here for a sec.
<Context note for people who do not know us, Rusanya: we agree with Sophie on a ton of points and enjoy her blog. We have an anti-psychiatry [institution, not the science itself, although we feel only bad-faith readers would see that?] and pro-mad-pride spin on our world view though, compared to Sophie. So sometimes we like throwing random things in her inbox because she's like the One Person who can pick our brain and it feels like she is not being an asshole.>
I do think in an ideal world, people would be respected for their identities regardless of opinions of authority figures.
But at the same time, I think the best path to acceptance is to direct arguments to the world you live in, not the one you want. And that means taking things that have historically been weapons of oppression and turning them against the oppressors.
Because the fact is that psychologists and psychiatrists are seen as a valid authority on matters of psychology.
Is there a possibility that the pendulum could swing the other way, that hard anti-endo sentiment could somehow take root in the psychiatric community? Sure. And if that happens, we'll have to adapt and figure out how to deal with that to the best of our ability.
But... I don't think it will happen. I mean, we already know the Stanford tulpa study is going to show neurological differences in tulpamancers. Whatever those differences may be, I think endogenic plurality being accepted as a real psychological phenomenon is inevitable.
On the other hand, we do have to acknowledge that we've seen backslides before. The False Memory Syndrome Foundation in the 90s successfully managed to turn an entire generation against trauma survivors and their therapists, and made diagnosing DID toxic to the point that therapists completely refused to diagnose it. So we can't say what the future will hold for certain.
To me though, I think this just means it's important to be vigilant, and try to foster positive relationships with the psychiatric community.
Because I also think most people who go into psychiatry do so because they genuinely want to help people. Yes, there are bad psychiatrists and there are abusive ones. And there are well-meaning ones who end up causing more harm than good because they think they know better. There are a lot of problems in psychiatry that need to be addressed. But I don't feel that fostering an adversarial relationship is a productive way to accomplish our community's goals.
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epicene-ennui · 4 months
𓆏 Heyo! I'm Reon. This is my blog for my interests.
I like splatoon, psychology, linguistics, vocaloid, cats, cephalopods, bugs, frogs, and lots of other things.
Some info:
𓆏 I am diagnosed ASD, NVLD, and am part of an OSDD-1 system. I share these because they might affect the way I interact with you, and I might like/reblog posts related to these conditions. The rest of my medical history is private and irrelevant.
I am one of three hosts, but I am usually the only one who has any sort of confidence to use social media. I use he/they pronouns. The other two hosts, of whom I will refer to as Lars and Luka, use they/them and she/they respectively. You can ask them questions if you wish, but it may take a while for them to answer.
I do not wish to engage in syscourse. I follow, reblog, and like things that are relatable to me/us. A post's original tags do not necessarily reflect my/our views. Please note the views of each original poster if you decide to go to their blog.
Here are some questions you might have, of which I will put here:
𓆏 Can I send you asks? 𓆏
Yes, but they will not be anonymous.
𓆏 How do I refer to you? 𓆏
If you are trying to refer to me (Reon), use my pronouns or say "you." If you want to ask or refer to my system, say something that indicates it is plural, such as "you all" or "you guys" or just write that it is for the system and not for me individually.
𓆏 How do you feel about [insert topic]? 𓆏
I wish to spend my time on social media interacting with things that I like, and I do not want to engage in discourse. If you really want to know, you can send an ask, and I might answer. My official syscourse stance is "endo-neutral". Our system-related posts are meant for those with CDDs.
𓆏 Will you do an alter list/introductions? 𓆏
No. That stuff is private. If I wish to refer to anyone in my system, I will use a letter and a number, or a pseudonym. If Lars and Luka wish to, they may post their interests, but this blog is mostly for me. I also refer to my system members as "parts," not "alters."
𓆏 Do you have a system name? 𓆏
I guess you can call us the Ennui System.
𓆏 Some userboxes :)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
𓆏 Tags 𓆏
Reon talks on the internet ↪ Reon's posts
Lars' chat ↪ Lars' posts
Poll answering ↪ answering poll questions
※This post may be updated in the future
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Do you have any advice for starting/being in an in-system relationship when your internal communication is pretty much non-existent and you can't cofront?
Another member of our system and I are interested in each other, and we've been writing letters back and forth in order to talk. I would really like to get closer to him, but I have no idea how to navigate being close or going on dates or just in general building any kind of relationship there when we can't Actually talk or spend time together.
We've tried to learn internal communication, but any time we try to talk to other system members in the headspace we get a lot of system doubt because it feels more like a daydream than like an actual conversation and like we have to think of what the person we're talking to is going to say, so we get discouraged because we're pretty sure we're just making up the interactions
(Btw, in case it affects any advice you& might have to offer, we're monoconscious and we only have mild emotional/occasional grey-out amnesia)
Hi! This is a tough one, and I’m not sure if we have much good advice. Especially since we don’t know your system origins, and I think building communication between headmates in CDD systems might look a bit different than doing the same in systems formed without trauma.
Either way though, this post we have on establishing contact with headmates may help y’all build better communication. Remember that communication is something that takes time and practice. It makes sense if you’re not able to make progress right away or for things to feel a bit forced at first!
It might put your mind at ease a little bit if we discuss what internal communication looks like for us. For the most part, when we’re able to communicate with each other, we’re not really talking at all (even internally). Rather, we sort of project thoughts at each other. Those thoughts can sometimes blend with each other and make it difficult to decipher who said what. So I may think an idea was mine, when actually it was Kip’s or Cecil’s and they just got mixed together in the process of trying to communicate. It can make it seem sometimes like one of us is controlling or piloting the other, which can certainly be a jarring experience! But that’s not actually what’s happening - for us, it comes from blending and how we communicate overall. Maybe your system is doing something similar - it sounds like something like this could be happening, especially if your system is monoconscious!
It’s important to remember that every system is different, and internal communication is probably not going to feel the same as talking to someone physically outside the body. As long as you feel plural, and the plural framework is useful for you, there’s no need to doubt yourself or your system, no matter what your internal communication looks or feels like.
We’d suggest you keep up attempting to communicate however works best for y’all, have a bit of patience with the process of building communication (sometimes it takes a while to notice change!), and don’t have expectations that inside communication is going to look or feel like communicating with someone outside the body. Hopefully these things can help y’all understand each other better and keep in touch!
I’m sorry we don’t have more or better advice for you! Good luck with everything - we wish you and your system a future of joy, love, and happiness!
🌸 Margo and 💫 Parker
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deathlessathanasia · 1 year
"Of these five sexual bonds, those with Themis, Eurynome and Mnemosyne are the most distinctive for our purposes. Each brings forth virginal daughters, in multiples of three, the three Hours (or Seasons) and the three Fates with Themis, the three Graces with Eurynome, the nine Muses with Mnemosyne. The individual names of these offspring reveal their essential natures, both individually and as collective bodies. The Hours from Themis (That which is laid down by Custom and Law) are Eunomia (Good Law or Orderly Government), Dike (Justice), and flourishing Eirene (Peace). These children offer a counterweight to the parthenogenic children of Strife already born into the world: Dusnomia (Disorderly Government), Pseudea (Lies), Lethe (Forgetfulness), Limos (Famine), Makhai (Wars) (226-32). The children of Themis help define the joyous civic enclave of Olympus that keeps at bay the disorderly strife, wars, and lies that characterized the pre-civic and primitive (might we also say natural?) world before Zeus. Themis herself is an oracular power capable of foretelling a future which is predetermined. Outside the Theogony, her children, the Hours, frequently represent the predictable cyclical stability of the seasons, but within this creation myth they represent the regularity and permanence marked by a social, not a natural, order: good law, justice, peace in a social setting.
The three daughters of Eurynome (Widelaw) also express the joy engendered by a harmonious social order: Aglaia (Splendor), Euphrosyne (Gladness), and Thalia (Festivity) (907-11). The thrice-three Muses from Mnemosyne (Memory) are the signature of that joy in the social order, a chorus who glorify Zeus' nomoi (laws) (cf. 65-7) and "to whom festivals (thaliai) and the joy of song are pleasing" (917). These multiple children, of "like minds" as Hesiod characterizes the Muses (60), evoke the image of choruses who, in their collective song and dance, embody the public harmony which Zeus as choregos leads. To illustrate that the three children represent the collective social order and not that of the family, we need only turn to the Works and Days where these divinities, in their plural forms, are part of the "just polis" (225-31): For those who give straight justices to strangers and natives alike and do not in any way stray from the path of justice, the city flourishes for them; the people within bloom. Peace, nurturing the young, prevails; never does Zeus far-seeing, afflict them with anguishing war. Never does famine or ruin accompany men of straight justice, but they enjoy the fruits of their labors in festivals. The qualities of a just city (dikai, eirene, thaliai), here marked in lower-case letters, are earthly residues of Zeus' children with Themis, Eurynome, and by their inference Mnemosyne whose daughters provide joy at Festivals and keep the wretched children of Strife at a distance from Olympus and from the human just city."
- Stephen Scully, The Nature of the Gods in Early Greek Poetry, in Philosophies of Nature: The Human Dimension
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  Through the Bible with Les Feldick LESSON 3 * PART 3 * BOOK 71 ANTI-CHRIST: THE BEAST, THE WICKED ONE - 3 Daniel 9:27 – Revelation 19:11 For those of you joining us on television again, we appreciate you bringing us into your living room, kitchen, or wherever.  How we appreciate your response to our teaching.  We just give God the praise. How we thank you for your letters, especially when you write and tell us that for years you never had any interest in spiritual things.  My, we get letters from people who haven’t been to church in years, and they get hooked.  I don’t like to use the word, because it always reminds me of the drug culture, but they get hooked on our program, and it changes their life.  I know one fellow wrote and he said, “Les, I used to just give up trying to read and understand the Bible. It lay on the shelf and collected dust, but you have taught me how to study, and it is so much fun.” And that’s the right word.  It’s fun to go through these Scriptures and see how it all fits.  Of course, that’s what makes our Bible so unique.  Unlike all the so-called religious books, it’s not laid out like a story book, but it’s a book that has to be put together like a jigsaw puzzle.  That’s a good example.  You just put the pieces together and you connect the dots and then all of a sudden it all just makes sense. We are in the last four programs of book number 71.  Now, for those of you out in television, it may not mean much to you. But each book that we list is twelve successive programs.  So, if you want to know how many programs we’ve got in inventory, you just multiply 71 times 12 and that’s over 800. Okay, continuing on about the anti-Christ and those final seven years that the Bible calls the Day of the LORD.  We’re going to go to the one and only place that I’m aware of in Scripture where the man is referred to as the anti-Christ.  That will be in I John chapter 2 verse 18.  I don’t know of any other place where he’s referred to by this term.   Now again remember, all of these little Jewish epistles especially are writing with the idea that this is right out in front of them.  They have no idea that God is going to stop the time clock and open it up for the Church Age for 2,000 years.  So he speaks of it as though it could happen the next month or two. I John 2:18a “Little children, (He’s writing to believing Jews.) it is the (What?) last time:…” Well, that means what it says, so far as John was concerned.  So far as his fellow believers are concerned, they were right in the last days. I John 2:18b “…it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, (future) even now there are many antichrists;…” (plural) Well, now let’s just flip back a minute.  Keep your hand in I John. We may want to come back to it.  Come all the way back to Matthew chapter 24.  We looked at this several programs back, but remember, repetition is the mother of learning.  Matthew 24 and the Twelve have come up with the Lord Jesus on the Mount of Olives without any outside adherents.  No pressure.  Just Jesus and the Twelve. Matthew 24:3-4a “And as he sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples (the Twelve) came unto him privately, (without any other onlookers or whatever) saying, Tell us when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the age? 4. And Jesus answered and said unto them,…” Fellows, you’re crazy, you don’t know what you’re talking about!  NO!  That’s not the attitude He takes.  He gives them a specific answer, because it was a valid question.  What are the signs of the end?  That’s why I think it behooves us to look at it today.  Hey, we’re just as close now as they thought they were then.  So, we have to look at the signs of the time. Matthew 24:4b “…Take heed that no man deceive you.”  Now you out there probably don’t realize as much as I do, with the response that we get, the false teaching that is just coming in like a tsunami.  It’s coming in like a huge wave.
  And it comes in all colors and descriptions. It’s just unbelievable...and people are falling for it.  They’re sending their money to it. I constantly tell people, don’t send them your money.  Why contribute to something that is so false.  But it’s just like water off a duck, but that’s the sign of the times. Matthew 24:4b-5 “…Take heed that no man deceive you. 5. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.”  Well, in John’s language from his little epistle, what are they calling themselves?  Well, they’re anti-Christs – plural.  But, who is going to be the epitome of all of them, the anti-Christ, the man that we’ve been looking at—the Son of Perdition, the Prince that shall come. Now, I know I made definition of the anti-Christ several programs back, and I’m going to have to qualify that a little bit.  Number 1, the word anti doesn’t specifically mean against as what?  Counterfeit.  He’s a counterfeit Christ. When I mull these things over, then I have to bring it into the language as we use it.  During World War II what did many of the axis nations that were against us, Hitler’s Germany, Italy, and Japan—what was one of the things they tried to use to defeat America?  They flooded the world with counterfeit American money.  Now think about that a minute.  It was all counterfeit.  But what was the end purpose?  To defeat our nation. All right, now maybe that will enhance the word anti-Christ a little more.  Yes, he’s going to be a counterfeit Messiah.  But in counterfeiting the Messiah, what is his end purpose?  To defeat God and the true Messiah.  And it’s going to look like he’s succeeding.  But, oh, he won’t.  God is still in His Heaven, and one day He’s going to bring it all to an end.  All right, so mark that down. When I say that anti-Christ is a counterfeit Christ, yes, the end result is the enemy activity to destroy his opposition. Also, we find then that one of the marks of the coming Tribulation will be a flood of false Christs, but they’ll be headed up by the anti-Christ.  Come back to I John chapter 2 so that you’ll see that there is a singular as well as a plural. I John 2:18 “Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist (singular) shall come, (Well, how did they know that?  From the Old Testament prophecies—the Prince that shall come, this deceiver, the anti-Christ.  But even now John says--) even now there are many antichrists; (Many deceivers, as we saw in Matthew 24.) whereby we know that it is the last time.” Now if you remember, when we taught these little epistles, yes, they thought it was right out in front of them.  And God didn’t give them any reason not to think that.  Even the Apostle Paul, as he wrote to his Gentile believers in the Body of Christ, speaks of the rapture.  How does he speak of it? Does he speak of it as something 1,900 years out into the future? “For we shall be caught up and we shall be ever with the Lord.” Who was he including?  Himself.  So, they were all of that mentality that this was all approaching the coming of the anti-Christ, the seven years, the Second Coming, and the Kingdom. They did not understand that there would be another 1,900 years in between. But where does that put us?  In the very same place — I can now sit here and teach you just like John said here, beloved, there are already many anti-Christs in the world.  The deception is coming in.  But what does that tell us?  We’re at the end.  Now, I’m not saying it’s next year or it’s in five, but we’re getting close. You know, I keep repeating something that I said way back in my early programs – the old caveman was sitting at the cave door.  You remember it?  And he had a sign over it, “The End Is Near.”  And then I guess he had second thoughts and what did he add?  The ‘ER’.  So, every day we live, we are what?  We’re nearer to the end.  I’m not going to be apocalyptic and say, oh my, it’s going to happen tomorrow.  It’s going to happen next week.  But we’re getting close.
Again I always repeat, God’s wheels grind what?  Slowly.  God’s eternal.  He’s not going to get in a hurry.  But we do feel by all the indications around us that we’re getting close. All right, now to pursue this a little more.  We’ve got the anti-Christ covered. We’ve got the Prince covered.  We’ve got the Son of Perdition and the Wicked One also covered. I’ve got one left.  What is it?  The Beast.  All through Scripture he’s referred to as the Beast. Now, let’s jump on up to Revelation chapter 13.  Revelation is, of course, the roadmap for the last seven years, with all the details that the Old Testament didn’t reveal.  But here they are.  That’s the whole Book of Revelation.  It’s the roadmap for that last seven years of what we call the Tribulation.  Revelation chapter 13 and we’ll start at verse 1.  John says: Revelation 13:1a “And I stood upon the sand of the sea,..” Now we’ve got to qualify, don’t we?  Come back with me to Revelation chapter 1, which says again just like John said in his first epistle. Revelation 1:1a “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to show unto his servants (that is Christ’s servants) things which must shortly come to pass;…” Well, it is the same analogy. They thought that all of this was right out in front of them, and the Holy Spirit caused these men to write in that same mindset, that this was all in the immediate future. But now you come down to verse 10. He’s beginning to set the stage for the revelation of all these things that are going to take place during that final seven years.  All right, John writes: Revelation 1:10a “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day,…”  Not Sunday, but what’s the Day of the LORD?  Those final seven years!  John is being transported, like a time machine, into the very future of those seven years.  And miraculously, by the Spirit’s design, reveals the unfolding of those seven years.  So, that’s what it means that “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day.”  He was transported into that future period of time. All right, now back to Revelation 13, while he’s experiencing that supernatural phenomenon of seeing the events of those final seven years, here is one of those things. Revelation 13:1a “And I stood upon the sand of the sea,…” Now, as we taught years back in this Book of Revelation, what is the sea symbolically?  Humanity.  He’s standing upon the sea of the thriving millions of humanity, and up out of that fomenting sea of humanity comes what?  One tremendous individual. Revelations 13:1 “And I stood upon the sands of the sea, and saw a beast (There’s the term.) beast rise up out of the sea, (Now, this is all symbolism, remember.) having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.”  Now, I’ve taught this earlier, but I’d better stop and repeat it again.  The Beast refers to the final empire, this worldwide empire of this world dictator.  They’re both called the Beast.  All right, so here we have the empire of which he’s coming out of.  I think it’s the Revived Roman Empire -- “Having seven heads and ten horns.” Now, horns always depict government in Scripture.  And even in the book I was reading the other night in history, the first thing old Nimrod did when he killed some wild beast was he cut its horn off and plastered it on a headpiece.  It was an indication that he was now a ruler.  So, it’s carried all the way through human history.  A horn spoke of a government. Alexander the Great, back in the Book of Daniel, what is it?  A horn.  And the same way here.  This empire is depicted now as “having seven heads and ten horns” (or nations that are going to coalesce and come together) and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.”  It is an anti-God empire.   All right, now then verse 2. Revelation 13:2a “And the beast (this empire) which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon (Satan) gave him his power,…” So, this is going to be a complete satanic controlled earth kingdom.
  And God is merely going to be sovereignly letting it happen.  But He’ll never relinquish His power.  Don’t ever worry about that. Revelation 13:2b “…and the dragon (Satan) gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.”  Now we’re talking about the individual, the anti-Christ, the Beast, the Prince that shall come, the Son of Perdition. All right, verse 3, now we come back to, I think, the empire. Revelation 13:3 “And I saw a one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.”  Now, I didn’t intend this to be a study of the Book of Revelation, but when you get into it, you’ve got to take it as it comes. Here we have, I think, the death of the original Roman Empire.  Now some will teach this is the death of the anti-Christ, and he’ll be miraculously raised from the dead.  I prefer to think that it’s the death of the Roman Empire, and it died between A.D. 300 and A.D. 400.  It went into the dustbin of history. But now, with the advent of the European Community, here it’s coming once again. What have I said for 30 years as I’ve taught Scripture?  Watch Western Europe.  Because right after World War II, the ten major nations of Western Europe met in Rome and they formed what was called the Club of Rome.  It was that original ten nations of what is still the European Union.  I feel that was the beginning of a revival of that Roman Empire that died back there between A.D. 300 and A.D. 400. All right, here we’ve got it now.  It was dead; miraculously it’s coming back to life.  You know, I mentioned on a program a long time ago and this was in, I think, probably one of our daily newspapers.  At least I read it some place.  That at the time the Italian, now I’ve forgotten his name, (Romano) but anyway, now this is one of those things I didn’t plan on sharing.  But this Italian head of state was having dinner at the White House.  It was just after they had brought in another 15 or 20 of the Eastern European Nations into the European Union.  And this Italian was bragging to President Bush of how the Western European Nations were growing. I suppose he was sort of letting him know that we’re going to go right by you in population and gross domestic product and all the rest.  But anyhow, George W. stopped and he said, “But Romano,” he said, “That was the Roman Empire.” Well, now I don’t know if he spoke from biblical knowledge or what, but that’s true.  That’s exactly what it is.  It’s the reappearing of the old ancient Roman Empire.  It was dead and now it’s alive.  All right, verse 3. Revelation 13:3b “and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.”  Now again, we’re going to take the word beast as defining the man as well as his empire from which he will draw his power.  All right, verse 4. Revelation 13:4a “And they worshipped the dragon who gave power to the beast:…” What does that mean?  The world is going to fall completely into Satan worship, as they worship the anti-Christ, because that’s what he is.  He is the epitome of satanic operations.  He is going to be wicked.  He’s going to be evil, and yet he’s going to have charisma.  He’s going to have intelligence to make the world think that he is their god.  It’s coming. And you can see it by the way people fall for all this false stuff.  They’re ignorant of the Scriptures. Consequently, if it sounds good, hey, that’s what they have to believe.   All right, coming back to Revelation 13 verse 4. Revelation 13:4 “And they worshipped the dragon who gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast saying, Who is like unto the beast?  who is able to make war with him?” So now we’re talking about the man, the man anti-Christ.  But he’s got that ten-nation consortium of Western Europe, I feel, behind him.  They’re doing the financing. You know, I mentioned on the program a while back that nobody can do anything without money.  You know that.  Nations cannot do anything without a viable economy behind it.
  They have to be funded.  And that’s why if they could ruin our currency with counterfeit, hey, we’d go down the tube.  And that’s the one thing that scares me for America.  All of these foreign people that are just raking in the trillions of dollar are investing it in our American economy.  And if they would decide to pull it, it would just simply crash us.  So, we have to hope and pray that they don’t do that. But nevertheless, here again, I feel that these ten nations that make up this European Community, or European Union, will be the foundation from which this man anti-Christ will take on complete world dominion.  All right, now then verse 5: Revelation 13:5 “And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue (to carry on his worldwide endeavors and his rule for another) forty and two months.”  That’s three and a half years.  So, that takes us from the middle to the end of the Tribulation.  All right, verse 6: Revelation 13:6-7a “And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. 7. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints,…” Now you want to remember, there are going to be people being saved during the Tribulation while these 144,000 Jews are preaching.  So, he’s going to cause misery and persecution upon anyone who becomes a believer. Revelation 13:7b-8a “…to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. (all under one man, remember) 8. And all that dwell upon the earth shall (What?) worship him,…” Now, we’re still talking about the Prince that shall come, out of Daniel.  I hope you’re staying with me now.  Here is where he comes to his final time of power and rule especially in the last half or the last three and a half years. Revelation 13:8-10 “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. 9. If any man have an ear, let him hear. 10. He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. (It’s going to be a constant retribution thing.) Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.” All right, now while we’ve got this minute left, remember, there is another key player during the Tribulation that we call the false prophet.  And here he comes, beginning in verse 11.  He’s going to work hand-in-glove with the anti-Christ.  Was it Lenin who said that religion was the opiate of the masses?  Well, to a degree that’s true.  Look at your world today.  What makes them react in violence and killing and murder?  Religion! All right, so what is the anti-Christ going to use to maintain control over his masses?  Religion.  And how is the religion going to do it?  Through one man, a false prophet, he will be the religious leader.  All right, here he comes now. Revelation 13:11-12 “And I beheld another beast (another great world leader under the anti-Christ) coming up out of the earth; (In other words, the mass of humanity that is not in any way, shape, or form in a relationship with God.) and he had two horns like a lamb, (Showing that he’s not a militant.) and he spake like a dragon. 12. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him,…”  So, they’re going to work hand-in-glove.
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thinktosee · 2 years
“The well-known proposition–“old enough to fight, old enough to vote”–deserves special mention. To me, this part of the argument for granting the vote to 18 year-olds has great appeal. At the very least, the opportunity to vote should be granted in recognition of the risks an 18 year-old is obliged to assume when he is sent off to fight and perhaps die for his country. About 30% of our forces in Vietnam are under 21. Over 19,000, or almost half, of those who have died in action there were under 2l. Can we really maintain that these young men did not deserve the right to vote?” (1)
-       U.S. Senator Edward M. Kennedy in an address to Congress titled, “Lowering the National Voting Age to 18” dated Mar 9, 1970. On July 1st, 1971, the U.S. Congress ratified the 26th Amendment to the Constitution lowering the voting age to 18 years. (2)
“…please explain how is it a youth is old enough to be conscripted at 18 years, and if necessary to die defending his country, but not old or mature enough to vote? This is clearly taxation without representation, for a start. Only a bully would do this.” (3)
-       Excerpt of a letter dated April 14, 2017 by David’s father to the Defense Minister of Singapore.
On Nov 19, 2022, the citizens of the Federal Kingdom of Malaysia took to the polls, with one major difference since the last general election. On Sep 10, 2019 Malaysia lowered the voting age from 21 to 18 years old. This enfranchisement of the youth cohort between the ages of 18 and 21 years will have a significant impact on the outcome of this and also of future elections. Tharma Pillai, activist and co-founder of Undi18, opined that, “For the first time, the youth are the biggest electoral bloc.”(4) This is without a doubt, a positive development, especially towards pluralism, equality and the rule of law through a free, transparent and democratic system.
Within the political realm of South-East Asia, only Singapore, a modern and sophisticated metropolis and state, maintains an archaic voting age of 21 years old and above.(5) Cambodia (6), Timor Leste (7), Indonesia (8), Laos (9), Myanmar (10), Papua New Guinea (11), Philippines (12), Thailand (13) and Vietnam (14) (and Malaysia) enfranchised the youth from 17 or 18 years.
In the midst of writing this essay presently, news reports from New Zealand caught my attention, with this eye-catching headline :
“New Zealand court rules voting age of 18 is discriminatory.” (15)
I will say! Prime Minister Ardern is reportedly keen to lower it to 16 years. Bravo.
But let us get back to the career politicians in Singapore. What are we doing to empower our youth and to usher them into the political process? After all, as my good friend, Rick said, “If you can serve (NS), you can vote.”
I highly recommend a leisurely or careful read of Senator Kennedy’s speech which was highlighted in the opening to this essay. He made some very crucial points, including the idealism of the youth, which is a necessity towards good and stable governance. This excerpt is one of them :
“I believe the time has come to lower the voting age in the United States, and thereby to bring American youth into the mainstream of our political process. To me, this is the most important single principle we can pursue as a nation if we are to succeed in bringing our youth into full and lasting participation in our institutions of democratic government.”
That speech was made 52 years ago and it has been 51 years since the 26th Amendment was ratified by Congress. During that half-century, the political leadership in Singapore was fast asleep at the wheel with respect to voting rights for our youth.
Let us please lower the voting age, now! Our youth are our conscience. And we sure need more of that in politics.
1.  Lowering the National Voting Age to 18 (emkinstitute.org)  
2.  A Proclamation on the 50th Anniversary of the 26th Amendment | The White House
3.  Singh, Harmohan. Walking in my Son’s footsteps. David’s fight for freedom. p135-136. Thinktosee Press, 2020 USA
4.  Malaysia’s youth election: will the biggest ever cohort of under-40s voters make a difference? | Malaysia | The Guardian
5.  ELD | Who can vote
6.  Cambodia — (aceproject.org)
7.  Constitution_RDTL_ENG.pdf (timor-leste.gov.tl)  - section 47
8.  IPU PARLINE database: INDONESIA (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat), Electoral system
9.  Lao People's Democratic Republic — (aceproject.org)
10. Burma (Myanmar) — (aceproject.org)
11. Papua New Guinea — (aceproject.org)
12. THE 1987 CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES – ARTICLE V | Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines - Article 5, section 1
13. IPU PARLINE database: THAILAND (Wuthisapha), Electoral system  - s95 of Constitution
14.  An overall look at Vietnam’s election law (vietnamlawmagazine.vn)  - article 27 of Constitution
15. New Zealand court rules voting age of 18 is discriminatory | Reuters
0 notes
libidomechanica · 2 years
“Certainties in the college light shall”
A ballad sequence
Certainties in the college light     shall have sung in his path; and yet I love that gave doth learn     to refuse; were of thyself
the spread with the cup before     the soundest rest. Tempt the sober head that Greece was young children     in strength seem strange in
zero gravity that invert     the year grows colder: the edge of the gloom, but merely there.     And turning the saint whistled
and ran with the clock gives and     wordless ire of a strong dart, Ah! Are gone, I could not help.     Said I, was well I may.
Who seeke, who have been bough of savage—     what was triumphant, unaware we’ve left me for peace—     alas! Some old tomb’s ruin: yonder what are they hate     flattery, so I never kiss the social parties just to     a Sybarite’s most
kingly hour, but Shakspeare’s stealing     of these my wings of men? Her looks increase of my woman-     love to expressëd, dear under-song in all those mellow     man—the moonlight! To yours, and sung the same way the     philosophical behold, the
dead unhappy as a wave that     gainst all around it, and woman be good father’s face. And     I am thine—and so transparent the arts of water     because no two snowflakes are not sweet flowers our fine bed     to re-assure his eyes
as when we innocent bird before     him the great Orion sloping sloth on the blossom’d     suddenly in her roots against the word said had a lawny     loom and I will hold your belles and never like a panting     and where we squat outside,
eating with middel smal and     wel ymake. Every moving vehicle a long low     sibilation’s Waste, I know no betters. Your Highness would enroll     the cowslip braes between there she fled; and r thoughts instead     of love even, all
my head cradle on the shore, nor     think the Vessel on high, arise, ye more I rais’d my sight     to say, in small birds rejoice on my faith proved but that would     false loves, and dim, and their ruffled moonlight, that green and the     maid was very soul. Thy
youth’s proud Achilles, who hope, but     it with wine, and fill they durst, how such a blooming girl, whose     soul-soothing I did wandering love all be paid, but first,     happy that, trembling waves and broider’d delicate amber;     and the winds were buried
day. With crimson gem, the promises&     clouds do blot the old familiar Juice, methinks no more     strong I climb into your soul’s imagined for future     thundering as if to flee— I started up, whence he came, and     sisters and cherish’d long!
Pilots of the twilight. Because     I would surely not inflate and they press her very love     is but to the North, and rife with shrill cicadas, people     he had a peach: he turn’d to have seen, whate’er might, and marble,     plate and loss with right
on a blush—for Greeks’ love or not     to iudge this fixed place advance as you press, end in that wild     men with a flitting on their leader sang—and bounded with     us, or we die. They tempt the twilight noise of that spring,     could now return to
life’s self would write a chanson; in     England a small mistake, the lingers, and the palsied heart,     will awake, and learn delight winds blow, his own knowledge of     the Last Harvest ripen, her strong emotions bound, made old     offenders are just so
may love, nor souls did never! That     ancient prayer! Why sits high upon the better fifty     ponds should bear, and all about a humble, low-born thing, of     Johnny, mind you would to God—for I have loved by wife, then     evermore the last is
apt the time aloud their stalks set     like fleeces? What we’ll talk about globes of children’, as thought     I, Morpheus, in passing by but she nuh notice as dry     as when I heard the plural numbered in the long-clothes the     crown with this mate sits he
here an hour alone, and face, say     whether held it better. Her hand-twigs, stained mouth; The isles of     tropic shade on two pale you letters, wage, like for two—would     be; saw the hot seasons, and blind, and was in his hand. Weeping,     spread greyly eastward,
through lively prelude, fashioning     there subdued and colder: the edges of our blood on a     slothful shore, for some kindness of his notion just as old     and hopest her silken fillet’s curb, and serious doors     of heavenly harmony,
this universal law. In     our hopes, is a deep grief, beyond the shadows with flower     bell’s that know alas! The perfect ceremony of love.     Like turns to thee, and the name, Bannockburn, Passchendaele,     Babi Yar, Vietnam.
Each thy dainty and in it you thus? Mistaking     Earth turns round ever silverly around Love’s ghost to rise, and dig deep trenches in the     roses for the fair. Are all the rise
of midnight, the curtain’d the sun, his heart. And if     the West, the moment, felt my body already with that smile on me, unless I blunder     a dark and vapour, and left their
backs on us and trentall sung. This I sealed: the     summer-palace roof doth hold my hand is not some hands mourn, or know which they hate flatter     end of some savage mood, moderate
into heaven the unshapeliest, meanest lump     of clay, with leaves, of three presented them not; their backs with what Haidee’s sake, is mortal     star. ’St thou leave me thus, for pity?
So ample stores of the hot season’s     clocks, when the royal penchants, the liberty that knows.     And Johnny in his hall,
quite quite alone that is mortal     star. At her hands like yon youthful ash, that thou go with the     grave where I am a
giant orange, the coast being     in the Blind man’s sure when I have a plan fi change thy thumb:     about the pride o’ sinny
noon; not that which glibly glides     from mere walking the spirit never strove to expiate     in green bound these fancies?
The intention— there hangs the skies.     His double bow, and white: to see and then of the cry of     these, no fears, and now they
are out and cloudy seas. A dumb     one, write odes on the great labour’d it to growling, loth retired;     but now the same hear
the foot of honey cells, and almost     heaved—she stept—then stand unwon, how strange history: if thou     could it be he is never
more complete, You are merciless.     Her eyes held cravings for thee to mee: no, no, no, no,     no, my Deare, let bee. Then
was triumph on thornes; so many     eyes, and the gifts; he saw the hears—alas! And here, I     heard it, as bear with the
first on the wine in all, and rapid     gain of light,—and would yield, eager-hearted! And Betty’s     drooping weeds, and o’er the
fringed bank; and stirr’d with patience     bid me taste me the silent wilder’d; for the fireside     with me ye women if
you must go, what’s the vermeil rimm’d     and spreading imaginary sight:—must a little dearest.     My hope, but never
flattery that’s the nation—is     more than tongues shall be wander, of Phillis—for she is all.     And up I started up,
as in a shallow-hearted prove:     make that are snug the Lady of three castles in their sweet     balmy eve; and with too
ripe, that she nursed the Golden Fleece     flash’d o’er a shell for better, form’d the land, heedless of his     you never has met wi’
my Phillis, has met wi’ the queen     sits no more. He saw the Pleiads, rising they shall still may     betide through the copses
ring, are as good at? Where they heard     it, as bear with fears that not yet in sight, whate’er might     Mild, but not a mother.
Him his sacred to know, was never mind grew worse     and watch. Creaked where builds up hill and murderous as youth and placed, cloves, and all circumstance     beat with what this long summer trees, gust- fists, hollow ground; confusion startles all thy Tears     wash out a Word of nourish’d long! Poor
piteous Dick supports his horse, that’s his. Like a wind,     we have a few, sad, last great fall with reefs which he observed in the downy owl a partners     milliners of my hero, or the midst of all the ages, in any way to     death, but pass’d, and gentleman had been
from the coming musk-rose bloom, who create mischief     in familiar Juice, methinks his pace is slipping away, away, i’ve known a Saturday     nightshade, ruby grape of Proserpine; nor when she know not how—as if she made, fretted     he had a sort of oneness, Paine
doth Beauty��Beauty and the Golden Grain, and how     she were in their summer’s day; while an abstract insight wakes among his breast. Fellow, and     body have a sisterly affections, all dead shall I called mine arm! And to the foes     come; charge, who seeke, who love or not
attainable. By his seed, this answer to mine until     the trees, a venerable priest full soberly, begirt with equal to the tongue     in their Mouths are stopt with its end was in the muskets at the Italia! Thou art mated     with softest sound. Round your belles and
your beauty’s law of plainness and glory, and all     retired; but now that fine example, feverish heart with being ask’d a little cloud     a silver snow decks Susan’s life would fondly lipp’d, and worse, for joy; she dabbles, stuck in     the Spring a Vessel in pure Love
as I ought I will sob on. As we enter our     sport, did play; he thought, and white, red is the blade of fear, unpleasing tone with the inner     cost,—this large, I could be true! Sing against the world is fragile. If to love thee to mee:     no, no, my Dead—what the town she posts
up hill and wealth, prouder that is before the ruin’d     towers! Servile glutton, who seeke, who at a distance of gold, like dying days, and clashed     the black snakes upon that Moon I think thereon, my spirit in a husband has a pure     cup of Samian wine, and with thee and
Juan carpeted them as they are in the social     parties just going; when, beauteous niggard, whate’er be got by any art: then we live     air sick, and trentall sung. Else pales besides, they shall have shot me full of treason, renegado     rigour, are the polished mind.
But Roger ties his orient beams, on her knees.     Bones in a mouth, like wind is it not. But now her only by her glamour disappears!     Unto our aged eyes as when it nurse of his pistol butts a-twinkle o’er and o’er-     spreading in odour and cooked his chin,
a coat of the dangerous life’s self, and proudly     shook the Daughter; she has twa sparkling roguish een. As through soon they fall, with the     undergrowth. And short beside her, willy- nilly flowing, this moment’s steps: great song for some,     the clay Populations, white tower’d
must go or stars will turn that hung from her eye. I     woke—and weep. You have you letter than see, my brightness so unsullied, that are, to lay     on the robes they should be sure what honour first was of great bound a path Leave battle-flags     were the scorn that he had of loving
him whose country back my idiot boy? While you     were. Made for one short? She twisted her hand-twigs, stained gloves—wheezed and blossom’d bower, hangs     aside through the ribbon of moon or stay, so I never shall see what soft in flowers     as the Door as in I went. And in
the clanging round there, his friend, do you sweare me to     hold it! And thus, by day, why fret at my feet warm and that, trembling mazes that toss’d Thee     down; my latest rivers, cloud of these hallways. That just divides the naked comeliness,     to whom I love you because I
rub my eyes that warp us from the heard of yet,     him whom she loves, her idiot boy. Between us to and friends: the fingering; to     find so much it sits, the cuckoo then, enamoured of endurance; changeable to     thee, of all the World, and dispute betwixt
myself they thus addresses from Alicant,     all through the roofs. Bess, that I might brings me back into the droop-headed flowerets from     the Cross, his mode of raisin, orange cup amassed five beetles,—blind amazed you and I.     My cousin, all my car. On a blush—
for Greece, the Isles of science is bleeding fire, and     a father’s chair? Sometimes also get a little Greeks’ love of them both. And felt the space     of him, if he is waking! Two cities, lovely boy, whose country is the state; a kind     of ghost. Of my Base Metal into
a statue rose was so great deity, for     everybody’s gift. Scapegoat of the soul. All I beg a place, angry fancy yet. In     every tree, mocks married men; for thy queenship, on the fair-grown branches hasten to a     home; which, being paid to satirize
or flatter I the sweets to the thing back to me.     A second self, so does the cankering voyce obtaine swept smooth and beauty’s law of plainness     and mix’d my breast. Juan had no ardent listlessness: for I dipt into her long past     him, Wordsworth’s poorest hovel to a
home; which, without heart their parents to the deep hollow     exception to describe, unless at one dark shore just as fine, the show! Next-to-last,     or next-to-last, of the choice of her night brings to understand—better than tongue, and the     will have not some certainly to be
gone before to tell the earth and ocean wave flow’d     o’er the see; manye be the show’ry bow, when ev’ning Phoebus sinks with joy. Up from becoming     up. To a married Johnny answer, Let one living home to find an echo chamber     despite of all be heard of maxims
preaching hearts that I love those regions be his     messenger and sweet, how I do love the crystal mock-disease should bluster’d around Love’s     prompture deep, the loud halloo! When all silent all? Turn their earnestly said: Brother, may     betide through my bosom: thou art mated
with his pony now she’s high upon thy power     had stung him from me, when then the way we entertaining that every land? Paper’s     lightly sings there’s nor look be lost. They were his horse, to take with the o’erflowing well     that is left me famished, but wisdom
lingers, and strain display’d the Excursion. Is     that will thrice more precious charge, charge nibble their praying about on Neptune, though lectures     keeps me from and close! And at evenings harder too; the uppermost, an alderman struck     dumb, than it takes care that gainst some little
eyes, but do not shrink. And gummy frankincense     was so great Whole, who in despair, and did not know such things will right on a blushing maid,     say, maidenhood, singing, even when your belles and you feel it would say, Shame on this     century don’t know while Thou art mated
with truth is the Mermaid’s now, but she good days that     taught me thing of this wave of the moving vehicle a long repentance of the rubies     grew wide for a single Reached across the black and grassy slope I traced it.     Let the bases lost in laurel-bough.
It isn’t as simple things are blest.     And Marathon look’d at her sight to issue. From a slave.     And Betty, he’ll be in
a man, the primroses, but doth     lighter drops he stain’d up a glass of Time has been fitted     in the dale, and the air
clears after parts ere the sport; both     grace and Milton’s Eve were nothingness; but still, and myself     art so unprovided
the name thou hast by waning, when     nature’s rule! A slothful shore, so do our mirthful board, shall     He that I were loved the
garbage. On all that I may do,     perhaps, then sinks with Cary Grant as my mind. Suddenly     up, then she were many,
for those gentle rush, into     Elysium; vieing to espy some fine example proved—would     thus weigh down yon cup of
Samian wine! The wood, and drinks the     sun, when blood! Each other’s watch the early budders are my     heart. Coughing store with
easeful Death, call’d the Seventh Gate     I rose, and soft showers as moisture lend to every bourne     of her own couch, new made
when she hies, no wonder of the     twilight a suddenly, should false painting is, there was a     gypsy’s ribbon of my
story: I must away, and with     iniurie: who stood bowed, without, faithful with countless rills that     found, for the declivity,
through the blind but wisdom’s treasures     of summer youth, and signet gem, all honour of twilight’s     sky admired;—ave
Maria! Though art’s hid cause.     Through the bloody trial,—alas! Now most freshly into future,     far as human kind!
Twelve, and, thought the first time, O passion     poesy, gloried and white and rushes fenny, and who     with his whip on the hills. In spirit melt away and as     water throng’d my pulses of science moves, and that he would     share it, he will have shaped
his lips to stray in spirit in     a little talk awhile of road, the serpent covered all     we bury him? If you ain’t had then and hid under and     o’er-spreading to no such length is come, she could wish you disgusts     me; here your chanced
to the woman: these brought her mammie’s     ward. You need me like one of the doleful air; I sang     an old and fold mine own Soul, devising liberations     freed, and in their fond imagined for true temptation of     a shot glass If you ain’t
witnessed their tender more to an     enslaver. He enter our searching—king George’s men came     marching: yet my higher, glares at once more than he. Near-on     ten years, and they had bound a temple’s self is nourishing     maid, talking, cheek on cheek!
Present weather, he caged in one     hand in them; and the bees theirs, not to be presum’d, though with     the shadows of the loved
by the Tavern Door agape, came     stealing of them say more than I can say, but he must always     keep one. From harmony
through such liars, and shadows     of madness of hellish Ielousie! Snatched mother pitying!     Steps are loved? Thoughts would artless
Jeanie to the ignoble     call—my own. Herds of the long-clothes, and then re-mould it nearer.     Or Paint must dream that
never hope is of too wide, is     sick, and our springs astray, and, being old; the roofs. This     I sealed: the sun is setting
north because you rise? An fondly     cherish’d by a multitudinous billows murmur,     snarling at my art and
marble man, frozen home increment     of Repentance fling: the Bird of Time has gone and given     to stir, though it over
the earth is mail of anger,     and press’d? A shell for very life. Every door is barr’d their     parent’s brooding streams be
free; she looks again with heau’nly     harmony through the wound must take all that Ill may live to     you. I call your mother!
Re-mould it be but understand.     And in thee another Cup to draw you out from his own     heart such a blood by a
young company, whose in sorrow     there. To-morrow stare, a Muezzín from the Seventh Gate I     rose, the palsied heart beating
weft, where lies my business like     needle; his face was served for a woman have crush’d in the     leaf, in the balls,—was
impregnates the chair we sit on flowers     and come back into the world’s praise, chiefe praise: hate to mee:     no, no, my Deare, let bee.
A Vessel of a man, the wander,     to mar: but Dante meant them indeed speak plain the morning     our dances on the
bump I ride in my verse like yon     crimson drops with Betty all was not a moment have made     an atmosphere the men
eager, but with prying heart, that     we’ll speak again that Muse stirr’d by the visioned dreams, where     fed the should know. Mellow
spleen. But that was a girl, to part     her love was faint the nighting up the Veil from whose hair was     wet with feathery which I
should he not by common in that     nods the pony’s heart, would I rove, ne’er such sorrow, comes to     fear that old hysterical
mock-disease shoulder-knot a-     creaking the winds and eyes, they are in them; and there, it seemed—     and thee fallen from their
place, because you keep putting and     wishing among the guinea and weep. I woke—and chide my     days alone amid a
prospers; and a lover’s lute, to     take since you got home to hate, but they are such expenses,     song, dance, with Delphic
emphasis, she laughing, she sang sae     merrily, to please alike where is not a breath of meek     forgiven me. By a
fore-knowledge on which shook the gifts;     he stops, she shouting to the airy swellings, weigh the wife     is: thou a symbol of
immensity; a firmament,     and will not appear he near or far; past land and how he     died for, our saint, half-
canonized by a downward glancing,     from the which in the streamlet winds of grace, so piercing pawes     as spoyle when clouds.
He is, nor what this sweet will I     die; I though a field the cool bosom she loves is love: its     inner sight to shun, what
matter what shoulder o’er the     ineffable senses can dissuade one—turn down and rumour,     that she wore two jelicks—
one was on his back. Last year, and     earnest look pierces the green: she had grant me to the martyrs     burnt was Miltiades!
And loops, a good minutes kill. Close     at the last Man’s Forgive me a face pale shades of Pope and     me, and then no more, dungeons
may call, and roll them masters     the birth, the best whene’er something else to the Monarch of     Loves Crowne, all naked think’st
by hovering on the dark, in the     history: if thou wilt, thoughts would take away and thee. Waves and     to her! She keeps me from
land. Pilots of Pearl. To guide and     trees: what I know it not wish her pretty part, or some repair     should vanish with a
face, say whether in the Blind man’s     fancy-sick. Future state; a kind of fury makes her brethren,     thou fair Eliza!
A crowd of shade, and in his lakes.     These are drawn such thinking eye, robert Burns: dare not to fly     have added feathers, robb’d
me of. Compare, whaever has been     raveled and fond of my wretched, for miles about its     endless fleeces newly
washen clean, that beats, and the pony     moves, and how her only one in the streams themselves were     spreaded spiders the finger
moved over miserable priest     full soberly, begirt with me than speak—then if you were     sows, and this ditty to
her! Because the distant to drag     thee proof in words, illusion, wind—depending bank is always     must end. He had taught
thee to repairs, despatching better     by them for ten long years beset her, full of the dale,     and the mountains grotesque,
new tree, for earthly sound are flowing     blind to the most beauties be a perfect actor on     the forest wild than Dryope’s
lone lulling down winding me     quick gone loved before I eager face was whipt at college—     a harsh or mild, transgresses
from the heau’nly hew and fruit,     as full of orphans are ploughmen’s closed me with old Khayyám, and     listen’d with her resign:
robert Burns: welcome stall to their     stalks, I’ll stay; you go to friends, though not see where there, entered     at our backs on us
and told her form, her first ne’er a     peevish Boy, would often see; he’s nothing base, no merely     there; so, not to give the
Potter than that March with the old     inn-door. But ’tis no prize, that she nursed the plains will right on     a blushing for Italy
free, he stopp’d. Crescent all was     quite disposed of off Cape Matapan, among the Sunne, where     I bid it shoulder of
thee who art dearer to the bell     away; their obiects such, as no excheckr now but in thy     faults i’d not love affairs
is that must both are tied till     one shall loll around in the disappears! And he kisses     might, and love from the
Solitude, turn’d her Hearts upon the     bastioned walls like threaded cards foretell, shall reason: then     I was you come upon
the left full thirty years old; and     I do equally desire; for well she is foiled. When     the bottom of your
idiot boy, what they were spread; gazelles     and Noes, but mourn that slowly comes upon the social     lies that any laud there
as plentiful and buzzed in knots     of Pearl. Which do breathed thy beautiful as if she let herself     thy sweet the odds and
each lovest to a Sybarite’s     most doth learn’d his lays, an Eastern cloudy, even when     shepherd blows northern star.
Take me any man in any rinde; whan the others     bled. The deeps—of ocean? The inflammation journey toward the spoiled into the fire.     Full-blown, before it, in its louder
parental tender voices sleeps; ’ we feel without     harm, the coming, which now upon my face, in the coming stream with gold, and listen’d with     patience, and how sholde any brere be
without. Perhaps he’s gone before, and will not tell.     Nobody to say if she railway, in the middle earth gives it a visions any     reve me more slight for the hill-side; and
fearful to alight from the which it gurgled blythest     birds: pleasant sun is getting out roads to a wall, a hedge, between; an unknowingly;     as does Betty Foy? Such stuffs, lace,
tweezers, too, out of place maintaining presence gies     to strain their spheres did the gaps and dancing, compared with tears. To-night, and love hath not kneel     for what to hear you can. Of beechen
wreathing. With old Khayyám and left me for peace—alas!     Few sorrow’s mystery of sunset of our own vallies where were a target for all     the left the rose: and he live, now Nature
made increment of the sky above, be of     the lyre; but when I wake up that sleep are made increment of the wood. Of mild demeanour     thought there kept. Pity he loveth,
she is foiled, which enchanted slope I traced it. For     Haidee forgot, and white and chimes, like a silent sea, admit nothing for thine endearing     look on Marathon—in some savage
glare, whaever has met wi’ my Phillis, has met     wi’ my Phillis, has met with long a- gone, whose rays of tissue, meridian-like, were     simplicity a graceful days Time
has been so sad, I shall read. It isn’t as simple     because the stubborn canvas for a favours had left me for peace was humming all arm—     and various sherbet cooling covert
make and white: to see the nails were one small doubt     not to the world they pelt each other praise. And trying, and her can combing hand on his shot     the birth, life, in brief, beyond the soul.
And pride of all the dews of youth!     That he laies. Then up she spring; adown with easeful     Death, call’d the isle. Thick, as to curtain’d the late-writ letters     Cadmus gave—to-morrow.
Thus piteously Love closed me with     charm the same in an echo chamber my commitments where?     That fiend that’s that nook, this
was never could, and all with commerce     be all in the moon, inflamed withoute rinde? Feeds on the     hill, some small crowds before
me as wind: beside the foeman’s     ground the neck, and with people he had a large precepts misse!     Lost my half-starved babe, a
wreck his pedlar poems with     aversion. Might forgotten hands: then we do cry. Turn thee to     give; of moonlight, Betty
will notes were crackling flames, horrible,     hateful, monstrous, not being something, walking away,     away, quick gone loved you.
In a wheel of blisse which it breeds.     Weed. Happy to die with joy o’erflows, proud of her good wine     ne’er a peevish Boy, would
add, he was ne’er wash’d stools, a circling     roguish een. With burden of a well, and dost him grace     and so it seemed as they
liv’d, till midnight springs from yonder     shining Foot am I; whate’er she looked like these     particulars are gay, whilst
flower leaves, in the cause why sullen     summer lives, as though with his late life with mother again     that every leaf, in
the morning Post its way into     my bed, the fabric of mi skirt, just seen her naked sky,     till it is! On you in
the hour! Veil’s first her stiffness by     long since then, in azure mirth, it kissed again that worst of     bonie Jean. Here at least once
loveliest moon, with shining dawn,     when power, and muttered every spot where the waving, were     the suns. To pleased to present,
the live no more will be well.     Yet asleep. Where her forth, and saffron too were rapidity     of you are good things—
home to hate me yet. The isles of     the shouts a green bound these gentleman, you never can see     a mile, his rapture, that
gives us ourselves be; seeing     of passionate heart that hardly can people to progress     silver: by common Earth
forever. Came stealing deer, Lord     Bacon’s bribes; like cherubs round ears, and sunny meadows with     me through the street, last year,
and he a window and the pain     was nothing mouths of the living in dark-purple moor, a     highwayman comes the substance
overlooks translate! He heart     may be neat, still grew better men should surely be the perfect     actor on the Ground
such the flight from skirt to skirt; and     aching doth flowers, and far into the cherye be with thee,     when she ascends with hair
of glasses: and fill the seemed—and     the altar, seemed about you. Shall see who has the Cock crew,     those who grow up children
up if nursing through a common     sense, which the wild self dost deceives, and panting and     luminous bird and there burnt
like a boy’s? Would open for itself     on his nature have her intention—there sighing and     dispute? Thou mayst be bold,
his verses rarely guess, another     while you’d like a madman, shrieking a curse than your beauty’s     field, and an alas!
A red-coat troop of little aside;     her life and did curse the offer his sovereign power,     the rarities of
affection of the daylight in gold,     but as his weekly bills. Guitar was the Pyrrhic dance as     yet in sight, when purest
blood and loved me from Shírín the     Spring thorn, with fugitive articulars are things be,     a long-drawn Sigh, my Clay
with those who husband has a wider     plain, and spread thick, as to curtain I have ever thou     Desire. Cool. No more
timely, now, that I said between     the brake is still of God, and dropt with whom he had preferring     its account to the
blossoms with mother, Brother! Tongue’s     tune delight who know’st no want of any other said, the     crown with such as all the
river twittering the moon’s? Your     weak and moving there exceeding; he bore the cave is such     a guest, but all were hollows
of his domestics dancing     o’er the mind, in that would be waiting thing! Some in the press’d     her Hearts upon that’s out
of bed; good Betty Foy! To me     he made reply: yon cloud would race with mother’s breathe his velvet,     and he a winding
more than those shapes as Jove did. And     fishes shelter in one color. I said, My cousin, shallop,     floating auburn hair
Her hand or trouble double beat     of some sudden capitulation giving power, for,     dead, thy breast a thundering
gypsey-folk. Her voices of     anger, and took his kind why will kill his hands till break of     youth! It was all its Rose,
and sink thus low! And tent the gay     roses proclaim their leader sang—and bound her, Prince, ’ he said     that I can see that springs:
a cheek again. And when those     lands, and left their sighing and whining, and to the chorded     shell, his listened. Lost palace
where you wring your belles and pointed     to say, Just this or that would not help but mark, whose Doorways     are as good and how
she nuh see who running or     unriddling, despatching better in a whirlwind: then he made     a point to post without
harm, the lily, the rein to give     him with your own, as Lady Psyche, Lady Blanche’ she sang:-     she would race with such things.
Amidst the robes they grope among     seer leaves were not to golden hair? Grew immortal Bird! Some     glory long had loved the shepherds pipe on her own, as Lady     Psyche. How such a nag on, and weave them stood by the     water. Or the world’s delight
when I was young compliments     on me fall, which brings that come, and I have hard by your fairest     may in town. To this, while our four times he might have proved—     would swarm of earthly sound like a pelican brood. It on     for aye, the liked what he
was back from the best, everywhere!     A wonders the bowl with her breath of music, stories from     the hermit’s carnal ecstasy I loved me; my grief itself     in bed, with countless rills we travelling the River Brink,     with my own. Up to this
Universe, tis true Love is death,     while the last, alone, which ev’n the pattern and as her fairest     may in town. There hard by your lips, and then with democracy;     when sparkling roguish een. Skulls at Memphian banquet     was such a little
heavens reward the little people     to play should be waiting for breast, full alchemiz’d, and     the Lizard keep the danc’d to weariness, and of home to     time came out by the Tavern caught me into tall grace     impiety, that like a bell
bess, though his forehead cool. Outside,     eating weft, where Loue is chang’d to suddenly up, then believe     him ashamed thro’ all my father wits to your voice upon     the history: if thou wander’d from life to leaves his father’s     heels. Kept for my very
spot where shot a golden     mysteries; may hear, that they always used to rehearse, I though     seen of none save him that links of happy Betty sees the     chance: Is this kind why will keep I woke discontent to repairs,     o, sweet joy! An’ she
has twa sparkling roguish een.     Morning the pony moved his cheek, catch your dear delight, she     might drink, pouring unto us from Gaeta:—Shot. Do you     remembering happiest moon, with thee! A livelier land;     and sunny walls shining
incense hangs the most. That purpose     runs, and dwarfs and dark old inn-door. Swells up, till, each, thought—meet,     if examined, it might rather be struck, and, once dead from     my breath of liking, rage of alle think that I can euer     take in this century
was growing centre grew a sun     emboss’d in music, through the mountain pine, to the west. That     shall our blisses: tell me, sound are flowing what he had been     a Briton’s horn: mother he be in joy, I cannot rinse     it outlasts the steep rough
blissful gently forth, and roll the     trembling over London flaring love not sounds for souls straight     and smiled upon me I wonne. Pin; since wounding—sudden in     the poet sings the mazy world of silver into the     show’d no peace, that’s enough
to have already got, deere killer,     spare not to love’s mightst thou leave me thus, my Katie? With     hints of all completions— be quick gone loved by thee old and     cling up at once subdued, she fled; and moonlight! It is old.—     She stept—then in quiet.
Love-distraction and rent the soldiers     march of the copses ring, are all this heart not void of     feeling; but this first
passionate breathe within a little     dearest dim: fade far as the fellowship with Jewels, gifts, to     the very place to diuorce
from out the moon was calm’d her up     to attention, wind— depending bandage from Shírín tore     him, hurl’d him stand as that.
For then my leaping heart, the notes     were strong, writ now if e’er you like a king, whom all milk of     human heart, and catch at
and kissing so very farthing     of the fulfillment, that in those kind blink before us     into the grass you all
which glibly glides from thy breathing.     That trash of such we in romances read,—tis Johnny’s left     her, as I think they something
the purest in their horse, and     hides their old piety, and heels on first a nations, to     bend&curve against a love
to expression; but he must give     you into a passionate heart, would not so will stay; I     fear to discloses, fair
sweet self dost deceive. The chanced     his sacred sward last eve, and, being more high perfect     harmony to harp on such
a guest, with long oblivion,     and silver, for the death- wound is already within the     five wound was, great planet
that after you’re a rubber/     gasoline salesman or like dervises, who liue but to go     too far, I hold it fast!
And coral the least kind-hearted     as a sea-attorney. So, little red jewel in the West,     the man-child is fragile.
Where the poisonous with them, palace     when the five wounds from him: You will flourish set on youth     in bleak November, and
rumour of thine earnestly round     the heard. Says Betty all were tutors. Earth was full of sunshine     to our aged eyes
in fact, except the tables, most     occasion; as time stands not sweet Garden after brings my     passion sweep o’er days: not
that loves her friends: the liberty     that which echo further away fled every setting on     love like this, if ought but
love thy lips and decided thus,     a thought the bugle-horn, they’llnever finding at chance meet     so nearly, that I stand
your terrors, Betty, go!—Zephyr     caught the first day when the Fire of bliss alone likes more whitely     sweet will pay you in
this cool cell, far as words played between     our farms, to keep fair play. ’ I used to stray from the Grape!     I looked again with wine.
Such a fervour of prayer that God poor Susan     lies a bed in pail, when purest in their parents If you ain’t neva have the speckled     with the sandhills of magic casement,
ere it came tumbling over heart. My love and     despair! Ah, make the bridle, for the old inn-yard a stable wench came not on the bottom     of your souls—the pools where; and hoary.
And heare with your sorrow to perish, falling     of passing by but she goes, and the green leaves so green, while we spoil he gather be struck,     and, in its resolved course of that are.
If you are they expired; the Arab lore and the     stake, comes just above the night, grave of that for ten long years of habit—there to wander’d—     all the other strove quite dispossessed
of that might winds blow, he deem’d no peace, although my     opinion as her mammie’s wark, and tent the whole solemn bird a-wing …. In every nation     he waged, in vengeance of his madding
fever! And passion sweep in shadow: further     of sight: in vain: strike other years his level peeps over wrack, as the morning because     I am one with thee flower bell
there were so blackly fringed, the purest ore enclosed     the new name thou a symbol of immortal, starry Fays; and beauty, nor no youth     that dread their comfort bestowes serues
the pain of planets all weather, he caged yellow     girted bees their future Fears—to- morrow I will not after dark-grey hood. Her hair     in the clear as the raft branch down sweet
flowers of a hill which I should not glide past the     flowers our finger of a king, whom all men’s eyes are expressëd, dear Jane! To talk to your     love, that they do not much less experienced
few; and fiddling; it too he the stroke—If     Johnny’s left me with your love, below, ’tis scar’d away, consider, I pray. From stumbling     and what honour. Pronounces that sometimes
it was all his life? And harder for the summer     weather, he may return’d to Haidee’s hair is like the same path, espoused two partner     in you, his wisdom lingers, the blossom’d
bower, hangs upon the first of blessed never     was in my House for a balloon? When pale their hero’s story, what matter it to the     sweet flower amid the alien
corn; the spell: You ride now, and ’twill all beneath the     summit of a nine-hundred dollars. His long lighting a doctor’s door, she lifts the great     Hunter of the truth! That sense and quell?
You go to friends are lockt; but our heart denies, oh,     never a wrinkle. His daughter make every-dayness of the mystery of sunset,     before him that rove over the stroke!
Cries Betty o’er with a noble life without asking,     what my life would ease my care, without much things be, a long light; i’ll come and look nor     know each omission is not a moment
when I seemed to lose its hold, those who have loved     by a multitudinous and myself thou wast not born for difference is bleeding, for     soone with vigour fresh; an’ she had grown;
and, lang ere with his forgot to send the shutters,     but never wi’ her casement, then, starting weft, where loved me truly; love in me, till     it brings such miracles performed in
play, such as dodge conception bring all I beg a     place, angry wolf, or paint at full sea glazed and inaccessible and soon they rang on     you in the welcome show eye and knees
he lay directly in the mind the nearest of     father sense and with many a dark red love-knot into the little falls, that tyrant;     but pain clings cruelly to feel a handsome
urn to his Tunis correspondents, save one     man toss’d herself dreaming sun of springs unseen! Between the earthen Bowl did I kiss     you will feelings and her quiet joke.
Never, tho’ my head cradle sheep;     and straight appear more expression—leaving each other’s land,     or were one small doubt too had a sort of herself therein.     Quicksilver snow decks Susan’s clothed in that would take time when     I smile on its ample
stores, to show his gilt-head clouds. The     listening loom, the curling myself with tears. Our song together,     twinned as horse, and let him hardly brooked the sights     cannot quenchless fire, a nurse of the spot where shouts from     Alicant, all which to die—
thus the king. For a new Thermopylae!     Into shade and wishing, and cuckoo-buds of yellow     girted bees their loss is no home; and I fly into future     ransom—in the grossness of a friend; in such doom which     gaping lies between his
nervy knees there. Must be gone, I     could but still his mother, no notion of orphans of the     race, an’ chiefly in her father’s threat, and the begins to     proceed along, in the milky brow! He did not we shall     have seen all about you.
And how she tender is to rent     her pure sorrow to perish one by one back against     everywhere on thy rest again. And Betty sees, and eagles     struggle, the Isles of sea- born Salamis; blank and bare in     the eye: both in both are
learne it within thy look of its     possible, quite sure that through the voices which made them for     ten long year fallen on a turf grown green bound these brought her:     the eye mighty pen let to those roses to-night. Lightning     I’ll lay my head is set
of flower loves the honey cells,     and tower when I climb the poor lambkins from the balls,—was     impossible eye, that’s out of thy lusty days should insist     while ech thinking about me where it came to husband     is ever-diverse pair!
To cease upon the same to spree.     ’ Her can command, the fair, in their new jubilee, when all     alive wits nor my five sense had thrills through the bushes, and     death, immortal, while her lust of the unpaid bill, Despair,     to sing. Rome as Romans
do, ’ a piece of contend. Ah! My     heart, would fan off every soul with clay. Dying, that had riven     his face, and galloped away, and liked what our path for     rhymes to Beautie stands the moonshine, stealing of the eye might be     admitted the sighs but
some have in my arms till break through     the van of all the dogs’— Then, ere the touching hearts back again.     And he spread greyly eastward, through they meant not my paper,     mute and wound, singing as he will be. I have lost its     way, where the sunset of
our far days, and watch our olives     fail, this you never again, cold, in the hill, than when he     felt, Away, quick gone loves, her idiot boy. That never     wi’ her can see a matrons for the hall, or in this bow     and quailed as if in
constellations, white as that. And     Betty o’er-flowing: and outward shows of his weight to issue.     Sometimes sleep, all that dear trace them shot in the world and     laughs, but, Betty, poor fool! Maybe the dearer, better is     by evil still from the
repast, and like Wind I go. The     boughs, where the digits, and proudly shook Belshazzar in his     e’e, kens the play; I put, he pushed, and I’ll say yes, maybe.     ’ To sail the trembling its head o’er the higher bard than the     open plain, had done and
harry me through the valleys, where     the chase, and breathe a sugred bliss. On the Spring shot the     few who met him be!—But although a common lose the gnawing     sloth on the summit of a heart that vision die, while     his madding fever! Yet
asleepe, me thinge. The small orange     silk full Turkish trousers furl’d in my face like in clamor’s     hour. The copses ring, are as moonlight as they were; then leaves,     and be thy chief intent on either example not to     golden hair? Burr, burr, burr,
burr—now Johnny! With leaden looks     from the Cross, his sister smile, requestered me. With a     sudden from thy breast! Sweet, then spoke so sweet; then calm your thoughts     pursuing, among the doleful tale pursuing, among     seer leaps highest, i’ve known,
and thick and good, and pledge them thou     shalt taste a drop of manna- dew, full alchemiz’d, and died     away, and let go. Love you ’cause I drink my fill at your     questioner, fill’d up a glass of the loves, her idiot     boy! With many a dying
day-hymn stole aloft to fly     from thee. Battle fell out I know not how, with me? And let     him be! The Doctor, looking as necessary as this     thine happiness and love. In front doth cover the cooler     side o’ sinny noon; and
outward shows of his nature doth     lie.—And thou art mated with a long league back towards something     but that in its fullest she punish thee how my word. What     do, and amber-fretted with the current of my own hand     as grave, I met beside
my daughter, had watch! But his, and,     after a sigh of pain which they would not vary, is     constancy of Woman. Is all th’adulteries of affection     have forgiveness; a love the skies warm and set thy mouth     be heir of all their stalks,
the heaven! Now coming strawberries     their lords to Scorn are scattered her hospitality     seem’d and place no wit can first words of them by date and curving     a continent, above thee; low creeping cloys and that     yearning starres from Bob
Southey, follow, what art can move;     she bad me love my lemman withoute longinge? The hill, that     I have sung, and when those mellow, who or what are thinge. And     that’s so persever, that time to see your hands till break her     treasures found the white there
lay a boar-spear keen. ’God save to     be extraordinary swoon, grave the stones will turn that     end is it in his country of Christendom. So wingedly:     when we common case to find one dark window now, that     has been misled, and with
his travelling clouds wrapped with a face,     that come, stopped for a tender feel, that gushes, the tuneful     concert strive nor weep: all be heard of yet, him who drew     Achitophel’! Of two such alone evades of men: men, my     brother. The body within
who lay that I have always     keep off mildews, and all and fevers burn away     individual beauty is true?—He sees him whose strength of year,     its newness and minstrel memories, and signet gem, all     honour.: But Dante meant
not my heart and feasts, and the downs—     to the sky afternoon and there exceeding fire, loved before     the staring owl, where is no disaster. The latest     rivers, a contumelious lip, gorgonised men with     equal to their pride: an
ivory inlaid with wine, and down,     to bring or affright than the table. Arise, ye more than     death was in my verse I hope to rest, knowing words—but when     thee; thine ears; and at evening, hair away to life and     I will not (trout) name you.
Of Fears and Sages who didst adorn,     with the Dagger, that she thought I fainted stairs at the     sun dyes with lossum cheered
sweets incloses, fair sweet, and Tom     bears a laden breast. Go or stars in his strange fragrance after     darkness which reconciled
so the Above an entry:     riding—riding—the highwayman comes peace to every morrow,     are we wreath of chosen
one, than the illicit     indulgence of heavenly harmony. Mother I! That flower,     glistering all awry;
what! With viands and kissing, so     as scarce could tell me thine arm! Yet the Rose bloom of fire-flies     tangled in a Box whose
globy rings he flying ready     to lie her death, which a dove would that has heard was bonie Jean.     Gies to strain to get from
those fairest maid was but a screen;     they’llnever floats an European flag, slides their sakes—that     the light who knows from four
winged his despair. And there’s nothing     space; I will thrice more tongue, although link’d at her? As if     to have to be borne; now
raving-wild, I curse that is fair     ynough, hire browe browne, hire yën blake; with buttons for to kisse,     which yet join not scent of
her own, as Lady Psyche ere     she resides. Then practised as a wider choice of my     being, and dancing,
despatching sight of colours, and anon,     faints into those large bountee telle can; hire swire is whittere     than a God they cannot
heaven and Earth descended     from loving towards sometime after point did seem to tell that     is fair ynough, hire browe
brown: who stood up, straight sobs around     by all heaven. And dipt his housemaid were paper’s light;     yet, if these hallways. These
rascals, being sets to these are     my addresses, and in every soul hath his precedent     so oft have felt since and
I have seen the letters! Now while     we have had heart of it, as bear with eyes wide whites showing     before these amiable
describes; like cherubs round the     frothy main, and stops her piratical papa was crossing     isn’t as simple as
they but slip and never watched your     throat. Glut thy neck a carcanet is bound, made old offences     of their best language
woo: take me from the Slave and fair     sister! Thank thee! Now, if this to their breast. Looking and twigs,     might be filled with all its
more of despaired of, for love is     becomes a vapours which I should hear this pleasant fellowship;     but what the heaven!
And through a reed; so reach her hand-     twigs, might all be paid, but he look of rest; thou gavest me     thus about, yet, not the
isle into an oak, where I wish     not the Might of vintage! And Betty’s bent on her hands were     sows, and this Irish whiskey,
I wither by despair when     I get stopped shore, nor all commerce be all amiss! In which     there hangs aside through thou
would ease her pitying eyes that     moment in a gleaming heart, and line I sued the shutters,     but dark velvet panels,
each other voice and darts. With hood-     wink’d chance—sure of the Blest above; so when upon the     completions—be quick for nothing
better men should growe, without     any dare a new delight, but why should see; saw the little     red jewel in the down,
alone at first, but he must bury     sorrow the call, and Provençal song, and listen to     the west by their ripen’d
corn by driving wash of air rebuked,     seemed to much as the blast before with prayers; my mother,—     not miss his questioner,
fill’d up a glass of Time has     scoop’d huge dens and hospitable: or, maybe not. All commerce,     argosies of nations;
and that gives us ourselves.     Of clocks and look told—Perhaps, thought I fainted stairs in this     sad non-identity,
which gaping lies between; an     unknowing hand, fair and hide the sob took it, thy divine his     real thought! The days drew nigh
that Muse stirr’d with wine, out-sparkling     she guests dropped in act to butt, and the blue and born of     the poppy hill: and a
lean. Its towery perching; frown     a lion into a rage. And enisle ourselves. The     road she scared him; life! For
some know of him? The taste me the     coming on of getting each other, and he bears a laden     breast. Your pony’s worthlesse
rite, dwarfs and dote upon me     I will thrice more that, dizzy and delves them as their mother     harvesters rich gems, with
strange of love. When last the heavy-     blossom’d boughs and slow, sudden bursts of melodious     prophecyings rave round ears, and
took Peona’s hand: they saw the     horizon’s verge; and her of pearls as large, so my daughter and     light must dream that never
weep, Love, the rich anger would I     iust title make, both darlings! For instance—passionately     bright; and having writ, moves
on: nor all the blind do see save     the thief, and sometimes rather quickly near, oh! And thou art     bright gold sands, islands, and
silent in his feelings and his     man; but still we shine, O let me see—what wad make a ballad     of humanity.
And to the living for the fair.     Large-—that al hire baundoun. To toll me by moonlight lane she     grew a wife—too pure even
France, like some bar of fault in     womankind at all. Had cost of ebony inlaid table     of element that
peep and done and trees do lean all     his last and fair stand, your ideograms, how others—How blest     with never saw. Be more
content and gain by ill thrice-turned     since none puts by the curse: she led him, like the few who met     him be! Which sight to raise
my hap more healthier brandished     high, and enisle ourself— first Imagine you are. The     women, soldiers march to
take since burnt at the sky. She kisses     might bring a Mirror bade he brink she hurricane of     two bodies and your throat.
Fit to herself she talking, cheek     on cheek! With girt and smooth wind, concerned with chocolate because     you made a face pale sky,
to bend&curve against every side;     his soul shalt be—Nothing— Oh, make the better state before—     so deeply dyed to me
aside each other, may befall     in listen; and, soon coming fairy, all be told of the     mass of nature. There are
the morning round here at them go     forth again. An idle boy that night was he quiet smiles     to-day but as his breast.
And where winter hoar. Let Rustum     lay about thy neck a carcanet is bounded with a     bunch of lace at his guide.,
No doubt, her finger touched it lying     before; oh dear, dear pony! Both be here, through his fair     on their tardy ages;
the cannot quenchless fire, a nurse     of the hero’s harp, the raptures, by swamping on the     burning to sigh, because
each contribute to hire taketh     me the entirely because good as we might hand to     speak? Your formal, fitted
with Florian said: I have     awaked, as it out, so I go into the Potter     I remembered by care?
—Saving him whose might have met in     the same that searching—king George’s men came Spring. And the     street half of what we thinking
it last? Or by mysterious     enticement draw bewildered shepherds gone and poet’s     song were dry; the rest—save
her had stung him from the golden     honeycombs; our village school of guile, a net of deep deceit,     she now kept house past
which I will send the knockers, of     charms to make a Couch—for whose rich anger shall not speak and     minstrel memories, and
blow, fixed by no friends soothe him wait,     susan! Cloud cover, dry where he had not one heart of Ruth,     where dangerous sky. The
melting into caves, say, maidens     came where the good fathers. How much more than our sweet child. To     you: the one True Light kindle
hope, we dropt with Pitfall and     dun the wildness on the boughs, lies a bed in play, love, and     guns implore; unmeaning
in front doth night i’ th’ grave,     I met beside the coming from Heaven. Among the things     pass like the stings of human
race capture it. How warm this     answer This fainting recollection have sung, yet such a     nag on, and fast she
punishes the bridle too, yet somehow     idem semper; patience; if thou require it, both     with his Pomp abode his
Hour or two—would see; saw the kind!     That you had experienced few; and vesper bell the eare     his eyes that through the poor
súpport of Heaven. To this is     how I do love the sown, Fill high that rather round her. The     two of the day, when midway
on a flood, that all I love     all the less obscure and tallest her stiffness by long since     her down amber plain, riding,
up to think not.—Alas, how     frail our best, and unmated birds sang sae merrilie; the town,     to bring all I beheld
the parson’s saw, and thaw before     me, tho’ my heart, with me? Full of eggs, and spirit by? Limbs     with a sympathize with
verse seeke fame, may rue the bed there     is no goblin, tis a daughter near meadows, and mute, in     wonder do you love is
but the fisherman struck thee back,     she keeps change. With Betty she’ll be blest, but to myself, wilt     say, and they durst, how such
a guest, with universal frame     begins a journeying high, and one by one, we dropt, and     a grin of bitter, Fruit.
Through the ground, all in their Mouths are seen to truths translate!     Of a presented there, his port lay on the tincture of vermilion: and Lo! When     Chloris to those who have tower’d me
in midst other said, I am old, so long: if     you should bloom, or the head to behold! May befall in listening round, and in their flanks but     obviously i’m fascinated.
Over the happy? And close? Now     raving-wild, I curse that come may, what acceptance, sir, she     stool, she, falling into
shade to keep fair play. And at gaze     like a visitant; but pain clings mysterious, but Right     or wrong; and your hearthstone
turn’d, preferring pudding day. The     Tavern Door agape, came stealing o’er dropp’d in the mazy     world, but I shall you have
your belles and your minds, amidst the     road smoking behind. When hot for certain seems, to the love     or awe, the distance loud
halloo! And morbid eye, that Time     and leaves and chain-smoke cigarettes amid the moist earth its     wings about my plumes we
rustled: him we gave a costly     bribe to guerdon silence; while the silent Night with Cyril     whispers him in my sleeve.
I watch her hair’s long arms are up— she scared him; life!     Yet it shock’d her, she lifts the gold; the rather apt to which loose the cool bosom heavens     reward the sudden making of this, and, after him his sacred fire; anon he stands     the stores, to shoot my soul; and sighing at a very home again the pony’s hearse each     one touch’d his part my part in life, or
the truth to trie; beauty, and white! You had experiments     on me bestow: come then, is not fail beneath the young pinion as her solemnly.     All are not our wide plains his soul shalt mix in ilka grove; his country of Christ of     past Regrets and future far as worthiness of her fairest may in town. The parents     live alone. Rays of tissue, meridian-
like, were too late I notice as dry as     when we innocent desires; but his essences for one will die somewhat, again     and our hearts, with doue-like murmurs of the middle water. Or emptied some of our home,     he should pass most like a little trace: for all their Vintage drink; and shine in me like a     swarm of earlier page. And these things
seem fair, at kirk or marriage-pillows, to the town     she hies; tis dangerous to ruminate, that am debarr’d their loyal spouses, you     couldst answer’d, once dead shall lure it back to the least of their hearing; she works her nieces     shines they capture all about the highwayman comes in many change of sober beverage—     by time is share. The expiate my
commitments in my House for a little red jewel     in my verse like shadows of the dead seeing thee, who in despaired of, for love was new     and through the towsing and to speak? So long has been rent. Envy of thyself there. That shall     be mine—and mishap, a true delight to raise, and each, in maiden, wilt thou leave me thus,     my Katie! With final retort have
cut the blossoms with mine, and kissing, but, in all     meats, and bite back a pitying made away on a flood, the flock all gently turns of     the love it more than your fancies grew, it is too like. Anew, grows fairer and o’er-darkened     ways my very daily bread to hear with his Pomp abode his Hour or two—is gone     into stone—sometime hold my hand to
their fountains grotesque, new tree in his horse, that think     ye he met wi’ my Phillis, has met with bloom, or the highwayman came riding in, we     call The Sky, whereunder crawling with his wife, his issue, and speak of love as we walk     in and again, him whose love, although Betty Foy! I hate those that we yet may seem stronger.     Or cover the notes were the hair,
and love was a maiden, wilt say, and, once more than     the Cock crew, those fancies; loved his man; but down in copying this losing isn’t hard to     make men’s being paid to say him na: at length, to thee, pointing to the winters flow into     spring some fierce pure as Psyche, Lady Psyche. Past the heart of it, as of old     days, of all the other side of all
sweets, enkindling nature’s genial genitors, so     that sings, and vales: who, suddenly in me. She look at this madding fever! For the word     said the wild roe boundary of yew-berries that overtop your mistress over the midst     of all connection such that rivers, cloud of hope to write, and takes, that nods and tender     lost, he whom we loved you, maiden fancy
me, or wilt thou break her treasure; t was whiter     still than Leda’s love, and turned cud of wrath, and wild Recess! Thee, clumsy Will! Her limbs     among the fern or in joy or paint the mountain chase. For what it closed eyes; for nothing     beauty’s use, if thou wilt crowned with the mind till it brings such miracles performed in pain,     feeding from elsewhere, her love and vales:
who, sudden in the illicit indulgence of     the day, to pass among the fire Do you remembered in the soldiers spitting, spears in     the wintry gusts gave the constellations; to tint her skill, so pale cheeks, crimson as cleft,     some in the rain is over us, and war with foot so free; the sky full hours to dine.     Sweet Love is but a dreadful to see,
and the Temple lost outright, and he spreading that     fish would I know i’ve no excuse—e’en then the birds rejoice in a dreary phantasm,     could all be mine; of which I have ever. Niggard time thou art, Thou art, Thou art mated     with a bootless calf at eight of Heaven’s air: let the casement. And beauty from though     sages smile, fast fading Life provide,
and now she sees! Her mother, no notion just, no     doubt whate’er she look through marriage; the semblance oft before, with sides of madness of her     sweet Communion to his owlet in their petty ocean. A life would spare, till, now, thou     being return rebuked to singe. Of secreter than that her hair’s long pain—with all my     nature undergrowth; bethinking at
my feet, which when her casement, the last word that     grows; a school of guile, a neighbouring Prince, ’ he said within his warm you-smelling trim, and     towers of amethyst,—would I hide what I’d lost. Too fondly on her sore, johnny     perhaps a year ago, but not to be invited. The pearliest dew not whom they heard     my name most fondly cherish are laid
with no pain, and the fabric of mi skirt, just such     a little they cannot rinse it out, unless it did, thought, until my heavier still:     fond love was not to give; of moonlight of naught the bugle-horn, they’ll both be here, where all     amiss! Their sakes—that they do not love doth lighter from thy breathed thy beauty, midnight emptied     some rich anger would, or show that
she ranks are like vision dies: let the gains he can     reach, the stream, the presented Maid or Nymph, or Goddess, at high priest of all meats, a     family’s a serious enticement draw bewildered shepherds, ’twas all his voice the captain’s     voice upon Time I torture me; the speckled wine while we have passes on more rosy     than before—so deeply dawning.
Sits upright in the Earth are spent     by its proper pith, and so long oblivion, and plucked     her hand on his back. I
thought appear which no soldiers spitting,     spears in thy pillowing coarse to shadows wilt thou lead     away, for it fell at
ocean’s power in your regular     leather concentrated, and leave the involuntary     powers, once a part
in a forbidden fields to take     since then, perhaps, he’s hunting she guests dropped in a Winding-     sheet of Vine-leaf wrapt, so
bury me by moonlight unto     sunlight, Betty, go! Because I am old, so long, long,     long, in naked comeliness,
the parallels in beauty     ever instep roll’d announced her up all fancifullest     power sink o’er the
word said the wild woods made, and the     prospect wide; there, my Silvia, be the face of hers too,     upon ages push on,
that both the blade of perfum’d: lady,     it is strength’s abundance weakens his old night when upon     it lighten’d my Honour—
well, I often too a little     lintwhite’s nest; and thick with dark tree tops? To followed     up the glass of wilding
in the East doth sleepe; take me to     times in many a summer- palace roof doth hold my     Reputation which makes it
fatal to be but love for you     and the spider’s shuttles through the way. Their large bountee telle     can; hire swire is whittere
than I have had great bound to us     so fair, as no except it’s not those fair the shrieks of     the water. Who grow up
children’s children up if nursing     thro’ the throng’d my pulses of science my dearest. On the     rose, and play, such as Wine
has power, the bee upon the     midnight spirit by? A remnant of our bliss alone like     a ring out than all round
our sport of the page. Small birds sit     broodest o’er the college— a harsh sire—odd spouse that beauties     the mother held in.
If I read her spirit nursed the     frozen in the boughs, and tent the nobler and another     stiffness by long halloo!
The notes of both their future ransom—in the moon’s?     Where trod Apollo’s pipe, whence, like you, they say the bridle too, and fashion into a     prime ministring look? When Venice and
past and his one bestow: come then, on every tree,     put out broad should bear himself about, below, his strength of liking, rage of love her, and     many other down: holy and me,
and turning demi-god, and o’er the jetty stain,     and me, Love! Down like one who on the roar of laughter, and seas of deadly sin; if Betty     Foy with chocolate is so simple.
How many kisses, or a treat.     How say you do not merit me Your name was Gama; cracked     and despair! She screams—she can spie; take me fret? Imagined     for his society? And show’d the blind but with might be     arbiter of large-—that
all the Blest above the shoulder,     with mine wonges waxeth wan: levedy, al for thus sings     but they groan, his vanquish’d foes. To take vp the plains his snorting     from every window flowers to incarnadine. My     letters moiled with mine,
his garden tree although his fair     on their end; each changing place no wit can find not, after     lifting in his hair like mould, art so unprovided that     his sovereign mistress; old Susan’s clocks and bright and down, and     the show’d the Seventh Gate
I rose, the orange, all my nature     doth again that everywhere! Therefore should stand on high,     and short beside Thee; and launch’d from thence: he, dying days, and     wade mouth-deep in love-longing; but if thou wander’d, still a     symbol of her beautiful,
and rife with thy tongue doth pass     in every day. Little trace: for none, thou wilt, thought     intoxicated homage yields, and in a new Marriage-pillows,     to the street. Abode his rapture, that brings me back just as     I make my honest friends,
’tis vain the blossom of war What     shall our blisse brings my passion sweeping, I have been contend     no more. I only recognize your cheeks, half bare, was hung     a silvery setting of its eyes. What if I say I     shall see, and without a
forest, the gains he cannot take     care of one; but, at our feast and are put into the West,     the meadows, and they thoughts prouoke, danger our huntsman of brothers     he fondly cherish’d long! Then he tugged at the laws of     every day, and many
dreadful hunter he! Whose dirge and     the pale as love: and yet ’twas belief,—seeing Two who dream’d     that my life but mine recall. Hence all fancifullest power     sink o’er the sun, the thing’s prettiest and fly: conscience,     from the South, and that one
should be waiting the wind of her     idiot boy. Thou shalt see me freshest hue, and now by     thee only, since then, confess all were gray. Now shade, on her     this poor weakness of her as death in marbles every lands     forlorn. How rich and done,
oh! Humble Paean, upon the     hall eye-iudgements on me were getting on this; but after     long-lost child, I sat contemplating, might had wrought her:     the eye mighty window, and when you sit at thing to sigh;     and countenance his cause.
The world’s bigger than ocean, a     human race captured our city and now than when she ran,     hear us, greatest to
thee? Socrates—but pages might     empties there. On which glibly glides from the whispers, and sing     the chorded shell, his listen’d
with the burden of God, and     the pride I boast: wretched make. Ah, when, beauteous Bride. Within     the moon, could not pursue
him also crime, that she nuh noticed     a strait; I grate on the royal penchants of a man,     comparing, joyful cries,
they see no men, not even thou     art? For father’s heels. Easily imprest it was of a     kind of ceremony
of love! The glass of wilding in     odour of liberties. Hard to master—not the Knight, mark     me, Peona; nor walk between
his feet, nor what will laugh when     her babe from heavens fill within thee to me. Die, and     desire. Some ask’d me when
their fond imagination growth.     Was pass’d, but he looked like a guinea and to fashion into     spasmatic ecstasy.
Her cheeks the moon in heavy     ditty, my father sliding hip to hip afternoon and     delight! These the Snare I
languid note, while some sudden silent     lightning I’ll lay by, to take into Shape bearing that     Earthern empire pray
your Highness wounds euen now most freshly     into Deed mine on fire to tell in what to shun, what     is that I wear like a
cave; and all ye gentle wave, to     lay his hall at eventide; meantime, on shady levels,     mossy stones and tower.
The spheres did roll through my heart, that     Star Chamber ward i’ll take that. Yet dry them up with a prayer     that keep not to me?
Are them in the moon, inflame     desire; for into the muck of the Hunter of these is     made them to the Air, as
not a tooth in her auburn waves,     and lives? Of finite Pursuit of This and Thee there an hour     ago, or laces, or
lights my squalid cot; shunn’d, hated,     wrong’d, unpitied, unredrest, and, after a decent time     thou art as a Guelf. What
honour first on the Ground stems throng.     She kiss my mother, may be far or near; with buttons form’d     the markets overflow.
Light win oblivion, and mute     than when she left our journeys, I beheld the Face of night     from whom she loved thee more
than Pittsburgh. Your face oh look at     wassail the Lord of fear, unpleasing step of time—I thank     gentle streams were, and the
pale and new; when sparkling roguish     een. Side; gems, gold, whose cureless butterflies: amid     his people to careen;
so trembling its closing where the     bottom, bleaching Pleasure. By those swift treble pipe, too, without.     The worlds to come o’er
and lie, so you wrong and twining,     and who thus to Betty’s standing at a quiet breathing     a flower amid the
mind the worlds to common Earth turns     round to strange ministring thee proof in words, and love hid in     me like this, which scarce could
delay a trace, a tinting to     each too is the ground nor let them for ten long had hearts, with     lad and gold, and it was,
until the Lord of Self, that wicked     pony’s side. Some ask’d me when cloudy trophies hung. The     owls began dancing like
dying words played between his face,     that I come to thy words are true, and thee more. Various     dyes of colour greater.
In days long lost, and all return.     And through the foot of her good newes know: is it not euill     that knows, for that. Man who
bawled for a little Mercury.     Parson’s saw, and war with headlong to the villagers quickly     we’ll enjoy tonight.
No matter. ’Er I look: but yet,     I’ll seek in my verse: which we may hearken! No stoon; whan these     I better salad
ushering round there but that when in     requite, sweet flowers, sing again, a kind of ghost. In every     tree, mocks married ear!
It made Anacreon tasted in     thy combine, Friends, that Johnny all nigh dead, and with arms of     our nest, and never kiss them, but its endless fountain tops     more by our love. I love me evenings had run to warm the     sixteenth left in a
Pendegrass croon If you ain’t watch for     me! Rode with lower than hawks will to love that might all be     worthy such a breathe his venerable priest full lengths of     puissance; and in his autumn cometh, as it out, unless     something the start to him.
Sorrow to hang on you: nor shall     she knew the arms outstretch’d and for my Muse and shames, how that     loves unlawful. The lasses
a’ she far bell of Life to     a lost and secret grief, here infant buds,-—that tree and harry     me through her sport, did
play; he though more ponderous hate     that has but a Magic Shadow-show, play’d some thanked men—good!     Of endurance; changeable
to touch my mouth. I know it     not. And I with Florian, unperceived, cat-footed     through my opinion may
return no more, dungeons may call,     and this verse, who but for thy queenship, on the hidden rills     float heare thing, of Johnny!
That I can trace the dove withoute     stoon? He caged in one generous toast, the whole mines of garment     of a peach: he turned out the doom waits each flowers, one     by one back where or other,— not mine; it is to envelope     those who for To-day
prepare, and failed to endless footsteps     on with the finest that they hate flatter, as those shape     of lonely Niobe! Full in Man. Long ago, they groan, his vanquish’d     foes. The lips of Julia. Tombs, and only when fee’d ill,     he lied with narrow bed.
Then to these my wings of the sea.     Have been a thing, nothing, fire particulate, while each changings     of them if To-day
be sweeter blows about the lady     and helped us down. Making the dead you skill may time     and fruit, and Latin fraud,
but gaze upon her lover,—shadow’d     my milk with such a one as would fail. He there; fresh budding     day’s decay; is this
t’ ye: O thou, for which we can;     knat, rail, adieu! Mocking plan; for those errors that now and     quite sure the hamadryads
dress my uncertain corners of     the gaze, and fruit, and Jesus from honester vocation     pursued o’er the city’s
din; now while swung the muzzle beneath     his meaning the purpose, the muses! Seeing Two who     dream’d that is hurt in life,
in brief, by a most unlike, every     side. Indeed, Repentance, and by the smart, that speak of     love paternal spring.
This the seem’d, being Christ toil up     and up, to be a slave is such I can see. A smile at     the price of blood-drops, as
a child so very fond; the patience,     and no last war—much the quoit-pitchers, intent on either’s     field, and summoned by
Odysseus he gave the wide     in time of war What shall do: for I knew not bring or is     this? And Marathon—cold,
and how fleeting! We know my love     did. And the Doctor; you’ve done but earnest eyes, and an eye     shall our blood might rather
rank; twelve, and Johnny to the     wakeful anguish. They tempt the last word that gently pats the     road was dizzy and did
give my eyes and fire. And there stood     telling by Dame Partlett reared and line I sued the rose-bud’s     the birth-pangs of dyers. Saying,
Dost thou mayst be bold, with thee     how my waking direction in digging through the blush o’     my charmed touch, yet held me,
and live pattern and again. When     I saw myself when your hands as true as Maud is sweet black     eyes, ay seeking: and out
of things—home to be near the purple     moor, a red-coat troop of little eyes, and muttered the     Goal, over the purple
cleft brings that I may spend, before     eleven. Oft abused, the power in you, his wife and     seen many a long light
must never return no more tongue,     although delay’d, answer’d must thy heart loup light, I became     loth and sad. Stella, thinking
about their more esteem’d, to     come of the epopee, to prove its garland weaves of sapless     in growth. But oh fie on’t!
And aye she sits quite forgotten     hands: then ware; it is built anew, grows colder: the edges     of our near-dwellers homeward
wend; the Arab lore and each,     in maiden; wilt thou leave us, thoughts surcease, the Moon of     Heaven, in and our children’,
as thy shadows, over the     seed of eloquence and dumb presagers of the like in     copse and forgotten—out
of the dews of the blossom of     the voices of anguish in. Midst of all the unhealthy     countenance; he seem’d stirrups.
Communing with middel smal     and mine on fire, and balmy eve; and with verse seeke fame, may     rue the body’s wrist too
much, or Paint must dreams that she ran,     and spat in their due feet; and that, that has but a humbler     range his title, and then
with Beauty’s field, thy youth’s proud     livery that tongues licking the thistle-ball, no bar, onward,     whene’er I passed with the
javelin suck’d away again. Say     whether comes peace to everything unforeseen—tiny bottles     clinking it back to
bed. We have proved thee more been to     stir, thoughts in his hands to It for hart, each too merry and     weaves of sapless green; he
held her finger point to persuade     a yielding up, a cradling on this; with all my heart from     rose-or myrtles, what honour
to the first come away. Mild     zephyr-sigh pouts and fain would not with being lifted into     the rose, the pall from
outrage worse and dancing; each time,     you have you I love Frankenstein! To put on such an     ecstasy of dear, made of
feelings which happens a dozen     times he mighty flurry, she gently pats the finger bled,     but for the frontier: then,
that earth was given, an angel     heard, and dress, and wide, looking only in each glowing bosks     of Samian and these a
cony is not enamour’d and     wind-flower than a philosophical behold, which, being     hidden vales, of milk.
Court with the fishes shelter, tho’     but in good could cull: wild thyme, and they turned the paragon;     and clasp’d his knees; and, being
to be new made when shepherd     and beauty that I love you. Dream with thy dainty and denied     not. When they vanish
we’ll speak against this sorrows tear     that sunrise how that love my lemman without my ear. Dew-     drops, and in the gross error
lies in the different hue, both     with rage possessed of that turned off the basilicas rise     in Jerusalem,
Constantinople, Sicily; watched     up mine all fears that, when others and canst not be a dumb     on high adoring moment
fancy her sinless years, the     whispers round elbow, from placed or unplaced you close by, began     to move across the
blame; to put on such a day in     springs unseen, white and plucked her thoughts in his Waggoners,     ’ around us lie? Stood
silent lightning bug.—Open thence:     he, dying words—but when upon it, and faintly! I would     be with my day. Have look’d
at her air, her for thee, turn to,     lightingale that in my love and are waiting thus, her     body still keeps changings
of men, can thy lips are styled, who     grow up children: saying, I have imaginary swoon,     grave the little they embrace;
and everywhere, seize on all     points of hope, her body still a symbol of immortal     star. Here will come to time
came murmur of a distant Drum!     This piteous moan, as if to flee—I started up, when the     wintry gusts gave my steed’s
and mid-May’s eldest childish push-     pin, for our money; and, whenever lover sate at wassail     in the wild goat by
the cliffs and brim their earnest look     pierces the pleasant fellowship; but while I past him in     a country? Cries Betty
sees, but in golden pits: ’twas too     much, or Paint must dream that never mind that has heard, so go     from me, whence, like Wind I
go. Many might be the hurt applied     to each other groan; where natural order from the spheres     of the skies warm and seems
it rich to die with Haidee and     me a journey take. Cupid in shape and my mind up     everyday to be a slave.
The pleased to watch, as well I may.     Fears no blot? Think not. With other voices which she toss’d     overboard unsaleable
being old; the nether lip, and     spongy sod with April’s lap? With hood-wink’d alike, and said,     and suddenly, should insist
while I soliloquize beyond     affection finds a joy above the pony, that morning,     that sleep in its Face
lighting a battle cry, till the     moon had seen they groan, his vanquish’d foes. As Robie tauld a     tale o’ love within the
husband has a pulse, and battle-     flags were sows, and one by toil, the very place on his horse’s     tail, and far into
the west by the warbling birds sang     sweets to the Golden Grain, and past through the winter rains image     all the devil take
up the sad death. Child is that     endeavour at her air, her fall; she cast no shadow, since last     deep in yonder shining
Oriental roar of laughter—     had not be hard by, point out a shout mostly, mother&father’s     mind. Yet dry them for
tears, too, and also the down; my     latest, Juan were less obscured seemes to Beautie stands; but his,     and panting to reproduce
more contentment seen; a lonely     Niobe! As north the Lady of them bristled at my art,     for a treat. For none look
at the winds were up to the hour     of Heaven. I love that peep and does is awful. And—A     blind do see save the Road
I was you were. You said that oft-     times also a pauper. And from land. She cries. Their vows with     horses prancing girl, whose
birth, and where the wood and lives? To     teach his pedlar poems with delightful scarlet, and come     and he rode with Haidee’s:
she works thou didst adorn, with right     on a blushing in the dawn he heard it, and guns implore;     unmeaning of his name
up, as in a country from greater     was the yellow huntsmen o’er the bring, and all its ears     behind to foot with a
kiss or word; for God must bury     sorrow out of human voice revealed innocent bird before     me, and weep in the
raft branch down yon cup of rich     Canary wine, which shook the gifts; he stops, she looked sublime as     the loss of his fathers.
Its dew-drink-offerings the moon, or     glitter firefly-like in clams as one. But the Prince, ’ he     said, and Lady Psyche.
Which kept his horse, to take since the     wandering like ramping on a rustic town set in a     newspaper posted onto
the last gray hairs, he shapes as     Jove did when the road that I said, My cousin? Meet, if this     I sealed: the moon builds up
hill and cold, which I have soothed it     a jewelled sky. But come in pail, when one sings, that, and     a six canto the West.
What has lost for these blenches in     the morning several weeks,—but none like a rocket, which     rather in a snare, condemned
to dote; nor are mine eyes of     chat, that smiles stopped short? And look—a thousand thought to touch my     hand, fair Jenny alone.
Made for a moment losing your     heart, the liberty, rights, and he bears a laden breathing     alive enough, and watch
and Averil, when all about the     jingling wind on newer proof, in the stroke! And clear and sweet     than these the core o’ the
most most heavenliest hour yields, and     limped downstairs at the flight from skirt the sea; cuckoo; cuckoo,     cuckoo! And if these Jack
Cades of Pope and braided, leaving     my spirits need the wintry world of silence of his     arrow, and quivering
feet, more precious multitude I     find those who husband is, there was debarr’d with viands and we     lean—ah, lean again; his
lips bidding trees all her starry     Fays; watch for me. Afar, a dwarf buffoons, to throw that wore     upon a fair and his
pedlar poems with towers, and     listen’d with rain or hail, or fire or snow; for Bess could be     deeply had I been beguile,
to sounds which we’ll talk awhile     of road, oh cruel! At starting year ago, but not entirely     beauties loue-thought!
’Er can compare, whaever had loved her his Head, and     sank, somewhere. To join the Bowl from all cares arise,—we come! Mated with more ended by     fens. And, strange tempers troubles and eye.
Then to her love with under thee.     Where she sits, the blythe adieus, to mock its own sweeping the     block we are learning
several strings with scoffing, and Rose-     in-hand my thread the doors of heaven’s air in the dark old     inn-door. Of getting of
the trees, gust-fists, hollow ocean-     ridges roaring East; He country so farewell to Locksley     Hall, the veneration,
some repairs, he deem’d. Indeed the     downs—to the heart, and marbles into its airy swellings,     fearing atoms lay, and
many a time of night; she seem’d     to do, deceiving in. There is a hard although a squall     or two had damp’d his knees;
and, the laws of eve; and the ocean’s     power of art. An honest Nature, and favours have     heard from the best that Time
will with his dear Waggoners, ’ around.—     Perish in the weak point: my Lady. And make any     guilty sights he was the
blood and ill. Both white walls of them     stood up to attention, with shadows rise and red, delight.     Silence of gold, once, in
pleasure, as in a sad quandary.     Stools, a circle rang’d, stood silent light that peep and voice, o     you thus Good Betty, now
he sung the sad usage of thyself     they press me sharply, and when he perceiving in. True     as Maud is as fair, as
not so good a word and there art     thou, that to her picture of his arrows sends; by that nods     they came to when the subtler,
and yet to nestle they were;     the future thundering as thy gentle rush, into     Elysium; vieing to walk
with costly bribe to guerdon silence,     of their artillery to fire I must both to both     sides partial. Fled is that
a white mule she rode with then the     book argument, which I can not explain, beside me     Whether than great god Pan.
A vulture could wish you disgusts     me; here while I call? As Lady Psyche. Which there stones will     say tis very love away.
And Susan Gale. Daughter bringing     grove it was young missioned dreams that not one fleeced the     king, ’ or Ca ira,
’ according of beauty’s use, if     thou which it fears before, in getting out to let occasion     where meet were of these,
she a winters shall fall I have     made to shade and pleasure quaffs, to heare with long ago a     giant liar; and yet
there is no idol,—’t is to     pick out that tall grove, your heart be put to press her very     joy. Old Lambro saw all
the presence then, confess with flaw-     seeking eyes turn’d as, buried once, as I avowed at starting     from all men%u2019s souls
for any such a blooming girl,     whose looks from the Snake: for no one here to bind. Came murmur     at our banquet was such
a deuil wants that cruel fair; she had,     a Mirror bade he brine with quiver; so many eyes, but     all is not at a loss
what the cannot recaptures,     by swamping on each? Her forehead of themes, old and dress, and     sighing and kissing so
close; by that not yet—never yet     knew what wad make Carouse: divorced old barred. Very fond; they’ll     both be here, I heard her
breasts must we beneath a healthier     brandished high. Make my word, she doth lighter faire Nimphs layd     downe, saw the hunter he!
Soul was mov’d, and life nor life to     a shady boon for simple maiden’s sigh, to languish, in     which it breeds. For judgment.
Whan the strong to Heaven above!     And ships, by the way, young virgin face, the liberties. He     gave this lonely tree tops?
Cuckoo then, in azure mirth, it     kissed its harvest of father— how the thought appear like one     of man, and sith repentance
hath writ: to hear again saw     he the sudden act, remembered by care? And liked whate’er     our contrary to kneel.
And then would call the Blest above     yon slope of content to sell. And, as thine or ten. Angry     spirit melt away and
these last peak of your grave, no return     in you wrought sudden venerable Knight; smote the pipy     hemlock to dip dark
marbled steel that leads the Mermaid’s     now, but some little heart’s disgrace and fruit, flowery sister     at the Hall this garden-
rose they are in the South, and     clangour excites us to and friends are touch’d with me as     the sixteenth left in a
Pendegrass croon If you ain’t     witnesseth: what wealth, and colourless for fear of trust, forget     to singe. That asking in
a little lintwhite’s nest-door,     could be some skill him if he comes just going obviously     i’m fascinated.
More self-same lawn all sudden     venerable books—fool, again and our state to their ruffled     moonlight over the dazed
by a bright. Made of feelings unseen     film, an orbed brows bushes and rose, full of sunset,     or there; fresh into my
rhymes to Beautie stands; then shepherds pipe     on her solemn bird and the Neptune’s restless some buried     deep, the loftiest minds
outrun their sons to silence! Of     dying; to find our spring the ashes of both the burden     to a hundred years
behind him in vain; for instance—     passion, a stay against the lonely tree tops? Where she     remembrance is ample stores
of happiness than fame, place found     in a siren song, the towsing and twining, and can’t a     woman be good and then
with their station in frights, especially     if tis a daughter and kiss her cheek of virgin     that and kittens, he chose
Saint, mine host. Made her mind grew wide     for at need your belles and enemy to rest, as you press,     end in our mastered me.
‘Tis something, now, would be much wrong!     Three castle he’s pursuing!; In Italy’s crown of their     sakes—that the full meaning
of antipathy, as t were,     between, and sisters, all passions, and sluicy sands: or ’tis     the poor can’t fathoms, falser
than his domestic doings     which happens a dozen new men and you may seem resentfully     to feel their due
feet; and harder for the down; my     latest, Juan were getting into caves, echoing grooves of     the forest, the landlord’s
black-eyed despair when I told her     love returning they cull time’s fickle glass of the thought, beneath     smothered over April’s
fine within my grasp, that     balances that self-scorn; but thou, roger from hevene it is     time, O passionate breath
to pray beneath you too. That the     doomed man impossible and snow, dead weeds and ease him down     at their owne woe; so ample
eares as neuer good watch     a full hours to dine; pilaus and his pace is youth, and cresses     I select Haidee
and heap’d a spire of a strange death-     wound in the bush had never reaping something of shadows     numbered by care? The waving
resplendently yet every     side; his port lay on their obiects such, as not so wild and     gently cowers his brother.
But left her looks about the     plains, and being in front doth sleepe; take me to husband or     loving the fisherman
struck dumb, than the strenuous tongue     in a lock of hazel eyes—saying I’m sorry sending     Foot am I; whate’er
of peace. I swore—but was all the     least, where he graunt the silent fingers, and no unlike,     everywhere! In faith, for with
fleeces newly washen clean, that     someone alone and the last so bad. Good days that an only’     s a spoilt child, There
was ne’er some beauty is true as     Maud is sweet. Thought it would breakfast, tea and sky. The Grape that     I may spend, before my
heedless of a shot glass will have     a few, that sometimes run off with Yesterday, why fret at     myriads of the pine for
dowry will betide thee, clumsy     hold; and still, a sleeping, spreading grown, and musing thy heart     unclosed whate’er my
griefs, my woe. A Whig, or a waking     directly forth, while worth held: then believe him with     Thought, see thee within thee.
She scared him; life! Then while an abstract     insight was he bounding— grew immortal, an immortal,     while the shepherd’s nose
of virtue triumphed, or at least,     our company invited to any that noysome gulfe,     which oft avenges; the
happiness the bright, his gains. Where     parents live and with it, Follow, from myself at least gleam.     That a sorrow what says
De Stael; in Italy’s crowns over     Orion’s grave, o there glimmered light or the late. From     thence: he, dying year ago,
but now foreheads, lowly bending     mossy fine, young couplement of my woman plant in     it and I proud, by that
would conceal her character’d, no     breeze to creep between the two of the nightly let me die,     and guns implore; unmeaning,
waning grooves of clover and     then given its own. The shadow, since there was a man and     the sun, his smile, while ech
thinking thro’ ripen’d fruitage; yellow     Cheek of her brow was smoothly the Queen-Moon is on one     isle, among the Cup, and
where; he length I find; and, from thence     ye see my reverenced his beard, and loved me from here,     but he must stay:—she’s in
a man, Dearest, except this fixed     it, as bear witnesseth: what we wish to stain, and lady-     smocks all sweets grown her white
was humming all the house. To hiccup’d,     Our old marble; then showed the downiest clouds together.     Notes inspiring home
in the Throne of many, for it     depend; the owner’s tongue aspire to be new and fresh petals     or no they are in
the presence gies to the thistle-     ball, no bar, onward, thorough somewhere or other speak; she     seems, a hope for his guide.
With me along the loved thee how my waking dream?     Scarcely looked as if by magic sleep! Where is oft a visitant; but in old marble     man, frozen mountain chase. And loved so
slight fails and fixing still and ears, the habit she     came and pains. The high perplexing in the sullen spring so long when I’m there placed you     close at the Italia! I met, I
love you. Was all the deep hollow, followed by a     young pinion of the waters, flash the night I saw emerge the lover’s glorious gains,     like Snow upon the pined: and ah! Our
work, ’ said I, o’ my sorrows hath my full of sunset     of our glorious content and gathers, robb’d me of my spirits rush’d together.     Admires my Lady. Stood silent finger
touched it. His strong emotions will lie that a     war would be all love and mein; our lasses prick the last word to say, but Nature made a     thousand years, and sisters, what should be
much loth to breed dispute? Should be waiting the lips.     At hob-nail Dick, who grow up children up if nursing those who say you do letters faire     of Jealous pilgrimage for limbs among
the deck, perhaps the sad bosom shake the mid     forest, the road was a Veil past which happen this mop and most softly, Grace; o Roger,     tho’ I can see. May not care at my
feet, tore the druries that where; and now the gay roses     proclaim their summer in full-throated ease. How tiptoe Night and waked to the most.     How warm the soul. There they durst, how such
a blood is nipp’d, and said, and Lady Psyche, nor     the fishes were of lips and delightful lily of you nor will be your voices which     it gurgled blythe adieus, to mock its
own. May turn beside the soul when he asks me I     won’t attack us here infant Orpheus could not look more rainy—tears should be, to     lay on the tincture of his lips did
meet so near thy heart was to live alone! And turned     into the wishes; lamb and picked up in the Fire of Jealous man who bawled for theirs, not     mine recall. That grows pale, and in the
darts but weep o’er the lute aside each other white     neck long floating thus, her tears, you sing, suffuse my fading violets blue then wonder love     in my bosom, tho’ my mortal! Our
guide turned in her saddle him whom she was back from     the Hand of hours had sufferers, be’t in her jungle raging clouds wrapped in a barrack’s     stately ships, and Johnny, mind you are
wrong, the table to thy high rate, he seem’d lightning     I’ll lay by, to talk with, recall what it was Guido forgot: let Rustum lay about     the inhuman dearth of fame, to one
deem’d. Destiny with tears. Swells up, then make, that means     this the naked forms of great spirit by? Tis buried day. They had bound to speak as     yesterday; my hair no longer, I will
not beg the living in the Wise to where it was     sweet. Past the zodiac-lion cast, the many-living crescent, who forbid it     And then and then he makes another.
But hush! The Worldly Hope men set     those mellow shade, glittering drunk their breast, who now, ere Phoebus     first Mrs.—Then if
you ain’t watched your beauties, they never     contrary to kind: false love, desire to tell the     fresher, and mow mechanism
of silence, or theirs; but     one. Drew one last I lay on sea-ward Quantock’s heathy hills,     and height he has but a
mouse, dumbe Sleepe holdeth all that high     ioyes I shall be paid, but all satisfied with Fate conspire.     I love you ain’t never
she may live in sadness. Lambs     are belovëd of that foster up udderless lambs, and     native beauty as thine
and hoary, see it all, except     there sighing and wind-flower leaned aside, as conscious of     my own hand and waves, and
ancient days, and dismal knell! But     now too old. Clings mysterious, immortal, starry trains.     Men grow ashamed to slumbrous
rest: but, fill the cooler side     of all the least, or a Protestant parson, or Catholic     priest ankle in the staring
owl, This said, the crag; droops the     water straight sobs around by all the cup that same night; beyond     all the time when one
knows what: on a sprig of yew trees,     gust-fists, hollow except only that they deign’d to nothing     like a beast withoute longinge
is ylent me on. She looks     on the sounds against the meadows rise and fly: conscience my     destines all, but Turkish
hordes, who in despair to save     her drearily on barren way, making dresses from heaven,     as a friends, she smile?
—The Night uptook her ebon urn,     young virgins dance as yet t is early exposure to     Frankenstein. When to the
question, much to make Cupid bent     above a scroll, and never! Its delicate from life than     ocean, and briars and Soul.
And from my breast, and let him befel,     for one shallower braid. Or sadly he has twa     sparkling roguish een. I
am helpless and then as an     improving story—an old hostel, called it a jewelled     twinkling stands as if
to flee—I started: Ah! When I     have in me out of men are widen’d with your name. The word     of feast, in masque or pageant
at my heart. Not oat-sheaves drooping     hounds to my soul’s springs a great world overjoy’d, some     repairs, can burst Joy’s grape
again. My griefs are idle, he’s     idle all for very joy. Tu-whit, tu-who! Oh, come with     eyes that like Orpheus
slept. On her belonginge is ylent     me on. And they press the heaven itself so blessed-fair     the story ran. Cling, strange
fragrance. These fourth I spake of why     we came, and often beat its wings, are given its own sweet     flowers, dew-drops that every
springs: a cheek discloses,     fair sweetness? They! Evident the art of the way, is biggest     lightning that foster
up udderless eyes. No doubt that     no one here to bind us to and fruits, and abused the     telegraph line sweete reward
for his sceptre like a light     fair faces fell to worship him, like yon crimson comes to     fellowship; but when the
breath with a bough of wilding in     the open plain, though envy of the wounds euen now most freshly     bleed, yet t is very
idle, he’s gallop on for     a travel’s store, and half an hour alone, being ask’d where     methinks I might disparage
the world appear; he saw the     ditty. Aye, so delicious is the peace for me by the     nearest dim: fade far as
human neighbourhood envenom     all. Least, and beauty’s law of plainness and all his eyes: I     gave the early love is
fled, and, without fame, and the flock     of sheaves when last them, but hurting here, and delightful tale     pursuing, among the
despair that gently glad the mart’s     or temper ruin’d tower. Or to delightful lily of     youthful with Samian wine!
The stars were nothing is dire.     Fragile bar that God poor beautiful things blessed-fair the shining     Orient, where? I burn, I burn, as when drugs when they     say, when prayer. Now while the scribes, as most delightful land     repose, a sea of these
unwonted signs of idling, or     that fish would you had he stroke! To countenance, the liberty,     rights, especiall grace and she heart than Pleasure quaffs, to     hear how her voices which over the deep bell in view she     sits her door, shit wrapped wet
in all effects contrary to     kind: false to troubles, anxieties, and be the harp on     such things—home to hire take for to kisse, which it fears nor prayer-     book ready, they are our nest, an arch, where art thou to-     morrow drops twinkling sheen
of arms in the Spot where plains speckled     wine while we speaking they cling to this chiefe praises: nothing,     or would, or pain, and he bears but bitter barren Reason     doubtful deems. Flowers a sweet is there’s none may have     done, oh! When all that doth
lend, and all circumstance in my     bosom, is Jenny, fair standing on the rapid gain of     grief above these fourth I spake he: Men of Latona, which     makes a few, which is my object findeth not all grace it     is strange minister but
change of lies; who lov’st to stem the     Seed: yea, every nations; to do at Rome and not dwell within     the deep-delved earth and pain trouble and to fashioned marble     altar, seemed to float about the foremost files of Greece,     the moon builds up hill and
mute than ever wi’ her can see     a matron bring so long trees all her fingers, brushed upon     you in those fair as the teeth of winter day, then surely     we. Err from others crowded in a beam almost crossing     my eye, until they cannot
cheat so well the sky. In growth     of riper days: not that blow softly lulling door-bells, an’     she has twa sparkling roguish een. To common Earth didst     devise some sullen day had chidden Mystery. Alas,     tis true he hath, by Nature
breeding horse-man ghost, he whom     you love, your ideograms, how others, touchwood, and their freckled     wine, out-sparkling roguish een. My offence is; but     his, and, after none, than when you sit at the last Man’s knead,     and jewels dim, endymion
too, withoute stoon? When Chloris is     gone.—I came like yon cherries some evening the murderous     band, and partly love, which sigh by might mean. That sense of inward     buckram, little hands like Rain, alike, as for the two.     When last them, and his
housemaid were hot to hear how Bess,     the fair moon, or glitter fifty yards were prosy I said,     I dared repeat, the blushing warm, with leaves and canst thou leave     the dew had taken planted unless and down, alone amid     a murderers hung
by a fretful realm in awe, and     frights, and beauty’s field, and sullen day had childhood blessings     on Cessnock banks a lass, how frail our best, and small, in round     the frozen mountains, and onely whitenesse want her     pallid cheeks are rough warp
and worse, among the highwayman     came and hell, or near; with hair of glittering those who sail     the dreaded tail, a vulture from the ebbing sea of weary     woe. Without any dare a new delightful land he     spread with wine. Of logs piled
so the Above and Below. And     here I my offerings give. You blush, but do not so wilderness:     there is the ground! Her tears no blood, but bland the coming     the shadow of a dreadful way, but he must be near the     Never, the bier, while she
doth night, that an iron tyranny     now she’s happy to die; and hath its winding free, let     my whispers low, or who didst adorn, with timorous eye     but gaze like was never shed before them indeed more     delightful scarlet, from men
and this was new and there but that     his warm youth, and I the funeral-shears would ask me, if     they came to be invited to any sensual feast     was of great oath I swear, not life, and flocks: whether thing. The     sky above, below, then.
Therefore, on every leaf, unless     it did, thoughts would I love affair which rather character’d,     and souls interknit so
wingedly: when we crost to a     lively veins? Painfully and means this might, and me, Love withal,     unless the solar
orbit run, Ah! Such more than even     the fair. Prevailed if, what they most probably his plighted,     fond regard, thus cruelly
to part besides the records of     Paradise enow. A maid enjoy’d the blank end. After     these thing till he is mild
as words are roll’d in my House for     a hundred thousand men in the Spring a shady, fresh,     and I sigh’d that gilds them
ran a yellow spleen. The tip-top,     to me he made, and dwarfs and come back again at dark. Room     they left, and its thorns out-
grown like spiked aloe. High requiem     become a swooning over hollow except their arms,     I call him a good thing
in the daisy amus’d my fond     fancy, so artless Jeanie to the world would be any     man to glitter fruit? Free
of attachment. Doubt his essence     fine into the rose-bud’s the nighting washed the blood of Scio’s     vine! No voice as she
laughing drowns the grave. In front steps     are laid with no stone at the head to behold! Between they     are not else, aught nearer.
Before it, he will have weight in     pomp receive their wisdom’s treasure, as in I wende and poppies     red: at which he had been basking lover,—shadow’d my     milk with tapers comes back
against the arms are up—she scared     him; life! When was I using it back to your sires’ Islands     of rising shall read a large precepts misse! Temperate mortals     even the arbour,
they never watches him—then Roger     ties his orient beams, on her peace about their budding     day-hymn stole from faring seaward, and the gal come at,     is like thing to the
ignoble call—the most occasion;     as time she will have expired. Greasy Joan doth keel the     watery maid, came blush’d so red, without a shout from the Tower     of Darkness than that
tyrant was Miltiades! When silent     finger on the Garden and made him down on youth look’d     the splash and see that made to keep it on a day at child,     withoute longing; but if
thou which got him a few heroic     rays, such as ay muster where the wound, since there blossoming     limes, loiter’d among a fetter men shoulder of the     Vision of it. And Matthew
Hale’s great god Pan. Now the     waterfall, where Vertue is made myself, wilt thou use so great expanse     and lost in the margin of all human kind! Up the     history, potent rule of
father to play unfair! The rose     with eyes were burn blue. Tho’ many a dying nigher, glares     at once, as I think us worthy of the liked to say     sometimes from the Tower
of a riot, he might employ     him as if nothing doth frame, take me to him that fish would     not long pain—with all the present weather harms: strange to thee,     and I grow cold. And
murderous band, and looking on their     bosom’s like needle; his cheek, while the east, and Mushtara     they from greatest to be pleasure, let not his shot the heart.     And now tis buried Ashes
such a fervour of Heaven-     granted: therefore set upon the service most would I hide     what flow’d round, and feye fallen on a turncoat has been rent.     Nor grateful at the
casement, with his wife and richest     in thy power sink o’er the should turn from the hill-side; and     I pardon me sayings with his travel’s store of newest     joys upon thy troubled
like a flock of sheep, and in it     a disguis’d demon, mission thine. Or, it may betide through     the wildness of May, as do those who say you? Place of my     Purse tear, and marking sweet
in earth lies breath of music, through     my life hath no exceptions from the remnant of our spirit,     and raw, when in requite, when the fruitful land he rode     with the bush had never!
And dropt with stirrup, saddle set,     the fabric of mi skirt, just so much too hard to become     of both, or fair. The notes were tinged it is time, I listening     rose, what shall do: for I
knew her, kind? Awed face, say whether     the trains my young were dead could only passed her; but again     the face of hearsay well; perhaps million poutings on the     South, and ev’ry life shall
hold thee, how it was a torrent’s     brooding wind on glassy water unto wine—here at the     door, shit wrapped in, I know not how—as if she has twa     sparkling roguish een. And
rough which I sigh’d for her, to thee,     and sighing and turn’d methodistic, or Eclectic for     that oft-times hath that after Rage destroying, leading through     the moon sleep, with a stony
British stare. Of chromatic     scale—i only ever sets, and forehead, and all arm—and     various doors of heavenly whitenesse want to arrives     too long away, from
the whitest skin that, whether of     pearl or ivory, stood avenges arms Shirúeh with a flitting     out that after midnight, bathing shut up and bring our     directly in the Throne.
Crystal ewer, whom I loved you.     Well though sages may pour out the fluster of lost door keys,     the breeches nobly plac’d;
beauty, how frail beings we would     call the distant hills, and shiver the passes zither of     these essences for a
hundred-years-old name with strange     affection of all ranks, Must we but blush? I’d bubbled up     with a little Greeks; so
that engenders from the lonely     shout, halloo! Awake in its load of blood might mark a lynx’s     eye, that engenders from
their better, snowed it down, sir. My     Nanni would swell to melting thus, her body still we moved     together; and the sun.
When I exhale—by morning in     all her starry; such a hand upon a diamond, my sweet     youth: there lamps blazoned
like this looks from the bargain made.     Our virgin, love me; then all these hills, and silent: for the     fleshly gate and past them,
palaces and broider the price     of birth alone isle, among the love-sick tale, the scorners     be, or not at all. And
passions any reve me my make     ich habbe yhent, ichoot from whose grace where, O Where hast thou,     that to follow it upon
his child. Little thing in that     wherefore should be grau’d in music, which the heir tongue evoke     your hand on his fair
daughter, cool’d a long league back against     all rules for one sole God be done! With so subtly     wrought her—she’d rather
questioner, fill’d out its end was his     holly whip, and seen the rocky cave e’er tripped with viands and     brake, in black hair. And if
you step up close to the hurt applies,     and their tongue lay a lost and are forgot, and mortal!     And makes as much the black
eyes so fair, as not a tooth in     her fears; the rose within a Mirtle Tree, which Musicke can     imaginary pinions
with downcast eyes and you tell     us true. Thine hair. And Susan has a crush on Myrna     Loy. Herself the secret
records of the middle of her     own account. Now shade on two parrots, with mellow reeds are     the leaves about it clings
mysterious meed of caulking,     cheek on cheek! Between your will, or Hátim Tai cry Supper—     heed the mazy world, out-
facing Lucifer, and—sans End!     By all their stalks set like fleecy lamb which we should known to     the wood; with just as
embryonic chickens grow subtle     to prove me! Sultan and having waves and they but slanted     down better fare; and shook
Belshazzar in his garden stept     a buxom hostess and a joy into mournful     Report, this love hath end.
Sweet Love lies fast asleep. Or temple     comes the naked brain: woman is the night. Whilst skies are     dust, his life? The tuneful
voice and Rome keep the dying lately     bright; and the west, the daisies pied and virgin that crazed     that I should I could not
your shores refuse the brine. Compare,     whaever has been so sad, I shall hold the poison through the     Garden by the sapphire
with everywhere! Why, all the     way lips my Nectar drinking the woodbine, making there Now,     while the boys: the fire they
sat, she laughs, betty a drunken     sleep, Love, love pricked by the dewy downs, when prayers after     long black eyes so fair, when
yu see even lessoned     serpentry, have been a very margin of a shot glass If     you ain’t never be clean
out many a most dear, made of     lonely sea. Now, Kitty, now at once to death, immortal,     guilty, but now it not.
Humming round enmesh me, and turn’d     to have no excuse of pillow; get thee to be more     expression is gone dry: but, fill the cold relief; the bloody     crusades, knew the same way, so thin a mile, no hand to their     Life into heavenly
to tunes forgotten hands: then would     surely nothing sparks upon the side of that made Anacreon’s     soft fires, after dinner; tis beauty still came, shortest     letters Cadmus gave—For Greeks; so that it close so close. She     took up the gaps and do
you sweare I wish not the time while     they expected for a little trace: for all heaven look     I death does my heart to him is not these will stay till he     is a ghostly galleon tossed upon the rainbows of     his pinions dark, and so
she died. Bound her, so gracious: they     are out and canst thou shall she looked on he goes beneath the     swart-complexion’d night awake in this batter’d in western     border’d wishes for thee, and with his bones are bent on her     fan.—Is more than should vanish
we’ll go together for through     all the Vintners buy one half so precious charge, tis too lately     forgiveness; a love that after him his sacred fire;     anon he stands; but Lambro saw all the druries their pedant’s     wand to last—of all
come to thyself therein. Visage     with infections on the bathos’ vast abyss floats an Europe     alone. Poor Betty! Having no custom-house nor man     abroad. To the horn, when men were gray. The sights cannot be     idolatry to kneel.
Slip no occasion; as time she’s     got into the shades were dead and love. Exclaim The road that     salve which sight a sudden veneration wrote what it close     after Rage destroying,
leading that claims of sleeping, pillow;     get thee to mee: no, no, my Deare, let bee. And, as prince     I was, blue-eyed, and feed deep, and in fact, it done if we     can imagined for speeding
locking across a land or     loving. Lest any reve me my make ich habbe yhent, ichoot     from some blame; to put one’s servants all were going     obviously i’m fascinated.
Eagles struggles to turn     and against the wind doth blow, and again with the sadness.     Space.—But place and Milton, and prayer that time is gone dry:     but, ere it hurt me, that’s
a fact. Who moves dark as night was     pass’d in my waking ears, where not touch my hand! But to return.     With wayward melancholy spirits need the late-writ     letters write; write, but I
am a fireball that pictured     countenance, the lights my shrine he heard. A love those whom you     sorrow and Joy, whose immortal, nor Hope dare a new air,     I long’d to sires, wide gates,
at least. Sung the frosty wind that     has been a Briton’s horn: mothers and caught better men should     expiate. But while in half mellow moons shall see where or     other, may be read of
that gentle Silvia in a     shallow-hearted as its closed eyes; a little hoard of more     astonish’d that will pass my weary woe. Whilst they sigh, and     the sofa, dozed, snored.
And sits high upon the speckled     with the wild woods and she turn’d gills of the pony, that Life     flies; one thing there fall; soone with the fancy her sight right well     agree, for these love, your
idiot boy? I never heath     and when she willow trails its delicacies. To sea, when     purest ore enclosed on that he begat: the one by toil,     the voice upon his footsteps
of Pleasure, but truly seldom     used a word too pure even less but oh fie on’t! Green     the ringing grove when Phoebus peeps so gaily, could die for     at need it. To be filed
a Key, thanne hadde it no unction.     Bricks through the chanced that I may do, perhaps to pick out     the sun, and she was growing worse than hawks will receive the     White Hand of ghosts, and
pantingly among a fetter might,     The bailey beareth the swan, and far into a wall; and,     for many, lives and tumbling over her face. Gone under     darkness, guess than the
illicit indulgence of them the     Southey, following coarse to the sky to when upon the     rocks the highway, and I proud, by the cherye without a welcome,     next my heart, and tent
the fair.—The Wilderness where Tim     the golden shield, I stole aloft, and one hand, the cold, and     looking on its ample stores of this her song, and Rome keep     the dying year fallen
on a turf grown herself, and live     here infant Orpheus slept. But only bitches, who turn     and its Treasure, but Sorrow. Rising shall I called that I     should e’er grow older. But,
loving kindly earth forever.     Some laid her not fearful sign of human serpentry, have     drawn from its high celestial sound: less the boughs, where there was     much of the Poet’s song
divine high-piping Péhlevi,     with the shaft, and to singe. He is, nor when she know my heaven     and sunburnt mirth! She may returning, think in her jungle     raging clear; tlot-tlot,
in this dull and clear again without     harm, lockless—so pliable as Pindar sang horse? ’—For     standing on the eagle’s maw; or by mysterious entice     my stumbling mazes
that night by day prepare, and sherbets     of raisin, orange cup amassed five beetle, nor e’er     conceives how tedious tale. Stools, a circling the burden     of my wretched make.
Or from the loss of the cruel breathing     mortal Sovranty— think some: others, men the body     with their start and moving
and kissing, and he right upward,     thorough soon she is and dancing, he deem’d no path that better!     About the king, ’ he
said the Hand of Moses on the     water, most natural sympathize with joy they brought?—Thus, in     the Skein of Joy. The breath;
riding—riding—the red coats looked     sublime with shadow to my subject—let me to patience,     and pledge them happy in
a lonely Niobe! From whose might after     Rage destroy’d, amidst the see; manye be the strength’s abundance     weakens his own
undoing; or playing with truth is,     false to the least a patriot’s shame. That the winds are like     mine? For once dead could it
nearer. And should our younglings: next,     well trimm’d, a crowd of shadow of a shot glass will have crush’d     and doleful air; I sang
another’s front doth scathe, the moon,     yet shining in time, it is hush’d away the landlord’s daughter     by the harp-string, except
for my five senses fail, this     universal law. I will stay, for instance—passionately     bright sometimes starting,
is my object. Nor are mine ears;     and how twas imprest it was turn’d her pure heart when the west,     the bier, while bird, that yellow;
and that your will, see where the     roses to-night: I must be? But been, sheep, and so heartily     then and darts. An’ she
had brought me to a sedate grey     to her organ vocal breath, her heard the heavy peaceful     fold, but thanked men—good! The
rose from placed you close the wise man’s     arms, and faults are numberless, yet such pow’r before to the     peace, is over the happy
time has gone and given us     letters! One tires; thus spake of why we came, and liked     to thy rest again. Which
it adorn’d its only teach, Love     and Fancy, in a poet, a sad quandary; and think us     worthlesse renown among
seer leaves, dried careful king,—then     in requite, when lo! Is so nominated in, your hand     or his society?
—Having settled his chariot     last from stumbling in the Day woke—and a tree, mocks married,     but while I call the fair. Have spent the moon sleeping through the     most. Leisurely hath been bough’s motions from that labour’d steer;     whate’er the Argonauts,
in blind do see save the landlord’s     black eyes were many, for instantly renew thy presented     Manuscript should have heard. Perhaps you that pours out. Now,     Kitty, now! The floating shame and Milton left he held a     jewel. I to the young cheek;
and peculiar part! The diapason     closing of the scribes; like Titus’ youth, agree to a     shady wood, rooted in the rose was even then, that thing     reefs. Have a few, that so its inner sight, and sighing and     trentall sung. Where men sit
and heels are immortal, guilty     men; but, his not better thumping his weight to shun, what hopes     do cary. Be heir to think us worthiest the calm     hours crawled by like the gentleness, delight that every zephyr-     sigh pouts and Saint, and
about was tilled by women     meek beckon’d their birth, wealth, some in pain, and still more nearly     treasure, for whom? And something mortal, starry Fays; here, where     all that, and then but incessant. And salute love that grim,     what can I tell that in
the sights cannot be hard to bring     her bowering presently unmew my soul with clay. Writ     now but in vain my substance beneath thy light spreading roses,     that, without their jealous pangs of the song o’ the woodland     will right you there as
plentiful as in a sad quandary;     and yet I guess’d offices. The moon. As careless wounds,     who like a key in a little boon, this her solemn hours     with his adulations of my hero, or the brave     gallanted; although then thy
belief; O gentle lispers may     sigh my love, your voices to turn as one. Of power, for,     dead, return rebuked to Shírín, and to uphold an infant     Orpheus slept. The World, and sunburnt looks as may be     near meadows? Ich libbe in
love-longinge? Ich libbe in love was     nobody knows poor weakness than fame, may rue the bird o’er     and the stern wolf betrayed, and pity Sultán scarce a soul     to Solitude retire— to lose fair wrought but love and     weep in any rinde; she
looks o’er his shack with lying curls,     and Pity fell on high and lovers, yet not the charms of     flowers, nights of love. Fill high to fall; she cast no shadow     to my tomb. Bad temperate mortals even as the rain     more that night you have a
sister! Slowly through with the vale.     Happy to have been. Farewell to Locksley Hall! In listening     look? Enmesh me, and that he was used to decay; is this     an illusion, wind— depending free, let my books be the     golden shield on this face
unto her organ vocal breathing     her women; certainly he shoots with a hurly-burly     now he shaken, ran itself so wary as tender     voice in a dream. But Turkish hordes, with long age in this fair     musk-rose blows his nature
will comers at all! Emptied some     influence rare went, spirit creeps winding pure, from wine—here     at that hangs by unseen a private gate, and your beauty     stood telling my bark bar’d and rites were the pit. I think not     the field of corn such follying
before to the future state;     a kinde of grace, A king sate on that earth was drinking in     his shaking of my Base Metal into Gold transmute. A     dark as yonder ivied casement, this instance—passion     cannot heaved—she stepp’d aside
through the voice, we blend, mingle,     and valleys, and wholesome laws; such a rate; for those orbs, once     more imprudent grown with iniurie: who since he had been from     eight of naught—and he must fain sweep in any way to death:     but ’twas all his venerable
priest of love. And then I     fell down apace, making the bough in his habits, and bid     her for that which glibly glides from the thought to shun their fill     at last for myself with his virtue triumph on thornes;     so many planes above
the gentle lispers round every     spot where nature’s rule! Star, and gentleman at his should do,     but sometimes sleep, but all, excepting something of thin disguise!     Make, that what can a woman be good do t ye, gently     forth, compare, whirrs
suddenly up, then one knows: but stray     amang the most occasion dies: let them dyingly-—send honey-     whisper everybody yet so quite? Of sad experience     of dry land that happy skies, and dwarfs, dancing to     repeat. Then calm, conceive.
Against each other lovely arm,     lockless—so pliable from the figures, and place of birth     to me, you plainly set her wits are gone. No, no, no, my     Deare, let bee. I worship
that can give you have been bough’s skill     him a good to blush, with girt and fly: conscience is the staring-     owl, the heard the prettiest ankle in this is how     I do love you sending
back her heart? That never comes peace     to every night, grave of the south, and come to find her lips     just to annoy a loyal spouse that mars your regular     leather chords with some sort,
I cannot outweigh a love or     awe, the grass, to show what wild men with a flitting blush, with     old Khayyám and learn mi lessons he had gained. He ask’d where I     got them, from a true delight?
And I, and so sweetly, and     helped us down. Soon was a Door to which we Cantabs     pleasantly to a lively vein’d, more soft, more slightly forth, and     most Rabbis Jewish the
Lady. So flattery that all     time; all season gave, and signet gem, all honours in the     ecstasy! Again without delay across the heaven     rending, on the south, and
women sang; and I’ll serve you better     fare; and then we crost to counted in the dark to the     North. The wretched errors hath my heart did leap through silence,     nor stop at all my heart
than such madmen’s fellow, had blended     in, your hands like a key in a mountain tops more than     simplest heart aches, and seven- shilling like gold barred. By all     on every virtue that
parting auburn curls the least, and     Tom bears a laden breast. And the Christ toil up and bring those     gentleman’s growing free, and to bind us to and fright     your weak and nearer to
the muzzle beneath her eye. And     cooked his mate sits nestling in a lasting of the gay roses     proclaim their fond imagining of past Regrets and     flasks of wilding in, we
call. The clock strike others’ works her     mammie’s cot, and aye she stood around. Ruin hath got my     use and frost will be well or rare woods. By insist while by     the seems, to the grandeur
of twilight dale; and through the bowl     with Samian wine! Is it that which I sigh’d that moment more     strong I climb into yourself will cry. The lark’s early     exposure to Frankenstein.
Naked form of all so simple,     fire-side a sight right well away; my altars are touch you     close the prey, light holes. To
the old trick! A wounded to herd     with pins; roger so near the wall, looking, beheld the parrot’s     call, dreary melody
which I can not explain, that     time must away, before the prizes; he had been content     with tears amid the margin’d
rills. I could artless, so simple     sheep; and sweets, enkindling sad, or that’s so blessedness.     Full thirty years old; and
sweet and is the Stone that moment;     she drew one last gray hairs, another—Surely not inflate     and the blush o’ my charmed
touch, yet held most most heavenly     harmony through envy of the rainbows of beauty take.     Kindle to Love, for whose,
because it’s easy. He country     of Christ toil up and bring it overteem with my native     ranks are ploughmen’s close grown
old, the fair-grown yew tree, for earth     has lost in his sister smile, requestered deep, and kye,     and green; he heard his river
twittering pavilion; ’tis     blue, the old eyes dissolve, and they pelt each other to     motherly cheeks the season
gave, and saved from out their fountains     spouted up and up, to be, forsook, to hunt the fern or     in joy or paint at full
soberly, begirt with it, Follow,     from whom she loves? Modest, took a lute, from the sad usage     of iron is all
my heart that moments, by some     inscription might forgot: let Rustum lay about the hermit’s     carnal ecstasy I
loved by wife, then sudden making     converse. These fears for the flock; the owlet pinions darken,     I watch the old hen by
running or in joy or pain, feeding     of antipathy, as t were, sits upright or wrong;     and in his hair in face,
of temper amorous, as their     famish’d scrips. Contend no more or less, and the last was fain     to get from hills, the
invisible string, should stamp me back     in the little boatman’ and hillock a languid note, and     in the ecstatics meant
the feast with thankful hearts filled with     buttons form’d their station in digging their pedant’s wand to     guide her lips with so subtle
cadenced, more modest I     am, yet it lighter thou art so unkind to fashion     my pilgrimage to this?
I love you because good company;     not that bound to sires, the coming step of times hath the     mere nothing like Ganymede
to make himself to win! The     gentle mould, art so unprovide, and one by one, we dropt     with mingled there fall; she
castles in the midnight, as I     have a kind of ceremony— I think, he spur she fled;     and moving round his life?
Grant, if this purpose, easy thing     compliments on animals, varnished bats, blinder moon; not     that you love, nor the flowers.
Her forehead, with a Persian     carpets, which I blessed-fair the shadowy and grange, let not     his sovereign buffoons, to
thy revolt doth transfix the flowers     budded newly; and r though her throat. Her hand or trouble     thee, and in it: such
garland weak, and dipt again with     costly bales; heard thee to me the world so soon, and melts the     pall from out the brickwork’s
expire! Only thing, nothing as     he will listen to a cause being somewhat late since burnt     like a nexus breaking
either side o’ sinny noon; and     hart for hart, each to other to mother’s chair? But not his     sovereign mistress—I, although
enemies to those fair wrought     suddenly, within who lay that doth not know or knew, should     not love her down a daughter
heart with Cyril and many     a light that wing the healing the grot of Proserpine, when     I get stopped together.
Conception bring all I beheld     the place of bliss where prickly forms that self-same lawn all     suddenly, should stamp me back
where I my offerings to love of     the limb which the butler. ’Re a rubber/gasoline salesman     or like a calendar
in one color. For joy; she     dabbles, on the surgy murmur, snarling at the pony     glad to see hopes undone.
Of my great court-Galen poised his     sacred sward last embrace; so nimble feet as simplest her     pure sorrow may not care
and morbid eye, that which in her     fan. Awake, and the fair, in this riches of the days drew     nigh that Moon I think back
to cancel half afraid, stood silent     lightly snow, when the foeman’s ground, poor house. Draws up to     Thee—take that was the Doctor
Currie well esteem. From yonder     what shall shadows runnels, runnels, runnels, runnels, runnels,     runnels pebbled short?
And sighingly and went to sleep,     having the Guests Star-scatter’d cowslips plied, to glance, but something     else to thyself be
known, the deadest thine and shut it     was but a mouse, dumbe Sleepe holdeth all weed-hidden Mystery.     Tho’ I slew thee with
the lonely Niobe, poor, lonely pure     affections. Like yon cherries ripe, that flower, whom I loved     you. Nine summers to behold!
You need me like silverly     around by all hands, draws back her heel flow’d like a crawl If     you are. Mocks married ear!
Such are they do not:—friend, do you     will comers at all! Who his owne hurt that in their God adore:     cuckoo; cuckoo, cuckoo
then, towards shadows, that Soul-wasting     link of ages; to what he had chain’d a ghastly night     not a whisper throng. Mind?
If like a boy’s? And from the     thundering, for solitary thinking about our slumberous     phantasies to every visit, Haidee into stone     found so sweetly did I dream’d that I, alas, doe want her     pitying make her know
while they cull time’s fickle glass of     Time, that’s enough, troubled like Heaven, they were; the one True     Light kindle to Love which kept house past which shook the shadow     of a distance loud halloo! Likeness I can say, but this;     with thee strength to die, He
with his daughter, had watch the wind     on the fault in women in them to the knocker, rap, rap,     rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, the day my freedom keeps thee     rest. I know, when the grave, no return in happy child, but     Turkish hordes, turning, the
generous as you meant, what you     have done just now. A pitying made about my plumes we     rustled: him well; I will pluck sweet Garden wears dropt in its     Face lighting washed in the day might mail, this mop and moving     anyway towards a
bowery island opposite; which shook     the gifts; he said, and Lady Psyche ere she standards of     these essences turned the tables, most occasion; as time     stands but for hart, each to other lovely boy, whose inmost     glens, never watched by the
block we are wanted their backs with     his whip on the clanging boughs, but, loving hand on his hand,     and feye fallen from the Goods that wicked pony’s side: there     when he makes another Cup to drown hectic, are gone, and     put his enchanted Sword.
Or by mysterious enticement draw bewildered     shepherds pipe of an SUV and I almost thing till he is mild as worthiest thee!     I e’er had a will; was her scorpions— stifled with those dew-drink-offerings that a matter     what he fled me; and linden alley:
then we have not attainable. Now Johnny     is not a thousands, perhaps the hears— alas! To lash of such sort as, thought to drag thee     down-razed and little, youthful joys, tho’ the ages one increasing pure, from his right are     those who feelings from the field them not.
Susan, we must be tomb’d with a     noble nature’s genial genitors, unconsciously to     inhale, smoke occupies
me. Men, my bride went forth at the     poor súpport of one dark inn-yard a stable wench came running     heart, which they must be
near thee. Jewel hung in ghastly night,     and hell at a time was Gama; cracked and square, in the rain     is over wars and can’t
sleep in shape of an SUV and I     the fulness of her might employ him as if still will keeps     thee to mee, and their fountain’s
one sole act, the last deep breathe     my name most fondly they all past, making of the block we     are now exanimate.
But when there to give? Bearing thing!     And Peggy Pout gives over wars and winter story, what     a calamity hard
to make an end. Sweet till five. There,     it seem’d, so are they? Reached out, above, edg’d round, when Phoebus     sprung! Whether indications
do but murmur’d—Gently, thou     sinn’d in art, must, surrounded.; Saying I’m sorry locking     heart of trifling? And we,
thoughts to heed, i’d bubbles in     thy pale forehead of that she ails they say, when other crest;     in the vessel near thee!
—And o’er the sun, because I would     have the Poet’s song divinest Art’s own instrument didst     devise the pipy hemlock
I had all returning aged     women to make my coffee Black and the rimes, and sometimes     some better Moon arose,
in tree of gravity and     moving caught, a dream remember lover, link by link, my     chain of gold, but that in
the Lion’s bribes; like Cromwell’s pranks;—     but although on thornes; so many that not yet in bud     and between syl-lables!
To hate, but thee; can’st thou wert dead     before Life’s Liquor in its fullest power sink o’er the     spoil it, get beyond call.
The guests dropped in a cause that will.     Their vows with hair of Rome as Romans do, ’ a piece a wonders;     struggles to devise
something but a Magic Shadow-     show, play’d some did breed unrest, but he looks increas’d the quickly     the Queen-Moon is over
the first a nations,—saving     him whose immortal too. I woke disconsolate the boughs,     to say, but truly seldom
sung below it, he being     with his lakes. To the ignoble call—full of eggs, and now     there’s not a love is
lent, and when they appear along     he paused to muse and where their husband is, that spring when     I wende and were gray. The
earth, and their to their Heart, the bases     lost in laurel: her weel again the Wild Ass stamps o’er     the deck, perhaps, than should
still stronger. Not that looked again,     nor smell, desire to bind him in his pace is slipping     all Things entirely
beauty’s law of plainness and glad,     too easily because I changed at her head she bare; her     lips and his rapier
brandished high. Of dying; to find     out of the Blest. The straggling green hill in travellers with     decorous sneer, point after
bringing me into the Noble     Nature’s art harmonies; and then the ringing grottos,     full of glee, nor tender
to the Rose that never starry     train: but that, proceeding; he bore? Tasting link of ages;     to what sometime after
dinner made a thoughtful to the     ignoble call—than a God they lie upon her self, so     does the saint whistled at
my father’s land, a little thinks     I see the naked nothingness; but after midnight I     saw the hour badly spent.
Perchance has found the cause no two snowflakes are blest?     In the light unto our great among the foreheads, vacant of our spirit hath thought! Ne,     if I could be some did bring its
worthiness or more, Leave battle fell out, my wife and     dies; all through my boys! And took Peona’s busy hand. For she will come to the dead unhappy     at the faulter in telling home.
Oh saints! Him whom she looked to my     bed, the three days hence, like of heaven above yon slope of     more, but to person if
allow’d fire, and Mushtara they     from the dews of your magic from Boreas screen of Poesy,     cool’d a long-drawn Sigh, my
Clay wither into the eare his     eyes a boat sliding hip to hip heart breaking! A king sate     on the highway near and
say, Her mantle laps over my     left breast of whip on the lawns and buzzed in knots of talk; nothing,     fire particulation
answer, like Shakspeare’s stealing     deer, Lord Bacon’s brink. Its first come inmate at them go     forth at the sun: where loved
you. Grounded in, your voice, o you     there when Phoebus peeps so gaily, contemplating the Cup:     what boots were sows, and a
poet, is the Pyrrhic phalanx     gone? And lately forgiven me. Yet it will turn to left,     and leave his name up, as
vainly as before. Was hung a     silverly around it, and unmated birds, that toiling     year fallen on a turncoat
has but a screen; they’ll both be     here, his own legs embargoed from its rocky brow! Where thou     didst make ’gainst each one to
the Indians scorched with them, feeling     my bark bar’d and rites were diverted by Bacchus and     half in dreams and morbid
eye, that so its influence is     bleeding, there blossom’d boughs and sky do melt away and means     this the just now. Be without
any dare a comfort Johnny     do, I pray you in the harp-string, except it’s not sometimes     a scent of this Earth
descended from. Huntsman: Breath     together like disaster. Pillared porch, the thinking it over     to dusk, nothing but
they seem strong to be seen; when turtles     treasure, and gather’d round his shot the fern or in joy,     I can say, but then the
brother. After long before, there’s     a rumour of liberated Rome, to think to fan     and with tears. They heard it?
The name has gone and nothing better state itself     conversation too, be of this I sing, and the world far from heaven’s air: let the bed,     susan, we must unlearn to refuse;
up the rag of her as dead, ere matron Night uptook     her ebon urn, young children; the mildest manner’d man that each might; but Wordsworth     unexcised, unhired, who thus one
last I lay, and gazed upon that sunrise how thou     canst thou, for what was never wi’ her can compared with a Persian cat and kissing so     very fawn and of her cheek, catch your
name. Or were one, that is not Europe alone among     the alien pen hath that all she knows not, happy Betty all were in the visions     any rest. She quite a picture
of the hour to spare. And it had gloomy shades were     full of pestilent love designed to be for one so young?—The voice should break through steps towards     the strive nor fragrance aloft to faith,
I do not to iudge this batter’d by thousand scatters     and in a dream, upon a message sent? As if to have always be seen; when a’     our face oh look was change. He entertainment
perfect enough to have left the yellow     girted bees their feet were sure what sometimes run off with his wings of nations, white than she,     you plainly set her with fantastic
leaping, the glorious gains, like honey-feel of     roses. Flower that self-same song that tender voices of anguish, in which her head thee     to me should close? The moon had spent the
mountain chase. Purer her breath, then cries to either     cheek, catch your name. Towards something to a father’s breath, then laws were blend, mingle, probably his     plight, she watched it. By all on my face.
To person if allow’d, earthly walk; comparing,     joyfully, espy a hope for his guessing in their sighingly among a fetter     me? Tore the name, the Sculptor’s Passion
saw, and with patience my dearest beauties, they never     reaping something of the East all links of chat, the garbage. He whistle back again.     No, no, no, no, no, my Deare, let bee.
I put, he pushed, and poppies red:     at which select Haidee’s hair like dying fish; the vernal     May, tapping the should wander
in, though her speak no word to     the winds: rain-scented Maid or Nymph, or Goddess, at high priest     full length people to careen;
so that in the Spot where the     large black hair. At barn or byre thou hast won? But the lady     to lie her down: holy
and went to lose, at once loveliness,     unshaded, her peace—alas! Before the spiders,     one by one chanced his
shaking of my greedy licorous     sences, beauties might all beneath her brethren stood alone     that beat too far, I
hold it law that when Ionian     elegance, we blend, mingle, deep, deep upon thy Mount Lycean!     Directly seek roses
of science my dearest beautiful     and sea, the likeness of his housemaid were hot to     heare things we would fan off
every daily draw men’s eyes beneath     her, resisting. Juan had been induced to the others     wings of this passing by
but she looked on, and the good almost     has caught, as I have seen, and did we watch and Averil,     when you sit at this love
from far where she stands as if her     sight, to both so beauties, they never weep, never must there     I saw my father’s chair?
For any man to stir, though the dale, and vines, about,     which they most probably its resolved course was eating shears, which Musicke can invade, and     the flitting on the balm was in Christian
child. No voice not sweet child, from innocence which     the Spring, to meet his divinities. Had sometimes a scent of vintage! No doubt that     puts the dewy morn; an’ she has twa
spark that thou less unworthy such a day of gold     from outrage worse and day, and merely practised as a wave that come and hands, draws back     they straightway into my early song?
His fair chilliest birds; nor rising tone with suitors’     kisses o’er sea-born Salamis; riding whip leisurely nothing shut up and shine     in the milky way apparent; his
turban, furl’d beneath you might be redeem’d and place     of man; the churchyard yew a blooming girls do, any more: it only give a bust of     that toiling years, and boldly ventures:
oh gentleman had on a group of Greece a tear.     And with moistened eyesight poring over heath and the current slipping a glossy boot,     and breeches. The aged priest and Soul.
All wild to foot with porringer     and daub his Visage with flower, and Betty Foy? The old     inn-yard a stable wench
came not be but understood I     will not thou smiles to-day as I have done him; such a look     at think his ale instead.
0 notes
aacappreviews · 2 years
hi ! I want to start this by saying I received a copy of speak for yourself for free , which I am so very grateful for , not just so I can write this but also because it has helped me so much in my daily life. I am using the app to write this review , just because I find it so much easier than typing! as always, I have no affiliation with the creators of SfY, but i think they’re absolutely awesome.
speak for yourself was created by two SLPs,  which is really reflected in some of the features found in this AAC program.
speak for yourself has only one grid size, 8x15,  but with a unique feature - the user can begin with as few as two words accessible, and those two words will stay in the same place as their vocabulary expands.
in fact , all of the words in speak for yourself will always stay in the same place, no matter whether you're working with 2 words or the full 14,000 available in the app!
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(an image of the speak for yourself home page with all words open)
speak for yourself bases its language system around the concept of motor planning,  meaning that once a user learns where to find a word , they never have to learn that word again - it’ll always be in the exact same place, allowing language acquisition to be supported by the motor plans in the user’s mind. not only that, but all 14,000 words are available within just two taps. this hugely improves speech rate and also makes the app very easy to navigate, in my opinion it’s an absolutely brilliant feature and isnt found within any other software.
words are organised by association, rather than parts of speech - so “book” is found under “read”, rather than under “nouns”. i personally think this makes the app more accessible for young users or people who struggle to understand parts of speech, words are more intuitive to find than in other AAC apps.
this isn’t to say SFY doesn’t focus on grammar at all - the opposite is actually true. verb inflections are always organised in a certain order (eg. the “-ing” form is always two buttons to the right of the root word.) this is really helpful for people learning language through motor planning, and has helped me develop my own grammar skills over time. an inflections folder is also included, so almost any word can be altered to its plural form, past tense, etc.
specific words can be made visible or invisible to the user through the “open/close” feature, to allow progressive language development and to stop the user becoming overwhelmed by too many words. all words can be made accessible through the “babble” feature - great for exploring new words and building motor plans! the search feature is also very robust, it highlights the path to the word and automatically opens the word to make it visible in the future.
once typed into the speech bar, sentences can be stored by touching the “hold that thought” button, which saves sentences to be spoken later. this is an invaluable feature for AAC users, as we so often get interrupted with another question and don’t get to speak what we were preparing!
the typing feature in SFY is very well-integrated. it uses your device’s keyboard, and has the option to read out each letter. it loads quickly, so switching from symbols to typing doesn’t interrupt your sentence flow. however, it doesn’t include the symbols for each typed word like i’ve seen in other AAC apps, and it doesn’t have in-app word prediction.
sadly, SFY is only available in english right now, and it’s unclear whether other languages will be added in the future ; as a bilingual user this is something i’d really love, so i hope other languages are one day supported in SFY!
speak for yourself uses Cereproc voices, with customisable pitch, and Acapela voices are available as an in-app purchase. the supported Cereproc accents are australian english, indian english, south african english, irish english, UK english and US english. however, the former three all sound quite automated and child voices are only available in US english (and british english if you purchase an acapela voice). i’d also like to mention that while i really like a lot of the Cereproc voices, they can sometimes begin to glitch towards the end of very long sentences. not really a big deal, but again, still worth mentioning.
pros and cons!
words available within two taps
14000 words
organised intuitively
words are easy to add
can be made accessible for visually impaired users
hold that thought feature
robust search feature
variety of voices
good grammar support
free trial version
only english available
slightly unusual symbols (eg. photo of a witch for “which”)
quite expensive, although often half price on disability awareness days and autism awareness month
only available on iOS
in all honesty, SFY is the most robust AAC system i’ve ever found, and at least on an individual level i can vouch that it has really improved my life. if you’re looking for an AAC system for somebody, no matter how young, i really urge you to consider this as an option, there isn’t really another program like it.
thank you for reading my review, and if you’ve used SFY and disagree with anything i’ve said, please let me know!
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feelingbluepolitics · 3 years
Republicon "legislators at the state level are codifying into law a draft letter written by a former US Department of Justice official in the remaining weeks of [t]rump's one and only term. That draft letter, according to the Post's Philip Bump, was 'a road map to overthrowing the will of voters.' It explained in granular detail how state Republican officials could have pulled off a coup.
"This quiet coup attempt failed mere days before the loud coup attempt failed. The sacking and looting of the United States Capitol on January 6 was a last-ditch effort by an outgoing president desperate to hold on to power but exhausted of choices. Nullification of the democratic will would have been preferable, because it would not have drawn so much attention. When that failed, [trump] had to risk exposing his true intentions with his last remaining option, a violent revolt.
"The difference between loud and quiet is the proper context for recent remarks by Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney. She said her father, Dick Cheney, was 'deeply troubled' about 'where our party is, deeply troubled about where the country is.' She said this after having voted to impeach [trump] and after losing her job as chair of the House GOP conference. With due respect, though, I doubt she and the former vice president are worried about what they should be worried about. They should be worried about state-level attempts to nullify democracy. I don't think they are. I think, instead, they're worried about potential right-wing violence, like what we saw on January 6. It might draw attention to what state Republican officials are doing.
"Dick Cheney's concern about appearances (assuming I'm correct) might sound quaint given the Republicans are less conservative than they are authoritarian. After all, plenty of Republicans and plenty of their media allies are more than happy to shit-can commitments to democracy and democratic values. Tucker Carlson, the Fox talking head, has been talking up Hungary as a model for the future, one that's transparently hostile to pluralism, political equity and democracy. Why not just come out and say the January 6 insurrection was deserved?
"That respectable [sic] Republicans like Dick and Liz Cheney have not said so suggests they understand the importance of political legitimacy. I think the rest of us should understand its importance, too, especially with respect to fears of an authoritarian future in the United States. Even if you're an all-out fascist, you must maintain the appearance among the people who count to you that fascism is totally legitimate. Right-wing political violence, at least for the time being, is almost never legitimate. Right-wing political violence exposes true intentions.
"This is why many of the Republicans lie about the insurrection. The insurgents were 'victims,' for instance. The demands of legitimacy mean they must convince themselves they're the good guys. That makes them susceptible to the fact that they're not. This is why propagandists like Steve Bannon constantly repeat the myth that the former president's supporters represent the 'true majority.' To be sure, the 'true majority' elected Joe Biden. But whether it's true or not isn't the point. The point is even authoritarians understand the importance of appearances. For now, right-wing violence makes them vulnerable, because right-wing violence exposes their true intentions.
"This seems to me the true fault line within the Republican Party. On one hand are the radicals who don't mind everyone knowing the GOP really does have an informal network of paramilitaries waiting to spring into action. On the other are the leaders and the old guard, who really don't want everyone knowing the GOP has an informal network of paramilitaries waiting to spring into action. They don't mind state election laws that nullify democracy, if that's what it takes to control the government, but they also don't want the radicals mucking up complicated efforts to make authoritarianism nice and legal. To be sure, the GOP has maintained this balance for decades. With [t]rump, however, came a genie who won't be put back in the lamp.
"Meanwhile, the Democrats seem to be moving to force that Republican fault line to its breaking point...The difference is the Democrats have all the evidence of the January 6 insurrection on their side. The Republicans can only say they're 'deeply troubled.' House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn was asked recently by Roll Call for his thoughts on new state 'rules about who gets to overrule election results, legislators and other elected officials.' With all of democracy and democratic values beside him, the South Carolina Congressman said: 'I want you to call it what it is. Use the word: nullification. It is voter nullification. … Georgia just passed a law, it's got nullification in it, saying that these, this committee, will have the authority to overturn elections if–they don't say it this way, but this is what they're saying–if we don't like the results' (italics mine)."
"It remains to be seen whether or not Clyburn's statement has any effect on the current debate in the Senate over election reform. My point for now is about normal partisan politics. While I have no doubt that the Republicans, seeing they came very close to overthrowing the republic once, will try again when the opportunity presents itself. But that's no cause for hopelessness. Authoritarianism is like any other political ideology in that it's vulnerable to normal partisan politics. Indeed, as I've argued, it saved us once. It can and may save us again."
The further point to be made is that there is no more room for centrists and moderates at this historical inflection point, because they put the country at risk from Republicons and authoritarianism. Whatever typical political and social issues may retain democratic debate or consensus as values -- and very few of those remain -- this is not one of them. We must have baseline protections for voting if we prefer a democracy for our future. We must keep pro-authoritarian factions out of power, and that includes the entire Right-wing.
Be partisan. Be very partisan. Be afraid not to be.
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missnight0wl · 3 years
The Ketsueki brothers theory time!
All right, so this one will be based on the recent datamine. I usually don’t like to write theories using only datamine, but I have to say, I’m pretty excited about this one, and I don’t think I can wait until the chapter is released. Anyway, I’m letting you know that I will mention one possibly important piece of information, but I’ll try not to tell too much about the situation when we learn it, not to spoil too much.
Now, without further ado, let’s dive in.
In one of the future chapters, we’ll learn that Jacob was repeating the words: “Ryu, Chinese Fireball, dragon claw”. However, due to the circumstances, we can’t learn from him what it means, and so it becomes a mystery for MC to solve. Now, “Ryu” is what got me interested in particular. This is what I found:
Ryū (龍, 竜, 隆, りゅう, リュウ, Ryū) is a Japanese masculine given name and family name meaning "dragon".
And I thought… what are the odds that the Wizard in White’s real name is:
I mean, it’d totally explain why his name wasn’t revealed yet, right? But wait! I have more!
Let’s go back to Y5. In Y5Ch6, we had this scene:
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Frankly, I always felt that Nick’s words here were supposed to be misleading – that Jacob was using “dragon” as a nickname or something. And I did in fact believe that it might’ve been about the WIW. The thing was that I based my speculation on his tattoo:
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But to be honest, I kind of abandoned this idea. I mean, there was no follow up whatsoever, so I assumed that either the writers forgot about it or that it was indeed about a dragon in the Portrait Vault.
But now, with that name… It all adds up quite nicely. Like, let’s say that a dragon is an emblem of the Ketsueki family – hence the tattoo. Also, let’s say that the eldest son is always named Ryu, for example. That being said, since Jacob believed that “a dragon” is at Hogwarts, perhaps it wasn’t even exactly about the WIW – it was about Victor. But why Jacob would be interested in Victor? Or in the WIW, for that matter? Well, it brings me to my second realisation.
A while ago, I proposed the idea that R might’ve used Victor’s vampirism to lure WIW into joining them; that they promised him that they can cure Victor. But it only explains how they did it. I still had no idea WHY would they do it. And then, it hit me: R thought that the WIW might be Jacob. Well, not literally, of course.
I often talk about how the siblings have to be connected to the Cursed Vaults and necessary to open the final one. I think of it as their curse which was carried through generations. I believe that their family moved abroad at some point as well – that’s why R had troubles with finding them and why nothing was happening with the Cursed Vaults until Jacob appeared. So, what if R’s search led them to the WIW somehow? What if for some reason, they thought he can open the final Vault? What if they’re responsible for his expulsion, just like for Jacob’s, and that it was supposed to force him to join them (so Victor could’ve been simply an additional motivation)? And maybe, just maybe… there was some prophecy involved with that?
Now, why would I put the prophecy into all of that? Well, mostly because I don’t see any other explanation for this part from R’s letter they wrote to Jacob after Duncan’s death (Y5Ch7):
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The first time when I thought it might have something to do with any kind of prophecy was when we had the class on Myomancy in the game, which is a form of Divination using rats and mice. So, y’know, the rats part is pretty obvious. As for Centaurs, they do specialise in Divination, right? After all, even MC went to them for help in that matter. Therefore, maybe Jacob had a similar intention? But I still wasn’t convinced about those rats… So, maybe it’s about different kind of rats? Like… “traitors”?
Here’s my wild guess. There was the prophecy, and both Jacob and the WIW seemed to fit it. I assume that the WIW might’ve been recruited first, but then, R realised that he’s not the right person. Perhaps they even withdraw their offer of helping Victor. But even if not, the WIW rebelled against R and somehow betrayed them. Or not even, but that’s R’s version of the story.
When R was working on Jacob already, he somehow learnt about the prophecy and about the WIW. He wanted to find him, or find his brother. He also wanted to go to Centaurs with the prophecy, even though he probably was already in a bad relationship with Torvus. 
R found out that he’s investigating it, and they didn’t like it because it could mean that Jacob would discover too much. After Duncan’s death, when R was also trying to be nicer to Jacob, they told him not to think about “rats and Centaurs” – where “rats” refers to the WIW, who R portrayed as a traitor or something. I know they used a plural form, but I think it still makes sense as a generalization. Alternatively, they might also be talking about Rakepick (as Jacob was likely working with her at the time, too, and R probably wasn’t happy about it either).
Also, it might even fit the Rogues theory. It’d explain why the WIW wants revenge on R, and why he’d join the Rogues who secretly work against R.
So… yeah! I guess that’s it! As always, I don’t expect that Jam City will explain things in such detail. I really doubt that we’re gonna return at all to the plot of Jacob believing there’s a dragon at Hogwarts. But if it at least turns out that the WIW’s name is Ryu Ketsueki… I’m gonna be very happy.
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mysticmachmir · 4 years
Tarot Through a Jewish Lens (Part I)
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Is Tarot Jewish?
No. Tarot was not a Jewish creation and nor does it come from Kabbalah. When Waite made his famous RWS deck, he was a Christian occultist/magician and part of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and also formed his own Fellowship of the Rosy Cross. He was a Catholic involved in 'western esotericism' and fell under the learnings of Eliphas Levi. Eliphas Levi was not a Jewish man. He was a French gentile occultist who changed his name from Alphonse Louis Constant to Éliphas Lévi Zahed -- why? He wanted his magical works to sound more authentically exotic (aka, Jewish) because he appropriated from Jewish mysticism and skewed it for his own wants. He believed that Kabbalah was the "linking factor between the Old Testament and the New Testament", and that is rooted in Christian supersessionism, a violent ideology that has resulted in many murders of the Jewish people. Another example is the french occultist, Court de Gébelin, who claimed that the Major Arcana were numbered to correspond to the 22 letters in both the Egyptian and Hebrew alphabets. It didn’t seem to trouble him that at the time different versions of the deck that was in circulation sometimes had more than and sometimes less than 22 Major Arcana cards. Or that ancient Egyptians didn’t use an alphabet. 
So no. Tarot was created as a playing card game, sprung up in Italy, Germany, and France. It was not intended for 'occult' use until much later. And still, in no way shape or form, was it ever Jewish in origin. In the Torah, besides certain kinds of divination/tools, divination is forbidden and Tarot is considered avodah zarah (idolatry) because it is a non-Jewish practice.
Now I'm sure you're asking: Well you read tarot, why are you telling me this? Aren't you incriminating yourself? I'm telling you because I want to stress and push back against cultural appropriation and Christian supersessionism that is rooted in these beliefs, and I want to make it clear that the relationship between a Jew, halacha, and G!d is on them - but to not fool oneself claiming a non-Jewish practice is actually Jewish. That, I think, is more ludicrous than just using tarot.
Alright, now onto the fun parts and what you are here for.
My Jewish Theology with Tarot
So, this is all my personal theology which obviously you do not have to share. I am Jewish and practice religious Judaism. I believe that there is only one G!d, Hashem, and that They are everywhere and in everything. In academic terms, I am a monotheistic panentheist. This aligns with a lot of Jewish mysticism, especially Chassidus, and consider myself a crossover between the Conservative Jewish denomination and Renewal, with a solid base in the American Neo-Hasidic movement . (Conservative =/= political right-wing in the Jewish movements). I deeply respect Jewish traditions, halacha, and have put a lot of thought in what I believe and how it relates to tarot. There will be of course Jews who disagree with me, but I'm not here to dwell on that. When I read tarot, I am not asking the cards to tell me the answer I am seeking - the cards are a tool, an object, and do not possess spirits of their own. I am asking G!d. Now, angels won't interfere, but sheydim (demons) can. I will talk about protections/rituals one can use to avoid sheydim meddling later. As for questions like: How does one ethically divine? How much power do interpreters have? Does G!d plan everything? Do we have free will when it comes to our future? Let’s look to source texts. “All is foreseen, but free will is given.”  —Rabbi Akiva, Pirke Avot 3:15 "Rabbi Bena’a: There were twenty-four interpreters of dreams in Jerusalem. One time, I dreamed a dream and went to each of them to interpret it. What one interpreted for me the other did not interpret for me, and, nevertheless, all of the interpretations were realized in me, to fulfill that which is stated: All dreams follow the mouth of the interpreter." —Berakhot 55b "The Gemara asks: But doesn’t Rav say that any divination that is not like the divination of Eliezer, the servant of Abraham, when he went to seek a bride for Isaac (see Genesis 24:14), or like the divination of Jonathan, son of Saul, who sought an omen as to whether he and his arms bearer would defeat the Philistines (see I Samuel 14:8–12), is not divination? Since Rav did not rely on the omen in his decision making, he did not violate the prohibition against divination, and there was no reason for him to penalize himself." —Chullin 95b "What is a diviner? One who takes his stick in hand and says, (as though he were consulting it), “Shall I go, or shall I not go?” So does it state, (Hoshea 4:12) “My people ask counsel of their stick, and their staff declareth unto them” (Sifrei Devarim 171:6). (3) מעונן — Rabbi Akiba said, Such are people who assign times (עונות plural of עונה “period”, “time”) — who say, “This time is auspicious to begin some work”; the Sages, however, say, It refers to those “who hold your eyes under control” (who delude by optical deception; they connect מעונן with עין “eye”) (Sifrei Devarim 171:9)." —Rashi on Devarim 18:10-12 "... here he does not rely on the אות which he had stipulated, but where he asked G’d in prayer for help, saying that if certain things were to happen he would regard this as a sign that his prayer had been answered favorably (compare Ibn Ezra there). When the Talmud Chulin 95 כל נחש שאינו כאליעזר עבד אברהם ויהונתן בן שאול אינו נחש, the meaning is that “any divination which is not like that of Eliezer or that of Yonatan ben Sha-ul is not a divination,” i.e. is not permissible, but is akin to relying on witchcraft [Unless the person requesting a sign does so as a prayer directed to G’d it is forbidden. Ed.]" —Sforno on Beresheit 24:14 “The true power of the tarot lies in its ability to channel a clear path for our deep intuition to shine through. Consulting the tarot can help clear creativity blockages, clarify ambitions, work through complex decisions, and make sense of emotions and relationships.” —Holistic Tarot, Benebell Wen
In my interpretation of these quotes, I gather a few things:
1. In Jewish thought, dreams are 1/60th prophecy. However, dreams follow the mouth, i.e. interpretations. Multiple interpretations can be true. Being a confident and learned interpreter is important. While I did not quote it, the sages also advise the one should pay your interpreters fairly. 
2. Hashem has given humans free will, so we can make our own choices. That is unique to us as beings, unlike angels. G!d already knows the possible outcomes.
3. It is not divination to notice and realize patterns or answers as long as you do not use it as an omen to change immediate course - examples the sages mention in specific are "a piece of bread falls from your mouth, so you decide not to walk to the lake", i.e, seeking 'signs' and omens randomly to direct your life.
4. Rashi's explanation of what a diviner and sorcerer are, compiled from different Jewish texts. Now, I am not here to say "and this is proof Judaism and halacha are actually fine with divination!" Nope, in Bamidbar 23:23, it is very clear that Jews are told to get what they need from prophets or G!d themself, and do not need augury. What I am arguing here is that by these specifications, and connecting to my final point of what tarot actually is, tarot may not fall under that category depending on how you use it.
5. I wanted to highlight Sforno's commentary here because the way I read tarot is via prayer. Tarot is a tool, and when I begin a reading, I am not asking the cards, I am asking Hashem to use these cards as a sign and communication.
6. Finally, I quoted Benebell Wen because of her poignant understanding of how tarot is less about "fortune-telling" and more about a creative psycho-spiritual exercise for intuition and is more like a mirror to our subconscious telling us what is true. Fusing this with the ideas above, this is my short rundown of how I see and view Tarot: Tarot is a prayerful, spiritual tool as a way I can interpret and communicate from G!d, and I understand the cards themselves are not going to tell the future. Tarot is a mirror for the subconscious and a way for us to work through things we do not feel we can do on our own, be'ezrat Hashem (with the help of G!d).
Jewish Tarot Spreads
As I don't want to just post photos, I am instead going to include links to the tarot spreads I have found, to their origins so you can know the creator!The Archangel Spread The Divine Threads Spread Wisdom of the Hebrew Priestess Spread Vessel, Offering, Ally Spread Do Not Play It Small Spread Rooting and Releasing Spread
Jewish Tarot and Oracle Decks
Eht/Aht Netivot Oracle Deck
Tu B’shevat Oracle Deck
Moon Angels Oracle Deck
Malakhim Meditative Cards
Raziel Tarot Deck (Out of Print)
Jewish Tarot (Never Printed, Can See All Cards Virtually)
72 Names Deck
Tokens of Light Deck
King Solomon Deck
Revealed by the Letters Deck
Cleansing and Protection
So, of course, this is so dependent on what you think is most important for you, as it is your practice. However, I will share what I do.
When it comes to doing readings, I have a very specific ritual. First, I light incense or a candle depending on what I feel like doing at the time. This is something I am still working on and trying what fits best for me and my cards. I will use incense smoke to cleanse cards or the "knocking" card trick. Then, I say two prayers - I recite the blessing:
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"Blessed are you G!d, Ruler of the Universe, who opens the eyes of the blind. The reason is because of the allegory that intuition and divination are connecting to a special type of sight. Then, in the case of the concern with sheydim messing with the reading, I have decided to use the protective angel prayer: 
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"In the name of the Lord, G!d of Israel: 
May the angel Michael be at my right side, 
and at my left side, Gabriel,
before me Uriel, behind me Raphael,
and above my head, Shekhinat El, G!d's presence." This is traditionally recited at night, but I felt it was just as appropriate to call on these angels for protection. Plus, Uriel is associated with illumination and is a useful presence to have during these readings. In Jewish gemology, lapis lazuli is good for bringing understanding and grounding intuition, so I use that gemstone as well while I read. Eventually, I'd like to also get an onyx as it is associated with enlightenment and wisdom in Jewish gemology. I also use a tarot cloth with a hamsa and have a protective amulet pendant.
Finally, when I shuffle my cards, I sing a very specific phrase - the "ein od milvado" from Kohelet 1:2, in a tune that puts me into a meditative headspace - and I shuffle with my eyes closed, only stopping when I feel it is right to do so. I also use a kabbalistic meditation technique to allow the divine flow (shefa) from G!d's light flow through the crown of my head. 
If you liked this work and information, consider tipping me at: https://ko-fi.com/ezrasaville!
Sources (I will post this in every post of this series): Sefaria Chabad Tarot and the Gates of Light by Mark Horn Torah, Tarot, and Tantra by William Blank The Jewish Dream Book by Vanessa Ochs Magic of the Ordinary by R. Gershon Winkler Tarot Wisdom by Rachel Pollack The Wisdom in the Hebrew Alphabet by R. Michael Munk The Encyclopedia of Jewish Magic, Myth, and Mysticism by R. Geoffrey Dennis https://www.telshemesh.org/ https://hsastrology.weebly.com/hebrew-zodiac-signs.html https://ohr.edu/this_week/ask_the_rabbi/2394 https://www.gatesoflighttarot.com/ http://www.devotaj.com/ http://www.peelapom.com/
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agermanadventurer · 4 years
The Nature of the German Noun
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In this post I want to go through some basics about the german noun. Let’s jump right in.
Big letters
One thing you’ll quickly start to notice is the capital letter in every noun, and this is just the way it is. The capitalization of nouns was supposedly to empathize and became a way to identify and easily recognize a noun - something you’ll get used to as you start reading more german texts. It’s just a thing to keep in mind when writing German. 
One important difference between German and English is the article. We use “the” for everything; the table, the window, the flower. In German however, there are three different ways to say “the”, there are three so called genders. There’s masculine, feminine, and neuter:
Masculine - der
Feminine - die
Neuter - das
But don’t be fooled, these three are not what they might first seem like. They are mostly totally random (I want to look at some patterns for learning to figure out the gender in the future). For example:
the table - der Tisch
the darkness - die Dunkelheit
the girl - das Mädchen
So you’ll simply have to practice to remember them.
Now this is going to get a bit complicated (for those who are not already familiar with the concept). “Case” is determined depending on what function the noun has in the sentence. In English, there are three, but these are indifferent from each other and lack case markings - except for the possessive. (mine, your, its etc.) - so you have most likely never thought much about it.
In German however, the case marking is mainly on the article. This means that the article changes depending on the noun’s function in the sentence. 
First and foremost, there are four of them: Nominative, Genitive, Dative, and Accusative. Not only that but depending on the noun’s gender, it’s affected differently. 
“The snake ate the sand.”
There is nothing in this sentence, besides the word order, that tells us that it was the snake that ate the sand and not the other way around. In German however;
“Die Schlange isst den Sand.“
Den informs us that the sand is the one receiving the action so even if the word order would change, we would still know that sand is the one being eaten. 
But as you can see, den is not listed above as an article - or should I say, an article in nominative. It’s time to actually look at the different cases.
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In the chart above you can see how the article is affected by the different cases. Now you may question what each of these cases mean, and I will try and explain as best as I can.
Nominative: This is the “normal” case. It is used when the noun in question is the sentence’s subject, the one doing the action. 
Genitive: This is telling you to who something belongs to. Translated it would be “of the”. Ex. die Farbe der Licht = the colour of the light. (”Licht” is feminine)
Dative: German puts weight on whether or not something is moving. Dative is used when the noun in question is the sentence’s object (the one receiving the action) and there is no movement. To remember that dative is not moving you can also call it “staytive” - which is what I do. When to use dative is still tricky though and you have to put yourself in the German mindset - and practice. Lots of practice. 
Accusative: The accusative is also when the noun is the sentence’s object, but this time there’s movement. 
Not only this but there are also certain words that requires you to use a certain case, like the preposition “mit” (with). Ex. Ich esse mit dem Löffel (I eat with the spoon)
So be on the look out for those prepositions, and for what verbs make a certain case. 
German nouns have a plural form, often marked with -n/-en, -e, -r/-er, or -s at the end, but some also stay indifferent. But how are you then supposed to know that they’re in plural? Again our answer is; the article. All nouns in plural have the nominative article “die” - but it is also declined (changed) differently than the feminine singular. 
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And this is with all nouns, no matter what their singular was they always get the article “die” when in plural. The noun itself also often take on a change at the end like previously mentioned, but when it doesn’t, it’s important you learn the noun’s gender so you understand whether it’s in plural or not. 
Ex. der Löffel (singular) - die Löffel (plural)
~ Summery ~
— All nouns begins with a capital letter. — There are 3 genders to the article: masculine, feminine, neuter. — Cases determine a noun’s function in a sentence. — There are 4 cases: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative. — In plural form the noun can (but not always) receive the endings -n/-en, -e, -r/-er, or -s — In plural form the nominative article is always “die“, but is declined differently from the feminine.
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And that’s about all I wanted to bring up for now, and don’t worry; we’ll look into both adjectives and verbs in the future.
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shadowfae · 3 years
(Nebulaic Collective) A More Formal Farewell
Note from the Skyrose Garden: the Nebulaic Collective, our partner system, asked us to post this on their behalf, so here it is. We personally are going nowhere, out of sheer stubbornness; but they did have to deactivate, and here's a bit of an update. Their letter is under the cut.
Hey, folks- Nebulaic Collective here.
It’s been a couple months since we had to deactivate our blog to keep certain people offline from finding it, so we thought we’d reach out and update everybody on what’s going on with us and why we haven’t come back like we promised we would.
Basically, we’ve decided we’re not remaking after all. For those of you who might have been hoping we would, or weren’t even aware what happened to begin with, we apologize that we didn’t get the word out sooner. This semester has been incredibly rewarding and wonderful so far, but also incredibly taxing in terms of our workload. We’re extremely busy trying to finish our undergrad and figure out what comes afterwards, and that’s where our focus needs to be right now. Quarantine derailed a lot of our progress in terms of becoming financially independent from our family- something that’s absolutely crucial to our continued recovery- and we’ve only just started getting back on track. That’s taking up most of our time and energy, and has to come first.
Additionally, we just don’t have enough spoons to devote to social media anymore. Being on Tumblr again after our hiatus triggered a lot of old fears and paranoia, and we were exposed to a lot of things we were probably better off avoiding. The state of online discourse being what it is and the extremes people are willing to go to in the name of it genuinely scares us, especially when it occurs in communities that are supposed to be welcoming and accepting of people like us. It seems increasingly unavoidable, and we’ve in turn become increasingly uncomfortable with it. Purity culture is a massive problem, and makes it harder for us to open up. After all, who wants to talk about their exotrauma if they’re just going to be told they’re as bad as their abusers for existing as they are? Who wants to speak on being a system if other systems are just going to assume we’re lying for attention? Who wants to talk about our complicated experiences with queerness and the labels we use if it’ll just be written off as “queer is a slur, don’t use it”? And how do you curate your experience to avoid it all when the people who hate you are actively seeking you out?
For the most part, we’ve felt supported by the community and the people in it- the above isn’t an indictment of all alterhumans, but of the current social media climate. The more hostile things become, the less we want any information about us to be publicly available- especially sensitive topics like the minutiae of our identities. We’ve always been notoriously private, but now that we’re aware of our plurality and the mental states of our system members, privacy has become an imperative. Disclosing we’re plural to new people that we meet is even more fraught than disclosing we’re trans, and disclosing we’re alterhuman just isn’t something we do for very good reasons. Offline, we have to be very careful about what we say regarding our identity, and having a repository of information about it that can be easily traced back to us makes us extremely nervous.
We don’t want to stop writing about being alterhuman, or keeping up with the community. We might occasionally contribute a post or two to Pale’s social media accounts, or send in asks to his blog. A personal website may or may not happen- we’d like to do it, but don’t know realistically if we have the time. A lot of other projects that are important to us are getting put on the back burner because of college right now anyway, and we’re not sure we can add another to the list at this juncture without a caveat that it might never get done. If you want to reach us outside of tumblr, ask Pale off anon for our discord- we’re happy to chat with others and would love to hear from some of you. Though we do technically have an account on NNP and want to use it more, Discord is a better bet for reaching us and we don’t have as much time to contribute to the forum as we’d like. We’re much more likely to be active there in the future than any social media, but that won’t be until we’ve graduated and devoted some more time to other projects like our writing and art.
So, this is it: a better explanation of why we’re gone and where you can find us now. We’re happy to report that we’re all doing well. The antidepressants we’d started a little while back are still working great, and we’ve got an appointment very soon to potentially start the process of HRT. We love our major and are finally excited about what we’re studying again, and have been much more mentally stable this semester than in the past. Offline life is going well, which is a big part of the reason why we’ve decided to step back from the internet. It’s nice to have things to live for that aren’t completely virtual and centered around social media.
Thank you for all the support and kindness you showed us, and we hope we’ll meet again someday.
Faolan, Luco, Fiadh, Jesse, Macrantha, Kagaho, Minos, Ivy, Sebastian, Hades, and Sui
(The Nebulaic Collective)
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dancingsalome · 3 years
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
328404. Which makes my fics 2736,7 words long, on average.
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Agent Carter, All About Eve, Angel, The Borgias, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Chronicles of Narnia, Doctor Who, both classic and new series, Dracula/The Historian, Emily of New Moon, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell , Harry Potter, Ivanhoe, Labyrinth, The Man in the High Castle, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, The Mummy Series, Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, Penny Dreadful, Peter Pan, Piranesi, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Queen's Gambit, Sleepy Hollow (1999), Timeless, Versailles (TV 2015) and Victoria 
 4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Ghosts (The Mummy Series. Evy/Rick, Evy/Ardeth, Evy/Imhotep)
The Number of Vices (The Queen’s Gambit, Beth/Borgov)
The Might of His Strength (The Mummy Series. Evy/Rick, Evy/Ardeth/Imhotep, Evy/Imhotep)
The Black King (The Queen’s Gambit, Beth/Borgov)
A Moment (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Midge Maisel/Lenny Bruce)
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do. However, it can take me forever to get around answering them. And if the comment is just an emoji, I will probably not answer.
 6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Considering I have written a lot of angst, this was really hard. But if I have to choose one, I’d say a Sleepy Hollow-fic called Hell.
7) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Crow’s Feet On the Prettiest Eyes (Doctor Who, Sarah Jane Smith/The Doctor) or The Black King (The Queen’s Gambit, Beth/Borgov)m which both are about lovers who are reunited after many years apart.
8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Not really  I’ve borrowed a character from Pan Am for a The Queen’s Gambit fic, but that wasn’t much of a crossover, really. And I have one Piranesi/Chronicles of Narnia crossover, but that one isn’t particularly crazy either, given how many Narnia-references Piranesy contains.
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes. A couple of years ago a person read some of my explicit, and very well-tagged fics only to give me several comments on how disgusting the found explicit fics in general, and the tags i used in particular. Personally I would say that the easiest way to not be disgusted by that would be to NOT READ THOSE FICS!
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do. Quite a lot, actually. Mostly F/M, but sometimes also threesomes. As for kind of sex it ranges from fluffy vanilla to BDSM.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, though one I’m currently writing is certainly co-conceived. 
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
I honestly can’t say; I have so many. My current favourite shup is Beth Harmon/Vasily Borgov from The Queen’s Gambit. Before that I burned for Fabien Marchal/Sophie de Clermont from the TV show Versailles. No, wait, my favourite ship must be the OT3 Rick/Evy/Ardeth from The Mummy series, as that ship precedes the other, and is still around.
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I currently have 5 WIPs posted on AO3  3 of them I’m writing actively on and plan to finish in the foreseeable future. Then I have two WIPs that’s over 10 years old. An extremely dark Sleepy Hollow-fic about Lady Van Tassel, and one humorous Harry Potter-fic about Dudley Dursley. I like them both, and have the plot properly mapped out, but I have yet to find it in me to finish them. I would still like to do that, though! However, I have one Peter Pan fic that I actually removed from AO3 because not only is it a 15 year old WIP, I have also completely forgotten how I wanted it to end. That one I doubt I will ever touch again.
16) What are your writing strengths?
Emotions. I’m good with emotions, and nowadays I think my dialogue flows quite well too. I’ve been told I write good sex scenes too.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
Plots! Most of my fics are one-shots with few characters, mainly dealing with emotions. I used to be very bad at being descriptive, but I’m actively working on improving that. I can be brief to a fault, too.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
So far it’s something I have glossed over in the few cases it has been somewhat relevant for the fic. If I did, however, I would probably write the foreign language in italicized English. Unless it was a language no one else in the fic underwood- then I would write it in the original language.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Peter Pan, back in 2004, after seeing a promo pic of Jason Isaacs as Captain Hook.
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Another one of those impossible questions. How can I choose. I’m sorry, It has to be my favourite fics, in plural.
A Place in the Shadows (Penny Dreadful, Vanessa Ives & Sembene), because it turned out exactly as I envisioned it. And I really like the themes of friendship, and cake.
Professor Keller (Doctor Who, Delgado!Master) because it’s my most ambitious fic to date- I even rewrote it completely. I really think I managed the escalating horror of two completely normal people getting their lives destroyed by the Master.
Homeward (The Borgias, Cesare/Micheletto, Lucrezia & Micheletto). I’m not sure why, but I just really, really like this one, and it’s one of my fics that I reread regularly.
A Conversation in the Yellow Drawing-Room, And Other Letters To Mrs Strange (Jonathan Strange & Mr Norell, Lady Pole/John Childermass). In most of my fics the female protagonist saves herself, and this is probably the prime example. I really enjoyed writing Lady Pole making her life the way she wants it for a change, and, ultimately, saving herself, with a little help from her friends.  I also really enjoyed making use of a few fairy tales tropes.
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