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I knew costermongers because in Mayhew's London Labour and the London Poor (a view of Victorian London from the lower rungs) they're noted for having their very own slang. They used it to talk among themselves behind the customers' / constables' back, and it was a type of back slang.
The words are pronounced backwards phonetically, more or less. So "boy" becomes yob, "pot of beer" becomes top o' reeb, "no good" becomes on doog. But it's not always straight forward, rules are always hazy in cant, so for example "police" becomes esclop. Cool the namesclop = look at the policeman.
See here for more about back slang (and a Barbie pun).
Didn't know fellmongers though, I learnt something!

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TWST Headcanons
Some of these will be more in dept than others, one or two will be AU specific, either way, enjoy~
Bi disaster and is in hardcore denial over it
Didn't have any scars coming into NRC but by the time the year was over he had thorn pricks all over him (from the Rose Garden and from OB!Malleus) plus some nasty marks from the STYX guards that never went away.
Nowhere near as bad as Cater, but is afraid of loosing the people he's close to which is why he acts so abrasive.
On that note, post book 7 Cater is 100% is favourite senpai.
Before going to NRC got gifted a pocketwatch by his brother. Mostly not a big deal but in Twisted Hearts it's a big part of the inciting incident.
Also a bi disaster, in slightly less denial about it.
Covered head to toe in scratches and scars due to how many fights he got into during his delinquent days.
Not sure if canon refutes this in any way, but he feels pretty resentful for his dad leaving him and Dylla alone.
After seeing Ace's dream he starts worrying he's a bad friend to Yuu as he wasn't even thinking that much about what would happen when Yuu is eventually allowed to go home.
Gay and proud.
Doesn't have many scars but like everyone in Heartslaybul he does have some marks from the rose garden, plus a few burn marks from cooking mishaps.
After an incident with Rook in science club, always carries a spare pair of glasses with him to be safe.
Does not know his dad puns suck ass and no one has the heart to tell him despite the cringe.
Bi, though tbh if you're playing the JP side that one's honestly just canon-
Also some flavour of trans but idk which one yet.
Another rose thorn victim, and also has some burn marks from when he had to do the cooking at home and it went wrong.
Has a pretty big crush on Vil (again this one is debatably canon on the JP side if nothing else)
Admittedly I'm borrowing this one from @ladyazurith but due to his clones he was in charge of being everywhere and getting all the manual work done, which is why he was so quick to pawn it on Ace and Deuce during Book 1.
Wants to open up about his issues to his friends but has no idea how, plus there's the fear that he won't see them after NRC anyway, or that they won't like him anymore once he's more honest.
Gay and (somehow) even deeper in denial than Ace is about it.
The one with the least amount of rose thorn scars but still has a few. Also has some very slight burn marks from some reckless fire magic usage.
Also this one is for all the OB bois but some of the ink markings from his Overblot left behind some faint lines that become more visible when he (or any other OB boy) use magic.
Naturally white hair, his mother made him use magic to turn it red, and post book 6 he let's a little bit of the white show.
Not the worst at NRC with this, but has no idea the average price of most things so he has a decent chance of getting scammed.
Post book 1 once he admits he's never had a sleepover among other things Cater immediately drags the group into one. It goes well and Riddle has fun despite some initial awkwardness.
(more underneath cut)
Asexual Biromantic. Also some flavour of trans but idk which.
Got his scar from when the rude son of guest visiting the Savannah pushed him while they were playing outside and he hit a rock. Also because of the scar his depth perception is fucked.
Has had to deal with a few assassination attempts and has some scars from it but is somehow not the one with the highest score of those.
Used to date Vil during the stars first year but they broke it off before the year was over. Now they've had some time to cool off (plus Jack and Epel joining NRC who they both care for) they're stuck in will they won't they hell.
Made the day Rook transferred out of Savannahclaw a dorm-wide holiday-
Will never admit it, but has a soft spot for Cheka and kids in general.
Unlabelled but know he likes dudes.
Has a few nicks due to his thievery back home, but the only scar he bothers to cover up is the mark on his arm he still has after Leona almost killed him, mainly to make sure no one starts treating him like a kicked puppy due to it.
Has vitiligo
Frequently mails canned food he got from Sam as well as cash he stole from Leona's account back home to his Grandma.
Despite the rough start due to Book 2 he and Jamil are besties and meet up at least twice a week to shit talk everyone on campus.
Is not the Vice Housewarden, however no one can remember who Leona actually picked so they kinda just give him all the jobs a vice would have.
Bi, also I can't prove it but something not cis is going on with his gender.
Has some nicks cause Savannahclaw has a lot of uneven edges all over the place, however most of his scars come from book 2.
On that note, gets pushed around by the whole dorm a lot in book 2, both figuratively and literally, due to him being the only one who still cared about playing fair. It’s better post Book 2 but he’s still not treated great by his dorm.
Doesn't get to hang out as much as he'd like but is really glad NRC gave him a chance to see Vil again.
Occasionally gets roped into the Diasomnia training due to Sebek offering and him wanting to mix it up.
Gay and generfluid but prefers male pronouns.
Aside from the standard OB scars he has some scars from when his classmates back in the Coral Sea were poking him with sharp coral.
An ever so slightly better flier than Jade, or at least can last longer without having a heart attack.
Honest to the Seven just wants to help Jamil out in his own... unique way, the fact that he'd have such a powerful mage in his dorm is honestly just a bonus.
Frequently turns board game club into personal issues venting, much to Idia's dismay.
Hasn't thought much about sexuality but he knows he likes guys. Is also generfluid though they don't have a preference.
Not nearly as many as Floyd but still has a lot of scars, including a large and nasty one on his back from when a strong mer attacked him when he was younger.
Part of a mob family and is the one set to take over the family business, a prospect he doesn't hate but would rather have as much fun as he can on land in the meantime.
Had a few more siblings when they were younger, however a group of predators showed up one day and killed most of them. Jade (the only one awake due to him getting a midnight snack) managed to keep himself and Floyd safe but he didn't bother trying to help the others, leading to him watching them all die.
Would rather die than admit it, but is pretty insecure about his UM and it's many limitations and worries that he might get replaced for not being strong enough.
Gay and generfluid, though like Azul he tends to prefer he/him most days.
Head to toe in scars, there's barely a part of him that isn't scratched in some way.
Also forgot to mention this with Jade but the two of them both have their mer cheek stripes showing at all times.
Too young to remember their other siblings and Jade plus their parents never told him so he doesn't know.
Not as down horrendous as Azul but also likes Jamil a lot and wants his sea snake to have nice things.
On that note, his favourite people are the kind that aren't afraid of him and are even not afraid to fight him, which is why he latched onto Riddle so fast after the chaos that was their Opening Ceremony.
Pan, he just loves everyone.
Multiple scars from the assassination attempts, most notably rope burns on his wrists which he usually tries to cover with either long sleeves or jewellery as a distraction.
The one time he tried to go to a therapist for his issues it ended up being an assassin so that scared him off for life.
Once a month after book 4 he goes over to Heartslaybul so Riddle can teach him law so he has more of an idea how to help Jamil and the rest of the Vipers.
Bi with a male preference and Bigender, but you can only call him she if he gave explicit permission (thank @blondeaxolotl for that one)
Hard to tell due to how well he hides them with his magic, but is the only one at NRC who can compete with Floyd and Lilia in the scars amount. Stab wounds, rope burns, marks left by Ruggie making him fall down the stairs, burns from when he was learning to cook, OB scars, you name it Jamil probably has it.
Half snake beastman on his mom's side, all that really shows is a snake tongue and sharper fangs
Major complex over needing to feel needed given that being essential to Kalim was all he had going for him most of his life. Only starts to deal with it and by extension accept Kalim's help after Book 6 when Leona turns their tower trip into a therapy session.
Will never admit it out loud but is warming up to Azul and Floyd (not that he’ll admit it) However while things are a bit better he and Jade still don't get along though, partly cause they spend less time together and partly because they're too similar in a lot of ways.
Never liked Rook much to begin with, but the mild dislike turned to full on salt after VDC. Like, he gets that Vil probably needed some consequences but did he have to drag everyone else down with him?
Bi but a male preference and genderfluid, no pronoun preference.
The only scars he had before his OB was one he got when he was 6 and he accidentally cut himself with a knife, and has done everything in his power to hide it.
Not many other kids where he grew up so he didn't have many friends, Jack being his only one for a good while.
Part of him wishes he could meet his mother but doesn't have any regrets about being raised by Eric.
He and Rook are a package deal. If you want to date one, the other is there. Platonic or romantic, RookVil are a pair you do not seperate.
Speaking of Rook though, while Vil knows Rook did the right thing at VDC and he'd probably feel awful if he won after what he did and almost did, the dumb emotional part of his brain was still hurt, though the two patched things up by the end of book 6.
Gay, like so gay it almost makes everyone else look straight by comparison. Also idk his gender but he ain't cis.
Has a decent number of hunting scars. Isn't ashamed at all but they're usually covered since they're mostly on his hands and he usually wears gloves.
Half of Savannahclaw has filed a restraining order against him though none have gone through.
Still feels some guilt over book 5 cause he knew how much it hurt Vil plus it got the others caught in the middle but he knew that he couldn't let NRC win after Vil tried to poison Neige.
Vil and Leona's biggest shipper when they were together, low key trying to set them back up now that they're on better terms.
Gay and transmasc. Overcompensating masculinity wise big time.
Has a decent few scrapes from the farm, and also has a gap tooth that he doesn't mind but Vil is desperately trying to convince him to go to the dentist to fix with the actor even offered to pay for.
Goes back and forward between thinking Deuce is the coolest or the lamest affectionate. Either way they love talking Blastcycles.
Looks up to Leona a lot, low key horrified to learn that he and Vil somehow used to date.
Was sweating a lot during the Harveston trip as he was worried the group would see his old pictures and figure out he wasn't born a boy, but while the truth didn't come out seeing how well they reacted when they thought Marja's old picture was him did give him a lot of peace of mind.
The one besides Ace who crashes at Ramshackle the most so he can get a break from Pomfiore.
Asexual and demiromantic. Also some flavour of trans but idk which
Has a few burn scars, some from the obvious source and others from wires sparking while he tried to fix something.
Actually descended from Hades, he and his parents are just hesitant to admit it due to the inevitable multiple follow up questions.
Addicted to this worlds version of Project Sekai. Do I have any evidence besides vibes? No but I still believe it-
After a few too many near death experiences calls he's just started making prosthetic limbs just in case he needs to replace something, and even if he never needs them he can just use them for Ortho when he's ready for a size upgrade.
Has only just gained sentience and doesn't really care about romance or gender rn
No real scars cause well, robot, though he does let the first years have some fun and do marker graffiti on him sometimes.
Has all of OG!Ortho's memories, and while he knows it's silly he still finds himself dealing with imposter syndrome a fair bit.
Has figured out that everyone thinks anything rude he says is unintentional, and uses this to occasionally back talk people who make him mad and get away with it.
His type is anyone who likes him back and he barely knows what gender is.
Doesn't really have any scars on him prior to loosing his horn during book 7. The people close to him on the other hand...
Due to them both being in one man clubs whenever cross club competitions arise Crowley usually pairs Malleus and Jade together, leading to a surprising friendship between the two.
To some people (Leona's) annoyance, post horn breaking he's still plenty powerful, just not god level like he used to be.
Speaking of Leona. They dated. It was only for a week as Leona was rebounding hard after Vil, it was messy, both of them regret it, but it happened, though Mal is open to trying again.
Also a surprisingly good cook, if only to keep Silver alive until he learned how.
Bi and polyamorous. Also doesn't give a fuck about gender.
Probably the most scared one at NRC for obvious reasons, man is covered in stab wounds as well as lightning scars from both Melanor and Malleus.
Speaking of Melanor, the two of them along with Levan/Raverne were all dating though the royal couple made sure the senate didn;t find out about Lilia.
Genuinely oblivious to how awful his cooking is. He managed to raise Silver without him dying so how bad can it be? (Silver has an iron stomach as well as Malleus saving him)
Demi. Thinks he's cis but is open to experiment.
Has a few scratches and bruises from his training but nothing too major.
Post book 7 he briefly experiments with dying a streak of his hair blonde but quickly gives up on that idea and just goes back to no dye, or if he does want to dye he goes black like Lilia and Malleus.
Loves singing. Wanted to audition for VDC but didn't want to risk screwing it up by falling asleep mid song.
Forgot to mention with Kalim but those two are pure lights. More so relevant for Twisted Hearts but in cannon it means they're less likely to Overblot and blots tend to keep their distance.
Doesn't really have a label for it but he knows he likes guys.
Like Silver just has a few training nicks though he has a few more due to being more reckless.
One time nearly had a heart attack and destroyed half the dorm looking for his Malleus painting, only to find out that Lilia just took it to clean the frame. Afterwards Sebek cleaned up and sent himself to detention out of shame-
Due to his dad being a dentist he has some of the best dental hygiene on campus and knows a lot about teeth, leading to a surprise friendship with Trey.
Eventually remembers the events of NBC Lost in the book, but whether that's because he finds Skully's painting, meeting his ghost at Ramshackle or actually sees his friend in person again depends on the setting and how I'm feeling.
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#twst#twisted wonderland#theory#headcannons#x reader#ace trappola#deuce spade#trey clover#cater diamond#riddle rosehearts#leona kingscholar#ruggie bucchi#jack howl#azul ashengrotto#floyd leech#jade leech#jamil viper#kalim al asim#vil schoenheit#rook hunt#epel felmier#idia shroud#ortho shroud#malleus draconia#lilia vanrouge#silver vanrouge#sebek zigvolt
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Soooo I got way more autistic than I should've been over these presumed ENA looking face masks from ENA Dream BBQ
Because these ALL look like faces you would see on characters similar to ENA herself. The face split between 2 different colors, the mismatched eyes, these look like faces you'd see people make in their first time making an ENA oc to put it simply (no shade to that since that's literally what I did too)
And then I started thinking way too hard. These couldn't have been just some simple face masks. These far too eerily close to the facial features of an ENA. These are faces TAKEN from ENAs!
Now you may be asking, "Paw how the FUCK did you come up with that bullshit, how did the hoarder guy even GET those if this was true?" And to that I say, 1: let me explain, and 2: the mf stole from a MORGUE OKAY???
The reason why my theory here is that these are the faces of defaced ENAs is for a multitude of reasons. For one, SO MANY PEOPLE HATE ENA. Like a ridiculous amount of the characters in the game and webseries reject ENA for being well... ENA. And it's already vaguely confirmed that other ENAs exist. And that the webseries and game ENAs are two existing ones. Time and time again, their both scrutinized and rejected because of who they are until they make attempts to get what they want, interrupted through their unstable emotions.
So ENAs are scrutinized and "unpopular everywhere" as some put it.
As for another, this is tied to another vaguely confirmed theory that ENAs turn into mannequins when they die. Like in the scene where ENA gets stuck in the lonely door and becomes a mannequin. She is faceless by that point. Giving the theory that both or either when an ENA loses their face, they die, and when an ENA dies, they lose their face. This brings up another theory. Since ENAs can still revive by taking the place of other mannequins. This being because ENA lost her face when she died. Not died by losing her face.
So when an ENA dies from their face being taken away, they become a mannequin permanently. Thus not only explains why there's so many mannequins walking and lying around. But also explains those faces.
ENAs can't revive if their faces are taken. Which takes us to the main theory. ENAs will sometimes be hunted for their faces and turned into mannequins to stop their behavior that is universally unaccepted in this world.
Oh yeah, and by "Her" ENA meant the webseries ENA. Cause I headcanon them as sisters. Yea.
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my book recommendation of the day for the men specifically. I always recommend this book to men in my life—family, friends, & lovers. All men should read this at least once in their life.
#king warrior magician lover#rediscovering the archetypes of the mature masculine#robert moore#Douglas gilette#carl jung#jungian psychology#jungian typology#jungian archetypes#jungian shadow#jungian analysis#philosophy#psychology#archetypes#archetypal psychology#theory#books#book recommendations#readers#book tumblr
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Determining what Gemstone the Amulet of Avalor was originally made of. I’ve come to the decision of Onyx!! Its color variants fit perfectly with the three colors that we see it come in! Plus, it is typically found in Latin America countries, and Avalor is based on Latin America! I can see the amulet being made of Red Onyx!
Let me know if you agree!!
#sofia the first#Sofia#elena of avalor#Elena#amulet#Amulet of Avalor#gemstones#magic#onyx#onyx gemstone#red#purple#pink#theory#for you#just for fun#necklace#Latin#Disney
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Incredibly bad image that I literally made in Paint 3D of all things, but I got this Idea in my head and then I made it and now I gotta post it SOMEWHERE, so might as well make this my first ever tumblr post. So anyway, the middle stage of the Ancients/Chao people has the exact same proportions as the average 'Mobian'. No necks, large heads, small bodys, arms that reach to their legs, large hands, you get the gist. Casual origins of sonic animal people i guess
#sonic the hedgehog#tailstube#lore#theory#ancients#amy rose#knuckles the echidna#shadow the hedgehog#im losing my mind#why are they just casually loredropping like this#professor victoria#professor tori
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These are my theories:
Eddie has a huge fight with his parents, or his mother, and Chris sees it. I'd like to see his sexuality, and more things, come out.
Chris decides to move in with Eddie.
Nothing ties them down in El Paso anymore, and they decide to came back to LA (end of 8x13).
Eddie returns to the 118 and his first emergency is huge, everything points to something chemical or biological.
He gets infected and has to be isolated. The will comes out.
Beginning of Buddie canon (8x16).
Oh I like your theory as well nonny. Thanks for sharing it with me.
#buddie#911 on abc#christopher diaz#eddie diaz#ryan guzman#oliver stark#gavin mchugh#helena diaz#ramon diaz#theory#911 speculation
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I think the translator got it backwards here, "D" is the "secret name" and "Water" is the "alias" (even though that's not really true either). The translator revised it in the next chapter it seems, saying that "D" is a secret name.
So anyway, in the raw text "Water" is described as imina 忌み名. This actually means "real/personal name". In old Japanese and Chinese cultures, you cannot call important people with their actual given name. If they have a title or rank, people call them by their title (Minister, General, Chief, etc), and if not they have a secondary name/alias that people are allowed to use to talk to them.
Assuming in the world of One Piece the meaning works the same, then that means Law's actual name is actually the "Water" part. "Law" is the secondary name that other people can use.
So, again, in old Japan especially, this is normally for important people. Random dudes in some bum village don't typically do this. If this is a family tradition maybe Law is secretly descendant of some old royal or something? If so it could be a very very obscure lineage, or an extinct one because nobody else thus far is like this.
Not even Nefertari Lili is like this, and she was one of the original 20. She only had hid the "D." name. She doesn't have a second name. Like, there is no reason to not reveal the second name alongside the "D" if she has it, so that means she really is just "Nefertari D. Lili".
It's not impossible that Law's family may have some secret connection to the Ancient Kingdom. I've heard some Japanese theorist say a similar thing, and suggest that "Water" may even be connected to the actual Kingdom's name. I kinda don't agree, LOL, but well, we'll see. We don't even know what the names of Law's parents were...
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1) most people's social life is facilitated for them by pre-existing institutions. It revolves around school or work, a bar or a club or a sports team, a charity, a church. It's facilitated by a social media site. Familiar ties. Geographic convenience. ||| If we don't like the results produced by these pre-existing social formations, it follows that we have to take initiative and develop new social forms / be active and intentional in shaping our social world.
2) We can think about centripetal and centrifugal social forces, those that bind together and those that rend apart respectively. Centripetal forces like treating The Family, like the idea that you should put aside politics in social relationships, like the general pressures to not make a scene, not talk about ~abuse~ not make waves.
3) from both queer and anti-abuse perspectives it's easy to fall into a position in which centripetal forces are basically bad and centrifugal forces are seen as basically good. But you lose enough friends and see enough people run out of town over some bs and that starts to ring hollow.
4) These days it seems like most "community" that exists is just bound together by hierarchy and coercive centripetal nonsense. But that's because the world we have today is the product of the systematic destruction of free human life ways.
5) More and more lately I've been starting to think about social-relational approaches from a deskilling perspective. Like, I think for most of human existence people were better at this shit. That they had enduring relationships bound together by more than hierarchy. I think it follows that they had a set of skills/knowledge/sensibilities to maintain and care for relationships that made this possible. (A multitude of these for different people in different contexts).
6) and we are in our own, ever-changing context. And other people's answers will not be our answers. But they might help. As with other reskilling efforts, I think it makes sense to learn what we can and be willing to salvage from a wide range of sources, be it current day institutional wisdom, fragments of intact community that seems to be doing something right, or embracing that we're doing a kind of social experimentation.
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If Reo and Nagi receive offers from two different football teams, I’m throwing myself out the window.
#I thought about it now#what if kaneshiro wants us to suffer#please god take all the pain from reo and give it to kira#their dream...#their promises...#I'll start crying from now#bllk#bluelock#nagi#reo#nagi seishiro#reo mikage#ngro#nagireo#theory#isagi#kaiser#rin#kaisagi#kiis#rinsagi#rnis
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➤ So, *rubs hands together* many people have wondered why Sae carries his jacket instead of putting it on. At first glance, you can see that it probably has to do with fashion and posing. Sae does it often, probably because it looks cool and stands out (because he likes to be special lol✨️).
➤ But my theory issss: In this context it looks like Sae doesn't want to wear the jacket printed with the Japanese U-20 logo because he doesn't want to be associated with it. Aiku and Shidou wear the jacket, for example, compared to Sae (Aiku wears it the neatest of the three, probably because he cares a lot about his team). Like, Sae's always gotta be different😭 All the Blue Lock boys wear their jacket normally. Aiku wears it normally, Shidou wears it... hmm... semi-normally (but he always looks chaotic, so this is not really different lol) 🧥✨️📸
#blue lock#bllk#itoshi sae#sae itoshi#shidou ryusei#ryusei shidou#oliver aiku#aiku oliver#blue lock official art#official art#theory#anime#anime and manga
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Lately, I’ve been thinking about how neurodivergent traits might connect to the ancient roles of hunters and gatherers, and honestly, it’s pretty cool.
Hunters were all about that laser focus – tracking down prey and staying locked in on one task. That reminds me of how some neurodivergent folks can get super focused on something they’re really into. It’s like nothing else matters, kind of how a hunter zones in on their target.
Then you’ve got gatherers, who were multitasking pros. They had to keep track of different resources and adapt to whatever was going on around them. Some people naturally fall into this mode – handling multiple things at once and going with the flow when things change.
What’s interesting is that neurodivergent people can have traits from both sides, or lean more toward one. For example, someone with ADHD might thrive in a fast-paced environment where there’s a lot going on (that’s very "gatherer" energy), but they can also get totally absorbed in something that grabs their attention (a bit more "hunter").
#random thoughts#shower thoughts#neurodivergent#neurodiversity#autism#adhd#hunter vs gather#hyperfocus#multitasking#brains#theory#thoughts#discuss
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One of the first things I noticed about YFNSM is how these three mathematically should not go to the same class.

Peter himself says that Pearl used to babysit him.
"I was, you know, eleven and a half, and she was fourteen."
Realistically, Pearl should be 2-3 grades higher than Peter yet both she and Lonnie were his science partners in class, and neither seemed like the type to be held back. Also, I doubt both Peter and Nico decided to skip some grades.
The best explanation I can think of is that since Midtown had a more advanced STEM curriculum than Bales Highschool, it would make sense that Peter and Nico would attend more advanced classes with older students, at least when it came to science.
#marvel#spider man#peter parker#spiderman#pearl pangan#nico minoru#your friendly neighborhood spider man#your friendly neighborhood spiderman#yfnsm#theory#marvel theory
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you want there to be a resistance. the world's rotten. it's built on horrors of a scale you can only barely wrap your head around, and you feel powerless and too afraid to even think about what you could do about it. you've looked under the rock and saw what capitalism was really was, how it really works, and how it works to benefit you, you, even as it fucks you and your friends and your loved ones and your family over and steals away another year from your life.
you want there to be a resistance. you might join a little party or reading group and rattle off fantasies of the world getting better, but what is that going to do? the more you learn, the sharper the bloodshed comes into focus, but it doesn't get you any closer to fixing it. it doesn't matter if it's a tacky little political cult of rich kids that stands on the corner waving red flags and selling newspapers and shouting Smart Boy Words from their favorite Old Dead Smart Boys at the passerby. it doesn't matter if it's some clique of washed-up bearded millennial bastards who have scaled back their goals for revolution to a means-tested single-payer healthcare system. maybe you'll feel like you're Part Of The Movement, but that little flame will get snuffed out as you as keep going through the motions of organizing year after year with nothing to show for it. what are you doing wrong?
you want there to be a resistance. you worship the half-remembered visage of men who lived long ago in a country and time that wouldn't be recognizable to the local inhabitants today, let alone to you from your digital perch. a global system of oppression? not so fast - you draw fault lines where you may along geopolitical borders and hallucinate an epic war of the shadows, every little twitch in the operations of the blood-machine another salvo in this global battle for liberation. you look back at those od books and you look back up at the world you live in and you try to cram it into the books, shove it down, stamp it down, cause you want so so so bad for the books to be the tools you need to repair the world.
you want there to be a resistance. there's a man in Washington who thinks too close to you, with a life too close to yours. he wakes up and eats the same brand of oatmeal you do and drinks a coffee from your favorite chain and he drives in a car you've always wanted to his office and taps his keycard and sits down at his desk and he boots up his computer to play his part in greasing the wheels of capital with human blood. and you hate this, you hate it so much, you want this to be some aberration so you can bear to exist as a human anymore. you want to imagine that these men don't exist elsewhere, that somewhere the decisions are made by people who really care about their fellow humans, who want the liberated world just like you like to dream of. you want there to be a resistance. but there isn't any to see! two-hundred-something states, and not one of them is coming to save you.
you want there to be a resistance. you want it so, so, so bad and you're willing to look hard. you look for it in everything you do, in everything you see, in everyone you talk to. every part of your day, every piece of art you hold to heart, you look into them and stare and stare and you start to see patterns like the colors you see when you close your eyes and from them you sort them all into the Revolutionary and the Reactionary. it must be around the corner! everyone and everything on Earth is crying out for it, dear God, it must be around the corner! The Revolution, The Revolution, you cry it again and again and rock back and forth and cry like you're crying for the embrace of your mother. ah, shh, she's coming, Mother Revolution is coming and she'll make sure every filthy piece of shit who profited from the world being like this will be chopped up and fed to the dogs and in every country and every city she'll make things right and make this a world worth being alive in again.
you want there to be a resistance. you want blood, you want revenge, you want to do something. when Leviathan, technocapital, has gobbled up every last chunk of the world, every last resource, enslaved every last soul to the ceaseless duty of profit and production, what is there to be done? how can it make sense? how can the world be this way? but have you seen what a civilization can do? when the kings of Shang burned alive their captives to fufill the orders of the cracks in a oxbone, when the Spaniards smashed little children against rocks as they looked for those far-off cities of gold, when the world sent ten million men and boys to die in wet ditches for the right to wave a flag over the right piece of land, when they built the bombs that could send every person in the world to their graves and told themselves this was the only way to win, did civilization make sense? was it all right in the end, was it all worth it?
you want there to be resistance. you want the sun to rise and the night to end and the old wounds to scab over and everything to be all right again. well, the feudal world fell, though the stuttering zombie-empires carried on and brought down with them millions of souls. but it fell, and this world will fall too. but will you see it? could you see it, as it slowly crumbles, as the waters rise and the world heats and the machine that has taken so much from the conquered and colonized parts of the world seems fated to destroy them, as the ties that lash this system together seem so eager to be undone, as the economic forces that lay in the heart of it all seem to preempt some final, inevitable collapse, what can you do? the old world is dying, kid, dying fast for its standards, but it might be slower than you and I will be alive for. and when it falls, it won't be a nice happy ending, it will be red and bloody and bring the violence back from the colonized and the subaltern back into your home and you'll get to see what blown-out windows look like, what mortar fire sounds like, what one lousy meal a day for two months tastes like, what the dark gray ash comprised of concrete and wood and rebar and glass and a little little bit of your fellow man feels like on your skin. are you ready?
you want there to be a resistance? you have it. you have all the tools and life you've ever been given. you are just one body. but so is every other gear in this machine, so is every bastard that profits off of it. are they all that's standing in the way in the door to a better world? no, but do they need to? if you have truly come to understand the endless blood that fills the ventricles of the beating heart of capital, is there anything better to do? you, yourself, do not have the mastery of the material forces, but can you stand to do nothing at a time like this, to keep yourself happy with the fantasy of the final glorious day of revolt, of the leadership of the worker's vanguard, to make a lifetime spent rotting under this all worth it. you want there to be a resistance? no one is coming to save us. if you want anything in this world, make it! it is right to rebel, it is right to do violence against the genocide-machinery itself. there is no one coming to save us. but you'd shouldn't need them to! Recommended readings on what ought to be done: * Desert, by an anonymous author * Blessed is the Flame, by Serafinski
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